The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 17, 1903, Image 5

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    1 i 1 i; _\ UK i ' 1 VV > i >i
■-r~ -1 —: ““ —" • " • • • •
«ro k. nr:ss< !
K.tUor a*i*l Puftllther
TKEMB:—li.oo p*h team. ir pai:> in. ,dv*s. t
F.ntered at the Coup t'itv P< stance for tratis
miesHm tbrousn the malts as second
elu«H matin-.
The twe ity-ei.dtt le^ ;•>! Unr« for
the state of Nebraska mlj trued
Thursday of last week. Represent
ntive Ketiell returned home last
Wednesday and Senator Wall corn*
rrid.ay. This session of the h-gisla
lure is spoken of by press and pen
pie as being one of the most pleas
ant and busnees like sessions the law
makers < f lids state httvi had for
years. As to Sherman county,
are pleased to say that Messrs Wall
and Kettell have been active and
faithful incembers, always present
when the roll was called, and evn
ready to express themselves on any
important matters. Sherman count\
has at last beep heard from. It pays
elect such members.
Some legislature are eternall)
worrying about country publisher*
get’ing more money for legal adver
tisements than they should. An ef
fort to cut the rate for constitutional
amendments in two has just resulted
in the defeat of several amendments
that, should have been submitted in
1904. A little experience in the
newspaper l»u mess would soon con
vince these statesmen that their fears
are unfa tinded. The REPUBLICAN .
l a? had constitutional money lied
up in the s'ate treasury ever since
]*0c>. Owing to ilc dishonesty’ of j
the p leg is - alt re in 189? and the,
imbecility >f committee clerks in
succeeding si »si na i* bus b- cn ini
pi- sible to rr> t i». A lar :e g, rcent
a amoi e baa he< n <
p- ' it i ic sou opting I- collect it
and if it becomes available at this
(session we will be fortunate. If the
state would adopt a businesslike |
method of paving t!'• m* del)!.? no \
publisher would - jot to a r* as. -
shiv redaction iu theiu’e. But if • ■
i to be ke; • wait' •: for v rs m l
r j -ct*. ; to no’. >. • • .. nd r -
nov a net* in coiled ug his money be
bus. a right to i a good rour i
sum, anti nobody bn', a [ amu pol
itician will object —St. Pau Rept b
To the extent that judgment
can be formed from the present sit
uation. the republican party would
make no mistake ir. selecting Gov
ernor Cummins of Iowa as President
Roosevelt’s running mate in 1904.
In some important respects Governor
Cummins is very like President
Roosevelt. The Iowa executive w ill
not tolerate a gag or permit his
thinking to be done by political mach
inery. He is in touch with the peo
ple of the west, and has responded
to their demand for a revision of the
tariff, regardless of what may be
win ted by those who find n a good
investment to pav the bulk of the
campaign expenses in protection
schedules. The governor is a strong
man as well as an able one, and lie
would add materially to the strong!h
of the ticket in that part of the nat
ion which will decide the next nat
ional conflict. — Detroit Free Press.
The State Journal publishes the
following regaring the Hamsey eleva
tor bill:
There has been a great deal of
talk to the effect that the Ramsey
elevator bill, which lias passed both
branches of the legislature, has been
manipulated s > that the farmers will
eventually get the worst of it. A
member said last night, in discuss
ing this bill:
“The critics of the Karasev men'5
ure forgot that i war drawn by ti e
a toinev of the farmers' oo-oporative
g ain association, ar, 1 is supposed to
bo exactly what they want with the
po- sib execution of the amendment
imposing i minimum or fij/.uiO as
the cost of elevators to hieh sid ■
tracks mus'. be built. This amend
ment, the on! tdopted, was > n*
tirely eatisf ton > oir. Kama - .
