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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1903)
MICKEY’S MESSAGE Legislature Listens to Its Reading Thursday URGES PROPER ECONOMY hvor* Retention of .Supreme Court Comnil-*iou and Relieve* a Hoard Of Pardon* Necessary—Views In Regard to Taxation a************************* * * ★ WHAT GOV. MICKEY * ★ SAYS IN HIS ME8SAGE. * A ★ ★ Harmony, full and complete. * w should exist between the executive * ★ and the legislature. * w There should be "strict econ- * ★ om.v without parsimony." * ■* We should seek Divine guidance * ★ In the affairs of state. * T* The Inerease In public debt Is * ★ caused by undervaluation by flic * ★ assessors. The law should be * ★ changed so that all forms of real * ★ nnd personal property must be * ★ listed. * ★ An experimental farm should be ■* ★ established In Western Nebraska. * ★ The supreme court commission * it should not be abolished. Six of * ★ the nine members should be re- * ★ tallied. ^ A A board of pardons should be * •A established. * ★ Educational institutions should * ★ receive generous treatment. * ★ Oil should be carefully Inspected. * ★ An adequate appropriation * ★ should he made for the 8t. l,ouls * it exposition. ^ it The unfinished portions of the * ★ penitentiary should be completed. * ★ The Norfolk asylum should be * ★ rebuilt. * *• The scope of the pure food law * ■* should bo broadened. * ★ A state accountant should be * it employed to scrutinize and verify * ★ accounts of state officers. * ★ ★ *★★*★********★★*********** In his message to the legislature to day, John II. Mickey, the new gov ernor of Nebraska, says: To the Members of the Senate and House of the Twenty-eighth legislative Assembly of the State of Nebraska—In assuming the office of chief executive of the great state of Nebraska l am pro foundly conscious of the responsibility resting upon me and of the magnitude Of the undertaking. With me this Is a time for every serious thought. The acts Of my administration will have more or 1 less effect upon the Interests of every Citizen, and the nosalbllitles of doing Rood stand out before me In such promi nence that I trust my mental oerceptlon may never be diverted therefrom. As between the executive and your honor able body, concurrent branches of our atate government, there ought to be, and I have confidence to believe there will be. a perfect harmony in our mutual relations. You are the law making body and your presence here Is proof of the fact that you are leaders of thought arid Controllers of events In your respective districts. Much, therefore, will depend upon you. not only In the enactment of ■wise legislation but tn co-operating with me In the enforcement of the same, to the end tlint the law may be respected and the Interests of the people best con served. Our resoouslbllilles are mutual and there should be no disposition to ahirk on the part of either of us. While we are not all of the same political faith I believe we are all patriots and from our Several view points are honestly looking toward the accompllshemnt of the great est good to the greatest number In the work that is before us we should rise above the exercise of mere partisan spirit and occupy a plane of broad toleration and charity. My ambition Is to t>e the Rovernor of all the people, regardless of giarty. and to merit their confidence GOD AND AFFAIRS OF STATE. preface to the Recommendations Is on Character of Legislation. The necessity for safe-guarding the Public purse has been pertinently called to your attention in the message of my predecessor. Very many matters per taining to the public good will be brought to your notice, a large portion of then) contemplating more or less of expense. In the consideration of all these questions your motto should be "strict economy Without parsimony." The state should be too wise to be lavish and too just to be penurious. We should remember, too. that we are builders for the future. Our acts arc not contlned alone to the present but like the concentric circles formed when s pebble Is dropped Into the Water they extend on and on In their in fluence and effects. Legislation, there fore. should he of that broad, unselfish character which looks past the present Into the future, and eontemnlntes com ing as well as Immediate necessities It Is a great responsibility to he permitted to have a prominent part in the develop ment of a young and progressive slate, •o rich in resources and bright with promise as is Nebraska, and I trust that this thought may be ever present In your work Above all we should seek Divine guid ance. God controls the affairs of states and nations, just as he does of Individ uals. and no people can permanently prosper who are not submissive to Ills will It Is therefore Important that In all our deliberations we should be led by Him. for In such leadership there Is the most perfect liberty, begetting a charity which in Itself Is the fulfillment of all law I sincerely hope thst this legisla ture will achieve distinction for the wis dom of Its acts and for the harmony and fraternal spirit which shall characterise all Its deliberations. 