The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 27, 1903, Image 8

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A Synopsis of Proceedings in Both Crtvnches of
the Twenty-Eighth Genera.1
In the senate on the 17th. se.iate file
No. 109, refieallng the free text book
law, was reported back from the com
mittee for indefinite postponement. 8.
F. 142, relating to Insurance, and S. F.
85, also relating to Insurance, were re
ported back and plneed on general file.
Senator Jennings' resolution, asking for
the appointment of a committee to In
quire Into the affairs of the office of
the commissioner of labor, was adopted.
The chair appointed the following com
mittee to act under the resolution: Sen
ators Jennings. Hasty and O'Neill. The
following bill was introduced and read
the first time: To provide for and es
tablish a state accountant and to fix
a salary therefor, and to define his du
ties and to declare an emergency ex
isting. Providing that no neraon shall
be considered e qualified teacher who
has not reached the age of 17 years,
•was considered In committee of the
whole and reported back for indefinite
postponement. Providing that petition
ers who ask for more than one special
election In one year shall deposit the
cost of such election with the city or
Village clerk, to be forfeited If they fall
to carry the proposition which they fa
vor. Repealing the law providing for
the payment of bounties for the destruc
tion of wild animals, wns reported bark
with the recommendation that It be In
definitely postponed. Providing the
amount of fees to be coleeted by the
secretary of Iho state hoard of Irriga
tion, and S. F. 138, relating to the stor
age of water for Irrigation purposes,
were considered and reported back to
he engrossed for third reading.
In the senate on the 1st It S. F. 137
Water rights and irrigation passed. S. ,
F 49. providing that city treasurer shall 1
be ex-officio treasurer of school board
and providing for boards, passed. S. F.
65. relating to marks and brands, passed.
8. F. 128, providing that state superin
tendents shall prescribe general course
of study, which school boards may fol
low. Amended that no change In text
books be required. Bill passed. Senate
went Into a committee of the whole with
Sloan of Fillmore In the chair. 8. F. 120,
realting to school lands, and providing
when they shall revert to the state upon
non-payment of taxes or Interest, amend
ed and ordered engrossed. S. F. 191, by
Young (by request)—Joint resolution fix
ing the amount to be set apart for the
erection of a sodhonse and modern farm
buildings, showing the progress of Ne
braska, us an exhibit at the Louisiana
Purchase exposition Mrs. Louise Bow
ser wants the state to give her $2,000 out
of Louisiana exposition appropriation.
She agrees to erect a two-r.tory sodhouse.
with a restaurant tn lower story, upper
story to be open and public, all to cost
$20,000. 8. F. 192. by Sloan of Fillmore
(by request)—Re-enacting representative
feature In fraternal societies. 8. F. 193,
by Marshall of Otoe (by request)—Defin
ing the name and purpose nnd providing
for the government and maintenance of
the Nebraska School for the Blind. S. F.
194. by Marshall of Otoe (by request)—
Defining the name and purpose and pro
viding for the government ami mainten
ance of the Nebraska School for the
S. F. 142, by Howell of Douglas, hod
rough sailing In the senate on the 19lh
and after a long discussion in the com
mittee of the whole no action was taken,
the bill to retain Its place on general file.
The t)lll provides that before unincorpor
ated mutual companies shall have power
to Insure outside of the members of the
company or to pay officers more than $2
per day or to employ solicitors, the com
pany shall deroslt with the state a surety
bond for $100,000. Standing committees re
ported the following bills for general tile:
Pellnlng dessertlon of wife, husband or
minor child; regarding game and fish
commission and season for killing game;
no claim for subscription to news
paper or magazine shall be valid except
for time ordered; providing that courts
may order Judgments paid In Install
ments; providing for the supersedeas of
cases appealed to supreme court; provid
ing for bonds to be given by parties sell
ing liquor; H. R. 114, providing for the
printing of the report of state superin
tendent. amended that printing be let by
stale printing board—recommended for
passage; H. R. 48. providing for cost of
bonds of school board treasurers to be
paid by districts—recommended for pas
The following bills were reported hack
by committees In the senate on the 20lh.
with the recommendation that they tie
placed on the general file for passage:
8. F. 152, providing that the deposit of
a. check or draft In a bank shall be
deemed evidence of due diligence In col
lecting the same; S. F. 128, providing
that no judge, sheriff, clerk or consta
ble shall be allowed to practice as an
attorney In any court of the county in
which they hold office; 8. I-’. Its, pro
viding when an Injunction may he grant
ed by the court; S F. 151, providing for
a commission to revise the statutes; S.
