The greatest nation in the world is the greatest consumer of coffee. Lion Coffee is the standard beverage of every state and territory of the Union. It's pure—that’s why. Always In 1 lh. air tight, parkas**, I Insuring fre»hne*s and uniform quality. M m TIME TAIILK, LOUP CITY NKBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, llntte, 8t. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, and all points and all points Bast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.12:10p.m. No. 00 Freight.11.25 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.11:07 p. m. No. 511 Freight. 1:40 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United states or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to It L, ARTHUR Agent. Or J. Francis, Uen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. I*. RAIWAY. No. 80 leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 8: a. in. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:80 p. m. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. ni. ) No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed U.Ofi p. tn. No. 85 arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:85 p. m. First class service and close connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent, COUNTY OFFICIAL UI KECTOKY. SHERMAN COUNTY, NEB. G. H. Gibson. Clerk. s. N. Swkbtland, Treasurer. J. A. Anoikr, Judge. J. 8. Pkdler, Attorney. Edward Snyder, sheriff. It I». Hendrickson, Supt. Public Inst. E B Cornino. surveyor. Geo. W. Hunter, Cornor. supervisors : 1) C Grow, Hist. No. I., Chairman., PO address, Loup City, Neb. ANDREW GORBTKA, DlSt,. No. t„ Ashton P O Peter Thode, lH-t. No. 2 Loup City, “ '• W o Brown, Dist. No. :l, Loup City, “ *• John Maiefski, Hist. No, 6, Ashton, •• •• IV*. Jakob, Hist. No. U, KockvHle, “ “ W II. CHATMAN, Hist. No. 7, Litchfield “ " local lodge directory. Loup City Lodge No. 33, A O U W. -Meets 2nd and 4lh Thursday of each mouth Friendship Lodge No. 18, Hof H.—1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Loup City Council No 138. L M L A—1st and 3rd Monday of each mouth. Mateland Castle, No. 132, Royal Highlanders. 2nd anti 4lh Monday of each month. Excelsior Lodge. No. 188, I O O F—1st and 3nd Saturday of each month. Marimon Lodge. No. Ill, K of I1—2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, Loup City Camp, No. 830, M W A—1st and 3rd, Tuesday of each month. Loup City Camp No. 827 R N A—2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Porter Lodge, No. 108, A F & A M—Tuesday on or before full muon and 2nd Tuesday thereafter. Joppa Chapter. No. 51, U A M—1st Monday of each month, Orental Chapter. No. 78—1st and 3rd Sat urday of cash month. L of G A K—2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at 2 o’clock p. m. 1 live and let my brother live With all that’s good with ino. Unto the poor, some cash I give, The balance I give Rocky Mountain Tea,— Odendalvl Bros. Makes children eat, sleep ami grow; Makes mother strong and vigoruos. Makes a healthy family. That’s what Rocky Mountain Tea does.—Odemiahl Bros. VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. A. II. Norton, veterinary surgeon has permanently located here, and is now ready to answer all calls. Office at present at Troy llale’s livery barn, Loup City, Neb. Bring your horses and have their teeth exanined. Reas onable charges for domtal and vetre nary work. TWO THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS will stand for the season at R. A. Wil son livery bam. These are two of the finest horses in the country. \ou should come and see them before breeding. R A Wilson, Owner. A LITTLE KAKLV KISEK Now nml then, at bed time will cure con stipation, biliousness and liver troubles. Hewitt’s Little Early Kisers are fainoous little pills that cure by arousing the secret ions, moving the bowels gently yet effect ually, and giving such tone and strength to the glandH of the stomach nnd liver that the cause of the trouble Is removed entire ly, and if their use Is continued for a few days there will be no return of the com plaint. Sold by Odendahl Bros. Trespass Notice To The Traveling Public To whom it may concern: As my land is now being used as a public high-way, you are nereby warned not to drive on the same, section 22, Townsh'p 10, Range 14, in Logan town ship, Sherman county, Nebraska. Auy one trespassing on said premises in vi olation of this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dated this 18 day of April, 1903. Joseph Damuowski, Owner. Fob Salk.