The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 06, 1903, Image 4
of the Coffee you buy adds to its I value in the cup. | Lion Coffee comes to you fresh an 1 of full I Strength, always in sealed, air-tight I packages. Bulk coffees lose their I strength, deteriorate in flavor, and I also gather dirt. * fTnlforrnity, fr»-.hnwi» and falWronflth f Uoaal Dsv/s. Mile’s Boy at Society Flail, Feb. 16th 19011. A E. Chase went to Mason City last Sunday. New invoice of Hamilton Brown shoes reeieved at B. ,F. Swanson's Wm Rowe is doing a very nice job of earpenter work in the post office. Nut coal, the best for cook stoves, for sale by E. G. Taylor at B & M elevator. Mr. sod Mrs Stewart McFadden are the happy parents of a new baby girl. Born l ist Friday. If you want a good span of young mules see Troy Hale at the Round Front barn. Now is your time to buy olothing. All winter goods at cost at Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s. clothiDg store. D. C Grow, sells flour and feed at the Northwestern Milling Company's stand on south side public square. Get your shoes at Swansou’s. He sells them right also repairs your shoes right at prices right. Try Sberidon coal and you will be satisfied; supply always on baud at E. G. Taylor’s elevator. YVm. Rowe had a good milk cow killed bv the B it M train last Saturday As the traiu was coining from the west into town Mr. and Mrs. Hauaen who occupies the C. J. Odendali property have a new baby girl which came to stay with them last Saturday. Mr. Lesch nsky sold his residence property to Mr. Erison last Saturday. We understand that Max will go on his farm in the spring. If you want to swap horses be sure and stop at tne Round Front baru. Troy Hale, the proprietor has some good western horses. W. P. Baird has a very large arnonnt of corn cribbed at his home. He says that he got about four thousand bus hels as his on* third share from his farm. The Loyal Misti* Legion of Amer ica will give one of their characteristic entertainments and dance at Society Hall, February 10th. Admission 25 and 16 its. A. Boone, the photographer wishes us to state to bis Rockville pacrous that his gallary at that place will be open every Tuesday only. Please rem ember tbe date. It J. Nightingale had bis stock of six dogs, two old ones and four pups, dispatched last Monday. Lew Winkle man doee the job. Mrs. 8. F Reynolds accompanied bet brother-in-law, Grant Reynolds to Sargent yesterday, where they go to visit with relatives. . Mr. Lorentz, of the firm of Johnson, Lorentz and Co. returned from a busi ness trip to Omaha last Friday, lie purchased a complete new line of dress paterae while there. What would you think of your groc ery man if he sold you sand for sugar! What do you think of a druggist, who would ofl'er you a substitute for Madison Medicine Co's. Rocky Moun tain Tea.—Odeudahl Bros. John Fisher lost five fat bogs and seven smaller ones in the snow storm of last Tuesday. They smother ed while bunched up around a straw stack. Mrs. Kate Winduagle, nee Burrows with her son Jonnie arrived last Friday from Colorado and we learn will live ut Loup City again. Her many friends will be glad to welcome them back again. Grant Reynolds from Aurora, III. and brother of our fellow townsman 8. F Reynolds arrived last Friday and will visit flimds and relatives here for a week, and then go to Sargent for a weeks visit with his sister, Mrs. A. L. Conhiser. He called on us Manday and renewed old acquaintances. Lorcca M. Uathway, of the Nebraska Children Home society, 5 — 14 Brown Block, Omaha called at this otllce while in the city last Friday. She desires us to say that if there is anyone who knows of any children in need of a home, she would like to be so inform ed. She also says that those of this locality who are subscribers to the Homo Society, and who have not, as yet paid their subscription can do so, either to Mrs. Troy Halo or Mrs. W. R. Mellor. FHO/.K TO OKATII. When the U. P. train crue come back from their run to Roelua Wed oesday morning they brought the startling news of the death of a girl about sixteen years old, living about two miles south of that town. We did not learn her name, but the report says that she wasin the habit of assisting herfather with chores at the barn and on the evening of the blizzard ( Tuesday) she took the milk pail and iautern and started out a few minutes ahead of her father. When the father came on to the baru he missed her and immediate ly instituted a search, but in the darkness and blinding fury of the storm could find no trace of her. E irly next morning her body was discovered where, in her wanderings, her clothing had caught in a barbed wire fence, the milk pail and lantern by her side. .. - . BIO SNOW BLOW. This locality, and in fact the whole western part of the state experienced on of the worst snow storms last Tues day that we have had for years. The storm lasted for about 24 bouts and developed into one of our old time bliz zards. The trains were delayed on ac count of the big drifts. On Tuesday morning the U. P. crue was ordered to hold the train at this place until further orders. Ou Wednesday morning they pulled out and got as far as Boelus and then returned, the drifts being so large that it was necessary for the company to send out snow plows to clear the track. The B & M passenger got as far as Ashton on Us westward run Tuesday oight and did not get to hioup City until Wednesday morning when she came in with two engines