The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 09, 1903, Image 4

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    do you suppose dip
into that bulk coffee
before you buy it?
comes in sealed, air
tight packages; no
chance for handling,
or dirt or things to
get in.
Clean, Fresh and Fragrant.
Uoaal (7«ws
Corrected Weekly.
Wheat.* $ 46
Rye. 20 to 31
Oats . 10 to an
Corn. 27
Hog*, per cwt.. 5 3n
Stockers, Steera and Heifers. 3.25
COWS . 2 00 2 60
Uniter. .20
K«l. SO
Ray Bitllie of Westerville was down
to Loup City la t Friday and Saturday.
Nut coal, the heat for cook stoves,
for sale by E. G. Taj lor at it >1
VV M. Smelser, of Rickyille whs* h
pleasant caller Wednesday afternoon,
lie stopped in the oily over night.
Jacob Kitz was a pleasant calln
Tuesday and renewed his subscription.
He is ouo of our advance subscribers.
I). C Grow, sells dour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company's
stand on south side public square.
Joe Church, a former resident of this
city, but recently of Gurnsey is here
shaking hands w ith his many frlen s.
R A. McColl the gentleman who w a
in buUness in the O-tman building !< It
last Monday and will so tie for tln
present near Rockville.
Mrs. G J£, Bcnschoter who has bad a
very severe sickness with the grippe is
able to be about the house, although
not strot g enough to be out of duoi>.
What would you think of your groc
ery uian if he sold you sand for sugar!
What do you think of a druggist, who
would otter you a substitute fur
Madison Medicine Go's. Kocky Moun
tain Tea.— Odendabl Bros.
Mr. W. J. Betts from the east shipped
a car load of fine horses from this poiui
to the eastern market. He was here
about a week Htid with Steve Gray as
helper went over considerable n rrit< ry
in trying to secure just the desirable
The county supervisors convened l ist
Tuesday afternoon and held in session
Wednesday and Thursday. The new
supervisors elect have taken the oath of
otllce and will meet in session to com
mence the years work next Tuesday.
We hear rummors that I). C Grow from
Loup City Township is likely to be
elected chairman. Good choice.
W. J. Fisher has moved his ofliee
effects fjiim the NorthWKSTKitN office
to one of the rooms west of the First
Bank building, on Main street. SVe
now hear rumors that the name of this
Street Is to be changed to Lawyer's
Avo , the lawyers of the town bavin/
nearly all located in that part of the
Conner Br<v. have been very indust
riously at Work when the weather would
preinit. putlog up ice. French and
McNulty have the contract and we
learn that they will put up over 400
tons. They will have nearly all the
ice trade of the town and as they have
two dray teams on the street will
be able to supply their customers with
C. Hauck, ownet; Billv Neville
workman. Blacksmith and Wagon shop
near the B & M depot, are still in th>
swim; shoeing horses with steel plug
in. They can shoe anything from »
goat to an elephant's foot when Christ
llauck gets in; iron, ate* I, or s eel plug
never slips, or rubber pad shoes thin;
as you wish to h *ve it done, come eaily
and you will be waited on the Hist thing
The rush is so great that sometimes we
wish we had another workman in. Go
to bed and get up t e same time and
sing, and while wo arc* asleep can hear
the aiuil ring.
County Clerk Gibson's fee bonk foi
190* as compared with hi< predecessor
for 1901 shows a very healthy condition
ot affairs both from a moral and a bus
iness stand standpoint. The collections
for 1902 aggregated $18 87 cents roor.
than in 1891. While district court fees
show a dropping off of #630 99 the
oliico work shows a clear advance ot
#619.86. i'he total collections In fe. s
for 1901 were #3187 41 and for 1901
3206.88 When district court cost
drops off #680 99 during the year and
this amount in fees is more than mad*
up by an increased volume of other
business It is an indication of 1 w9 Ijtj
gation and a healtbics condition of
things iu geuera).
Mrs. ", II H.'ftt nmayer is r* j < >r * *■*»
quite sick
r M. f«ii made a kusi < ss trip to
Omaha Tut-d i\ .
School (opened Mi nd*T with a larger
enrollment tl an ever
Fleur and feed exchanged for wheat j
at I). 0 Grow‘a stole. South aide
public square.