—A good Deering binder has been in use only two years. Will sell very reasonable. Enquire at lhis office or see owner, one half mile south of Loup City. August Reiman. Owner. Uoaal Daws. See that line of 5c. lawns at Chase*. A. M. Robins was in the city Monday Get your umberella of Johnson Lor en tz & Co. Richard Baker, of Clear Creek was In the city yesterday. Andy Gray was one of the several callers at this office Monday. T. M. Reed sold a large bill of furni ture for the Sr. Elmo hotel Monday. Editor John F. Smith, of Ashton is here in attendance at district court, “Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol era, mites, lice, etc. For sale bv J Solms.” Call and see the $2.00 Congtess and Oxford shoes just recieved at Swan son's. The Loup City base ball nine beat the Wiggle Creek garneters last Saturf day. The hoard of supervisors met as a hoard of equalization last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We noticed that a fine new poultry house is being built on the Hansel farm north of town. Nut coal, the best for cook stoves, for sale by K. G. Taylor at 3 & M elevator. Jay B. Draper treated his team to a new pair of shoes at Depew's blacksmith shop last Monday. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness" so you shouldn’t miss that 7 bars of I) C. soap for 25c. at Chase's. T. M. Reed and E. S. Hayburst, im plement dealers have recieved each a large shipment of implements this week. J. P. Taylor, of Ashton was among the Ashtonites who attended court at thecouuty seat this week. Mrs. G. II. Scott is having her resi denca, now occupied by E A. Draper, treated to a coat of paint. Tbe fresh fruit at tho grocery store of Johnson & Dahl are the fines in *he market. Everything there the season affords. Spring is the time to use Rocky Mountain Tea. Keeps you well all summer. Great spring life renewer. —Odendahl Bros. John Ervin, Charley Brown, and Dug Hendrickson of Farwell are up to Loup City his week as witnesses in the Watka criminal case. R. A. Wilson has put in qui e a stock of funiture in the St. Elmo Hotel this week. The hotel trade is the best it has been for years. Chas. Reidle is enjoying a visit from his broth»r Christian who has recently returned from Washington. lie is on his way to Landu, Germany. There is three to one more improve ments going on in the country than there lain town, and yet we are doing a right smart improving In the city Tbe Unity Club will meet at Mrs. Conhiser’s Friday, May 12th. 3 p. m. Good muiic before the session begins. Ladies who enjoy club work Invited. Frank Otlewski was in to see the printer last Tuesday and left three big dollars to swell our advertising fund. He has our thanks for this substantial patronage. G. C. Bothell, living six miles below Loup City came in and got a sample copy of tbe Northwestern. He is a newcomer here and Is a very pleasant gentleman. Those having land for sale will do well toj list with D. C. Leach & Co. as they have a large clientage in the counties east of here and will soon bring buyers Into the county. Mrs. Miller and daughter was down from Arcaria last Saturday aud visited with her sister, Mrs. W. II. Rettcnmayer and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas Reldle, also her sister Mrs. Win. Crlss. Harry Edwards, who is representing tbe Bruster & Williams green's bouse of Grand Island arrived here last Mon day and on the noon train recloved a fine collection of plants and did con siderable business in town. Chamberlain's l'ain Balm is an anti septic liniment, and when applied to cuts, bruises and burns, causes them to heal without materation and much more quickly than by the usual treat ment.—For sale by Odendahl Bros. The editor and family took a ride up the valley last Sunday and noted the excellent appearence ef small grain. Bye is all headed out and thero were several alfalfa fields almost ready to cut Corn is coining up nicely. W. R. Jackson of Harrison township was a pleasant caller at this sfllee last Monday and ordered the NoiiTUWltT EKN for a year. Mr. Jack9onhas been a resident of this county for ten years and thinks this country is all right. Last Sunday the M. E. Church and Sunday School held thier services at Society hall but next Sunday services will be held in the church, it haying been newly papered, painted aDd car peted and is now ready to use again. Walter Moon started last Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Iowa. He expects to be gone about three months. The Nokthvvkst kun wishes him a pleasant journey and a safe return. Ltat your land with I), C. Leach & Oo The best §2.50 shoes for Ladies and Gents at Swanson'-1. W.R. Mellor, returnd from his west ern trip Tuesday. T. M Reed ha« J ist finished putting down a well for Oari Tr> ftVr. A. K. Chase has |nst received e nice assortment of ladies slipper-*, F. J. Maciejewski, came