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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1903)
Loup City Northwestern. . . . - ■ ■ ■ .. ■ ——— VOLUME XX. LOUP CITY. SHERMAN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1905. NUMBER 27. UNITED STATES CABLE SHIP BURNSIDE. The United States cable ship Burn side, launched last week at the Heath shipyards, Tacoma, Wash., is by all odds the largest steamship ever con structed at any of the Tacoma ship yard’s, and members of the Chamber of Commerce and the business ele ment of the city were present la large numbers to witness her christening. The vessel is due at Sitka early In June to commence work on the Alas kan cable. PORTE'S APOLOGY REGRET AT SEARCH OF BULGA RIAN LEGATION. MANY WARSHIPS AT SALONICA Opinion is General that Nothing but War with Bulgaria Will Clear the Situation and Lead to Permanent Peace. CONSTANTINOPLE—It is denied here that the powers have lodged claims for damages resulting from the Salonica outrages. The Turkish gov ernment has apologized to the Bulgar ian diplomatic agent here for the dom iciliary visits made by the police of Constantinople last week when about sixty Bulgarians were arrested and when the papers of the secretary of the Bulgarian diplomatic agency were seized at his residence. The agent threatens to leave Constantinople un less satisfaction for this action is given. The statement that the porte has re quested Austria and Italy to withdraw their warships from Salonica has been confirmed. WASHINGTON, May 10—The Turk ish minister here has received the fol lowing cablegram from his govern ment: t "On May C the Bulgarian revolution ists attempted to commit at Monastic an outrage aualgous to those perpe trated at Saloniea. Thanks to the ef ficacious measures taken by the im periol authorities, however, they have been unable to put their designs into execution. Stoutshef one of the ring leaders of the Bulgarian revolutionary committee, perished with five of his accomplices in the village of Fraishna (Fiorina.)" LONDON—The Saloniea correspon dent of the Times says there are ten men-of-war in the harbor of Saloniea. A state of seige has been declared and Turkish troops are guarding every square yard of the town. The schemes of the revolutionist leaders may hang fire, but it is not likely that they will be abandoned. There have been found documents which convince the author ities that the recent explosions were carried out by officials of the Bulgarian royal engineers. The general opinion prevails, the correspondent says in conclusion, that the only way to clear the atmosphere is by a war with Bulgaria. CONSTANTINOPLE—Consular dis patches received here from Monastir, European Turkey, says the Mussulman and Turkish troops are murdering Christians in the suburbs of the Chris tian quarter of the town. Houses are deserted and shops are closed. The statment that General Deltcheff, one of the principal Macedonian lead ers, liaa been killed in a fight with Turks at Fiorina has been officially confirmed. Colonel Sartoris Arrives. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.—Among the passengers who arrived from the orient on the Japanese steamer Nip pon Maru today were Lieutenant Al gernon Sartoris, grandson of the late General U. S. Grant; Sao Kee Alfred Sze, a Chinese commissioner of edu cation, who is on his way to Washing ton with eight young Chinese boys who are to be educated in the United States. Colonel Sartoris recently re tired from his regiment in the Philip pines, his resignation having been ac cepted by the War department. AMERICA MUST BUILD CANAL — Colombian Senator Says Otherwise it Will Not Bn Constructed. PANAMA—Gerard Pulecio, a prom inent member of the conservative party, discusses the canal question iu a recent issue of the Correa Nacionai, published at Bogota. He says the re newal of the canal concession grant ed by President San Clemente is le gal. tiie government having constitu tional powers to take this step. No company or European government is willing to risk any money in the ca nal venture after the l)e Lesscps fail ure, says Senor Pulecio, therefore the United Stales only can undertake the construction of the canal with chances of success. Colombia never enjoyed effective sovereignty on the isthmus because the United States landed troops there whenever it wanted to and even de nied Colombians the "innocent right to kill each other,” still in the canal treaty Colombian sovereignty on the isthmus should be distinctly recog nised, argues Senor Pulecio, not on'y to calm the nerves of the apprehen sive patriots, but because Colombia may within 100 or 200 years develop into a strong nation and be