The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 06, 1903, Image 7

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Congressman Geo. H. White’s Case.
A Noted Sculptress Cured.
♦ ————
| The world
X of medicine
t recognizes
| Grip as epi
X demic ca
| tarrh.— \
♦ Medical Talk.
LA GRIPPE is epidemic cattarrh. It
spares no class or nationality. The
cultured and the ignorant, the aris
tocrat and the pauper, the masses and the
classes are alike subject to la grippe. None
are exempt—all are liable.
Have you the grip ? Or, rather, has
the grip got you ? Grip is well named.
The original French term, la grippe,
has been shortened by the busy Ameri
can to read grip* Without intending
to do so a new word has been coined that
exactly describes the case. As if some
hideous giant with awful GRIP had clutched
us in its fatal clasp. Men, women, child
ren, whole towns and cities are caught in
the baneful grip of a terrible monster.
Pe-rn-n* for Grip.
Mrs. Theophile Schmitt, wife of the
Ex-Secretary of the German Consulate,
writes the following letter from 3417
Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111.:
"1 suffered this winter with a severe
attack of la grippe. After using three
bottles of Peruna 1 found the grip had dis
appeared. " Mrs. T. Schmitt.
Mrs. Celeste Coveil writes from 219 N.
avenue, Aurora, 111.:
"Only those who have suffered with la
grippe and been cured can appreciate how
grateful I feel that such a splendid medicine
as Peruna has been placed at the door of
every suffering person. "—Mrs. C. Coveil.
Noted Sculptress Cared of Grip.
Mrs. M. C. Cooper, of the Royal Acad
emy of Arts, of London, England, now
residing in Washington, D. C., is one of
the greatest living sculptors and painters of
the world. She says:
"I take pleasure in recommending Peruna
for catarrh and la grippe. 1 have suffered
for months, and after the use of one bottle
1 of Peruna I am entirely well.' ’—Mrs. M. C.
D. L. Wallace, a charter member of the
International Barber's I’nion, writes from
IS Western avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.:
"Following a severe attack of la grippe I
seemed to be affected badly all over.
"One of my customers who was greatly
helped by Peruna advised me to try it, and
1 procured a bottle the same day. Now my
head is clear, my nerves are steady, I enjoy
food and rest well. Peruna has been worth
a dollar a dose to me."—D. L. Wallace.
Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of the Salt Lake
City Barracks of the Salvation Army,
writes from Ogden, Utah :
"Two months ago I was suffering with so
severe a cold that 1 could hardly speak.
"Our captain advised me to try Peruna
and procured a bottle for me, and truly it
worked wonders. Within two weeks 1 was
entirely well."—Clarice Hunt.
Congressman White's letter.
Tarboro, N. C.
Gentlemen: — / am more than satis
fied with Peruna and find It to be an
excellent remedy for the grip and ca
tarrh. I have used It Ik my family
and they all Join me In recommending
It as an excellent remedy.”—George
H. White, Member of Congress.
Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasurer Inde
pendent Order of Good Templars, of
Everett, Wash., writes:
"After having a severe attack of la grippe
I continued in a feeble condition even after
the doctors called me cured. My blood
seemed poisoned. Peruna cured me."—
Mrs. T. W. Collins.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna, write
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased fo
give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Ask your druggist for a free Pe=ru=na Almanac.
■ Constipation
r— CurediL
* Those who have used salts, castor oil. and the
many home and manufactured purgatives,
know that in such treatment there is no possi
bility of a cure from constipation. These
remedies are at most physics and do absolutely
no good. In fact they frequently provoke piles
i fistula, female disorders and many cases
of appendicitis are traceable to
j their use. Soon the ordinary
doses of these phvsics fail ^
“ ca““
Keh 6 ...
r mini s urape ionic
k would not cure. First, Mull's Grape Tonic Is unlike any I
V other treatment for constipation. It Is the greatest
[ and moat positive laxative known. Rut that Isn’t what
} cures. It Is the tonic properties of the grape and other
fruits that strengthens the worn-out muscles of the In
testinal tract. Mull's Urape Tonic builds flesh makes
strength and creates rich, red blood. Mull's Grape Tonic
Is th« finest thing ever known foroonsttnatlon. It Is guar
anteed to euro vou. Largo sample bottle sent free to any j
address on receipt of 10 cents for postage by Lightning
Medicine Co.. Rock Island, III. Rend your druggist's name.
All druggists sell Mull's Grape Tonic at 80 cents a bottle.
