The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 09, 1903, Image 2

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    Loup City Northwestern
GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Ed. and Pub.
The empty coal hod makes the
whole world kin.
A New York man was killed by the
scratch of a kitten. Don't fool with
the cat.
Andrew Carnegie is in New York.
Now, Mr. Frick, get ready for the
Observe the promotion of Wu Ting*
fang and never make fun of the man
who asks questions.
May Yohe and “Putty” Strong
reached home in time to flavor up
the holiday season.
If the fool-killer ever arrives for
business the life insurance companies
will go broke in a day.
Oil has been discovered in Africa.
That continent may now prepare to
get Itself connected with us by pipe
A mile a minute is pretty fast, but
some of the flying machine inventors
have beaten even that—on the way
In Oom Paul Kruger's oath of alle
giance to Great Britain there may be
interpolated a few Africander swear
New ways of prolonging life are
discovered and announced almost
every day, but Death hasn't found it
out yet.
A distinguished German physician
“has discovered that there are 10,000
microbes in one pfmnd of dried fruit.”
Is that all?
When a woman lias had nine chil
dren she begins to have suspicions
about some of the beautiful passages
in love stories.
A Western paper grumbles over
“the shortage of women in the far
West.” Well, is there a superfluity of
them anywhere?
It never seems to bother Mr. Gates
when he loses a million or so. Per
haps he would fret more if he had
earned the money.
Two Frenchmen w’ho were going to
fight a duel have decided to settle
their affair by arbitration. Perhaps
they think that will be more danger
The Indianapolis ghouls are hardly
in it with the Massachusetts under
taker who buried a man without a
coffin, and tuen charged the widow
for one.
The next Vanderbilt wedding will
take place during the coming winter,
the exact date to be announced as
soon as Mrs. Nation shall have left
the country.
Save what you can spare of your In
come, Instead of spending it foolishly,
and some day when other people are
eating prunes you may be in a position
to eat strawberries.
Now that the sultan of Morocco has
sailed the heads of twenty rebellious
subjects to the gates of Fez it is
probable that all his surviving sub
jects love him very much.
A man has defined happiness as be
ing known by everybody and knowing
everybody, and being Invited every
where and going nowhere. But he
never found a woman to agree with
President Hill says Noah formed the
first trust, but he fails to mention
that this ancient navigator's ship com
bine finally rested on a rock where it
could be of no use as a means of
John L. Sullivan has passed through
the bankruptcy court and is now at
liberty to express his opinion of cred
itors In a style that is more remark
able for its originality and force than
for its purity.
Now that a Paris chemist has made
■with the blowpipe artificial rubies that
ere said to be equal to the real ar
ticle, the expression “more precious
than rubies” will lose something of
its old-time force.
Lewis Nixon believes in giving his
men more wages and shorter hours in
stead of libraries, etc. Such a policy,
if generally followed, would enable
workmen to furnish their own librar
ies, and a few other things.
As long as women novelists are
privileged to wear ball gowns when
they have their pictures taken for
reproduction by the half-tone process,
what chance of winning public atten
tion has the mere man novelist?
Judge Gayuor of New York has an
nounced the legal proposition that
every man’s dog is entitled to one bite
and every man’s horse to one kick.
The mule, of course, cannot be limited.
Sitting Bull’s son is working as a
section hand on a western railroad.
Can it be doubted any longer that re
publics are ungrateful to their princes?
So many statesmen are carrying
challenges back and forth in Paris
that the French Chamber of Deputies
cannot secure a working quorum.
Hit Brief Experience with Two Angel
Children Satisfied Him With Hit
Lot—Seemingly It Would Satisfy
Almost Anybody.
The crusty bachelor had returned te
his boarding house. The thought of
the advanced price of coal had added
to his already strong satisfaction In
being single, and it was with some
thing of a keen relish that he replied
to the query cf the pryjng landlady:
“Why don't you get married?”
“Well, I—er—really see no need ot
it. Two weeks’ vacation in the home
of a New Hampshire benedict has
served as a sovereign remedy for any
inclination 1 may have had In that di
The landlady put down her knife
and fork, wiped her lips with her nap
kin, and with an attentive air, said:
“Why, what do you mean?”
