A VOICE FROM THE VORTEX. By EDGAR WELTO* COOLEY. ICopyricbt. 19GB, by Dally Story "’tlb. Oo.) For an hour aftw the dozen pupils which the thiaiy populated district furnished had gone to their homes. Miss Blanchard > at at the west win dow of the little white sehoolhouse watching the evening sunlight shim mering upon the nodding prairie grass that BtretcheA 'ike a yellow sea ior miles and miles. It was mid-September. For a month not a drop of moisture had fallen. In the road that wound, a dull, gray streak, across the plain, the dust was ankle deep. Verdure was sere, and lifeless, and dry. The sky was cloud less; the sun's heat almost Intolerable. But Miss Blanchard’s thoughts were not of the parched, glittering land scape nor yet of her school duties. They were of John Mallory. She could not remember when she •had not loved John Mallory. All their young lives they had been sweethearts. But at last they had quarreled—and parted in anger. While she still considered that he had been unjust to her, and her eyes snapped indignantly at the recollection of his harsh words, she could not dull the keen edge of regret; the dazzling brightness of the sunshine could not dissipate the shadow—the deep, dark some shadow—that seemed to wrap her In its mantle With a sigh she turned from the window and her glance rested upon the telephone back of her desk. Dear, thoughtful John! It was he who had •ordered the telephone placed in the sehoolhouse. “There are so many tramps in the country," he had said to her. “If they bother you, little woman, or If you are ever in need of help, ring me up.” Her heart had thrilled with affection at the time, but now- She tossed her head proudly. ”1 do not need his assistance.” she said; "I am quite capable of taking care of myself, I think.” Again she turned to gaze across the monotonous fields, and became con scious of a peculiar haze that seemed to fill the air with increasing density. With never a thought but that a much needed shower was not far distant, she watched it In idle curiosity, but pres ently, with sudden foreboding, she no ticed that heavy clouds of vapor occa elonal’y rolled over the building, borne westward. And then, through the open window there drifted a strong, familiar odor—the odor of smoke. Hurrying to the door, she pushed it open and cast one apprehensive glance to the eastward, then shrank back ap palled. The prairie was afire! Across the eastern horizon was a livid wall of flame, whose red tongues seemed reaching to the very portals of heaven. The long, parched blades of grass, dry as tinder, were food most tempting to the ravenous element. The wind had increased to a gale and already a shower of sparks was falling within a few rods of the sehoolhouse. The nearest residence, a mile away, wa3 towards the east, from which the fire was rapidly approaching. To the westward twice that distance must be traversed before she could reach a habitation. She knew the plowed fields, surrounding the dwellings, in sured safety to the buildings, but she could not hope to reach any of them in advance of this scarlet agent of de struction. Yet certain death awaited her if she remained, for the school house was without protection of any nature. An agony of thoughts crowded her brain and in a frenzy of fear she dashed into the road. Already she could feel the heat of the fire that was racing towards her with the speed of a railway train. It seemed no more than two miles away; she could hear the ominous crackling of the dry grass as the flames leaped forth and em braced the writhing verdure in their hot embrace. The sky was hidden by a mantle of smoke; the sun, visible only at inter vals, was a great, round ball of crim son. Before the rolling vapor fright ened birds flew past in flocks; along the dusty road, almost dashing against her in their mad flight, droves of rab . fl . in H . I t . . If Through the open window there drifted a strong, familiar odor, bits fled. To her cerrlfled eye3 the whole worlcheeemed ablaze. Vainly she scanned the prairie in all directions, hoping some one wich a team would come to her assistance, but not a hu man being did she see. With a cry to God for mercy, she sank upon tho ground and covered her face with her hands. And the blister ing demon of rampant flame roared louder and still louder in her ears, and tba scarlet of Its breath tinged rad the snow of he* face, the ebony of her hair. “John! John!" she cried, in the depths of her despair. Then, like an inspiration, cams the recollection of the telephone. She staggered to her feet and dashed into the schoolhouse. The