Use a good, penetrating liniment when there’s a hurt,
bruise, pain in your body or the body of your beast.
worms its way down through the swollen, fevered
muscles to the very heart of pain and drives it out.
nThe Reason Why more wheat la
grown In Western Canada In a few
abort months than claewliere. Is
because vegetation growa In pro
portion to the aunllgbt. The more
northerly latitude In which grain
will come to perfection, the better
ltia. Therefore 62 Iba. per bushel la aa fair a standard aa
60lba. In the Last. Area under crop in Weatern Canada,
1908, 1.987,330 Aeraa. Yield, 1908, 117 928,744 Bua.
the only charge for which la 610 for making entry.
Abundance of water nnd fuel, building material
cheap,good gra»a for pasture and buy. a fertileaoll,
a mirth-lent rainfall, anil a climate giving an assured
and adequate aeaaon of growth.
Send to the following for an Atlas and other
literature, aud also for certificate giving you re
dined freight and paaaenger rates, etc,, etc.:
r Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada,
or to W. V. Bennett, Bill New York Life ltldg..Omaha,
Neb., the authorized Canadian (iovernment Agent.
lirilTT rr 1? V 1 warn yonr poultry, bnt
1 Li 1 Jl I ter. eggs. veal. bide*, etc.
Quick returns and the highest prices that location,
facilities and experience can give. Write for tags
and price*. KOB8KT PI Rvm.
K*labll*he4 INTO. OimmIih Neb.
v1 We make all kinds of scales.
5 Also B. B. Pump*
and Windmill*.
W. N. U.—Omaha. No. 5—1903.
The gift of silence has saved many a
Hows Tniir
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward forany
ease of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Haif a
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O.
We. the undersigntd. have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West & Truar. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo.
O. Wuldlng, Rinnan Si Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act'
Ing dlreet.v upon the blood and muoous surfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price
<5c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
There is no cure for the Firewater’s
Oet Red Cross Ball Blue, the best Ball Bias,
Large » oz. package only 5 cents.
The Paleface's arm is longer than
his word.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray 's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray,a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, break up Colds in 24 hours,
cure Feverishness, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms. At all druggists', 25c. Sample mailed
free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y.
Doubt always travels on snowshoes.
I am sure Ptso's Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago - Mrs. Thor. R'iBBRia
Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17. 1000.
Lieutenant General W. G. Dunham
Massy, colonel of the 5th Royal Irish
Lancers, who presided at tho welcome
home dinner to the regiment in Lon
don, recently, had a sobriquet once
that can hardly be forgotten yet. For
years after 1855 he was known as
"Redan Massy,” by reason that on a
memorable 8th of September this
“orff'eer boy,” as our friend Mulvaney
would have called him, had led an as
sault of his own upon the Russian out
works at Sebastopol. He was 17, per
haps, then, and this first commission
was not a year old.
He was so badly hurt—a ball had
smashed his left thigh—that the Rus
sians left him for dead, and when his
own people much later on recovered
him, he was only just alive. But he,
lived through a six months’ confine
ment to "a camp stretcher,” and the
primitive surgery of those days, to
command first the Royal Irish Lan
cer^ then, in Roberts’ Afghan cam
paign, a cavalry brigade at Charasia
and Sherpur; and, by and by. the gar
rison of Ceylon. And he is just a C.
B. like another, though he has the Le
gion, and his old University of Dublin
gave him his LL. D.
He is a soldier’s son, and a soldier's
son-in-iaw; an Irishman born, with a
family place in Tipperary, where he is
to be found a good deal oftener than
in Pall Mall, and where the “Redan
Massy” of the far-off days he brings
so near finds his chief delight in the
peaceful business of the architect and
the horticulturist.
Professor Morisanl of Naples uni
versity, who holds the position of
physician to Queen Helena, of Italy,
Is both in stature and proportions the
most diminutive doctor in the world.
Any one can dye with PUTNAM
FADELESS DYE; no experience re
Knowledge is ability to read between
the lines.
will use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal In Quantity or Qual
ity— 16 oz. fur 10 cents. Ulber brands
contain only 12 oz.
No wish is to be ignored when it is
backed by endeavor.
Try me Just once and I am sure to
come again. Defiance Starch.
The genius of the church depends on
its genesis.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This is why Defiance Starch
is taking the place of all others.
Heavenly manna is better than
earthly mammon.
MOBILE SQd return,.in.H
NEW OKLEANs and return, .... %/y
HAVANA. Cl' BA. and return, - • . tt&.HS
The above special rate- and many others with
long limits and stop-over* on sale Ecu. i7tb to
■Wnd Inclusive All Information at Wabash city
office, 1601 Variant St., ur score**,
Can. Agt. Pass. Dept. Otnsba, Nebr.