F. 87. providing that heads of families
shall have exempt from attachment $300;
8. F. 118. providing a proceeding to re
vive a judgment can only he brought
within live years after the judgment
becomes dormant; S. F. 125. providing
the articles of Incorporation of a corpo
ration may he amended by a vote of
three-fourths of the capital stock: 8. F
155, providing when a defendant Is found
guilty the court shall render Judgment.
Including costs; 8. F. 158, providing It
shall not he necessary to serve notice
of suit on a minor child to he adopted.
The following hills were read the third
time and passed: Senate file No. 38. de
fining conditions of child dependency
prescribing methods of protection and
penalties for neglect; senate tile No. 9S
to prevent the mutilation of horses by
docking: senate file No. 139, legalizing
bonds for the construction of irrigatlor
canals and works; senate file No. 120.
providing If any lessee of educational
lands shall be In default of payment foi
| six months or any purchaser shall be In
default for one year the lands shall be
declared forfeited by the board of edu
cational lands and funds: house roll No.
.12. providing for district ownership of
text books In cities; house roll No. 27D,
appropriating SlO.oOo from the fund of the
hospital for the insane at Norfolk, for
use of the hospital for the Insane at
Lincoln: house roll No. 12, providing for
the organization of school board, salary
of secretary, etc.
H. R. 2b2, by flood of Nemana, ap
piopriattng $2,800 out of the state library
fi nd for a library at the Peru Normal,
was passed In the house on the 17th.
ns was also II. R. 27, by McClay of
Lancaster, providing for state burial
grounds for Inmates of Lincoln chart
table Institutions. 11. R. 13T>, by Tooley
of Custer, providing that one-fourth of
the school apportionments to the vari
ous counties by distribution among
them on the basis of the number of
school districts Instead of pupils, as
now, was defeated by a vote of 48 to
41. H. R. 103, by Jones of Otoe, pro
viding for district nominations and elec
tion by the people at large of all the
county commissioners, was recommend
ed for passage. Bills were Introduced
as follows: To require street car com
panies In cities of the metropolitan class
and of the first class to operate cars
during certnln times after midnight,
prescribing maximum fares and pro
hibiting the collection of any fare from
any passenger who Is not provided with
a seat. Requires one car hourly from
midnight to 6 a. m. and tlxes maximum
fare at 3 cents, i'lne of $50 to $100 for
violation. To entitle registered phar
macists of five years' experience to a
renewal of registration without exami
nation. To repeal the law requiring
constructors of street railways to ob
tain the consent of the voters of the
municipality before building, without
wh'clt franchises may not be granted,
and to repeal provisions requiring pre
cise route and termini to be named in
articles of Incorporation, the route not
to exceed length of live miles. To au
thorize the organization of mutual In
surance companies to Insure property
aRalnst loss or damage from tornadoes,
cyclones and wind storms.
In the house on the 18th IT. R. 265,
by Burgess of Lancaster, providing for
an appropriation of $85,000 to erect a mus
eum and library building by the State
Historical society in Lincoln, was rec
ommended for indefinite postponement,
as was also 1L It. 237, by Gilbert of
Douglas, providing for a commission of
engine and boiler Inspectors. The house
took up a special order, the report of
the committee on public lands and build
ings that the Girls' Industrial home at
Geneva be closed, on the plea that there
are not enough Inmates to Justify Its
maintenance, and that he inmates be re
moved to the Boys' Industrial school at |
Kearney. After discussion the report of j
t lie committee was tabled. Sweezy
moved that two items in the bill approved
by the committee be stricken out. These
items were $450 for blue books filrnished
by the State Journal company and $437.50
for bills furnished by Harry Porter.
