The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 16, 1903, Image 5

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    I H 1, A Ok l I! .v k * \
an* k. HKNf*rH<»Tt"i:,
KrtUor sioil I-i'MUtifr
TERMS:—81.00 pek tkah ir PAin in adtani r
Entered at the Loup City Postofllcr lor t-ran*
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Has W. N Sherman been killed
by a bear? True such ;s the feport
But from what source did it com* ?
Both the Tiroes Dnieper,df,nt amt Hit
Ravenna News have slated that they
have been “o informed Such ft re
port reached this town about Doc.
10 and shortly after that Geo. Gib
son recieved a letter from him doted
Dec. 17, which we published, a n
in which was an account of his u 11
doiug, but strange to say he said
nothing about the killing,
Only one subscriber thus far Isas
mistook our intention and aim in
sending out our annual statement to
subscribers to call and settle tbicr
accounts to January l*t, end that
gentleman paid up aud slopped his
piper. He was a valuable sub
scriber. has been on the list, for
years and has never allowed his sub
scription account to get very tar in
arrearage. This year he only owed
one dollar, but we thought that dol
lar would go just as far as auv one
else’s dollar towords helping us out,
and enabling us to pay our past
due obligations. Now it w is not
because we were afraid we would
not get that dollar, nor from choice
that we sent u statement, but be
cause we needed the dollar and need
ed it had. We have a hundred sub
e nliers who owe us only a dollui
and if they all paid promptly tha
means one hundred dollars spot cash
to us. We do not insist upon the
subscriber who owes us only adollar,
cashing tip, hut simply send the u
a statement, which of itself is
a hint that we need the money
and would be pleased to get it. We
do however uige the payment of.
larger suinswlue us on subscription
and other accounts and hope itiai all
will respond with good cheer.
The new members of the board of
supervisors of Sherman county and j
who to 'k ibeir oaths of office last
Tuesday are: Andrew Garstks, f< r
Dist. No. 1; W. O. Brown, Diet,
No. 3; John M.aiefski, Dist. No. 5;
and W. H. Chapman, Dist. No. 7.
The members which held over are:
Wm. Jakob, D. (J Grow, and Peter
Tnode. They started out this year
tin the mist businesslike manner
that has been manifested for tears,
and w e bear it stated that they turn- j
ed off as much work in one day as
O lie; boards have done in two or
hree. lu fact hey did all of the
business on bund in l^ss than two,
da\s, when here-to-fore it has taken
nearly as much time to get the new
machinery in ruouiog order. One
of the important measures which
w. ut through was the doing away
with a standing bridge committee,
therebi saving a great expense to
the county, lu place of a com
mit'ee going from ouc side of the
coun'y to the other and spending
da \8 traveling about from place
to place, each supervisor was dele
gated to look ufter the bridges in
bis own township. This import
ant chHnge was due to the efforts of
Supervisor Jakob, wtio made a very
logical speacli in support of the mo
tion. A change in the method of
drawing a jury was also made. l»
seems that a jury was drawn by tin*
oid board, sehc'ing jurymen onlv
fr-in those who owed the coun'y
'axes, so that their < laiuis could be
taken f'*r taxes. The new board j
contended that the 1>ia- contemplates
and ejcprvsalv mcn, that n jury;
S'. .11 be drawn fiam the residan’s
of the countv. which does cot
in 1 m ;in' of di li .j • ■ i.r tax pat er-,
n! ' ■ ew jury was drawn this
w li
Don 'I W.'rr v »
r is -i r aal'l than rton-. vet it may
m m uir help lo conm'er the matter.
Ji o puMise is mmiio titriK over which von
Ph v< mi cmi li" u InoUv <niv t lu.t worn mi
w.ll i,,n la Ip tie unit!*’!' In the least, O.t
theoihni h voin nmirol yin
1 I VS only lo t. \VI)i*n you h ive a cold
an 1 fear un intaok of pi eutiinii.H. luiy a
t»i lie of OUauiPerlam's Cough Itirjicdy
and n«e it JifUiol usly imd all cause for
worry as t > the outcome will • ,no-ley ■ ih
appem-. There is no danger of pneumonia
when it Is used. For sale by Odcndahl Bros
Hot After Tie Officers.
\n Eidting Umd ts llml Conflict Will
th ' hkcr.fl
HOC N Ds Pitt U1 m IN Ilil. CASE.
Sheriff SuHit-r wr.s a* if eked las'
Wedi.esd \ while gut! g down lilt
tlreut bv two vi i is !i itiR-lf hi 1 •Pj.
to II. M. Mathew. He took a few
shots at them but without effect,
The Sana dogs ni ached Supervisot
Juki i» t In- buy In-foit* but with ‘it
erou* kicks In prevented them from
taking a piece out of the seat of liif
punts The hounds arc no longei
fugt!iv» s from justice, having been
caught bv the owner and pul in tin
lock-op, at hte residence.
