The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 09, 1903, Image 5
i ii. ;N*uK i H WESTERN niBUSHBD EVERY FRIDAY Al l'HB COUNTY SKAT. (IKO. K. IthAmliniTKK. Editor ami l*uT»1laher TEH MS:—11.00 FKH YBAR. (1 PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup Citv Postolficc for trans mission ibrout'd the malls as second class matter. John WnlJt of Ati' d;a t; »s again been elected chief i\i i k of tin* house of representatives. Hi m: dee good efficient t-flicer while i ccnpjing that position two tears ago. We have 74 republics!! votes in the bouse of re presi rUi'ivcs and onh 20 fusionst. And jet there are some pop papers foolish enough to contend that there principles of ri pudintion is still popular with the people. The*Times seems lo be very tin easy about our pill add column Well we run that for ibe benefit of i those who read the political columt of tLe Times. In nine cases out of ten after reading the political mutter of that paper they need a pill. The twenty eight, session of the Nebraska legislature effected perm anent, organization last Tuesday by electing John Mocks tt, Jr. of Lin coln speaker of the house. Mr. Moekett was theebnice ot the re publican caucus and his election whs made by a solid republican vote of 7t. as against 20, s< lid fusion votes for L roruis. Mr. Brown of the l imes> ‘ent seems to have a tired feeiit g since he did the county pri '‘mg lor ] imt year for i nu-'u , 1 y nothing, and in his i u of yes e rd i - he i nsin ti.>t es ilrit ibe i-,ip rvi-.ti’s .re lo bonne for i , wh n the fu s in the case are that he shou d kick himself for tu k ing fetich a contract. However, his j exp* lienee in the county g j business for i Ik list year bus been | a loosing invcsiiiK u; and be li d#| thn he is no farther abend of ne ded than when he invested in 'he Wild C imi'ioha medicine* on main atri et a few- years } MIDWINI I0R KXt'luiSION 10 FLO KID A. The Burlington Ilou'.e again offers a midwinter excursion to Flordiu, to leave N br fka points Tm sdaj Jan uary 0. 1 tiro ugh Standard 1‘ultinBo Sleepers mil be run from Lincoln a< (1 Omaha to Jacksonville, I’lordia doing away with the oaoaasity of anv change of cars. Ttie route will he vi;i »V. Louis and thence to Jacksonville’ Klordia clo.'l v following the hue of Sbermanfc famous march to the &ca. 'l’h* Joarney will be pleasantly broken at Chattanooga, Tennessee where h day will be spent in visiting Lookout Mountain and other points of hist oric interest. Those wl o desire to stop over in St. Louis can join the party enroute. The exclusion will he personally conducted by the Burlington Routt who is tamilar with points of inter est en rotre and in Florida. Aft*: leaving Jacksonville members of the part\ will have the choice of a 111101 bcr'of attractive side trips, and may return homo at taere leisure. Ar excel ditiglv low rates for this excur sion, and the opportunity to escape the snow and tc-% ttin wintry blasts ami co d bdl* at tome is a notab'i one It you con tern pi i*e gong i would be well to advise me early. I the matter <>f ace tnmoiT i'rs.r ■> ltiM*w it’s “first come, lirst served. Bi kb-t giving complete itinerat 111 oled free on request, J. KrtAXCl'. G I* A Burlit gt " IS ut<-, < bn * it i N brask ■ Money Well Ex;v The government is gc: : • a t' : Chinese residents of • for the pro'erty that w . s u-p by health officials while '-rampin;, out the bubonic p’ague. 'I may be m re than the buildings wore worth, hut it is cheap when oi.n con i lers 1 v close to our shores the plague ■ .u getting. K i 15:n3 Cff En*li£h Sparrows. Ti e Oemshall Sparrow club. Pur re'.-. Ft-gland, has accounted for 25,<C2 LLtls during the last six years. Good Twelfth Night Cake. A Twelfth Night cake should bs c:a-’e cf flour, honey, ginger, plum* and pepper. I* ,i i i i MV. IK .i M«*M (II .Most, t ) ubuy have increaa e<l but, I’ I. -tiln P&iiy News, the b uilt' *,i p = p» r in Nebraska, i hi .tl iii !l i ifn i f Twenty live i/i ; "i •( in util. Thousands of N. br«!