The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 10, 1903, Image 4

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    , , MMtWrilL ..-g-'i—law—ah——wttrnmmmmmm—
.] do you suppose dip
i into that bulk coffee
before you buy it?
|! 1
: comes in sealed, air
, tig lit packages; _ no
i chance for handling,
j or dirt or things to
jjd get in.
"i C!?an, Fresh and Fragrant.
r. . ff T1_M , i
st. Joseph,
Kansas City,
it, l/Onts,
and all points
• -i uth.
-all LalteCity,
Port land,
«nn Francisco,
and all points
y., . piixianger !2;
,v■! *■'! Freight.J 1.2#a m.
Nn. '.1 Passenger .11:07 p. in.
No. ■ ' Freight .1:40 p. Bi.
is - ing, dinner anil reclining chair care
* if. mt through ’rains. Tickets
sold n:nt baggage checked to any point in
i'i.- i:nlted slates or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables anil
Co ns call on or write to U. L, Arthur
r J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger
t • ".* Omaha, Nebraska.
Nn leaves daily except Sunday (pass-j
engon 8: a. m.
■ i. xs h aves , Monday, Wednesday and
1 day, (mixed: 12:20p, in.
cuVex Tm sday, Thursday and
:• ■ >1...! Xi'd 2 #9 p. III. )
•i r daily except Sunday (mixed
uh |> 111.
So si arrive# dally except Sunday (pass- |
i ; v •) 7 V> p. m,
,.x .. rvlee amt dose connections
ea , v. est and south
H J. < lii’To.n, Agent.
S i! F * M AN I’d C N T V, SB*.
G H 0iBdON, Clerk.
• ... oWi,,i;ri.ANi», Treasurer
J. . .'.Mt. Judge
. x. pedmjr Attorney
i invixii >N ypi:r. sheriff
V. i. 1! ", VHRICKXny, -opt. Public Inst.
! 1! .';N1N<», ■- HI VOyor
GEO. Vi . 1IC.NTB1!, OoriMir.
x 1! roVUUBS :
■ , Grow. Dlst, No. (., Chairman I’O
.. hirer ■, Loup City, Neb.
k■' cog.. ! i, !),.i. No A-hton P o
• •• i bom.. 1'Tt. v ■ 2 Loup enjr, “ " I
« : , 1 - . No '. Loup City, " *•
X l it’ F'M. IM-t No. 7, '.sliton, •• •• I
i a j Agon, lHst. No ti, Rockville, "
’V li I.'U.U'M.IN, Gist, No. 7, Litchfield “ " At. 1,0 DO Y. DtRBl’TOBY.
. t I,od | No Tt. A O C W -Meets
and 4th Thursday of each month.
1 ' p * N*i t;t or IX !si and
■1 Taurftlay of each uc mh
■ i ,| : : .!,N' i, M I. A Isl and
tr M of each month
.■ No. bi- Royal lli. Mundcra.
. . J; Mon.i ic of tnidi month.
L ■!■. No I ■•'. 1 0 O F 1st and
; ’’J'S ol each month
Li To N ' lit, K of 1* 2nd and
.iie-Oii.y each month.
t .No ’■ M W A-■ 1st, and
. si! .j of each month.
• N A—2nd urn!
j :i ■ .iav of i. -h taontit.
X A .1 .v A M—Tuesday
. id 2nd Tuesday
ru . M -1st Monday
, / i .iilllii il.
C e , ■ :■ lx1 and 3rd
o t ettxit month
It '1 ; :i till Saturday of each
• at 2 o'clock p ni
hei idan coal aD<l you will be
supply always on band at
{'.. Taylor's elevator.
• i want insurance that insures go
1'rower, Loup City, Nebraska.
r of the seamless plain toe
■ex just recieveri at 15. .1
* Mil’s.
Norton, veterinary surgeon
h uiMiently loeiileil liere. and is
now u.ilvto answer all eall>. Office
at. Troy Hale's livery barn,
< Uty, Neb. Bring your horses
■ ’heir teeth exantned. Iteas
0 > • • charges for demtal and vetre
nary wort:
two unto btalmons
i. and for the season at R. A. V\ 11 -
si a livery barn. These are two of the
Hi.-- t horses in the country. You should
come and -ee them before breeding.