1 especially chal lenge your attention to a few matters of public policy. FRANCHISE ASSESSMENTS. Floating Debt Existing Due to Under valuation by Board of Equalization. The question of revenue Is one which Virtually concerns every interest In the atate and always presents troublesome phases At present the floating indebted ness of the commonwealth Is largely In excess of the amount permitted under the Constitution and is rapidly Increasing There la no defensible reason for the existence of sueli a condition. It Is largely due to the prevalent and perni cious practice of undervaluing all forms Of property and franchises which enter Into the makeup of the assessors' sched ules. the result being that the grand as aessment roll Is merely a financial shadow of the tangible resources and wealth which It Is Intended to represent With a statutory limitation on the number of mills that ean be levied, the amount of revenue derived from anv given sssess ment Is correspondingly abridged and at present Is far below the amount abso lutely required to meet running expenses Another Important contributory cause to the Increasing Indebtedness is (he fur ther fact that many county treasurers are exceedingly lax In the matter of tax col action. Large sums are allowed to encumber the books yeat after year on Which collection ought to be forced and • he proceeds turned Into the public treasury for the general good At the present time the delinquent taxes owed to the state are approximately $2,400,000. Of this enormous amount only a small per cent, outside of the taxes o'f 1001 and 1902. Is now collectible though It is fre quently quoted as an available asset for the extinguishment of debt. These con ditions are unsatisfactory and should be relieved. It is apparent that the state cannot Ignore Us obligations. Its educa tional. philanthropic and corrective in etnotions must not be impaired In their usefulness and the spirit of the consti tution must be respected la its limlla tlnn of Indebtedness To harmonise these divergent necessities Is the task devolv ing upon your honorable body. As a first step it seems to me that the assessment roll should be increased to the proportions contemplated i'or ft by law. action 1, article !» of the constitution makes It obligatory on the legislature to "provide such revenue as may be need ful. by levying n tax by valuation, so that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his. her or its property and franchises the value to be ascertained In such man ner as the legislature shall direct," etc. The legislature has declared that all per sonal and real property shall be valued at Its fair cash value and the plain In tention of the statutes is to Impose upon every person connected with the assess ment the duty of enforcing that Idea. I recommend th™ existing lows be cor rected so as to insure that all forms of real and personal property will be listed at full valuation for purposes of taxa tion; also that thq laws governing the collection of taxes be mad» more strin gent and effective. I further recommend that the duties of the state board of equalization be broadened so that it shall have ample power to raise or lower as sessments for state purposes In harmony with the full valuation plan, and that county boards be given such additional authority as may be needed In order to carry out the same Idea. It is Important that these matters re ceive your immediate attention that the resultant laws may be operative for the coming assessment. NEW EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. A Station In Western Nebraska and Its Advantages. Nebraska is distinctively nil agricul tural and live stock producing state. These two Industries, with horticulture, are the IjhsIs of the major part of the prosperity enjoyed by our people. What ever tends to promote these Interests In creases the general weal In the same ra tio. In wise recognition of these facts the state has long since established an experiments! farm near Lincoln In con nection with the state university, where careful and elaborate tests arc made In the production of gmins. grasses and forage plants under varying conditions, where the several kinds of live stock which add wealth to the farm are kept for purposes of experimentation, where horticulture Is systematically promoted, and from which Is disseminated from time to time facts and data relative to the work accomplished. As has been stated, the experimental farm is located near Lincoln, in the humid part of the state, where the cli matic conditions arc very different from those which prevail farther west In the arid and semi-arid portions of the com monwealth. The conditions there. In my Judgment, demand the establishment of an experimental farm, also In connection with the state university and under the management of the board of regents, which shall give special at'entlon to tests In agriculture, stock raising and horti culture. under the peculiarities of soil and climate there prevailing. Such an institution would give an Impetus to the rural Interests of that part of the state' and would prove an Important factor in the more thorough development of a section which Is sometimes regarded as being handicapped by nature but which Is rich In natural resources If agricul tural energy Is directed along proper lines. Our congressional delegation has re ceived assurance from the genernl gov ernment that It will gladly co-operate In the work. In connection with Its Ir rigation and reclamation plans, and if Nebraska takes the initiative It Is prob able that our station will become the seat of the government's tests and ex periments conducted In behalf of the other states in this same region. I there fore recommend that the legislature make an appropriation for the purchase, equipment and maintenance of a farm at some suitable point in the west purt of the state, to be under the control of the state university and known as an ad junct of the same, for the purposes men tioned. SUPREME COURT COMMISSION. Recommends That the Existing Body be Continued. Your attention Is urgently called to the necessity of providing for the con tinuation of the supreme court commis sion. The present commission has per formed commendable service and reduced the volume of litigation for years pend