The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 27, 1903, Image 4
_ zm _— . - . . Lion Gaffes I ; >s a!l coffee—no glazing of g eggs or glue to conceal do- I feels and cheapen its quality, r Fresh and uniform, rich K in flavor, because always in - sealed packages — never in j bulk. j 5—» '*■—■ VTWK5C.-J «’«ll MIKM—iJs Liocjal Daws. Try that 10c bulk coffee at Chase's. W. R. Mellor i« bull ling a n**w resi dence on liis Oak Creek fatm. You got 7 bars Diamond “C” soap for 25 cts. and 15 for 50 cts. at Chase’s. District Court has been adjourned until May 12th. It will be a jury term. If you want a good span of young mules see Troy Hale at the Round Front baru. J. F. Keifer of I.ogan township was in town Wednesday getting ready for spring work. Flour and feed exchanged for wheat at D, C Grow's store. South aide public square. Ira Foster was down from Arcadia last Saturday evening to attend the meeting of ttie odd Fellows. Win. Rowe Is doing the carpenter work on tbe new Louse ttiat is being built in town by Herman Jang. Peter Grudzmskl went out of town last Monday with five loads of lumber. He is going to build a large granrey. A social and dance was given to the young folks by conductor T .ylor at one of the Pyke residences last Tuesday night. If you want to swap horses be sure and stop at tun Round Front barn. Troy Hale, the pioprletor Iris some good western horses. Charles Leininger and sister, Lizzie, visited with the family of John Leinin ger, last holiday, thatleshas been at tending college at Crete. Mr. and Mrs. K I) Sutton came down from Valley county Wednesday to visit their relatives. Mr. and Mrs A £ Chase and VV. S. Waite anil wife. Mrs. Smith and mother of Mrs. Made ly arrive here a few days ago for a visit with her daughter. She will probably stay during tbe summer months. Now’s the time, spring time. Lake Koeky Mountain Tea; keeps the whole family well. A great medicine for spring tiredness. 35 cts.—Odeudahl Bros. Henry Lewis of the west side is visit ing his daughter, Mrs Wni. Neville Mr. Lewis raised and threshed 170 bushels of millet seed la-t season and now has it for sale. The road leading from the river south to the bridge across Brown creek near tbe Hickman farm is reported to be in *i horrible condition on account of the heavy rain of last week. For Bale.—A car load of western horses, dome broke, can be seen at my farm one mile west of Divide. They are good horses and will be sold at a bargain.— Scboening A Vass. Herman Jung has his lumber on the ground and foundation partly laid for a new residence in the south part of town and just west of the L. J. Becbthold residence The bouse Is to be 16 by 24. Tbe assembly room to the High school building was well packed last Friday evening when the scholars gave another one of their highly entertaining pro grams The patrons are wed pleased with the success of these literaries. The time for getting your disc sharp ened is at hand and you should remem ber that J I Depew is tixed, with ail necessary machinery to do you a first class Job at a reasonable price, he can do the work quickly and satisfactorily. Judge Ainger reports the marriage of Mr. IraL. Brown to Mrs. Julia A Bcl langer, which took place ar. the judges office in this city last Wednesday. Both parties are residents of Custer county and their ages are sixty-three aud forty one respectively. Ohlsen Bro«. brick layers and manu fuoiurers and Win Howe carpenter have |n»t finished a tine new brick house for Henry Hinc on his farm three miles south of Ashton. This farm is known as the original Jacob Albers homestead or the old Wilhelmho l’ost office. Geo Holmes of Bristol township made us a very friendly visit while in the city last Monday. He swelled our subscrip tion fund some SJ.60 and observing (.ur wall paper remarked that ther" was no mistaking mir politics. Mr Holmes is a good republican ami he don’t care who knows it He very much admires the sturling qualities and great executive ability of 1’resident Roosevelt. W. 8. Waite is having some difficulty in col lac mg for the car load of pop corn which »«> made up by several of the farmers of Hayes creek and shipped to a commission man at Omaha. Jr seems that the commission man claims to have received several thousand pounds less than w tint, was actually shipped, and Jater he claimed to have sold $ Oti.tK) worth of It but failed to bouor a draft for that amount when presented. The matter ha* been placed in