The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 16, 1903, Image 4

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    A do you suppose dip
1 into that bulk coffee
1 before you buy it?
•i Coffoo'
■ comes in sealed, air
^ tight packages; no
cliance for handling,
or dirt or things to
a get in.
1 Clean, Fresh and Fragrant
Uoaal Daws.
Another flurry of snow Saturday.
Clarence Sweetlund has been pushing
the job press this week.
Johnson, Loren fz Co for winter
clothing. Going at cost.
Nut coal, the best for cook stoves
or sale by K. G. Taylor at 3 & M
I). C Grow, sella flour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company’s
stand on south side public square.
Thos, Burton was in* town Saturday
He gavs that the high wind last werk
blowed down nearly all the corn.
Edward Fagan of Washington town
ship was at the county seat last Sarur
dav and among other business made a
payment down on subscription to this
A. J. Fredcnburg came in last Satur
day and had a pleasant chat with ye
editor. He informs us that he has lost
five head of cattle this season from corn
stalk disease.
Mrs. F. 8 Rrynold went to Sargent
yesterday noon lu response to a message
informing her that her sister-in-law
Mrs I* A. Conhiser was very sick.
What would you think of your groc
ery mart if lit; sold y*n stti d for sugar !
What do you think of a druggist, who
would offer you a substitute for
M ail ison Medicine Co’s. Kocky Moun
tain Tea.—Oden dab I Bros.
If you can use one doz. canned
fruits or vegatables, goto Gasteyer’s
for them, lie will allow you to tu
clude them in that $5.00 purchase
you wish to make.
tieuator Wall returned to hit legis
lative duties Monday after a stay over
Sunday wbith his family. Mr. Wall
has already been recognized as a work
er of ability and has been placed at the
head of two important committees.
W. T. Gibson with bis bridge gang
is at work putting in ice breaks and
another span on the west side of the
Loup River bridge west of town The
travel has been shut off and people w ill
have to go around by the south side
bridge for the next two or three days.
T. M. Reed has moved the rear half
of his implement building to his new
lots on main street. He will connect it
onto the part which he haa already
moved, then build a leun-to on botb
sides. This will give him a very large
storage house for buggies aud all kinds
of implements.
Paul Chile wski sold his quarter sec
tion of land near the Catholic ohuron
east of Ashton for a consideration of
•'j.OOO ami is now buying hogs on the
Ashton market. We learn that he is
paying big prices which is a good thing
for Ashton Ho still has four quarters
and is on a deal for a half section more.
Last Wednesday we called at the
home of Fritz Cornrutcph who had the
sad misfortune of having his leg broke.
Fritz was in good cheer, although
his leg was encased in a wooden box
made for that purposa and the broken
limb was badly swolen. file bas suffered
much, both from iuternal injuries aud
pain in bis leg, but at preseut hois rest
ing easy. Dr. Main, who Is attending
him, says that it will be at least six
week* before he.aan leave his bed.
The new Arm of Swanson A Dahl,
late of Aurora, anil who have opened up
an excltybye grocery in the Oilman
building are now ready for business.
They have a nice fresh line of good*
Thier stock of groceries is comple'e
and from the advertisraent which ap
pears in this issue you will see that they
solicit a fair share of ihe public patron
age and offer prices that will meet all
competition. They are pleasant gen
tlemen and will prove a valuable :id
ition to our business circle. Give tb* m
a trial,
C. llauck, owner; Billy Neville,
workman. Blacksmith and Wagon shop
near the B A M depot, are still in the
swiin; shoeing horses with steel plug
in. They can shoe anything from a
goat to an elephant’* foot when Christ
llauck gets in; iron, steel, or steel plug
never elips, or rubber pad shoes thin;
as you wish to h tve it done, come eaily
and you will be waited on the first thing
The rush Is so great that sometimes we
wish we had another workman in. Go
to bed and get up tt.e *auie time and
sing, and while w e are asleep can bear
the anvil ring.