Interior w as aglow with the reflections of the flames; the air was stifling with the smoke. With her hand upon the receiver she paused irresolutely, then turned her head slightly and glanced out the win dow' at the hurricane of death bearing down upon her. “No, no,” she said, “I will not. No power on earth can save me now. And he—it would be but agony for him to know that I am in this sea of flame A moment later she was folded In John Mallory’s strong arms, and he unable to give me aid. When j it is over—Is over—it will be time enough for him to know.” With her face illumined with a gleam of heroic determination, she turned away and walked slowly to the window. And there she stood pale, but gazing calmly out at the raging flood of fire. The flames were only a few feet away now and their hungry tongues almost licked the window panes. In despair she wrung her nanas. "Oh, God," she cried, "I cannot die without once more hearing the voice I love, without asking to be forgiven for the hasty, the angry words I uttered!” Again she hastened to the telephone and rang the bell. And when at last she heard his familiar voice the tire was laying greedy hands upon the w'alls of the building. "John," she said, "you are not augry with me, are you, dear? . . . You do not know how glad I am to hear you say that, dear. I wrns afraid you held resentment, and I—. . . Oh, no, John, dear, it was all my fault, and I am sorry—so sorry. . . . Where am I now? Do you think I would be stand ing at the telephone if 1 were in the schoolhouse? There must be fire all around it by this time. Isn’t it aw ful?” She shrank for an instant before the intense heat. The roar of the flames w'as like wall of a hurricane in a forest. “John—John! . . . Perhaps—per haps I will never see you again, dear. But if I never do, remember that I loved you—John—better than-” She staggered beneath the choking cloud of smoke. Scarlet tongues of | flame were lapping the floor almost at her feet. "Yes, John I am going away—far, far away. . . . Where? ... I can not tell you—now . . . To-morrow— to-night, perhaps . . . you will know. . . . Oh, John—dear, dear John . . . . . . Good bye . . . Good-” The receiver dropped from her nerveless fingers and, blinded with smoke and faint from the intense heat, she reeled forward through the black ness. Stumbling, falling, rising again, she reached the door unscathed, hear ing the desperate ringing of the tele phone bell and the deafening roaring of the flames. Onward she staggered until she reached the road—that one narrow break in the wall of flame. And there she paused and turned her flushed face upward toward the sky in mute ap peal to heaven. Something fell upon her forehead, something damp and cool. She reached forth her hands, palms upwards. Cooling drops of moisture kissed the quivering flesh. It was raining! With a cry of Joy upon her lips, she sank upon her knees in the dust and offered up a prayer of thanksgiving for the shower that had come in time. In a mighty torrent fell the rain, and when at last the woman raised her eyes, she saw a wide expanse of blackened stubble, but not a spark was glowing. Then, through the mist her dazed eyes beheld a familiar, broad shouldered figure running towards her with outstretched hands. And a mo ment later she was folded in John Mallory’s strong arms. "Minnie! Thank God; oh, thank God!” he cried. Strasburg to Honor Goethe. Strasburg is about to erect a monu ment to Goethe. The German poet passed some of the best years of his youth in the Alsatian town and re ferred to it frequently with words of admiring affection in his memoirs The design for the statue has not yet been selected, but no attempt will be spared to make it worthy of the great name which It is to commemorate. HOW SOME MEN ADVERTISE. There Is a Knack in Getting One’s Business Before the Public. ’’I've come to the conclusion that success in advertising depends on how it is done,” said a member of the vas try of a prominent Episcopal church. "Several weeks ago on a rainy Sun day morning my umbrella disappeared from the stand in church. I adver tised for its return, offering a gener ous reward, but no one returned it. Later on talking to a friend who is in the advertising business 1 mentioned the matter to him. How was your "ad” worded?’ he asked. 'Something like: ‘ Person who found stray um brella in vestibule of St. - church, please return same to -. Reward. etc.” ’ I answered. “He smiled and scribbled on a piece o’ paper: *'i ry this as an "ad,” ’ he said. I took the paper and read: ‘Per son who was seen taking umbrella from vestibule of St.