in last Mon dry, and subscrib'd f->r this paper Herman Jung has hi- ui-w addition to the bakery about completed. Some one with means might do well to tudd a few iiouses in town for rent. W. M. Smelser, of Rockville was at tending court in this city Tuesday. W. R. Jackson. F. J. Maciejewski and J. II. Parshall, are new subscribers this week. Try a pair of the seamless plain toe ladles’ shoes just removed at B. J Swanson’s. We met Cal. Shaupp in town last Thursday. Ilav’nt seen Cal. fora long time but bo looks natural. A drowning man grasps at a straw,— a live man should when he can get a straw hat at the price Chase sells them. Try Sheridan coal and you will be satisfied; supply always on hand at E. G. Taylor’s elevator. We noticed Geo. Kettle of Oak Creek drive out with a new serry last Wed nesday. T. M. Reed turned out the job If you have butter and eggs to s Df AIM Mrs J. I). Depew died at tier home In this city lust Saturday, 11:30 l’. M., Jut € Oth,1903, after af.iw weeks of very pain ful illness, age 27 tear . She had been poorly in be»lih for »nm» time presumable OCCaftioi.eiJ lit VXposUIt during Inn winter and whll- going n SUM) from her Uoiu.i : > I tie M Uiml house as.t. r f a cuunrry school. O l> *as week she gate*blrth to a chill, t.'u’ it was thought, til.l she was doing i.lcely. and si. it mi med Her period of confinement was well over, with indi cations of complete recovery when, in her weak condition, heart trouble ap peaied ami her condition at once became a! inning. The best medical attendance was secured, but to no avail. Mrs Depew, who e maiden name was Marie M. Conner, was born in Scotland county. Mo., on the 4th day of April, 1876, and came with her brother and sister in 1884 to Sherman county. She was married to J. D. Depew in November 1895. She was highly accom plished. a good school teacher and had many friends. She leaves a husband, three small children, mother, brother and two sisters to mourn her loss. The funeral services were held Tuesday, June 9th, at 10 o'clock A M, at the re sidence and the remains were taken to the Evergreen cemetery for burial Miss Ella Conner, who now lives, with her sister Mrs. Gulick, at Scandia and Ernest Conner wore present at the funeral Mr. Depew and his heait broken little ones baye the sympathy of ail. DIED Henry Plumbeck, the young man who lias been sick for several months part, ami who lived with his mother one half mile nortli of Shaupp Siding died at his home last Sunday at 12 o'clock m, of ()i»1ck consumption. Henry was 10 years and seven months old He was the only main stay of the household, his father having died a year ago last January. The funeral services were held at the German church in this city Tuesday afternoon. The procession staried from the farm home at 10 o'clock a in. and proceeded to the church. After the service he was hurried In the Evergreen cemetery, Mrs. Plumbeck and the remaining small children have the heart felt sympathy of all. Henry was a kind hearted boy and bis taking away is indeed bard to bear by the widowed mother. CABDOF THANKS We desire to express our most sincere thanks to the friends who have given such timely assistance and kindly sym pathy during the last illness and death of our wife, daughter and sister. We desire to especially thank the members •f the Odd Fsllow, Highlander, Wood men, lioyal Neighbor and Mystic Legon lodges for their help and sympa thy. J. D. Depew Mrs. Daniel Wood. Mrs. Daisy Gulick. Ella and Ernert Conner. CABO OF THANKS. We desire to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance though the long sickness and death of Henry. Your kindness and help will ever be remembered. Catherine Plumbeck. and Jens Family. The Haptlut Sell Ire The exercises at the Baptist church last Sunday evening were very interest ing and well attended. A large aud ience assembled to witness the burning of the mortgage which has so long stood against the bu'lding. The his tory of the church, as given by Sir. An. gler was prehaps, one of the most in teresting features of the program. Besides being able to pay off the mort gage at this time anil consign it to the flames, they have also been able to arrange for regular services through out the summer months and no doubt will continue them the year round. ♦ ♦ ♦ E. C. DevVitt & Oo. is tho name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt’s is the Witch I Hazel Salve that heals without leaving a scar. It is a serious mistake to use any other. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, bleeding, itching and protadlng piles, burn*, brutes, exzenta and all skin diseases. Sold by Odendahl Bros. Ladles and Children Invited All ladies and children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, catharatics. etc, are invited to try the Fam ous Little Karly Risers. They are ditrerent from all other pills. Thev do not purge the system, Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people call them tin) Easy 1*111. W II. llowel. Houston, Tex , says nothing better can be used for constipation, sick head ache, etc. Itob Moore, Lafayette, Ind , says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWttt's Little Early Risers do tiller work well and easy —Sold by Odendahl tiros -- -- If you want insurance that insures go to K. E. Brewer, Loup City, XXbraski. — —— Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is every where recog nized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that Is pleasant to take. It is especially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedl> the means of saving lives of a great many children each year. For sale by Odendahl Bros, Bread, Cake and Pastry can be made with one-fifth less of Pillsbury’s Best Flour than with Winter wheat flour. I_('HAS. GASTEYER, Agent. BIEMOND & MILLER, -PROPRIETORS OF C[-TY IWEATJWAFKEf. We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH § SALT MEATS, and can till all orders promptly and satisfactorily. \\ e solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and w ill give you your money’s worth at all times. •>,- >>;• >x Highest Market Price Paid for Hides. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. ...a... .3X7 '3 7'b"7:fL77sX3!ii77i7^fl'ffiiKCsKl^>;5;;“K:4Ti ji -«SJ. I. DEPEW;®*- 1 I Blacksmith §> Wagon Maker,! Sb(»'0O0u^ H . . My *IIOp 18 tbe larKest. and best equipped noith of tin* Platte River N |1 1 1>ave » four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved nm “ ! ! ch-uprjr* a,soa foIce o‘ experienced men who know how to operate it urd £ || luru out a job w ith neatness and dispatch. £ cMY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT I ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. | ■ Soliciting your patronage I am ■£ Yours respectfully, | *!• I* DEPEW, Loup City, Nob. g - “ A. P. Cl LFil'iA, President. W. F. MASON, Ca^lii r FIRST OF LOUP CITY General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paiu up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska. TO CUBE v COLO IRONSo \ V Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E, W. Grove’s signature Is on each box. U3ct. Ills East Hope Realized. [From theSentenel, Gebo, Mont.j In the first opening of Oklahoma to set tiers In iss9, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after fortune who made the big race one tine day in April. During his traveling about and afterwards his camping upon las claim, he encountered much bad water, which, together with tho severe heat, gave him a very severe diar rhoea which it seemed almost imposlble to check, and along in June the case been ne so bad he expected to die. One day otio of his neighbors bought his one small bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diar. rhoea Remedy as a last hope. \ big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. Tho good effect of the medicine was soon noticod and within an hour the patient was taking Ills llrsi souml sleep for a iortnight. That one little bottle worked a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The rea. son tor bowel disorders being at hand sug. gests this item.- For sale by Odenuahl liros WANTED—HKVKKAI. I'KKSONS OF CHARA acter and good reputation in each state ione in this county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house ot solid financial standing salary SCI 00 weekly witli expenses addi tional, all payable in casli each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and car rage furnished when necessary. Refer ences. Enclose self addressed envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Dearborn at., Chicago. I>» You Enjoy YVliat you Eat, If you don’t your food docs not do you much good Kodol Dyspepsia cure is the remedy every one should take when there is anything wrong with the stomach. Then is no way to maintain the health and srength of mind and body except by nourishment. There Is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure, and sweet or the strength will let down and disease will set up No appetite, nervousness, bead ache, constipation, bad brenth, sour risings rlltings, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia cure —Sold by Odendah! Bros W ANTED-YOUNG MEN to prepare for Government Positions. Fine Openings in all Departments. Good Salates. Rapid Pro motions. Examinations soon. Particulars f roo. i — Inter-State Cor. Inst., Ocdar Rapids, la.