The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 29, 1903, Image 2

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    Loup City Northwestern
£EO. E. BENSCHOTER, Ed. and Pub.
Good clothes and impudence often
pass for riches and education.
The fashionable sleeves this year
look like those a little girl cuts for her
first doll.
Mr. Carnegie gave away $2,100,000
and then went to Europe. Few of us
could do that. *
In former days school teachers occa
sionally struck; now it is the school
children who strike.
Sir Henry Irving has appeared in
London as Dante. It must have been
a cheerful performance.
Thirty circus elephants marched in
single (lie over the Brooklyn bridge.
And the bridge Is still there.
The New York Ledger was sold
for a sum less than it used to pay
Sylvanus Cobb for a single story.
Prosperity has been good to the In
dians. It has given them money faster
than their white brothers can steal it.
Count Speck Von Sternberg and his
wife will spend the summer at Dub
lin, N. H . Is the count after the Irish
vote ?
The example of .1. B. Ford of Penn
sylvania, pennilesB at 70 and a million
aire at 111, shows that nobody is too old
to earn.
The people of Somaliland may not
have read the papers. Somebody
ought to tell them what happened to
the Boers.
Reggie Vanderbilt succeeded in cor^
nering the market on lilies, but under
the law he can only claim one Ameri
can beauty.
A Chicago man traveled 14,000 miles
and spent $5,000 for the purpose of
winning a $20 bet. Some people are
very hard losers,
Diaz is nearly seventy-three, and
has begun to feel the weight of his
years. It will be a sorry day for Mexi
co when he lets go.
It cannot be denied that the Russian
policy of taking what you want and
asking for it afterward has its own
peculiar advantages.
Denmark has positively refused to
sell the West Indian islands. This
will give Uncle Sam $5,000,000 more
to spend on the canal.
"Why,” asks an exchange, ‘does a
tree on a hillside grow straight up?”
Never mind that. Why does a pigeon
bob its head when it walks.
It was an old maid, of course, who
said that marriage Is the Siberia of
womanhood. And very likely she
would be glad to go to Siberia if she
Pat Crowe is circulating through
Missouri. Perhaps he is responsible
for the flood of $1,000 bills that is
causing the legislature so much un
Terry McGovern is still talking
about "licking’’ Young Corbett. But
Terry should be convinced by this
time that the Denver boy is not post
age stamp.
The paragraph now in circulation
declaring that eating large quantities
of common salt will cure or prevent
cancer may have been originated by
the salt trust.
The suburban backyard farmer may
be personally Interested to know that
a man turns 112,000 spadefuls of earth
in digging an acre, and moveB in all a
weight of 850 tons.
Gen. Sierra, ex president of Hondu
ras, was killed by a de*achment of
troops sent in pursuit of him by Gen.
Borilla. Ungrateful as this republic
is, it doesn't treat its ex-preridents like
Mrs. Burdick has her $25,000, but
even that will hardly make her forget
that some of the papers were mean
enough to say at the time of the in
quest that she was homely and looked
ber years.
It appears that a large percentage
of the American people are still inter
ested in professional baseball. The
great beauty of baseball Is that a lazy
man can thoroughly enjoy It without
exercising a bit.
We are glad to see that the Amalga
mated Poultry association has de
cided that one egg per day per hen is
enough. A hen that would iay two
eggs per day is simply throwing some
other hen out of a job.
A New York young man, Alexander
Smith Cochrane, who inherited $14,
000,000 from his uncle, is going to
study sociology and try to benefit man
kind. How Mr. Harry Lehr and Reg
gie Vanderbilt must pity a hoy like
It is stated that 6,700 companies
have been chartered in Mississippi
wittin the past 18 months having an
aggregate capital of $90,000,000. New
Jersey shall not steal the title of
•‘father of waters” if the Mississippi's
namesake knows itself.