ing In the supreme court. While the number of commissioners might he de creased. I am firmly of the opinion (hat the number should not be less than six. considering the rights of litigants and the Imperative demand of the people that every case should receive fair and full consideration. I therefore recommend the enactment of a law similar to the one passed by the last legislature creating the present commission, so modified as to provide for six Instead of nine commissioners. A BOARD OF PARDONS. One Is Necessary to Consider Worth of Applications. While I have no disposition to shrink from the constitutional and statutory re sponsibility Imposed on the chief execu tive in the matter of exercising clemency toward inmates of the penitentiary, yet I believe that the public good would be greatly enhanced by the creation of an advisory board of pardons to which should be referred all applications for relief from punishment mr penal offenses and matters pertaining thereto. Hueh board should be authorized to hear and weigh all evidence on which the application for pardon Is predicated and within a reasonable time to report Its findings to the governor with a recom mendation for or against the exercise of executive clemency, as each individual cane may seem to require. I therefore recommend that such a hoard of pardons tie created the details to be arranged by your honorable body. LIBERAL TO FREE EDUCATION. Institutions of the State Commended to Best Consideration. The people of Nebraska are Justly proud of their educational institutions. The foundations of these Interests have lieen laid broad and deep and may be properly regarded as the corner stones of that degree of eminence and distinc tion which the state now enjoys. No other part of our country Is blessed with so small a per cent or illiteracy or has so much to show. In proportion to popu lation. In tie- way of good school build ings. fine equipments and specially fitted Instructors. At the head of these In terests stands the state university with Its numerous departments, closely sec onded by the slate normal. The Institutions have done, and are do ing, for (he Htate a wink greater than ran tie estimated, the Influence of which will be felt throughout all time. These Interests should receive the careful at tention of your body and such appropria tions should he made as will Insure the rontlnuanee of their beneficent work on a scale commensurate with the state's development. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. An Amendment to Section I, Article XV, Is Advocated. During recent years a number of at tempts have lieen made to secure needed changes In the organic law of the state liy submission to the voters of proposed amendments to the constitution. l’nder the constitutional provisions all proposed amendments must lie submitted at the general election at which members of the legislature are voted for. By the present law such proposed amendments, in abridged form, nrc made a part of the regular ballot and a majority of all votes cast must be re corded affirmatively for each proposition before it can Is- adopted. In the greater interest attaching to the election of can didates the voters lose sight of the lm-, portance of constitutional changes and a majority of them fall to vote on the propositions submitted. As each failure to vote Is In effect a negative vote on the question, or questions, it becomes practically Impossible to amend the con stitution by such means, even In eases where the people are generally agreed that the change should ku made. I As a correction of this difficulty and ft men as of securing the needed consti tutional modifications I recommend that your body propose an amendment to section I of article 15 of the constitution which will provide that amendments to the constitution may- be submitted to the electors for approval or rejection at a general or special election, and X fur ther suggest that the present election law be so changed as to authorize a separate ballot for the submission of such questions, CONDITIONS AT PENITENTIARY. Money Needed For Reconstruction and Enlargement. By reason of the failure of the last legislature to make a sufficiently large appropriation the rebuilding of the cen ter and west wing of the penitentiary, destroyed by fire two years ago. Is not yet completed. The stone Is practically all laid but the interior cannot be fin ished and made ready for occupancy un til another appropriation becomes avail able. To this duty t trust you will give early attention. It Is also absolutely Imperative th«t the west wing be equtpper with from fifty to seventy-five new steel cells, the present cell room being entirely Inadequate to the needs of the institution. At this time three convicts are com pelled to bunk In one small room, the capacity of which Is scarcely equal to the proper accommodation of two. The result Is that these unfortunates are crowded together In an almost Imrbarnus manner and in violation of the prompt ings of humane reason and the laws of health. 1 his condition is in no sense a reflection on the management of the pen itentiary but is unavoidable on account of the lack of room. I recommend that sufficient appropriations be made, both for the completion of that part of the penitentiary which is now In process of construction and for the addition of new cells as suggested. POOR QUALITY OF OIL. More Careful Inspection of the Shipments is Necessary. For some time there has been very general complaint of the quality of oil which is shipped Into reePraska for il luminating purposes. The trouble seems to be that it is not property freed from its natural impurities, or in other words, that it is not sufficiently refined. Our present inspection law adequate so far as the points covered by- it are concerned was intended to protect the public from the use of Illuminating oil which might volatilize at so low a temperature ns to occasion the danger of explosion. It does not provide for a test of these Im purities which measure and weigh and the presence of which detract materially from the illuminating power of the oil with which they are compounded. I recommend that the oil Inspection law lie so amended as to Include a test for Impurities and that a standard of purity be established. ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION. Proper Representation For Nebraska Desired. During the year 1904 the r.ouislana Purchase Kxpositlon will be held in the city of St. lajuis. It is estimated that not less than 30 million dollars will be expended on this enterprise. The gen eral government and a number of the states have already given it substantial recognition, and the other states will undoubtedly do so as their respective legislatures assemble. Nebraska should have a part in this grand display or the world's resources, and especially so as the event Is intended to commemorate the acquisition of the most important territory ever added to the national do roaine. a territory from which the state was carved and of which it Is the brightest Jewel. Vour body should make a liberal appropriation for tile proper rep resentation of Nebraska at this exposi tion. subject to such restrictions and de tails of expenditure as prudence mav suggest. PURE FOOD COMMISSION. More -^hensive Operations Are Necessary. The food commission law should he made more comprehensive. At present its operations are confined to dairy, cider and vinegar products, and while the com mission having charge of the department has done excellent service In its lim ited sphere It Is evident that a broaden ing of the enactment would be of cor responding benefit. The public health is largely .1. pendent on the character of food products and certainly It Is fitting that a matter so Intimately connected wliii the very existence of our people should be regulated by proper legislation. The scope of the present law should he broadened so as to Include the regu lation and control of food products for the use of man. Such products should be placed on the market strictly on their merits and deception ns to purity and quality should be made a penal offense. The present fee and permit system should be pa id from the general fund and a direct appropriation should be made for that purpose. NORFOLK SHOULD RETAIN ASYLUM. Governor Mickey Thinks Conditions Favor Reconstruction. In September. 1901. the main building of the asylum for the insane, at Norfolk was partially destroyed by fire and ren dered unfit for further use. At that time the institution was earing for about three hundred Inmates. These were aft erwards divided between the similar in stitutions owned by the state at Lincoln and Hastings and were there given the care and attention which their eases demanded, as well as could be done under the crowded conditions thus imposed. Since then an annex has been built to the institution at Hastings, affording ad ditional accommodations which have temporarily relieved the embarrassment. It is possible that for a short time tlie slate could continue to care for its un fortunates at tlie two institutions named, but it should be born- in mind that the Lincoln hospital Is now charged with thirty more than its capacity will justify while the asylum at Hastings has It's normal capacity filled. It is evident, therefore. Mint prompt and decisive ac tion should he taken in order to avoid the necessity of raring for these suffer ers in any other wav titan in a well equipped hospital. The state now has at Norfolk an Investment of about $9r>.oon in the way of land, uninjured buildings and equipments, exclusive of the partial ruins of the main building which also represent a considerable money value. In view of this investment, of the grow ing needs of the state proportionate to the growth in population and the cor responding increase of dementia and as a matter of convenience to the North Platte country, it seems to mo that tlie institution at Norfolk should he rehabili tated and I recommend a reasonable ap propriation for that purpose. I further advise that this, and all other buildings authorized by your body, be made as nearly fire proof as possible, to the end that danger to human life and of the destruction of property on account of fire be reduced to the minimum. TO HANDLE STATE ACCOUNTS. An Office Should he Created to Assist the State Board. With tlie gradual increase o' state business it becomes more and tpo-e nec essary that a state accountant should be provided ns an adjunct of the t card of nubile lands anil buildings, who. ■ duty it shall be to scrutinize and ve> ffy the accounts of the various state offl. s and state institutions, and who shall have authority over the books and rei >rds of said institutions with a view to reducing them to a uniform system. Relieving that such an officer would render valuable service to the state and would serve as a cheek on extravagance In the conduct of state affairs. I recommend that the petition lie created. These are tlie more Important i>ointx of desired legislation that suggest themselves to my mind. During tlie progress of the session II may bo that other matters will arise to which I shall wish to call your attention by special message. I trust that the utmost of har mony and fraternal good-will may at tend all vour efforts. JOHN II. MICIvEY. HIS PARTING WORD Recommendations of Retiring Governor Savage of State Institution* Advocated—Would Lengthen Terms of legislators aod Abolish