-church must return it at once to save himself trou ble. as he is known.’ Acting on my friend's advice, I inserted the notice in the papers. Did it work? 1 should say so! Next day I found not one. but half a dozen umbrellas awaiting me at home. They had been sent to the house during the day and attached to each was an unsigned note praying that I would overlook the matter, as the w riter had taken the umbrella by mistake.”—Philadelphia Record. ROUNDED HORN WITH HOBOS. Only One Man in Twenty Ever Had Been Before the Mast. The ship Erskine M. Phelps arrived at Honolulu recently from Norfolk, Va., having broken all previous rec ords for a sailing vessel from a north Atlantic port. She made the trip in ninety-seven days. She "rounded the Horn”—from 50 south in the Atlantic to 50 south in the Pacific—in eleven days, whereas the usual time is twice that. What added to the interest of the voyage was that when the Phelps was well to sea the captain discovered that nearly every man of his crew had shipped under false pretenses. Only one man in tho twenty before tho mast was a sailor. The rest were just plain “hobos" who had palmed them selves off as sailors. The result was that the captain and the mates had to take turns at the wheel and do most of the work aloft. In a terrible squall off Cape Horn, says the New York Mail and Express, when the safety of the ship hung in the balance and all hands were called to save ship, only six men came on deck, the others were lying below half dead with terror and seasickness. Nevertheless the Phelps broke the record. Oysters and Disease. In a recent scientific work by Profs. Herdman and Boyce, entitled “Oys ters and Disease,” they report the re sult of their investigations on the cause which produces green oysters. Many epicures prefer their oysters to have the emerald hue, though there is a widespread opinion that green oysters are not edible. The investigators arrive at the con clusion that there are several forms of greenness. Copper is said to be present in minute quantity in all oys ters. It was found that the greenest American oysters contained about four times the amount of copper which is present in the whitest American oys ters. Careful chemical examination demonstrated conclusively that there is proportionately more copper in the. greener parts of the oysters than in those parts which are less green. The green color of the highly prized Mar ennes oysters was found to be pro duced by the presence of a certain pigment and did not depend upon the amount of the contained copper. Using Law Books to Advantage. One supposes that it is the duty of naval officers to fight, not negotiate. Nevertheless, all officers of modern navies have more to do with inter national law than with ball and can non. Prof. Moore of Columbia, was lecturing a few summers ago at the Newport Naval College, and inter national law was one of the most im portant studies. The professor was setting forth all imaginable situations and allowing the students to suggest the best way out of them. One of the men could not appreciate the value of law in a sea fight. What he was yearning for was pow’der and shot. Asked by the professor as to what argument for international law he would use to convince the enemy of their error, he said contemptuously: “I would let them have all the vol umes of International law in wad form, and add the supplement by way of emphasis.” Do Stars Explode? The appearance of « new star in the constellation of Perseus, and Its rapid expansion into a nebula, which has been going on for some time past, have revived among astronomers the theory that some nebulae may be formed by explosion. About 1870 Prof. Bickcrton of Canterbury college, New Zealand, show'ed that if two stars should graze one another the abraded parts, if relatively small, would have so high a temperature that they would at once become nebulous, and that the nebula so formed would under certain condi tions, continue to expand until dissi pated in space. The present expand ing nebula has been growing at the extraordinary rate of several thousand miles a second and is. In many ways, one of the greatest celestial wonders of the time.