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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1903)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. IlKO. K. BKNSCHOTEK, Krlltor »nrt Publisher TERMS:—(I'M) PER TEAR. IE PAID IN ADVANCE Rntered at tins Loup City Postoftloe for trans mission through iho malls as second class mutter. We have purchased the complete outfit of type of Mr. David Kay which he used some twelve years ago to publish the Farmer’s Alli ance paper at this place. The out lit consisted of 4S cases, many ol them laid with two fonts of type. In all, there are from 00 to 05 fonts of display atid joh typo, be sides about 400 pounds of body type and several cases ot slugs rules ornamental fonts, etc. etc The type is nearly all new, so far as wear isconeerned, but little the worst for mix up. We hope how ever to have it straightened out for use in a few weeks and then, when added to our already large assortment we can host of having an outfit with which to turn out as goon job work as can be done in most any city otlice. As our ottiee now Rtanas we nsi\e over 700 pounds of body type and about 1 '25 different job ancl dis play type faces, and can give our customer in all cases exactly what he wants, as to stylo in all display work. One tiling we wish to men tion is that we have all material necessary for tine book work, or poster work. Give us your order in this line and we will assure yon an excellent job. The campaign in Sherman County will soon open and it is a bont time to cast about for good material for nominees. There is but little doubt that, if the repub lican party, at the next county con vention nomminate good men the whole ticket can be elected. A full set of county officers except county attorney is to be elected, including the new office for asses sor, created by the legislature at the last .session. That Mr. Gibson should be re nominated for a second term, as county clerk there should be no doubt in the mind of any repucliean. He made an excellent race in the campaign two years ago, and his record as an officer is just as good, lie should recicve the hearty en dorsement of the convention. The balance of the ticket should be well and carefully selected, and if that is done no republican need fear the result. This is a republican year not only in state and nation but in county as well. The reports from Jackson, Kv., where the trial of Curtis Jett and Thomas White charged, with killing attorney J. 15. Marcum, is to the effect that the jury is in a state of terror and is afraid to bring in a verdict of guilty. It is stated that the prosecution was compelled to rest their case without the attendance of material witnesses as fear of assassination kept them away. Kentucky is getting up quite a reputation for lawlessness and it may be neces sary for lrucle Sain to again take a hand in the proceedings. Supervisor’s Proceedings. lie it remembered that the board of Supervisors met this 8th. day of June, 19us as per adjournment of April l.*>th. 1903, at the court house in Loup City, N ebraska. Present: I). ('. Grow, Chairman; Win, Jakob, Peter Thode, Wm. (). lJrown. John Maiefski. Andrew Gar stka and W. II. Chapman, superviors: and Geo. II. Gibson, Clerk. The following business was had and done, to-wit: Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. The matter of official bonds was then taken up and the following were ex amined and approved: W. R. Mellor, clerk, Loup City townhip; Mayers Peterson, overseer. Hist,. No. 28; J. 15. Mowery, overseer, I fist. No. 38; W. E. Smith, overseer, lfist. No. 8; C. II. Leininger, overseer. I fist. No. 6; Frank Haller, overseer, Hist. No. ‘jt); J. II. Ileapy, clerk. Wash ington township. Hoard then took up the matter of Jakob Maeiejwski, et. al.. consent road ; petition, and it appearing tliat tin - same was a consent road, the same was granted, said road to commence at a point on St i’anl and Loup City road now running diagonally across Section loT. 14,11. 