The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 03, 1903, Image 4

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    TIM* TABU,
Ornate a,
St. Joecph,
Sanaa* Oltj,
St. Loili.
and all polat*
tut and aoatte.
Salt Lake City,
San rranclroo,
and all point*
Mo M Paa«*nger.,..i2:l0p. m
No 9* Freight.ll.Ma.m.
Mo. II Passenger.11:07 p. m
Mo. #• Freight. 1:40 p. on
•looping, dinner and reollnlng chair care
(aeate free) on through trains Ticket*
aold and baggage cheeked to any point in
ttee Halted State* or Canada.
For Information, maps, time table* and
ttaketo call on or write to K L. auteur
Agent. Or J. Fnanoia Uen'l Paaaenger
Agent, Omaha, xebraaka.
Mleavee dally except Sunday <pa»»
r). I a m
,fo. M leavee Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) U:S0p. m.
Mo. «> leave* Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) S:M p. m, )
Mo. *7 arrive* dally exoept Sunday (mixed
ISA p. m.
Mo. SB arrival dally except Sunday (pea*
anger) 7:t6 p. m.
First elan* servloe and oloae connection*
cast, west and soutk
H J. Clifton, Agent,
U. H Gibson, Clerk.
S. N. Swkbtland. Treasurer.
J. A. ANoik.B, Judge.
J. 8. PSDi.BR, Attorney.
Kdward Snyder, Sheriff.
B. D. Hendrickson, Sunt. Public Inst.
£ B Corning, Surveyor,
Geo. W. Huntrr, Qornor.
e u i‘E nviiosi:
D O Grow, Dlst No. 4., Chairman.. P O
address, Loup City, Neb.
Anurbw Gorstka, Dlst. No. 1., Ashton P O
Peter Thode, Dl t. No. 2 Loup City, •* “
W O Brown, Dlst. No 3, Loup City, " *•
John Maiefbki, Dlst. No. 5. Ashton, *• “
Wm. Jakob, Dlst. No. 6, Hockvllle, •• ”
W H. OHATMAN, Dlst, No. 7, Lltchlleld “ “
Loup City Lodge No. 33, A O U W—Meets
2nd and 4th Thursday of eaoh month.
friendship Lodge No 19, D of H.—1st and
3rd Thursday of each month.
Loup City Council No 13(1, L M L A—1st and
3rd Monday of each month.
Mateland Castle. No. 162. Royal Highlanders.
2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
Excelsior Lodge, No. 168. I O O F—1st and
3nd Saturday of each month.
Marimon Lodge. No. Ill, K of P—2nd and
4th Wednesday of each month,
Loup City Camp, No. 636, M W A—1st and
3rd, Tuesday of each month.
Loup City Camp No. 827, R N A-2nd and
4th Tuesday of each month.
Porter Lodge. No. 106, a F & A M—Tuesday
• a or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday
Joppa Chapter. No. 54, R A M—1st Monday
of each month,
Orental Chapter. No. 78— 1st and 3rd Sat
urday of cash month.
L of G A R—2nd and 4th Saturday of each
month, at 2 o'clock p. m.
1 live and let my brother live
With all tnat’a good with me.
Unto the poor, some cash I give,
Thabalanoe I give Rocky Moantain
Tea,—Odendahl Bros.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets care a
eold in oae day. No. cure, No Pay. Price
Millinery Opening.
Mrs D. SlmpaoD, of Ravenna, Nebr.
wishes to aoDOUDce that she will have
a grand opening of her millinery goods
•n April 8,9, and 10, sdO wishes to see
many of her Sherman eouoty friend at
her place of business on that day. She
has all the latest styles and fashions.
For Sale.—A ear load of western
horses. Some broke, can be seen at my
farm one mile west of Divide. They
. are good horses and will be sold at a
bargain.—Schoenlng & Vags.
Try Sheridan coal and you will be
satisfied; supply alwayB on hand at
E. G. Taylor’s elevator.
Do you want a piano, organ
or sewing machine. If so call
and see T. M. Reed.
For Sale.—A niee lot of seed corn
and a taw hundred bushels of seed oats,
on my (arm two mi lea north of Divide
poit office.—Henry Ransiok.
For Rent.—Good pasture, 240 acres,
three wire fence, plenty of living water.