—Froi* Success. A rope often gets tight because that is the way it Is taut Indigestion, congested liver, Im pure blood, constipation, there are what afflict thousands of people who | do not know what is the matter with them. They drag along a miserable existence; they apply to the local doc tors occasionally, and sometimes ob tain a little temporary relief, but tho old, tired, worn-out. ali-gonc, distress ed feeling always comes back again worse than ever, until in time they become tired of living, wonder why they were ever born, and why they are alive unless to endure constant suffer ing. To such sufferers there is a haven of refuge iu Dr. August Koe nig's Hamburg Drops, which was dis covered more than CO years ago, an< which is a wonderful medicine. Onr trial will convince the most skeptico that any or all of these difflcultiei may be removed, end a perfect curf effected, by taking Dr. August Koe nlg's Hamburg Drops. Get a bottle at once, before it is too late. The mortality in the colored popula tion of the United States is nearly double that of the white population. • IDO Howard Winn. The readers of this paper will ho pleased to leuru th»‘. there is at least one dreaded disease that se'enee has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Cutarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Cutarrh lieing a constitu tional disease, requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blond and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength t>v building up the constitution and assisting nature ill doing its work. The pro prietors havo so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Hollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. . . , ^ Address 1\ J. CHENEY & CO , Tolodo, a Sold by druggists 7.Vc. tali'* Family Fills ure tho beau M. Cassimlr-Perier, who celebrated his 55th birthday anniversary on No vember 8, is the only living ex-presi dent of the French republic. He was 23 years old when tho Franco-Prusslan war broke out, and took part In that conflict and in the siege of Paris, be ing decorated with the Legion of Honor at its close. He entered the chamber of deputies in 1874, and be came president in 1894, in succession to M. Carnot, who had been assassinat ed. He scarcely reigned six months, suddenly resigning in 1895. The producers of alcohol in France are somewhat disturbed because of the new invention by which alcohol is manufactured by synthesis by means of acetylene. Although the process is as yet too costly to endanger their industry, the members of the Society of Agriculture of the Nord, in a recent meeting, memoraliled the government asking that a duty of 4V& cents a pound be placed upon carburets. A Pertinent Question. From the New York Sun: In a country so grievously beset with for eign foes as Venezuela is. it seems queer, no matter how objectionable President Castro may be, that, the civil war should continue. Whero does General Mato3, for instance, get his funds? DR. COFFEE Discovers Remedies That Restore Sight to Blind People. Dr. W. O. Coffee, a noted oculist, 11(10 flood Block, lies Moines, Iowa, has discovered med cines for tho eyes that people can use at homo ind cure Cataracts, Scums, Granulated Lids, Ulcers or Blindness and restore sight. Dr. Coffee has published nn bo page hook on Eye Diseases which ho will send Free to every reader of this piqier. This book tells how to prevent old sight and make weak eyes strong. Write Dr. Coffee today for his book. Herr Caspar Gerstle, the oldest man in Lower Austria, has just died, aged 110. The Australian taleg .11a Is the only bird which leaves its nest full-fledged. pwroaneiUiT cuwhi. No fH*or ncrroOMlMi aft«r ■ I I w flm* day'* uw? of Dr. K lln** s «>r**at Nrrve Restore pr Spud for FHKK i f OO trial bottle and treat!***. Da. U. U Ki.ixb Ltd , 031 arch Street. I’biladelAttUa.X*" Taxes on foreign visitors and resi dents are proposed to the Valid Can ton, Switzerland. MORK ri.hXIIH.K AND l.ASTINO, won’t shako out or blow out; by ustna Detlance starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one-third more tor same money. Frau Theresia Kiiaa, me oldc t wo man in Vienna, has just celebrated her one hundred and third birthday. Try One Package. If ‘‘Defiance Starcn does not please you, return It to your dealer. If it does, you get one-third more for the ame money, it will give you satis faction and will not stick to tho iron. Morocco is not yet completely civ ilized in spite of the fact that the sultan has a motor and plays a good game of billiards. During tho recent disturbances some villagers who had been grossly ill-treated sent a deputa tion to the bashaw at Tangier, who promptly Imprisoned them, and set out with his aid-de-camp and eighty men to punish the malcontents, lint the villagers were desperate and defended themselves, captured the bashaw and rolled him in the mud, while the wretched ald-de-camp had his eyes burned out with his own spurs and was left naked on the ground in the rain the whole night. The son of the shereefa was permitted to take him to Tangier next day. on condition that the deputation should be released from prison, and no further trouble ensued. M. Mcrignac and Kireboffer, well known French swordsmen, accom panied by MM. Breittniayer and I.us ciez, their seconds, left Paris for Na ples recently, where they arc to take part In duels with Signori Verga and Pessina, Italians. The duels will be for the purpose of testing the superior ity of the two national style® of swordsmanship, over which there has been an embittered controversy. Spreading the Good New*. Whatcom, Wash., January 5th.