1ft, and to vanate .that, part of the St. Paul and Loup City road which now runs diagonally through Northeast quarter of said section 10,-14,—lft. The above road was allowed pro | viding there is a vacation petition [ properly signed and tiled, and when said vacation petition is tiled said road t is hereby ordered recorded and platted. Tuen came Chas. Hill before the hoard and requested that a minimum price ©f $15.00 he iixed upon that unplatted part or plot of ground in Parker's 1st addition to Loup City. By motion the hoard accepted $15.00 as tlie purchase price for taxes on said ground. Then came Hans Peterson before the boil'd and requested that a minimum price of $ 17.00 or the one third of the taxes, interest and advertising, on all of block .iJ except lots 15 in the town of Rockville, Nebraska. By motion the board accepted abovo price for said lots. Then the agreements between the counties of Custer and Sherman to build bridge on county line known as the Jim bridge was read and ap proved. The contract is signed by the proper officials of both counties and specifies that each shall bear one half of the expense of constructing the same. Then the agreement between tlie counties of Sherman and Huffalo to build a bridge on county line between said counties was read and approved, each county to bear one-half the ex pense. Report of Win. Jacob on the Midler bridge was then read and accepted: the report being as follows: To the honorable board of super visors; Gentleman. 1 beg leave to re port that 1 have examined the Midler bridge built by W. T. Gibson and do report that the same is built as per contract and in a good and workman like manner, and I do recommend that it he accepted.—Wm. Jackmii. The board then proceeded to open bids for rip-rapping the bridge west of Loup City. The bid of J. F. Reiman and Henry Johansen was opened. Their bid was 8700.00. The bid of W. G. McNulty and W- !»■ French was then opened and contained an offer to do the work for #700.00. After due consideration it was moved and seconed that all bids be rejected. Carried by unanimous vote of board. Hoard then adjourned till o a. in. June 9,1903. G. II. Giiison, Clerk. My Chas. Giiison, Deputy. Loup City, Nebr., June9. 1903, Hoard of supervisors met this date as per adjournment of June 8, 1903, as a board of equalization. Present D. C. Grow, Chairman and all the supper visors, also Geo. Gibson, clerk by Chas. Gibson,deputy. There was no business came before the board in the forenoon. Hoatd adjourned to 1 p. m. for din ner. At 1. p. m. board met as per adjourn ment. Present. D. C. Grow, chairman and all members of the supervisors and (L II. Gibson. Clerk by Chas. Gib son Deputy. Henry French appeared for h. A . Brown on an appeal from Loup City Township equalization hoard, asking that assessment on lots 0 and 10 in block 16, Barker's lirst add. to Loup City, he reduced from $120.00 to $100. 00. By moth >■ the chairman appoint ed the follow!i committee to view said property: Wm Jakob, Andrew Garst ka, \V. H. Chaptman and John Maief ski. The above committee reported that the assessment, he reduced to $100.00 and by motion it was so order ed. Then appeared F. E. Brewer on api*eal from Loup City township hoard of equalization asking that assessment on land in sec. 26,14,14, he reduced from $375.00 to $200.00-. On due consider ation and by motion the assessment was reduced to $250.00. Board then considered II. 31. Math ew’s appeal from Loup City township hoard of equlization, asking that the assessment on block two in Hogue’s sub-division to Loup City, be reduced from $145,00 to $100.00. On due consideration and by motion the board reduced the assessment from $145.00 to $125.00. Moved and seconded thatWm. Hun ker's assessment on land in section -'2. 15—18 remain at $85.00, the same as was equalized by township hoard of Ashton township. Carried. Board adjourned till 0 o'clock a. in June 10, 1003. Board of equalization in session as per adjourned of June 0th. 1003, with all members present. Board in session this day without any business before it. Adjourned to 0 o’clock, June 11, 1003 Board in session this day without any business before it. Guo. 11. Gibson, Clerk Ciias. GmsoN, Deputy (Continued next week.) LOW RATES WEST. The Bur iogton offers round trip tick ets as fellow®. Denver, Col, and return 915.30, June 1 to Sept. 30. Colorado Springs, Col., and return 917 H(i June 1 to Sept. 30. Pueblo, Col., and return, $1S Ofi June 1 to Sept 30. Glenwood Springs, Cel, and return. 