The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 10, 1903, Image 4

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Route j
at. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Lonis,
and all points
East and aouth.
Salt Lake City,
San Franotaoo,
and all poll)la
Ho U Passenger.12:10 p. m
NO 80 Freight.ll*6am
No. 61 Passenger.11:07 p. m
Na. S» Freight. 1:40 p. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
reeats free) on through trains. Tickets
eoid and baggage checked to any point in
the Lulled Stales or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call to or write to K L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. Francis. Gen'l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 86 leases daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 8: a. m.
No. 88 leases Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 18:20 p. m.
No. 80 lease#. Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, (mixW 2:*S p. m.
No. 87 arrives willy except Sunday (mixed
12.06 p. m. ”
No 86arrives dally exeept Sunday (pass
enger) 7iJ5 p, m.
First clase service and dose connections
west and eoutk
H J.
Clinton, Agent.
(i. H. Gibson. Clerk.
8. N. SWKETLANU, Treasurer
J. A. Amour, Judge.
J. S., Attorney.
Eiiwakb smvjiku, Sheriff.
R. 1). Hknurickkon, 8upt. Public Inst.
K B CouNiMii. surveyor,
Geo. W. UuNilK, Oornor.
X) C Grow. Dlst No. 4 , Chairman., PO
address, Loup City, Neb.
ANliRBW Gokstka, Dlst. No. 1., Ashton I O
Pktkr Thous, Hi t. No. 2 Loup city, " "
W O Brown, Dlst. No. 3, Loup City," “
John MaiefsKI. Dlst. No. S, Ashton, *• “
WM. Jakob, Dlst No 6, Itoekvllle, '• "
W II. CHAPMAN,.Dlst. No. 7, Lltchileld “ “
Loup City Lodge No. 33, A O U VV.—Meets
-.'ud and 4th Thursday of each month.
friendship Lodge No. 1U, L> of H 1st arid
:trd Thursday of each month.
Loup City Council No 136. L M L A 1st and
3rd Monday of each month.
Mateland Castle. No. 162. Royal Highlanders.
2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
Excelsior Lodge, No. 164. I O O V 1st and
3nd Saturday of each month.
Marimon Lodge, No. Ill, K of P~2nd and
4th Wednesday of each month,
Loup City Camp, No. 638, M W A—1st and
3rd, Tuesday of each month.
Loup City Camp No. 827. K N A - 2nd and
1th Tuesday of each month.
Porter Lodge, No. 106, A KSA M-Tuesday
• a or full moon and 2nd Tuesday
Joppa Chapter. No. 34, tt A M—1st Monday
of each mouth.
Orental Chapter, No. 78—1st and 3rd Sat
urday of cash month
I. of G A R—2nd and 1th Saturday of each
month at 2 o'clock p. in.
1 live and let my brother live
With all tnat’s good with me.
Unto the poor, some cash I give.
The balance I give Rocky Mountain
Tea,—Odeudahl llros.
Millinery Opening.
Mrs I). Simpson, of Ravenna, Nebr.
wishes to annouuce that she will have
a grand opening of her millinery goods
on April 8,9, and 10, and wishes to see
many of h«i Sherman county friend at
her place of business on that day. She
has ail the latest styles and fashions.
For Sale.—A car load of western
horses. Some broke, can be seen at my
farm one mile west of Divide. They
are good horses and will be sold at a
bargain. ^Schoening A Vass.
Try Sheridan coal and you will be
satisfied; supply always on hand at
E. G. Tapir's elevator.
Do you want a piano, organ
or sew ing machine. If so call
and see T. M. Reed.
Mr front room is elagantly fitted and
furnished as a harbor parler, and 1 hare
also fitted the room in the rear for
watch and clock repairing. Good
workrnenship in both branches.
G. H. Morgan
For Sale.—Two No. 1 milch cows.
Apply to it. F Reynolds, f.oup City.
For Sale.—A nice lot of seed corn
and a few hundred bushels of seed oats,
on my farm two miles north of Divide
post office Henry Ransink.
