HALF RATES. Via Wabash Railroad. the World'* Fair Line. “Lust to leave—First to arrive.” Leaves Omaha 3:55 p. in. Arrives St. Louis 7:00 a. m. Special rates: New Orleans and re turn. $29.60; Sold April 11. 12 and 13. St Louis ami return, $13.50; sold April f$, 27. 20, 30, May 1. New Orleans and return, $20.50; sold May 1, 2. 3 and 4. Smoothest, shortest and quick est south and southeast. All in formation at City Ticket office, 1C01 Famam, or address Harry E. Moores, O- A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Raised letters are for the benefit of the blind, but raised checks are not. Ask Tour Healer For Allmi's Foot-Knae. A powdor. It rests tho feet Cures Corns, Umilous, Hwollen.Hore. Hot.Calloiis, Aching, (SweatmgFoetandIngrowingNails. Allen * Foot-Eeao make* new or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Hhoe stores, 28 cents. Ac cept. no substitute Sample mailed Frigs. Address Allen S. Olmsted, I.oltoy, N. Y. Misfortunes usually come in pairs, but the first one came in an apple. AM Up to Date Housekeepers ns* Defiance Cold Water Starch, because it is lad ter, and d oz. more of it for wuue money. A profit is not without honor save on a best,-selling bool;. State or Onto. City of Toi-koo. I Lucas County. f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the linn of I I. t honey & Co., lining he .ine-.s in the City oI Toledo, county and State nf and that said him will pav the sum of MNP. ItMKDRKD DOLLARS for each *nd erery || as** of Catarrh that taunot lie cured bv the ns* ot llalTs Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CtiKNF i Sworn to before me and subscribed in aty pi cruse. this bill day of Deremtier. A. D IRK* ,, , A. W. CLKASON, IRr.sL.i Notary Public. Mail’s Catarrh Cure is tn!c-n internally, and arts City Tribune. Islands Built by Oysters. Dr. Crave of the United States fish commission lias recently been study ing tiie islands found in Newport river and Beaufort harbor In North Carolina. The islands, which are in various stages of growth, are shown to be built up of generations upon generations of oysters, and appear lo grow in very much the same way as the coral islands of the Pacific. The original reefs grow across the river, because the swift current keeps the edges clean, and thus makes a favor able surface for the attachment of the young spat. In course of time, by action of wind, waves and vegetable growth on the accumulating genera tioc.s of oysters, the reef eventually becomes established as an island, says the Minneapolis .Junior Journal. Suppression of Betting. The government of Jersey has set this country an example of how to suppress betting, says an English ex change. Offering or taking bets Is punishable by a fine of 10 pounds for the first offense and ion pounds or six months' hard labor for the second of IV"** THE IMPRESSIONS OF A WOMAN. What a Wornon Says About Western Canada. •Although many men have written to this paper regarding tlie prospects of Western Canada and its great possi bilities, it may not lie uninteresting to give the experience of a woman set tler. w ritten to Mr. M. V. Mclnnes, tho agent ot‘ the government at Detroit, Mich. If the reader wishes to get further information regarding Western Canada it may be obtained by writing any of the agents of the Government whose name is attached to the adver tisement appearing elsewhere in this paper. The following is the letter referred to: Hilldown, Alberta. Feb. f>, ’03. Dear Sir—1 have been here now nearly the years, and thought 1 would write you a woman's impression of Western Canada—in Alberta. There are several ranchers in this district who. In addition to taking care of their cattle, carry on farming as well; their herds of cattle number from 100 to 200 or 200 head, and live out all winter without any shelter than the poplar bluffs, and they come in in the spring in good order. Most of the ranchers feed their cattle part of tho time, about this time of the year, but 1 have seen the finest fat cattle I over saw that never got a peek of grain— only fattened on the grass. You see l have learned to talk farm since I came here—farming is the great busi ness here. I know several in this district who never worked a day on the farm till they < anu* hero, and have done well and are getting well ! ofT. I think this v ill be the garden of j the Northwest acme day, and that, day ! not very far distant. There has been a great change since we came hero, and there will be a greater change in fie next five years. The winters are i all anyone could wish for. We have j very little snow, and the climato is j fine and healthy, i.ast summer was j wet, but not to an extent to damage j crops, which were a large average j yield and the hay was immense—and farmers wore a broad smile accord- ! ingly. We hr.ve good schools, the govern ment pays To per cent of the expense of education, which is a great boon in a new country. Of course churches of different denominations follow the settlements. Summer picnics and win ter concerts are all well attended, and as much, or more, enjoyed as in the Hast. Who would not prefer the pure air of this climate with its