Ttic jii onlo of ttiis county are p li
tioriin;! the legislature, through
Senator Wall and Rep. Kittell, to
use all just, means to secure for
Loup City, our county seat, the loc
ation for the State Normal School
now located at Peru but which is
to ha changed to some other, and
more central point We can assure
our people that Messrs Wall and
Kittell will do all they can to thus
favor us. We have many advant
ages that other towns do not have,
and being as we are, in almost the
geographical center of the state it
would seem that we should have it.
Hal! county senators and represent
atives should help us in return for
what we did for them in securing
the bee sugar factory for Gland
Most tilings you buy have increas
ed out, The Lincoln Daily News, the
brightest evening paper in Nebraska,
is mailed a‘ the old price of Twenty
five cents a mouth. Thousands of
Nebraskans in town and in country
have been <n its subscription li.-t
year after year, and will join in its
praises. It is independent and
stand* with the people ou ihe great
questions of the day. Thors is not
a dull line in it. Its market reports
are the very latest. Three editions
are printed daily, enabling it to
reach many portions of Lie state a
bend of all competitors The rural
routes are rapidly increasing in circu
lation, and people geneulv who
want u paper cheap in price, but not
in quality arc subscribing for The
Li coin Daily News. Why don't you
do likewise?
The Semi-Weekly State Journal is
$1.00 per year and the Western
Swim* Breeder is .'*0 cents n yeai,
but if v ou send One I) -liar to The
State Journal you can get both pap
er- n wlule yeur. The Journal is
the paper of di papers to read legis
lative new- and the Swine Breeder is
n hummer. Ask them for a sample
( «pv if you buv’nt seeu it. Lincoln
t < the center of all things of a state
nature and The Journal prints more
state news than any other paper.
'l’he Burlington Route again offeis
a niidwmtet < xeursion to Flordia, to
leave Nebraska points Tuesday Jan
uary (I. Through Standard Pullman
Sleepers will be run from Lincoln
and Omaha to Jacksonville, Flordia
tloing away with the necessity of
anv change of cars.
The route will be via St. Louis
and thence to Jacksonville’ Flordia
cloely following the line of Shermans
famous march to the sea. The
Journey will be pleasantly broken at
ChuUauooga, Tennessee where a day
*vil! be spent in visiting Lookout
Mountain and other points of hist
• me 13 Test. Those wl.o desire to
«,lop over in St. L mis eat! join the
ir v enroute.
p, e • xc tisi m will be personally
itdiu-fd by the Burlington Route
who is fumilar with point - of iuter
... t a i > 1 " ■ d in Florida. A ft* r
vi .i .ek«oj.vide members of the
artV in ! have the choice of a rtim
ber *’f attractive aide tripe, and may
return home at there leisure. An
ex« e i ■ I' w rate- fur thi- excur*
j. *i, it’id the opportunity to cstap*
* - • , '• ;
and co* 1 b 1 at li line is u notable
] i oil e lb* m plate going it.
! would be weil to advise me early.
I rII tie til ■ • ■(' *'•<• tn u • (Ltd -its, y ou
I gf|.iw il‘.« ■■! 1'itn -. lit «t served.”
B ■ kl i .i' H i c‘uip'ete itinerary
mailed free on request.
,J. Khan u F Rurlingto *
: Route, Omaha. Nebraska.
A \ I'XTll.V T ft* MMt IIKK i.KTTKR
A Com \ «»* -tin hint* and Kosf« tlir
W it » ' « ** r 1 hrmtj;h
■ i t ; . ; , he here this
► , ! . e for yotirse If
v* (i w 'I< -i !■ l r doubt me
. ; -.i ifitne in our front
i , I ui is us far ad
:v .1 Vi i- American suuitu* r
ami it will bo in your er'ld Kast
ern home by June.
“W. made the trip from Omaha
o IMifoin • vi ,e Union Pacific
to avoid ll:i di our n tiles
II • u •• ,.t to reach California
*icbmii suffering any of the incon
. i i i net s i f cii er travel, he sure
h it r our ticket reads over the Un
ion Pacific. It is the only lice reta
iling hrougb trains from Omah ,
, c m ''.‘ting i< i • • - have just oiie Cir
..oiigovvr four or live different luu >
OM i a >. \). The Union Pj<
8c rim“ thr11* :tir i 4b every da\ to
the Paci'ie (v.-t from the Missouri
river. We r d on that great Cal
iforuia train, ‘The Overlaud Lim
i cd,’ which surpass-* any train trav
ei-ing 'h A 1 erican continent.”
i'ainp'de and maps describing
the wond r.-> ot California, and full
inf donation about the most coin
fori able and direct route to the Pa
cdti ■ Const, can be obtained by call
ing on or addressing H. J. Clifton,
Agent, Union Pacific Railroad, Loup
City, Neb.
