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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1903)
PRESIDENT FULLER a Threatened With Loss of Hearing, Smell andi Sight From the Ravages of Catarrh. Pe-riwia Cured Him. Again.'* lAr. J-W* Fuller. GREAT many remedies to tempor arily relieve catarrh have been devised from time to time, such as sprays, cnuffs, creams and other local applications, but, as a rule, the medical profession has little or no enthusiasm in the treatment of catarrh. It is generally pronounced by them to be incurable. It therefore created a great sensation in medical circles when Dr. Hartman an nounced that he had devised a compound which would cure catarrh permanently. The remedy was named Peruna and in a short time became known to thousands of catarrh sufferers north, south, east and west. Letters testifying to »he fact that Peruna is a radical cure for catarrh began to pour in from all directions. Thousands of such letters are on file in the office of The Peruna Medicine Co. Rev. K. Stubenvoll, Pella, Wis., writes : “I feel obliged to extend you my personal thanks for my complete restoration. All through the winter 1 suffered from throat and lung trouble, but recovered my entire health by the use of your excellent remedy, Peruna.” The following letter from a prominent gentleman of Los Angeles, is a case in point: Mr. J. W. Fuller, President of the Jewelers’ Association of Los Angeles, Cal., has been in business in that city for seven teen years out of the forty-five that he has been engaged in business. Concerning his experience with Peruua he says • ••I was troubled with catarrh of the head for many years. It affected my sense of smell, hearing and sight. I spent lots of money with doctors and the use of local applications to relieve me but to no purpose, until my atten tion was celled to the wonderful effects of Peruna. •• / must say that 1 met with most surprising and satisfactory results. Peruna took hold of the complaint and drove it entirely out of my system. ••Although well along toward the allotted span of man’s life l am pleased as a child over the results, and feel like a young man again.”—J. W. Fuller. Such letters as the above are not used for publication except by the written per mission of the writer. A pamphlet filled with such letters will be sent to any address free. This book should be read by all who doubt the curability of catarrh. If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. :gaaaggag£sr CONSTIPATION STARTED YOUR SUFFERING, CURE IT ANO YOUR AFFLICTION WELL VANISH. WlaxiFs ©rape Tonic ©ur-cs ©obstipation When the bowels move irregularly the entire bodily system must suffer. Constipation more frequently occurs among women and it mani fests itself in provoking profuse leucoirhea and other serious female diseases. Regular I bowels will result in a complete cure when you use Mull’s Grape Tonic. Unlike pills and ordinary cathartics, thi9 remedy is a mild, E'le laxative in addition to being a greater -builder, blood-maker and strength-giver than cod liver oil or any other preparation recommended for that purpose. Muirs Grape Tonic will permanently cure the most obstin ate case of constipation, and the numerous aillictions that invariably follow iu its wake. No matter it it is piles, liver complaint, kidney disorder, vertigo, palpitation of the heart, diarrhea or the self-poisoning which follows I when the undigested food remains in the bowels whore it putrehesana empties highly diseased germs into the blood, such as typhoid and | malaria, Muirs Grape Tonic will positively cure. Large sample bottlo will bo 6ent free to any address on receipt of 10 cents to cover postage, by the Lightning Medicine Co., Rock Island, III. Send name of your .druggist. All druggists sell Mull’s Grape Tonic at 50 cents a bottle. WESTERN CANADA la attrartinp more attention than any other district lu the world. “ Tho Granary of the World.” “ The Land of Sun shine.” Thu Natural Feeding Grounds for Stoik. Area under orop ir 1002 . . . 1,987,330 acres. Yield 1902 ..... 117,91.2.734 bushels. Abundance of Water: Fuel Plentiful; Building Material Cheap; Good Grass for pasture and buy; a fertile soil: a snfb cieut rufnfall and a climate giving an assured and adequate season of growth. HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE, the only charge for which la OK) for making entry. CIO.P to Churches, Schools etc. Uaflwaye tap all .ellled districts. send for Atlna and other literature to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada. o-to\V V Dennett.SOI New York Life Bldg.,Omaha, Ne>> the author!;- ■ 1 Canadian Oovcrnmont Agent, who Will aupply you with ecrtllKatc giving you re iuced railway rates, etc. "iS'i&TJEtThoiiKJsan's £yo Water W. N. U.