The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 19, 1903, Image 4
The greatest nation in the world is the greatest consumer of coffee. Lion Coffee is the standard beverage of every state and territory of the Union. It’s pure—that’s why. Alwaraln 11b. alr-tlffht, n*hT«1 paHtu***, 1 inuring (reahntMUi and uniform Budmgton Route TIME TABLE, LOUP CITY NKBR. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points East and south. Denver, Helena, Hutto, Salt Lake City, Portland, San Erancisco, and all points West. TKA1N8 LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger... 12110 p. in. No. t>0 Freight.11.26a.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.11:07 p. in. No. 5» Freight. 1:40 p. rn Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair ears (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, maps, lime tables and tickets call on or write to It. L. Aktiii’k Agent, or J. Francis, Geu’l Passenger Agent. Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAIWAY. No. 8fi leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 8: ft. in. No. ss leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (inlxedi 12:20 p. m. No. 110 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mtxedi 2:55 p. m. ) No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday imixed 12:05 p. in. No. 85arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:85 p, in. First class servic and close connections east, west and south H. J. CLIFTON, Agent. COUNT V OFFICIAL. DIRECTORY. SUEBJUS COUNTY, NEB. G. H. Gibbon. Clerk. S. N. s wkktland, Treasurer. J. A. ANGlhK, Judge. J. S. I’EDI.ER, Attorney. Kuwauu Snyder, Slieriir. It I). Hendrickson, Suut. Public Inst. E it Corning, surveyor, G eco. W. UtNTKit, Cornor. B U f E It V 1 B O K 8 : l» 0 Grow, Dlst No. 4., Chairman., I’O address, Loup Oily, N«l». AndrBW Gorbtka, Dlst. No. 1., Ashton I’ O i’KTKK THODK, Dl-t. No. 2 Loup City. “ *' W O HUOWN, Dlst No. 3, Loup City," “ John Maikfbki, Dlst. No. 5, Ashton, “ “ Wit. Jakob, Dlst. No. 0, Rockville, “ W II. CHATMAN, Dt8t. No. 7, Litchlleld “ “ LOCAL, LODGE DlKKCTOilY. Loup City Lodge No. 33, A O U W.—Meets 2nd aud' 4th Thursday of each month. Friendship Lodge No. lit Dot II.—1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Loup City Council No 1315, L M L A—1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Mate land Castle, No. lit Royal Highlanders. 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Excelsior Lodge, No. 1015, I O O F—1st and 3nd Saturday of each month. Marlmon Lodge, No. Ill, K of P—Sind und tth Wednesday of each month, Loup City Camp, No. (536, M W A—1st and 3rd, Tuesday of each mouth. Loup City Camp No. 827. It N A—2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Porter Lodge, No. 10ft, A F & A M—Tuesday on or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday therea fter. Joppa Chapter. No. 61, It A M—1st Monday of each mouth, Orental Chapter, No. 78 1st aud 3rd Sat urday of cash month. L of (i A it—2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at 2 o'clock p. in. Try Sberidan coal aud you will be satisfied; supply always on baud at E. G. Taylor’s elevator. If you want insurance that insures go to F. E. Brewer, Loup City, Nebraska. Try a pair of the seamless plain toe ladles’ shoes just recicved at B. J. Swanson’s. VEIKltlNAltY SLHURON■ Dr. A. It. Norton, veterinary surgeon has permanently located here, and is now ready to answer all calls. Office at present at Troy Hale’s livery barn, Loup City, Neb. Bring your horses and have their teeth exauined. Reas onable charges for demtal and vetre nary work. TWO THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS will stand for the season at K. A. Wil son livery barn. These are two of the linest horses in the country. You should come and see them before breeding. R A Wilson, Owner. A LITTLE EARLY RISER Now and then, at bed time will cure con Hll|>ntlon, biliousness and liver troubles. Dewitt’s Little Early Kisers are fameous little ptils that cure by arousing the secret ions, moving the bowels gently yet effect ually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is removed entire ly, and If their use Is continued for a few days there will be no return of the com plaint. Sold by Odondahl Itros. Trespass Notice To The Traveling Public To whom it may concern: As my land is now being used as a public high-way, you are nereby warned not to drive on the same, section 22, Township 10, Range 14, in Logan town ship, Sherman county, Nebraska. Auy one trespassing on said premises in vi elation of this notice will lie prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dated this IS day of April, l!X):i. Joseph Da.mbowski, Owner Foil Sale.—A good Deering binder has been in use only two years. Will sell very reasonable. Enquire at this office or see ow ner, one half mile south of Loup City. Aui'.ust Reiman. Owner Uoaal Dsws Sec that line of 5c. lawns at Chase*. Get your uiuberella of Johnson Lor- | entz & Co. Mrs. O. Beinscboter is tick with the measles. F. E. Brewer is having a big straw- j berry harvest. T. M. Scott, of Aurora is visiting hisi mother, Mrs.G. H. Scott “Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol era, mites, lice, <nc. For sale by J. Solras.’1 Call and see the 8?.00 Congress and Oxford shoes just reeleved at Swan son's. W. H. Rettenmayer made a business trip to Omaha the later part of last ! week. Nut coal, the best for cook stoves, for sale by 45. (}. Taylor at 3 & M elevator. Mrs. W. J. Fisher is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Baillie, this