The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 03, 1903, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
Killtor anil Publisher
Onto red at the Loup City Postofllce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
The people of On! are making a
determined c tl'orl to secure the nor
mal school. In addition to the
business men subscribing liberally
to the fun I, the school children are
asked to each pledge themselves for
a dollar.
Alvin Blessing, county clerk of
Valley county, proves a blessing to
the Ord Quiz, as a fine line of legal
notices over his signature is found
therein. It is the legal work that
brings more revenue, and the reve
nue that enables a paper to put on
u neat appearance. ^The Quiz is
one of the neatest publications in
the state.
W. K. Alellor, chairman of the
republican county central committee
informs us that he has called said
committee to meet at Loup City,
July 7th. at 1 o’clock p. m., for the
purpose of tixing date for county
convention and the trans atcion of
whatever business that may prop
erly come before it. It is desired
that all members be piesent.
In Spite of the Dingloy Act
It was freely predicted by the
democratic soothsayers that the
passag" of the Dingly tarriff bill
would sound the knell of the foreign
commerce of the United States.
Other nations, they said, would
boycott us and we would have no
foreign market and the change
would come right away. But the
foreign trade has been steadily in
creasing ever since 1897 and the
close of the fiscal year on the .'loth
of this month will show the
largest volume of exports an;’,
imports ever witnessed in this
country. The attempt of several
continental governments in Europe
to poycott us has proved a signal
failure and we shall have sold a
broad a little under a billion and a
half of our products and bought
from our neighbors a billion dollars
worth of goods. This will make
the balance of trade in favor ol
the United States somthing like
$400,000,000, leaving out our Bom
meree with Porto liico, the Philip
pines and Hawaii.—State Journal.
For An Ideal Vacation.
Near every settlement of import
ance iu the mountain regions of the
West are deep canons wherein the
people at home, as well as ttiose
from abroad, seek, in the summer
season, the coolness and pleasure of
camp life. High up the mountain
side, on the shores of mountain
lakes, or on the banks of mountain
streams, summer hotels are conduct
ed for the convenience of those who
prefer to have all ot the receation
and none of the labor incident to
summering in the mountains. It
may be said that wherever there is
a mountain in Colorado or l tali
there is also an interesting canon,
and the searcher for a spot in
which to summer will find no diffi
culty in suiting his taste, no matter
how critical it may be.
To enable persons to reach these
famous pleasure resorts, the Union
Pacific has put in effect Summer Kx
■cursion rates lower than ever made
Full information cheerfully fur
nished on application to C. L. Harvey
Mild Winter Not Unhealthy.
Contrary to the usual belief, a mild
winter does not increase the death
rate; on t.he other hand, severe frosts
Increase the mortality rate. During
the great frost of 1895-6 the London
death rate rose to nearly 500 a week
in excess of the corresponding weeks
of the year before.
Sound Sleep, und Brain.
To sleep at any moment is undoubt
edly a sign of physical soundness and
Philistine sanity, especially in the
matter of the brain and its functions.
A physician would have little anxiety
about the general condition of a pa
tient who could sleep at will on a
railway Journey. In these days of
hurry and bustle there could be no
more encouraging sight to the philos
opher than a railway carriage at
noonday full of sleepy passengers.—
Medical Press.
Shorman County Improvements
K. A. Draper, who lias been in tive
: 'litferent townships of the county,
'luring the past week, dropped into
our office the tore part of the week
and made a crop report and also
a report of the verious new and sub
stantial building, now in course of
|construction in various parts of the
| county.
Mr. Draper confirms the reports
from other sources that small grain
of almost every variety is looking
fine. Corn is a little backward, hut
nevertheless there is a very large
acreage that promises a good yie ld.
Some of the best fields t«f planted
corn are to be seen between Rock
ville and Ashton.
In speaking of the numerous
building enterprises he mentioned
first that in Bristol township
lleorv Iteisland lias a new frame
house 2(» feet square now ready to
be plastered. Mr. Sherman and
Mr. Reuse of that township, are each
also now building substantial hum
In Rockville township, Austin
Butts, and Mr. Lsaascon, are build
ing each a residence in the town of
Rockville amt Peter Lorenz, Mr.
Stolia and Emil Sbumauu are bull
ing farm residences.
lu Ashton, Will Dunker is putting
up a residence, a Catolio parsonage
is in course of construction and work
is soon to begin on a large new ad
dition to the school house.