Foes without are less to be feared
than faults within.
V ALL hi Oh LOl KI ES i
Traveling Man Tells of Experience
Which Points a Moral for Business
Man—Superciliousness Lost Shaky
Firm a Profitable Order.
They were discussing the various
types of people whom they encounter
ed in their travels, and the consensus
of opinion expressed by six drummers
was that “white" treatment—that Is,
politeness—was never lost when ex
erted on a traveling man.
The stout man, who represented a
fur house, had the floor.
“This talk,” he satd, “reminds me of
a little incident that occurred las.'
season. Hopkins was taken suddenly
ill, and the firm sent word to me to
cover a part of his route until he got
in shape again. Naturally, I was
strange to the country and to the peo
ple, but I got along fairly well until
I reached Seattle. There I found a
letter of introduction from the firm.
There were a lot of furs there which
the firm had been informed could ba
had for a bargain. It seems two rival
Arms had gotten hold of the skins, and
I was to use my judgment as to which
firm I should trade with.
“It was a novel experience for me.
I had been accustomed to selling furs,
not buying them, and naturally I felt
my importance. It was a matter of
about $26,000, too, and I mentally pic- i
tured the attack of heart disease I
would give the members of one or the
other firm when I placed my order. I
I cuval tot IIIV *. III I dIH r 1IIIU lilt? HlUItT,
pictured the offhand way in which I
would examine the furs and criticise
them. I even had the scene down to j
such a fine point that I had the words
all chosen to utter between puffs of a
cigar—nothing like a cigar, you know,
to show nonchalance!
"Well, I started out early next
day. I bad the cards of the rival
firms in my pocket, and as I looked
them over idly wondered which I
would go to first. One was, say
Brown & Jones, and the other was
Smith & Waters.
•'Brown & Jones was the nearer to
my hotel, so I walked over there, in
flating my chest as I entered the
place. It was a dark, cavernous sort
ot store, and I almost groped my way
to the rear, between piles of furs.
There seated in an easy chair, with his
feet cocked upon a desk, sat a young
man. Ho wore an incipient mustache
and a look of insufferable arrogance.
“ 'Well, what do you want?” he
"He placed an exasperating accent
upon the ‘you.’ I felt ray chest de
crease In circumference, and at the
same time my innate anger arose.
Here I came to do this house a great
business service and
“However, I smothered my anger,
produced the firm's card and asked,
meekly as I could, ‘Is this Brown &
“ ‘Yes,’ he snarled rather than re
plied, ’I’m Mr. Jones. What do you
“For the second time the query was
insultingly put. I longed to tell him
what I wanted, but controlled my feel
“ ‘I don’t think I want anything from
you,’ I said simply, and walked out of
the store.
"At Smith & Waters’ I received bet
ter treatment. I placed the order with
them and went back to my hotel with
an invitation to dine with one of the
firm that night.
"Before my trip ended I learned that
Brown & Jones had failed for a con
siderable sum. Perhaps my order
would have tided them o\er thrugh
the crisis. At any rate, I am vindic
tive enough to be glad of their failure.
That little word ‘you’ was the greatest
insult I ever received.”—New York
Mail and Express.
Automobile Sea Scouts.
As military motor bicycles have al
ready proved themselves to be of value
in scouting it is probable that in near
ly every civilized country they will be
largely used in future land warfare.
Why, if the fast land scout prove so
useful, should not the navy adopt the
same methods? A boat, sixty feet
long, with two twenty-five horse power
engines, built very light, to carry, say,
four persons, and to be capable of con
siderable speed, would be a most use
ful addition to a battleship or a fleet.
The ordinary torpedo boat is too long
and draws too much water for scout
ing near shore or in shallow water,
but a launch might be made to draw
less than three feet of water and yet
have a speed of upward of thirty
knots. There would be no funnels or
smoke to attract the notice of the en
emy, and with underwear exhaust the
boat might be made almost silent. If
built low in the \fater or with the
power of semi-submersion, it would be
difficult for the enemy to observe, and
still more difficult to hit. Probably
such a craft would be more useful than
anything yet Invented in the way of
a scout for sea purposes.—London
Hard Work Always Wins.
“I have faith in volition. I believe
that, by means of a strong will, a
person, not physically or morally in
capacitated for a particular pursuit,
will eventually succeed in the voca
tion, to obtaining excellence in which
he or she has set himself or herself
with all his or her soul and strength.
I do not believe in failures—accidents,
of course, always excepted—in the
case of those who work hard, indefat
Igably and hopefully.—Q. A. Sala.