Uuneressary (State Of fices— A Plea for Keonomy * A A WHAT GOV. SAVAGE A A RECOMMENDS. A A it A Governor Savage declares that A A the provision of the constitution A A regarding the Investment of trust A A funds Is antiquated. He urges A A that some amendment be devised A A to remedy the defect and allow A A the state treasurer to invest In A A such state, county and foreign A A bonds as may make safe and A A profitable investments. A A Strict and rigid economy is the A A keynote of tlie whole message. A A The governor denounces unneces- A A sary jobs and all attempts at party A A spoliation. He maintains that the A A money of the people should be A A wisely and judiciously spent and A A urges a careful investment of all A A tlie money of the people. A A Governor Savage gives a de- A A tailed account of the loss of the A A Norfolk asylum by fire. He urges A A that all buildings erected by the A A state be built of fireproof ma- A A terlai. A A Public service corporal ions A A should not be allowed municipal A A franchises. Competition should A A everywhere govern the operations A A of such concerns. Public owner- A A sit ip. he opposes. The people A A should receive compensation for A A the use of public streets by cor- A A poratlons He advises the ellm- A A illation of all municipal franchises. K A Ten thousand dollars was the A A sum appropriated for the Pan- A A American exposition. Of this A A $1,785.41 remains unexpended. A A Nebraska should take a leading A A part in the Louisiana Purchase A A Exposition. I'or this purpose a A A sum of not less than $75,000 should A A be appropriated. A A Additional facilities should he A A placed at the disposal of teach- A A ers to get professional training. A A No teacher should he eligible who A A has not attended a normal school A A for at least one year. A A An appropriation should be A A made for buildings at Peru. A A A normal school should be lo- A A ented , in west Nebraska. A A Tlie state university » the "cap- A A sheaf” of the educational system A A of the state. The administration A A of Chancellor Andrews has been A A efficient. A A There should lie n rigid inspec- A A tion of foods. The pure food law A A should be amended so that it will A A include all food products. A A Kerosene should he closely in- A A speoted and impure oils excluded A A from the markets. Gasoline A A should also he tested. A A Geological surveyors should he A A empowered to enter any lands A A where their presence does not A A cause damage to owners or Inter- A A fere witli private rights. A A The stale should take a leading A A part in promoting irrigation and A A remedying defects in the pres- A A ent system. A A Action should he taken to form A A a boundary commission to adjust A A and prevent disputes arising from A A the vagaries of the Missouri river. A A Nebraska has need of a strong A A and well equipped national guard. A A The service Is at present inade- A A quate to the demand. A A The supreme court commission A A should be abolished and some ae- A A tion taken for a revision of the or- A A ganic law in order to increase the A A number of judges. A A Retrenchment is advisable in re- A A gard to district Judges. In some A A sections the litigation does not A A demand that the present number A A of Judges he retained. A A The revenue laws must be A A amended in order to overcome A A some of the "gross abuses” of tlie A A present system. By reason of the A A delinquencies the state debt Is A A now almost 2 millions. The real A A trouble is non-payment of taxes A A and some measure should lie taken A A to compel prompt payment. Tlie A A state board should raise as well A A ns equalise values. The law re- A A quiring property to be assessed A A at Its cash value should be rigidly A A enforced. A A The Improvements at the Peru A A Normal, the penitentiary and the A A Lincoln asylum arc needed. All A A other requests for buildings are A A unnecessary. A A The sum of $621,050 is asked for A A buildings and improvements. The A it expenditure can be kept down to A A $475,000 without impairing the A A public service. A A The office of clerk or the su- A A preme court should be made a A A salaried one. A A The appropriation for the state it it university should not be raised A A above the amount allowed two A A years ago. A A Appropriations asked for build- A A big at the Girls' Industrial school. A A the Institute for tlie Feeble A A Minded. The Nebraska Industrial A A home and the Institution for the A A Leaf and Dumb should not be A A increased. A A The penitentiary and the Hast- A A ings asylum will need slightly A A increased appropriations. A A The State Historical society A it should be satisfied if its allow- A A ance is not decreased and there is A A no Justification for a request for A A an increase of $3..".on, A A The people bear the burdens of A it taxation and there should be A A much caution exercised in mak- A A ing appropriations. A it Tlie offices of land commissioner A it and auditor should be abolished. A A Tlie board of charities nnd cor- A it rections. the state printing board A, * and the bureau of statistics should A A he abolished. A * Governor Savage asks that cap- A A ital punishment he abolished. A it The only allusion to the Bartley A A pardon is a paragraph, quoting A it reasons for the action, in the re- A it port on pardons and commute- A it tions. A i, Attention should he paid to the A it diseases of live stock and laws A it should he passed to prevent the A A spread of Infectious diseases. A it a constitutional convention A * should he called. A it Partisanship should not be al- A it lowed to interfere with the eco- A it nomlral management of state In- A it stitutlons. A it