In Washington township, Mr Ford
has just completed a tine new farm
house and the Sweedish Baptist
church society has just completed
and dedicated a new frame church.
John Fisher, of Logan township
is building a large new barn, and
in ibis same township an elegant
brick residence is soon to be com
pleted on the county poor farm,
Anton Detniek and James Bone
of Webster township are each cred
ited with having in course of con
struction, a new farm dwelling.
Iii Harrison township a Mr. liruui
bage, late of York, but who has
recently purchased the Clias. Smith
place, is now engaged in building :i
2 k feet square farm residence, two
stories high. Mr. Norston of Sew
Seward, now owner of the Geo.
Heapy farm has a new residence
going up. Messrs J. and Doc. Eng
leruen anti Moses Hendricks .are
each building farm residences.
In bitch Held Mr. I’ratt, the pur
chaser of the Grover property,
is re painting and re plastering.
These and other new houses in
the farming districts which have
been built within the past year are
taking the place of the old sod
houses anti dug out, and those who
knew the country in the early days
but have not been hereto note the im
provements that have been steadily
going on, would be surprised to see
the wonderful chauge.
The big enterprise is the term now
used with refenmee to the new lumber
yards recently established at Loup
city by the J. I* Lenitiger Lumber co.
Ami the term is well applied, for it is
quite evident that it will be one of the
most complete lumberyards ever estab
lished in this part ot the country.
The Keystone Lumber <:u. has al
ways enjoyed the reputation of being
.about the biggest concern of the kind
around for many miles, but she will
have to still spread if she keeps pace
with her big sister.
Lust Tuesday we visited the new
yards which are still receiving large
shipments of lumber, and find that
they are preparing for business on a
most extensive scale. In addition to
a neat lumber office and an is by 4U
foot ware house they have a line of
about 24'> feet of sheds. Tlies • sheds
have been built in a very substantial
way, are 18 feet deep and underlaid
with heavy timbers on stone piers, and
meat present almost Idled with a
choice lot of lumber. The grounds
used for the sight are on main street
and contains 7 full lots or a plot of
ground 140 by 175 feet.
The company will soon he ready tor
lumber business in all its branches.
They have nearly everything pertain
ing to the business on hand but dimen
sion stuff, which is expecting to
daily arrive.
Leininger llros. are to be congrat
ulated on the enterprise and we pre
dict for them success,
Subscribe tor this piper ami cm
jov good rending. Advertise in i
in.d i i'jo\ the trade. Send a c> pi
to \our friends for » v-m. Only
dollar for a years subscription.
| 1’be Burlington offers round trip tick
j ets as follows.
Denver, Col , and return 915.30 Tune
1 to Sept. 110.
Colorado Springs. Col., and return
j SIT SO June 1 to Sept. JO.
l’uthln, ( ol., and n turn, sis tin June 1
to Sept 30
tileimood Spr ngs, Col., md return,
i 927.30, June 1 to Sept. 20.
Ogden, f mil. and return, $31 35 June
1 to Sept. JO.
Salt Lake City, Utah, and return,
931.35, June 1 to Sept. 30
D-adwood, S. I). and return. slT.HO.
June 1 to Sept. 30.
Lea I, S. D. and return. 91” 00, June 1
to Sept. JO
Hut ■aptmg', S I>, anti return 911 $0.
June 1 to Sept. 30
Cusli r. S, 1> , and '( turn. 815 O’. J'r e
) to Sept JO
A'k the ticket agent for particulars
United States I.and Oftlee. I
Lincoln, Nclir., May 11th. l'.a 13 i
Notice Is hereby given that Krnstlne
I>(0d, has filed notice 01 intention to
make final proof belore, J. A. Angler
County Judge at Ills office in Loup City,
Nebraska, on Saturday the .'Vth. day of
June, liimi, on Timber Cnllitre, applica
tion No. 7(103, for the West half of North
West fourtli, Of Section No. at, in Town
ship, No. 16, north of llange No. 13 west,
lie names ns witnesses:
Neils C. Hansen of lianncbrog, Neb.