“Well, you see,” answered the bach
elor, soaking a cruller in his coffee, “I
met with an unfortunate, though I
may say not an unusual, condition of
affairs in married life, fhe principals
were possessors of two children of the
carroty type. They had complexions
like that of a blushing short lobster
going out of the state of Maine! The
boy’s face was especially lurid, and,
for one of his tender years, he had an
unusually apoplectic look. In fact, I
heard that he had had violent attacks
of indigestion, which for a lad of six
summers was rather out of the com
“How extraordinary!" remarked the
“Yes, indeed,” returned the celibate.
"They had tempers which matched
their complexions—espcially the girl.
They sat opposite me at the table, and
although I am said by my doctors to
be a nervous person I think that that
test proved I was not a hc^elss case.
As soon as breakfast was announced
the two youthful progenies would dart
for the same chair. It was like the
trumpet signal for battle. This first
episode usually ended in a clinch and
breakaway, in which the mother, a
careworn-looking matron, took a qui
escent part.
“Round two occurred whenever the
two happened to want the same piece
of bread, which was invariably the
case, and consisted in more or less
hair-pulling. Round three consisted of
a more spectacular form of warfare.
Usually it began with right-handed
swing by the gentle maid upon the
magenta head of the youth and end
ed with a shower of kicks delivered
in the direction of the young lady’s
solar plexis. This made the boy look
like a plnwhcel in a 30-cent collection
of fireworks. It was also an intricate
movement, as it was all done while
sitting in a chair.”
'•Remarkable!” interposed the mis
tress of the boarding house.
"Quite so. Especially as this was
only the curtain raiser for the melo
drama that followed. Every time the
two met during the day it meant a
rough-and-tumble scrap and a cry like
a caterwaul.”
"Why didn’t the parents interfere?”
"That is the great mystery, the rid
dle of the sphinx. They would threat
en and scold, but beyond a menace
they did not punish. The children
seemed to understand this, and it lent
unction to their deviltry. Now if they
had been my children I should-”
“Well, what would you have done?”
"That is just the reason I didn’t
get married,” he remarked, according
to the New York Times. "I should
not wish to be confronted with that
stupendous question.”
And he hastily withdrew to catch
the 8 o’clock trolley.
Beaters Will Drive Deer in a Circle
for Frenchmen to Shoot.
M. de Fontbriant purposes to organ
ize a shooting society and lay out a
shooting range which will furnish all
the excitement of big game shooting
without the attendant inconveniences
of a long journey at vast expense.
The proposed grounds are to be cir
cular, inclosed by a high, bulletproof
embankment. They will be full of
trees and underwood, cut up by five
concentric, circular tracks; also sev
eral alleys radiating from the center,
where the shooters will stand.
Large game will be chased by
hounds round the outer track, and
sportsmen will shoot down the alleys.
The game would include everything
from wolves, deer and wild boar down
to rabbits.—Paris Herald.
Sad Plight of a Journalist.
Thomas J. Minnick, an English
newspaper man, sought glory by imi
tating the old-time American report
ers trick of having himself locked up
in a Belgian madhouse to secure a
sensation. The doctors, however,
“got on” to Thomas and, to teach
him a lesson, dosed him with vomit
ing powders. Next he was put on a
diet of sour herrings and no \fater;
at night he wasn't allowed to sleep,
and when he complained he was told
that he had a tumor in his brain and
was imagining ill-treatment. lie
would feel better as soon as the tu
mor was cut out. When finally the
doctors tried to chloroform him nnd
made preparations to opcrato upon
him Thomas disclosed his identity.
But the doctors would not let him off.
They sent him under guard to the
police station, where he was haoked
as an Imposter and for obtalniag the
county's charity under false pre
Only One Ohio Man Has Held tha
Office—No New Yorker Since 1872.
Among the earliest duties which will
devolve upon the recently elected
members of the Fifty-eighth Congress
will be the choice of a speaker, and
present indications make it probable
tbat the speaker will be chosen from
the west.
The speaker of the Fifty-seventh
Congress, David B. Henderson, was th«
first to be chosen from the territory
west of the Mississippi.
The first speaker was F. A. Muhlen
burg of Pennsylvania. The post ol
speaker was held in the Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth Congresses by James
K. Polk, afterward president.
Speakers of the House of Represen
tatives who have been candidates for
president are numerous and include
Henry Clay, John Bell and James G.
