The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 03, 1903, Image 4

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8t. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
ami all points
Kast and south.
Salt Lake City,
San Franoisco,
and all points
No 52 Passenger.12:10 p.m
No DO Freight.11.-.MS a m.
No. 51 Passenger .11:07 p. in.
No. BO Freight. 1:10 p. tn.
Sleeping, dinner and ree.lining chair cars
(scats free) on through 'rains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United stales or Canada.
For information, maps, time tallies and
tickets call on or write to It. L, author
Agent, or J. Francis, Gen’l Passenger
Agent. Omaha, Nebraska.
.U, 1*. llAIWAY.
No. 80 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 8: a. m.
No. ss leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed i 12:20p. in.
No. HO leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Sat urday, (mixed) 2 55 p. tn. )
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday .mixed
12:05 p. m.
No. 85arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7i85 p. ui,
F'irst class service and close connections
east, west and south
H. J. Clifton, Agent.
(i. II. Gibson, Clerk.
(v N. swketi.ano. Treasurer.
J. A. ANiiiKH, Judge.
J. S. PKDI.KR, Attorney
It l>. HENDRICKSON, Supt. Public Inst.
K II Oounino. Surveyor,
Gbo, W. Hunteu, Coruor.
l> C Grow, Olst. No. t.. Chairman., PO
address, Loup City, Neb.
Anuukw Gorstka, Uist. No. l.,.Asliton P O
1'BTKK TlloDE, Dl-t. No. 2 Loup City, •• *"
W O Brown, Dist. No, .'1, Coup City, “ *•
John Maibfski, Hist,. No. 5, Ashton. “ “
Wm. Jakob, Gist. No fi, Itockvllle, “
VV II. CHATMAN, Olst. NO. 1, I.ltchtleld " “
I.otip City Lodge No. 33, A O U W.— Meets
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.
Friendship Lodge No. 11*. Oof H.—1st and
3rd Thursday of each month.
Loup City Council No 136, L M L A—1st and
3rd Monday of each month.
Mate land Castle, No. 162, Ito.val Highlanders.
2nd ami 4th Monday of each month.
Excelsior Lodge. No 166, I O O F—1st and
3nd Saturday of each month.
Mariinnn Lodge, No. Ill, K of P—2nd and
1th Wednesday of each month.
Loup City Camp. No. 636, M VV A—1st and
3rd. Tuesday of each month.
Loup City Camp No. S27, li N* A—2nd and
Itli Tuesday of each month.
Porter Lodge, No. 106, A F & A M—Tuesday
on or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday
Joppa Chapter. No. 54. R A M—1st Monday
or each month,
Orental Chapter. No. 78— 1st and 3rd Sat
urday of cash month.
L of G A R—2nd and llh Saturday of each
month, at 2 o’clock p. m.
Try Sheridan coal and you will be
satisfied; supply always on hand at
E. G. Taylor’s elevator.
If you want insurance that insures go
to F. E. Brewer, Loup City, Nebraska.
Try a pair of the seamless plain toe
ladies' shoes just recioved at B. J.
l>r. A. H. Norton, veterinary surgeon
lias permanently located here, and is
now ready’ to answer all calls. Olllce
at present at Troy Hale’s livery barn,
Loup City, Neb. Bring your horses
and have their teeth exaniued. Keas
onablo charges for demtal and vetre
nary work.
two thoroughbred stai.i.ions
will stand for the season at R. A. Wil
son livery barn. These are two of the
finest horses in the country. You should
come and see them before breeding.
R A Wilson, Owner.
Tr(>«ii«H* Notice To The 'Traveling Public
To whom it may concern:
As my land is now being used as a
public high-way, you are hereby warned
not to drive on the same, section 22,
Townsh'n 1<!, Range 14, in Logan town
ship, Sherman county, Nebraska. Any
one trespassing on said premises in vi
olation of tills notice will lie prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
listed this 18 day of April, 1903.
Joseph Damuowski, Owner.