Sequel to “ The Bow of Orange Ribbon/*
(CopyrUht 1W0, by *mrli» E. Borr)
We Have Done With Tear* and
"Here Is a letter from Arenta!” re
peated the Doctor to his wife, who
was just entering the room. "Come,
Ava, and listen to what she has to
say.” Then Cornelia read aloud the
following words:
"My Dear Friend Cornelia. If to
day I could walk down Maiden Lane,
if to-day I could see you and talk to
you, I should imagine myself in hea
ven. For as to this city, I think that
in hell the name of ‘Paris' must have
spread itself far and wide. Do you
remember our learning In those happy
days at Bethlehem of the slaughter
of Christians by Nero? Very well:
right here in the Pari3 of Marat and
Robespierre, you may hear constantly
the same brutal cry that filled the
Rome of the Caesars—"Death to the
Christians!" Famine, anarchy, mur
der, are everywhere, and 1 live from
moment to moment, trembling if a
step comes near me.
“As to religion, there is no longer
any religion. Everywhere the Al
mighty is spoken of as the “soi-disant
God.” The monarchy is abolished, and
yet ^ ignorant are the leaders of the
people, that when Brissot mentioned
the word Republic in Petion's house,
Robespierre said with a grin, “Repub
lic! Republic! What's a republic?”
Spying, and fear, and death penetrate
into the most private houses; above
all, fear, constant fear of every one
with whom you come in contact.
“1 have told you the truth about our
condition, because 1 have just had a
letter from my father, and he talks of
leaving his business in Claos Bergen's
care, and coming here to look after
me. You must convince him that he
could do me no good whatever, and
tiiat he might do me much harm. Tell
him not to fear; Arenta says, not to
fear. While Minister Morris is here
I have a friend that can do all that
can he done.
“Ask our good Domine to pray that
1 may soon return to a country where
God reigns. Never again do 1 wish
to spend one minute in a place where
there is no God; for whatever they
may call that place, its real name is
"Arenta. Marquise de Tounnerre."
“Poor Arenta!” said the Doctor
when Cornelia had finished the
wretched epistle. Suppose that yc l
go and see Van Ariens, and give him
all the comfort you can.” *
Cornelia crossed the street and was
going to knock at the door, when Van
Ariens hastily opened it. When Cor
nelia told him her errand, he was in a
hurry of loving anxiety to hear what
his child had written.
“I understand,” he said, when he
had heard the letter. “She is fright
ened, the poor little one! But she
will smile and say 'it Is nothing.’ How
ever, I yet think I must go to her.”
“Do not,” urged Cornelia. You may
see by Arenta's letter, that she does
not fear the guillotine. Come over
to-night and talk to my father and
“Well then, I will come.”
Then he took both Cornelia's hands
In his and looking earnestly at her
"Poor Rem! Impossible is It?”
“Quite impossible, sir,” she an
"I am very sorry,” he said, sim
ply, and let her hands drop. In an
Van Ariena opened the door.
hour or two to your house I will come.
There is plenty to talk about."
The next day Cornelia walked down
• Broadway to Madame Jacobus' house.
It was closed and desolate looking and
she sighed as sne compared Its old
bright spotless comfort, with its pres
ent empty forlornnesR. The change
typified the change in her heart and
One exquisite day as they went up
Maiden I.ane the Doctor said: “My
friend. Gen. Hewritt sails for England
to-day, and we will go and wish him
a good voyage.” So to the pier they
went, and the Doctor left his carriage,
and taking Cornelia on his arm walk
ed down to where the English packet
was lying.
Soon Cornelia became conscious o!
the powerful magnetism of some hu
man eye, and obeying its irresistible
attraction she saw George Hyde stead
ily regarding her. She was enthralled
I again by his glance, and never for
one moment thought of resisting the
appeal it made to her. With a con
scious tenderness she waved him an
adieu whose spirit he could not but
feel. In the same moment he lifted
his hat and stood bareheaded looking
at her with a pathetic inquiry, which
made her inwardly cry out, "Oh, what
doe* he mean?” Then the Doctor
touched her:
“Why do you do that?” he asked
"Because I must do it, father; I
cannot help it. I desire to do it.”
