DISGUISED CATARRH. A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women -Many Thousand Women Suffer Needlessly From This Cause. w. There are a multitude of women, es- i pecially housewives, and ail other women obliged to be on their feet constantly, who are wretched betond description, simply because their strength and vitality issapped away by catarrhal discharges from the pelvic organs. These women get up in the morning tired, drag themselves through their daily duties tired, only to go to bed at night as tired as before. Mr*. Eva liartho, 133 K.i*t 1-th Street* N, V. City, N. Y.# write*: ‘I suffered for three years with what is generally known as leucorrhea, in connection with ulceration of the womb. The doctors advocated an opeiation which 1 dreaded very much, and ftrongly objected to go under it. Reading of the value of Eeruna, I thought it best to give this well-known remedy a trial, so 1 bought three bottles of it at once. Now 1 am a changed woman. Pe run a cured me; it took nine bottles, but 1 felt so much improved I kept taking it. as 1 dreaded an operation so much. 1 am to-day in perfect health, and have not felt so well lor fifteen years.”—-Mrs. Eva liurtho. MISS LOUISE MAHON j vr MI'S Louise Mnhon, 3 Glen Ittllle Street, Toronto, Ont„ ( »n„ secretary or the Uliitf* l>;m(jitters and Neeretary of Lady Miroa l>4*es writes: ’*If all womenknewof th : benefits to lie derived from taking Peruna we would have many happier ami more healthful women. My health ha" never been too robust, and I am easily fatigued and rail not stand much. About a \car ago I was so run down that I had to take to inv lied, anil became weaker and weaker. A friend adt is 1 me to try Penina, and I have great reason to be grateful, for in two weeks 1 was out of b d and in a month I was perfectly well, and I now find that my health is much more robust than formerly, so that 1 take Peruna once or twice a mouth and keep well."—Louise Mahon. Peru n a is such a perfect specific for each case that when patients have once used it they can never be induced to quit it until they are permanently cured. 11 begins to relievo the disagreeable symptoms at once. The backache ceases, the trembling knees are strengthened, the appetite restored, the digestion made perfect, the dull headache is stopped and the weakening drains are gradually cured. These results certainly follow a course of treatment with Peruna. Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and Walnut streets, Appleton, W’is., writes as follows in regard to Peruna: "For years I have suffered with back ache and severe pains in the side. I doctored so much that 1 became discour aged. A school friend told me how very much Peruna had benefited her and I sent out for a bottle, which did more to relieve me than all the other medicine I have ever taken. I used it faithfully for two weeks and it completely cured me. I have not had any pains sinve, anywhere, but feel like a new woman. I am truly thankful for what l’eruna has done for me."—Bar bara Alberty. Mn. Kate Mitnn. 806 llathumt Rtpwt, Toronto. Out.. Cun., Vlo« President of the Ladion Aid S.H'tety, writes : l am pleaded to give praise to Peruna for the blessed relief I found through its use. I suffered for vears with backarhe and dragging down pains and often ha