Several Arcadia p< nple were down to
ijoup * lity last I’ ■ ■ s l • y il<h in at
tendance a' the ttieater
.1 II. (> i! y u teturned from his re
cent trip to Kentucky Wetnesday. Ilia
nelce returned wtb him.
Tr> Stieridon coal and you will be
satisfied; supply always on hand at
K. (1. Tat 1 ir’s elt valor
M r. .it rl Mi-. .1 I, 15 title returned to I
1'iier home at Fremout last ShMIiiI }
after two we» k- vi-tt with relatives auo
Simpson Cri«s is improving his resi
dence property by brieking up tlie
cel ar anti putting a brick foundation
under the house.
We ary 11-ttsed to receive some high
school notes which we cheerfully pub
itsh and hope that the wrier will
continue to contribute these Interesting
news items to this column.
Mrs. McPherson, of York and for
mer resident of this place is here
visiting with her sister. M~s. A. P
Cm ley. Mi-s Bessie McPherson is
also here, h avijig arrived last Monday
W hat you doin’ neighbor? Peiping
Bill. What’s Bill doin'? Helping
Mainly What’s Mandy doing? help
ing Mother. What's mother doing?
Taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Sens
itde family.—Odenddil Bros
County SHprintendent R. D Head
l iekson, Prof. Mead, J. P. Nieosou, and
Moses X t jc (longer and Minnie Hick
man all returned from Lincoln where
they went to attend the meeting of tin*
St are Teaehei s Association. Tbev re
port a very pleasant and pr.ditabl •
Carl Anderson Sr. has been author
1/ (I by the Sweeden-American organ
iz rt Ioii of Omaha to collect donation*
to b- forwarded forth** relief of ttie
people of S 'eeden, u ho are suffering
b ■cause of a total io*s of crops Mi.
Anderson began the good work 1 i*t
Monday and now has quits a nice sum
collected to send in.
Heavy eating is usually th** first cause
of indigestion. It ’paced attacks in
ll one tlic tnnciotis iu*oribraue lining Ihe
stomach, producing a t*i liing after eat
i*ig, h**artb tro, headache, sour rising
and tina h catarrh of the stomach. K*> t
ol relieves the ii.flsunitioii, protects the
nerves and cures eatarrah. Kodol cures
indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach
roubles by cleansing and sweetning the
gland* of the stomach.—Od nd till Dros
• Fiitz, Cotnrumpb, while unloading a
car of lumber for the Keystone yard*
met with a painful accident which w li
cause him great suffering and several
week* of confinement. Just as tie was
driving into the yards with a load of
lumber the high wind seized a b»*rd
from the lumber pile and threw it with
great force. It lodged between the
wheel of th« Wagotl and the box, near
where Fritz was sitting and his leg
got caught in the mix-up and he fell
from the wagon in such a manner as to
twist hi* leg so that it was broken in to
places below the knee.
We haye received a letter from Mr.
Igiiac Nowiekt of Ashton, in which lie
state that in a recent issue of ttie
SuRTUWESTERN appeared an article
purporting to give an account of a
marriage in which be was sai I to be
one ot the contracting partus anti
wishes us to furnish him with our
source of information. We arc truly
sorry that such a report, if not true,
should have found its wav to the col
utns of this paper and hereby hasten to
correct the error. As Mr. Nowicki,
In liis letter failed to give ns the date of
issue containing such report we have,
*o far been unable to find it, at. all, and
at present cannot fell whether the re
port was made d'rectly to us or came to
us through our correspondatits. Parties
a-kiog such information should always
give date of Issue. Correspondents ms
W' II as ourselves should be very Carefio
ii reporting news of this character.
Those who went to gain knowle ‘e
from the Wise tramp” at the. open,
house last Monday night surely got
their money’s worth. Thu Kempton
Komedy Kompauy is one of the
best troupes tint has struck the
town for years, and their show is well
worth BO cent* admission, although
they charge hut 35. They were
billed here for three night* hut owing
to the Comparatively sni i 1 audience
which they recc v ■ I the first night
they concluded to give only two nigh *
play. On Tuesday night the audience
was much larger and to say that ti e
gat e great *att*f action in the product
ion of ' Ka*t Lynne” would only he re
pealing the expression of ail who were
present Later--As the house w,a- quite
well fi led the Manager concluded to
stay the third night and on VVe.| i«sdav
evening they pitted "The World’ in a
w ty ttiat took w It with the audience
Manager Kempton seemed pleased
^bith hi*sueee~» ant) announced that he
a'OU'd liltki this town another time in
'••e future, We predict foi him a full
I am prepared to mako casing or
hydraulic wells and solicit your trade.