week. A. L. Conhiser came down from Sar geut last Monday to see his brother C. VV., who is seriously ill with sciatic rbumatism. Spring is the time to use Rocky Mountain Tea. Keeps you well all summer. Great spring life renewer. —Odendahl Bros. Frank Foster has quit work in the barber shop of Mr. Patton and in company with Charley Bennett left yesterday for Cheyenne, Wyoming. We wish them success. The editor picked a strawberry from the patch in his garden that weighed an ounce down weight and was six inches In circumference. Last Thursday we harvested ten gallons. S. F. Reynolds went to Sargent last Saturday accompanied by the daughter of his brother-in-law, A. L, Conhiser. Mr. Conhiser returned to Loup City with Mr Reynolds Monday. I hose having land for sale will do well to list with I). C. Leaeh it Co as they have a large clientage in the counties east of here and will soon bring buyers into the county. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment, ami when applied to cuts, bruises and burns, causes them to heal without materation and much more quickly than by the usual treat ment.—For sale by Odendabl Bros. We understand that W. IT. ltetten mayer was thinking of putting in a stock of goods at Shaupp Siding, but after figuring cost of building, etc., has for the present at least changed his mind. Last Monday evening as the B. & M. passenger was leaving Palmer the track spread and the engine became derailed. No serious damage was done however and the crew soon had her on again and without much loss of time made the usual run. The boys are practicing base ball playing almost every evening. They expect to be able to play good ball the next match game, llere-to-fore they have had little or no practice, and the consequences are that they have, in the majority of games, got scooped. Mr. E II, Bowen, of Bossworth, Mo. and brother of Dug Bowen arrived here With his family last Wednesday. He is an experienced blacksmith and has been employed by J. I. Depew. He began work today. Mr. Bowen will occupy the Gallaway resilience proper ty i utrc wns a uapusi nunuay scnooi picnic held at tbe Angier grove went of town last Tuesday. (,>uite a large at tendance and a jolly good time is re ported. Base ball, croquet, and other amusements were indulged in There was plenty of ice cream on hand and at noon a dihner of every tiling nice was served. Geo. Morgan and family arrived a few days ago from Omaha and he has reopened his barber shop. Mr. Morgan has been working at the barber business while away and with his experience and fine new outfit, no doubt will be able to give satisfaction In the tonsorial line. Jas. Gill is going to work with him in the shop. Saturday's B. A M. freight failed to make the run from Sargent to Aurora and so both trains were at the upper end-of the route on Sunday morning. The consequences were, that for the first time for many months we had a train out of here Sunday afternoon. It was a double freight train with both engines propelling her. A ball game between the Ashton club and Loup City nine was played Thurs day of last week in the afternoon on the home diamond and resulted in a victory for the Ashton team. At the close the game stood Ashton 10, Loup City 15. It was very interesting and drew a large crowd. We understand that these two clubs will again crois bats soon. It is thought by some and ex pressed by others that there were too many attorneys and altogather too many detectives for the prose cution in the Watka trial to ex pect a verdict of guilty- Too many attorneys, too many witness es and to many detectives is alto gather too many lor a jury of twelve intelligently men to get at I.Ut your laud with I>, C. Uncb A. Co. Grandma Waite has been quite sick this week. John Fisher is building a tine frame barn on liis farm. O. Fletcher, bank* r at B"elus ■> s* in the city yesterday. < lias. French has abour oompieud die r< pairs ou his residence. The best BO shoes fur Ladies and Gents at Swanson’-. There has been some tine triming done in the school house yard. W. R. Waite and family of Haves Creek were visiting friends and relat ives in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sorrensen and children of Lees ]*ark were visiting Mr. and Mrs. I.. Hansen Sunday. C. W. Conhiser is laid up with rhuir. atism. Hebasnotbeen able to be at the store for a week or more. If you have butter and eggs to sill take them to Swanson & Dahl. High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groeeri es. W. T. Gibson did some repairing on the new river bridge last Wednesday, also on the Dead Horse Creek bridge east of town. if you want tire, w ind, storm or hail insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer OHice with T. S. Nightingale. Loup City Nebraska. There was a large congregation at ihe M. E. Church last Suuday morning and evening. In the evening there was praise service. Mr. Enveidson, of St. l’aul, the pro prietor of the general store on the south side of the square is here looking after his business interest. D. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling company feed store wants to trade Hour for wheat. He also lias a line grade of w hole wheat flour for sale. The Baptist Church social last Sat urday was a grand success and those who had it in charge report a good pat ronage. The receipts were about §'2H.OO. Andrew Garstka and .John Maiefski, supervisors of the east side were pleas ant callers yesterday while at the coun ty seat attending the board of super visors. liev. II. M. Stevens will preach at the liaptlst Church next Sunday morning and evening. Sunday School at close of morning service. All are invited to attend. The Douglas shoes aie better and iluer this spring than ever. Our shoe maker, Swanson has just received u good assortment of them and would be pleased to show them to you. C. J. Odendalil is now able to come down to the store occasionally, but will not he able to till his old accustomed place at the counter and prescription ease this summer. lie is looking much better however, and is considerably improved in health. See O. P. l’etersen’a new display ad. in another column. Mr.. Petersen has just received a nice lot of goods and now offers them to tho trade at very reasonable prices. Ilis assortment is com pletc and having one of the largest store rooms in town can display all goods to advantage. The work on the brick residence on the poor farm is going on rapidly dur ing the line weather. The brick work will he completed this week. It will be a handsome and commodious resi dence and our supervisors are to be congratulated on having taken hold of this most substantial enterprise. Mrs. Mary K. Hendrickson called at this office Wednesday and ordered an advertising card which will be found in another column. Mrs. Hendrickson has decided to take up the practice of medicine again. As our population is rapidly increasing there is no doubt plenty of room for another physician, and she will soon work up a good practice. As yet there has been no arrangt - merits made this year for the celebra tion of the Forth of July at Loup City although our prosperous condition and bright prospects for the future would indicate that wo should have a grand coieberation. It i? pretty late now for us to do anything in this line lids year but our citizens should take bold of it in time next year. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere recog nized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take. It is especially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedly the means of saving lives of a great many children each year. For sale by Odendahi Bros. We notice in tbe St. Paul Repub lican that Al. Chambers, who lias been operating a gamblmg shop at that place was waited on by the mayor of the city and informed that he must leave the town at once or trouble was in store for him. We are soiry to hear this. Al. is natura - ly a good fellow but tbe lovt of cards has started him <>fl' wrong. The. mayor however, only done bis duty and the lesson should prove bene ficial not only to Mr. Chambers, but to others who have a hankering f< r card shullling and such methods for obtaining ill gotten gains Watka Not Guilty. I >istriet court adjourned !.ist Fri day at noon after four days session, the principle part of the time be ing occupied with the Robert Watka trial. Ther« wa< circum stantial evidence that tended to prove the guilt of the accused but I no positi\c tesiinibnv. and some of tiie circumstantial evidence was somewhat shaken by defendants witnesses. The jury went out at l p. m. Thursday and at s a. m. Friday returned a verdict of not guilty. For An Ideal Vacation. Near every settlement of import ance in the mountain regions of the West are deep canons wherein the people at home, as well as tnose from abroad, seek, in the summer season, the coolness and pleasure of camp life. High up the mountain side, on the shores of mountain lakes, or on the banks of mountain streams, summer hotels are conduct ed for the coi venienod ftf those who prefer to have all ot the receation and none of the labor incident to summering in the mountains. It may be said that wherever there is a mountain in Colorado or Utah there is also an interesting canon, and tlie searcher for a spot in which to summer will find no diffi culty in suiting his taste, no matter how critical it To enable persons to reach these famous pleasure resorts, the Union Pacific has put in effect tin miner .Ex cursion rates lower thau ever made before. Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to 0. L. Harvey Agent. Children's Way ut the )1, 1.. Church. Next Sunday evening, at, the 31. K. church there will be a carefully prepar ed children's entertainment. For some time the children have been practicing their parts and we are informed that the exercises will be of a very inter esting character. -A KEATlilCE CHAUTAUQUA, Low Kate* via ISurllngton Koate. The Burlington offers tickets to Beatrice and return from Loup City, Neb. at $a CO, on July 10 to 2J, inclusive: return limit July 24. Ask the ticket agent for particular?. E. C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the Witch Hazel Salve that heals without leaving a scar. It is a serious mistpke to use any other, DeWitt’s Witch lluzel Salve cures blind, bleeding, itching and protuding piles, burns, bruses, exzetna and all skin diseases.—Sold by Odendahl Bros. Ladles 4ind Children Invited All ladies and etaildren who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, catlmralics. etc, arc invited to try tlic him ous Little Karly Risers. They are different I from all other pills. The do not purge the system, Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill W. H. Howel. Houston, Tex., says nothing better can he used for constipation, sick head ache, etc. iiob Moore, Lafayette, Inti., says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWitt’s Little Early Riser# do tiller work well and easy —Sold by Odendahl Bros W A N T E D-S E V K UAL INDUS T R! OU 8 persons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with n large capital, to call upon merchants arid agents for successful and prolltfthle line. Perma nent engagement. Weekly cash salary of #is and all <raveling expenses and all hot cl bills advanced in cash each week. Expcr lence not essential. Monlion reference and enclose sett- address envelope. THE NATIONAL, .TM Dearborn st., Chicago. Needed in Every Home THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER’S International Dictionary A Diet Ion ary of ENGLISH. Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. New Plates Throughout 125,000 New Words Phrases and Definitions 1 Prepared tmiW (lie direct super vision of W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D., United Stales Coinmissioiicf of ildii cat ion, assisted hy a large corps of com petent. specialists and editors. Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pages 5000 Illustrations £3gF*27ieInternationallean fire t ienued in 1S90, succeeding the “ Tnabridged." The Hew and Enlarg’ d Edition of the International teas lotted in October, 1900. del the si end hex!. We also publish Webster's Colleglato Dictionary with Glossary of Scottish Words ami Phrases. 11»M 1 14U0 Iilnatmtiotn. Site 7r.I0aS &-o iu« k«'«. “First-class In quality, second dess insizo.” Specimen pages, etc. of both books sent on application. G.6C.MERRIAMCO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Bread, Cake and Pastry can be made with one-fifth less of Pillsbury’s Best Flour than with Winter wheat flour. ('HAS. GASTEYER, Agent. BIEMOND & MILLER, • 1’ROPKlETORS OF city ME^TJW^PKET. We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH W SALT MEATS, and con fill all orders promptly and satisfactorily. \\ e solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and will give you your money’s worth at all times. *• *• >• Highest Market Prior Paid for Hides. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. EisaEntx rscr^rx gg' •KSJ. I. DEPEW®* + ' SjBlacksmitli § Wagon Maker 1 ' p O ' ■ ^i»(Mino()Oj(Sf H t] ''ty is the largest anil best equipped north of the Platte Hiver Ri . I have afour horse engine anil a complete line of the latest improved mu** • ch,,,orjr* Hlsott forco «f experienced men who Know how to opeiate it amid - > turn out a Job with neatness nnd dispatch. ■ M ;MV PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPTte • J N ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS | Soliciting your patronage I am ^ ours respectfully, J- 1- DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. ^ 41 fei aa an k4 ki M A. I\ Cl'LLKY, President. w. i’\ mason, Casiii r. OP LOUP CITY General Banking BusinessTransacted. Pain up Capital Stock S20.000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska w.? BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours d.jes not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Rociiellb, O*.. Jan. 30, 1902. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Modicino is the beat I evertried. Our Block was looking bad when you sent me the medicine and now they are getting so fine. They are looking 20 per cent, better. S. P. BROCKINQTON. TO CURE A CORD I NOSE PAY Take Laxative Drotno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E, AV. Urove’s signature Is on each box. efict. Hi* l-a«l Hope Realized. I From the Semenel, uebo, Mont. | In the first opening of Oklahoma to sot. tiers In 1HS9, the editor of this paper was fimogg the many seekers after fortune who made the big race one Hue day in April. During his traveling ahont and afterwards ids camping upon his claim, lie encountered much bud water, which, together with tlio severe heal, gave him a very severe dmr rimea which it seemed almost Itnposlble to check, and along In June the ease became so bad he expected to die. One day ono of i his neighbors bought his one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Dlur rhoea Remedy as a last hope, A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose wag repeated. The good etfect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking his tirsr, sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little tsittle worked a complete cure, mid ho cannot help but feel grateful. The rea son lor bowel d Isold era being at hand sug. Bests this item.-For sale by Odeudahl Ifros WASTED SKVRKAL PERSONS OF CIIARa actur and good reputation in each slate (one in this county required) to represent and advertise oid established wealthy business house of solid financial standing Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses addi tional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and car rage furnished when necessary. Refer ences Enclose self addressed envelope. Colonial Go., 834 Dearborn at., Chicago. lie You Enjoy What you Eat. If yon don't your food does not do yon much good. Kodol Dyspepsia cure Is the ! remedy every one should take when there 1 is anything wrong with the stomach, j Ther- is no way to maintain the healt h | and erength of mind and Imdv except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure, and sweet or the strength will let down and disease wilt set up. No appetite, nervousness, heart ache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings ! liftings, indigestion, dyspepsia and all I stomach troubles are quickly cured by the 1 use of Kodol Dyspepsia cure.—Sold by I Odeudahl Hros WANTED-YOUNG MEN to prepare for Government Positions. Fine Openings In all Departments. Good Salaies. Rapid Pro motions. Examinations soon. Particular*. Free. —lnter-StateCor. Inst., Cedar Rapids, la.