Loup City Northwestern GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Ed. and Pub. LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. Once more It is up to Father-in law Zimmerman. Paris appears to like American gas. Well, we have plenty of it to spare. The poets continue to get there. A French one has pinked his man in a duel. Practical politicians have to get pretty mad before they begin telling the truth. As a result of the pr’ze fight In San Francisco recently the other Cor bett. is still talking. There are many things about that Buffalo mystery that could only be explained by Mr. Pennell. Contractors are still remembering the Maine, for every little while they want some one to let them raise it. Under the old blue law in Pennsyl vania it is unlawful for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday—but the law stops there. Nicholas II. has decreed religious freedom in Russia. Next thing you know the czar will be running on a reform ticket. It may yet come to pass that in or der to be an automobilist in good standing one shall first have to be killed in France. A Connecticut man killed.himself to avoid a surgical operation. This is a case in which the remedy and the dis ease seem to be quits. Sinre the cable has b«*en laid to Honolulu not many things appear to be happening over thero that are worth 10 cents a word. Would you live your life over again? That is the latest New York Sun conundrum. The majority of the answers are in the negative. A magazine writer says that Massa chusetts does the thinking for the United States. What a thoughtless people we must be as a whole! The Oxford press turns out from 30 to 40 Bibles every minute in work ing hours, but it is hard to realize the fact in some parts of darkest Lon don. In this world thero are only the sails of heredity, there are only the winds of environment; yet can the helmsman steer toward whatever port he will. • Surely it is only in France that law makers would need certificates of at tendance at an all night session to make it reasonably safe for them to go home. Excluding new editions and text books, there are 2,000 or 4,000 books published in this country every year. Fortunately most of them are not worth reading. The new Pennsylvania railway sta tion in New York will settle all dis putes as to which Is the largest sta tion in the world. It will be twice as big as any other. Gustav Salary, a French playwright, committed suicide the other day be cause he found it impossible, owing to the meanness of the managers, to live up to his karae. After all he said about America cooking Dr. Lorenz is to pay the United States another visit. But per haps he will bring his sauerkraut and blutwurst along with him. In speaking of Gov. Francis as a "publtciticians,” Richard Watson Gilder has given the lexicographers some encouragement to bring out a new edition of the dictionaries. The lake divers have struck at Cleveland for $10 a day. There is likely to be considerable trouble In getting green men to fill the places of the divers who dive no more. The woman who has petitioned the mayor of Wilkesharre for a curfew ordinance compelling married men to be home at midnight has an exag gerated idea of the power of the law. Spain’s minister of marine has pre sented his estimates of this year's ex penses for building warships. Spain's navy has this advantage: It will be composed of brand new and up-to-date vessels. Young John D. Rockefeller Is dis tributing gold pieces among the poor people of Mexico. Perhaps he has found that the starving Mexicans um derstand his gold plecea better than his kind words. The arrival in this country of the new Chinese minister, Sir Liang Tung Chen, Sir Liang Hung Chen aud Sir Chen Tung Liang-Cheng, would seem to suggest an arbitration commission to decide as to the best way to spell him. Courts declare that the pedestrian has the rtght of way on a street crossing. Nevertheless, when the pedestrian sees a full-sized trolley car preparing to dispute the point It is discreet policy on his part to waive the right. II THE MAID of MAIDEN liAINE I Sequel to *• The Bow of Orange Ribbon." — A LOVE STORY BY AMELIA E. BARR (Copyright, 1. "We took ship.” Practical Expressions of Sympathy. Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness. The kind things you mean to say when they are gone, say before they go. III. Cesarea.—Vs. 7-14. 7. "And when we had finished our course." Our voyage by sea. "Came to Ptolemais. ' About thirty miles south of Tyre, the modern acre, just north of Mount Carme l. 8. "And the next day we . . de parted." Probably by land. The journey was thirty or forty miles. Cesarea and Its Associations. Cesarea was the Homan capital of Palestine, and tlie ottieial residence of the Herodtan kings and the governors of Judea. It was built and made a magnificent city and port by Herod tin- Great, and named after Cesar. It is seventy miles from Jerusa lem. Here Paul was Imprisoned, a few weeks after the present visit, and remained in prison for two ye ars, whence he was sent te> Home. “Philip . . . one of the seven" elea cons appointed at the same time with Stephen. He is to be distinguished from Philip the Apostle. "The evangelist." The word "evangelist," meuns a herald of good tidings. The Four Virgins which did Prophesy, ft. "Had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy." This does not necessarily Imply a revelation of future events, but a consciousness of having some truth or message from God. which the prophet is impelled to utter. Virgins, married these women could devote their whole time to labors for Christ. Where they preached, whether In private houses, or to women only, or to public assem blies. we do not know. The records of Ihe New Testament simply show the frg?t that God Inspires women as well as men. and when he sends them fortli they have a mission to proclaim the Gospei in their own womanly way. The Prophetic Symbol of Agabus. 10. “As we tarried there many days.” As they did not wish to be in Jerusalem till Pente cost. there were several days at their dis posal. “From Judea a certain prophet, named Agabus." Probably the same who in Antioch foretold the coming famine (Acts 11:28), A. I). 43 or 44, fourteen or fifteen years before. 11. "He took Paul's girdle,” like those used to bind the loose, (lowing robes worn in Eastern countries. "Bound his own” (Agabus') "hands and feet.” Ills revela tion was made in that dramatic form w hich Impresses the mind with a stronger sense of reality than mere wurds can do, and which was made familiar to the Jews of old by the practice of the Hebrew prophets. "Thus saith the Holy Ghost. ' Through whom the revelations to the prophets of old were given (Arts 18:25). “So shall the Jews . , bind.” By Instigating the IUminns to do this act. The Jews were the real source of the per secution. It was In this same city that Paul was in bonds for two years. 12. ''Besought him not to go.” Inferring that this was the intention of the prophe cy. This false inference, here distinctly stated, explains v. 1. Paul Goes on in Face of all Dangers and Persuasions. IS. "What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart?” He knew the danger, he felt the power of their loving persuasiveness, hut he went steadfastly on in the way of duty. "For 1 am ready not to be bound only, hut also to die.” Compare the beautiful legend concern ing Peter, centering about the little church Domine, Quo Vadis, near Rome. "Bunyan tells us how much Christian was discouraged by th< report of Timorous und Mistrust about lions in the way. So it was with Paul. On this journey to Je rusalem he was constantly meeting with people who said, 'Don't go.' And how many people there are who would have replied. 'Perhaps you are right,' and have laid down their bundles. Never do that, but persist in carrying your bundle to your journey's end. in doing your duty until it is completely done.”—Rev. W. Wllberforce Newton, 1).D., in Sermon to Children. Importance of Early Training. It take9 a long time for the beliefs and superstitions in which men are reared to be completely removed from their minds. The heathen converts to day find it hard to throw aside ail their fear of evil spirits, ail their dread of angry gods whom they once worshiped. Things that seem folly to us are very real to them, trained in them as they have been. So, how important the early training of chil dren. How careful parents should be, and teachers, and all who have chil dren under them. [backache. Backache is a forerunner and one of the most common symp toms of kidney trouble and womb displacement. READ MISS BOLLMAN’S EXPERIENCE. “ Some time ago I waa in a very weak condition, my work made mo nervous and my back ached frightfully all the time, and 1 had terrible head aches. “ My mother got a bottle of Lvdla E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound for me, and it seemed to strengthen mv back and help me at once, and I aid not get so tired as before. I continued to take it, and it brought health and strength to me, and I want to thank you for the good it has done me.”—Miss Kate Boi.lmak, 142nd St.