Mrs W. M. Smelser, of Rockville,
wishes to announce that she has received
a full line of millinery for spring and
summer, and is ready to please all in
choice of styles and price. Call aud see
Fop Rent —Good pasture, 240 acres,
three wire fence, plenty of living water.
See S S Reynolds, Loup City, Xebr.
Wanted.—A good pasture for two
2-year-old colts for the season. Come
to this office.
will stand for the seasou at R. A. Wil
son livery barn. These are two of the
finest horses in the country. You should
come aud see them before breeding.
K A Wilson, Owner.
Due Notice In Nerved.
Due notice is hereby served on the public
generally that DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
lathe only salve on the market that Is
made from the pure unadulterated witch
hazel. DeWitta Witch Hazel salve has cur
ed thousands of cases of plies that would
not yield to any other treatment, and tills
tact has brought out many worthless conn,
tlrfelts. Those persons who get the gen
ulne DsWltl's Wlctn Hazel Salve are never
disappointed, because it cures.—Odendahl
Lsoaal Daws.
(’all and see T. M. Reed if you want
Alfalfa Seed
The county board of supervisors will
meet again April 14.
Will Mizner was doing business at
i the county seat Saturday.
Henry Bell called and ordered the
Nokthwestkkn last week.
11. II. MeClemments now has a pos
ition at the Snyder livery barn.
O. F. Petersen has built a new ad
dition to bis residence on the east
If you want, the best Jack in the
country fee Troy Hale, lie raises them.
Charles I.arson was seen going out
of town last Friday wilh a bran new
A few moro feed grinders yet at
T. M. Reeds. Call early before they are
all gone.
Nut coal, the best for cook stoves,
for sale hy K. (}. Taylor at 3 & M
Henning Clausen an 1 Edward l agan
of Washington township were down to
the city Saturday.
Dr. P aimer of Litchfield was at the
couuty seat on business Wednesday. He
called to see us.
• D. C. Grow, sells flour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company's
st.iod ou south side public square.
John Zink, who has been running a
restarant at Ashton, cloeed up his bus
iness and moved on his farm near Aus
Oblsen Bros, will soon start to making
brick They propose to put on a full
force and run the yard to its full capa
Those who were up early enough to
see the northern lights last Monday
morning, pronounce them to have been
very beautiful
Spring is the time to use Rocky
Mountain Tea Keeps you well all
summer. Great spring life renewer.
—Odendabl Bros.
An Eater Supper will be given by the
Royal Highlanders at Society hall ou
Monday evening, April 13, Supper to be
served from tj to 9 o'clock
Biemond & Miller have placed a
new phone in their meat shop and also
run a free delivery to every part of the
city. All orders promptly tilled.
Polished finish on new plow lays at
Depewg blacksmith shop and don't cost
a bit more than when finished in the old
rough way. Can be done just as cheap,
quicker and a heap better.
County clerk Gibson, reports chattel
mortgage releases filed last Saturday to
the amount of $24,673 99. Prosperity’s
waive is rolling and the record of mort
gage releases is the surest barometer.
Swanson & Dahl have a complete
line of groceries and you should call
and see them. That Yale coffee they
handle is immense. The editor has
tried it and thinks it good for the
money. 15, 20 and 25 cents.
\V. II. Kennedy finished a seven
months term of school in district Mo. 37
near Shaupp’s Siding. Mr. Kennedy
has taught several terms in that dist
rict and is wanted for the next. He is
oue of the best teachers in the county.
Cban True, of Lee Park, and brother
in-law of Mrs. O. Benscboter made a
business trip to Loup City last Tuesday
and while here renewed old acquaint
ances. This office acknowledges a pleae
ant visit from him.
Walter Johnson, of Logan township
was in town Saturday. He has been
spending a month at Lincoln on both
business and pleasure- While in the
city he was a frequent visitor to the
capitol building during the legislative
Jack and Edna Highlands Musical
Comedy and Novelty Co. will be at the
opera bouse at Loup City Saturday
evening April 18th. Clean, moral and
refined. Price 15, 25 and 35. lieserv
ed seats on sale at Froelick’s.