Martin Vincent “
Mungo Vincent,
Km let Bold. •* Ashton,
W. A, OBKKN, Register.
United States Land Office, (
Lincoln, Nebr„ May 11th, lima, i
I, VV. 1.. Green, do hereby certify that
a notice, a printed copy of which is hereto
attached, was by me posted in a con
spicuous place in my office for a period of
thirty (30) days, I having first posted said
notice on the nth. day of May, IIKI.
W L Gkkkn. Register.
United States! Office. (
Lincoln, Neb.. June 5tli., 19.8. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of intention
to make final proof in support of hi* claim,
and that said proof will be made before
J. A. AuglerCounty Judge at Loup City
Nebr., on July is, l9i:i. vl*. Jay. It. Draper
fortlie South-west fourth Sec. 14, Township
15, Range l« west Hotnstoad Kntery No.
1745H. He names the following witness to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Wchlar of Loup City, Neb.
Kd Sliiplcv.of Litchfield, Neb.
A. II. Simmons, of Loup City, Neb.
Joe Kowalkewskl, of Loup City Neb.
W. A. (iKKKN, Register.
A. S. Main.
City Dray
Transfer Line.
J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props
All kinds of hauling will be given prompt
Ritention and will make a specialty of
moving household good. We solicit your
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Ouw
General Real Estate Business. !
Mary|fl. K.HEndricksun,
n physician.
Residence at A. L. /Inlineriniin’s
yi 'j. ’•i
Copyright 1902 iy Collier'» Weekly.
More than twenty double-page
pictures a year by Charles
Dana Gibson are only a part of
the good things that come week
by week to regular readers of
the world’s most progressive illustrated
newspaper. Famous writers and artists
make Cottier’s a necessity in every home.
Send 4 cent? in stamps to day for sample copy and
handsome illustrated booklet telling of attractive
premiums no J prizes for fulUtr’t subscribers. Address
Callin'* Weekly. 436 W. 13th St.. New Terfc
carload ok 33 cigeies and Carriages:
or anything von may need in tho harvester line. 1 have also a complete
1 have two hydraulic well machines, and can make you a first class well on short no
tice. It will pay you to call and see me if in need of anything in my line.
Respectfully, T. M REED.
Cures Crip
in Two Days,
To Cure a Cold in One Day
rTcka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, tf/vcj/ ?!' cYar '
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature, ^ W51. w.
jane? ai&y&jka & a*,
For Sale by
T. H. ELSNEll,
Views on Ambition and Dye- t
“Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field,
“often incapacitates a man for endeavor
and sometimes extinguishes t he fire of
ambition." Though great despite hts
complaint Field suffered from indiges
tion all his life. A weak, tired stomaoh
can’t digest your food. It needs
rest. You can only rest it by the use
of a preparation like Kodol, which re
lieves it of work by digesting your food, jj
Kest soon restores It to Its normal tone.
Prepared only by E. C. PsWittA Co.. (’hlcaK»
'i'Uu $1. bottle coutaina times the 60c. els*.
Eor salfi hv
United states Land Oil ice, j ;
Lincoln. Nebr, June ti'S, 1903, 1 ;
Notice is hereby given that The following
(named settler has ttlecl notice of herin
I 1 out ion to niiike I) nul proof In support of
! Her claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. A. Angler, county judge at lump
city. Nebr.. on August 4, ltNKl.. viz. Kllen
I.cvrlH, (iuuicllHii of Hartley Flanders,
j minor hole of Leon 1! Flanders for the
; south Ii of the South-east of flee. 4. Towi -
| ship 13. Ilange it; West, Homestead Kntry
| 174/S), She names the following witnesses to
' prove lier conllnuona residence upon and
I cultivation of said land viz:
August Musbaek. of Litchfield Neb.
T. I’. Clancy
Thomas Else;
JacobKngl email
W. A. (iItKKN« ltOf HI. I -
NOilCH ’It) l.A.N!) OVVNKKt*
To ill: Whom il Jiluy Coi ceru : -The nun- j
mission**? ;ippfmintcsl to locate u roan com-,
i ncur; at u p ilnl Ml rods sum Hi >' the Norih
West coiaer of Sect loti 97, Township 11. Mamie
4, lntcrS'/dli g with mail No :sl, riuuiiug lienee
S iiltii on ;>e Tlon line, three anti three-fourths
•lilies. :** li e N mill West corner of Section 10.