—Omaha. No. 11—1903 /m;: Even the crustiest old bachelor wants to know whether it'3 a girl of a boy the minute he sees the baby. GOOD HOrSEKEEPUKS TTrc the l**st. That's why they buy Red Cross Bali Blue. At loading grocers, 5 cents. With a great many people honor runs a close race with profit. Mother C.ray'B Street Powders for Children. Siuwsssfully used l>y Mother Gray, nurse in tho Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, lsad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 510,000 tes timonials. At all druggists, 25c. Samplo FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, LoRoy, N. Y. People who are Rood simply to keep from disgracing their children should put in extra time praying to be led not into temptation. Hundreds of dealers say the extra Quantity and superior Quality of Dell nnce Starch is fast taking place of all other brands. Others say they cannot sell any other starch. Amusing Editorial Squibs. This amusing excuse was given by the editor of an Indian vernacular paper, which was printed with two columns left blank on the most im portant page, says the London Ex press : “We had reserved this space for an exceptionally powerful article on a subject of universal interest to our readers, but at the last moment we find the article cannot bo compressed •nto the two columns reserved for it. The article will make it3 appearance next week.” Another Hindu editor, who wanted a holiday, published this editorial: “As we are beginning to feel the physical and metal effects cf a year s unremitting devotion to the interests of our readers, we feel it due to them that we should take a rest, which our labors in their behalf demand and de serve, and as a natural cousequence beg to notify that this paper 'will cease to appear for the space of four weeks." He Despised Officeseekers. President Roosevelt was telling a friend about his mail, which averages 500 or 600 a day. “One of the most remarkable letters 1 over received," •lie said, "arrived on the morning tho first full accounts of the Martinique disaster were printed in the news papers. The writer said he saw that the American consul at Martinique had been burned to death. He applied for the place anil wound up with this assertion: ‘I make this early appli cation so as to get in ahead of those loathsome creatures, the office seek ers.’ ” Would Sell Offices at Auction. Colonel J. D. Shires, of Marlon coun ty, Ky., seems to be rather radical in his Ideas. “1 am In l'avor," he says, "of putting tin all county offices for sale to the highest bidder. Let the auctioneer run each office to the high est notch, then knock it off. The money thus obtained should be used for building and bettering roads. As it if, worked now, candidates with money behind them buy the offices from float ers. who spend the money in riotous living before they get home, and leave their families broadless.” Only Open in Summer. A sense of humor is not a very strong characteristic of the English clergy, but occasionally some of them possess its saving grace, says the London Tatler. Canon Knox Little tells a story of being asked once to preach in the country, and being in the neighbor hood went to inspect the church in question beforehand. He arrived at a side door, over which was carved in stone, "This is the Gate of Heaven, ’ but underneath was written, "This door is only open in summer.” Revival of Foppism. It may have been only one of life’s little ironies, says the London Ex press. that, when Mr. Beerbohm Tree was giving a picture at His Majesty's of “The Last of the Dandles,” there should have been a revival of foopism all over London. Carefully corseted young men may he seen daily swag gering down Piccadilly elaborately at tired. with tight trousers, gorgeous waistcoats and slender-waisted lrock coats, and invariably a crook-stick swinging in one arm. The eye-glass, which hangs by a slender cord, or is kept in a special small pocket, is by no means an assistance to sight; and though, happily, is is no longer the custom to "make tip” vast sums of money are spent in soaps and shav ing creams, hair lotions, and even fine face powder. A man’s dressing case today has quite as many appointments as a lady’s, and can cost quite as much. Bridesmaids Who Are Paid. The profession of bridesmaid seem? to be growing in New York. For some time it has been the habit at weddings in that city to pay brides maids. At a recent wedding there were no fewer than fifteen brides maids. who were ail punctually paid. Besides the beautiful dresess given by the bride’s father, they each received $25 apiece for appearing in the wed ding trap. There are young ladies who accept so much as $100 for their office of honor. One girl who is much sought after for her beauty lias ap peared as bridesmaid at more than 200 weddings, and has in a short time emassed quite a goodly sum, besides receiving many costly presents. ASKING QUESTIONS. An Inquiry Changed a Man’s Whole Life. When you get a man to recognize that his bad feelings come from im proper food and that he can get well by using scientific food, the battle is half won. One of New York's business men says: “I was troubled for a long time with indigestion, headache, and stomach trouble, and had taken various medi cines, but with no good results. 1 con cluded to see how a change of food would affect me. I never cared partic ularly for cereals of any kind, but ate meat and pastry continually and drank coffee. “I found on inquiring that Grape Nuts were highly spoken of, and de cided to give them a trial. To say 1 was surprised at the result would not begin to do justice to my feelings. My headaches left me, my brain became clearer and active, my attacks of Indi gestion grew fewer and fewer until they ceased entirely, and where 1 once went heme tired, fagged out and in disposed to any exertion whateve*. I uow found a different state of affa.'rs, “My color was good, my muscles strong and firm and fully equal to anything I asked of them, instead of soft and flabby. I live two miles from my business and walk it daily back and forth, if the weather per mits. I am 55 years old and feel as well and strong as when I was 30, and can ride 70 miles a day on a bicycle without feeling any bad results.” Name given by tho Postum Co., Bat tle Creek, Micb. A CONFLICT OF tnh..