The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 19, 1903, Image 7

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Give Warning of Approach of Hore
Serious Trouble.
Do yon experience fits of depression with restlessness, alternating
with extreme irritability, bordering upon hysteria? Are your spirits
easily affected so that one minute you laugh, and the next fall into con
vulsive weeping?
Do you feel something like a ball rising in your throat and threaten
ing to choke you; all the senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light
and sound; pain in the ovaries, ami especially between the shoulders;
sometimes loss of voice; nervous dyspepsia, and almost continually
cross and snappy, with a tendency to cry at the least provocation ?
If so, your nerves are in a shattered, condition, and you are threat
ened with nervous prostration.
Undoubtedly you do not know it, but in nine cases out of ten this is
caused by some uterine disorder,and the nerves centering in and about tl»
organs which make you a woman influence your entire nervous system.
Something must be done at once to restore their natural condition or
you will be prostrated for weeks and months perhaps, and suffer untold
Proof is monumental that nothing in the world is better for this
purpose than Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound; thou
sands and thousands of women have written us so.
How rirs. Holland, of Philadelphia, suffered
among the finest physicians in the country, none of
whom could help her — finally cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
“Dear Mrs. Pinkham : — For over two years I was a constant suf
ferer from extreme nervousness, indigestion, and dizziness. Menst mat ion
was irregular, had backache and a feeling of great lassitude and weak
ness. I w'as so bad that I was not able to do my own work or go far in
the street. I could not sleep nights.
“I tried several splendid doctors, but they gave me no relief. After
taking Lydia E. PinklianiN Vegetable Compound I soon began to
feel better, and was able to go out and not feel as if I would fall at
every step. I continued to take the medicine until cured.
“I cannot say enough in behalf of Lydia E. Pinkham’s medicine,
and heartily recommend all sutieiing women to try it and ttnd the
relief I did.” — Mrs. Florence Holland, 622 S. Clifton t?t., Phila
delphia, Pa. (Jan. 6, 1902.)
Another case of severe female trouble cured by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, after the
doctors had failed.
“Dear Mrs. Pinkham: — I was in poor health for several years.
I had female trouble and was not able to do my housework alone. I
felt, tired, very nervous, and could not sleep. 1 doctored with several
doctors. They doctored me for my stomach, but did not relieve me.
I read in your book about your medicine, and thought I would try it.
I did so, and am now cured and able to do my work alone, and leel
good. I was always very poor, but now weigh one hundred and fifty
“ I thank you for the relief I have obtained, and I hope that every
woman troubled with female weakness will give Lydia E. Plnkliam’s
Vegetable Compound a trial. I have recommended it to many of my
friends.” — Mrs. Maria Bowers, Millersville, Ohio. (Aug. 15,1901.)
Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by
Lydia E. Pinkliani’s S’egetuble Compound convince all of the
virtues of this medicine?
How shall the fact that it will help them be made plain ?
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick, and discor/
aged, exhausted with each day’s work. You have some derange
ment of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkhanj’s Vegetable
Compound will help you just as surely as it has others.
Put a variety into Summer living'—
it’s not the time of year to live near
the kitchen range. Libby’s
Veal Loaf Potted Tu rkey
Deviled Ham
Quickly Msde Ready to Serve.
Send to-day for the little booklet,
“How to Make Good Things to
Eat,” full of ideas on quick, deli
cious lunch serving. Libby’s Atlas
of the World mailed free for 5
two-cent stamps.
Libby, McNeill & Libby
There are some things that have to depend on
catchy "talking points " in order to induce sales.
There are other things that are sold solely on their
merit and on account of RESULTS 1 A notable
example of this ia found in the New Tiffin
Wedon which owes its supremacy SOLELY to
RESULTS. Its wonderful durability and capacity
for carrying enormous loads, aud the remarkable
ease with which it runs are some of the results”
_M.k hove made it famous wherever known.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
Ox Tongue
Chleafe. U. S. A.
W. N. U.—Omaha
No. 28—laud
Curiosity loves to mask as tender
Old Sofas, Backs of Chairs, etc., can
be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS
The proof of the home is in the
Stops the Cough amt
Works OfT the Col<l
Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. Price25c.
"All is not gold that glitters”—but
the experts in peroxide sometimes
keep us guessing.
Insist on (irttina It.