While Win Neville the acommodating
blacksmith at the llauck blacksmith
shop was trimming the feet of the bfg
thoroughbred jick of J. T.Hale’s, the
animal kicked him on the leg. Billy is
able to be on deck altbough he has a
badly swolen leg.
l)r. J. W. Jones hag a few bushels of
line potatoeg for sale for seed. Much
as Maik Hanna, Great Million and Six
Week. These are tremendous yielders,
yielding as high as 850 bushels per
acre. They were raised last year on
hig farm in Sherman eounty.
J. W. Carter and 8. C. Smith of
Platte county, Neb, are twe gentleman
who hava invested in Sherman county
soil near Ashton and last Tuesday were
doing business at the county seat. They
are pleasant gentleman and we welcome
them on the already great list of Sber
mau county farmers.
G. H. Morgan has closed out his jaw
elery stock and a gentleman by the
name of F. K. Ilayward, an experienced
barber of Omaha lias pint In a complete
*ct of fixtures and opiened up* a tlrst
class barber shop Mr. Morgan will fit
up tbe back rooms to the building and
continue to repair watches. Mr. Hay
ward is a very pleasant gentleman and
will run tbe shop In connection with Mr.
Gill, who is also an artist at the bus
| Go to Swanson \ Dahl Tor your gro
I £. S. Hay hurst is selling lots of farm
Walter Smith of Die- r Creek was at
the county seat Saturday
John Lofbolm has decorated his re
sidence with a new po&rch.
Emil Shumann of Ashton was doing
business at Loup City Friday.
Johnson Lorentz & Co. hare just re
ceived a lull line of spring shirts.
Peter Mortz of Bristol township w as
among the county seat visitors Sat
Carsten Truelsen moved into the
Plummer house in the “ast part of town
last week.
Anyone wishing a good second baud
lister will do well to see those at Chris.
Hauck's blacksmith shop.
The brick walls to Chas. Conhiser'a
new ware house are up and the carpen
ters are putting on the finishing touches.
< > F. Petersen has been adding to the
sidewalk in front of his building now
occupied by John Solms as a hard
ware store.
If you have butter ami eggs to s*ll
take them to .Swanson & Dahl. High
est prices for produce Lowest prices
for groceries.
Chas. Snyder came to town last Fii
day with a lame horse. Billy Neville
examined the foot and extracted a
rusty nail.
Tho front of the Oltmau building now
occupied by Swanson aud Dabl. is be
ing treated to a new eo it of paint Geo
Eggers is doing the job.
The county clerk received for record
during the first three months of this
year 500 instrument, which is nearly
double the usual number.
D. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to buy a car
load of oats lie also bas a fine grade
of whole wheat Hour for sale.
A. 13 McDowell, of Washington
townbsip was in town last Friday and
took home a lister and a cultivator
which he purchased of T. M. lleed.
Makes children eat, si ep and grow;
Makes mother strong and vigoruos.
Makes a healthy family. That’s what
Rocky Mountain Tea does.^Odenda hi
John Hallenbeek, the gentleman who
formerly lived on the Fuller ranch in
Bristol township, moved his family last
week onto the W. It, Mellor farm north
east of town.
Mr. S. II. Branscomb of Rockville
made us a pruning knife that is second
to none on the market. It is mounted
on a long handle and works with a leav
er to protection. Anyone wishing any
thing of the kind Will do well to see
Sheldon. Iowa. Dec. II, 1902.—I have
used Liquid Koal to clean my stock
tanks and the underground pipes that
connect them, with success. 1 put in a
few drops of Liquid Koal every 10 days
and they were kept clean and healthy
by its action.—D. M. Merwin.
Geo. Ritr. of Rockville was a pleas
ant caller at this ofllce last Monday and
renewed his subscripton. Mr. Ritz has
a good farm near Rockville and is also
fanning an adjoining quarter section
owned by S. H Branscomb, blacksmith,
at Rockville,
At the regular meeting of tha D. of II.
lodge of this city last Thursday evening
Mrs Cbas. C. Cooper, Mrs. Minnie Ben
sehoter and Mrs. Carrie Johansen were
taken in as new members After the
work of innitiation and regular business
a nice supper was served to all present.