\S. How Two Westarn Girls Proposed to bo Chaperoned. The two Westerr girls were on n i’is.t to the East sad they were en joying themselves immensely. But somehow theio seemed to he a con flict of ideas Vet wee a th; in and their hostess, feho had strict id* as of pro priety and they apparently only thought they had. Vi.ey nad deter mined to show that they were fully up-to-date in social matters, but—well, here's what happened. Two western young men happened to he in New York at the same time, und they invited the girls to go to the theater, with a little supper to follow. The girls promptly accepted. The hostess, in whose charge they were, raised her hands in horror when she heard of it. "It will never do," she raid. "You must bo chaperoned on any such occa sion as that." "Chaperoned!” exclaimed one of the girls. “Why, of course wo will be chaperoned. You don’t suppose we’d neglect such an important feature as that, do you? We re r.ot entirely ig norant of social usages.” “Then it's all arranged?” "Of course it’s all arranged.” “I'm glad of that," said the hostess with relief, "but it. would lave been just as well to consult me. Who is to chaperon you?” "Why, Ethel will chaperon me, and I will chaperon her,” was the ingenu ous reply. EDICON’S WAY OF WORKING. Never Lay3 a Book Dcwn Until He Has Finished It. The play of Thomas A. Edison's mind is as wonderful as the charac teristic way in which ho dees his read ing. Outside o? his technical reading he is said never to read a book unless It is spoken of to him by his wife or Eomc friend. Then he sits down am! reads until he has finished it. One evening he happened to lie unusually ( ngrossed with sonio "problems,” and was nervously pacing up and down his library like a caged lion. To divert his thoughts his wife came in and picked up the first book she saw. It happened to be "The Count of Monte Cristo." "Have you ever read this story?" said Mrs. Edison to her husband. He stopped and looked at the title. “No, I never have. Is it good?” Mis. Edison assured him that it was. "AH right. I guccs I'll read it now,” and within two minutes the "prob lem,'' whatever it was, had been for gotten, and he was nbserbed in Du mas' great story. As ha finished the book he noticed the light of day peep ing in, and on looking at his watch found it was 5 o’clock in the morning. No sooner had ho laid down the book than the forgotten “problem" jumped into his mind, and, putting on his hat, he went to bis laboratory and worked unceasingly, without food or sleep, for thirty-six hours.—New Yorii Times. SHE MISSED HER GUESS, Vindictive Woman in Her Anger Over shot the Mark. The ear was crowded with shoppers, each of whom carried the special brand of headstrong and aggressive bundle that shopping alone can yield. The woman stood in various attitudes of peril and discomfort, and made these what sat still more uncomforta ble by jabbing them or half smother ing them. A tall woman, with angular bundles in her arms and wrath in her eye, had been torturing a small, shrink ing man during the passage from Four teenth to Seventiet.i street, says the New York Press. There he arose with what sounded like a sigh of relief. The dignified woman pushed him back to his seat, saying with a smile of grim satisfaction, "I have stood so far, and l am perfectly able, sir, to stand the rest of the way.” He subsided with a gasp, but at the next corner he arose again. "Be seat ed, sir," she said, "I do not care for your seat.” He choked a little, but managed to sputter. “You can stand if you wish, but this is two blocks beyond my Street. I must get off.” The other passengers smiled, but there was an ominous frown on the dignified woman's brow, and it boded trouble for somebody at home. A “Divine” Tree. The “divine” trees of India are com monly freaks of nature, for instance, two trees of different species united by a kind of natural grafting- There Is a very good example at Colombo, in the Island of Ceylon, where a slen der and graceful borassus palm can be seen growing cut of the heart of the banyan, or Indian fig tree. The trunks of these alien trees are so strongly joined that only violence can separate them, and it will not es cape the attention of the reader that t'ne aspiring palm is protected against the fury of the nind by the sturdy branches of the surrounding fig tree. Hives cf the World. The largest bee farm in the world is said to be near Becton, Canada. It covers four acres, and the owner in a favorable year secures not less than 75.000 ijounds of honey from 19,000,000 working bees. Greece has 30,000 hives, Denmark 90,000; the Netherlands, 240,000; France, 950,000; Germany, 1,450,000; Austria, 558,000. The United States has 2,800,000, which produce (11,000,000 pounds of honey annually. The largest weight of honey that has *>ver been taken in a single season from one hive was 1,000 pounds, in 1'txas. THE TEST OF GOLD. A Vast Number of Kidney Suffering People, Cured by Doan’s Kidney Pflfs, say but for the Free Trial they would still be in A"ony. This means Golden Merit at your Command to Test. Colour's Citt. Ta.. Feb. 10, 1903. —I received ilio sample package of Doan's Kidtcy Fills and took them according to directions. They did me so much good, I procured a 50-ccnt box at the drug store and have been greatly benefited. 