Doans Trial Triumph
The Free Trial of Doan's Kidney Pills daily carries relief to thousands.
It’s the Doan way of proving Doan merit with each Individual case.
Aching backs nrc cased. Hip. back, and
loin pains overcome. Swelling of the
limbs and dropsy signs vanish.
They correct urine with brick dust sedi-,
ment, high colored, excessive, pain in
{mssing, dribbling, frequency. Doan's
Ciduey Pills dissolve and remove calculi
and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation,
sleeplessness, headache, nervousness.
Rockiule.Trx., Dee. 30,1902. — "When
I received the trial package of Doan's
Kidney Pills I could not get out of bed
without help. I lmd severe pains in the
small of my baek. The Pills helped me
at once, and now after three weeks the
pain in my baek is all gone and I ara no
longer annoyed with baying to get up
often during the night as formerly. I can
not speak too highly for what Doan’s Kid
ney Pills have done for me. I am now ft7
years old, have tried a great many medi
cines, hut nothing did the work until l
used Doan's Kidney Pills.”—James R.
Cleveland, Ky., Dec. 23. 1902.—"I
was laid up in bed with my back and
kidneys. I could no* get myself slralgh.
when" I tried to stand, would havo to
bend In a half stooping position. I got a
trial box of Doan's Kidney Pills and took
all of them. At the end of two days they
got me out of bed and I was able to go
about. I take a delight in praising these
Pills."—Abe Gunn, Jr.
I ForrKR-MiLBntN Co., Buffalo, N Y.
l'lrase send me by mail, without charge,
trial box Doan's Kidney Pills.
: Name----—
Post - offlo*
! .
(Cut out coupon on dotted linen end miU to
I ; F’oster-Mil burn Co., liulTnlo, N. Y.j
A Curious Old Document.
A rare tract by Sir William Seagur,
Norroy king-at arms, printed in 1602.
describes the Earl of Cumberland's
Induction into the office of "Peculiar
Champion to Queen Elizabeth.” This
took place at the annual "feat of
arms" held on the queen's birthday.
Sir Henry Lea, who was the origin
ator of the celebration, removed his
armor and presented the Earl of Cum
berland to her majesty, praying her
to accept him as her knight. On her
signifying her acceptance the old
champion armed the new, and put a
cap and coat of velvet upon himself,
while one of her majesty's servants
sang a song of which one stanza runs:
“My helmet now shall make a hive for
And lovers’ songs shall he my holy
A man at arms must now sit on his
And feed on prayers which are old
age's alms.
And so from court to cottage I depart.;
My saint is sure of mine unspotted
To the housewife who has not yet be
come acquainted with the new things of
everyday use In the market and who Is
r<asonably satisfied with the old, we
would suggest that a trial of Defiance
Cold Water Starch be made at once.
Not alone because It Is guaranteed tiy
the manufacturers to be superior to any
other brand, but because each Wc pack
age contains 16 ozs., while all the other
kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is safe to say
that the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other. Quality and
quantity must win.
Brighton will next year observe the
fiftieth anntveisary of an event that
stirred the whole of the religious world
! in England, and moved that of Brigh
i ton itself to its depths. That event
was the death of the Rev. W. F. Rob
ertson, famous as "Robertson of
Brighton.” His ministry at the Holy
Trinity church in Ship street had only
! lasted six years, and he was not yet
38, when death took him; but his
fame, considerable in life, has since
' been enormously augmented by the
i publication of his sermons, and also
by the "Life” so sympathetically writ
ten by Mr. Stopford Brooke. Indeed,
so truly may it be said of him that
he is still a living force that It will,
doubtless, surprise many to know that
nearly half a century has passed since
his death. It occurred at midnight on
1 Sunday, August 15, 1853.
The municipal progressiveness of
Glasgow Is forever showing new sides.
At the police stations there Is not only
a room for lost children, but a tub for
strayed fish. A fresh water trout, we
read, was seen drifting on the harbor
surface at Broomielaw in a sickly
condition, “but quickly revived on be
ing placed in a bath of fresh water at
the police station.” It is not clear
that the detention was wholly thera
peutic. So reckless an invasion of the
lower Clyde, besides being ill-advised,
for obvious reasons, may easily have
contravened one of Glasgow’s numer
ous regulations. But If salmo trutta
comes before the baillie, it will surely
be allowed that the offender has al
ready undergone sufficient punishment.
Life would hardly be worth living
if one could not forget with some dis
Small things talk loud to the In
dian’s eye.
Thought She Would Go Crazy.
Hulls, 111., Jan. 2Gth.—”1 couldn’t sit
longer than five minutes In one place.