Sweezy claimed that In th“ first place,
the contracts for these supplies ought
to be made by the house instead of the
secretary of slate. He disputed the fair
ness and justice of both hills, and de
clared as to the tiles that, while they
cost the house $1.75 each, they were
worth not more than 30 cents. The mo
tion was carried. New bills were Intro
duced as follows: To license and provide
against the extortion of pawnbrokers and
to fix the maximum rate of Interest
charged by them at 10 per cent per an
num, and to provide that pledged articles j
must be advertised 111 a newspaper of
general circulation for four consecutive
weeks before they can be sold. Penalties
from $50 to $500. To declare void sales,
trades or oilier disposition of entire stock
of goods or merchandise, wholesale or
retail, or portions theref, In bulk or
otherwise than in the ordinary course
of the vendor's business.
Tite house convened nt 2 o’clock on the
19th and Immediately went into commit
tee of the whole, considering bills on gen
eral file. Among the Important bills
acted on was II. R. 13fi. by Davis of Buf
falo. providing for a lecrease of interest
rate on county funds In banks from 3 to
> per cent and that counties may deposit
money within 50 per cent of the capital
stock of the bank instead of 30 per cent,
a- now. and that where banks located
In the county refuse or neglect to bid
on said money or where there are no
banks In the county or none having suf
tlcient capital stock, then any surplus
over the 50 per cent ttiat .he county may
receive shall be deposited in batiks out
side of tlie county having sufficient cap
ita! slock. This bill was recommended
for passage, as was also H. R. 7. by
Jalinel of Washington, changing the
method of appraising ttie damages In
e< ndemnatlon proceedings by railroads,
and II. R. 51 by (btssel of Otoe, compell
ing road overseers to op >n ditches in
April and October, and II. R. 14.8 by
Perry of Furnas, allowing uniform fees
for sheriffs for service in justice, district
and county courts. H. R. 9«. by Warner
of Lancaster, precipitated the house into
a brisk discussion in which Douglas
county members, especially Kennedy,
figured prominently, it provide* that I tie
county supervisor shall be made the coun
ty engineer and have charge of all the
work devolving upon the latter. It like
wise brought up the old bridge bill dis
cussion and Kennedy opposed the bill,
and finally secured the adoption of an
amendment excluding Dougals county
i frt tn the operation of the measure.
which in Its amended form, was recom
i mended for passage.
Two eventful proceedings occurred tn
tlie house on the 2fth. one an appeal
fiom the derision of tlie speaker and
the other a call of the house to note
absentees and members present and not
voting. Both came as a result of tlie
tiltht over II. R. !03, by Jonc* of Otoe,
the bill providing for the election of the
county commissioners by vote of the en
tire county, which had been denominat
ed a party measure. Jones, the author,
was absent and an effort was made to
have the bill passed over until the au
thor could be present. Sweezy and oth
ers opposed this. Sweezy. who was
against the bill, agreeing to pair with
Jones. The speaker ruled that action on
the bill should lie taken, and Spurlock
n.' Cass moved t"» appeal from the de
cision of the chair and was seconded by
McAllister of Deuel The speaker was
sustained. The other remarkable Inci
dent was when the bill was put to a
vote. Several members present refused
to vote, whereupon Douglas of Rook
moved the call of the house and the
motion carried. The bill was llnally lost,
fifty-one votes being necessary for pas
sage. Tho house then took up the bridge
bill, II. R. 112. and voted to recommit
it. It passed H. R. 79. by Loomis of
Dodge, requiring teachers In district
schools to keep school the statutory term
or make report showing the tax levy
has been made and Is exhausted. The
house In committee of the whole recom
mended for passage II. R. 127. by Mere
dllth of York, ns amended by Speaker
Mockett. providing that no intoxicating
liquors shall be sold on the premises or
within two miles of any federal army
post or fort: also II. R. 1R7. by Weborg
of Thurston, providing for a memorial to
congress for a constitutional amendment
permitting the popular election of United
States senators.
Representative J. A. C. Kennedy of
Douglas county may Introduce a bill
providing for compulscry voting In cities.
He Is known to be Interested In the sub
ject and Is said to be collecting data and
information with a view of drawing up
such a measure. A bill to compel every
qualified elector In the country districts
to vote already has been Introduced into
the legislature by Representative Ellers,
and Is known as II. R. 159, being now In
the hands of the rommittee on elections
and privileges. It provides a voting tax
of J.1. a receipt for which shall be given
by the judges of election when each man
casts his ballot, the receipt to be ac
cepted by the county treasurer In pay
ment of the tax. The only other alter
native than paying the amount is a
sworn statement decalring physical dis
ability on election day. Mr. Ellers also
has Introduced II. R. \5S. which seeks to
make the general election day eHch year
a holiday, on which the schools and all
places of labor shall be closed.