K A Wilson, Owner.
i i m|,uNotice To The Traveling Public
To whom it may concern:
As my land is'now being used as a
ie high-way, you are tiereliy warned
..t to drive on the same, section 22,
h o in, 1 tango 1-1, in Logan town
atriuan county, Nebraska. Auy
1 > • t .eg on said premises in vi
, ot • bis notice will be prosecuted
* :. full e- tent ot the law.
j ■< 1 • i:o . lay of April, 1903.
.! ill vMUOWSKi, Owner,
i ok t i.i A gootl Dieting binder
h'i i'n in lift o;:i,- two years. Will
H-il v i y reasona' ,e. Lnijidre at ihis
blhve or • i-e ‘ "tier, one hall mile south
(,f Lie iv A m s' Bkiman. Owner
i »t Vhoot Bedtime lulu* u
Lut Lai y ]{•" i -it will cure const ipa
;i-•i.bclo nes• and liver troubles. De
Witt’s Little Karlv Riser ara different
from’otter pill. They do not gup and
break down the nano hi* membranes ol
t>.,e -tomiudi, liver and bowels, but curt’
y gentle arousing se.retlons and giving
■ -reng-h TO these organs. Sold by Oden
• <]«hl Bros.
Uoaal Dews.
(lot your umberel la of Johnson Lor
en tz it Co
Fly nets, fly nets, fly nets at, Owens'
harness shop.
"Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol
era, mites, lice, f*tc. For sale by J.
.Selins ”
Cali and see the Sl'.OO Congress and
Oxford shoes just recieved at Swan
Nut coal, the best for cook stoves,
for sale by ft. G. Taylor at B & M
< \V. Benson, the Litchfield miller
was doing business at the county seat
I). C Leach it Co. have nothing to
do but to sell land. List your farm
with them.
The German Verien obeserved the
Fourth by celebrating at Pilger’s hall
in this city.
O. E. Briggs of Hastings and brothei
in-law of F. K. Brewer and C. J. Tracy
is iu the city.
Wrn. Jakobs, supervisor of Bristol
township wits doing business at the
county seat Monday.
Leininger Bros, have purchased the
large safe of T. L Pilger for use at
their lumber yard.
A new barn is being built on the
city residence lots now being improved
by Geo. Zimmerman.
J. B. Swanson has been enjoying a
visit from M. G. Ryan, a friend from
Viola, Illinois, this week.
Go to Owens’ harness shop for fly nets
where there is a large assortment, the
best on the market. Prices right.
Frank Crable, a former resident of
Loup City, but now of Atlantic, Iowa
was in town last Wednesday and Thurs
Lewis Bechthold has purchased the
lots just south of the Northwestern
printing office and is busy clearing
them off
G <> Rottenmayer, of Arcadia anil
bfother of Mrs. G\ W. Gonhiscr and
W. II. Rettenmayor, was in the city
Spring is the rime to use Rocky
Mountain Tea. Keeps you well all
summer Great spring life renewer.
-Odendahl Bros.
Dr. Norton, veterinary surgeon will
occupy as an office, the building just
south of this office, known as the J. D.
l td lumber and grain building.
M A. Mooney, of St. Paul, a pract
ical runner was* in the city Wednes
day looking over the ground with a
view to opening up a tin shop here.
We are informed that Mr. John
Goldsworthy and Fred Daddow of Olay
township have sold their interest in the
Colorado gold mines for a consideration
of $3,000.00 each.
W. Loomis and F. Krasne of
Aurora, Nebraska have been here this
week looking up a business location for
the furniture trade and have decided to
put up a building.
Master Floyd Garrison of Omaha
arrived here last Friday to spend the
Fourth with his uncles J. W. and A. T.
t'onger and to have a good time visit
ing with his cousins
Mrs. T. E. Alsop, of Carlisle, 111. ar
rived here this week to he at the bed
side of her sick mother. Mrs. Outhouse,
and to visit witli her brothers A. B.
and C. C. Outhouse.
In another column will be seen the
call for the Republican county conven
tion which is called to meet at Loup
City, August 11th. The primaries are
recommendod to be held Monday, Aug
ust 10th.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M E.
church has arranged to hold an ex
change at the post office next Saturday
afternoon, f’ies, cakes, etc., etc. will
be on sale. Ice cream and cake will
be served ail afternoon.