Not* dy thinks tiro tld > will ehtr- .»
the cons till: tier !’. if the lull,
legislature has t> ■ sv 'l is bill !>.•
cause it was kno» :i tit: it was dr u
by the attorney of the farmers'
| i>s i • ■ • • it w »a endorsed
1) , !1 • 1 • I’ • • II w t«i Slip
pc- ill ■!! ’hi in -V rv respt
If i • i, os'.itnti f-nal, the
hla . • run? ! i . » ! • pd ;>!:** v. o
* i ■.*i. i t ’, : . i Wo did pat i i ih1
provision ilt t' c t-\ i;i* is must C"*t
$3,000, beciiu i' •*.< (itil not think it
just toeotn.pel tin* i 'in osds to build
$10,000 fewit ins lu toOOgrainshed.-.
It anything endangered the bill be
fore it was amended it was a lack of
protection to the rn I roads in l lot ft
speet. Tbay ffiight go to the courts
and show that ihev w < re being de
prived of tto ir prop* t'v without di e
process of law, and they might win
on that si i of contend m.
Cl. If. Scott died at hi* houi® in Loup
(,’ifv, Nebraska, at I o'clock, a. in , Mon
fay. April l:f h, iyp;», ar the age of
74 yi-ars 4 mouths and W days
Mr Scott iia11 beau a sufferer for four
icars, being ifllic'etl with dfabeb *
u disease of whier tnero is no hope of
euro and in all ca-es prove fatal. Sev
eral times during the last few years he
ha- sought the l> ft medical attendance
possible to ih'rdn A fe e month ago
he went to Omaha ami consulted an
eminent physician the hospital, but
obtained no hope of permanent recov
ery. He then returned home, and be
ing fully eonvine-d that It was only
a short time before death would claim
its own, began setting his house in or
der and arranging hi- business nflairs.
When this was done he bid adieu to
business cares and ca inly awaited the
appointed hour.
Mr Scott was burn in Fulton county,
N. Y., 0- i pci : > h. 1828. He came
to SnerTi.m county in the springof 1880,
and or,tied < !> ivis I'reek. in the east
part of the county where he followed
ilit- occupation of farming fur several
year: before moving to town, and win re
be ill oa: d ,t la rye and valuable
tract of land.
11 was fu v cor." ms to ilit* last, but
endured gi t ,di • ■ il pain, though h:a
ra I fa t’ii " in i) eacefnl. For titty
ycai'l.i ii t( f. ttifui member of
tli* M. II i-»u lvb, »■ I ever ready aril
a i. 1 *t.ii • a-* i • ver possible. In
Iris d, tih ail ex i i man, a valuable
e> * re .-I .si*! a kind h* att**d
ohri-ti. t > ha« been taken
from nr ml t -Mt’-s life* Iso ft n
n't; v . ii d«l .in • . and bis influ
ence •* iv - i \- a * 'ti/.an he was
- cb
it.d.d. II i . \ . .-naraater was above
rep:>• '• . . . 1 tire from stain.
|[. v ■ * am' thoughtful
llU'-b and * dr I'.! * i on
li f, , . •• v. ere held at the
M E. cli >di in ci, - city Tuesday,
April 11. v hi i \v.t“ argelv attended
U-v. Uh !e tis** funeral ser
snoii Tin ;• -,sl,*'i ms profusely decor
ated with 'tenths mid boquots of flow
t-i-. unit .g-d ' the hands ol bis loving
wife and children, the complete family
circle being present in attendance at
Isia death bed and funeral. He leaves
a wife, four sons and t 'o daughters to
mourn. The children are Joel K Sco t,
ot Perry Okla; L, G *iiid Geo. H. Scott
of Council lilulV , Iowa; T. M. Scott, - f
Aurora. Neb, and Mrs. Wra. Sharp,
Alls. Geo Kittle a:id Mrs. Geo. Finch
of this county. The four sons mention
and Ids two sons in-law, Messrs Finch
and Kettle, were pall-bearers and tend
erly lowered him to his last resting
l$v VVai.teh Johssow.
The day was as Bloomy
As gloomy could bo.
We sought for the Jesus,
Hut the flesh could not see.
The tomb was deserted;
The Angel had said.
Why seek ye ill" living
Among those who are dead?
Go tell the didples.
He is risen indeed :
The words that He spoke
Let each of us heed.
Look there where he lay.
For He Is not hero.
The tomb gave up tts tie ad
At the breaking of day.
O Mary, why weepest thou
For those who are not dead?
They live, and live ever;
They live as we said .