*kaus in t no and1 in country have be* on its subscription list year nfU-r rear, mid will join in its piaises. it is independent ami mauds vvi i tin people mi ilie great question* of the day. There is not a dull lib' in it. Its uimket reports are the s r\ latest Three editions prit id .biiu, enabling it to 11 rel ui ii. |>. itions of t e state a h ad 1 ail competitors The rural routes at rapidl v increasing in circu lation, : i i * | • I s' genealj who van’, u pi , er (.•!.■■:.'|> in price, bqt not in quality are subscribing for The Lincoln P.iih News. Why don't you do likewise? I-im Cl.MTS SAVED The Femi-YVcckly State Journal is $1.00 per tear "ind the Western Swico Breeder is 50 cents a jeai, but, if urn ”id One DiUar to The State Journal you can get noth pap ers a win le year. The Journal is • lie paper < f ill papers ' i read legis lative nows and the Swine Breeder is a hummer. A^k '.hem for a sample copv if you hiv’nt seen it. Lincoln is the center of alt tilings of a stale nature and The Journal prints more state news than nnv other paper. WORSE THAN KISSING BUGS. New Plague Worrying Citizens of Pennsylvania Town. A new bug that is causing almost as much excitement and inconvenience as the inf: •: mis “kissing bug” has in vaded Oil City, Pn. So far no speci men of the insect has been secured, but more than fifty persons bear speci mens of the effects of the stir r cf the Insect. The bug alights on its vic tim, perforates bis cuticle in one or more pipe s and gets away. In an in credibly short time a large -white blis ter arise- and unless prompt measures are ta: on to counteract the effects of the poison the flesh begins to swell j and become painful. Cases have oc- i curr«*d where a bite on the fin cr has car ed the arm of the victim to swell to air <: f.v: o the natural sire from the bio to the shoulder. Several cases have been severe enough to re quire the scrvics of a physician. Cff His Beat. r ’ -i ci i> service examination 1 . ni an amusing story V. ‘ n :• in connection with o ca u st examinations for j cay the New York Times. T on a- id by the examining ( wi : “How many miles to • . on?” Fat, a lu3ty son of old J.. .hose ri.ght to a place on the it . na . never before been disputed, ai. red: “I don’t know how many no ii is, but I know that it is far e: ■ ;„•! away to bo outside my beat, even when it’s full.” v The Causes of Laughter. Prof. James Sully, who ha-? written a 430-page hook entitled “An Essay on Laughter,” says that the peculiar mus cular actions which are grouped under the ram® of laughter are provoke:1 by the incongruous, the nr- - - n.' 1 and the unexpected ju.v ; , : i- r i l things. Prof. Sully cite < . r. of a man arrested by soldier: • L al lowed to join them al ..' Is. Ho cheat's and is kleke 1 cut, his play mates quite forget tire that lie is their prisoner. With t1 mry 1. coupled the story of two ' ■' ts in the dock. One of them k- :>; n i- kins the other in the ribs ' >• evidence against them proceed- until he was made to desist by the •i-otert: “Who arc you knocking about? I've as much righ$ to be here as y u.” Virtues of a Good Cigar. Bishop Potter in extolling concilia tion, tells of an experience in which he induced toe opposing sides to meet at his b< u1 o, passed around good cigars, at ' opened a discussion that results i " < -noing a strike. T jure is nr. - ue .a a good cigar and an ■if.” rial r y Telephone. A i . i: -ted near Baskiug T?i ;< •• . .. . i r violating the game laves. Ti.o . - able who arrested the mar. called up Justice Bowers by tele phone. His noner heard the evidence ever the wire a d fined the offender and costs, which was paid. < Story rf ftto - t. Onco in the > ;• day « or ; rieal career, v '• - burdred frn~< - *l, "at, M. V * Gv.iJbort wf : ■ • -v lv \ ' • t audience. . " '■ --t his f p,r. and i ' h; :r:tn:-- t somewhat t. e prasence oZ the actress. r-: ■ \ Cfudbert, however, wda deliphtfr. • < <1, and remarked, calmly, “i 've 'it' nee, for the day will coir v.