Judge Wall’s hands for collection. When at Ashton a few days ago we made arrangements for a regular cor respondent and hereafter that part of the county will be represented in these columns We Intend next week to put on so extra page especially for Ashton and will keep it up as long as we can get sufficient support from It to pay ex penses. At first it will be a loosing In vestment for us but we hope to get enough work to keep up the enterprise. Ashton needs to be repre euted In » substantial way and we have started this work with the hope of success. John W. Long is re-shingling his resi dence. A E < base is on the sick iist again this week. <'a)l and see T. M. Reed if you want Alfalfa Seed. t'. J Tracy made this office a friendly visit last Monday. Nick Dxddow is httiIding a new frame barn on his farm, 24 by 40 feet. See those 05 cent summer corsets at Chase’*, lb gill r 50 cent sellers. You can save money by grinding your feed. T M. Reed sells feed grinders. A tine buliy boy is reported at the home of Jacob Ritz in Ashton tow nship. W. R. Mellor is building a new house on die Wm Straukman place, on Oak Creek. Nut coal, the best for cook stoves, for sale by K. G. Tat lor at 3 & M eievator. Mr. and Mrs G H. Gibson gave a party last T hursday night in honor of their son Charles. 8. 8 Hover has put up a new windmill on his residence properly in the north part of town. The German minister has moved his family into the up stairs part of one of the l*y ke houses. If you want a good horse and have not got the money go and see Troy Hale, at the Round i’ront barn. perry Fayes is hauling lumber this week to bis fatm near Austin. Ho is going to build a new house. Hog* have reached the handsome price of $0.(>5 per ewt. on the Loup City market and still has an upward tendency. There $12,110 90 In chattel mort gages released last Saturday at the county clerk’s office. Pretty good for on* day. Rocky Mountain Tea taken now will keep the whole family well. If it fails, bring it back and get your cssb. 35 cts. —Odendahl Bros i hose wishing to contract with Cong er Bros for ice for the season should do so at once. No contracts will be made aft- r the lirat of April. An L iter Supper will be given by the Royal Highlanders at. Society hail ou Monday evening, April 13, Supper to be served from 0 to 9 o’clock Biemond & Miller have placed a new phone in their meat shop and also run a free delivery to every part of the city. All orders promptly tilled. Mr. and Mrs. G, II. Lindell went up to Washington township to visit his son and family Sunday. T hey returned to Loup City, Wednesday afternoon. W. J Wilbur, of Litchfield called to see us Tuesday, He teports Litchfield doing a good business Mr. Wilber re tie wed his subscription to this paper. •Jos Kowalewskl, A Grammond, A N Conklin, B Tukaszewski, A Bartunek, Gust < urtls, Geo Peterson, and W. II Sestak, are all new subscribers since our last issue Polished finish on new plow lays at Lie pew* blacksmith shop and don't cost » bit more than when finished in the old rough way. Can be done just as cheap, quicker and a heap better. License was issued to Mr Will Beck and Mi'S Mary Heapv last Tuesday and we are informed that the marriage will take, or rather has taker, place at the bum ■ of the brides parents Wednesday, March 25. Swanson & Dahl have a complete line of groceries and you should call and see them. That Yale coffee they handle is immense. The editor has tried it and thinks it good for the money. 15, 20 and 25 cents. W T Gibson finished repairing the Loup river bridge west of town last Sat urday. A new 4N foot span was added on the west end and it is now in good condition for publio travel. Mr. Gibson completed the job in eight days. Three new brick farm houses have been built in Sherman county by Oblsen Bros, since November last, namely: For Chas Sch»» derer, R 1) Hendrickson, and Henry Hina They were a.l built on farms, here-to- fore unimproved. I’ois item will serve to show how the country is improving We are pleased to note the marriage <>f Mr Charles Else to Miss Cora Sher man, two popular imd highly respected young people of Litchfield, Sherman county. The marriage took place at the couni v judges office, in this city. VVcdne day, March 25, Judge Angler officiating. The Notmi\ykstebn wish es them a happy and prosperous wedded life. J T Hale attended the great Auction Jack Sale at Gland Island last Saturday ami purchased three of the flues Jacks