"1 am in a hurry; let us go home.”
She turned away with a sigh. The
Doctor drove rapidly to Maiden Lane
and did not on the way speak a word,
! and Cornelia was glad of it. Hence
forward she was resolved to love
without a doubt. She would believe in
Joris, no matter what she had seen,
or what she had heard. There were
places in life to which alas! truth
could not come, and this might be one
of them. Though all the world blam
ed her lover, she would excuse him.
Now a woman's intuition is like a
leopard's spring, it seizes the truth—
if it seizes it at all—at the first bound,
and it was by this unaccountable
mental agility CorneHa had arrived at
the conviction of her lover's fidelity.
She reflected that now he was so far
away, it would be possible for her to
tall upon Madame Van Heemskirk.
She resolved therefore to call upon
Madame Van Heemskirk the following
week. She expected the old lady
might treat her a little formally, per
haps even with some coldness, but she
thought it worth while to test her
One morning Mrs. Moran said, "Cor
nelia, I wish you to go to William
Irvin's for some hosiery and Kendal's
“Very well, mother. I will also look
in at Fisher’s,” and it was at Fisher's
that she saw Madame Van Heemskirk.
"Good morning, madame,” said Cor
nelia, with a cheerful smile.
"Good morning, miss. Step aside
once with me. A few words 1 have
to say to you,” and as she spoke she
drew Cornelia a little apart from the
crowd at the counter, and looking at
her sternly, said:
"One question only—why then did
you treat my grandson so badly? A
shameful thing it is to be a flirt.”
"I am not a flirt, madame. And 1
did not treat your grandson badly.
No, indeed!”
"Pray then what else? You let a
young man love you—you let him tell
you so—you tell him ’yes, 1 love you’
and then when he says marry me,
you say, ‘no.’ Such ways 1 call bad,
very bad. Not worthy of my Joris are
you, and so then, 1 am glad you said
‘no.’ ”
"Madame, you are very rude.”
"And very false are you.”
“Madame. I wish you good morn
ing,” and with these words Cornelia
left the store. Her cheeks were burn
ing, the old lady’s angry voice was in
her ears, she felt the eyes of every
one in the store upon her, and she
was indignant and mortified at a meet
ing so inopportune. Why had Joris
lied about her? Was there no other
way out of his entanglement with
»ne coma arrive at only one con
clusion—Annie's most unexpected ap
pearance had happened immediately
after his proposal to herself. He
was pressed for time, his grandpar
ents would be especially likely to em
barrass him concerning her claims,
and of course the quickest and surest
way to prevent questioning on the
matter, was to tell them that she had
refused him. And then after this
explanation had been accepted and
sorrowed over, there came back to her
those deeper assurances, those soul
assertions, which she could not either
examine or define, but which she felt
compelled to receive—He loves me!
I feel it! It is not his fault! I must
not think wrong of him.
One day at the close of October she
put down her needlework with a lit
tle impatience. ‘‘I am tired of sewing,
mother,’ she said, ‘and 1 will walk
down to the Battery and get a breath
of the sea. I shall not stay long.”
On her way to the Battery she was
thinking of Hyde, and of their fre
quent walks together there, and ere
she quite reached the house of Ma
dame Jacobus she was aware of a
glow of fire light and candle light
from the windows. She quickened her
steps, and saw a servant well known
to her standing in the open door. She
immediately accosted him.
"Has madame returned at last,
Ameer?” she asked joyfully.
"Madame has returned home,” he
answered. “She Is weary—she is not
alone—she will not receive to-night.”
The man's manner—usually so
friendly—was shy and peculiar and
Cornelia felt saddened and disappoint
ed. She walked rapidly home to the
thoughts which this unexpected ar
rival induced. They were hopeful
thoughts, leaning—however she direct
ed them—toward her absent lover.