-hcn yru will gladly offer me 1,10 ' a performance instead of 1.00.' v. <: -ths Inter the man ager it ;usand francs, but eh- :Jy m!nutated for the addi;. I 0. J>u you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call ami cm 1\ M Heed. 1 .vim i .1:1:1-nt ;i ’0 aens about flvt ':)> • fv In i.nliji I ity Good house, ■v* r, barn, • rc, A large tract unde i-ulttvati n. A;i| v to A. B. < HAUi.ToN. Old, N b If >011 re beii.»u« and seeking advisers. Take D'Wiu's Dole Euh Risers, .fusr before g. jtig to bud. You wid it«.»! on ill-- morrow, You tiro ml of your sono.v— Thai* all; Just enough said. n.fM furious pi) ' do tint, gripe, but inoyo (tie bowels gently and easily. | dcnising the liver. I'hHr tome * ffViM i;hv« strength to ipc gl mile, preventing a return of the disorder. A KEOAMHI I'ltKUAUTION. I) i.'r lO'.tli ct. a e l *. it Is worse !h8n unpleasant. If is dangerous. 15v us log On« Minute Codgb Cure you can cure it it once. Allays totlamatlon. clears tl. h id, so itis and strengthens the tnucinm membrane. Cures coughs ■ o011 p, throat u.d lung troubles. Ah solutley *:.fc. Acts immediately. Chil dren like It City Dray AM) Transfer Line. J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props My ice will be delivered to any part ■ if the city free. The ice ho^Be will be opened but. nee a day, and that will lie from 1 lo 8 o’clock, a. in. All kind* of haul Inf( will be given prompt attention atnl will make a specialty ot moving hout'chuUI good. We solicit yotii patronage. JAS. W. CONGER l.< If I* CITY. NEBRASKA. Charccal Cp ,'s Daily Thought. "Dey a- . • ir m dat got too much eonsciei: i' U o’ wid money,” t-aid Charccal -.i*li one ot his ruminative moods, ‘ tie tl y am some dat rot too re;ut, money to’ fool wid con Rci. c .-•'ri.itah Jackson."—H. E. War ner .• Baltimore News. iowa Banking Law. • ii< s have decided that nil. ■ f an oyon a savings bank in t . ‘ so 1. , g as lie does not use tht ores "savings bank” or "savings in or:" in describing the busi liti i r the concern. pyr cf Eminent Men. To Hr press comments on tlie fat ; n American publication mentions the hundredth birthday an niversaries of several groat English authors nr ! 'eg close at band, but apparently f< ' *• ■« that of an Ameri can, Ralph io Emerson, which comes ne-;t y . Here are some oth ers that a- not far'distant: Bulwer Lytton (1903), Boaconsfleld (19 'll. Hawthorne (1904), Whittier (1907), Longfellow '407), Tennyson (1909), Tliac'; • > (nit), Dickens (1912). Those of Balzac. Hugo and Dumas ha\ - been celebrated within a short time. Mountain Threatens Disaster. Great Altels, a mountain near the Gemml, In the Bernese Oberland. ia threatening to erdit a.-under and over* whelm the mi, iboriu” valley. In September, IT'', e g ■ . t fall of ice *roin the A cove:"..,, hundred.? of acres of men 1 ■ .v !.,ad In the neighbor hood of SphaimaUen. Mrs. Fred Urvr».th, Preiiil«nt ('•nnlr; riob, Benton Harbor, Slleb. "After my first baby was bom I did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me • tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. I did ts!.e the medicine and was very grateful to find try strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month i was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusi astic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Jlrs. Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. ffigorCAKDIli as-.m™'iwanii (8 rbi.) e'- v ry l«)x of tho genuine l } >‘Qltinilie Tablets Uiv re in oily carets u cults lu one day 1 NEW STORE C Lj! About January 12th, 1 will open up tor business in the Store building of Mrs. A V. Zink. I will show the largest line of the following goods: IX DIIESS GOODS: SERGES, HENRIETTAS, CASHMERES, MOHAIR, MELTON, VENETIAN, DRESS GOODS MIXTURE, AND PLAIDS. IN WA1STINGS: SATIN STRIPED GRANITE, FANCY STRIPED TRICOT, RIBBON STRIPED ETOLIAN, CHINCHILLA STRIPED FLANNEL, ROPE STRIPED FLANNEL, OUTING AND COTTON FLANNEL. Ladies' (Ms aid Skirts, • leas’ aid Boys' Clothing. 1 ANTS AND OVERALLS AND A FULL LINE OF SHOES AND GROCERIES all too numerous to mention. Be sure to come in and see our line E EJME-BDLDSEj^ LOUP CITY, NEB lit ( Ultr, a *;• »*.i» i > onk i> IV. 