attached All trains are again on soedule time and the weather is clear aud cold. The trains west of here on the mainline, had a much worse time of it than has been experienced here. % • LOW KATES WEST. $16.45 To Portland, Tacoma and Seat tle. 026.45 to San FrancUco and Loa Ang eles. $23.95 to Spokane. $21.45 to Salt Lake City, B me and Helena. Proport lonately low rates to hund reds of other points, Included Big Horn, Wyo, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Calllornia, etc. Every day February 15 to 30. Tourist cars daily to California, Person ally conducted excursion three times a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent. ‘ Bobbers” at Society Hall, Feb. 16 Entertainment and dance 2$ cents. If you want the best Jack in the country tee Troy Hale. He raises them. Flour and feed exchanged for wheat at I), C. Grow’s store. Sooth side public square. If you want a good horse and have not got the money go and see Troy Hale, at the Round Front barn. Johnson, Lorentz & Co. are closing out their winter stock of clothing to make room for their spring stock. Call on them. They are selling at cost. Mathematics of Love. “Margaret,” he began, "I have $3,750 in the bank. I own half inter est in a patent churn company that clears $1,700 a y -ar. My salary is $20 a week, with prospects of a raise to $22 next April. I have an aunt who will leave ire twenty-seven shares of a railway stock now quoted at 53. Tell me, Margaret, will you be mine?” “Wait,” she replied, “till I get a pencil.” For she never had been good at mental arithmetic.— Newark News. The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men poor men and misers. All join In paylag tribute to DeWltt's Little Early Risen, li. Williams, San Antonio, Tex,, writes: “Little Early Riser Pills are the best I ev er used In my family. I unhesitatingly rec omend them to everyiiody. They cure Constipation. Btlilousners, Hick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, malaria and all other liver troubles. Ooendabl Bros. One Hundred Dollars a Box Is the value h. A. Tlnsdale, Sumerton 9. C places on DeWltt’s Witch llazel Salve. He says : •• i had plies for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve it cured me.’’ It is a combination of the heal ing properties oi Witch Hazsl which an ticeptics and emollients relieves and par meueutly cures blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, •czeina, salt rheum and all skin dlscas. Odeudahl Bros. Do you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call and see T. M. Reed. Farm kok rent.—820 acres about five miles from Loup City Good house, well, barn, etc. A large tract undei cultlvatim. Apply to A. E. Charlton. Ord, Neb STOPS THK UOL'OII AND WORKS OKK THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No. cure. No Pay. Prloe 36 cents. PUBLIC WALKS. W. E. Perkins now living on the Stewart McFadden farm, one half mile south of Round Grove and two and one-half miles south went of Loup City, will have an auction sale at that place Tuesday. Fcbiuary S4, at 10 o’clock a. m., and will offer 25 head of cattle, 12 head of shoats and a long list of farm machinery for sale. His cattle consists of nine head of good mi cb cows, three two year old heifers, four steer calves, eight heifer calves and one Short Horn ball calf. The shoats will aver age abuut 150 pounds. His farm ma chinery Is in good condition. Ten months time on all sums over $10. will be given by purchaser giving a ten per cent interest bearing note with approv ed security. All sums of $10. aud un der cash. All time purchases will be discounted live per cent for cash. E W. Perkins, Owner. J. S. Pedler, Clerk. J. T. Hale, Auct, Geo. Ware Is to have an auction sale on his farm, eight miles northeast of Leup City, on Feb. 16, 1903. The sale will be conducted by Jaeob Albers, the old reliable auctioneer and the fol lowing list of property will be offered for sale: 4 shoats, 4 cows, 1 two year old steer, 1 yearling heifer, 3 spring calves 1 9 year old mare, 1 two year old colt, binder, riding plow, pulveriser, walk ing plow, Grasshopper breaking plow, hay rake, mowing machine, cultivator, corn planter whith check rower, harrow, chickens and many other articles. Ten months time will be given on all sum oyer $10, and a discount of 5 per cent will be given for casb. Geo Ware, Owner. J. S. Pedler, Cl’k. Jaoob Albers, Auct DRAPER'S AUCTION SALE. E A. Draper will have an auction sale on his farm Tues. Feb. 17. 1903. and will offer tiis entire, herd of 45 head of well bred Short Horn Cattle: 12 milk cows and a flue lot of two year old heif er, all either with cal ves by their sidea or soon to be fresh, also a lot of yearling calves. He will also offer for sale 9 head of horses and a long list of farm machinery. See sale bills for further particulars. Remember the sale will begin at 10 o’clock A. M. and that there will be a free lunch at noon. A. E. and Dkma Draper, Owner. J. S Pedler, Clerk. J. T. Hale, Auct. LOUP CITE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (EDITED BT ELBA FOSTER.) The literary will take place In the assembly room at the school house at 8 o,clock. The debate was decided 2 to 1 in favor of the negative. Jonnie Burrowes entered the fourth grade Monday and bis plaj mates were all ready to welcome him once more ' Remember the literary Saturday even ing is free to everybody. Marie Cooper is a new member of the tlrst grade. On account of the storm Tuesday many of the pupils were absent from school Miss Marjorie Mead was absent from school last week on account of a severe cold. Invite your friends and come with them to the literary Saturday evening. All are cordially invited to attend. The debate of February fourth is Resolved: That the bouse of represen tatives as the senate should be a contin uous body. Leaders: Aff. Irene Gib«on, Neg. Meroe Outhouse. Din Mulick entered school Monday and is taking up part of the studies in the grammar room, and past in the high school. The members of the high school ex tend their heartfelt sympathy to Miss Lena Smith and relatives in ttaier late bereavement and regrete to loss Mi«s. Lena as a class mate, and hope that her future life may be brighter than the past. Miss Myrtle Daddow was a visitor in the grammar room Monday. Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks in flame the mncious membrane lining the stomach, producing a swelling after eat ing, heartburn, headache, sour rising and Anally catarrh of the stomach. Kod ol relieves the infiamatlon, proteats the oertBt and cures catarrah. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by aleansing and sweetnlng the glands of the stomach.—Odendahl Bros Let ua speak of man as we find him, And censure only what we can aee. Remembering that no one can be perfect. Unless he uses Rocky Mountain Tea. I —Odendahl Bros I The peculiar oongh which Indicates croup Is well known to the mother of croupy children. No time should be lost In the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal ap proval than O hambfrlaln's Cough Remedy. Do not wast valuable time In experiment Ing with untried remidies. no matter how highly they may be reoommended, but give this medicine as dtrected and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale bv Odendahl Bros. Kodol does for the stomaek that which it Is unable to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or overloaded. Kodol supplies the natural Juioes of digestion and does the work of the stomach, relaxing the nervous tent ion, while the inflamed mudes of t hut organ, are allowed to rest and heal Kodel digests what you eat and enab lasllie stomach and digestive organs to transform all foods into nob. red blood. Odendahl Bros, NEW STORE. . I have now opened up for business in the stort building of Mrs. A. V. Zink, South of Court House block and invite you to coine and see the following goods: IN DRESS GpODS: SERGES, HENRIETTAS, CASHMERES, MOHAIR, MELTON, VENETIAN, DRESS GOODS MIXTURE, AND PLAIDS. IN WAISTINGS: SATIN STRIPED GRANITE, FANCY ST11TPED TRICOT, RIBBON STRIPED ETOLIAN, CHINCHILLA STRIPED FLANNEL, ROPE STRIPED FLANNEL, OUTING AND COTTON ( FLANNEL. Ladies' Cloaks and Skirls, Mens’ aid Boys’ Clotting. PANTS AND OVERALLS AND A FULL LINE OF SHOES AND GROCERIES all too numerous to mention. Be sure to come in and see our line. E EflEVOLDSEtl, LOUP CITY, NEB. SPECIAL Sale. In 01 der to make room for our spring Stock we have decided to CLOSE OUT OUR WINTER GOODS AT COST. 90 by making a call at our 9tore we will convince you that we can Save You Money. The best op portunity a man can get. Come early aD(l we will fill your wants. Yours respectfully, JOHNSON. LORENTZ & CO. Johnson, Loreutz Co for winter clothing. Going at cost. ATTUNTIOK CITIZENS. We wish to Inform our customers as well as the general public that we have added a third team to our list. This will enable us to handle your orders with more promptness and better satis faction than ever before. Soliciting your future favors and good will, and thanking you for past kindness we re main yours to command. Concur Bro A. S- MAIN. PHY1CIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend la Foreclosure Caeea ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOUT CITY. - NBBBAIIU. JACOB ALBERS -THE OLD Reliable Auctioneer Is still in the ring. Will be in Loup City eveiy Wednesday snd Saturday to take your order fur sales. Be sure and see me Charges reasonable. JACOB ALBERS, Auctioneer. Loup City, Neb. Mrs. Johanna Saderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn , fell and dislocated her shoul der She had a surgeon get It bask In place as soon as possible, but it was unite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that be had seen Chamber lain's Pain Halm advertised for sprains and soi«ness, and she ask bim to buy her a bot tle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which slie hod not done for several days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gavo bis mother that he has since recom mended it to many others. For sale by Odendabl Bros. Ready Fir Your Pam®. I an now looated in my new quarters, One Door East of St. Elmo Hotel, and have just received a shipment of the Hamilton & Brown shoeB. the best in the market. More new goods are now on the way and I can assure my patrons satisfaction in both quality and prices. I still have a few pair of shoes left from the stock pur chased from Mr. Dolling which we are selling cheap. First class shoemaker shop in connection. We invite you to call and see our new stock of shoes and bring your rep of work with you. Respectfully, • - B. J- SWANSON. -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Gale at Loop City and Asia. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E.C- TAYLOR. Island G1AHIVB 10© MBBLI 10BIE. IRA T. PAINE & CO. M o N U Nl E N fS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us before giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, - . NEB.