Terms of the members of the A it legislature should be increased to A A four years. A it Annual elections should be dls- A i, penned with and civil service re- it it form In state service should be A A encouraged. A irk In Ills message to the legislature to day Ezra I’. Savage, the retiring gov ernor of Nebraska, says: To the Senators and Representatives, Twenty-Eighth Session of the Legisla ture of Nebraska: Constitutional environments and limi tations are such that, to be further li censed. means an unnecessary hardship on those who bear the burdens of the cost of public government. The state of Nebraska has so developed in its In dustrial. educational and commercial re sources that it oan no longer be sub jected to that degree of restraint em bodied in the constitution as it now exists without material interference with its growth and welfare. Particularly is this true tn regard to a profitable investment of the perma nent school trust funds. Section 9 ol article 8 of the constitution limits th« investment of these funds to United States and state securities and regis tered county bonds of this state, and while no objection can be raised to the quality of the securities enumerated, the fact remains that the latitude of In vestment Is inadequate, necessitating th« employment of nn Intermediary between the contracting parties with consequent loss in the way of rebates. Prosperity has been so general with the American people during the last five years, and money has become so plentiful, that In terest rates on all stable securities hav« decreased during that time approxi mately 100 per cent. Five years ago f per cent securities were obtainable In every market. Today 4 per cent se curities are difficult to obtain, the gen eral line being below that figure. The constitution prohibits the board of edu cational lands and funds from using any part of the trust funtls for other than the purpose of investment, which prevents the board or the treasurer from going Into the open market nnd paving premiums, as do other Investors. This requires the purchase of securities from or through an Intermediary nnd results invariably In the acquisition of securities at a considerably reduced rate of inter est. The loss thus entailed amounts to thousands of dollars annually, nor can I divine any substantial remedy Independ ent of such amendment to the consti tution as will afford wider latitude in the matter of denominating the kind of securities which may be purchased. The school trust fund has now reached the enormous proportions with tendencies toward a further increase, and until re lief Is furnished which shall provide avenues for Investment of this fund which do not now exist the best results possible will he unprofitable and unsat isfactory to the people. During the last two years payments on school land sold, despite the liberality of the state in the matter of exempting from taxation lands in which it has an equity, have greatlv Increased the trust funds, and notwithstanding that extraordinary dili gence was practiced by the treasurer in making investments, the amount unin vested was a great portion of the lime large and its safe-keeping attended b.v more or less risk. If the state be empowered to go Into the open market nnd compete with other Investors it will, not alone prove remun erative In the way of saving rebates and discounts, but such an active competitor at work in the market will have a tend ency to reduce interesr rates thereby making a saving to the people both ways. The amount of securities held for the permanent school fund now aggregates $5,380,000. The amount of money which the state has forthcoming from sale contracts of school lands approximates 5 million dollars. Arrangements must be mode therefore for a continuous In vestment of a trust fund of at least 10 million dollars. Under prevailing con stitutional limitations investment of any where near the full amount of this fund Is impossible. A PLEA FOR ECONOMY. 'Jovernor Wants “Snap" Office* Abolished —Condemns Extravagance. The government of the state as now constituted symbolizes extravagance In a marked degree. Those who framed ttie existing constitution established de partments that for the next twenty-five years, under the most favorable circum stances in th- growth and development of the state will be an unnecessary bur den on the tax payers. The people should enjov government at tile lowest cost consistent with good service. Any greater cost is n public Injustice. A careful study of this phase of the ques tion justifies me in mv own mind in recommending the abolition of the de partments of auditor of public accounts and commissioner of public lands and buildings, and the assignment of the du ff ies incumbent thereon to those depart ments officered by tin* secretary of state, the treasurer and governor. With a few additional clerks the duties of the auditor nnd commissioner of public lends and buildings can he performed by the secretary of state, the treasurer and tile governor, thus making a saving to the tax pavers of approximately $50,000 per year, ’simplifying government and doing awav with the necessity of an out lay of at least *100.000 made necessary for accommodations for the new ad juncts which naturally will be created from time to time. ATTACKS SPOILSMEN. In the conflict for political spoliation the offleeseeklng class seems to have out generaled and defeated those who stand for economy, witli the result that a large number of names have been added to the pay roll, and bureaus and departments have been established absolutely without any apparent justification. This policy has been pursued by all political par ties until now the state nas in Its em ploy at high