Adam Zahn. member of the repub
lican county central committee of Elm
township was in the city Tuesday
Adam says that small erain in his
neighborhood never looked better,
lie has a tine field of rye about ready to
Jas. Johansen says he would like it
if the fellow who borrowed his scythe
would return the same as he has another
chance to loan it. lie save that if the
party ha-'nt got time to fetch it back
to let him know by telephone or other
wise and he will oome or send for It.
Geo. Whitman, republican com
mitteeman of Washington township
was at the county scat last. Tuesday in
at'endance at the committee meeting.
Mr Whitman has been laid up for
several months on account of sickness
and this is his first trip to Loup City
for a long time lie informs us that
he is slowly getting bettor.
Head the Ashton news page.
Thcro is every week, items of coun
tv news from the east part of the
county, contained therein that would
otherwise appear on these pages.
Mr, Smith is giving us good service
and wo greatly appreciate his ef
W. R Mellor sports a new rubber
tire surrey,
K. A. Emery, of Kearney was here
on business Tuesday,
We received over two Inches of
rain fall again this week.
The best $2.50 shoes for Ladies and
Gents at Swanson's.
Henning Clausen of Washington
township was a pleasant caller Monday.
C. VV. Conhiser is able to get around
again, after being confined to his bed
for two weeks.
Gu* Lorentz and John Dahl spent the
Fourth among old acquaintances at
Miss Ethel l'earson of Litchfield was
visiting her sister Mrs. C. W. Gibson,
Rida Smith is hear from Lincoln vis
iting her numerous little friends. She
arrived Monday.
The time to sell is when some one
wants to buy. List your land with D.
0. Loach & Co.
See county tieasuror’s financial state,
ment which we publish this week on
the Ashton page.
Mrs. R. J. Nightiugalc returned from
a visit to the eastern part of the state
Wednesday evening.
Fied Jakob, of Bristol township was
a pleasant caller Monday. He report
small grain looking fine in the south
part of the county.
1 f you have butter and eggs to sell
take them to Swanson & Dahl. High
est prices for produce. Lowest prices
for groceries.
If you want tire, wind, storm or hali
insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer
Olliee with T. S. Nightingale. Loup
City Nebraska.
D. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to trade ilour
for wheat He also has a tine grade
of whole wheat tlnur for sale.
Geo. Holmes of Bristol township and
A. Throckmorton), of Clay township
were in town Tuesday attending the
republican central committee meeting.
Biemond & Miller slaughtered oue of
the finest grass fattened beeves it has
been our privelage to see for a long
time. The boys are rupntDg an up to
date meat market.
The Douglas shoes ate better and
finer this spring than over. Our shoe
maker, Swanson has just received a
good assortment of them and would be
pleased to show them to you.
Mrs. Henry Johansen started to Falls
City Monday, where she will joiu her
sister, Mrs, John Benschotcr and to
gether they will visit their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. John Mofiitt in Iowa.
Senator Wall weut to Lexington
Friday where he delivered a Fourth
of July oration. J. W. Long filed
that honored position at St. Paul.
T. S. Nightingale has rented his
building which he purchased of 0. W.
Conhiser to Messrs Sayage and Kirk
man, of Aurora. They will soon estab
lish a'first class restaurant th»rein
There is one of the most complete
lines of tly nets at the Owens harness
shop that lias ever been brought to
Loup City. They are of the best man
ufacture and he is selling them on a
very close margin.
Carl de la Motte of Hazard township
was a pleasant while iu the city
Monday, lie iaforms up that he is a
candidate, subject to the will of the Re
publican convention, for the office of
comity assessor. Mr. de la Motte has
had ten years experience as local assess
or in his township and would make an
efficient officer.
Mr. Sherman, of Coggan, Iowa, and
sister of Mrs. Hickman arrived on
Wednesdays’ train and will visit rel
atives for a few days She was aocom
pained by Mrs Nelson Dewoody of the
same place. Mrs. Dewoody Is cousin
of O and Geo. K. Benschoter. Thirty
years ago she was a resident of Loup
City and one among the earliest settlers,
but returned to Iowa after only a few
months stav, since which time we have
never Itad the pleasure of meeting her
until the present time. She will remain
some two weeks.