Fok Sale.—A good Deering binder
has been in use only two years. Will
sell very reasonable. Enquire at this
olliee or see owner, one half mile south
of I.oup City. August Reiman. Owner’
Just About DaiUlma Take a
Little Early Riser—it will cure constipa
tion, bi llonsness and liver troubles. Do
Witt's Little Early Riser are different
from other pill. They do not grip and
break dow n the mucous membranes of
the stomach, liver and bowels, but cure
by gentle arousing seretions and giving
strength to these organs, bold by Oden
Lioaal Daws
See that line of .*»c. lawn.* at Chase*.
Get your umbcrella of Johnson Lor
entz & Co.
Fly nets, fly nets, fly nets at Owens'
harness shop.
Mrs. Outhouse, mother of A. B. and
C. C. Outhouse is reported quite sick.
"Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol
era, mites, lice, etc. For sale by J.
Sol ms.”
Call arid see the $2.00 Congress and
Oxford shoes just recieved at Swan
Nut coal, the best for cook stoves,
for sale by 10. (}. Taylor at If & M
Leininger Bros, have purchased the
large safe of T. L Pilger for use at
their lumber yard.
Mr. and Mrs. I,. Hansen started for
Omaha to-day noon and will spend the
Fourth of July with friends.
J. S. Pedler is liaviug a brick found
ation put under the residence which he
purchased from Chas. A. Austin.
Go to Owens’ harness shop for fly nets
where there is a large assortment, the
best on the market. Prices right.
Clarence Benschoter went out to
the Dickey ranch last Monday to try
his linnd in the alfalfa harvest field.
Spring is the time to use Rocky
Mountain Tea. Keeps you well all
summer. Great spring life renewer.
— Odendahl Bros.
Henry Goodwin had tiie misfortune
to get thrown out of a buggy while
coming to town last Saturday and get
his arm broke.
Mrs. A. L. C'onhiser and son Charlie
have been visiting in the city for a few
days. They returned to Sargent Tues
day evening.
\V. R Mellor went to Lincoln Tues
day noon to atteud the meeting of the
board of managers of the State Fair
Mrs. A. i\ Culley and two daughter?,
Jessie and Mildred started for York
Thursday noon where they will cele
brate the Fourth with friends and re
Mr. C. W. Dickie whose ranch is four
miles sou h east of Loup City, was in
town Saturday looking for hands for
haying lie is In the midst of a sixty
acre alfalfa harvest.
John Pointkowski came to town
Monday with a wagon load of six fat
hog* and lost four of them from suffo
cation. The loss was about l.dOO and
amounted to over $00 00.
Chas. Conhiser is slowly gitting better
of sciatic rheumatism. Mr. Conhiser
has suffered extreme pain and does
yet to some extent. Much sympathy is
extended to him by all.
Those having land for sale will do
well to list with I). C. Leach & Co
as they have a large clientage in the
counties east of here and will soon
bring buyers into the county.
M. II Mead has sold his city residence
to Mrs. D. L. Gardner for a consider
of $1,000 00. We also learn that Mrs.
Gardner has sold her farm on Oak
Creek and intends to move to town.
Arthur Inks commenced work in J. I.
Depew’s Blacksmith shop last Monday
morning and we understand that he in
tends to stick to it until he masters the
trade, or becomes a master mechanic.
While Jacob Albers, director of
school district No 5, in Logan town ship,
was in the city Wednesday, he closed a
contract with Miss Frnkie Inks to
teach an eight month term of school.
Mrs. Lonzo Zink returned from a
weeks stay at the $t. 1’aul hospital,
where she has been under the doctor's
care. Although she was compelled to
undergo an operation she returns some
what improved in health.
Chamberlain's l*ain Balm is an anti
septic liniment, and when applied to
cuts, bruises and burns, causes them to
heal without materation and much
more quickly than by the usual treat
ment,—For sale by Odendahl Bros,
Miss Abbie Conner, of Omaha and
sister of James, Ashley and Stewart
Conner of this place, was here visiting
friends and relatives for a few day.