Blaine. Schuyler Colfax after having
been speaker, was vice president of
the United States.
The oldest surviving speaker is
Galusha A. Grow, born in 1823 and
speaker from 1861 to 18C3.
The last Democratic speaker,
Charles F. Crisp, was a native of Eng
land. Two surviving speakers, John
G. Carlisle and Thomas B. Reed,
though elected Representatives in
Kentucky and Maine respectively, are
now residents of the city of New
There has never been a speaker
from the Pacific coast and it is a some
what curious circumstance that Ohio,
though pre-eminent in nearly all other
political offices* has had in the coun
try’s history but one speaker, John W.
Kiefer, who served only a single term.
The state of New York has had no
speaker since the close of the Nine
teenth Congress in 1827, though New
York has been, during the whole of
that period, the most populous state
and the one having the largest con
gressional representation.
The speaker of the Fifty-eighth con
gress when chosen will preside over
a larger number of Members of Con
gress than any of his predecessors, the
total membership of the next house
being 386.
Eating in Old Times.
The Romans took their meals while
lying upon very low couches, and not
until the time of Charlemagne was a
stand used around which guests were
seated on cushions, while the table
only made its appearance in the mid
dle ages, bringing with it benches and
backs. The Greeks and Romans ate
from a kind of porringer. During a
portion of the middle ages, however,
slices of bread cut round took the
place of plates. The spoon Is of great
antiquity, and many specimens are in
existence that were used by the
Egyptians as early as the seventeenth
century B. C. The knife, though very
old, did not come into common use as
a table utensil until alter the tenth
century. The fork was absolutely un
known to both Greeks and Romans,
appeared only as a curiosity in the
middle ages and was first used upon
the table of Henry III. Drinking cups
—in the middle ages made from metal,
more or less copious, according to the
owner's means—naturally date from
the remotest age.
An Ideal Husband.
He should be true and tender.
His handclasp sure and warm:
A strong and brave defender.
To shield from every storm.
A toller In life's Babel.
A help In time of need,
So ready and so able
To guide, uphold and load.
A man upright. Godfearing,
Who fears not any man,
Who may no goal be nearingi
But does the best he can.
His presence dally blesses,
He's neither stern nor cold;
Kind words and fond caresses
Conte from his heart of gold.
He loves his family dearly,
And home Is heaven to him;
He earns fresh laurels yearly.
His luster never grows dim.
Don't say he is Ideal,
Or use the word In jest!
To each true wife he's real—
Her husband, tlrst and best!
—Mrs. Findley Braden.
The End of the World!
A somewhat learned professor of a
French university met his class the
other day with the serious announce
ment that, since the end of the world
was evidently coming, he would not
lecture any more, but would devote
his time to preparing for death. Dr.
Ressinger, who is in charge of a
French asylum, states that a dozen
new cases have been brought in, rav
ing solely about the comet meeting
the earth, and hence reducing the
World to ashes. The Republican Ar
dennals, a provincial paper, reports
that in the Ardennes mountains two
entire villages are abandoned, the in
habitants having retired to wild
gorges in order to fast and pray and
prepare for their coming doom.
Not in th^ House.
Representative MacCartney of the
Massachusetts legislature tells the
story of an associate who, on being
elected to the general court of the
state for the first time, was very great
ly impressed with the dignity of his
office. One night he was sleeping
soundly when his wife heard, or
thought she heard, a noise. She tried
to arouse her spouse and found it far
from easy. Giving him a hard shake,
she whispered:
“John, John, wake up! There are
thieves in the house.”
"No, no, Maria, you are mistaken,”
he answered; ‘‘there may be ontf or
two in the senate, but there are none
In the house.”—New York Times.
In London each day 400 children
are born and 250 enter school for the
first time.
The Origin of Clays.