Go seek for those loved ones.
(.o seek them today:
And tell them of Jesus.
The light and the way.
Those are M.v words.
Which 1 spake unto you;
O. take them. My dear ones,
Wherever you go.
While I was yet with you.
1 told you these things;
O. why not v* member
Tim blessings I bring?
All things no' fulfilled.
V, ii h were r.Ut-a to thee.
O. com c.'itnc. My ii< ar ones,
Anti abide sliii w.ih me.
Th ; day 1' not cat 1. nod
Though doomy it be:
O. count, cam. > v dear ones.
Abide ever w r.h Mu.
For th-i- l* is v n .•••>.
And tons It ic :k be :
It be .lived .” I ■
And BHffev i i- i
B’li .1 am r >,
t I r 'to.,: f nil TO <■*
Ah' ■ r. i
I’m !iv;a 1, :•1 :
I To r* from the dea l.
And ttppear ,.o tel day,
U. this is M.v ia on.
Qeiae.tnbor the w.
It) l
I it .. 'if V. .
M> ti o .
I,, ,'t‘or trCKNI-K NOTICE.
Notice i hr • * v - ton tiir.t M.C, Mul ok
dhl i;t sue i: : • f iwf.t tile with
the Viihere I n s . i t l.snp City, N’t bras .a
in tin county of ,-herttan. h's petillon nod
;■ {.j»... ,it!nn tor a i-n-t U» soil m» Mtl- -
ui us am! yinosss liquors said \ luge nr
the !• •>•«! your I ') i : ..n il • U* •• ’J’ties
dity in May, h'USand term.eating on the first
Tuesday of May, Itrif; suou application be
ing i!.i- lH't! • i t f more tlioii l-hifiy of . it"
resident f t < h tiers of - si vil.iur*’ of L< < p
City. Any" objeolinrs. protest or remon
strance to sai ■ :-pp‘cai ion roust te bleu on
or before llte .it l .|:tv o! slay. i'.»i!'l.
1 .luted tins i::i|t tlsu of Awrii, Ifltcf.
M. c Mt U K, At pi. ant.
Attest: VV. ,1. Eisnni, \ :. a ••• clerk.
Notlee i- hereby given tliat- StaulshuiH >c
dill tin the cels lilt. V. "il. t * .: e « a
tlic Vi 11; ■ ■ t o. k t :;i- in t <j
county o' .-h rm ai i - slid uppls i*
tiotl fora llcon -to - il • l4 .| a it .oils n I
; Incus i quor* n m ri . : he ; 1
jrtmr beginning on the fit ■ Itn ,di , n
| t!“iH str.' terror : e> ■; tir-t t - la., a
M;;y, iC01; su.-n , -u i.. tl-.f ■. * ' it
of more that loot1 ids . r the t slilei.t free
tedders of ilio \ .in o I;• ii- v' Arvot
Jeetlons. protes or r»-aio -:.*r. . it tiali;'.
Iiiicaliou must Ir tie vi ou or bi l .ro too k it
d...v i f May, 1SHI,'!.
Dated ibis lstii day of Apt U. I'.**’.?. . t ■ \ppl taint.
Attest: W. M. f MKt ski;. Viit e ( ;• tit.
i.iqi u:; license notice.
Notice sheer v ■ vent a: I d n ■ Eisner
did oath' 15: h day of April. in.).: hie with
the Villa re del k of Loup < Neb., n
the count.; of S ter uin Ms p a ' . t and ap
plies; .on fora, ltce se to s tl spirit
units atalvirn is li luors ;n s; it' ; h> re for
the fiscal >t-tr bsgitiOilie il tis. TiksiIii.v
in Mar. 1903 anti tortninuting on he tlr .t
Tttosila.v of May. 1'JbJ: such application be
ing the petition of more hue tairly of tit*
resident free holders of said Village of Li> ip
City Any objection . protest or ' em i ister
nnce must be tiled on or before the 5th day
of May, 11*03.
Dated lias lath cl. y of April. 1903.
" ! sn v i • a. : pljcant
Attest: W J. F a:1 t. Vi . • i crlt.
