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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1903)
ASHTON NEWS DEPARTMENT. JTOHjy F, SMITH. I ah'a l Editor and *1 ft cert is in a Solicitor. ____ _ _ 4 Devoted to the Interests of Ashton. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1903. Started, April 3, 1903. THOS. JAMROG, -DEALER IN Hardware. Steves and Tinware and a complete stock of WAGONS, BUGGIES » FAR! MGAHINERY. Come to my store to buy. I can please you both in quality and price of goods. ASHTON, - - - NEBRASKA. i , , , - - ■- - - --——————————— HIGHEST MARKET PRICE -PAID FOR Live Stock. Ering your O J Stock to the ASHTON ( MARKET.! I will pay ALL j^tho market IP r.— affords. J. P. TAYLOR, Live Stock Dealer, ASHTON, .... NEBRASKA. -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Lei City anil Asia, Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. EKMJBTI MSB 111011 IRA T. PAINE & CO. jVIONUJVIENTS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us before giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, - NEB. 1 25,000 (New Words are added in the last edition of Webster’s International Diction ary. Tho International is kept always abreast of the times. It takes constant work, expensive work and worry, but it is the only way to keep tho dictionary tho Standard Authority of the English-speaking world. Other dictionaries follow. Web ster leads. - * It is tho favorite with Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc., in this and .foreign countries. A postal card will bring you interesting specimen pages, etc. G. & C. MEItRIAM COMPANY Spbinqfield, Mass. piTBLisnEus or WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. Important Notico We have repeatedly called the attent ion of the public to frauds, who oc casionally go through the state claim ing to represent our society. They are frauds and can le easily found out, foraliofour district superintendents and workers carry credentials, signed by on i presedenl. Dr. W O Henry and K I’Quivey. state suprintendent; it they cannot show such credentials they have no connection with our soci ety. Decently two or more persons were in Gothenberg, soliciting money for homeless children, claiming to rep resent our society, giving a certain street number in Chicago as national headquarters which is not our liead quaiters. We do not solicit money tor < hicago, and these funds if connect ed with any society, are with the Amer ican IIometinding society, with which we are no t connected. Wo have noth ing t<» do with the “American Society’’ either national or otherwise, and as we take it, our Nebraska people are not especially interested in sending money to Chicago to help them in charity, especially when such methods are be ing used to get the money, and we hope that the people will demand to see the credential, properly sighed by our president and state suprintendent before giving any money to strangers claiming to represent this society. LOCAL NEWS. —Mr. John Gray of Rockville was at Ashton a few days last week with a car load of western horses. —Mr. Harry Stine of B e a trice, Neb., and brother of Mrs. KiDg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. King. —A big hail storm is reported to have damaged the crops in the vi cinity of Aurora on last Sunday. —Harvesting is now under full sway in this vicinity. The corn, though rather late, is doing nicely. —Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Newman drove to St. Paul Saturday night to visit friends and relatives. W. Cruseiak is having a new hy draulic well sunk on his farm by Stern’s St. Paul outtit. Lee Dobson went to Colorado last week anil returned home Tuesday with a car load of good western horses which he has on sale at Ashton. The shipment of cream fora three days run of the cream station at Ash ton last week was 124 full cans and George Marlow informs us that it was’ntan extra week for cream at that —Father Jedezewski of Smartville, Johnson county, is here visiteing Fath er Radka and will assist him at the Thursday Holy day services. A Chojyuce Thursday. —Mr. King, oar estimable B & M. agent and wife, are receiving a pleasant visit from Mr King’s parents and young brother. —Stanley doc. and family drove over from Rockville to visit friends and relatives last Sunday and re turned home Monday. —II. M. Mathew and R. J. Nigh