See S S Reynolds, Loup City, Nebr.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*.
All druggists refund the money If It falls to
cure. E. W. Grove’s signature Is on each
box. Price, 25cta.
Wanted.—A good pasture for two
2-year-oid colts for the season. Come
to this office.
The Loyal Mystic Leftgon lodge of
this eity will give a dance at Society
ball for the members only, on Monday
evening, April »>th.
will staud for the season at R. A. Wil
son livery barn. These are two of the
• finest horses in the country. You should
eome and see them before breeding.
R A Wilson, Owner.
Dae Notice In Served.
Due notice Is hereby served on the public
generally that DeWltts Wltoh Hazel Salve
le the only salve on the market that Is
made from the pure unadulterated witch
hazel. DeWltts Witch Ilaz'el Salve has eur
ed thousands of cases of piles that wonld
net yield to any other treatment, and this
fast has brought out many worthless coun
tlrfelts. Those persona who get the gen
uine DeWltt’a Wlctn Hazel Salve are never
-disappointed, because it cures.—Odendahl
41 rot.
Uoaai Daws. i
Mrs Robert Young is on the sick list.
The little baby of S. E. Qallawsy is
Harley Hulbert Is suffering with
Call and see T. M. Reed if you want
Alfalfa Seed
The county board of supervisors will
meet again April 14.
We are sorry to report the serious ill
ness of N. B. Thompson.
James Rentfrow purchased a bran new
buggy of T. M. Reed last Wednesday.
If you want the best Jack in the
country see Troy Hale, ne raises them.
Oliver Dubry is breaking a fine span
of bay colts. They will make nice
Nut coal, the best for cook stoves,
for sale by K. G. Taylor at 3 & M
E. S. Hay burst and O. F. Petersen
have been nominated by petition for
Tillage trustees.
Mrs. Joe Kowalewski in company
with Mrs. Frank Lorchick were pleasant
callers Monday.
If you want a good borse and have
not got the money go and see Troy Hale,
at the Round Front barn.
Tbe cooking utccsils belonging to Joe
church, tbe former St. Elmo cook, were
sold at auction last Friday.
Melvin and Calvin Lewis of near
Litchfield started for California last
Monday where they go to live.
D C. Grow* sells flour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company’s
stand on south side public square.
S S Hover, bought a bunch of 57 head
of eattle at Ashton )a3t Monday and got
home with them Monday evening.
L Hansen Is tearing down the old
fence around bis residence property and
proposes to replace It with a new one.
Geo. Brill, of Council Bluff's, and son
of Mrs. A Wall is visiting in the city.
Mr. Brill made us a pleasant call
Spring is the time to use Rocky
Mountain Tea Keeps you well all
sunnier. Great spring life renewer.
—Odendahl Bros.
Those wishing to contract with Cong
er Bros for ice for the season should do
so at once No contracts will be made
after the first of April.
An Eater Supper will be given by the
Royal Highlanders at Society ball on
Monday evening, April 13, Supper to be
served from 6 to 9 o’clock
Biemond & Miller have placed a
new phone in their meat shop and also
run a free delivery to every part of the
city. All orders promptly filled.
Martia Bydalek of Ashton was at the
county seat last Saturday, straightening
out soma land business, lie took occa
sion to subscribe for this paper.
Polished finish on new plow lays at
Depews blacksmith shop and doo't cost
a bit more than when finished in the old
rough way. Can be done just as cheap,
quicker and a heap better.
John Larson of Aurora is here look
ing after his landed interests on the
west side of tbe river. He took out
some lumber to make some very sub
stantial improvements.
W. G. Odendahl, and Henry Eisner of
this place and Ernie Mllburn of Arcadia
started Wednesday for • duck and goose
hunt on tbe Platte. The objective
point is between Grand Island and
SwanRon & Dahl have a complete
line of groceries and you should call
and see them. That Yale coffee they
handle is immense. The editor has
tried it and thinks it good for tbe
money. 15,20 and 25 cents.
The business men on tbo Swanson,
Roberts, St. Elmo, and Wilson block
and the block south have petitioned the
village board for a new crossing from
the Swanson Shoe Shop corner to Her
man Jung's bakery. The crossing
should be built.