A. I* I’auisif was at the hut) d<*ug
buslu ’i» Sutnrd ly.
O Benschofer sol I h - b*y tn < a to
R. I>. II« nth i»-k.
Lewis Strai.kmao1 wai doing bn-iu<*?§
at the hub Si urW.
Oblsen Bros, built a lie * c himney on
the Court bouse this week.
Charley Grow is learning the barber
trade at the Patton btrber stand.
Flour and feed exchanged for wheal
at. I>. O Grow's store. South aid*
public eq are.
Now is your time to buy clothing.
All winter goods hi cost at Johnson,
Lorentz & Co’s, clothing store.
Tn Sberidon coal and tou will b<
satisfied; supple always ou baml ai
15 G. l ay l u’s elevator.
G. >1 Gibson aid L. H. Owen
went to Arcadia last Friday evening to
assist in the installing of the M. W. A.
officers of that place.
Johnson, Loren I z & Co. are closing
out 'loir winter st< rk of clothing to
make room f >r their Spring stock. Call
on i m in, They are si ding at cost
ffm. Crlss was in town the forepart
of the week pu king up nanda to do his
threshing. Will dimpson and Jerry
Shrove went out and helped him Mon
G, II Gibson, Recorder of the A. O.
U. VV. Lodge of this city informs us
that he lias recieved the order for the
pat ment of 82 000 to Mrs. Margrette
Ogle on account of the death of her
Did you neglect to buy tour wife
or daugbier a cloak for Christmas?
If so, go to Uasterer and be will fit
you out with a guarantee garment at
10 per cent discount.
What vnu doin’ neighbor? 1’ilping
Bill. What’s Bill doin’? Helping
Mandy What’s M indy doing? Help
ing Mother. What’s mother doing?
Taking Rocky Mountain Tea. " Sens
ible family.—Odend hi Bros.
Andrew Gar-oka, the new supervisor
from A-ibton was on hand when the bell
rang to cal] the new board togatlier,
Tuesday He was beard to remark that
it might b'1 <11 to elect him chairman
as bo wa>-1lie only socialist on the board
Paul HeUner, the jolly farmer from
Bloody Run, in the south west part of
the county wa5 a pleasant caller last
Saturday while doing business at the
hub. Paul renewed his subscription
to this paper, and oeing an old timer
and an old acqu dntance of ours we en
joyed a most pleasant visit, with him
during his short stay.
The A. O. I’. W. and the I). of H
lodges of this city held their installs
tion exercises at their hall la^t Thurs
day evening. After the Workman had
taken up ihe gavel arid finished their
business the ladies took possession and
went through with a like proceedings j
after n hich a niee supper and a very!
social time was enjoyed by the mem
bers of both orders.
Heavy eating is usually the first cause
of Indigestion. Repeated attacks in
flame the Luscious membrane lining the
stomach, producing a swelling after eat
ing. heartburn, headache, sour rising
and finally catarrh of the stem »eh. Kod
ol relieves the inflamation, proteots the
nerves and cures catarrah. Kodol cures
indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach
ttoubles by cleansing and sweetnlng the
glands of the stomach.—Odendahl Bros
The new c iunty board organized last
Tuesday by enstaliing the new super
visors and electing D. O. Grow of
Loup City township as chairman.
Among the business of the day was
the consideration of the bids for
county printing, and the Tirnns-Indep
endent was awarded the printing and
furnishing of ttie stationery and the
Northwestern was ntHde the oflkai
organ of the bounty bv being awarded
all the l' gal printing including the trea
-urer’s sutinent and the delinquent tax
Jas. Depew had the misfortune to get
a piece of steel iu his hand last Satur
(lay morning ju»t as he had started the
days work. He was working at the
anvil wh u a peice of steel flew off (he
hammer about the size of a B. B. shot
which struck him in tbe hand between
the thumb aud the fore finger, and ap
parenlly went nearly through the hand
it lodged in such a manner as to be hard
to extract, ami cannot be done without
titling too much so be will have to
carry it until it works itself out. Jim
now has bis baud in a sling.