Some grocers say they don't keep De
fiance Starch because they have a stock
In hand of la oz. brands, which they
know cannot be sold to a customer who
has ones used the 16 oz. pkg. Defiance
Starch for the same money.
Even diamonds made of paste will
cause a woman to be stuck up.
“TheKlean, Kool Kitchen Kind”of stoves
keep you clean and cool. Economical and
always ready. Sold at good stove stor.-s.
He that burns his candle at both
ends will have no place to stand it.
riy* permanently caret;. wo fit*or nrrroiinw after
n I O *r«t day's use of Dr Kline s llreat Nerre Restor
er. Send for VRKK •'f.OO trial bottle ami treatise.
Da. K. H Sluts, Ltd.. 131 Arch Street, rnilsdelphla.s**
The merchant who does not adver
tise never needs the rest cure.
Should be in every home. Ask your grocer
for it. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents.
“A rolling stone gathers no moss ’
—but the stone left by the roadside
never adorned an imposing building.
To prove the healing and
Cleansing power of i'axtlne
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mail a large trial package
with book of instructions
absolutely free. Thislsnot
a tiny sample, hut a large
package, enough to con
vince anyone of Its value.
Women ail over the country
are praisingPaxtinefor whut
it has done in local treat
ment of female Ilia, curing
all Inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a
cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal
catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
•ad whiten the teeth. Send today; a postal card
will do.
hold by druggists or sent postpaid by os, BO
cante. large box. Satisfaction guaranteed,
TUB K. 1'AXTON CO., Boston. Mass
>14 Columbus Are,
A Boston man came across the fol
owirg Incident in the life of the late
3en. Butler the other day, and it
seems such an example of the truth
jf that old saying, ‘ The boy is father
)f the man,” that it is worth repeat
In his youth, so the story goes, Ben,
with two other unfortunates, sought
!he hand of a maiden in northern
The race was very even, and for
a long time the issue was in doubt.
But one day the maiden told the
Ihrce rivals that, if they would all
come on a certain evening, she would
give them her answer.
The future lawyer, fearing that he
did not stand so mgh in the maiden's
graces as the others, saw a chance
for the exercise of his wit. Strategy j
alone would win the day.
On one side of a river lived the !
damsel, ar.d about opposite on the
other side boarded the anxious lov
The river was bridged at but one
point, and that was In the center of
the village, nearly a mile from these
houses. But some workmen had fell- j
ed a log and thrown it across the ;
stream, and on this Bridge of Sighs
the lovers were wont to wend, their1
Ben started a little early on the j
I fateful evening, and took w ith him a ;
pail of soft soap. Crossing the log j
backward, he carefully greased it We- I
hind him, and then triumphantly Mi
tered the fair one's abode.
Hardly had the conversation be
gun, when through the open window
steps were heard on the opposite,
bank, then a creaking, as if someone
had stepped upon the log, and then a
splash, accompanied by muffled epi
thets of rage and vexation.
Ben smiled and winked contem
platively at his brand new !a\ender
trousers, while the young lady looked
surprised, but said nothing.
'tune passed, ami no one came.
Presently (here was the sound of an
other approach, and the previous
process was repeated, saving this
time the "blanket.v-blanks" were of
a more vigorous character and longer
Ben winked the other eye, and
gazed complacently at the gay white
vest which completed bis careful
As to what followed in the parlor
we ate not definitely Informed, but
suffice to say at a late hour Ben
issued forth happy and eluted at his
success, bearing tho promise of his
fair one’s hand.
So happy was he that all recollec
tion of the log’s slippery condition
had escaped his mind, and. oblivious
to all else save his good fortune, he
sallie i out upon the log.
But. alas, "pride gooth before des
truction, and a haughty spirit before
a fall.” I«to tho river he went, new
Uvue*re, vest and all. and tradition
talh- us that tho atmosphere, alieauy
murky, on Ben’s issue from the riv
er’s depths was of such a character
as to rival Daate’s ’’Inferno."—Bos
ton Herald.
r. i
t t
Are we so soon forgot when we
ire gone-? The Tribune on Saturday
cave prominence to a telegram from
Corry. Pa., which ran thus: "Fire
arly to-day destroyed the old Horace
3reo!cy homestead, six miles from
here. In this house Mr. Greeley
^pent ttie early years of his life." All
the years of Horace Greeley's life up
lo the twentieth were spent in New
Hampshire and Vermont. After ho
had to the road r.s a ".tour"
printer lie visited his father, who had
removed to the place near Corry. Pa.,
and worked on the farm there, a little,
in the intervals of hit* typographical
tasks. Not only was the place in no
sense Greeley's early home, but he
never really lived there. It was so
little associated with his name that
his friends and admirers, who knew
his Yankee beginnings well, never
connected him with it at all.