Prof. E. R. Buckley In an address
before the Wisconsin Clay Workers'
Association, said:
It may be Interesting to you to have
me tell you something in regard to the
origin of clays. I am very certain
that many of you are familiar with
this subejct, but it will do no harm for
me to make an attempt to place be
fore you in a somewhat systematic
manner the origin of clays. In this
connection I will say that all clays,
whether they occur along the lake
shore, along some stream channel
yonder in central Wisconsin, in the
vicinity of Eau Claire in the form of
shales, or at Stockbrldge and Oakfield
in the form of shales, no matter where
they occur, they are the result of the
breaking down, the decomposition of
igneous rocks, rocks which have been
formed from molten material, solidi
fied within or at the surface of the
earth. It is supposed that all the ear
liest rocks formed wrere of Igneous
origin. We have two classes of rocks,
the igneous and the sedimentary
rocks. The sedimentary rocks have
been derived from the igneous rocks
largely, through the mechanical break
ing down of the later rocks, and thus
the sedimentary rocks, sandstone,
limestone and slate which covers a
large portion of Wisconsin are often
spoken of as secondary; simply mean
ing by the term secondary that they
have been derived from some other
rock. If this should be carried still
farther it might be said that the clays
are sometimes tetiary rocks. They
may be either tertiary or depending
upon whether or not they have been
derived directly from the igneous
rocks. If they have been derived
directly from the igneous rocks they
will be secondary, and if they have
been derived by the breaking down
of the sedimentary rocks they may be
known as tertiary. In this connec
tion I speak of the clays as rocks from
the fact that scientifically any accum
ulation of mineral matter, whether
solidified or not, comes in under the
head of the term rock, that is, the
scientific 'application of the term
Clays may be conveniently divided
into two classes known as residual
and transported. A residual clay is
one that results from the decomposi
tion of a rock in place. Take for ex
ample a thousand acres of land in the
northern part of Wisconsin, covered
with naked rocks, and let it be sub
jected to the atmospheric agencies
for an indefinite term of years and
you will have the rocks broken down
into a loose earthy mass. The rain
water seeps into the rock and the
breaking down of that rock simply
means that certain constituent ele
ments are separated from the miner
als which compose that rock and are
carried off by the underground water.
That part of the rock which remains
is known as a residual clay, provided
the rock originally contains the clay
In a great many cases the small par
ticles that have been broken from the
different rocks which cover the sur
face of the earth are picked up by
the water which flows off from the
surface and carried Into the streams
and by them into tho oceans, lakes
or flood plains of the streams, and
there deposited. These particles are
sorted out according to their size and
specific gravity, particles of like size
and the same specific gravity being
accumulated in one place.—Farmers’
Low Headed Fruit Trees.
From Farmers’ Review: In reply to
your request for an expression of our
opinion concerning the low-heading of
trees, we will say that we practice this
in our own orchard at Lilly and be
lieve in it. In our orchard we lost
only about ten trees by the tornado in
the spring, and these trees were in
variably those that had been injured
In other ways. Our orchards escaped
almost entirely and doubtless we owe
this escape, in part at least, to the
low-heading of our trees. The points
mentioned by Senator Dunlap as ad
vantageous in this method are certain
ly well taken. In the heavy storm of a
few weeks ago our pears still on the
trees were so ripe that about 600 bush
els were shaken down. But among
the thousands of bushels this was not
a large proportion. A small percent
age of apples on our trees were shak
en off; but these trees are too young
to be in proper bearing yet, and can
not be taken as a fair test of what
would have happened had they been
larger and loaded with fruit. The
thousands of peach trees in the or
chard passed through the spring tor
nado almost without Injury, and prob
ably the low heading of the trees had
much to do with this. However, the
heavy fringe of timber which sur
round* our orchards on every side
must be given a full share of c edit.—
Lilly Orchard Company, McLean
county, 111.
Utilizing Silk Scraps.
Save your scraps of silk and when
you have an idle moment cut them Into
strip* and join together, blending the
I colors as you see fit, and wind into
j balls, like old-fashioned carpet rags.
When enough have accumulated they
may be knit or crocheted into curtains
or rugs or may be shirred and then
sewed onto a foundation to serve as
. rug, table cover, spread or any other
J use to which you choose to apply them.
Molting period generally lasts from
July to December. The old faded
feathers become deficient in the nitro
genous and mineral matter that com
pose them and are cast off.
The molting season may be shorten
ed so as to cover a period of but six
to ten weeks.
To do this and to bring about an
early molt breed from those pullets,
or hens rather, which molt the earliest
and most rapidly and which prove
your earliest winter layers.