that no- ever been brought to this town One of them in particular, a handsome black weighing 980 pounds and which cost him over #000.00. He measures 10 inches around the kj ee and 20 Inches around the hock joint and stands 1G bands high. Earl Mellor went to Lincoln again to enter the Navy appearing that the slight objection* on his exam ination of two weeks before had been waived by the head officials and he was notified of his hiving been accepted. Mr. Mellor accompanied hi* to Lincoln and as far as I)e* Mo nes. Iowa, when he immediately left for New 1'ort, Rhode Island to take his place on a training vesel. The people of Loup City wish Earl success in ids new found occupa tion. I!S and E. F. Tripplet from Long breach. Ky. have been stopping at the Hotel Wharton since last Thursday. K F. ha* accepted a position on the farm of Hubert Jackson, near Arcadia S E. Fowler, of Long Branch. Ky , and a Mr. Brantley, of Brandenburg, Ky.. are expected to arrive here with their families, in the near future. They will locate iu Sherman county, Mr. Fowler having already rented a farm lying near Loup City. The greatest danger from colds anti grip is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tuken, all danger will he avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case which hns resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that h is a certain preventative of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or tin attack of tin* grip In less time than any other treatment. It i9 pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Odendahl Bros. Announcement. Mrs. W. M. Smelser, of lt< ekville, wishes to announce that she has re eeiveil a full lice cf millinery for spring and summer, and is ready to please till in choice of styles and price. Call and see her. Ex-senator Heapy whs In town Tues day Go to Swanson & Dahl for your gro ceries. Carl Anderson, Jr. lost a horse lust Monday. Gall and see those new carpet samples at Chase's. Geo. MeFadden was doing business at Loup City \V< dnesday. C M Snyder of Ylrdurette was a coun ty seat visitor last Tuesday. If you want the best Jack in the] country see Troy Hale. He raises them. John Mathewson and Henry Hullerof Clav township were in town last Wed nesday. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were more winter days, with an occasional Hurry of snow. Look over that large assortment of gingham and madras cloth which you will Had at Chase’s. Cards are out announcing ihe mar riage of Mr Albert Lang to Miss Mam tnie Heapy of the we-t side For Bent —Good pasture, 240 acres, three wire fence, plenty of living water See S S Reynolds, Loup City, Nebr. L. X. Smith has lost three cows and one steer which has recently laid down and died. He is unable to tell the exact cause If you have butter and eggs to gill take them to Swanson & I>ahl High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groceries. Rev Madelv preached a very logical and impressive sermon last Sunday evening. There was a very large con gregation out. I). C. Grow, of the Northern Milling company feed store wants to buy a car ioail of oats He also has a tine grade of whole wheat flour for sale. This county was very fortunate so far as damage by high w ater was concerned. There was onl y one bridge In the county that was materially damaged. Sheldon, Iowa, Dec. 11, 1902. — I have used Liquid Koal to clean my stock tanks and the underground pipes that connect them, with success. 1 put in a few drops of Liquid Koal every 10 days and they were kept clean and healthy b> its action.—D. M. Merwin. Some people have an attack of jim jams whenever a legislative body in crease* the appropriations. It must he remembered that this country is con stantly growing and that appropriations must keep somewhere near the demands of die public —Blue Springs Sentinel. The best pill ’neath the stars and stripes; It Cleanses i ns system aiul never gripes. Little Early Risers of wordly repute— Ask for heWlukand take uo substitute. A small pill, easy to buy, easy to take and ea-y to act, but never failing in re sults l>e Witt's Little Early Risers arouse thesecretionsandactastonicto the liver, curing permanently,—Odandahl Bros. We received an interesting letter from E. G. Paige of Rockville township, w lilcn, had it come a dav sooner, could have been printed this week. Mr Paige wrote the let ter several days ago and spnt it to us by bis son, who, it appears forgot to deliver it