It was. however, long the home of
that sturdy but unsuccessful and pa
thetic laborer and citizen. Zacchcus
Greeley, his father. If there ever
was a man hopelessly of the can t
get along class, it was this unfortun
ate descendant of the New Hamp
shire Scotch-Irishman. Industrious
and willing, but a failure in every
thing he undertook. Zaocheus was
hounded for debt from place to pla"e
and would doubtlessly have been
turned into a hopeless tramp if it had
not been for his innate virtue and
patience. Of course, the worst of
his troubles ended when his son Ho
race came to man's estate; although
the boy. with one unsuccessful news
paper venture following another, long
promised to duplicate his father's
career. Naturally. Horace managed
to ease his father's declining years.
He was ever a dutiful sou.
Perhaps ills own career instanced,
as much as his father's, the helpless
ness of that thistleblow, man. before
the winds of late, in some ways bril
liantly successful, in other and im
portant ways dismally unsuccessful,
possessing characteristics and abili
ties that made him feared as well as
loved, rising almost to the pinnacle
of earthly honor for an American.
Greeley feit himself at last scorned
hy his countrymen, and died of a
broken heart.
In Horace Greeley there was a good
deal of his badly buffeted father after
all. The farm place near Corry may
be remembered for Zaeeheus Gree
ley’s sake; and of course, poor Zae
< heus would never have been remem
bered at all but for his gifted and
nobie son.—New York Mail and Kx
i-0 • • # ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦
Charles Kruger's proposal in mid air
s, perhaps, unique. He was a trapeze
performer, and his act with the lady
:o whose hand he aspired was nightly
vociferously applauded. One night,
while he held the fair artist swinging
above a eea of upturned tares, after
she had made her flying leap, he whis
kered a hurried offer of marriage. This
he lady acrepted, and they finished
their performance an engaged couple.
Very novel was the method em
ployed by a young Australian of mak
ing known his aspirations to the girl of
his choice, whom he had met on a
visit to the old country. On his return
to the antipodes he procured a parrot,
which, having been thoroughly
coached in its role, was dispatched as
a present to the young lady. "Will you
marry Dick?” asked Polly, insinuating
ly. "Will you marry Dick?’ Its fair
jwner wired but one word to the in
genious donor. “Yes.”
The Rev. J. M. Mather of Manches
;er tells an amusing story of an under
taker who, falling in love with a lady
whose husband he had burled, pro
posed to her after a decent interval.
only to find that he had been fore
Mailed by a luckier man.
in due course, however, he buried
husband No. 2, and this lime, having
allowed but a week to elapse, again
made an offer of his hand and heart.
Alas! he was once more too late; but
not cast down he bided his time, and
when capricious fate deprived the lady
of her third mate, made his position
siire by proposing immediately after
the funeral.
Not alone in comic opera has a pro
posal been made from the bench.
Strongly reminiscent of the judge in
Trial by Jury" was the Arkansas func
tionary who not long since presided
over a court of justice where a man
was being tried for assault. The pros
ecutrix. a lady of considerable per
sonal charms, detailed her woes, and
concluded by saying that she went in
bodily fear of the prisoner, who was
her brother. Whereupon the judge re
marked that lie would, if she accept
him. afford her such protection as a
husband might. The lady thanked him
and gladly closed with his offer.—Tit
How the Fond Dream of a Devoted
Wife Was Rudely Dispelled.
Some men are never poetic; others
lose their poetic sense with the en
croachment of years. At least that
is the opinion of a matron now past
middle life. ‘ The only trouble with a
man is that he loses the poetic side
bf his nature as the years roll by,”
she remarked. “Now, only yesterday
my husband took on the far-away
look. I must confess it mailed the
delightful days when he. put all his
talents into telling me how charming
I was and how all his life was wrap
ped tip in me, saying it as constantly
and with aa many enchanting varia
tions aa even a woman could desire.
For a long time I watched him in
silence. Then at last, urable longer (
to bear the suspense, I softly asked:
‘What are you thinking about dear?’