She went lo Dannebrog Monday to vis
it her brother C. It. Conger, when she
will return to Omaha.
Mrs. Herbert Bly was taken to the Lin
coln hospital last Tuesday where she
will be treated. When she left hore she
was insane and gave those in charge con
siderable trouble. It is thought how
ever. that with good treatment at the
hospital she will soon recover. Mrs.
F. S. Reynolds Fook charge of her on
the trip.
Carston Truelsen made a business trip
to Kearney last week returning Friday.
While he was there it was reported that
he had purchased the Kearney opera
house. But upon cross-examination we
secured from him the information that
the report was made for the fun there
was in it, although, at first he winked
one eye and said there was nothing
wrong wirh the report. The opera
house, which cost 125,000.00 and is one
of the finest in the state, was sold the
same week for $25,000.00, and •while it
sold at a great bargain Mr. Truelsen
was not the purchaser, evidently eon
idcriog it out of his line of business.
L. X. Smith returned from a three
weeks visit to Kentucky and Tonne
see Monday.
A. E. Chase has torn down the picket
fence around his residence and is going
to grade up his yard.
List your land with I>, C. Leach A Co.
The best 82.50 shoes for Ladies and
Gents at Swanson's.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A Brown returned
Tuesday from a three weeks visit to
friends and relatives in Illinois.
Geo. Zimmerman brouvhc a load of
fat hogs to town early Tuesday morn
ing. lie relieved $5 10 per cwt. for
Senator Wall returned from a busi
ness trip to Lincoln and Omaha last
Monday. He made Buffalo county on
his return.
If you have butter and eggs to sell
take them to Swanson & Dahl. High
est prices for produce. Lowest prices
for groceries.
If you want tire, wind, storm or hali
insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer
Ofliee with T. S. Nightingale, Loup
City Nebraska.
The little boy of H H Gibson living
in Webster township was severely kicked
in the face by a horse and we understand
was badly cut and bruised.
D. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to trade llour
for wheat. lie also has a line grade
of whole wheat llour for sale.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mason returned
from several weeks stay at Cannellon,
Ind. where he was summond because
of sickness and death of his father.
The Douglas shoes aie better and
liner tills spring than ever. Our shoe
maker, Swanson has just received a
good assortment of them aud would be
pleased to show them to you.
Lon Zink has taken a western trip,
partly on business and to improve his
rhumatic condition. He will visit the
Hot .Springs in Utah and expects to re
turn with a car load of western horses.
There is one of the most complete
lines of lly nets at the Owens harness
shop that has ever been brought to
Loup City. They are of the best man
ufacture and lie is selling them on a
very close margin.
Mr. F. W. Fuller, well known and
much respected in Sherman and Buffalo
counties, where he has lived for many
years has entered the mercantile business
at Hazard, having bought out the exten
sive A. D. Norling establishment at that
place. —Revenna News.
We forgot to mention in our last is
sue that Mrs. Geo. Gibson and Mrs.
Taylor Gibson had gone to visit friend
and relatives in Everett, l*a. They ex
pect to be gone about three months.
This is the home of their childhood
and no doubt they will have a moat
enjoyable visit.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is every where recog
nized as the one remedy that can always
be depended upon and that is pleasant
to take. It is especially valuable for
summer diarrhoea in children and is
undoubtedly the means of saving lives
of a great many children each year.
For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. E. < Perkins, of Webster town
ship died last Friday, June 26,1903 of
Inllatnation of the bowels. She was
not thought to be dangerously sick
to within a few hours of death, although
she has been very feeble in health and
inind since the berth of her child some
eight months ago. Last week, Wed
nesday she was feeling worse and her
husband took her to his neighbor’s,
W O. Brown when he telephoned
to the city for Dr. Main Sin- was,
at the time in a partly demented
condition and seemed to be in no
great pain, but complained of her
stomach hurting. The funeral took
place Saturday and the remains were
laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery.
She was a lady about 33 years of age
and leaves a husband and one eight
months old child.