Grand Popular Moving picture enter
tainment to be given at the opera house,
Tuesday night, April 7th. Principal
feature of the entertainment will be the
Martinique Disaster. This alone is worth
the price of admission. Reserved seats
35 cts. at Frolelcb’s. General admission
25, vts., children 15 cts.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Kanslnk, of near
Divide were pleasant callers at this of
fice last Friday afternoon. Mr. Ransink
raised a fine lot of corn and oats this
year. His oats are of the White Russian
variety and yielded him a good crop.
In another column he is advertising
seed corn and oats for sale.
We are sorry to note that Uncle Jos
eph Simmons has become mentally de
ranged and is also very feble in health.
He is about eighty year of age and has
been sick nearly ail winter. Last Fri
day his soh Alley came to town to con
sult the eounty attorney about the ad
visability of taking him to the asylum.
R. D. Hendrickson has his new brick
house completed. This is the second
bouse that Mr Hendrickson has built
within the last two years, he haying
sold the first soon after it was com
pleted and then started building
the second one. If everyone in the
county had as much push and enterprise
as R. D. there would be a farm house
on ever quarter section.
Mrs Paul Johansen is reported sick.
Go to Sw*ii«Mi & Dahl for your gro
Henry Wilson went to St. Paul, Tues
day-, to consult Dr. Grotban.
Read E. G. Paige’s intere sting letter
on the Ashton page this week.
Johnson Lorentz & Oo. hare just re
ceived a full Hue of spring shirts.
L. Strankman came in last Friday and
ordered the North western for a year.
Wm. Jakob called on ua Friday and
enrolled his name on our aubseription
Henry Plumbeck who has been ao very
sick for some time past Is reported to
be getting along nicely.
Tbe jinltor reports that there bus
been about forty tons of coal burned so
far this winter at tbe school bouse.
Don’t forget the Grand Popular Moving
picture entertainment at the opera
bouse, Tuesday evening, April 7th.
Biemond and Outhouse shipped three
car load of stock tbe last of tne week,
one from Rockville and two from Loup
If you have butter and eggs to sell
take them to Swanson & Dahl. High
est prices for produce. Lowest prices
for groceries.
H. Lewis started for his home in Har
rison township last Sunday morning
He left $3.00 to Insure a weekly visit (
from tbe Nokthwestkkn.
D. C\ Grow, of tbe Northern Milling
company feed store wants to buy a car i
load of oats He also has a line grade i
of whole wheat flour for sale.
G. II. Scott Is seriously sick. He took
to bis bed about ten days ago and his (
condition has beeu growing worse. He
has been in feble health fora long time.
Makes children eat, sleep and grow; I
Makes mother strong and vigoruos. i
Makes a healthy family. That’s what
Rocky Mountain Tea does.—Odendabl ;
Bros. !
A. Hansel has bought another quarter <
section of land adjoining him. Tbe <
laud is known as the Morris land but
was bought some time ago by Mr. j
Hearsey, of West Point, who has now ,
sold to Mr. Hansel. )
C II. Plambeck, of Aibtoo township •
while at the county seat last Monday j
called at this oflice and renewed his sub
scription Mr. Plambeck dos'nt get to
the couuty seat often but hardly ever ‘
fails to come and see us when in town.
Sheldon, Iowa, Dec. 11, 1902.—I have
used Liquid Koal to clean my stock
tanks and the underground pipes that
connect them, with success. 1 put in a
few drops of Liquid Koal every 10 days
and they were kept clean and healthy
by its action.—D. M. Merwin.
Fred Schneidreit was hauling several
loads of corn to town last week. His
cern was among the best in quality that
come to the Loup City market. He re
ceived 23 cents per bushel, but was told
that he could get more if a car load of
the same quality could be secured.
Henry Wrehe, living about a mile and
a half north west of Ashton was at the
county seat last Monday He gave us a
five dollar bill to pay arrearages and a
year in advance to this paper. Mr.
tVrehe owns a half section of land and
is farming 180 acres, and has 50 acres of
winter wheat that is looking nice.
A very severe accident happened to
the little 12 year old girl of L. Strank
man, living on Oak Creek. It seems
that while out in the yard she slipped
and fell, breaking the short rib on tbe
left side. At first it wsb thought that
it was only a severe bruise but later it
developed that tbe bone bad been broken.