‘I was wondering,' he answered, 'if
I shouldn’t be quite safe in leaving
off my winter underwear.’ Now,
wasn’t that poetic! Yet that same
iconoclastic man is brave enough to
complain at times that I have
He Doesn’t Worry.
Duffy—Meeker’s a philosophic a)
son of <hap, isn't he?
Guffy—in what respect?
Dufly—Why, he is the husband of a
famous woman, you know, but his ob
scurity doesn't seem to trouble him in
the least.
American Dentists in Demand.
Nearly all the royal families of Eu
rope employ Ameiican dentists.
Mm. Robert
Jlreder ick,
who resides
at 1915 Vir
ginia st.. in
San Antonio,
Tex., tells an
e x p e r ienre
that will in
terest every
reader; It
shows as well
that Doan's
cures are
lasting cures.
She says: “Up to the early part of
the year 1902 l had been a sufferer
from Kidney troubles for many years.
The pain In my bark became worse
and worse until it was a daily burden
that Interfered with every duty. I
was much afflicted with headaches and
dizzy spells and was unable to rest
well nights. In May, 1902, after using
Doan's Kidney Pills I made a state
ment for publication, declaring that
they had entirely relieved me of the
pain In my 1 t < k. I have since then
had a year’s time in which to study
the effects of the medicine, sml while
1 have had slight tenches of the trou
ble since, the use of the pills has al
ways driven away all signs of the dis
order end I hate become convinced
of the fact that ihe first treatment
was practically permanent in its ef
fects. and I know that a box of Doan's
Kidney Pills kept on hand are a suffi
cient guarantee against any suffering
from the kidneys or back. I should
advise every sufferer to take Doan's
Kidney Pills and 1 know that they will
be surprised and pleased with the re
A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mrs. Broderick
will he mailed on application to any
part of the United States. Address
Foster-Milbtirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For
sale by all druggists, price 90 cents
per box.
“All's fair in love and war''- but
( upid sometimes gets into trouble
while poaching.
GitEvru reduced hates
i In
Below Is h partial list of the many
half rates offered via the Wabash Bull
Atlanta, Oa.. and return.$32.10
Sold .Inly 5th. 0th and 7th.
Indianapolis, lnd.. and return... $19.40
Sold June 7th, 8th. 9th. 13th and 14th.
St. Isniis, Mo., and return.$13.50
Sold June Kith and 17th.
Boston. Mass, and return.$31.75
Sold June 24th. 25tli and 20th.
Boston. Mass, and return... $33.75
Sold June 30th to July 4th.
Saratoga. N. Y. and return.$32.20
Sold July 4th and 5th.
Detroit, Mich., and return.$21.00
Sold July 14th and 15th.
Baltimore Md . and return.$32.25
Sold July 17th and 18th.
Baltimore. Md . and return.$32.25
Sold Sept. 17th. ISth and 19th.
Ail tickets reading over the Wabash
are good on steamers In either direc
tion between Detroit and Buffalo
without extra charge, except meals
and berths. Long limits and stop
overs allowed. Remember this Is "The
World s Fair Line.'' Clo till* route and
view the grounds.
For folders and all Information, ad
G A. 1*. D„
Omaha, K'eb.
Premier Balfour and Golf.
It is an old golfing joke about the
clergyman who was ready to give up
the ministry for the game, but how
about giving up the prime ministry?
To that pitch of devotion Mr. Halfour
came very near pledging himself the
other day. Addressing the Sundridge
Park Golf club, he said that he could
only trust in being granied the leis
ure—"I won't say by what means”
(evidently, we infer, leaving office)—
"to take full advantage of the oppor
tunity" the club has afforded him In
making him an honorary life member.
Many can play the game as well as
Mr. Balfour, but few can philosophize
about it so satisfactorily. It “leads
to no abuse,” he maintained in the
address referred to, and then, mount
ing with his theme, he added: "It is
capable of no excess!” That earnest
golfer whom his wife caught at 2 a.
m. practicing putting on the billiard
taule will thank the author of the
"Foundations of Belief” for stating
the truth, without a particle of excess.
Eskimos’ Sealskin Church.
The Eskimos possess the most re
markable place of worship in the
world, it was a sealskin church.
Forty sealskins were stretched over
a little framework, and in this tent,
18 feet by 12 feet, services were held
every Sunday. But the church came
to an untimely end. One hard winter
the Eskimos’ dogs, being half famish
ed. dined on the sealskins, and only
the frame was left. The Eskimos
have now erected a dog-proof taber
Saved Hit Life.