To City Engineer Rosewater Is given
the credit for originating the compul
si ry voting Idea for cities, lie says:
“It is one of the reforms that I would
make to improve citizenship. If citizen
ship Is good for anything It Is worth
earning. I do not believe in sending
carriages variously labeled for people on
election day.
“I do believe, however, that if every
man is compelled to vote or pay a tine
we will get an honest expression at all
times, either In special or general elec
tions. I would have a board of regis
tration like a census board, to check over
the list of registered voters to see wheth
er each casts a ballot and to keep close
tab on the eligible voters of the city.
The fine that should be administered In
case of failure to vote should be enforc
ed by the board, and $7 for each offense
would be the proper amount."
Through the efforts of Senator Brady
of Boone, a meeting of the Joint railroad
committee will be held In the senate
chamber on Monday. The meeting will
be open to the public and will be for the
pvrpose of considering 8. F. 102. which
was introduced by Senator Brady. This
bill provides that any railroad company
operating within this state shall, when
requested In writing, by the owner, own
ers. or operators o. any elevator, at any
station within this state through which
any railroad Is operate), erect and main
tain a side track of suitable length to
approach as n<- <r as four feet of the outer
edge of their right of way when neces
sary. and In all cases to approach any
elevator that may be erected adjacent to
their right of way. for the purpose of
loading grain into cars from said ele
vator. The bill carries a clause providing
a penalty of tl.000 for failure by any
transportation company to comply with
the law.
In view of the great movement now
going on in this state in the way of or
ganizing co-operative elevator companies,
it is thought, by those interested, that
Hits hill is one of the most important, if
not the most important, now before the
legislature, especially to all country dis
tricts. The recent organization of farm
ers perfected in l.lncoln looks for Its
hardest tight for life with the railroads
on the very point answered by H. K. 102,
and for that, reason It Is desired by the
friends of the measure that all parties
Inter ted will lend their weight to help
carry »i through.
The meeting of the telephone Invest!
Ration committee developed some excite
ment. Representative Mnrsman of
Douglas Insisted on the right of cross
aminatlon by' Morsman. The effect of
City Telephone company, who had been
hrought from Mlnepapolls by the so
called Independent telephone people to
testify as to rates. Senator Warner of
Dakota, chairman of the committee, de
nied this right, and then Senators
O'Neill. Glftin and Meredith sided with
Mnrsman and the result was that Jttd
son was subjected to a rigid cross-ex
amination by Morsman. The ITect of
the cross-examination wns not encour
aging to the Independents, but rather
favorable to the Nebraska Telephone
side of the controversy. At the ' inclu
sion of the meeting Senator Howell of
Douglas took occasion to resent u state
ment made by President Yost of the
Nebraska Telephone company t at he
had come to Lincoln as representative
of the Omaha Commercial club.
It is said that Representative N 'son's
negotiable instrument bill is doomed to
postponement. The measure Is a long one,
codifying the laws relating to paper of
this character. It Is a copy of the Ohio
law and In many ways Is a good nv inire.
It is meeting the objections made against
all radical changes. The members have
not time to study it carefully, and besides
the citizens are against Innovation- no
matter how good they may be. Repre
sentative Jouvenat of the committee on
banks and currency is In doubt whither
111 -ive tlie measure h s support and oth
ers have so indicated.
---- - -
j There Is much sickness in and about
Exeter, with some fatal terminations.
Judge Geo. G. Bowman, a well
known lawyer, dropped dead on the
street in Omaha from heart trouble.
The W. S. A. chib of Table Rock
celebrated the 83d anniversary of the
birth of Miss Susan B. Anthony.
There is an epidemic of measles and
scarlet fever in the vicinity of Taylor,
but as yet no fatalities have been re
James R. Alexander and wife have
sold to Edward Andrews 320 acres of
land In township nine, in Otoe county,
for 110,200.
The York camp of the Modern
Woodmen has passed a resolution op
posing any change in the present sys
tem of assessment.
The fight for the rural telephone
system in the vicinnty of Murray be
tween the Bell and independent com
panies is on hot, with the independ
ents in the lead.