tingale, two of our county seat attys. were in Ashton Monday loosing after the interestsol' respective clients. —A GO ft. crossing was laid on the east side of m ain street on the north end by road supervisor Beush aussn assisted by Sam Blumer on Saturday last. —The village board of Ashton got after the defective sidewalk nuisance by ordering all property owners to immediately repair all broken sidewalks. —The conductor of the B. & M passenger had the misfortune tosevere ly sprain his ankle by slipping «n the depot platform at central city. lie made the run however to Sargent. —Charley Beushausen came home from his two weeks vacation last Friday feeling rather brlaky. Charley however saye for a good time there is no place like Ashton's platonic. —Two of Ashton's jr. ball clubs, the first and second play a game on the ball ground Sunday as a practice game to get into line for the future games the balance of the season. —Frank Jezewski drove over to Rockville Monday to look up his interest in the transportation of his mault product which he has hauled overland from Rockville two time each week. - E G. Taylor, links it necessary to place a sbliil rock foundation under his elevator at Ashton, it being literally underminded with rats, which is found to be a hard proposition to get rid of The foundation will be laid this week and a new coal bouse will be built at Schaupp Siding. —County Clerk Gibson, Messers Barnett, Korummph and Fisher were pleasant callers at Ashton last Thursday night. These gents came down to attend Ashton's M. W. A. meeting and returned hom# the same night. □—A heavy storm passed over Ash ton last Monday evening about G o’clock. Dark looking clouds hung low over the town followed by high winds and raiu. Previous to the rain a cloud of dust rolled through the main streets, it became dark as night and quite a few Ashtonites thought we were going to have a repitition of the storm of '96. Fort unately the storm passed over town without doiog any particular dam age. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF S. N. SWEETLAND, Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebraska, from January 1st, 1903 to July 1st, 190.3. COLLECTIONS ItY TEAKS: I | ,, , i , i ; | i ™ ! „ __ ' Hal on Col. from | Trans Trans Disburse Com- I Hal. on Balance on hand Jnn 1st. 1903. 631,746 63 NAMES OF FUNDS. hand '| all ferred ferred meats mis | hand CollectIOM Of ftflt_J:>M I I9"J | to I from | | along | .Ily 1 l'JUH ISSN. SB »5 State Funds # tWUS! 6,485 is! I 6.661 11 1JS 9t«: 45198 1886 33 85 County General 3,538 89: 7,360 84 1,083 35 60s ini 019790 iww7 73 00 County Int HonJ 3.919 14 0,891 69 2.533 75 , 8,888 08 '***• • MUU County Koad..... 39*180 834 20 13 10 001 90 1888 , 81 94 County Bridge. 1,567 83 2,458 77 2 468 71 1 557 38 1889.. ur, 81 County Poor Farm 347 00 250 on '497 00 „ .7 County Tudgment .... 18 61 is 01 ■■ 89:>l, county High School. 2 SI a 24 1891, 14 48 Soldiers Belief. 202 28 35s 13 20573 1,892 12 00 Dist. School. 54,65 12 13,578 20 79 31 10.854 65 107 28 8.819 76 ~ Dlst. School Judgment 285 18 59 00 285 18 “ • IM| ■ 71 ^ Dist. School Bond ... I 1.860 4s 646 33 i 79 31 278 47 6 46 2 11’ 57 . 1891,. 81 33 Township Funds . ... 1.759 78 4.302 58 3 755 02 ISO 15 jjxi? 19 „ 1ST, 2,031 52 Township Bonds.. ... 170 27 3,818 71 I 1.042 17 139 32; 143 52 *' ' .w Township Judgment 3461 7 3,665 45: 3,500 OU 132 69 278 73 . 1886, . 1.1 AS Special Thistle. 139 43 348 85 ! 488 «8 181*7, 148 42 Loup City Village 20 19 1,025 82 71X100 37 18 3U 88 isos -»r» 77 Loup City VU. Bond 50 19 1.871 IH* 68 85 1 859 48 Loup city Vll. Judgt. 08 19 51*15 I ISfll '117 78 . 1899, >*27 <8 Litchfield Village ! 15 81 ' 15 81 • . llUXi. 205 92 Ashton Village 35 13 232 03 115 (XI 8 40' 104 30 mill 1 418 49 Bockvllle Village 10 10 45 19 5400 1291 I!:1V 40253•**’ Institute fund. ,1118 Ills Interest on deposit*'. 7 mm ®n?Hl-icen#es 592*00 School Lands.. 3,710 30 JL3 40 95 45 38 53 | 280 38 Miscellaneous collections . 2,017 56 ^10Lff/; 11 i IniSi ! 174 tx) State Apportionment 2,850 52 £^l“',Xn' ' ' ; „ 1 ><> <« Redemptions on hand 80 42 Kl ll< ^jiSKy so In _-o-s.,_ .so 15 Total. 4 75,230 13 Total 21,740 63 53.480 50 138 31j 138 31 38,748 04 1,400 01 35,087 18 Amount of Money In l>el»owltorlPM and In Office: Items in Office — Cash. .. .