She went into her mother's presence
full of renewed expectations and met
her smile with one of unusual bright
"Madame Jacobus is at home," said
Mrs. Moran, before Cornelia could
speak. "She sent for your father
just after you left the ho-’se, and I
Suppose that he is still there.”
“Is she sick?”
“I don’t know. I fear eo, for the
visit is a long one."
It was near ten o’clock when Doctor
Moran returned and his face was
som e re and thoughtful—the face of a
men who had been listening for hours
to grave matters and who had not
been able to throw off their physical
Cornelia at once asked:
"Is madame very ill?"
"She is wonderfully well. It is her
“Captain Jacobus?”
“Who else? She has brought him
home, and I doubt if she has done
"What has happened, John? Surely
you will tell us!"
"There is nothing to conceal. I
have heard the whole story—a very
pitiful story—but yet like enough to
end well. Madam told me that the
day after her sister-in-law’s burial,
James Lauder, a Scotchman who had
often sailed with Captain Jacobus,
came down to Charleston to see her.
He declared that having had occasion
to go to Guy s hospital in London to
visit a sick comrade, he saw there
Captain Jacobus. He would not admit
any doubt of his identity, but said the
Captain had forgotten his name, and
' - -
She waved him an adieu.
everything in connection with his past
“Oh, how well I can imagine
madame's hurry and distress,” said
“She hardly knew how to reach Lon
don quickly enough. But lender's
tale proved to be true. Her first action
was to take possession of the dement
ed man, and surround him with every
comfort. He appeared quite indiffer
ent to her care, and she obtained no
shadow of recognition from him. She
then brought to his case all the medi
cal skill money could procure, and in
the consultation which followed the
physicians decided -to perform the
operation of trepanning.”
“But why? Had he been injured,
“Very badly. The hospital books
showed that he had been brought
there by two sailors, who said he had
been struck in a gale by a falling
mast. The wound healed, but left
him mentally a wreck. The physi
cians decided that the brain was suf
fering from pressure, and that trepan
ning would relieve, if it did not cure.
“Imagine now what a trial was be
fore madame! It was a difficult matter
to perform the operation, for the pa
tient could not be made to understand
its necessity; and he was very hard to
manage. Then picture to yourselves,
the terrible strain of nursing which
followed; though madame says it
was soon brightened and lightened by
her husband’s recognition of her.
After that event all weariness was
rest, and suffering ease, and as soon
as he was able to travel both were
determined to return at once to their
own home. He is yet, however, a
sick man, and may never quite recover
a slight paralysis of the lower limbs.”
(To be continued.)
The Right Place to Begin.
When the political history of Mary
land is written there will be a para
graph or two for the McComas-Mudd
feud. It is now in progress, bitter
and unrelenting. McComas was a
United States senator until March 4
last, and Mudd is a Representative
in Congress. Both are Republicans.
In the old days, though, they were
bosom friends. McComas was the
leader and Mudd a follower. One
day they were dining together.
Sydney,” asked McComas, "bow old
is your boy?”
"Sixteen,” replied Mudd, proudly.
"My, my,” said McComas, "I didn’t
think he was so old, but, I tell you,
Sydney, when the time comes I'll do
something handsome for that boy.”
Mudd leaned over the table. "Mac,”
he said, "when you want to do any
thing for the Mudd family you forget
the boy and begin with the old man.”
—Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post
Women and the Looking Glass.
How much time does a woman spend
before her looking-glass? A German
estimates that a girl of six to ten
spends an average of seven minutes a
day before a mirror, from ten to fif
teen a quarter of an hour is con
sumed daily, and from fifteen to twen
ty, twenty-two minutes. Ladies from
twenty to twenty-five occupy twenty
five minutes; from that age to thirty
they are at least half an hour at
their toilete. Thence there is a de
cline in coquetry. From thirty to thir
ty-five the time occupied comes down
to twenty-four minutes, from thirty
five to forty it is only eighteen min
utes; from forty to fifty, twelve min
utes, and from fifty to sixty, only six
minute*. A woman of seventy has
thus spent 5,8f>2 hours before the glass.