— Mrs. A. M. Ferguson who came hero from Winnipeg, Manitoba, relates how that great destroyer of Kidney Com plaints, Dodd’s Kidney Pills first reached the extreme North West cor ner of the United States: "l had used Dodd’s Kidney Pills for what the Doctors pronounced Bright's Disease in Winnipeg.” Mrs. Ferguson says, ‘ And the disease disappeared entirely. That was about three years ago and I enjoyed good health till about two years later when I removed to Whatcom. ‘‘Whether It was the change of cli mate I can’t tel) tut my old trouble returned In full force. My legs were swelled to nearly twice their size. I could not go up or down stairs for about two months. ‘‘My husband bunted Whatcom for Dodd's Kidney Pills but could get none till a Druggist sent away and got them for him. "I began to get well as soon as I began taking them.” Others in What com have learned to know and appre ciate Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Mrs. Margaret McCoy, who was known as the ‘ Mother of Methodism in the West,” has just died at Omaha, Neb. Her mother, an earnest Metho dist, was driven from France by the Reign of Terror in Robespierre’s time. 0 Mrs. Emmons, saved from ■ an operation for Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “ I am so pleased with the results I obtained from Lydia E. Pink hum's Vegetable Conpound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. “ I suffered for over five years with ovarian troubles, causing an un pleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at'times a faintness would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks- and saved me from an Operation — all my troubles had dis appeared, and I found myself once more healthy and well. Words fail to describe the real, true grateful feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sii4c and suffering sister. Don’t dally with medicines you know noth ing about, but take Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it. you will be a different woman in a short time.” — Mrs. Laura Emmons, Walkerville, Ont. — $5000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness* cannot be produced. Don’t hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkhuiu if there is anything about your ease which you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness and tier ad vice is free. No woman ever re gretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address is Lynn, Muss. Work for heaven la better than weeping over Eden. INSIST ON GETTING IT. Some grocers say they don't kesp De fiance Starch. Tills Is because they hav* a stock on hand of other brands contain ing only 12 ox. In a package, which they won't b« able to sell first, because De tiance contains 10 ox. for the same money. Do you want 16 ox. Instead of 12 oa. for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Hequires no cooking. One hundred pounds is the price ex pected for a sheet of 119 unused black English penny stamps issued in 1840, which will be offered for sale in Lon don. DO IOC It CLOTHES LOOK YELLOWY Then use Defiance Starch. It will keep them wlilte-16 i - for 10 cents. nDf>DQV NEW DISCOVERY: glvcv LI rK v or WF ■ quick relief ami curea worst jaseH. Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS' treatment FEJtB. Dr.fl.H GKEOi BBOWB.Bo* U.Atlanta,G* | | . . . . . - . f I 'll ^Vots Gerxtly; 7 ^Vcts pieasar\tly? f ^Vcts Be-rveficially* $cts truly asa. Laxative.. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, us it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of \ _ manufacturing figs are used, as they are - • Peasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained £•'?’ from an excellent combination of plants J known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. j'f/ To get its beneficial effects—buy the y genuine—manufactured by the W* - . . L iMJFORjflipfi^YRjJP^ j ■ • ... oarv rrar\ciaco. lm, ■ Louisville. Ky. new York, N.Y. F«r eelc- by ell dru^ists. Price fifty cents per bottle.