■SI.Vfc.KI At l'A*-K OF OHIS*
Cured 1>y one IF Hit. <if riiamlicrlaln'a
< i u,, i Itrmrdy,
"When 1 li.u! iiu . !•".'< )l the «rlp Inst
nr in ter (1 he s< c*: ft or.:- I iiotuuly enreri
with on in , ( of chainbcrlatn’*
Cough U Mu'll'*,!, s* Vi k \V. 1’til'iv, ed
itor of 'lie Kir irprise, -hortsville. N. 1.
■•This is 1 he it c truth. I *t times kept
fiorii ••• it. * . in .ulf i> pieces b\ inking it
!ea»|'(it'i i i f wit* i*i■ is i.*!v, mn*l wl> n the
conghint; **• • .*• i in • on ut *li;hl 1
wo |10 * * mi * . * - • ti'il I it .* in I !i«
briefed crvnt th* m—,;!t would jms* off
:ii * wo lit H i >• • • t i**rfct; y Irt-o from
i . * !• **•**.• • *h* ii *1 •. ;'o sny
tl i* i in i i i i ; . i i ttl ve
suipr.s* i * * i: v in iiiT t hud no
iilra thi.’ *,t m i i*i* *"Miil 1 *t .'Ul Use
jjiip. Mil *.' - *i I *: Ul tli led t
I'll* « 10b !• •-'■*. ! I * <1 I I • II * ’1
with »fc* * rn! :*ii*u f «• ... hi* j tlie
j-oti. ! v *— * ;* ' i * i -*s tin.
rntioii, !• I * ' ■ ... 11 were t* ** U*fS severe,
and 1 IuhI > <i i* i • *'• . i do ;• • of one toot
tie :*. • ’!i* i i i inlieu,'' For
*•*.. i y ' > ‘ ■*: i . *.
G. II. MORGAN, Prop.
Having closed out my jewelry
stock 1 Litive re lined and refurnish
ed my front ro ;n with a complete
barber's outfit, and have now one of
the nicest tonsorial parlors in the
city. This department will he con
ducted '>v Mr. T. Shields, of Central
<' i t \, Nil) , mil" Mr. .J (* ill, of this
citv. Mr. Sbie'ds is a first-class
barber and would be pleased at any
time to have you cull.
W atchSepairing
! have also Ir’el the back room
and will still continue to reptir
watches and <• Io< ks ai d do cptical
wcrlc. All work yuar-inteed to pic
sa't mfaction.
j.ori* cttv.
N Milt A Ii A
Just Received our Full Line
of Spring Goods fo‘ Men,
Young Men and Boys
Ladies’ Skirts and
Waists ;r ’ Dress Patterns
Mae! ■ : •Y.i • Sadies,Gents
and C\i’ Don,—all s', vies.
On;- a:. ! Ion!; over
•h • ■' jck. sr
| % r-i • ' d; r v ; -
sel v s. > • r ri a - are r;-„ ht.
hi u\ :• .
:all e *uy.
, ' {
! i a »l :u a u j a \ i$
and a Cumplete Line
Windmills, rumps,
ripe?, Garden and
Field Seeds, Alfalfa,
Furniture, Etc.
mm mj 41UCBI ^Mvra *
IF *3 41 €
J a> ^
f fN?S
< W * f4
. .as A?ay
. i'ms s.i*icr^-'--fl ire, >-/*
-"* 8?T'“^: rarratcr*-t~-t r?r:?sr'j -
-- Cure* Grip
in T" o Days,
.r*.or hs,
* .. V :1' \ <7fT
•-1 -. e\ ?ry
. ,- > v.
.-fit*-* -■ i- ■ • *• 1
<«oo«l f<»r C’li'litren.