At the annuel school meeting last
Monday for school district No. 1. set
tlement with the treasurer was made
and showed a balauce on hand in the
school treasury of $1,20324 and about
$850.00 in the county treasury to the
credit of said district.
A nine months term of school for the
ensuing year, beginning the second
Monday in September, was voted.
A levy of ten mills for the general
fund and live mills for the interest bond
fund was made. This is the smallest
levy that lias been made by tho district
for years, but in view of the fact that
there is about $2,100.00 on hand, and that
tlie valuation of the district is much
higher, it was thought the above levy
w as sufficient to raise inon ey enough to
carry on the school. Before the levy
was made, however, the matter of par
ing oil' some bonds was considered, but
as they were found to be optional after
lDOSi, there was no need at this time fur
more than would be necessary to pay
interest on them.
The meeting for general business was
closed at 3 00 p in. and the people pro
ceeded to elect two members of the
board of education for the term of three
years. The names of J. B. O’Bryan.
Geo. W. Hunter, C. Truelsen, and J.
P. Leioinger were printed on the bal
lot and the polls were held open until
five o’clock. A very light vote wa*
polled which resulted in the election of
Messrs O'Bryan and Truelsen,
Supervisor’s Allow Many Claims.
Committee on claims report the following
claims allowed after making proper deduct
tons for taxes :
State Journal Co. 32 45
C. K. Johnson. 210
E. A Brown. 2t 10
A. M Bonnet. . 2 00
Jacob Albers. 77 40
State Journal Co. 89 05
Stewart Me Eadden. taken for tax (i3 05. os fit)
James Hughs. 02 00
James Hughs. 5 00
E. W. Starks, taken for tax fBOO. 108 60
L. W. Callen. 70 20
John Zorkal. HI 80
Mike Uewolnski. 70 00
Harry Sawyer, taken for tax *8 55. 58 00
S. S. Porter, . 37 50
W. Hawk, taken for tax #20 35. «l ro
Lewis Pechthold. taken for tax *7 85_ 142 00
Henry Doon, taken for tax II1 05 . 00 00
Carl de la Motte, taxen for tax 0 35_ '000
J. W. Jones.. g on
i.o. oiguungaie. 300
CJ. H. Gibson. . fi oo
John F. Smith, all taken for tax_ *30
Ignatz No'wukl.. . 200
K. L. Dobson all taken for tax. 3 00
John Zoworski. 3 20
Geo. E. Benschoter, taken for tax 9 IS.. 1?50
I. awrenee Peters. 137 00
F. E. Brewer. 79go
Edward Snyder. 73 93
Mrs. Emma Cornrumph. 7 35
Keystone Lumber Co. tloo
K A. Wilson, taken tor tax 24 55. 51 no
Mat Zeller, taken for tax 170. .. .. 1300
Lawrence Peters. n 50
Wm. A. Baker, taken for tax 3 50. 350
Joseph Malefski, taken for tax 8 00. . 1140
K. W. Gowln. taken for tax ,59c. 3 60
A. H. Mead, all taken for tax. 3 50
John Goc, taken for tax 1 95. n so
Charley Larson. 10 00
Joseph Stobbe. 3 40
Chas. Gcor.vk. taken for tax . I5c. 330
Wm. Newman . 3 40
John A. Thant peon. ... 10IH)
Detlef Petersen. 10 so
E. E. Tracy. 2 50
J. P. Parker, all taken for tax. lotto
E. W. Jackson.. 12 50
f. C. Vanpefgrift, all taken for tax.. . 1080
Mikei Rewoltdskl. 350
Wm. Young, . 2 50
John Benson. 12 00
Samuel Daddow.. ^. 10 oo
W. A. Shull, all taken for tax. 2 90
Loran Geo., all taken for tax. 3 50
Jocob Winkleroan . 10 00
Framl Neslba. 790
Mary Nowiak. 9 10
Anton Nowiak. S 10
D. M. Hendrickson. 18 00
Steven Petersen. 3 10
Fred Rolling. 9 80
John Knippel. 8 60
John Sooboda. 8 10
Lars Petersen. 8 10
Edward Lorkowski. 8 10
Bert Lukezewski. all taken for tax.... 7 30