able to recover sovereignty on the isthmus. THE OMAHA LABOR TROUBLES. ‘ Governor Mickey Asked to Appoint Arbitrators. OMAHA—Governor Mickey, after visiting Omaha and looking over the labor situation, issued the following: To the Citizens of Omaha: Having been invited by the mayor of your city and the sheriff of your county yesterday to come to your city for the purpose of conferring with them and others to aid Jn arriving at an amicable settlement of the labor trou bles in whidi your city is now involv ed, I met with the Business Men's as sociation last evening and heard their discussion relating to the matter and wa3 enabled to get some information as to their attitude and complaint, and this afternoon at the Millard hotel I met a delegation representing the labor unions as previously arranged, and on invitation to myself and may or, and discussed with them their complaints and attitudes in relation to the situation. After this brief and fair consider ation on my part with both sides. I asked that the labor unions appoint a committee of seven and the Busi ness Men's association a committee of like number to meet me on Monday evening, May 11, at 8 p. in., at the Millard hotel for the purpose of mu tually considering the matters in con troversy and arriving at an amicable settlement to all interested. JOHN H. MICKEY, Omaha, May 8. Governor. Railroad Wins Land Suit. WASHINGTON, D. C.—The su preme court of the United States de cided the case of the Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad company against tho United States in case involving cer tain lands in Oregon, which were claimed by the railroad company un der patents issued in 1871 under the Oregon donation act. The decision was favorable to the company. The contention in behalf of the United States was that the patent had been issued by mistake, as the land in dis pute had been located as early as 1853, but the court held that as the land had not been reclaimed, as re quired by law, the settlement of 1853 wa3 not valid. PROBE GOES DEEP PAYNE WILL INVESTIGATE THE LARGER POSTOFFICES. DETAILS NOT YET FORMULATED Present Administrative Methods Years Old—For Fourteen Years Few Changes Have Been Made, Though Business Has Trebblod. WASHINGTON—A far-reaching ex tension of the present investigation of the Postoffice department to include most of the large offices in the country is in contemplation. This statement was made by Postmaster General •Payne. Mr. Payne said the increase of $3,090 in the appropriation for the contingent expenses of his own office had been made to allow the investigation of the department, along these lines, hut he admitted that it was not at that time anticipated that the inquiry would prove so sensational. The details of the proposed general investigation have not yet been formu lated, but It lias been decided to In clude all first-class postoffices whose annual receipts aggregate $300,009. Mr. Payne said that the present adminis trative methods of the postal service were established by former Postmaster ;General Wanarnaker, fourteen years ago, since then the businesi of the department has trebled. It might be that some of the methods were faulty and the practices irregular, conse quently the investigation would lie made in the hope of initiating new and • better methods as well as to correct abuses. Inspector Laughlln of the Indian nu reau has been ordered to the Utah res ervation In Utah to negotiate with the Indians, who own the reservation, for the allotment of a part of their lands and the cession of the remainder to the government. The law authorizes the authorities arbitrarily to open the reservation in case of failure to reach an agreement. Major Robert I<. Howse, charged with cruelty to Filipinos during his service in the Philippines, has submit ted his reply to the charge to the eec retary of war. All the papers in the case have been submitted to the judge advocate general for a report. AS SEEN BY THE HUMORIST. ______________ *■ /tcyvzay' Turs&Tr H£zw*r'SH4Y" —.. .i - .. I. I. ■» —— '■. i . laundbt <srz>. ’jcy qxju&j goc/al: asgz&ess mr gy/cago ■ / •a. A77VG M£Z.CXVfZZ> JVJttJSTS rrXTtf IK>TTi CttFZBJ-JLVD JSJSJBJT - - --1-—— -V STt-OO/S '" \ngpiC*rtor<f y\ rotMi r.'f '/nsLCone *iL' I CJI&r JEX&CCSTJVsixi ,/.£>3r£- ^TZjOUSS STS Sfttff JXSSZOSZCVS APPEAL TO FEDERAL COURTS. A New Turn in the Strike On at Omaha. OMAHA.