The pi or HHJi t to tuko ar 1 harmless On*
* mute Cough 1 ure ijive* immediate r%*ii•
all ea&es of Cotmb, Cr up and (ir'p : --
• nso u rtoua n^if immotli vi’ey :*■.• > i' 1
>n\Doh, 1' ut \ •<ifc v* e*ft- *t rl;flr .**; rf; s -u 1
• .♦* I noil ' I* 11 < 1' H ; i ? Ill' . P«’ •« * t.
tals and A00U1* -n't <r< r per n - • 1 1
• aiding the Uvim to eoni; hi j • »
o giving an«? in k-v ' ,\ >
'• liloo ! a*Ml > ‘ ij • •'
W •VKTEI)- ' r ■
:■ • r umt I;;-*:*- v
mi In t fiv nouti?■ *•
’i l inJVei T Vo * l'
1 vllt v Iv.O Vi . ’
• ry til1 o *vri
•* ut If pi» •• •!>'
• r • • l from *> cl
*•» tOMiVh ,
• -* Si ?-5 *
ulitai h» , Si 1 :
*ON-»4 til* Cl! A C ■ -
in l‘:» '■ H' «
* 1 ■ ) 1' 1 •, t ' -r h
•*.i • *1 •' ‘ : *
.1 ii*v ' ’ A ' l i •! *
‘ ’ n - v •
Mi Mi. i .
i L VIC. - . H hi' vV
I AH' P < l V, NiKKA A
ore ; ;k at rissjdenok.
City Dray
Transfer Line.
J. YV. & A. T. Cokofu, i’l-ei.s
All kindiof lmnllnu will l> ■ :
attention unit will make fi if
uiotriiiK househiilil tfoinl. VM
LOOP 01TT, • - - NEI : \ K '
^ For S-ili' b -
a w r» /^"S
1 V ^ c»4 iw ».«/
^ V1^ r! *
Li L. •• . i V J *- ^
Vlev,'3 on A:
‘1 EX
no FI. ' L,
"Dyspepsia," 1 Frr
"often incapacity ■ m-r< r .'C •
and sometimes e- '. • ■ . "it*
r :nb:t‘ )f)." Th(
complaint Field t.-<i . .
lion all hie life. - v-v It, t red ■ • .j • ■
can’t digest you • ' L.
rest. You can c 1 • r •. '.t by 41 v.
of ft preparation iita’Kodr l
:ov«s it of work
1 your
test soon r . tu its normal lov.
Stressed: ir •.* .
Prepared only by E. C. DsWirr ■- Co . I'M.' .a
law SI. Dut&io COtttilAiiJ *;4 timol Uiid&O^ law*,
r'uT S ii-i by Ol> JIN DAHL DUOtt.
* m
* X
r 1 yrr
h r so d we can’t keep
' ? • our stock is
"j.iiGitig brands
?ead these
‘7£ I
’ a t : ;*! O' —■> r • *"
■ J / 4JLV«, X ...
- ■** ?^4 *- /?£ M • . N
’ rH ^ ^
'• 'ii *’<h : moii,
i c in> : corn
'» C ! ' ‘ • i :• •
>! 11ip
3 lbs evaporator] apples
7 bars D. (■. soap
7 bars. .Silver Lea * »p
3 cans I ye
3 !bs. best prune *
25 cts.
25 cts,
- 2 > cts,
25 cts.
25 cts.
25 cts.
25 cts.
25 cts.
- 25 cts.
25 cts.
25 cts.
25 cts.
■ * i* si
a hJ U X *
-• J. i. DEl’EWS^
S Bh mith s Wagon Maker.
‘1- ■ is the equipped north of the Platte K iver |
! !■» •• >!''• its- ••inf(••*.* hirM mplijte line of the latent Improved, ma]
<•1 .\. Kir* . • mi who know how to operate it and;
• turn out a job with neatness tun! <1 'patch.
H , . .
Soliciting your patronage I am
Yours respectfully,
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb.
•ji-sirr.TrsTn-tTJTnrtTXfa?i?r m: -arana zwmwammmmsa
;' <• i ?i oast without snerittc
r . Th <■ s are neatly
•id : :raet % am are at
1 ; • .re ■ uilt ex
it . •> to and fro in Cali
a i **v**lat lou. 1 found
iortable, and r»felv«(l a*
rast to a i'ad l man ralnce
. *■( ooiiifor*,•*,
'>-■ Tour!.<t ,i n Mia
‘i; i '0 f> m.
i :;<! 11:30 j> /n for Portland.
Orcjott i.t So.00 from 2<L%asour\
t ' ’.ir one can materially re