Mr. J£. Enevoldsen, the gentleman
who has just opened up a vert
complete line of general merchandise
on the south side of the public square,
Itt the Zink building, arrived with bis
good* Saturday and has been very busy
ill week getting things in shape. He
is here to stay and expects to continual
iy keep on hand everything that, can b<
found in ft fir.-t class general store |
By reading bis advertisment you will
find that he has a fine line of dregs
goods ami we are authroized to say that
he Is in a position to give yerv good
bargains in that line Give him a call
and see the goods for yonrstlves. His.
stock of groceries is up-to-date in every
respect and he informs us that he wid
sell everything ou a very close margin.
Mr. and Mrs. If Wilke drove over to
Bm us Friday
M irk Mortrnsen Is home for it few days
on ic-ouiii of injury while working
with i he hr! tgv ' lit ;;, hour Grand Island.
Walt r \i wberg haw gone to Chlllloote. Mo
w re hei- t king u business course.
Mr. and Mrs Gorman Zbinden are visiting
friends and relatives n Alliance
Th*‘ Sweetwater mill is In working order
now nad with its latest improvements, is one
of t e best mills in t.i« stale
Henry C Carpdlen aril daughter-in-law,
a • > tlrs. S G. Swagart has gone to visit
relative in Iowa.
W. M Srnel»er made a visit to Loup City
Wednesday noon, leturning Thursday morn
Geo. F. Erwin of Grand Island was in our
little town last Thursday.
Win. Jakob and W. C. Detfiehs returned last
Thursday from a trip to Loup City.
Miss Grace Vanscoy left Thursday moraing
for Grand Island where she is attending
A. G. Edwards left for Grand Island Friday
Mr. M. Biemoat af Loup City arrived in
town Thursday and has taken up his abode
here for the purpose of buying stock.
Mr Kennedy of Grand Island was seen here
last Friday.
Amker Hansen made a trip to Boelus Sat
Mtss Aimee Whitman and Miss Venla Lund
made a trip to Loup City last Saturday.
Miss Lund is now teaching in the Ashton
school, commencing last Monday. This being
her first attempt at steering the ship of in
struction, we wl»h her ail success. We
hope that storm and wind may not overtake
her, and that this and all such journeys may
be smooth sailing for her.
Frank Dymek and Thomsen went to Loup
City Saturday.
John Hussa had quite a serious runaway
Saturday. The team started at his gate and
succeeded in tearing up the harness and
wrecking the wagon badly.
I have now opened up for business in the store building of Mrs.
A V. Zink, South of Court House block and invite you to come and
seethe following goods:
Ladies’ Cloaks ai Skirts, Mens’ aid Boys' doing.
OF SHOES AND GROCERIES all too numerous to
mention. Be sure to come in and see our line
*ej. I. DEPEWS
Blacksmith g> Wagon Maker,
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River.
I have a four horse engine and a oomph ■« lino of the latest improved, ma
chiiiery, also u foice ol experienced men who know bow to operate it ami
turn out a job with neatness and dispatch.
Soliciting your patronage I am
Yours respectfully,
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb.
Ver» Huibert entered the seventh grndt
Miss Gladys O’Bryan was a high School
visitor last Wednesday.
The debate which was to have taken plant
last Friday was posponed and will take plant
Friday, January ltUU, '03.
Hal Jenner entered the first grade the
first of the week.
Mi9se* EllaCornrutnph and Flossie Hauck
were ab-ant from school the first of the week
Oscar Swanson returned to school Monday
after a week* absence.
Miss Lena Smith Is absent from school
owing to the sickness of her mother,
Skating by mooonllght is all the rage, al
least the high school scholars think so.