Farmers in the vicinity of Vestra
are practically starving in the midst
of plenty by not being able to get cars
to ship out wheat and corn to market.
This condition has existed since last
What appears to be a very rich de
posit of lead was discovered in a
quarry a few miles west of Barneston,
Gage county, and considerable ex
citement prevails in that neighbor
hood as a result.
Alonzo Wymore, a widower, aged
about45 years, living with John Lar
son, on the George Joyce farm near
Alma, was found dead in bed by Mr.
Larson. Heart disease is supposed to
have caused death.
William Webber, while working with
a gang of men on the Burlington
bridge which spans the Missouri river
at Plattsmouth. fell to the ice below,
a distance of about seventy feet, and
was injured so badly that he died.
H. A. Cheney, president of the Se
curity bank of Creighton, has been
named as receiver of the Bank of Ver
digris, after a fruitless effort on the
part of the owner to furnish a suitable
bond to guarantee its liquidation by
W. J. O'Brien, superintendent of the
state fish Iiatoheries near South Bend,
received large consignments of trout
eggs from Bayfield, Wis.. Manchester,
la., and Leadville, Colo. This makes
over 500,000 trout eggs now in process
of incubation at the hatcheries.
C. W. Kiser met with a singular ac
cident at Howe. He and W. B. Cooney
were digging the grave of Mrs. W. A.
Wright. The ground was frozen haril.
Cooney was using an ax to cut the
soil and struck Kiser on the hand,
splitting the hand open almost the
length of it.
Cyrus Kelley, aged fourteen, was
out hunting near the home of his half
brother, Jerry Kelley, on the Loup.
Garfield county line. The gun he car
ried was discharged accidentally, the
charge striking him on the right side
of the chin and ranging through the
head. Death was instantaneous.
Mr. HellfVv, a traveling man, in
York, met a little girl near the post
office who was not dressed very com
fortably. and on questioning the girl
she told him her feet were cold. Mr.
Hellfly at once took the little girl into
a shoe store and bought her a new
pair of warm shoes.
Rev. E. E. Wilson, who has been
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church in Nebraska City for the past
five months and who, before coming,
was a missionary in South America,
has been selected by ihe Methodist
Episcopal missionary board of New
York city as missionary to Porto Rico.
After being out five hours the jury
in the case of,the State of Nebraska
against Charles Cain, charged with
robbing a Rock Island freight car at
Beatrice last fall, returned with a
verdict, finding the defendant guilty of
petit larceny. Judge Letton sentenced
hint to the county jail for thirty days
at hard labor and ordered him to pay
cost of prosecution.
At Long Pine after driving his
wife and stepson from the room with
a revolver, Fred R. Ingalls turned the
weapon on himself and inflicted a
probably fatal wound in the head. The
family was at dinner when the tragedy
happened. Ingalls is the official watcli
ntaker for the Elkhorn and has long
been in business at Long Pine. An
uncontrollable appetite for drink,
which has ruined his health, was the
cause of the deed.
John Shoemaker, living one mile
east of Bertrand, while working with
a corn sheller at WMlliam Karstens,
was caught in a shaft, breaking both
bones of his right arm, causing a
compound fracture and other bruises.
Governor Mickey has paroled Chas.
L. Sharp of Papillion. Sharp has been
serving a sentence at the penitentiary
for car robbing, committed on the
Rock island. The parole was granted
at the request of several prominent
Papillion people, who have taken an
interest in the man.
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City.
CATTLE—There was a fair ran of car
lie here, and the market as a Whole was
in very satisfactory condition. Hackers
eeemed to- be quite anxious for supplies,
so that a fairly early clearance was
made. The beef steer market, though,
was not quite as brisk as It was the day
before on the good cattle. The heavy
weights in particular did not sell very
well, and on that class salesmen were
calling the market a llt:le lower. The
cow market was active and stronger on
cutters and the better grades of corn
feds. For the week the market on that
class of cattle Is fully 25c 'higher and in
some places more. Canners, however,
have been rather neglected all the week
end have not shown any Improvement.