until this late hour. However, as it is of an editorial nature and expresses some good thoughts, will be gooti reading at any time so we will give it space next week. 1 tie M E, .Sunday school at Loup City s growing In interest. C. I. Tracy, Sunday school superintendent informs us that there is a corps of ten teachers and 120 scholars enrolled. Ihe church building Is dl vided into nine rooms by curtains which are conveniently ar ranged so ms to slide on wire that is stretched across the room 1 ast Sun day a special collection was taken at the Sunday school for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the vurtains. Over four dollars was raised. We have wrote and read about sur prises and surprise parties many times, but the one which we are about to chronicle beats them all. People will remember that a few weeks ago E. E Tracy and Miss Kay, now Mrs. Tracy somewhat surprised their neighbors by just quietly getting married and now it appears that a schune was worked by parties who were thus surprised to turn the table* on Gene and bis fair bride. So accordingly the whole neighborhood around about Brined tnemselves with oyster can* and cracker boxes and set out at a late hour to return the compIL merit, or rather to get even with the' contracting parties on the surp ise ques tion. As they neared the Tracy home stead the light within went out and as the fire in the gnte burned low there was evidence thar all was quiet and the family had retired for the night. But was all quiet? Perhaps so wirhln, but without there was quite a different state of affairs Captain Geo. Truelsen gath er together his forces and in hasty con sultation plans for an attack were soon made. Mr. Truelsen sent his advance guards out to reconoiter with orders to quickly return and report In due time the sci uts made the following report: "Both light and fires out, total darkness and all quiet.” Capt Truelsen then or dered his regiment to bring up the rear while he boldly advanced to the house and made an attack with his fiat upon tli“ door Gene, who hastly scratched h match, appenred with lamp in hand and in Ids night robe to enquire wh»t the dure was the matter any wav Before an explanation could he offered how ever the whole command rushed in upon the helpless victims and completely took possession of the fort and all its immediate surrounding. Gene was com pletely knocked clear off the Christmas Tree, but when he saw ihat the whole regiment was made up pntlrelv of friendly neighbors he began to, as the saving goes, * smell a mice.” Fires were kindled anew, the oyster cans were soon opened Mod their contents were soon stewing over Ihe glowing coals, the cracker boxes were cracked and by the time that Mr. ami Mr*. Traev were really ready to entertain the table was spread for mu oyster feast. From the glowing account, of what followe I, and of the over supply of oyster stew we could not help wishing that we had been one of the attacking parties. DIVIDE H A PEN I MGS. Curl is Parmenter was a caller at tbe post office, Fi May. Henry Bell went to Loup City, Tues dav, via the Snyder route. Mr. and Mrs. Kasch and John and Emil Schoening visited at Fritz Bichc IV, Sunday. Mr. Kiiox, of Kan«a*. has purchased a team of Fritz Bicbel and will farm eighty acres of his land tLe coming season. Henry Schoening left, Tuesday, March 17th, for his ranch at Lost Cabin, Wyo. He was accompanied by Ernest Voss, who thought a change of climate would be beneficial to his health. CLE4K CHEEK NEWS The weather is favorable for the rye crop. Farm hands, in this neighborhood, are receiving from @16 to @'.20 per month. Herman Bertner has moved onto the Nutcber farm, which he will work this season Ned Harper has rented the Kasch farm and will do some extensive farming this summer. The frost is all out. and as soon as the ground cities farmers wii] commence seeding. Quite a large acreage of small grain will be sown in this vicinity. Quite a little excitement prevailed at Mr. IlerbaughV, last Tuesday, when Ed Shipley V horse fell into a cistern con taining about six feet of water. With the assistance of five or six neighbors. Mr. Mhipley succeeded in getting the animal out alive. Recorder. ASHTON NEWS. Charley Taylor anti wife, of St. Paul, • pent Sunday at Ashton. Mr*. Robert Swanek has been visiting relatives at Elba, the past week L. Dobson is now an Ashtonite, hav ing moved into town, last Monday. Considerable grain is new being hauled