—On petition of a number of complainants, including the prin cipal transfer and delivery companies Involved in the teamsLcr's strike, Judge Mlinger of the federal court Wednesday evening granted a tem porary restraining order enjoining the officers of the Team Drivers’ Interna .tional union, local 71, J. E. Crews, president; R. S. Wilcox, treasurer, and Edward Sumner, secretary, together with all members of the union, from doing certain acts calculated to inter fere with interstate commerce, and LARGE AIRSHIP UNDER CONSTRUCTION. The largest airship ever devised is now building in San Franciseo, and even in its present half-finished con dition it spreads itself out over about a block of territory. It is made of aluminum, and will be bigger than the ordinary Mississippi river steamboat. More than $100,000 has already been spent on the machine and it will cost more than $200,000. Charles Stanley is the Inventor. Delegates to represent the United States at the iniernational conference at Geneva which is to revise and ex tend the Geneva convention of 1864 under which the various Red Cross societies are recognized in one have been designed by the president as fol lows: Francis B. Ixiomis, assistant secretary of state; General George B. Davis, judge advocate general of the army, and Commander Sargent, United States Navy. FUNERAL OF.BISHOP HURST. Sermon by Bishop Fowler and Ad dress by Bishop McCabe. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Funeral services over the remains of the late Bishop John Fletcher Hurst were held Thursday morning at the First Methodist church. The sermon was delivered by Charles H. Fowler of Buffalo and Bishop Charles C. McCabe of Omaha, who succeeded Bishop Hurst as chan celler of the American university, made an address. Rev. Dr. Henry A. Butz, president of the theological sem inary, offered the prayer. The inter ment was at Rock Creek cemetery and was private. Find Clews, but Not Men. HONG KONG—The United States gunboat Callao, which was dispatched to the nearest point up the river from Canton, to aid the engineers recently attacked by a mob, reports having found the broken instruments and the books belonging to the engineers and the empty drifting house boat. commanding them to appear in court May 20 to show cause why a tempor ary injunction should not be granted. REVOLUTION NOT PUT DOWN. Nicaraguan Revolutionary Junta Is Hopeful of Success. PANAMA, Columbia.—The official news emanating from Managuay, Nica ragua, to the effect that the revolution has been put down Is contradicted. The Nicaraguan revolutionary junta here has received a report from Gen eral Emalanio Chamenro, saying that the Nicaraguan government steamer Once de Julio has been sunk by the rebel vessel Victoria. The entire crew of the government boat was lost, notwithstanding the efforts made to save them. The rebel victory at Acoypa and the capture of Omotepe and San Carlos has been confirmed. The members of the juna are hopeful of success and declare that the rebels cannot be attacked, the government forces being not sufficiently strong to do so. Hay Makes Acknowledgment. WASHINGTON—Secretary Hay has made a graceful acknowledgment of Russia’s statement of Its purposes rel ative to Manchuria. The secretary’s note, addressed to Count Cassiui, ex presses regret that there should have been even a temporary misconception of doubt as to Russia’s position in the matter and seizes the opportunity to return the tnanks of this government | for the frank and satisfactory declar j ation of Russian principles. MOROS DEFEATED. Captain Pershing Captures Another Sultan. MANILA—Cfaptaln Pershing's col umn has defeated tho sultan of Am parguano's strong fort e of Moros In the Taraea country, on the east shore of Lake Lanoa Island of Mindanao. The Americans captured ten forta. One hundred and flfteen Moros were killed, thirteen were wounded and sixty were made prisoners. The Moros captured included the sultan. Two Americans wrere killed and seven were wounded. The ten forts constituted serious and strong positions on the hanks of the Taraca river and from them the Moros vigorously resisted Captain Pershing's advance. The American troops attacked the forts Monday and captured eight of them without suffering any losses, though the thirty-six cannon mounted on fortifications were served with tho best of the enemy’s ability. The garrison of the ninth fort re sisted fiercely, and Captain Pershing ordered tho fort to be shelled and captured by assault, which was done. Lieutenants Shaw and Grade lead ing two companies of the Twenty seventh infantry, and a dcatchment of cavalry, surrounded the tenth fort, where the sultan had sought refuge, and it surrenderd Tuesday. The forts have been dismantled. Captain Pershing moved north Tuesday to complete the exploration of the east shore. No further resist ance is expected. The Spanish gunboat Velasoc, sunk by the ships of Admiral Dewey, off Cavite, has been raised. Her hull is not injured, but her upper works show the effect of tho American shells. BULGARIA’S SLAPS AT PORTE. Returns Note Because It Is In “Of fensive Terms.”