T- |V1. REED.
That big hog that Ed Angier had on
th'1 L«mp Ciiy market Tuesday whs a
whopper. It weight ncarl) 500 pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S Haycurat went to
Omaha Monday. They will attend the
meeting of lire Implement Dealers As
sociation at that place whii absent.
uoriiVit.LK irnts
Dan Busbbousen and Henry Reasland ar
rived heme Wednesday morning from a fort
night's visit with relatives near Paris, Texas
'Ve begtoackn iwledge the recefps of a South
<‘ru Snowball, (cottoni. through the kindness
of Mr. Reasland.
The ball held here in the hall New Years;
night, drew such a large crowd that the floor |
would not, r mvenlentl.v accommodate the ones !
who wished to trip the fantastic toe.
S J. Pair and family left Friday morning |
for their home at Kearney.
J. A. Dowdeti started for his taoin^ at Blair, j
Neb., Friday morning after a weeks visit |
with relatives here.
Geo. Moses arrived home Friday from his
Christmas vacation.
.fohn Lukes arrived home Friday evening j
from Cheyenne, Wyo where he hat been
working in the ruilroad shops
Mils* M i rgie Lukes returned Friday even
in g ftom Grand Is,and where she had been
spending the holidays.
Representative ffa II. Kittell, left Monday
morning for the "seat of war," Lincoln.
Miss Grace Vansooy went to Grand Island
Monday and Miss Bessie Coulter left ou the
same train lor St. Paul.
What is the matter with the railroad com
pany’s portion of the new sidewalk:- Also the
school district, has failed to pat iu theirs.
Mr. F. T Cramer of Central City spent
several days here tlie first of this week.
W. C Detriehs and Wm. Jakobs went to
Loup City Tuesday noon to ultond the meet
ing of the board of supervisors.
School began Monday afternoon after a two
weeks vacation.
Misses Jessie and Cora Leininger and Chas.
Howe entered the ninth grade Monday.
The high school can now boast of thirly-tive
members which it has not been able to do for
some time.
Miss Maybtll Blocker, and Addle Leininger
entered the seventh gru lo Monday.
The question for the usual debate of the
ninth grade for Friday, Jan. 0th. is: Resolved
' Thai the Members of the Presidents’ Cabinet
Should be Members of the House of Repre
sentatives." Leaders. Affirmative: KUa Fos
ter. Negative: Ray Kearns.
Miss Minute Knight is now enrolled as a
member of the eight grade.
Romeo Conger has again entered school.
Mr. Mead, Mr. Ntcoson and Miss Conger
attended the State Teachers' Association at
Lincoln last week,
The other additional pupils entering
school Monday are as follows: Fifth grade;
Florence Letninger, Ralph Knight and Emory
Miocker: Fourth grade; Murial Knight; Third
grand: Enid Knight; Second grude Dea
Miss Sarah Lofholm was a visitor in Mr.
Mead and Miss. Youngs' rooms Tuesday after
1.0 V HA IES 10 K AX 'AS CITY.
Tin* Biiilinuioii wl I sell ticket» to
Kansas city ami return qt urectiv r> -
(luc«U prioe.x on Jan. 12 and 111, ]90j
Uoini reiuriti 'g umil J ui ol 19U3. A lt
llio Biiriiii£t n Agent.
Don’t Worry.
Tula U easier said than ilone. yet it may
lie ol Mime help lo consider the matter
II the cause is mo me. hint; over which yon
have no control it Isohvious that wot tying
will not help the Igniter in the least, On
the other hand, If within your control you
have only to act. When you have a cold
and tear an attack ot pnenmon.a, tmy a
bottle of (’hnmberlain * Cough Itemed 5
amt use it Judiciously unit all cause tor
worry as t i the outcome will quickly dis
appear. There i* no danger of pneumonia
w hen it is used. For sale by Odcndahl Bros
The peculiar cough which Indicates croup
is well known to the nether of eroupy
children. M i time should be lost in the
treatment ot it, aim tor tins purpose no
medicine has received more universal up
povat Ihai. t luimliei ntn’s tough lieuied)
Do not wi 8: valuahle lime In exp rlnient
ing wiili untried middies, no matter how
highly’ they may he recommended, but give
this inedti in as diree ed and e! symptoms
of croup will quickly disappear. For sale
by Odeintuhl Bros.