Tnwnshlp in, i tan go 11, has repnrici! in iavor of
tfie estaolisli.nent thereof. and all mijeetlsh
i tlierKo, .),• ciamis for damages must tie tiled
in Hie l‘emit v Clerk’s Office on or before noon
j of Urn I»t bay 4 . August. I or such roadv.ill
• •i.e ctsallishoct without teferenee thereto.
I Dated tins 1st day o, .lull, 1903.
,V,.;4I| IlKoKtiK 11. iillWON.
County Clerk.
The Great
I» now used through tba IJuited States in the treatment of hog
cholera, swine plague, ergot diseases, corn stalk disease, pink eye,
foot and month disease, scurvy, Telas itch, scabs, and all germ
diseases, of domestic animals.
Deposited in City National Bank or Yora, Nob, and
Sheldon .Slate Itank, Sheldon. town., to bo paid to
anyone finding any of the following testimonials
• not genuine,
National Medicine Vo. St. l’aul Net) April tub. ’o:j
Uoiitloinon. This is to certify that I have used Liquid hoal for ergot dis
ease In cattle and believe It to be a euro for tills disease from t lie experiments
1 have made, tint believe It should ho mo t w hen tile animal Is first taken with
disease. And tor a lice killer It eao.t be beat by nothing 1 know of. Yours
respectful.y, \V. L. I,itti.b
Seward, Neb., Dec. 5, i9'2.
Idquld Koal, maiinfacturod and sold l>y National Medical Co., York, .Neb, Is
a necessity to ovory farmer ru'stng mock Several Instances of Its elUeieacv
have come under my notice. Jons llutvKr.
Wausa, Neb., Dee Is, 190.'
1 concidor Liquid Koal one of the best articles for all around purposes on
th<- market. For mites and lice In t lie elib limi leones and for lice on ealviis
and horses It is the best and cheapest thing I have ever found. Liquid Koal
ought to be on every farm ciias. Utiito vmi aokii
rui a
One Quart Can $1 id
< >ne cal ion .. .. i «>
Five flu lions per gallon y.lTi
A 2he page liook on diseases id'
Ten Cation Keg, per gallon
2 i Cations, halt bbl ]><■ r gal,.
So Callous, I bill per gall .
animals sent free on application.
: 2#
Nationol Medicial Co. “'{Kilii!™
For sal** by il. SOI,MS LoupCItyNeb
"I was tronblod with stom
ach trouble. Thodford’s Dlack
Drautjht did mo more good
in one week than all the doc
tor’s medicine I took in a
year.”— MRS. H A It A II E.
8HIRFIELD, EllotUrUle, Ind.
Thedford's Black Draught
quickly invigorates the aic
tion of tho stomach and
cures even chronic cases of
indigestion. If you will
take a small dose of Thed
ford’s Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep your
stomach and liver in per
fect condition.
More sickness is caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thedford’s
Mack-Draught not only re
lieves constipation but cures
diarrhoea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All druggists sell
25-cent packages.
“Thedford’s Black
Draucht is the best medi
cine to regulate the bowels
I have ever used."— MRS.
A. M. GRANT, Sneads
Ferry, N. C.
can well be claimed of a book
that has received the unquali
fied indorsement of the
Executive Departments of the
Government, the U. S.
Supreme Court, all the State
Supreme Courts, all the State
Superintendents of Schools,
nearly all of the College Presi
dents, and Educators almost
The New and Enlarged
Edition of Webster’s Inter
national Dictionary of English,
Biography, Geography, Fic
tion, etc., has 2:464 quarto
pages with 5000 illustrations.
25,000 new words and phrases
have recently been added
under the editorship of W. T.
Harris, Ph.D., LL.D., U. S.
Commissioner of Education,
bringing the work fully up to
date. ^
•• A Test In Pronunciation ” which afford* a
pleasant un<l instructive evening's enter
tainment. «
Illustrated pamphlet also free.
G. O C. MERRIAM CO., Pub*.,
_ Springfield, Maas.
persons in each state to travel for house
established eleven years and with a large
capital, to call upon merchants and agents
for successful and profitable line. Perma
nent engagement. Weekly cash salary of
and ail traveling expenses and alt hotel
bills advanced in cash each week. Exper
ience not essential. Mention reference
and enclose sell address -envelope. THE
NATIONAL, TD Dearborn St., Chicago.