In other words, eight months, count
tug night and day.
Golden Text—"For as Many at Are Lad
by the Spirit of God,#They Are the
Son* of God”—Romans 8:H—Two
Ways of Living.
1. "There is therefore” (because
Christ died to save us. Rom. 7:25) “now"
(since we became Christians, accepting
Christ as our Savior from sin) "no con
demnation." "No verdict of Guilty"
(Sanday) for the past, and no fear of
God's disapproval for the future. The
Christian may make mistakes, but he
will be honestly trying to obey God's law.
trusting in Christ for strength. This is
the chapter beginning with “no condem
nation" and ending with "no separation."
"To them which are in Christ Jesus,”
united to Christ by faith, love, and the
doing of Christ-like deeds, as a branch Is
in the vine (John 10:1-8). "Who walk."
2. “For the law” (the authority—San
day: the regulative principle—Vincent)
"of the Spirit of life.” God's Holy Spirit,
who gives life, and is the essence of life.
"In 'Christ Jesus.” Either the law. the
authority, which dwells in Christ; or.
construing it with the following verb,
"hath made me free" in Christ, free
through union with him. Paul's soul was
in prison, until his acceptance of Christ
reltased him "from the law of sin and
death,” fiom the power and authority o'
sin, which brings eternal death.
3. "For what the iaw" (the Scrip
tures) "could not do" (literally, the im
possible of the law). God could do and did
do. This thing that the law could not do
was to save men from sin; it could only
point out the sin and fix the penalty. It
showed men their duty, but "it was weak
through the flesh," it was rendered inef
tloient by our lower nature (the flesh)
which loves sin and readily yields tc
"God sending" ti. e.. by sending) "his
own Son.” The Greek shows, more
strongly than tlie English. Christ’s inti
mate personal relation to God, which
renders more striking the fact that he
came to eurth "in the likeness” (“the
form”—Denney) "of sinful flesh" (liter
ally. of tlie flesh of sin). Christ’s was
genuine flesh, but not sinful. His was
only the likeness of our sinful nature. He
was a real man. exposed to ail our temp
tations. but he kept himself from becom
ing a sinful man.
4. "That the righteousness of the law.'
R. V., "that the ordinance—margin, re
quirement—of the law." The righteous
life required by God's law. "Might bf
fulfilled In us,” In our upright life, made
possible by Christ's dwelling in us. "Win
walk not after the flesh, but after the
II. The Rife of the Flesh and the Rife
of the Spirit. — Vs. 5-11. In v. 4 Paul has
introduced a second contrast, that of the
flesh and the spirit, which he now pro
ceeds to treat at length.
5. "For they that are after the fiesh."
Those that live for their lower natures.
"'Do mind." Set their minds upon, fix
their affections on. "The things of the
flesh." Enumerated in Gal. 5:19-21. “But
they that are after the Spirit." R. V.
"spirit.” Those whose affections are set
on the highest things. These rejoice in
"the things of the Spirit."
6. "For to be carnally minded." R. V..
"for the mind of the flesh." That Is. to
fix our minds on selfish gratlfle'atlons. "Is
death.” "It is spiritual death, and tends
to and ends In eternul death."—Arnold.
See Gal. 6:8. "But to he spiritually
minded." R. V.. "the mind of the spir
it.” Paul does not mean that there are
two minds in us. but two possible bents
of our one mind. "Is life and peace.”
Peace with God, and peace in one’s own
7. "Because the carnal mind” (It. V..
"the mind of the flesh") "is enmity"
("personal hostility"—Moule) "against
God." In contrast with the higher life,
which is a lift; of peace, the lower life,
either consciously or unconsciously, is at
war with God.