Do you want a piano, organ
*r sewing machine. If so call
md see T. M. Reed.
1 vrm k in itv N r.—liiiO acres about, five
iii!> j Ir m Coup City. Good house,
ct Jutn, (•■ •. A largo tract unde
■Ultiv i A; p'y to A. E. CHARLTON
Ord, N-b.
- ♦ • ♦ —
f you are bU!t i ■ and seeking advisers,
< Early Risers,
fu-! before going to bed.
You " nl llml on the tnorrow,
Y >11 ni’ tpt of your sorrow—
i : , 1 ; ,Iu >-rough said.
I I -.-! it ,-i pels il l not, gripe, hut
mo-, e tlu* ! acI> gently and easily
h ii- the liver. Their tonic effect
Jv - •i-i .rh to ihe gl wids, preventing
• retnni <-f the disorder.
AN t ' t:v 1’I,KC ACTION.
I> I’rti 'ii a c-P. 11 is worse than
11n)• 1 > as.-n-t. C is dangerous. By us
tip One ■|inut, Cough Cure you can
ut it. •;!, otic . Allays inllimat Ion.
i r dn h :d, sooth-? arid strengthens
b>> mm -. i- ini mb", e. Cures coughs.
• m.p. ' >• ,f and lung troubles. Ah
i.Ui’l i>-. Ad - immediately. Old)
’-i en 'ike it
City Dray
Tit nsfer Line.
J. \V. & A. T. Conger, Props
Our ico wi 1 be delivered to any pan
of the city O'. The Ice house will be
opened bin a (lay, and that will
be from \ to 8 o’clock, a. m.
Al! kinds of hauling win be given prompt
u tent Ion md will nike a specialty ol
movie:: household good. We solicit your
Mrs. Fred Unraih.
President I'onntry rlnb, Bwlon
Harbor, Midi.
“After my first baby was bom I did not
teem to regain my itrength although the
doctor gave me a tonic which he consid
ered very superior, but Instead of getting
! better I grew weaker every day. My hus
band insisted that I take Wine, of Cardui
for a week and see what it would do for
me. I did take the medicine and was very
grateful to find my strength and health
slowly returning. In two weeks I was out
of bed and in a' month I was able to take
up my usual duties. I am very enthusi
astic in its praise."
f Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs
t] of generation for the ordeal of preg
* nancy and childbirth. 11 prevents mis*
carriage. No woman who takes Wine
S of Cardui no 1 fear the coming of her
| child. If Mrs. Unrath hau taken
1 Wine of Cardui before her babycame
" she would r.ot have been weakened as
t she was. ller rapid recovery should
j.: commend this great remedy to every
H expectant mother. Wine of Cardui
f regulates the menstrual flow.
^ ■ :: CARDUI
Co i
; on cvprv tiox of tho genuine
, l Jc i. i: lirooio^Qitinine Tabled
1 Mi reuioUy teat run s a cold In one day
VVc are now ready for the trade am! can show
you one of the choicest linos of groceries ever brought
to Loup City. Our goods are all fresh and up-to-date
in every respect.
We take produce in exchange and pay the highest
market price for same. You bring in your produce and
we issue you a coupon wh •! will be accepted in exchange
for groceries at our store or for clothing at Johns n,
Lorentz & Co's, store, next door.
You should come in and see our line of canned
and dried fruits. They are of the best brands and
are seilirg at rock bottom prices In fact every,
thing we handle will be sold on a very close margin.
We solicit your trade and it will he our earnest
endeavor to give satisfaction.
Tali Laxative Itmuio Quinine Tap'.‘Ts fglsts refund the numcv if it fai lo
euro. a. W. Onms’n signature i-on «aob
box. c
lath' only harmless cough cure 'li ■ t
gives quick relict’. Cures Cougbe,
Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping j
cough, Pneumoni a Asthma, I.mGi pi <•
and t. l l’hroat. Chest and Lung i bles.
i got oaked by rain, says Gertrude k
Fetin' •, Muncle, I ”il,, and •• i t ict.'d a
sever*' cold and cough. I failed rapidly:
lost 4 lbs. My druggist i 'cor.m ended
One inute Cough (,’ure. lie :ir'r
bottle brought relief; ei-v. r.d cured m
i am . sek to tny old weight 14s . >
One Minute Cough Cure cute the phlegm
relieves the cough the u .> drav -
out inflammation, cures croup. An
ideal remedy for children. Oden- :
dahl Bros.