During the molting season give the
fowls the following care: Feed sys
tematically and scientifically. Provide
plenty of good drinking water, given
fresh twice a day, in a drinking vessel
that is kept clean and in the shade, if
fowls are confined give plenty of
shade and scratching material in a
cool, airy place. Provide plenty of
good grit and ground oyster shells, if
they have no grass run provide clover
meal for miving in the morning mash.
Provide plenty of road dust and see
that the hens use it. Be sure and keep
down the lice. Provide charcoal. Keep
the hens healthy and condition pow
ders are not necessary, but use them
twice a week if the hens show the
need of it. Feed a variety and only
all that they will eat up clean.
For a morning feed take one quart
of coarse corn meal, one pint of good
beef meal, one quart of wheat bran
and one quart of white middlings and
one quart of ground oats; mix thor
oughly. Take one quart of clover meal
which has been scalded the evening
before by enough boiling water to wet
the whole and left to steam and stir
the clover and clover tea into the
mash until it is thoroughly mixed and
feed to your flock.
Increase or diminish this amount of
feed according to the size of the flock.
In this mash every other morning
stir in while dry one tablespoon of
sulphur to every twenty-five hens.
Stir in charcoal every other morning.
Every other morning omit the quart of
middlings and substitute oil meal one
quart. The oil meal and the sulphur
will aid in hastening the molt and are
needed in the composition of the new
feathers, in the evening feed whole
grain, oats and barley, which are flesh
and bone forming; rotate this with
corn and wheat. Use charcoal as a
corrective for bowel trouble and as a
preventive of indigestion. Use linseed
meal to loosen the feathers.
As feathers contain lime, sulphur,
oil and nitrogen, clover meal and beer
meal or a run in a clover field among
the grasshoppers is a necessity to
produce rich, brilliant-colored feath
ers. Pea meal and sunflower seed are
rich in nitrogen.
Corn helps to hasten the molt;
wheat is rich in nitrogen. An all
round ration is necessary to produce
healthy birds, and only healthy, vig
orous birds on plenty of food rich in
nitrogen, as beef meal, corn meal,
clover meal, sunflower seed and lin
seed meal, can product glossy, rich
colored plumage.—W. E. Dean, in
American Poultry Journal.
Popularity of Incubators.
The great increase in the use ot
incubators is a matter worthy of spe
cial note. Poultrymen generally are
realizing the advantage of using incu
bators found that thousands of fan
ciers have adopted the incubator as a
more satisfactory hatcher than the
hen. They are made in different sizes
and capacities to fill the needs of
both the large and the small breed
er. An immense amount of time and
thought has been devoted to incu
bator construction and wonderful
strides toward perfection have been
made during the past few years. Man
ufacturers have such confidence in
their machines that they are willing
and anxious to sell them on trial and
risk the machine and the chances of
a sale in the hands of amateurs who
never before saw an incubator. The
result is that thousands of them are
being sold and the business this sea
son bids fair to figure up to an al
most incredible amount. The old
prejudice against incubators is fast
disappearing as a result of improved
machines and the unqualified suc
cess of breeders with them. Nothing
counts like facts before one’s eyes,
and in the case of the incubator the
evidence of this character is over
whelming. Incubator chicks proper
ly raised will make just as hardy,
vigorous, healthy fowls as will those
hatched under hens, and it is a com
mon thing to see them win the best
prizes in the show room. The fact of
the matter is that a poultryman who
pretends to do any business at all
cannot afford to ignore the incubator
and brooder. They are practically
necessities if we wish to get the most
from our work. It Is well to bear in
mind that while old methods are good
ones, the world moves and progress
is the watchword all along the line.
Twentieth century methods count in
the poultry business the same as they
do in other lines of trade, and it is
best to keep up with the procession.
Fowls Need the Open Air.
Fowls should not be forced to ex
posure in cold winter weather, neither
should they be closely confined in
over-heated houses. There is a prop
er medium and ideal condition be
tween compelling them to roost in the
trees and keeping them all the time
in warmed houses. They need a cer
tain amount of liberty in the open air.