C. ,1. Tracy, M. K. Sunday school
superintendent, was a caller Tuesday
morning und wished us to state that
next Tusday is the date tixed for the
Sunday school picnic, which will take
place at Brown’s grove, south west of
town. The management desires a
large turn out and have made spiecial
arrangements for conveyances for all
who desire to go. You are reijusted to
take well tiled baskets and everyone is
asked to bring a lemon. This is to be
the picnic of the season. *lf you
mtssit you will miss a jolly good time.
Mr. Tracy desires us to say that a
number ot fanners have consented to
take their teams out of the Held in
order to have plenty of conveyances
and he wants all wagons well tilled
So take a day of and go to the
The Burlington offers round trip) tick
ets as follows.
San Francisco and return, §4(14.1,
August 1 to 14.
Los Angeles and return, $4(1.4.',
August 1 to 14.
Ask the ticket agent for particulars.
Loup Gity, July 7th, 11)08
Hip people of Loup City and vicinity
will take notice that the undersigned,
merchants and business men of Loup
City, have agreed that on and after July
12th 190:1, their places of business will
be closed at 8 o’clock, P. M. every even
Ing and that they will also closed on
Sunday except meat market, open until
10 o’clock, Sunday morning.
Chas. Gasteyer, Swanson A Dahl,
O. F. Peterson C. IV Conliiser,
E. Knevoidsen, A K. Chase,
Johnson L. A (Jo., T. M. Reed
E. S llayhurst, John Solius,
B J. Swansen, S. F. Reynolds,
Bemont A Miller,
llis Foundation of llsaltli.
Nourishment is the foundation of
health-life-strength. Koilol Dyspepsia
Cure tg the one great medicine that en
ables the stomach and digestive organs
to digest, assimilate ajd transform ail
food into the kind of blood that nourish
es the nerves and feeds the tissues.
Kodol lays the foundation for health.
Nature does the rest. Indigestion.
Despepsia, and all discords of the
stomach and digestive organs are cured
by the use of Kodol. Sold by Odcndahi
IIow Wo Colobrated.
A very pleasant Fourth of July was
experienced by those of our people
wlto remained at home. The day
was all that could be desired, and
attbought there were no preparations
made for celebrating, there were
many in from the country and the
town seemed to be full of life and
pleasure. Some families remained
at their residence and enjoyed a
social family gathering while others
visited with relatives. All enjoyed
the usual fill of icecream, lemonade
and such other dainties as the heart
desired. In the evening a beautiful
display of fire works was sent up
from uearliy every part of the City.
Teacher’s Institute.
The annual session of Sherman
County Teacher’s Institute will
convene at the high school building
in this city, August 8th ,190’?. The
superintendent has not as yet in
formed us as to who the instructors
will be or with any particulars of the
program, nevertheless vrewilltryand
get bn to a few facts for our
next issue.
With few exceptions every town in
the state celebrated the Fourth of
July this year and tbrought all the
land the people enjoyed the too’enta
of a full dinner pail. W. J. Bryan
atid the Times rag to the con
trary notwithstanding.
A Gambling Omen.
An Englishman, who is an hahitue
of the Monte Carlo tables, came over
from Mentone in the same compart
ment with five negroes. He Instantly
accepted the occurrence as an omen,
determined to risk five louts on black
at the fifth table, leaving his stake
for a run of five. As luck would have
it his Inspiration proved good. Black
turned up five times, enriching him
to the extent of $620.
Sharks as Vermin.
Every once in awhile you come
across a man who sports a walking
cane made of a shark's backbone. The
Nicaraguans are experts in taking
sharks, and under the laws of the
country the “tigers of the sea” are
caught and destroyed as vermin.
There is no duty on any industrial
product derived from them. The
skins are used in the manufacture of
leather for sword grips and numerous
fancy articles.
Population.of the World.
During the last seventy years the
population of Europe has risen in
round numbers from 216,000,000 to
400.000. 000; that of Asia and Africa
has probably increased a little more
slowly; that of America has become
more than three and a half times as
great as it was in 1830. Altogether,
the world's population is now about
1.600.000. 000, and was 847,000,000 in
Boston Children Deteriorating.