Dr. Main dressed the wound and al
though she has suffered very much is 1
getting belter.
We are now sending out a good many
sample copies. You may get one every
few weeks but don’t think because of |
this that we lucend to force it onto you {
If you are not a subscriber your name
will not go down on our list until you
order it. The sample copy simply
means that we want you to look the
paper over, and that we hope to get you
on the list soon. There will be no '
charges to any one unless be is a bona- 1
fled subscriber.
The greatest danger from colds and ^
grip Is their resulting in pneumonia. If
reasonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. Among the tens |
of thousands who have used this remedy ^
for these diseases we have yet to learn (
of a single case which has resulted in ;
pneumonia, which shows conclusively
that it is a certain preventative of that
dangerous disease. It will cure a cold
or an attack of the grip in less lime than
any other treatment. It is pleasant and
safe to take. Sold by Odendahi Bros.
The B & M R. R. Co. paid Into the
Sherman county treasurer H800 00 back (
irrigation tax Thanks to the county |
board who instructed the couDty attor
ney to notify said company that if the
taxes were not paid by their next meet
iug date, April 14, proceedings to col
lect would be instituted. It appears that (
upon receipt of this notice the said taxes
were promptly paid. It was the refusal
of the payment of these taxes by this
railroad company that got I.ogan and ^
Loup City townships into trouble and (
through ill advise of railroad and other |
attorneys, was y ut to a cost of over 8800.
and for which we are bow paying a
double levy to meet.
Fritz Oornrumph ii able to be out.
EH. I>raper now sports a new buggy
T M. Heed fitted bun out last week.
C. L. Drake is in the city and ex
peets to remain a week or ten days.
Yon can save money by grinding youi
feed. T M Heed sells feed grinders.
W. H. Brown of David City baa beei
visiting relatives and friends at Ashton
District Court has been adjourned
until May 12tb. it will be a jury term.
Mrs. Hilsabeak.of Tbeyer county if
here visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C. Out
If you want & good span of young
mules see Troy Hale at tbe Round
Front barn.
Mrs. Madely is enjoying a visit from
aer brother. Mr Cyrus Smith, who ar
rived Monday.
Flour and feed exchanged for wheal
it D. C. Grow's store. South s!d«
public square.
R. S. Trlpplet, the young man jail
•ecently from Ky, has secured a post*
don in Odendabl Bros, drug store.
Tou should not forget the annual town
(hip meeting whieh is called to meet at
he office of W. R. Mellor next Tuesday
\pril 7.
lfyouwantto swap horses be sure
and stop at tne Round Front barn.
Troy Hale, the proprietor has some
food western horses.
Rev Madely went to Rockville last
seek Thursday to preach the funeral
lerrnon of tbe little six year old daugh*
er of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilendrioson
vbo died with lung fever.
Parker Bros, are to give a Grand High
slass moving picture entertainment at
Alger’s opera bouse on Tuesday, April
tb. They have a tine lot of up-to-date
)icturea and will give the people a
{rand treat.
(x H. Lindall, wife and sister, of
Norfolk, Neb., and who have been atop
>lng at the Hotel Wharton for several
lays past, have rented the Morris resi
lence and moved therein Wednesday.
We erred, it seems In stating that
•’reneb and McNutly finished their con
ract of grading the approaches to the
lew Round grove bridge Burnett and
rhresher had the contract. French aud
dcXully assisted them.
J. M. Taylor has been tearing down
d I eso; mkv's photograph gallery,
dr. Taylor also has the contract to
>ulld Leschinsky's new house on the
arm, the dimensions of which are 14 by
6, story and a half high.
The time for getting your dltc sharp
ned is at hand and you should remem
ier that J I Depew is fixed, with all
lecessary machinery to do you a first
lass Job at a reasonable price. Be can
lo the work quickly and satisfactorily.
W. C. Wharton eave a dance at the
lotel Wharton last Thursday night.
L'bey had just enclosed the new addl
lon to tbe hotel and the young folks
ook advantage of the opportunity to
ry the new floor. A good time is re
Mr. Shafer of the Curtla Enterprise
:ime up Saturday and visited over Sun
lay with his father-in-law, Mr. T. A.