■ Miss Alice Bailey, of ■
Atlanta, Qa., tells how she was
permanently cured of inflamma
tion of the ovaries, escaped sur
geon’s knife, by taking Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
I had suffered for three years with
terrible pains at the time of men
lilruation, nnd did not know what
the trouble was until the doctor pro
nounced it inllainmntion of the
ovaries, and proposed an operation.
I felt so weak and sick that I felt
sure that I could not survive the or
deal. The following week I read an
advertisement in the paper of Lydia
E. Piukbam’s Vegetable Com
pound in such an emergency, and so
I decided to try it. Great was my joy
to find that I actually improved after
taking two bottles, and in the end I
was cured by it. I had gained eighteen
pounds and was in excellent health.”
— Miss Alice Bailey. 50 North Boule
vard Atlanta, Ga. — $5000 forfeit If original
of above letter proving genuineness cannot be pro
The symptoms of inflammation
and disease of the ovaries are
a dull throbbing pain, aeeom
panied by a sense of tenderness
and heat low down in the side,
with occasional shooting pains.
The region of pain sometimes
shows some swelling.
!• attracting more attention than any other district
la the world.
*1 The Granary of tie World." “ The land of Bun
■bine.” The Natural Feeding Grounds for Stock.
Area under crop in 1903 . . . 1,887.330 acres.
Yield 1903. 117,922,744 bushels.
Abundance of Water; Fuel
Plentiful; Cheap Biilldlns
Material; flood Grass foi
pasture and hay; a fertile
soil: usuifU'lent rainfalland
| a climate giving an assured
and adequate season ot
growth. H0MESTEA1I
_;E. Close to Churches. Schools,etc. Hallways ta[
all settled districts. Send for Atlas and other lltcraturi
to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Canada,
or to w. V. Dennett. Canadlaa Government Agent, 80)
New York Life Bldg.,Omaba,Neb.,who will supply y»«
with certificate giving you reduced railway ratea, eto
Send a Christmas Postal Card.
All over Europe, and especially In
Germany, it ia the custom, during holi
day week, to exchange greetings by
postal cards, usually of the pictorial
character. They are sent to friends I
and relatives at homo and abroad,
and their interchange adds much to the
gaiety of the season. With commend
able enterprise. Leslie’s Weekly has
taken up the foreign fad by including
in its handsome Christmas number a
sheet of eight Christmas postal cards,
each containing a beautiful and appro
priate picture and space for a brief
message. These cards can be cut
apart and readily mailed. As the
Christmas edition of Leslie’s Weekly
is 125,000 copies, it will he seen that
it will circulate just a million holiday
postal greetings.
The people of a certain Yorkshire
town are blamed, as a rule, for ‘‘look
ing at both sides of a penny before
parting with it,” says Spare Moments.
Quite a laughable example occurred
the other day.
A man slightly deaf, went to the doc
tor with a bruised Anger.
The doctor washed aud bandaged it.
and when the man asked the charge,
said: l
“Oh, it is just a trifle, and won t'
cost anything.”
“No, no, sir: you will need to make
it less .an that.”
The doctor, catching on, said: ■
Very well; we will say two and
six-pence,” which the man promptly
paid, thinking he had knocked some
thing off.
A good many of the very rich young
men of New York are among the bus
iest people belonging to Manhattan Is
land. For Instance, Cornelius Vander
bilt and “Jack” Astor are continually
at work inventing something or other,
Harry Payne Whitney takes a deep
Interest in his fathers business,!
George is up to his waist in big affairs
all of the time, Clarence Mackay is
carrying on his father’s extensive en
terprises and J. P. Morgan, jr., finds
ample occupation in representing his
father in Condon.
How's Tint
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward fnrany
ease of Catarrh that caniiot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. „ , . _
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo. O.
We. the undersiigmsl, have known F. J
Cheney for the last 15 Vdftrs and believo him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their Arm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo,
O ' Walding, Rinnan ii Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing direct.'v upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free, i'ricu
t&c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hull's Family Fills are the best.
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of Defi
ance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands. Others say they
cannot sell any other starch.
The biggest tree fears the beaver s
If you are coughing take Dr. Au
gust Koenig’s Hamburg Breast Tea.
A locomotive engineer can make his
own headlight by tanking up.
Defiance Starch is guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded. 16
ounces, 10 ceuts. Try it now.