Bulls were not any- more than steRd/,
with the demand' Indifferent. Veal
calves sold freely at steady prlees. Sup
plies of stock eatrte were limited, and,
as Is generally the case toward the close
of the week, the marekt was. If any
thing. a shade lower, as speculators wrere
afraid to get many cattle on hand for
fear of being obliged to curry them over.
HOGS—There was not an excessive
run of hogs at any point, and as a result
prices Improved a little under I he in
fluence of a good demand. At this point
the market was rather slow. Seilers hold
fot a 5610c advance, and that wus the
way the bulk of the hogs sold. The big
end of the receipts sold from $6.95 to $7.05.
The heavier weights sold mostly from
$7.00 to $7.05. and as high as $7.15 was
paid for prime heavyweights. The me
dium hogs sold largely from $6.95 to $7.00.
while the light hogs sold from $6.95
SHEEP—Choice western lambs, $6.(XKfJ
6.25, fair to good lambs, $5.656 6.00; choice
native and Colorado lambs. $6.006 6.25;
choice yearlings. $5.5065.76; fair to good
yearlings, $5.006 5.50; choice wethers, $t.75
®5.25: fair to good. t4.MMii.~o; choice ewes,
$t.2564.50; fair to good. $3.256 4.00; feeder
lambs. $4.006 5.t«); feeder yearlings. $.7.75
ru’4.00; feeder wethers. $3.756 4.09; feeder
ewes, $2.2693.00.
CATTLE—Fat cattle slow, steady;
cows and heifers, steady to lower; Stock
ers and feeders, active, steady; quaran
tine, slow; choice export and dressed
beef steers. $4.506 5.25; fair to good. $7.40
(04.50; Stockers and feeders. $2X4/4.40;
western fed steers. $2.756 5.00; Texas and
Indian steers, $7.0064.00; Texas cows, $1.90
67.25; native cows. $2.0064.05; native heif
ers. $2.2564.25; canners, $1.0062.25; bulls,
$2.2564.25; calves. $2.5066.00.
HOGS—Market opened strong to 5c
higher, closed weak; top. $7.20; bulk of
sales. $7.0067.15; heavy, $7.106720; mixed
packers. $6,956 7.12V light, $6.7067.05;
yorkers, $6.9567.05; pigs, $5.856 6.70.
SHEEP AND I-AMBS—Market steady;
native lambs. $4.0066.65; western lambs.
$7.856 6.50; fed ewes, $2.1566.00; native
wethers. $7.5065.55; western wethers. $2.40
65.70; Stockers and feeders, $2.5063.65.
Agreements Between Other Claimants
■*n«i Venezuela.
WASHINGTON, D. C.—Among the
callers on Herbert W. Bowen, Vene
zuela^ representative, Friday, was
Ferdinand Van Derheid, formerly
charge d’affaires of Belgium to Vene
zuela. who came with the Belgian
minister, Baron Moncheur. Mr. Van
Derheid has been designated as charge
d’affaires to Chile, blit has stopped in
\\ ashington to give what assistance
he can to Baron Moncheur in drawing
up the Bengian protocol with Mr.
The representatives of the various
peace powers are having cable ex
changes with their governments to
guide them in the drafting of the
protocols for the settlement of the
claims of citizens of their countries
against Venezuela. None of those
protocols are yet in shape for signa
Minister Bowen, accompanied by
Mrs. Bowen, made a formal call on
the various diplomatic officials with
whom he has been conducting negotia
Affecting Pension Laws.
WASHINGTON, I). C.—Representa
tive Sulloway on Friday introduced a
bill reciting “that in the administra
tion of the pension laws and enlisted
man in the military service of the
United States during the rebellion
shall be held to be entitled to a pen
sion for any disability contracted by
him during any and all enlistments
recognized by the war department as
valid, provided his disability or disa
bilities were contracted during the
performance of military duty, within
the meaning of the pension laws, any
ruling or decision of the secretary of
the interior to the contrary notwith
Was With Roosevelt.
DENVER, Colo.—Sherman M. Bell,
a member of Roosevelt’s rough riders
during the Spanish-Ameriean war, has
been appointed adjutant general of
the Colorado National Guard by Gov
ernor Peabody.
Says Sun Is Inhabited.