Attorney at Law and notary Public, i
Will Defend in Forecloeuro Case*.
General Real Estate Business.
lout City, skbhassu.
Laxative Promo Quinine Tablet.* cure h
ool.l I n one day. No. cure, No Pay. I'rice
36 cent a.
Views on Ambition and Dys
“P spepsla,” wrote Eugene Field,
“often incapacitates a man for endeavor
and s metimes extinguishes the firo of
ambi ion.” Though great despite his
comiilalnt Field sufl'er i from indiges
tion all hi* life. A weak, tired stomach
can’t digest your food. It n- :1s
rest. You can only rest it by the use
of a preparation like Kodol, which re
lieve; it of work by digesting your food.
Ltest soon restores it to its normal toue.
Prepared only by B. C. Pr'V rrr i Co., Chicago.
1'ue lit. bottle coutaiai H>i tuuos tueMc. tua
or s.-.l« .. ODKNUAHL, UhOS..
A. P CULEY, President, W. V MASON, CasbUr
. i - ” . . . . ^ Jy t' ■
General Banking
* _
Pau, Jp Capita! Stock £20.000.
. I * ' ' ' ' ' !'
Seaboard (National Sank. (New York City, (N. Y.
Omaha (National Bank. OmaNebra k* .
LOt'P |'I! V NKUH.
St. Jott ph,
Kansas Olty,
St. Louis,
and all points
East and south.
Salt Lake City,
San Kranol«co,
and all point*
No M' Passenger.1- 'Op.®
No. 80 Freight.I2.B0p.iu.
No. 51 Pasurngcr. 11:'’“ P *•>.
No. 50 Freight.2(16 P- '*>•
sleeping, dinner sunt reclining (iiaircar*
(spKts li< i no ttm>ogIi uiiiii* 1 ickete
sold i\*id baggage cheek* *i in aiiy point m
the Ifntt'd "laics *• * 'ai min
Foi .<:oj'inmion. mop*. I’.me »-nt)lcs min
t I PI Ol, os ill** to K i, ' It I 11P II
Agent. I n' j. I'UASCI.-. Gi-h'i T«t*«> Iigei
agent, 01i.oIlk. Item u.ikss
If. P. IiAI WAV.
Vo. b » ilail;. exut in 8 n ml ay ())«►*
<*»•; ■ . j !>. n*.
k-o'. s til -ills Wednesday 1*0(1
I 1 ill,g . , I.V<I 1 . M Jl U*
No. •*(• «*av<— < in,-,. Thnr#da» and
■pint* , , (luis.efij s:5’i p. »*• )
s i , , imvi-t, daily except Sunday (mixed
i2:(oi , in
No, s i anives dally « Xfept .Sunday (puss
' c ■ . • - 7ii"< p. ui.
I list Pis** rvlc ar.d elo.-e Connections
eii: , » est and. goal h
ll. J. Cl.irros, Agent.
HALF KA IK' iO Kl «< "KN
.1 dlliary 18 t<■ »4. 19 8. On <i> Hhovi
iUk'ii (he Burhngtoii will * n ticket
■ from a: y i In Ni ‘d i.*k * f<> I.ints In
>::ni re turn at om* fur** fur r«»uod
, *.*ip Tiekei* good vei ip pi tig uni i i Fib
riniry 8. Ask the Burilii^tbu aiihU.
jourrl 'd
0 fry Jm 3
^ Paris Eyw>s?ltioR WOO. ,J*
■ • „•. -. .-• Mmmmmmammm ***
S' 'tn T II KI.SVKR, ToapCltv Neb
Tim parulfnreon.tti which Indicates roup
1* ' i II k nini t > the m *th"r of • mpy
children N i time shinitrt he ios-t i 'he
tn- ' or it Hnii (or this ptirp- • no
Hi" icin ■ lies i n iveii tn ire nniver ap
proval than i' hs m iitriton'-i Coii:;h 1!- edy.
Do ii .t Wiisi vain -HI time in riper went’
1n:r". i’" "■ ' i • ■ 1 i •i.i iies, in* multi " how
high'- the : ii v Jie r.’C mi ii ■mted. Iii .■ Ivo
tli - nr* i in \a directed and at* syn 'onu
of Pi * p 'fill quickly disappear. yI sale
by Odendalil Hips.
( n* VV• * klv.
Wheat....» ?
! Eve. 2# t»
Oats .
II gs, per <•" t.
Ht "k rs, Steers anil Uellera.
| Cows.
! B'lMur..
nggs .. • —— — ——■