Charley. Brown all taken for tux. 10 10
A. N. Conklin. 7 20
Steven Pofckl. 720
Wm. New'man. 4 00
E. G. Taylor.. 520
Dan Rangert. 10 lo
John Zink, all taken for tax . 6 50
John F. Smith, taken for tax 8 00. 7 30
St. Goc. 740
John Hofsuth. 8 10
Mary Lukozewski. 5 30
Peter Hansen of St. Paul. 10 ho
Peter Hansen of Palmer. . 12 10
John Jezewski. taken for tax 3 00 . 7 20
Martin Kllekowski, taken for tax 3 00. 5 30
D. C. Perkins. 18 90
W. F. llarlow. 18 90
H. W. Carey. 28 40
Arthur James. 20 90
James Malone. 18 90
Joan Irvin. 8 40
FredHilmer. 8 80
Chas. Dobry. e 10
Alexander Horzyk. 8 10
Ed. Snyder. 4 00
F. J. Taylor. 2 00
J. A. Angler. . 200
Edward Lookowskl. 8 10
Frank Topolski. 2 90
Peter Hansen of St. Paul. 10 80
Logan Summons. 95
U. H. Gibson. 4343
J. A. Angier... >.3 10
J. A. Ainger. is)
S. N. Sweetland,. 7 r.o
J. S. Pedler. 15200
W. O. Brown. 18 40
A. Garstka. 30 80
Wm. Jakob. 33 (XI
Peter Thode . 18 ait
W. H. Chapman. 21 80
D. C. Grow. 18 00
John Maeifskl. 21 (X)
Total amount of claims allowed on -
general fund. $2,54575
W. T. Gibson . 300 75
Dirks Lumber Co., taken for tax 3 7ft. lrt io
W. T. Gibson. 130(10
W. T. Gibson. 55 03
Keystone Lumber Co. 15 is
W. O Brown. .. 1300
A. Garstka. 31 00
Win. Jakob . 15 00
Peter Thode. 11 0o
W. H. Chapman . 7 so
John Maeifski. .. 3 go
D. C. Grow. | 50
W. G. McNulty. 1 50
C. H. French. 3 no
John Maiefski.. 3 00
By motion board adjourned sine die.
G. II. Gihson. Clerk.
The following is the valuation as found by
the assessors and equalized by the county
board upon all property in the county:
Total value of real estate. * 539,788 00
“ “ '■ railroads. 197,881 00
..personal property.. 197.005 00
Total . 931,434 00
Village lots. 41.410 00
Grand total couuty valuation. I 978,884 00
Last week we made an error in sum
ming up the grand total of the assessed
valuation of the c< u ity. In other words
we omitted the valuation of the property
of Loup City. Above are the figures
a- corrected.
Low ICateM via Iliarllngtoii limit*.
The Burlington oll'ers tickets to
Beatrice and return from Loup City,
Neb. at «•'» (10, on July 10 to 23, inclusive:
return limit July 24.
Ask the ticket agent for particulars.
We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH W' SALT
MEATS, and can till all orders promptly and satisfactorily.
We solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and
will give you your money’s worth at all times. *• *
Jlij/hest Market Privt Paid for JJidtx.
A. P. CUM.KY, President. W. K MASON'. Caslii, r.
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank. New York City. N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska
msmmt »UHwuni i
Blacksmith s Wagon Maker.
My shop is the largest and beat equipped north of the Platte Ulver
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, mu
chtnery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and
turnout a job with neatness aud dispatch.
Soliciting your patronage 1 am
Yours respectfully,
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb.
acter and Rood reputation in each slate
(on» in this county required) to represent
and advertise old established wealthy
business house of solid financial standing
Salary (ttl.OU weekly with expenses addi
tional, all payable In cash each Wednesday
direct from head offices. llorse and car
rage furnished when necessary. Kcfer
ences. Enclose self addressed envelope.