L. X. Smith baa purchased the 80 acre
tract of land adjoining his farm and
was seen loading a lot of fence wire at
Hayburst's hardware store, lie informs
us that he intends to fence in the 80
acres, which, in addition to bis already
large fact, will make a pasture of 400
acre under fence.
Geo. II. and L. G. Scott., of Council
Blutt's, Iowa, J. R. Scott of Perry, Okla.
and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Scott of Aurora,
Nebraska, also Mrs. Geo. Finch and
Mrs. Geo. Kittle, of Oak Creek, all ar
rived this week and have, since coming
been constantly at the bed side of their
sick lather, whose death Is expected
Dourly. Mrs. Ueo. Sharp, another
daughter living here, is also present
and com pieces, the family circle.
K. 8. Reynolds came in with another
link of bologna which was quickly con
sumed by the editor and mechani
cal forces of the shop. It was so
good that we ate of it just as liearry as
though we had not had any thing to eat
for a week, although we had been treat
ed to every thing nice at the D. of H.
supper the night before. YVe mearly
mention this to let yoa know about the
superior quality of belogna Mr. Rey
nold* is making.
The greatest danger from colds and
grip is their resulting in pneumonia If
reasonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. Among the tens
of thousands who have used this remedy
for these diseases we have yet to learn
of a single case which has resulted in
pneumonia, which shows conclusively
that it is a certain preventative of that
dangerous disease. It will cure a cold
or an attack of the grip In less time than
any other treatment. It Is pleasant and
safe to take Sold by Odendalil Uros.
Mies.Grace Kay wus in the city Tuea
i ilay.
.tamps Job insen is breaking a tine
span (if colts.
Ileitnan Jung, jr., now ocoupies bis
new dwelling.
Col. Young is on the sick list again,
but at this writing U better.
District Court has been atij >nrned
| until Slay 12th. It will he a jury term
If you want a good span of young
| mules see Tioy Uale at the Round
Front barn.
Flour and feed exchanged for wheat
, D. C Crow's store, youth side*
public square.
E. A. Brown, publisher of the Ashton
News 'Rag" make a hurry trip to Ash
ton Saturday.
*V II. Pedler severely cut his hand
last Friday while helping to load a disc
into a farm wagon
Sheriff’ Snyder, who does a good deal
of driving says that the roads are In a
very good condition
J. B. O'Brvan, theU. I*, engineer took
a two days rest Friday and Saturday.
He was on duty Monday morning.
A. P. Delyster lias accepted a posit
ion lo do the gardening at the resedence
of John W Long and YV. R. Mellor.
If you want to swap horses be sure
and stop at trie Round Front bam
Troy Hale, the proprietor has some
good western horses
Harry Jenner, Loup City's water
commissioner was llxing a leak in the
mains last Saturday, in front of Oden
dabl Bro’s. drug store.
The County board of Supervisors will
meet next Tuesday, April 14. for the
purpose of letting the contract for a
new residence building on the county !
poor farm
Will Zimmerman now spotts a bran j
new buggy. It is a handsome turnout.
H J. Becker, the musician from Grand
Island made a professional visit to this
city last Saturday.
Cyrus Smith, a brother of Mrs. Made
ly returned to bis Frontier county
home last Tuesday He took a car load !
of seed corn and potatoes and also '
some stock. He purchased a tine jwk
of J. T. Hale.
C. M. Snyder was at the county seat
last Friday. He took his disc home
which had b en sharpened at the De
pew blackstnith shop. Jlr Snyder says
tbat-after he gets over the Held with
the disc it will be as good as plowing.
The time for getting your dire sharp
ened is at hand and you should remem-!
her that .F I Depew is fixed, with all
necessary machinery to do you a first
class job at a reasonable price He can !
do the work quickly ar.d satisfactorily.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M
E church of Loup. City will hold
an Easter Fair at Society Hall, April
11th., and will serve ice cream dur
ing the afternoon and evening. Tl.ey j
will have on sale aprons, sun-bonnets
ar.d many fancy articles. In the even- I
ing a regular supper will be served,
commencing at six o’clock. Price fori
supper 25 cents. Everybody invited.