In 01 der to
make room
for our spring
Stock we have
decided to
so by making
a call at
our store we
will convince
you that
we can
Save You Mo ;ey.
'i’he best op
portunity a man
can get.
Come early and we will fill jour!
Yours respectfully,
Ciireil of I’llen Alter 40 Viara.
Mr. <J Haney, of Ge.evu, Ohio, hail
the piles for forty years. Doctors or
dollars eopltl iio liiiu no iastlng {food
Da Witt's Wucb 11 zel Salve cured him
permanent It. Ii valuable for cuts,
hums, bruises, sprains, lacerations,
tetter, s If rhejiu, and all other skin
diseases. I.oi k tor the name DeWitt
on tite package—Hi! others are cheap,
worthless counterfeit-. 0 Icndahl Bros.
Iain selling out my stock of
jewelry at cost. Now is the
time to buy your holid ay pres
ents. Call in and see my
goods.—Gr. II Morgan.
Let us apeak of man as w< And him.
And censure only what we can see
Remembering that no one can be perfect.
Unless he uses Rocky Mountain Tea.
—(Jdendahl Bios.
Ccan Van Amringe's After-Luncheon
Story About Prof. Anton.
Dean J. Howard Van Aroringe of Co
’i-nVita took luncheon on Monday la3t
come of his students. Afterward
' i ; -ant'd hack in 1 is chair and pro
! tine of the short, black cigars
■r- which he is known to have a
strong predilection.
Fingering it lovingly, he said: “You
might not believe if, but I was a stu
dent once. I remember one day dur
K my senior year in 1860, while 1 was
walking home from college, I was
joined by Prof. Anton, who was then
teaching Greek at Columbia. The
Professor walked by tny side for some
time in silence. Suddenly turning,
he dema-d I in bis sternest voice:
‘Do you oTreke, Van Arminge?’ I was
forced to a ait that I did indulge oc
casions : lie r an t at me for a mo
ment a 1 t m i : iid gru. !y: 'Glad t<j
know i . ”."t thing you ever did.
Don’t lot ir. evr lu tr if your step
ping it. Good afternoon.'”—Philadel
phia I.cdger. •
Mrs. Ji'ii.i. na mi lorli.ria, of Kurgan
Fa s Minn . t♦*; 1 ami dislocated her shoul
tier Sin' hurt it surRiun gel. it back in
I>1h e as soon us possible. but it wan uni t*
eorr and plilied her very much. Her son
nirlilioneti that In* had seen ( liamber
lain’a Pain lei veri i»e<i toi sprains a d
soreness, and -lie n»k liim to buy hern hot
tle of it which hi did. It quickly relieved
her and enabled to r to sleep which she
ho.l not done tor several days. Ihe son
whs so much pleased with ills relief 11
gave bis luoiher thsi lot lias since leccm
ineudeo il to uiatiy ollu io. Kor sale i>j
Odeudahl ISros.
I an now located in my new quarters,
One Door East of St. Elmo Hotel,
and have just received a shipment of the Hamilton & Brown
shoes, the best in the market. More new goods arcnow
on the way and I can assure iny patrons satisfaction in both
... • 4
quality and prices.
I still have a few pair of shoes left from the stock pur
chased from Mr. Dolling which we are selling cheap.
First class shoemaker shop in connection. We invite you
to call and see our new stock of shoes and bring your rep ir
work with you.
o-1 now have possession of t lie-o
and will pay highest irnrket price for grain at
Goal for Sale at Lip City aifl Asitoi. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
aattSMEsaaKT rrari a^van’rreiKJB--:
^J. 1. DKEEW&+
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker
C5 1
Jn oooooo «gs
My shop is the l«rtrest and best equipped rur'.h <>l the I*l»tte Uiver.
I have a four hone engine and ft compleie line of the la est imptoved. nm
chlnery, also a toiee cl experienced mm who 1 now liow to operate it and
turnout ajobwith neatness and dispatch.
| Soliciting your patronage I am
Yours respectfully,
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb.
work See us or write to us lel'ore giving an order.
Attorney and Notary Public
Publisher Loup City Nuudiwkstki
Fisher & Benschoter,
• 2 • \
Tpvvn Lots, Wild, Cultivated and irrigate
lawds for sale.