'I'mi*<■- LHnatlVS llmino Quinine Taplets. *!! • 1 nfgistH refund ‘. be money if It falls to erne M. IV Grave-a signature is on each lk)\ c ONE M1 > 17 CK COUGH CCKK Is ili>-only harmless cough cure that give. quick relief. Cures Coughs, C<>M«, Croup. Bronchitis, Whooping cough, Pneumonia Astlttmi, LaGrippe hi il all Throat, Ctp'st and Lung t rubles. 1 soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. K'i n r, Mitncie, Ind., and contracted a S' . • i eold and cough. J failed rapidly: iot.1 48 lbs. My «fi recommended 0 linuto Cough Cure. The rtrst b 't,o brought re ief; several cured me. 1 iio back to my old v eight 148 Ibc One VI in life Cougti Cure cuts the phtegna i Ii< \ es the cough iheaf occe, draws out iodatuination, cures croup. An real remedy for children. Oden lml Bros W J. FISHER, terney at Law nd notary Public. 4r111 Defend In Foreeioaur* Cuts AJSO DO A •ensral Real Estate Business. Office lo NoHTawrHTKRa liullfltns, tmie cm, - neuuasha. A. S- MAIN. I’HYICIAN & SUT.GEON LOUP CITY NtBKASKA Ott U K. at kksiobnck. Slots TIIE GOUGH ASM WOKKM OFF TIIF, COLD Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cnM to cine ilay. No. core. No Pay. Price ab • cnia. ! EugoEio | Field’s Views on Ambition and Dys pepsia. “Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field, “often incapacitates a man for endeavor an<l sometimes extinguishes the Are of ambition.” Though great despite his Complaint Field suffered from indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can’t digest your food. It needs rest. You can only rest it by the use of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores it to its normal tone. Elrongtheninp, Satisfying, Envigoratlng. Prepared only by E. C. Df'Vitt , Co., t'hicaga : 'iuo *l. buLUo coulaiUi <i,i tuno. Uiu Wo. aiae, | t. r K ilet>y UUKNDAHL. DItOS., A 1* L’UIiHY, I’residmit. W F. MASON, CftshUr f ' %v A * * '4 OF LOUP cir General Banking UjsinessTransacted. Pa-.- up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard INational Bonk, New York City, IN. Y. Omaha INational Bank. Omaha. (Nebraska. time tahle, LOUP OITY NKBR Lincoln, Omaha Chicago, 8t Joseph, Kansas <Ttty, 9i. Lnula. ami all points Hast in.(I south. Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland, San Francisco, and ail points West. THAI N9 LEAVE AS FOLLOWS! GOING BAST No 58 Pnaxentrer .. 1200 p m No. (10 Freight.12.8" P- tn GttING WEST No. M I’Hancntfcr. .11:07 p. n>. No. 50 Freight .*:»*» P »• siet plnir. dinner and reclining chair cars <»eat» Ire) <ii through trains. Tickets sold amt l.:iRi!a«r cln' cited to any |*>tnl In tlicUniud ■‘(ales or Canada Fro* lntorniation. (ini'* tallies anil t clteis cull on or wiite to K L vitTlltJit Audit or J K HA sets, GeuT Hussen^er Audit. OiuulI t. BetllMSba. U. P. It AI WAY. No. Hi I' live* daily except .Sunday tpass eoKct). a: a. in .No leaves Monrtav. Wednesday and Friday. (mixed i i.* cup in No. tin leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Mutiirdav, (mixed i ii:(5 p. in. ) Vo. 87ariive» daily except Sunday {mixed 2 On |I. Ill No Bharrives dally except Sunday (psas eiijee > 7i*W |i. in. Pi rat • lass s* rvtc and close connections east, w cxi and aouih H. J Clifton, Agent, HALF HA I K’ IO LINCOLN January 18 to 24. 1903. On (be above listen the Btirl:ngtne will s ll ticket fiom any point in Nebraska to Lincoln ml reinrii at one fare for the roui tl rtp Tickets koimI returning until Feb ; ruury o Aek the Burlington agents. Cheriis'*d| i tyju0;3 I Quality | Awardc Gold Midi' /■'" •rfs Exposition mw. 8<ilil!>v I'. H EL8NER. I onpClty N<>b FOUR PERSON \LLY CONItUPTKD EXCURSIONS FRO VI O VI AHA TO CALIFORNIA W1 Til CHOICE OF ROUTES Tit#- < xenr toys leave Omaha • v ry W. i! «•-!»>, I hunxtay, Friday and Sat urd iv >-t 4:2'i |> in., In Pullman Tourist Sd—plng Cars. The ears are acemnpan in! all th* way by conductors skilled in the se> vice of excur-lon parties. Che Union Pacific i« theonlv line from Oma ha running four excursion* to Californa every week. These excursions can be joined at any point enroll to. For foil information eall on or ad dress 11. J. Clifton Agent.