LA PORTE. Ind.—Alexander Young
of La Porte makes the announcement
that from observations made by him
he is confident that the sun is inhab
ited. He claims to have seen on the
sun's surface mountain sides with
great and precipitous rocks, which
glow with prismatic colors, blended
with the greenness of a perennial
vegetation and with a floral radiance
more beautiful than that of the earth.
i BttlfF lUEORAMS. j
Bandits who held up a Burlington
train in Mentana got but >7.50.
Lieutenant Peary says he hopes tO'
make another effort to reach the north
Colonel Richard L. Walker, known to
every politician in Kansas as "Dick”
Walker, died in. Topeka.
Arnold Green. LL.D., one of the
mo3t prominent lawyers in the state
and widely known as a sc holar, is dead
at Providence, R. L
The president will appoint James R.
Garfield to the position of commission
er of corporations under the new de
partment of commerce act.
Ex-State Senator C. H. Smith of
Jackson, Mich., has wired to Wash
ington his acceptance of the office of
prosecuting attorney at Manila.
The Standard Oil company has de
clared a dividend of $20 per Bhare,
payable March 20. This is $10 more
than the last dividend declared.
At Atchison, Kan., a verdict for $10,
000 has been rendered In the district
court in the breach' of promise case
of Miss Olive Sells against Peter W.
By unanimous vote the Nebraska
senate has adopted a joint resolution
providing for the election of United
States senators by a direct vote of the
It is reported that Hon. Edward H.
Blake of Ontario has been retained
by the Canadian government ar coun
sel before the Alaskan boundary com
The United Railways company of
San Francisco has applied to the New
York Stock exchange to list $20,000,000
4 per cent sinking fund coupon bonds
of 1927.
Active preparations are being made
for the early departure of the flagship
New York and the cruisers Boston,
Marblehead and Ranger for the coast
of Honduras.
By unanimous vote of the Athletic
council Iowa State college has elected
B. J. Wefers, once the world’s cham
pion sprinter, as track team trainer
for the coming season.
The statement is made in London
that. Lord Charles Beresford has ac
cepted the command of the channel
squadron. This will necessitate his re
tirement from parliament.
Nathan Doras, a diamond broker of
Philadelphia, was robbed of $7,000
worth of diamonds within ten minutes
after stepping from a train on his ar
rival in Chicago from Cincinnati.
It is the present intention of the
navy department to order Captain Pur
nell F. Harrington, now at the New
York navy yard, to Bremerton, Wash ,
to take charge of the navy yard
H. F. Kronskyn of Seoul. Korea, ar
rived in Tacoma on his way to New
York and Philadelphia to contract for
idolB to be used in the heathen tem
ples of his country as well as for
There were three deaths from the
plague Monday at Mazatlan. Mex. Two
hundred and two patients with the
plague have been admit ten to the laz
aretto since It was established and
121 have died.
J. S. Clarke, the Canadian agent in
Australia, cables that a hot wave has
f truck Australia and is burning up the
vegetation in the pastoral districts
and undoing advantage derived from
the recent rains.
Albert Pfaff, who decorated and fur
nished most of the great trans-Atlantic
liners of the Hamburg-American and
North German Lloyd companies, died
in Berlin. He bequeathed about $500,
000 to various charities.
A bill has been introduced in the
Wisconsin senate to make the teaching
of the doctrines of criminal anarchy a
felony and punishable by imprisonment
for not more than ten years or a fine
of not more than $5,000, or both.
Dr. William R. Brooks, director of
Smith observatory and professor of
astronomy in Hobart college, has been
awared the comet medal of the Astro
nomical Society of the Pacific for the
discovery of his twenty-third comet.
The Belgium chamber of deputies
had a stormy discussion on a bill in
troduced by the premier imposing a
tax on foreign companies having
branches in Belgium amounting to 2
per cent of their profits and requiring
them to publish annual sheets. A
commission was appointed to examine
the bill immediately.
Joseph Barry, the musical composer
and director of the South Wales school
of music, died in London.
Jesus Urueta has been selected by
President Diaz to represent Mexico at
the International educational congress
in Rome.
The Colorado senate passed the bill
appropriating $25,000 to defend the
Kansas-Colorado water suit.
Colonel R. H. Pratt has received of
ficial notification from the war de
partment that he has been retired as
The closing of the United States na
val station agreement with Cuba has
caused a renewal of hopes among the
000 United States artillerymen still in
Cuba that they will be ordered back
to the United States within throe