wages, sufficient officers and employes to transact ten times the amount of business devolving on them. A critical investigation will show that in many Instances one department is de pilcatlnK tin work of th** other with no other object than to find employment for those whom the legislature lias from time to time established ill public office. If business is transacted properly it does not improve it to have It twice or thrice transacted and if it be transacted im properly the evil can grow no less through the medium of multiplication. As the accredited representative of the people, it is vonr duty to see that not one dollar of expense Is entailed on them beyond the amount required to de fray the cost of government honesty and economically administered. Tile bureau of industrial statistics is a source of unnecessary expense and should he abolished. The law pertain ing to the collection nnd compilation of industrial statistics should lie so amended as to impose this duty Jointly on the department of banking, the department of public Instruction and the hoard of agriculture. By so doing the service can be improved and a substantial reduction made in public expense. A comparison of expenses Incident to public printing fails to justify the ex istence of the state printing hoard or for a specific appropriation therefor and I recommend, as a measure of economy that the law creating the said board he repealed and that its duties be imposed oil the secretary of state. Congress is at tills time considering a hill which provides for the location of a national fish hatchery in Nebraska. The worth and importance of such an un dertaking must lie apparent to all. Tim success achieved by the state in the promotion of (isli and game, both by fish hatching and by preventing the whole sale and unlawful destruction of game and fish, makes this a very desirable field for a nattonnl hatchery. The leg islature at Its last session enacted a law creating a system of game wardens. The workings of this law have been eminently satisfactory and the amount received from prosecutions and fees al most balances the expenses entailed, which makes that department almost self supporting. I recommend that your honorable bod> memorialize Congress to pass tills measure and that the Ne braska representatives ill both branches be urged to give it active attention and support. Should the measure pt'.ss it would be an act of wisdom for the state to turn over its hatchery nnd equip ment at South Bend to tin* general gov ernment nt a nominal cost. FOR A BOARD OF PARDONS. Governor Recommends Non-Partisan Body—Board to Control Institutions. 1 recommend that the management of the state institutions be placed under the supervision of a 11011-partisan hoard of control and pardons. This board should be heavily bonded and should he required to purchase supplies. Inspect in stitutions and accounts thereof and ex ercise supervisory control over the sev eral institutions. It should also he em powered and required to provide means of employment for convict labor and ixiss upon all applications for executive clemency. The penitentiary should nnd can be made self-supporting. Instead of deal ing with contractors, the state should Itself employ the labor of convicts In the manufacture of clothing, hoots and shoes and other materials for the various institutions. With a nominal outlay for machinery the state can do away with the necessity of appropriating large sums of money out of the treasury each year for the maintenance of that Institution. Guided further by the light of experi ence and reason, I recommend that the laws be so amended as to require rela - tlves of the Insane, feeble-minded and inmates of the reform school to bear the expense of the maintenance of these individuals. The state should provide ac commodations and medical attention, but this expense, along with the genera! expense of maintenance, should be borne by relatives when financially able to do so, otherwise the cost should devotve on the resident county. I further recommend that the Home for the Friendless be eliminated from politics and placed under the supervision of a non-partisan board composed of women residing In the city of Lincoln. All other visiting and examining boards, a source of considerable expense and often of much dissension, should be abolished. WANTS BOARD ABOLISHED. The state board of charities has failed by its achievements to justify its fur ther existence at public expense, and I respectfully recommend that this work he left to the churches and the charit ably Inclined and that the law creating said board be repealed. The maintenance of two separate homes for soldiers and sailors can tw no method of reasoning be justified. These charges, by reason of age and in firmity, have been rendered incapable of performing manual tnbor and those plans which contemplate the production of food supplies with this class of labor must now lie abandoned. The home at Grand Island never has and never can enjoy proper sanitary accommodations. The large tract of land owned by the state at this point Is now a source of expense rather than of revenue. The home at Milford is better adapted in every way and the land owned by the state on which this institution is located is of sufficient qualltv to answer all legi timate purposes. The number of In mates henceforth will by the workings of time, be gradually reduced and—and l say It with regret and sorrow—it will only be a few years until the last sur vivor of that great conflict will have passed away. I recommend, both in consideration of the inmates wlto can be better provided for and of the tax I payers who should be lelleved of all un necessary burdens, that the property at Grand