Colonial Co , S.W Dearborn St., Chicago.
Catarrh of the Stomach.
When the stomach is overloaded;
whenioodis taken into it that falls to
digest, it decays and enllamea the
mucous membrane, exposing the nerves
and causes the glands to secret mucin
instead of the natural juices of digestion.
This is called Catarrh of the Stomach
For years I have suffered with Catarrh
of the Stomach, caused bv indigestion,
Doctors and medicines failed to bentlr
me until I used Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure.
J. R. Rhea Coppell,Tax. Sold by Oden
dabl Bros.
• 15 Fop Hound Trip to Denver, Fueblo
and Colorado Springs.
The Union Pacific has, by reason of
its many advantages been selected as
the oilicul route for the Omaha Christ
ian Endavor Delegaton to Denver.
A special train will be run for this
delegation and all Endeavorers through
out the state are urged to join this tram.
A great Acquaintance Social will he
held on the way out.
Arrangements have been made for de
lightful side trips into the mountains
and also special excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and other points at greatly
reduced rates.
The special train will leave Omaha
Union Station at. 7 a. in. July 8th. and
arrive at Denver same evening, rick
ets on sale July 1st to 10th. limited to
August 31th
He sure your tickets read via the ofli
cal rout".
For tickets and other imformation see
( • L. IIakvhy, Agt.
The Burlington oilers round trip tick
ets as follows.
San Francisco and return, $46 45,
August 1 to 11
Los Angeles ami return, $16 45,
August. 1 to 14.
Ask the ticket agent for particular.-.
WANTED-VOIISU M KN to prepare for
Government Positions, fine Opening* In
all Departments. Good Salutes. Kapid Pro.
motions. Examinations soon. Particulars
—Inter-StateCor. Inst., Cedar ltaplds, la.
His I ant Mope Realized.
! From the Senlenel, tiebo, Mont, j
In the first opening of Oklahoma to set.
t lers in IxsO, the editor of this paper was
among the many seekers after fortune who
made the big race one tine day in April.
, During his traveling about and afterwards
Ills camping upon his claim, he encountered
much bad water, which, together with the
severe heat, gave him a very severe Tlinr
rhoea which It seemed almost imposible to
check, and along in June the case became
so bad he expected to die. One day one of
hlB neighbors bought his one small bottle
of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diar.
rhoea Remedy as a last hope, \ big dose
was given him while he was rolling about
on the ground in great agony, and In a few
minutes the dose was repeated. The good
etreet of the medicine was soon noticed and
within an hour the patient was taking his
first sound sleep for a tort night. That one
little bottle worked a complete cure, and
he cannot help but feel grateful. The rea
son for Isiwel disorders being at hand sug.
gests this item. For sale by Odendahl Ilros
Ihe Foundation of Health.
Nourishment is the foundation of
health-life-strength. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the one great medicine that en
ables the stomach and digestive organs
to digest, assimilate and transform ail
food into t he kind of blood that nourish
es the nerves and feeds the tissues.
Kodol lays the foundation for health.
Nature does the rest. Indigestion.
Despepsia, and all discords of tlie
stomach and digestive organs are cured
by the, use of Kodol. Sold by Odendahl
Take Laxative liromo tjulnlne Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It fails
to core. K, W. (fvove’s signature Is on
each box. xtflet.
Platinum Very Valuable.
Platinum, which is indispensable In
some instruments of precision and is
useful in the arts particularly, bo
cuse when imbedded In glass it does
not crack it by unequal expansion, Is
still much more valuable than gold.
Nine-tenths of the world’s platinum
(about 8,300 pounds) comes from the
Ural mountains, which enables Rus
sia to control the price.
Had Had Opportunity.
Two society buds at the Waldorf
Astoria were commenting upon the
marriage of Mrs. I^ewis Rutherfurd to {
William K. Vanderbilt. “It’s a fine
match.” said one; “the bride certainly
belongs to the Upper Ten.” “She ought
to,” was the tart answer, “she’s mar
ried three of them!"—New York