into town, bs the roads are tine. Geo. Benschoter, the editor of the NoRTllWERTERN, was a pleasant visitor at Ashton, last Friday. Wm Knutzeu's park now covers two acres more ground Work ha» been commenced on the addition. Mrs. Alexewlez and Miss Mary Jezeu skl returned to Omaha, Monday, after a two weeks’ visit with relatives here. The partitions have been torn out of the rear rooms of the Golezinski build ing and the interior is being painted and re-papered by Smith, the Ashton decorator. Mis. Mike Weizork, one of tlie pio neer residents of Rockville township, died, Saturday, and was buried in st Francis cemetery at Ashton, Sandny. I’he attendance at the funeral was the largest ever seen in this vicinity. Notices are posted about town calling attention to the annual township meet ing aod village election, the first Tues day in April. Two trustees of the vl' lage are to be elected for the two-year term: and. at the township meeting, bus ines* of especial importance is to be transacted, which should cause every voter to make an effort to attend Kosciusko. LOUP CITY HIGH SCHOOL. MOTES. (EDITED BT ELI,A FOSTER.) Ruth Taylor is on the sick list, this week. Emery Knight was a high school vis itor, last Friday. Hem ietta Conger is an absent member of the primary room. Mrs. H. Hulbert, Miss Gibson and Charles Gibson were pleasant visitors in Miss Young's and Mr. Mead's rooms, last Friday. The program given bv the “Merry Twenty-Four”, last Friday evening, was well attended, and everybody reports a good time. The K K. Klub will give an entertaiu ment at the Baptist church, Friday evening, April 3rd. Admission, Scents. All are cordiality invited to attend The question for the next debate is: “Resolved, Thst the Miners Were Justi fiable in Their Demands”. Leaders: Af firmative, Grace Benschoter; negative, Cora Leitiioger. MYSTIC LEU1UN DANCE. The Loyal Mystic Leagon lodge of this city wid give a dance at Society hall for the member* only, on Monday evening, April (ith. TWO THOROt'GHDKED STALLIONS will situid for the season at R. A. Wil son IIvery barn. These are two of the finest horses in the country. You should uome and see them before breeding. R A Wilson, Owner. Tlie Stomach I* ttie Man. A weak stomach weakens a nmn, because it can not transform the food he eat* into nourishment. Health and strength can not be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach can not digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run down limbs and organs of l he body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cleanses, purities, sweetens and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach tieubles.—Odendalil Bros, Notice to Contractors. Bids will be received, at the office of the County Clerk of Nberman County, until noon of the 14tli day of April, 1903. for the erection of a dwelling house on the poor farm of said county 1’lans and specifications on file at the office of lh<* clerk of said county. Rids to be snl uni tied for frame and brick building Dated, March 5 b, 1903. G. II. Gihson, 4i27in Co. Clerk. A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep seated on the lung*, causing pneumo nia, is that of Mrs. tiertrude E. Fenner, Ma rion, lnd., who wbs entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. 8be says: “The coughing and straining so weakened me that 1 run down in weight from 148 to 9a pounds 1 tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Fourlwmiesof this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of Uie cough, strengthened mj lungs and restored me to uiy normal weight health and strength.-Odendahl Rios. Look Here! 1 DO YOU KNOW ihat * hi - will probtbijr be tin* be t Bpring for setting Tret-tt, Plums Shrub* th:it| ■ V Sherman County ever sm^v f anil V DO YOD KNOW that everyone who owns a plot, <>f ground should improve the f opportunity ? and ID DO YOD KNOW tbnt yon can buy anything in this line from F. E. I’. It EWER, cheaper than you can get It direct from the nurseries; not cheap, job-lnt, H half-dead stull', hut the VERY best to be had y B He also writes Insurance of all kinds. Hall Insurance in t he old reliable St. 1'anl Fire ,t B Marine. Write, or call on him. office with T. S. Nightingale, I.i>U|) tin y, Nehr. ^ H BIEMOND & MILLER, 1 -PROPRIETORS OF effY iviEAT jViAPKEj-. VVre carry in stock all kinds of FRESH f SALT 1 MEATS, and can till all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We solicit a fair share of tho public’s patronage, and will give vou vour money’s worth at ill times. fc* •>• ’>• Highest Market Prin Paid for Hides. LOUP CITY. : : NEBRASKA. G/RLiLi /1DD S6S MY IT IS COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT. One Door East of St. Elmo Hotel, THE BEST OF MAKES ANI) PRICES RIGHT. 