Whitehall. III., June 8th.—Mr. Lon
Manley had Bright's Disease and
after his home doctor had treated
him for some time he finally told him
that he could do nothing more for
him and that he would Burely die.
A friend who had heard of what
Dodd s Kidney Pills had done in
cases of Kidney Trouble, advised Mr.
Manley to try a treatment of this
He did so and everyone was sur
prised and delighted to see an Im
provement in a very short time. This
improvement gradually kept on as
the treatment proceeded, till now Mr.
Manley is well. He says:
"The doctor said he had done all
he could for me. He gave me up. A
friend advised me to take Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and in a few weeks I
was nearly all right again.
"I am not dead, and can truthfully
say that I feel better to-day than I
have for years. Dodd’s Kidney Pills
are a wonderful remedy and I will
always praise them and recommend
them to everyone suffering as I did.”
Mr. Manley's recovery has caused a
profound sensation, as no one ever
thought he would recover.
It is foolish to bite ofT your nose
to spite your fate, because it is im
possible to do so.
"It i*- mi III wind that blows no
body good"—and the hurricane helps
tne undertaker.
Thote Who Have Tried It
wt6 use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Rtarch ha» no equal in Quantity or Qual
Ity—16 ci. for 10 cents. Other brands cen
tal n or.iv 13 ox.
"A sort answer tnrneth away
wrath"—but a quick-witted one has
secured a good husband.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure
la a constitutional cure. Price, 7Sc.
The mermaid Is right In her ele
ment when she fishes for compli
Use Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes cloths <
clean and sweet as when new. All grocers.
A silent man's words are never re
peated In court.
The World’s Greatest
Skin Soap.
The World's Sweetest
Toilet Soap.
Sale Greater Than tlie World’s Product
of Other Sim Soaps.
Sold Wherever Civilization Ha?
Millions of the world's best people
nse Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment, tho great skin care, for pre
serving, purifying and beautifying Uw
skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, and the stopping of
falling hair, for softening, whitening
and soothing red, rough and sore hands,
for baby rashes, ltcldngs and chaflngs,
for annoying Irritations, or too free or
offensive perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, antk
septic purposes which readily suggest
themselves to women, especially moth
ers, as well as for all tho purposes of
the toilet, bath and nursery.
Cuticura Soap combines delicate
emollient properties derived from Cuti
cura, the great skin cure, with the pur
est of cleansing Ineredlents and the
most refreshing of flower odours. No
other medicated soap ever compounded
Is to be compared with It for preserv
ing, purifying and beautifying the skin,
scalp, hair and hands. No other for
eign or domestic toilet soap, however
expensive, Is to be compared with It tot
all the purposes of the toilet, bath and
nursery. Thus it combines In one soap
at one pTlce the most effective skin and
complexion soap, and the purest and
sweetest toilet, bath and nursery soup
ever compounded.
Plaiiy wbo formerly smokrnf lOf Cigars now smok9
Tour jobber or direct from Factory, Peoria, lit.
For 09 years the Dentifrice of
Quality. Absolutely Non-Acid I
No Wasto. No flrlt
low Patont Top Can <
Upwards of 100,000 Americans
hare settled In Western Canada
during tbe past $ rears. They are
and there Is room still for
Wonderful yields of wheat and otber grains The
best grazing lands on tbe continent. Magnificent
climate; plenty of water and fuel; good schools, ea
cellcnt churches; splendid railway facilities
tbe only charge for which is 010 for entry. 8end io the
following for an Atlae and otber literature, ah wellar
for certificate giving you reduced railway rates etc.
Huperlnteudeut of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada
or to W. V. Bennett. 801 New York Life Bldg, omah*
Neb., tbe authorised Canadian Government Agent.
Cor. lOtfl Md
Uaveawerth Stt.
The only positive cure for Drunkenness,
Urug-lUIng and the Tobacco Habit. Cor
respondence strictly confidential.
WM. R. BURNS, Manager.
STOCKI Premium Scales ol tbe World.
I Steel Frames. Adjustable Racks.
SCALES I Huy the Bent and save money.
I llaudr«4« of I’wfel Artlefe*. Uiti IV**
& Up. I Chicago Scale Co., Chicago, IK