I was always tired, but could not rest
or sleep. I couldn’t help crying and
feeling that something awful was Just
about to happen. I thought I would
go crazy.” In this way does Mrs. A.
M. Fysh of this place tell of the Ill
ness from which she has Just recov
Mrs. Fysh’s case was remarkable.
If she fell asleep she would wake up
frightened, her mouth dry and her
nerves all worked up. She was lone
some and melancholy even when sur
rounded by loving friends. Her bones
ached. She had to make water four
or five times every night. She was
constipated. She had a voracious ap
petite, yet was always hungry between
meals. She coughed up a great deal of
white phlegm.
She heard of Dodd’s Kidney Pills
and after using them says:
“By the time I had taken five boxes
I was a new woman. 1 can not tell
how much good they did for me. Be
fore using Dodd’s Kidney Pills life was
such a drag to me. Now I can do my
work and feel glad that I have work
to do. I am completely restored.”
Happiness depends not on the things
the heart has but on the heart that
has the things.
The teraperalure of the heart can
not be gaged by the head.
Knows how important it b
to use a good starch. Defiance
Starch is the best starch
made. It doesn't stick to
the iror. It gives a beauti
ful soft glossy stiffness to the
clothes. It will not blister
or crack the goods. - It sells
for less, goes farther, does
more. Ask the lady who
irons. Defiance Starch at all
grocers. _ 16 oz. for 10 cents.
210 Kinds for 16c. "1
t Is a luct that Kaiser 's seed* arc found ln^B
more gardens and on morefarms than - W
any other In America. There Is
reason for this. We own and
crate over IKM) acres for tbe produo- *39
lion of our choice sends. In order toly]
, induce you to trv them wemako
tin* following unprecedented offer:BJgf
For 16 Cents Postpaid
ItMrli Koadfrfol nlooi, Mfa
II I 25 aorta elegant rabbi**, Vl/fl
15 aorta mass lllceat carrots* Mans
25 peorle.»a Irltuea variaUca* ^Hnl
I 25 rare liarloii radUh, C|
QOiplendltl beat aorta. aRul
7 5 florluubljr beautiful flower aedl|90
In all 210 Kinds positively furnishing A
bushel* of charming rtowcraand lots
and lots of choice vegetables, togcUv#w£J
1 or with our great catalogue telling all /Jf HI
about MHcarout Whmt, lllllIon
lar a ru«*. Teoslnte, llromus, Hneiu.^*\ai
etc.,all for only XUc. latUuupSftud JR
“ Is nut Ice. ■
Onion seed ot bat flOe. • pound.
La CfO«M, WU. \g
<iiii m m mwij—ftiHiiii m inrr nmfiftP1
I hereby boquaath my hide to th« S<tetH
/JW Temilng Co., to betannad with th« JS
WT • Ji*lr on* ud U1*‘le Into * r »b# or coat.
8,-ju. returned to my bereaved owner. JUH
A» I hare only od« bide 1 am very
A>b \\ particular about it, and insiit thatWH
dMl.’for V)Tjion»bu»U>. Mild Ann b« »Uo»»<i JJ
(oat*. \§***>m*m'^*arari
Writ, U*day for ll J|V' do »Vn wort UM' film |,ric. lilt,. VU/Thf, ha> « the lari> WifU
Mm Unhn Tannin, Ffl| l.««t cguil | rd/■■■
Co.. Ilnbn,na.ln»a. II « factory and arr Ih a A )■
Tur Dreiaars, T ury£/ A uioat ra|.»ld« of Ahtf
Dy.n, Kurrlnr. V/ ir tsnnlna uiy hid.
to suit me.
nPrt DPV new DISCOVERY: give*
O^IX^^V^VA ¥ quick relief and cures wont
area. Book of testimonials »od 10 DAYS' treatment
PURE. Dr. B.H.OREEN B BOSS.Box R,Atlanta.Oa
UlAMTrn AGENTS to tell Silverware from
Vf HIV I bV„Hnip|ei,' tile return,; easy to tell. AddreM
Silverware Mnfg Co., 1538 MaaonieTemple,Gbioago
"^eariiSi Thompsons tys Wator
To take the fuel of lust Into the
heart is to invite the fires to consume
the life.
To Cure a Coifl in One day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. ii5e.
Nn Indian ever sold his daughter for
a name.
Tnildrrmy and Fur DrrMlnr
Overcoats and robes made to order. Cow bidet
• specialty.
1424 South 18lb St. OMAHA. NEB.
Telephone F-1814.
Selfishness is the cause of sin and
sacrificing service its cure.