. CONSTANTINOPLE. — The Bul garian government has returned the porte’s note on the subject of Incur sion of Bulgarian bands Into Mace donia and the importation of ex plosives into Turkey from Bulgaria, to the Ottoman commission at Sofia, in consequence of what the government of Bulgaria describes as its “offensive terms.” The mustering of Turkish troops continues in Macedonia and Albania, where soon 165 battalions will bo distributed. Twenty Hurt in Collision. CHICAGO, 111.—Twenty persons were injured, a few seriously, in a collision between two southbound Halsted street electric cars at Forty third sireet Thursday. One woman was taken from the wreck and carried into an adjoining store. It is believed her injuries are fatal. The conductor on the rear car, H. S. Lockwood, was thrown through the wiadow and badly Iniursd. MOVE OF RUSSIA IT PUTS UNCLE SAM IN AN AN GPY MOOD. RE-OCCUPATION OF MANCHURIA Troops Put Back Into New Chwang— Secretary Hay is Conferring by Wire with President Roosevelt About the Matter. WASHINGTON, I). C —The state department has received official con lirmation from its agents in China of the increase of the Russian garrison in New Chwang, Manchuria, and there is reason to believe, if Presi dent Roosevelt appproves, that it is preparing to take vigorous steps in the matter. Secretary Hay is in communication with the president in California, and upon the latter's decision, the secre tary’s course will depend. It is stated that the department has had its patience fated by the course of events in Manchuria and that it now contemplates a more radical step than any which lias heretofore mark ed the negotiations between the pow ers on this subject. Tlie proposed step contemplates joint action by Japan, England and the United States. Preceding negotiations have been hampered by the liability of this gov ernment to act jointly with other na tions, without violating its traditions, but it is now hinted that some plan' of co-operation with England and' Japan may be devised which will have) the effect of convincing the Russian government of the united determina tion of the three nations to insist upon Russia’s evacuation of Manchu ria, while not actually committing the United States to a formal alliance. This program is subject to the ap proval of the president. If it is not looked upon with favor by hiip the state department may fall back upon its former method of individual representation to Russia and ask an other explanation to the happenings iu Manchuria. In such an event the Russian an swer is already forecasted by the oU detain here. According to advices to the powers the troops were to have been withdrawn from New Chwang Just one month ago Friday. It is un derstood that as a matter of fact a portion of tne Russian force was withdrawn from barracks in the city to tents outside. It is presumed from Pekin advices that these troops have returned to the city. However, it is pointed out that Russia employ ed a saving clause in the promise to withdraw from Manchuria, the lan guage being “provided, however, that the action of other powers shall not stand in the way.” Russia it is understood, now claims that this provision was a violation by Japan when she mobilized her fleet and otherwise showed signs of mili tary preparations, which were con strued as a menace to Russia. CLEVELAND NOT A CANDIDATE. Statement to that Effect is Made by William J. Vilas. MILWAUKEE. Wis.—A special to the Sentinel from a stafT correspond ent from Madison, Wis., says: Grover Cleveland will not be a car didate for president on the demo cratic ticket. This is tho statement of William J. Vilas, secretary of the interior in Cleveland's cabinet, and beyond question one of thp closest political and personal friends the e& president has in the country. Senator Vilas has recently visited the Cleveland home in Princeton and passed several days In the company of the ex president. He lias also re cently corresponded with Mr. Clevo land. 0 Spotted Fever on the Ships. PHILADELPHIA, Pa—Deadly cc ebro spinal meningitis, popularly known as ‘‘spotted fever,” and one of the hardest contagious diseases to combat, has broken out in the ranks of the 1,200 men aboard the receiving ships Minneapolis and Puritan at league Island navy yard. Already it has killed three young recruits, while five more victims are hovering be tween life and death. Buys Mexican Mine. EL PASO, Tex.—Senator W. A Clark of Montana has bought from Sol Charles of Rosario mines the famous Guadaloupe-Colve group of mines In Chihuahua, Mex. The price was $500,000.