1 had the backache so had I could hardly walk ; also had urinary troubles, that caused me to get up two and three times of a night. I am all right now. Long may Doan's Fills prosper. Yours truly, A. C. Site. Severe ami long standing eases should take advantage of free Medical Advice. Grand Rapids, Mien., Feb. 17, 1003.— . I received the trial package of Doan’s Kid ney Fills promptly and can truly say they * are all and even more than recommended. I sull'ered continually with a severe pain in the back, which the pills entirely over came, and 1 am able to work, which would not have been possible but for Doan's Kidney Fills. Mas. .1. A. Sciilaaiii, 935 Ilucliunan St., Grand llapids, Micli. Aching backs are cased. Hip. back, and’ loin pains overcome. Swelling of th» limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sedi ment, high colored, pain in passing, drib bling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan’s Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel. Relievo heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, dizziness. F3EE-SEALED WITH PUBLIC APPROVAL. [Doan's 'Kidney mi*: J* V*~"- Ur I’lcnse semi mo by mall, without charge, trial box Doan's Kidney Fills, Narao...—■ 1 fost office—__—. - • State.............. (Cut out coupon on dotted line*! and mall to Foator-Slilbum Co., liuffalo, N. Y.) ; Medical Advice Free — Strictly Confidential. of the Skin and Blood Should Begin NOW BLOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours, Scalp Humours, Baby Humours and every kind of Humour from Pimples to Scrofula, with Premature Loss of Hair, may now be speedily, permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent, greatest of Blood and Skin Purifiers, assisted by the external use of Cuticura' Ointment and Cuticura Soap. ! Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief; and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Ointment and Soap in the most torturing and disfiguring of ITCHING, BURN ING, and SCALY HUMOURS, ECZEMAS, RASHES, ITCH INGS and INFLAMMATIONS. Thousands of Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and Disfigured Babies, of all ages and conditions, have certified to almost miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical skill has failed to relieve, much less cure. Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional—complete and perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surface?/ with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and Scales and So! ten the Thickened Cuticle, dry without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation, and Soothe and Heal, and lastly take Cuticura Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function iit a state of healthy activity. To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humours of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, Cuticura Remedies appeal with a forcftharclly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humours are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold throughout the civilized world. I'ltICES: Cuticura Besot vert, 50e. per bottle On the form of Chocolate Coated Pills, 25c. per vial of 60), Cuticura Ointmeut. 50c. per box. and Cntleuia Soap, 23c. per cake. Send for the great work, ‘‘Humours of the Blood. Skin and Scalp, and How to Cure Them," 64 Pages, 300 Dla casea. with Illustrations, Testimonials, and Directions In all languages. Including Japanese and Chinese. British Depot, 27-2S Charterhouse Sq., London, E. C. French Depot, 5 Rue de la Pali, Purls. Australian Depot, It. Towns & Co., Sydney. POTTER DRUG AND CLUdM ICAL CORPORATION. Sole Proprietors. Boston, U. S. A. Simplicity of character is the nat ural result of profound thougnt.—Wil liam Hazlett. Ask Yoar Dealer For Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen. !Soro, Hot. Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Kaseniukesnow or tight shoes easy. At ail Druggists and Shoe stores, 26 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Ficke. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. Do not wait for extraordinary cir cumstances to do good actions; try to use ordinary situations.—Richter. DON'T SPOII, YOUR CLOTHES. Fse Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them white us suow. All grocers. 5c. a package. The shortest life is long enough if it lead to a better, and the longest life is too short if it do not.—Colton. Mr*. Winslow’s rooming Syrup. For children teeiblBC, softens tuc yunit, reduces In- , (Uuntil loo, allays pain, euros wlud colic. 25c alsatle FREE TO WOMEN! To prove the healing and Clean sing power of i'axtinn Toilet AiitUeptic we will mail a large trial package with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample, but a large package, enough to con vince anyone of its value. Women all over the country are praising Paxtinefor what it has done in local treat ment of female ills, curing nil Inflammation anil discharges, wonderful as a cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth, Send today; a postal card will do. Sold :>v drnggisfa or sent postpaid by as, SO cents, large box. Satisfaction guaranteed. TI1K K. I'AXTON CO., Huston, Musa. 214 Columbus Av«. PnTTT T1 T? V 1 wlknt y°nr poultry, bit J v" Vj U I IV I |er. ejrga. veil. bides. etc. Quick returns and the bljrhent prices that locution. facliittcN and experience ran give. Write for tags un i price*. KOBUK'ft' 1*1 »V1I. KmIii 1*1 Iu!ie«l 1N70 Omaha, Neb. HDADOV NEMf DISCOVERY: tfrea t* quick relief and cureaworst pives. Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS’ treatment raii. Dx.H.H.O&£i:Xf SSOJtS.JBoza,AUanti.Qi