Boston educators are having a live
ly controversy in trying to decide
when children should begin their
studies in the public schools. It has
always been supposed heretofore that
Boston children took up the primary
branches at birth.
Why Appetite Is Needed.
Fowl eaten without appetite always
causes gastric disturbance, because
unless the secretary glands of the
stomach are stimulated by a desire
for food no digestive juices are ex
truded into the stomach.
Money In Selling Stray Dogs.
By the sale of stray dogs the
Northumberland (England) County
Council made £4 10s 6d last year.
Seagulls Dislodge Penguins.
Seagulls have ousted the penguins
from their rocks In the St. James's
Bark lake, London.
We carrv in stock all kinds of FRESH £: SAL'i
MEATS, and can till all orders promptly anil satisfactorily.
We solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, aid
will give you your money’s worth at all times. Marlrt /’riii Paid for Hidti.
A V. CULLEY, President. W. V MASON, Cashi i
first. r ynk
General Banking
Business I ransacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard (National Bank, (New York City. (N. Y. ^
Omaha (National Bank, Omaha. Nebraske®
----— i
I 8/ <
I Blacksmith §> Wagon Maker,! ,
^ r: ^ *
5e»0(ioooott\ «• JIL.,
My shop in tho largest and beat equipped north of the l’latte itiver id
I I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, mil ^
eh-nory, also a force of experienced men who know how in opemte it and jj, j
j turnout a job with neatness and dispatch. |j
^ Soliciting your patronage I am *
Yours respectfully, “
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. «
1 is rigors; an atmosphere tilled with
ozone; cool nights in summer; a
bright, sunny day almost every
day in the year, conducive '
of cheerfulness and
Splendid train servicetO Colorado
txjsrioisr pacific
Aeenmodat ion s provided for all
. classes of passengers.
\ pry f.mi K.iti-x IMiriny tin- s ii in in ,,r
Full information c... ItirnWied on ftpp)|<Mf.ion to
I. IIahvkt, An'., Loup (J.iy, N< 1
acter and good reputation in each slate
(one in this county required) lo leprosorit
and advertise old cst a bli elicit wealthy
business house of solid financial standing
Salary $.“1 no weeUly with expenses addi
tional, all payable in eush each Wednesday
direct from head odices. Morse and car
rage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences. Enclose, self addressed envelope.
Colonial Co., Sill Dearliora at.., C hicago.
Catarrh of the Stomach.
When the stomach is overloaded: j
when food is taken into it that fails to
dig< st, it decays and enllaniOT Ih*
mucous membrane, exposing the nerves
and causes the glands to secret mucin
Instead of the natural juices of digestion
This i« called Catarrh of the Stomach
Foryeats i h«,ve suffered with Caiairh
of the Stomach, caused bv indigestion.
Doctors and medicines failed to bntit ,
me until I used Kodul Dyspepsia Cute.
J. F. KheaCoppi II,Tax. Sold by Ofli n- i
dalil Bros.
WANTED-YOUNti MEN to prepare for
Government Positions Fine Openings In
all Departments. Good Salutes. Rapid Pro
motions. Examinations soon. Particulars
—Inter-BtateCor. Inst.,Cedar Rapids, la.
HU Last Hope KeuIlKril.
| From the sonlencl, (inho, Mont j
In the first opening of Oklahoma tosnt
tlers In JN>9, the editor of this paper was
among the many seekers after fortune who
made the big race one fine day in April
During his traveling about and afterwards
Ilia cam plug upon Ills claim, lie encountered
much bad water, which, together with the
severe heat, gave linn a very severe diar
rlioea which It seemed almost imposible to
check, and along In June the case been
so bad ho expected to die. One day ouv
Ills neighbors bought his one small
of Clmmberlaln’s Colic Cholera and Diar.
rlioea Remedy as a last hope, A big dose
was given him while be was rolling about
on the ground in great agony, unit in n few
minutes the dose was repealed. The good
effect of the medicine was soon noticed and
within an hour the patient was taking Ills
lirst sound sleep for a fortnight. That one
little IsHtle worked a complete cure, and
be rannot help tint feel grateful. The rea
son tor bowel disorders being at band Acg
Kests this Item.- For sale by Odendahl i^fU
Take Laxative Brotuo Culnlne Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure K, W. Drove’s signature Is on
each liox. Jfiot