Island be sold and the inmates transferred to Milford. The expense in cident to this change will be trivial compared with the financial saving this will make to the state. Each session of the legislature has witnessed the unnecessary expenditure of a large sum of money for printing and stationery. Numerous bills are intro duced which have no merit to commend them, and, after a great deal of expense has been entailed. fail of passage. While many of these bills aim at legi timate achievements, not a few of them are utterly devoid of merit. I therefore recommend that before a bill may be Introduced, it be referred to such com mittee of the house in which It orig inated as has to deal with subjects of that character and shall be entertained bv vour honorable body only when its introduction bears the approval of a majority of said committee. Only such number of persons should be employed during a legislative session as is actu ally necessary to transact Its business with proper expedition. ntvblNU ti Wants “Gross Abuse” Remedied by Leg islation. I cannot impress upon your minds too firmly the importance of making such amendments to our revenue laws as will forever end the many gross abuses now so widely licenses. By reason of delinquent taxes the state has each year been compelled to utilize Its credit until the outstanding warrant Indebtedness against the general fund reaches the en ormous amount of $1,989,328.63. By rea son of delinquences each year the state finds Its appropriations in excess of gross receipts to the extent of at least $100. 000. necessitating the issuance of interest hearing warrants to meet authorized ex penditures. The constitution limits the Indebted ness of the state to $100,000, yet the state debt Is now close to the 2 million dollar mark, with a stop from further increase conditioned only and solely on such legislation as will compel the pay ment of taxes by all holders of property. The amount of taxes due the state and delinquent December 1. 1902, as shown by the auditor's records, was $3,459,422.89. Of this sum the sum of $1,131,124.61 Is due but not delinquent. This makes Ihe amount of delinquent taxes $2,328,398.28. or a sum $338,969.65 greater than the outstanding obligations against the general fund Of the amount delinquent * is for the tax levied In 1901. most of which will be paid Into the treasury In the near future, but there still remains, after deducting the delinquencies for 1901, n delinquency of $1,197,173.67. which represents delinquen cies for a period of years prior to 1901. A conservative study of tax statistics discloses the fact that the average an nual delinquency is 30 per cent or the taxes levied. NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES. It will be observed, therefore, that the real source of trouble Is the non-payment of taxes, and that the remedy primarily must be such as will compel prompt pay ment. It Is manifestly wrong ror the state to be exncting and arbitrary with one class of taxpayers and ultra indifferent and lenient with others. I have in mind the taxes levied on railroad property, not one dollar of which remains unpaid, y®t there are those who advocate the adjust ment of the discrepancy between our expenditures and receipts, not by re 'qulrlng the payment of taxes by all, but by requiring corporate Interests to con tribute a correspondingly greater amount. Injustice Is written across the very face of this proposition. I recommend that the powers of the state board of equalization be so ex tended as to empower said board to raise as wre!l as equalize values, and that countv treasurers be empowered to con vey title to property on which the taxes are unpaid, making due provision for redemption of title within a specified time, and for Interest on money ad vanced for tax payment. Payment of taxes on movable and personal property should be due within 60 days after the assessment, so ns to guard against loss of taxes through removal and conse quent extinction of Identification. For the prompt collection of taxes county treasurers should be made liable on their bonds. With these modifications a proper en forcement of the provisions of our rev enue laws coupled with an honest and economical administration of public af fairs will strike an even balance be tween our reolpts and disbursement# and put an end to harrasslng discrepancies of this character. ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS. It is important, too. that the law re quiring all property to be assessed at its cash value be rigidly enforced. With our property assessed at scarcely 10 per cent of Its value. It must resuit in a high rate of levy, while the low valua tion makes It appear that Nebraska, one of the principal Industrial states of the 1'nlon. is still struggling in the shadows of primitive statehood. Those seeking Investment consult our laws and our -ecords. and if they find that the com bined wealth of Nebraska is $174,000,000 after more than a third of a century of statehood, and that the tax levy Is higher than Interest rates, they will not he likely to take up their abode with us. They will assume that the law is enforced and that $174,000,000 represents the aggregate real wealth of the state, whereas It represents scarcely more than 10 per cent of It. The assessed valuation of the state should not be less than 1 billion dollars, and any lower valuation does the prop erty Interests of the state an Injustice. By raising the assessed valuation to this amount, the rate of levy may be reduced correspondingly, entailing no extra hard ships. while It will remove a harrier that I am reasonably certuin has In Its time turned baek millions of dollars seeking Investment among us. EZRA P. SAVAGE. c«