$ 38 86 School orders held for investment of school bond fund. 171 on School orders hold for investment Co Int bond fund. 8,042 13 Township orders held for Investment Co. Int bond fund 312 im Deposited in banks approved by D. C. Grow, Chairman of County Board: — First Bank of Loup City 20,464 23 Hank of Ashton. 4,000 00 Litchfield State llank ■ . 6.272 4b Nebraska Fiscal Agency N< w York . . 1,755 oh Total..* 35,067 46 The State of Nebraska | County of Sherman, ( s‘ s' I, S. N. Sweetland, treasurer of said county do solemly swear that the foregoing statement is correct as I verilv believe. S. N. Sweetland, Treasurer. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this Oth. day of July, 1903. i G. H. Gibson, Clerk. C —The Ashton editor has been very short of news the past few weeks and to readers of Ashton items we wish to say that as we are now in our busy season, and cannot get around to gath er much news, any news you hand to us or leave at our sanctum, sanc torum for the Ashton department will be greatly appreciated. —A very enjoyable cake and ice cream social was held at the home of Mr.and Mrs. J. P. Taylor Wednes day for the Sunday School chil dren. After the refreshmenta went the rounds the children had a merry time on the lawn playing childrens games and wishing sociablea came very day iri the year. It is reported to us that the storm which passed over Ashton Monday eve aing going east, struck Farwell and Dannebrog. At Farwell the corn cribs and out buildings were blown down and a couple of houses unroofed. At Dannebrog several residences were badlv damaged and an elevator was blown down. Luckily no lives were lost or serious injuries sustained by any of the inhabitants. —Miss Lottie Iteigel, w ho has been suffering from blood poisoning, caused by stepping on a rusty nail several weeks ago, is reported as ba>ing taken a serious back set. Dr. (irothan, of St. Paul was called in consultation Tuesday with Dr. Hogan the attend ing physician, and report comes to us that it may he necessary to amputate the foot to' save the patient. Hut this report we cannot or do not state as au thentic, as it is simply hear say. —The Ashton and Boelus base ball nines crossed bats at Boelus last Friday and the game result ed in a disastrous defeat for Ashton by a score of lb to 1. We wondered how it could be that the Ashton boys were hoodoed and later we Gnd out that but four of the Ashton ball nine participated in the game, the balance being picked up from the second nine. -—The M, W. A. Camp of Aehton ! had a good enthusiastic meeting last Thursday night to talk up the mat ter of a new M. W. A. hall and op era house. The structure which is proposed will be a largo two story building with two large atore rooms below and the lodge rooms which will be seperate from the opera proper will be on the second tloor. The meeting waswell attend ed bat nothing delinite was one in regard to it. It only remains for the M. W. A. to go in with push and vigor and the building of a good hall will he a success. A Surgical Operation Is always dangerous—do not always submit to the surgeons knife until you have tried DeWitt’s Wictli Hazel Salve. It will cure when everything else fails —it has done this in thousands of cases Here Is one of them: I suffered from bleeding protruding pills ior twenty years. Was treated by different special ists and used many remedies, but obtain ed no relief nntil I used DeWitt,s Witch Hazel Halve Two boxes cured me eighteen months ago and 1 have not had a touch of the pills since II. A. Tis dale, Summerton, S. C. For Blind Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Pills no remedy equals DeWitt,s Wich Hszel Salve. Sold by Odendahl Bros ! You Should Read The NORTHWESTERN and get Your Neighbor TO SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. * THE PAPER THAT THE PAPER OF THE % LAPGEST eiFCULAT'ION * published in the county. The paper that publishes all the SUPERVISOR'S PROCEEDINGS AND IS READ BY [dearly 5,000 PGOPL6. in tTi® Gouytry. Riqsst display of * ADVERTISING TIPE FACES. we HAve also oveR SO 2]op WPS F/tGGS Ado For Tins Reason You SboDld Also Come To THE NORTHWESTERN Offise For Fire Job Work. W@ Do Jot> Work getter, JNeater ar)d Qtiiehjer Than you can get it done at most country print ing offices. We also have an elegant display oi FINE WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER WORK. Sale bills, hand bills and poster work a specialty «L,