Taylor. Mrs. Shafer has been here sev
al days during tbe stay of her brother,
3id. They returned home Monday
John Leininger went out to his Wash
ngtnn township farm last Friday with
i load of lumber aud a windmill and
lump. He is now putting down a well
md erectiug a windmill that will be a
irst class job when completed. L. A.
lentfrow is doing the work.
ror liver troubles and constipation
rhercH nothing belter In creation
I'ban Kittle Early Risers, the famous little
rhey always effect cures and save doctor
Littie Early Risers are different from
ill other pills. They do not weaken
;he System, but act as a tonic to the
Issues by arousing the secretions and
restoring the liver to ths full perform
mce of Its functions naturally. — Odcn
lahl Bros.
Mrs. A. J B. Fairbalrn was a pleasant
sailer Saturday and renewed the sub
criptlon to this paper both for her
tusband and son. Mr. Fatrbalrn went
0 Wbitelng, Jackson county Kansas
■si week where he has purchased prop
>rty and will make their future home.
Mrs. Fairbalrn left Monday and will
join here husband this week. We are
lorry to loose them as they were among
be best citizens of Sherman county.
3has. Fairbairn, their son moved to
\ansas about a year ago and ia very
:oinfortabiy located and of course the
Barents wished to be near him. The
Voutuwestern wishes them all pos
lible Success.
Wm. jHkob, supervisor from Bristol
ownsbip was at the couDly seat last
Friday. lie had been over on the Buf
itlo and Sherman line to look after the
umber in the bridge near Sweetwaler
vlilch had been wrecked by the flood of
wo week ugo and report* that all the
umbvr was saved and only a few planks
iroken. He went in company with
iridge contractor, W T Gibson Satur
isy to figure on a new bridge and ascer
ain what lumber Is needed to conitruct
1 new bridge in its place. This bridge
s on the county line and partly belongs
o Buffalo county. It wa* originally 60
eet long but in building a new one will
>e made 80 feet in length, and will be,
is before, an upper truss bridge.
Just a Few
3 CANS GOOD CORN 25 cts.
3 CANS GOOD PEAS - . - - 25 cts.
2 CANS GOOD TOMATOES - - 26 cts.
2 CANS SWEET POTATOES - - - 26 cts.
2 CANS SAUER KRAUT - - 25 cts.
2 CANS PEARS - 26 «ts.
7 BARS D C SOAP ... 25 cts.
3 lbs. SALT SALMON 26 cts.
3 lbs. DRIED PEACHES . . 25 cts.
2 lbs. DRIED APRICOTS - - 26 cts.
3 lbs. RAISINS 25 cts.
3 lbs. GOOD PRUNES - . 25 cts.
7 BARS LENOX SOAP - • 25 cts.
3 PACKAGES RAISINS . - 25 cts.
Yours for Busiuess,
A. E. Chase.
Look Here!
DO YOU KNOW that this will probably be the bet*
spring for setting Trees, Plants and Sbrnbs that
« Sherman County ever saw ? and
DO YOU KNOW that everyone who owns a plot of ground should improve the
opportunity ? and
DO YOU KNOW that you can buy anything In this line from P. E. BREWER,
cheaper than you can get It direct from the nurseries; not cheap, job-let,
half-dead stuff, but the very best to be bad ?
He also writes Insurance of all kinds. Hail Insurance in tbe old reliable St. Paul Fire &
Marine. Write, or call on him. Office wltb T. S. Nightingale. Loup City, Nebr.
We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH W SALT
MEATS, and can AH *H orders promptly and satisfactorily.
We solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and
will give you your money’s worth at all times. *• «•
Highest Market Price Paid for Hides.
(3/1 Li Li /TDD SSS MY
©f »P|©fs,
One Door Hast of St. Elmo Hotel,
I have a ft,srt class shoe shop in connection, with iny store
well equipped with a fine stitching machine and all necessary tools
to do first-class work.
Respeotfullj soliciting your trade I am yoars truly,
at tfi® DSW ST0R6,
South Side of Court House Square,
I will have on display a fine line of trimmed hats,
SATl RI)AY, APRIL 4th. These hats are not the
usual “store hats”, but are from one of the best millinery
establishments and made by first class trimmers.
Prices as low as flu lowest --WorK anil stylo of tie lest.
All are cordially invited to come in and
inspect the hats, and give us a trial.
Mrs. C. C. COOPER.