8. "So then they that are in the
flesh" (making self-gratification the ob
ject of their living) “cannot please God."
God is supremely unselfish. How could
he take pleasure In beings that live for
Paul now applies to the Roman Chris
tians directly what he has said in gen
eral terms in vs. 5-8.
9. "But ye.” Christ's disciples. You
can please God, for you "are not in the
flesh, but In the Spirit." Not under the
sway of your lower, but of your higher,
nature, which Is itself controlled by the
Spirit of God. "If so be that the Spirit1
of God" (the Holy Spirit, the third per
son of the Trinity) "dwell In you," com
forting. teaching, guiding, upholding.
"Now if any man have not the Spirit
of Christ." dwelling In him and controll
ing his life. The expressions, the Spirit
of God. the Spirit of Christ, and Christ
(v. 10) are used Interchangeably, thus
proving Paul's belief In the Trinity, the
three-fold personality of God. "He is
none of his." He is no true Christian,
though he may be called by Christ's
name, and may belong outwardly to bis
church. Christ will disown him at the
Judgment (2 Cor. 13:5).
10. "And If Christ he In you" (as he
Is), "the body is dead because of sin."
Physical death Is Inevitable for all. and
is a result of the sin of Adam and the
human nice (Rom. 5:12-17). but for the
Christian Its "sting" Is gone (1 Cor. 15:
55). "But the Spirit is life because of
righteousness" (our righteousness, made
possible by Christ's). The human spirit
is meant. 1n eontrast with the human
body: but It Is the human spirit vital
ised by the divine Spirit.
11. "But if the Spirit of him that rais
ed up Jesus from the dead dwell in you."
Paul has admitted the fact of physical
death as true of Christians as well as of
others, but he hastens to add the resur
rection promise, which lightens even this
single spot of shadow. The God of
Christ’s resurrection, dwelling In you.
"shall also quicken your mortal bodies."
raising them up from the grave, glori
fied and beautiful, gifted with wonderful
new powers. They will no longer he mor
tal. subject to death, but “Incorruptible"
(I Cor. 15:52), immortal.
12. "For." l’aul Is going to give the
reason for his statement. "Ye shall ll"e.”
"As many as are led by the 8plrit of
God.” The comparison changes from the
indwelling Spirit (vs. 9-11) to the thought
of the Spirit as outside us. leading us
as a guide leads the traveler through
dense woods or over an Icy glacier. All
who submit themselves to this leading
become by that very submission “the
sons of God,” and therefore they shall
live forever, as God does.
Happiness and Joy.
Happiness is a small matter. It is a
mere incident In life. It largely de
pends. as the word itself suggests, on
what happens to a man in his course
of duty or of service. It may afreet
his feelings hour by hour, but it is no
measure of his characer or real being,
loy, or blessedness, is, however, more
of a matter than is happiness. Our
reliow man may affect our happiness.
God gives us joy. Blessedness is God's
rrowning gift. By being near to God
we can have joy and find blessedness,
whether happiness be ours or not.
Laconic Lord Russell.
Lord Russell of Killowen used to re
late this story: “I remember a case in
which a very innocent remark of my
own elicited the fact of a previous
conviction. A prisoner was addressing
the jury very effectively in his own be
half. but he spoke in a low voice, and, ^
not hearing some of his observations, W
I said: “What did you say? What was
your last sentence?” "Six months, my
lord,” he replied. It was Lord Russell
who, in reply to the question, “What is
the extreme penalty for bigamy?” ut
tered this classic: "Two mothers-in
The Wabash offers many rates to the
East from Chicago:
Bellefontalne. O., and return. Bold
Mny 29th to June 3rd.*7 35
Boston, Mass., and return. Sold July
1st to 5th.*21.OR
Saratoga. N Y., and return. Bold
Julv 5th and 6th.*17 45
Detroit, Mich., and return. Bold Julv
15th and 16th.*6.75
All tickets reading over the Wabash
R R between Chicago and Buffalo are
good in either direction via steam-r be
tween Detroit and Buffalo without
extra charge, except meals and berth.
Stopovers allowed Remember this la
"The Cool Northern Route" Rnd all
Agents can sell tickets from Chicago
East vln the Wabash.
For folders and all Information ad
O A P. D..
Omaha, Neb.
Respect is the featherweight cham
pion of love.
Iowa Forms S4 Per Acre Cash,
bslauee crop till pmld. VirbHAI.I.. Sioux City, I*.
Sweet things are usually sticky.
That’s why so many young men get
stuck on pretty girls.
C*e the best. That'B why they buy Red
Cross Bali Blue. At leading grocers, 5 cents.
A missionary in the nand is worth
two in the bush.
To Care a Cold in One day.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if itfailsto cure. 25c.
“If there is anything I hate, it is a
for people to try to make me over on *
their last.”—Drake W’atson. '
Ail creameries use butter color.
Why not do as they do—use JUNE
There are two varieties of the smart
woman. One has a high forehead and
the other hasn’t.
Finn's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible v
medicine for coughs ami colds.— N. W. bAJican, &
Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. 1000
A Particular Would-be Groom.
Charles Thenert, a fairly well-to-do
Long Island farmer, wants a wife, but
imposes certain conditions on candi
dates for a corner in his affections.
For instance, the lady must be a good
housekeeper over 30 years of age. He
is willing to buy his wife two gowns
every year, to cost not more than $20
each, with shoes, hats, etc., to corre
spond. The future Mrs. Thenert must
agree to forego high-heeled slippers,
open-work stockings, cigarettes and
poodle dogs, the would-be brldgegroom c
tninking such frivolities are not suited
to a farmer's wife.
Only One Lance.
At a dinner Chancellor Vo Buleow
gave before his recent departure for
Italy. Emperor William met Professor
Delitszch for the first time since his
majesty criticised the professor’s lec
ture on the Babylonian origin of the
Bible. The professor is hard of hear
ing, and the emperor’s part of the dia
logue was consequently in a rather
high voice. His majesty greeted him
with: “Well, professor, we have broken
a lance together since I saw you-.”
"Only one lance, your majesty,” re
sponded the professor to the fact that
he had never replied to the emperor.
An Old Lady'a Discovery.
Garnett, Ark., May 18th.—For 18
years Mrs. Mary Dunlop of this place
has suffered with Kidney trouble,
which was so bad at times that it
made her life a burden. She tried
much medicine and many treatments,
but got no better.
At last, however, Mrs. Dunlop
claims to have found a perfect rem
edy, and she Is so pleased at the won
derful cure she herself has received,
that she is telling all her friends and
praising the medicine to everyone
she meets.
The name of this medicine Is
Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and it has done
wonderful work for Mrs. Dunlop.
Everybody is talking about it, and
some people are claiming to have
been cured of Rheumatism by it.
A Mrs. Garrett who lives in Brazils,
this state, was at the point of death
with some Cerebro-Spinal trouble
and was saved by Dodd's Kidney
It Is certain that no other medicine
ever introduced here has done so
much good in such a short time.
Gossip isn’t real bad unless the tell
ing of It makes an hour seem like two
«g| tlomeseekers
BB Excursions.
April 21at.
TUESDA YS May 5th Sr 19th.
June 2nd Sr 16 th
To certain points in Southwest Mis
souri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, An
kansas. etc., at very low rates. Tick
ets limited to 21 days for the round
trip. Stop-overs allowed on the go
ing journey within transit limit of 15
days. For further information call on
or address any agent of the company,
or Thomas F. Godfrey, Pass. & Ticket
A fft,
goutbrast l oroer 1 ttb and Douglas Sts*
Omaha, IVeb.