1 have a lisrtclass shoe shop in connection, with mv store Well equipped with a fiue stitching machine and all necessary tools to do lirs class work. Respectfully soliciting your trade 1 am yours truly, B. J- SWANSON. P MILLINERY OPENING, at this DSW SVOR6, South Side of Court House Square. EHSTER H3TS for EVERYBODY. • I will have on display a tine line of trimmed hats, P*, SAT I RDAY, APRIL 4th. These hats are not the usual “store hats”, but are from one of the best millinery establishments and made by first class trimmers. Prices as low as the lowest-M aM style of llie Jest. f All are cordially invited to come in and inspect the hats, and give us a trial. Mrs. C. C. COOPER. STOPS THE GOUGH AND WOKKS OKP THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day No. cure. N» Pay. Price 25 centa. Try Sheridan coal and you will be satisfied; supply always on hand at E. G. Taylor’s elevator. - TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets A11 druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. E. W Grove's signature Is on each box. Price, 25cts. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY CHARTER NO. 25'), INCORPORATED At Loup City In the State of Nebraska, at liie Close of Business, March IS, Ilitt'i: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . 67,148 74 Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 689 79 Stocks and securities. 822 39 Banking house, furniture, fixtures 3,20000 Other Real Estate. Current expenses and taxes paid.. 812 00 Cash items. Due from National, State and Priv ate banks and bankers . 37,526 91 Checks and other Items of exchange. $1,979 2i) " Currency . 63.41 on “ Coin. 1,473 62 8,798 82 T,,tal . 118.993.65 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. $20,000 00 Surplus fund. 2,700 00 Undivided profits. 2,538 20 Individual deposits subject to cheek.74,618.97 Demand certificates of .deposit - 19 049 51 Due to state and private banks and bankers . sn 97 9.1,735,45 To,al.*118,993.65 State of Nebraska, 1 County of Sherman, i " p 1, TV. K Mason. Cashier of Hip above named Bunk, do solemnly swear Uni! ihe aliove statement is correct and n true copy of ihe report made to the Stale Hank ing board. TV. K. Mason, Cashier. ATTEST TV. K. Mason, Director. L. Hanskn, Director Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 24lli day of March, 1903. Kuril Alt!) J. NlOUTIMOAt.B, (8KAL.) Notary Public. My commission expires March 17, 1908. JACOB ALBERS -THE OLD Reliable -Auctioneer Is still i.i the ring. \Vl*l be in Lotip^ City every Wednesday ant) Sa unlay tc take your order for sales. Be sure and see tne. Charges reasonable. JACOB ALBEKS, Auctioneer. Loup City, Neb — | W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public/ - i Will Defend in Foreclosure Cnees. ) ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOOT CITY, - - MKllHAgSI A. S- MAIN. * PHYICIAX & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OfrfICK AT RESIDENCE. SEVERE ATTACK OK OIIIK Cured liy One llottla of Chamberlain's Cougli Keniedy. ‘•When I had an attack of the grip last winter'the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy”, says Trank W. Terry, ed itor of the. Enterprise. ShortsviUe, N. V. "This is the honest truth. I at times frrtjfc from coughing myself to pieces hy takiif!*^ teaspoon!nl ol this remedy, and when ths coughing spell would cornu on at night I would take a dose and It see.ued that in tM* briefest interval the cough would pass otT nnd I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and Its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy actsd as a most ugreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had no j idea that it would or could knock out the . grip, simply because I had never tried It for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed, with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only be of loss du ration, hut the pains were far less severe, and I had not used the contents of one hot tie before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu.’’ Tor sale by Odendabl Bros. Do you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call and sec* T. M. Reed.