917.30. June 1 ti> Sept. 20. Ogden, 1’t.nb, and mum, $31 35, June 1 to Sept. 30. Salt Ltk* CltS, Utah, anil return, #31.35, June I to Sept. 30 Peadwood, S. I). and return, 917.90, June 1 to Sept. 30. Lead, S. I)., and return,$1700, June 1 to Sept. 30. Hot Springs, S I>, and return 914.SO, June 1 to Sept. 30. Custer. S, 1) , and return. 915 40, June 1 to Sept 30 Ask the ticket agent for particular*. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST BANK OK LOUP CITY. CHARTER NO. 25), INCOlii’OR AT ED At Loup City In the State of Nebraska, ni the ( lOS > of Business, Juno Oth, 1008: RESOURCES. Loans au<l discounts . 00,4% 84 Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 1,011.87 stocks and securities. 55247 Banking house, furniture, fixtures 3,20000 Other Real Estate. Current expenses anil taxes paid., i.qihoh Checks and other cash Items. 029 73 Due from National, State and Priv ate banks and bankers .37,097 Id •• Currency . 1.079 00 •• coin. 3,500 5* 8,178 52 Total. LI ABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund. Undivided protlts. Individual deposits sub ject to check. 05,743 87 Demand certificates of .deposit 20,077.05 85,820 W Total. *112,815.01 State of Nebraska, f g „ County of Sherman, i 1, A. P., President ot the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is correct and a true copy of the report made to the State Bank tng board. A. P Cui.l.BY, President 112.845.61 *20,000 00 . 2,700 00 . 4,324 08 ATTEST A. P. Cl LLEY, Director. L. Manskn, Director. SuDscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day ol June, 1803. KICHAKP J. Nld.lTlNOAL*. (SEAL.) Notary Public. My commission expires March 17. 1008. TIMBER CULTURE, PINAL PROOF.— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, l Lincoln, Nebr., May 1ltli. 1003. t Notice Is hereby given that Ernstine Dold, lias Uled notice or Intention to make final proof before, J. A. Angler County Judge at his office In Loup City, Nebraska, on Saturday the 27th. day of June, 1903, on Timber culutre, applica tion No. 7003, for the West half of North West fourth, of Section No. 24, in Town ship, No. 16, north of Range No. 13 west, lie names as witnesses: Nells C, Hansen of Dannebrog, Neb. Martin Vincent “ Mungo Vincent, “ '* Kmiel Dold. •• Ashton, “ W. A, Green, Register. CERTIFICATE AS TO FOSTINO OF NOTICE. United States Land Office, ( Lincoln, Nebr., May 11th, 11)03. ( I, w. L. Ureen. do hereby certify that a notice, a printed copy of which is hereto attached, was by me posted In a eon spumous place in tn> office for a period ol thirty (30) days, I having first posted said notice on the nth. day of May. 1903. W L Green. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States I.antt Ofllce. j Lincoln, Neb.. June 5tb., 1».>:t. j Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler bus filed notice of Intention to make final proof In support of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angler County Judge at Loup City Nebr., on July 18, unit. vl*. Jay. It. Draper forthe South-west fourth Sec. 14, Township 15, Range 10 west Hotnstead Kntery No. 17450. He names the following witness to prove bis continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Wehlar of Loup City, Neb. Ed Shipley, of Litchfield, Neb. A. II. Simmons, of Loup City, Neb. Joe lvowalkewskl, of Loup City Neb. \V. A. CRKKN, Register. S. Main, PHY1CIAN & SUKGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty ol moving household good. We solicit your patronage. LOUP CITY. - - - NEBRASKA. W J. FISHER, ! Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Caaea. also do A General Real Estate Business. I.OU» CITY, - NEBRASKA. Marg K. Hendricksun, PHYSICIAN, Beside nr «* at L. Zimmerman’* LOFP <'ITV, NKIUIA8KA. To Cure a Cold in One Day rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ^ ;v:v?ii Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This C.SJ^nQtUTe, »./ '’•V 3 322333® Cures Grip in Two Da;, s, :, on. every *1 yTcT^t*K'' ■'-> srowr*"• * CORSETS That a fleshy woman can wear with comfort and at the same time reduce and support the abdoman are hard to find. Wo wanted just f that kind of a corset and kept looking until we 1 found the Then we drove a stake and tied up. It’s a winner, costs you one dollar, and we guarantee every pair for dO days. RE MEM HER THAT I ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OK l>UY GOOIIH OltOC'IAtIKH AS USUAL AND WOULD HE PLEASED TO HaNE YOU CALL O. F. PETERSON, PROPRIETOR. LOW HATES TO CALIFORNIA. The Burlington offers round trip tick ets a« follows. San Francisco and return, $40 45, August 1 to 14. Los Angeles and return, $40 45, August 1 to 14. Ask the ticket agent for particulars. JUNE BARGAIN. The Burlington t Hers round trip tick K8 follows. Indianapolis and return, $24.30, June 7 to 0, and June 13 to 14. St. Louis and return, $11) 15, June 15 and 10. Ask the ticket agent for particulars. THE ARISTOCRAT AMONG THEWHiSKIESOFTHE OLD SCHOOL WITHOUT A PEER. For S.ilo by T. H. ELSNER, LOU1’ CITY, - . . NKIilt. Eugene Field’s Views on Ambition and Dye pepsla. "Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field, “often incapacitates a man for endeavor and sometimes extinguishes the Are of ambition.” Though great despite his complaint Field suffered from indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can’t digest your food. It needs rest. You can only rest it by the use of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores It to Its normal tone. Strengthening* Satisfying, Envigoratlng. Prepared only by E.O. DiWitt.V Co., Chicago. Thu St Untie contain* 2 A times the Me. siae. Kor sale by OOKNOAHL DHbS. I i The Great GERM AND INSECT DESTROYER Is now used through ihs Uuiteil Stros in th.« treatment of hog cholera, swine plague, ergot diseases, corn stalk disease, pink eye, foot and month disease, scurvy, Tetas itch, scabs, and all germ diseases, of domestic animals. Deposited in City National flank or York, Neb . and Sheldon Slate llank, Sheldon, I iwa., to he paid to anyone finding any of t he ftdlowliig testimonials not genuine. National Medicine Co. SI I’aul Neb. April lllh. ’O.'l Gentlemen: This is to cerliry Unit I have used Liquid Koal for ergot dis ease In cattle and believe It to he a cure for tins disease from the experiments 1 have made, but believe It should bo usad when the animal is llrst taken with disease. And for a lice killer It can,t ho beat by antliing I know of. Yours respectful.y, W. L. Littli. Seward, Neb , Dec. 5, UMs!. Liquid Koal, manufactured and sold by National Medical Co., York, Neb , is a necessity to every fanner raising stock Several Instances of Its efficiency have come under my notice. Jons Uauvky. Watisa, Neb., Dee 1H, like. 1 coucider Liquid Koal one of the best articles for all around purposes on the market. For miles and llco In the ehlcheu houses and for lice on calves anil horses It 18 the best and cheapest thing I have over found. Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm Chas. IIkko \ mi uj ku l'KICK wniujaitri uan. ft uo Dnn Gallon.. 3 00 \r tvo (iRlloim per gallon. «>.T5 run <(iniod hex, per gallon. 95 UallOBH, halt bill per gal,. _ j ‘2'« 50 (jalloim, I bbl per liO jy iwy* uii uinrtxmhm oi ummairi kwiil ire© on application. MANUFACTURED BY Nationol Medicial Co. 8",™r»m*A For pale by J. SOI.MS, Loup City Neb. AN IDEAL, VACATION. Summer hotels are scattered throughout the Rot k ies for the convenience of those who prefer recreation without ^TVllT^ t,l'e labor incident to camping. Wher* ever ttiere is a mountain in Color- Ifftjflfijj ado or Valha, there is also an in-* teresting canon, and the searcher for t spot in which to summer finds no dlflciilty in suiting ht* ta«te. To enable persons to reach these f avored localities with out unnecessary expenditure, of time or money, the Union Pacific ho* put in effect very low rates and splendid twin service from Missouri liiver to Denver. ACCOMMODATIONS ABE PROVIDED FOR ALL CLASSES OF PASSENGERS. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to C. I>. Hahvey, agent.