Avery pleasant birthday and.surprisc
party was given to Mrs. I- A. Tayloi
last Wednesday evening at which was a
large gathering of her lady friends. It
seems that conductor Taylor and his
daughter El'a had planned to give Mrs,
Taylor a surprise. AH preperationa
werccarefuly and secretly arranged, but
not without some little suspicion on
the part of Mrs. Taylor, who seeme-l to
take some notice of the queer manner
in which things were being conducting
at her home, and although unable to
tell just what was about to happen, was
on the alert and made preperationa for
any imergeney. Tie party gathered
at the home of Mrs. W. S Waite
and from there proceeded to the
Taylor residence. They report a very
enjoyable time and a good supper.
Mrs. Taylor recieved several valuable
————— ♦ "• -—
For sale:—My photograph gallary on
main gtrtet. The building is in good
shape, and can with very little expense
b‘- remix)led arid made Suitable for n
lawyer, doctor, or real estate otHce or
would make a good harness, shoe, or
briber i-bop. It is also suitable for a
tn11Inery store. Will sell at a brrgin.
1 will • dso sell my residence building
t2s'2t. Has three good rooms, closet
a I pantry. The house is in good con
dition, good water and fair sheds Ap
ply at uiv photograph galUi y on .Satur
M. l.ksciilNSKY.
-» - ■ —■- - -——
AT i K\ l luN <1 1'iZFN’s.
We wisti to inform our customers as
well as the general public that we hive
added a third team to our list. i'hlc
Will enable us to handle your ordeig
yy h more i>r >mpMie--and berier usti
factioti than cut befo e Se. 'iting
your future favors and good will, and
tin.liking you for past kindness we re
hi in yours to command.
Next lime yon cotue to town, go
to Gasteyers and get a ten per cc it
discount. He is giving it on all
gaivs ot $5.00 or more and for spot
cash only. Groceries excepted.
In 01 der to
make room
for our spring
Stock we have
decided to
so by making
a call at
our store we
will convince
. you that
we can
Save You Mo ley.
The best op
portunity a man
can get.
r me early and we will till your
wttii Id.
Yours respectfully,
Cured of I'll** Alter 40 learn.
Mr. 0. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had
the piles for forty years. Doctors nor
dollars could do him no lasting good.
!>■ Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him
permanently. Invaluable for cuts,
burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations,
tetter, salt rhe mi, and all other skin
diseases. Look tor the name DeWitt
on the package—all others are cheap,
worthless counterfeits. Odendahl Bros.
♦ * ♦ --— —
I ain selling out my stock of
jewelry at cost. Now is the
time to buy your holiday pres
ents. Call in and see my
bet na speak of man us w* find him.
And censure onlv what we can see
lU'i lemheilug that no one can be perfect.
I'nless he uses Rooky Mountain T* a.
—Odendahl Rios.
Mt-. Johaiina s'oderholm, of Forgna
• ■ » SI inn . fell and dislocated her shunt
'd er She had a snr.-eon get it back in
i place as soon us possible, b it It was qui'c
I surf nil pained her very nitrcli. Her son
j nn ntlnned that he had seen Chamber*
i I if - Pain Halm a vert i*t .1 tor sprains h d
j soreness, an.! she ask him to buy bet a i ot
t*e n( it. which lie did. It quickly relieved
lei .1 na enabled her to sleep which slie
ho i not done tor several day s. The .*,.n
w > much pleased with the relief It
gave his mother that hs has since recoiu
u ended It to many others. T or sa e oy
Odendahl tiros.
I an now located in my new quarters,
One Door East of St. Elmo Hotel,
and have just received a shipment of the Hamilton & Brown
shoes, the best in the market. More new goods arenow
on the way and I can assure mv patrons satisfaction in both
quality and prices.
I still have a fewpaii of shoes left from the stock pur- '
chased from Mr. Dolling which we are selling cheap.
1 irst class shoemaker shop in connection. We invite vou
to call and see our new stock of shoes and bring your rep ,ir s
work with vou.
-o-1 now have possession of the-o
and will pay highest mirket price for grain at
Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asia, win Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
{VI O N U {VI E n J-S. ' i
work. See us or write to us >efore giving an order.