Dome and see Mosco. St. Petersburg,
Nignei-Xovgored, Kazan, Perms, Ta
boisk, Irkutsk, Tiflls and Odessa which
will be at the opera house, in this city
April 20th, 1903, under the auspices of
Oriental Chapter, No. 78, O E. S , and j
enjoy a masonic lecture by a man who |
has had actual experience. Admission,
35 cts. Special prices will be mad* for i
school children.
Kor liver tronbles and constipation
There* nothing heller in creation
Than Citlle Karly Kisers, the taraonS little I
They always effect curea and save doctor
Little Early Risers are diff erent from
all other pills. They do not weaken
the System, but act as a tonic to the
tissues by arousing the secretions anil
re-tori ng the liver to the full perform
ance of its functions naturally — Oden
datal Bros.
A report reaches us from Arcadia to
tiie effect that the large barn of Peter
Christiansen was completly consumed
by fire last Thursday night, togather
witli nine head of horses, 11 through
bred cattle, buggies and some hogs.
The loss is estimated to be about
fMTlOO. The lire was discovered about i
11 o'clock at night, but had gained such !
headway that it was impossible to check \
it, or even save the property within, j
The origan of the tire is a mystery.
It did us a worl 1 of good to meet and
shake bands with our old friend, ,J. R
Scott, of Perry, Okla.. who arrived here
last Monday noon, having learned of
his fathers serious sickness and hasten
ed to meet him before it was to late,
Mr. Scott is, as ever, the suine pleasant
gentleman as when we knew him years
ago, and although deeply grieved over
the sad condition of ilia father, meets
all his old friends with an expression
of most cordial greeting. It ha» been
about ten years ‘inue he bas been to
Loup City, lie informs us that he left
Mrs Scott in very poor health, which
her many friend here will be sorry to !
learn. Mr. Scott says of Loup City !
and Sherman county, that no doubt, it j
will afford us a bright future, that we I
have advantages here which the Terri-I
tory does not posess, and that of course,
where he is located there are many ad
vantages which we do not have, and
being pleasantly located where he is,
would not care to return.
•Just a Few
P Ji I €
3 CANS GOOD CORN - - - 25 cts.
3 CANS GOOD PEAS 25 cts.
2 CANS GOOD TOMATOES - - 25 cts.
2 CANS SAUER KRAUT - - 25 cts.
2 CANS PEARS - 25 cts.
7 BARS D C SOAP - . . 25 cts.
3 lbs. SALT SALMON 25 cts.
3 lbs. DRIED PEACHES - - 25 cts.
2 lbs. DRIED APRICOTS - . 25 cts.
3 lbs. RAISINS 25 cts.
3 lbs. GOOD PRUNES - - 25 cts.
7 BARS LENOX SOAP - - 25 cts.
3 PACKAGES RAISINS - - 25 cts.
Yours for Business,
A. E„ Chase.
Look Here!
DO YOU KNOW that thU will probably be the be t
spring for setting Trets, Plant* and Sbrubs that
Sherman County ever saw ? and
DO YOU KNOW that everyone who owns a plot of ground should improve the
opportunity ? anti
DO YOU KNOW that you can buy anything in this line from F. JO. BREWER,
cheaper than you can get It direct from the nurseries; r ot cheap, job-lot,
half-dead stuff, but the VERY hest to be had ?
He also writes Insurance of all kinds. Hail Insurance in the old reliable St. Paul Eire A
Marine. Write, or call on him. Office with T. S. Nightingale, Loup City, Nebr.
CITY jvieAT iviAPKeT
We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH <£ SALT
MEATS, and can fill all orders promptly and satisfactorily.
Wa solicit a fair share of the public's patronage, and
will give you your money’s worth at all times. •>• >* #.
Highest Mar hit Price Paid for Hides.
<Z/I Li Li ADD 5S6 MY
One Door Hast of St. Elmo Hotel,
1 have ti fisrt-class shoe shop in connection, with my store
well equipped with a fine stitching machine and all necessary tools
to do firs.-class work.
Respectfully soliciting your trade I am yours truly,
A. P. CULEY, President.
W. F. MASON, Cashier.
General Banking
Paiu up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska