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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1903)
The Keystone of Good Health is pure food. Lion Coffee is all coffee—no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de fects and cheapen its quality. Fresh and uniform, rich in flavor, because always in sealed packages — never in bulk. Uaaal Dsws. Mile’* Boy at Society Hall, Feb. l«th 1903. N. B Thompson was at the county seat last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reidel were shopping in our city last Monday. John Cbippa made us a visit while In town last Monday. A K. Chase is invoicing his stock of merchandise this week. . New invoice of Hamilton brown anoes recieved at B. J. Swanson’s Mr and Mrs. L IIan9en took a drive up to Arcadia, last Sunday. Mike llcKeon is among those who remembered the printer, this v^eek. James Landers, of Arcadia, was doing business in Loup City, last Tuesday. If you want a good span of young mules see Tioy Hale at the Round Front baru. , D. C Grow, sells flour and feed at the Northwestern Milling Company’s stand on south side public square. Get your shoes at Swanson's He sells them right also repairs your shoes right at prices right. O. A. Clark, of the Ravenna Crearn ery company, was looking after the creamery business at this point the first of the week. Hanford Lee, Charles Walton and Will Todd, of Arcadia, were In this city between passenger trains, Monday. Anthony and John Mc'veon and Wm. Hunker, from Bristol township, came to market, last Monday, with a lot of corn. Walter Sorensen, the jolly tonsorial artist of Arcadia and brother of Mrs. L. Hansen of tins place, came down to spend a few hoars, last Tuesday. All kinds of mackintoshes for ladles, gents and children at Johnson, Lorenrz &Co’s. Don’t fall to see our stock. Our prices are right. Albert Anderson will soon move onto bis upland farm, northeast of town. He has a half section, having purchased the old homestead of his father. The Loyal Misti* Legion of Amer ica will give one of their characteristic entertainments and dance at Societj Hall, February I6tb. Admission 25 and It eta. Katie, the lft year old daughter of Mr. Frank Otlewski, is very sick with in llamatory rheumatism. She has ocen almost helpless for three weeks, but at present writing is much improved. You should call aLd see tlie new line of dress path rns at Johnson, Lorentz «fc Co.'s. They are fresh, stylish and a very good quality of goods, We will sell them very reasonably. A. ltooue, tbs photographer wishes us to state to his Rockville patrons ttiat his gallary at that place will be open every Tuesday only. Please rem ember tbe data. Carl Anderson baa been moving bis household effects onto the J T. llale property south of town and across the creek. We understand that Mr. Ander son will work that place another season. Epworth League services at the M. E. church will be at 0:30 Sunday evening and will be lollowed by a sacred concert Subject for League discussion is, “Self ish Ambition in Christ’s Service”. What would you think of your groc ery man if he sold you sand for sugar! What do you think of a druggist, who would offer you a substitute for Madison Medicine Co’s. Kocky Moun tain Tea.—Odendabl Bros. The collection for the M. E. church building fund is $288 05. Of this sum the trustees have paid out for furnaces, etc , $235 65 The remaining three dol lars will be used in the construction of a coal box. Judge Gutterson, the newly appointed district judge for this district, errived last Monday, late in the afternoou, and at once opened up court, w hich lasted until Wednesday noon It was an equity term and there being only aboht thirty five cases on the docket the business was quickly disposed of. For the Inst time we offer Cabinet Size Photograpl s at 99 cents per doz, This extrem ly low rate will commence on Saturday Febr. 14 and closes on March 1. Photo gallery will eihter be sold or moved out of town after March 3. M. Leschinsky Artist Johnson, Lorenfz Co for winter clothing. Going at cost VV. K. Melloi and wife retimed frotn their eastern visit iast Friday. ‘■Robbers" at Society Hall. F«b. 16. Ei tertainm»nt and dance 25 cents. If you want the best Jack in-the country ice Troy Hale. He raises them. There has been a large amount of corn marketed here during the last few weeks. Fleur and feed exchanged for wheat at D. C Grow's store. South side public square. Erank Otlewski reports the loss of six head of cattle this winter by corn stalk disease. A new baby girl came Friday to make its home with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Perkins. If you want a good horse and have not got the money go and see Troy Hale, at the Round Front barn. Orrin Manchester and John Chipps were over to the county seat, last Mon day, looking after some school district matters. Murray Haywood, of Arcadia, was in Loup Citv looking after business in terests, Monday afternoon. Nut coal, the best for cook stoves, for sale by K. (J. Taylor at B & M elevator. Rob Jackson, who has been tick for several weeks, is able to be out again and was at the county seat last Monday. W . T. and A. E. Chase were up in Custer county, last week, visiting their father, who has not been very well this winter. Johnson, I.orentz & Co have been re building tbe shelving in their store and have more shelf space and their goods arranged in a more convenient manner. If you want sale bills got out on short order and in a very nice style come to the Northewstern office. We have the iinest line of type for such work in the country. We are reliably Informed that John Eeininger expects to have his uew lum ber yard ready for the trade about the first of April. Mr. Lelninger will put in a complete stock. Mrs. Joseph Daddow. of Clay town ship, started for Iowa, last Saturday, where she goes in response to a telegram informing her of the serious illness of her mother. Mr. T. II Eisner was seen with a large mallard duck in his hand, the first of the week. Ducks are quite numerous along the creeks in this section of the country and the sports are getting some of them. John Fisher raised 14 acres of pop corn last year which brought him $426 00 or $150.00 per acre. lie did not take the trouble to husk it but just snapped the ears and run them through a threshing machine This prove* concliisinely that it pays to raise pop com. The Koyal Neighbors win give a Klondike social at their hall on Tuesday evening, February 24 to which all Woodmen with their wives are invited. A grand good time is assured. Ten cents will be charged eaeh of those who wish to try their luck in digging for a nugget of gold. The petitioners for the vacation of a portion ot theold road near Sunny Slop* cemetery on the west side of the river, in Webster, have run up against a re monstrance, which 8. 8. Reynolds de. Clares is about as “long as your arm". The remonstrance will be filed in time for th'» consideration of the supervisors in March A car load of horses passed through town, last Tuesdav, which was bought in the vicinity of Arcadia bv J. YV. Betts, They were enroute for Lake Qeueva, Wis. Steve Gray assisted him to gather them up He also assisted Stockman Bros , from Nappanee, Indiana, in get ting a car load, which was shipped from Comstock, last week, Mrs. Lena Vanscoy and her daughter left for Wayland, Iowa, last Wednesday noon, over the B & M., where they ex pect to reside In the future She ordered the Northwkstkrn as a weekly viidtor during her absence. Mrs. Vanscoy is highly respected by all who know her and her presence will be greatly missed. She is a kind lady and always ready to assist in sickness and trouble. Her many friends here will join the North wkstkkn in wishing herself and daugh ter a pleasant future. The ladies of the G. A. R. circle have arranged to give a chicken pie supper and social at thler hall next Saturday, Feb 14th. The supper will be served at (I. p. m and a good social time is to follow. The program will be a pleasing one, and the undertaking, should be well patronized both because you are sure to get your full money s worth and because the proceeds go towards defraj - ing the expenses of approprately obser ving Decoration day, a most worthy cause It is only due to say that the ladies of the Circle have for several years past taken up this wo rk and un der their manugment the exercises have always been a success, although at times they have been sorely pressed for want of funds. This year they hopo to be able to get along without runuing in debt, so come out and patroniz * them liberally. Charge for the supper will only be 15 cents I Janie? Rentfrow took out a bran new set of harness Monday, which he pur chased of E. t*. Hayburst. Try Sberidon coal and you will be satisfied; supply always on band at E. G. Taylor’s elevator. Did yen see that tine team of bay mares that James Kentfrow is driving? They are beauties, and no mistake. If you want to swap horses be sure i and stop at tne Round Ifront barn. Troy Hale, the proprietor has some good western horses Have you seen the sign of B. J. Swan son, at the shoe store. It is a very artistic job and Art Eisner is credited witb having made it. The high school pupils are giving a series of literary entertainments in the essembly room at the school house. These entertainments will take place every two weeks and will be given on Saturday night. Last Saturday even ing was the first and it proved to be qnite a success. Many of the patrons of the school were in attendance and all expressed themselves as being highiy entertained. The next will be given on Saturday evening, February 21st. A very sad thing happened oyer on the main line of the U P., at Go'hen burg, last week. An eastbound freight and a westbound passenger train collid ed. The fireman on the freight engine was killed in the wreck, and the engi neer on the passenger train was his father. The passenger engine was upset but the engineer escaped with but ■light injuries and helped drag the body of his son out of the wreck of the freight engine and witnessed the death struggles of the young man wb«n he expired a few moments later The awfulness of this experience can better be imagined than de scribed.—Ravenna News. Card of Thank*. E A. Smith and family desire ns to say to the many friends, who so Hudly assisted them through the long sickness and death of their beloved wife and mother, that they are indeed thankful for the help and kindness rendered in that trying hour. LOUP CITY HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (EDITED 11T ELLA FOSTER.) Clayton Mean is absent from school on ac count of having a light attact of lung fever. Miss. Bertha is aiso absent on account of her brothers illness. The question for the debate is, Resolved: that the Senators of the United States should lie elected by the people rather than by tbs state legislature. Leaders: AIT. Ella Foster Negative Ciarsnca Sweetland. Miss. Maria Cooper is absent from school on account of a severs cold. The debate last Friday was decided 3 to 1 in favor of the negative. The progr am given by the K. K. was some what shortened by the refusal of quite a num ber who had promised to take part and at the last minute refused, but considering the bad weather and the short time in which the program was arranged it was very good. Artbor Dichenson visited in the grarnmer department Monday. Geo. Hover and Joe Delister are new mem bers of the tlrst grade. The peculiar cough which Indicates croup ia wall known to the mother of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal ap proval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not wast valuable time in experiment ing with untried remidles. no matter how highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear For sale by Odendahl Bros. LOW 11ATES WEST. $2*1.45 To Portland, Tacoma and Seat tle. $26.45 to San Francisco and Los Ang eles. $23.95 to Spokane. $31 45 to Salt Lake City, Bitte and Helena. Proport tonately low rates to hund reds of other points, included Big Horn. Wyo , Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Calitornia, etc. Every day February 15 to 30. Tourist cars daily to California, Person ally conducted excursion three times a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest Burlington Koute agent. Heavy euting is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks in flame the mncious membrane lining the stomach, producing a swelling after eat ing, heartburn, headache, sour rising and finally catarrh of tho stomach. Kod ol relieves the intiamation, protests the nerves and cures catarrah. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach tioubles by cleansing and sweetning the glands of the stomach.— Qdendabl Bros Let us speak of man as we And him. And censure onlv what we can see. Remembering mat no one can he perfect. t'Dless he uses Rocky Mountain Tea. —Odnndahl Bros. Farm k>r rent. — 320 acres about five miles from Loup City. Good house, well, barn, etc. A large tract under cultivati >n. Apply to A. E. Cuari.ton. Ord, Neb. WANTED SBVKliAI. persons of ciiaka acter anil good reputation In each stale tone in this county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid flnancial standing Salary $31 Ob weekly with expenses addi tional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and car rage furnished when necessary. Refer ences. Enclose self addressed envelope. Colonial Co., Dearborn St.. Chicago rtiti.ic males. Geo. Ware Is to have an auction sale on hi* farm, eight miles northeast of Loup City, on Feb lti, 190:3. The sale will be conducted by Jacob Albers, the old reliable auctioneer and the fol Jowing list of property will be offered for sale: 4 shoats, 4 cows, 1 two year old steer, 1 yearling heifer, 3 spring calves 1 9 year old mate, 1 two year old eolt, binder, rfdir g plow, pulveriser, walk ing plow, Grasshopper breaking plow, hay rake, mowing machine, cultivator, corn planter whith check rower, harrow, chickens and many other articles. Ten months time will be given on all sum oyertflO, and a discount of 5 per cent will be given for cash. Geo Ware, Owner. J. S I’edler, Cl'k. Jacob Albers, Auct DRAPER’S AUCTION SALE. E A. Draper will have an auction sale on his farm Tues. Feb. 17 1903. and will offer his entire, herd of 45 head of well bred Short Horn Cattle: 12 milk cows and a tine lot of two rear old heif er, all either with cal ves by their sides or soon to be fresb, also a lot of yearling calves. Me will slso offer for sale 9 head of horses and a long list of farm machinery See sale bills for further particulars. Remember the sale will begin at 10 o'clock A. M and that there will be a free lunch at noon A E. and Dema Draper, Owner. J. S Pedler, Cierk. J. T. Hale. Auct. 'V. E. Perkins now living on the Stewart McFadden farm, one half mile south of Round Grove and two and one-half miles south west of Loup City, will have an auction sale at that place Tuesday. Febtuary 24, at 10 o'clock a m., and will offer 25 head of cattle, 12 bead of sboats and a long list of farm machinery for sale. His cattle consists of nine bead of good mi:ch cows, three two year old heifers, four steer calves, eight beifer calves and one Short Horn ball calf The shoats will aver age ab‘ ut 150 pounds. His farm ma chinery is in good condition. Ten months time on all sums over 810. will be given by purchaser giving a teu per cent interest bearing note with approv ed security. All sums of 810. and un der cash. All time purchases will be discounted live percent for cash. E W. Perkins. Owner. J. S. Pedler, Clerk. J. T. Hale, Auct. Thomas Burton has sale bills out, an nouncing a public auction to take place on his farm, four miles west and two miles south of Loup City, on Thursday, February 26,1003. In the horse line, be will sell one black mare, 12 years old, weight about 1,400; one black mare, 13 years old, weight about 1,300; one gray mare, 7 years old, weight abont 1,150; one gray mare, weight about 950. He will also sell one cow. 6 years old; eight September shoats, one brood sow, in pig; and one sow and pigs. Farming implements; One riding lister, one two-row Curlin listed corn cultivator, one three-section lever steel h trrow, one pulverizer and seeder, two walking plows, two grasshopper breaking plows, two mowers, one rake, two farm wagons, two sets work harness, household furni ture, and 700 or 800 bushels of corn. He will give 10 months’ time on all sums over 810 00, by purchaser giving 10 per cant Interest bearing note with approved aecurity. Sums of 310 00 and under, cash. 5 per cent, discount for cash ou all amounts over $10 00. Free lunch at noon. Thomas Burton, Owner. J T. Hai.e, Auctioneer. J. S. Pedler, Cletk. One Hundred Dollars a Box. Is the value h. A. Tiniidale, Sumerlon 9. C places on DeWitt’s Witcli Hazel Salve. He says : •• i had piles for siO years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, it cared me.” It is a combination of the heal ing properties of Witch Hazel which an ticepilceand emollients relieves and per manently cures blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum and all skin dtscas. Od endahl Bros. Kodol does for the stoic aoU that which tt is unable to do for ltielf, even when but slightly disordered or overloaded. Kodol supplies the natural Juices of digestion and does the work of lb#stomach, relaxing the nervous tention, while the Inflamed tnucles of that organ, are allowed to rest and heal Kodel digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all foods into rich, red blood, Odendahl Bros, The crowned heads of every nation. The rich men poor turn and misers, * All join 1 n paying tribute to DeWitt's l.ittle tally Itiseis. II. Williams, Han Antonio, Tex,, writes: "Little Karly Kiser Pills are the best 1 ev er used in my family. I unhesitatingly rec otm-nrt them to cverviody. They cure Constipation. Htlllousn -s, Hick Headache, Torpid J.iver, Jaundice, malaria and all other liver troubles ocendahl Bros. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm. of Porgns Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoul der She had a surgeon get it baok in place as soon us possible, hut It was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamber lain'S J,’ain Balm advertised for sprains ard *or«ness, and she ask him to buy her a bot tle of It. which lie did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she hod not done for several days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recom mended it to many others. For sale by Odendahl Bros. Do you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call and seo T. M. Reed. ! Fir Your Palm®. I an now located in my new quarters, One Door Hast of St. Elmo Hotel, and have just received a shipment of the Hamilton & Brown shoes, the best in the market. More new goods are now on the way and I can assura my patrons satisfaction in both quality and prices. I still have a few pair of shoes left from the stock pur chased from Mr. Dolling which we are selling cheap. First class shoemaker shop in connection. We invite you to call and see our new stock of shoes and bring your rep it work with you. Respectfully, B. J SWANSON. -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loap City anil Asia. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call anil see our coal and get prices on grain. E.G- TAYLOR. IRA T. PAINE & CO. fA O N U 1VI E N TS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us before giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, NEB. FIVE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Exeupsjops FROM OMAHA EVERY WEEK WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES —VIA— Those excursions leave day, Thursday, Friday p. m., for California, and p. m., for Oregon, in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The cars are accompanied all the way by conductors skilled in the service of excursion parties. This is the only line from Omaha running five ex cursions every iceck. Excursions can be joined at any point enroute. Omaha every Wodnes ,and Saturday at 4:20 f tvery Tuesday at 11:30 All tickets for California anti Oregon arc good via Salt Lake City and Denver without extra charge. 4 JACOB ALBERS -THE OLD Reliable Auctioneer Is still in tlif* rlntf. Will be In Loup City every Wednesday and saurday to take your order for sales. Be sure and see mo Charges reasonable. .IACOB ALBERH, Auctioneer. Loup City, Neh STOHS THE OOUOH AMI) VVOKKs OKK THE COLD Laxative ttromo Quinine Tablet* cure a cold In one day. No. cure. No Hay. Hrlce aft cents. w J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Oum. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Ullir OITT, MEUBAJKA A. S- MAIN. PHY1CIAN & SUt’GEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. 4