broad acres of1 fine farms, its rippling streams, its beautiful lakes, its millions of wild th'wers, its groves of wild fruit of eccpiisite flavor, its streams and lakes tteming with fish and its prairies and I luffs with game, to the crowded and ?tiff state of society in the Kast. I vould like to go home for a visit tome time, but not to go there to live, »von if presented with the best farm in Michigan. Beautiful Alberta. I will never leave it. And my verdict is only a repetition of ail who have settled in this country. This year I believe will add many thousands to our population. And if the young men. and old men also, knew how easy they could make a home free of all incumbrance in this country, thousands more would have settled here. 1 would sooner have 160 acres here than any farm where 1 came from in .Michigan, but the peo ple in the East ate coming to a knowl edge of this country, and as they do. they uill come West in thousands. All winter people have been arriving in Alberta, and I suppose in other parts as well, which is unusual, so we ex poet a great rush when the weather gets warmer. We have no coal famine here. Coni can he bought e>t, 10 or. for 10 cents. (Jure used. always used Good manners are a part of good morals am! kind courtesy.—Archbish op Whatf ley. I am sure Piso s Cure for Consumption saved my life three years nfjo Mrs Thos. RoBBltfa. Mapia Street. Norwich, N. Y.. Feb 17, 1900. A new broom sweeps clean. IF YOB USE lt/li.t, liLBIS, Get. lied Cross Ball Bine, t he best Ball Blue. Large - or., package only .'> cents. Don’t look a gift book in the bind ing. Authors will happen. eveD ir. the best regulated families. Marriage adds either to a man's happiness or bis misery. A laugh is worth a hundred groans In any market.—Charles Lamb. The French sold in America In 1902 more than $800,000 of automobiles. Americans are making an effort to establish a steel plant at Flushing. Holland. The lowest priced vehicle at the New York automobile show was $000; the highest $1,800. Some are born Corelli: some achieve Corelli, ami some have Corelli thrust upon them.— Life. Always look on the bright side of tl'ncs- and if you are going to invest yep-- coin therein, look on both sides. It is said that more wrinkles ar» caused by laughter than by worry. Girls, remember this when you see a man do a flip-flpp on an Icy pave ment. ■MtWOKl 8ttWSEDZEH ID CENTS. OKSAll headaches. r VflEN PAINfANGUISH 1flrtjNB§BR0W, A mastering ANGELTHOU: (3 QM Schmoller & Mueller -81U.L AN ELEGANT PIANO FOR ONLY $168.00 On S3 Monthly Payments. Write for Catalogue, Pricei, Etc. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Manufacturer* Whtlenlr and Re*«il Puno Dcaif'* 1313 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA THE LINCOLN IMPORTING HORSE COMPANY I.I.MOI.N, M USASKA b I HacK Pcrcacjtjas, Shires, and German Coachers 20 Per Cent Off fo* the Next Thirty Days A saving of $200 tv $300 on each Slniilon. These are cold-blooded facts. We pay buycr'H railroad fare to Lincoln and return. Come and see tis at once and Ret a winner Barns and Oiiice, C3d and Holdrege Streeta. Long Ois. Tel. 575. A L. SULLIVAN. Mg r»*EE TO WOMEN! To prove the healing and cleansing power of I’uxtlim Toilet \ntlaeptle we will mail a large trial package with book of Instructions absolutely free. This Is not a liny sample, but a largtt t~ n; w package, enough to eou j vluoe anyone of its value. , Women all over the country are praising l’axtlne for what r.’aUFUUUlS 111 has done in lootti treat ‘ incut of female Ilia, curing all Inflammation and discharges, wonderful ns a eh insing vaginal duuc^*, for sure throat, nasal catarrh, tis a mouth w.Tsh and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth. Send today: a postal card will do. s old lit druggists or sent postpaid by us. fSO cents, large box. Satisfaction guarantee... TltLl K. PAXTON CO., I.ohIou, Alasi. alt Columbus A»" WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLION S. TCferasRDmgpn ['pvrards of 100.000 Americans ha»e nettled In Western 1 until* 9»J1 rWfcp Kdurlug the past 5 years. They tra CO NT K> TK11, lUPIV, QYff* »NI> PltOSCKItOL’S. "rHlVflati and then’ la rwm still for JSitmiatm millions. Wonderful yields of wheat and other grains. The best grazing lands on the conilnent. Magnificent climate: plenty of water and fuel; good school*.ex cellent churches; aplvndld railway facilities. HOMESTEAD LANDS OE 160 ACRES FREE. tin* only charge for which In HO for nntry. Send to tha following for an Atlas and other literature.an weliaa for certificate giving you reduced railway rale*. *»tc.: Superintendent of Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, or to \V. V. Bennett. Hoi Not? York Life tlldjr.. Omaha, Iseb.. ihu authorized tuuadUn trovernment Agent. [E WANT YOUR TRADE You can buy of us at whole sale prices and save money. Our 1,000-page cata'ogue tells the story. We will send it upon receipt of 15 cents. Your neighbors trade with us why not you ? CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. 4 wind op with Hires Rootbeer That will “ict you going." L I'Ivk gallons for 5F cent*. A Charles E Hires Co.,