The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 02, 1903, Image 4

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Uoaal Dsws.
Corrected Weekly.
Wheat.t $ 40
Rye. 211 to 31
Oate. is to *)
Corn.. 27
Hog*. per cwt. 5 30
Stockers, Steers anil Heifers. 3,25
Cows . 2.00 2.50
Butter. .. .20
KggS. .20
.... ... . ... ■ ■♦ ♦ ♦ —■ ■ —
Schuyler Hour and feed at
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen spent New
Years day with his sister near Farwell
Nut coal, the best for cook stoves,
for sale by K. G. Tat lor at II & M
Mr. Pllger lias put up some new
lights near the stage In the >>per» hcui
This is quite nil itnprovmeut.
1). C Grow, stlis dour anil i r.i a
the Northwestern Milling Cm. pain .
stand on south side public squ u> .
Don't fail to take in the i. g
next Monday, Tuesday and V ad: ,i
January 5, 6 and 7, at the Loup fit)
opera house.
James Kentfrow came in and eontr|i>
uted to our subscription fund. Jim h is
86 head of cattle on the farm an has ».
head in the fattening yards.
Wrinkles are smoothed away by its
heling touch. Brain tired and de
pressed peaple will find a cure in Kooky
Mountain Tea. 35c. Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. O. Benschoter has been grap
pling with a seyero case of the grippe
during the past week. Mrs Geo. E
Benschoter is also a grippe sufferer.
Uncle Geo. Ware was iu to'see us
last Tuesday and renewed his subscrip
tion. Mr. Ware expects to move to St.
Paul iu March where he has purchased
city property.
County suprintendeut K D. Hendrick
sou and Profs. M. If. Mead and J. F.
Nleoson went to Lincoln last
Tuesday to attend the meeting of
the State Teachers Association.
J. Bennett, the mail agent on the
B. & M. was taken down Wednesday
with the scarlet fever, and at this writ
ing is very sick. He lives at Arcadia
and has several small children in his
Fred P. King of Gainesville, Ark. sends
us a big dollar arid asks us to have his
name enrolled on our subscription list.
Fred writes that they are having what
is sailed a cold snap down there,
with the thermometer 15 below freez
ing He says too, that they are all well
and sends his regards to all enoutrinr:
A Shull, of Washington township
ealled this morning. He haa been vis
iting Lis parents at Tecumseb, this
8tate, and returned from that place
last Monday. Iu order to make his
word good he left a dollar with ua for
Rev. btevens, and if that gentleman
calls for it before we get it “blowed in"
he will stand a better show of giitlng it.
‘ Mv Uncla From New York” was
produced here tea very large audience
last Thursday night. It was given un
der the ausplcies of the K of I*, lodge
but was not whit it shoulu have been
tor the price charge I. This was nor
however the fault of any of our loud !
people, as they did ail they could
get a first cla^s troup--, which tii>>
thought iliay were doing. ^
A chioi of Mrs. Geo. T. Bec-i-n win i
getting his usual Sateri Ay evening In1 u
stepped back against a hot stove who n
burned him severely. The ehild w,
great agony and his mother could
nothing to pacify him. K. memb-i
tiiat she liad a bottle of Chamberlain's
1 a in Balm in the house, slie thought
she would try it. In less than half an
hour after applying it the child wasqui
etand asleep, arid in less than two
weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well
known resident of Keller, Va. Pain
Balm Is an antiseptic linement and es
pecially valuable tor burns, cuts, bruises
Bros Spr*ins For «ale by Odendabl
Upon general demand we have
decided to continue to take cabinet
photographs at reduced rates on the
following days only, viz: Saturday
Dec. 29, Saturday, Jan. 3, Satur
day, Jan. 10 and Saturday, Jan. 17
This will be your last chance to get
cabinet pbotos at reduced rates.
M. Lechinsky, The P hotographer
Reserved seats for the Kempton Kom- ^
«dy Kompany 85 cents it Froehcha.
Fleur and feed exchanged at D. C
Grow's store. {South aide public square
Schuvlai flour and feed at
Mr. and Mrs. T. M Scott of Aurora are
here visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs
G. II. Scott.
Try Sberidon coal and you will be
satisfied; supply always on band at
E. G. Taylor’s elevator.
It is said that every bride has many
friends, but in a few years, they dwind
le down to one. That’s Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well.
85c. Odendahl Bros.
,J. F. Dahl, of the new grocery firm of \
Swanson & Dahl called this morn
ing. He expects to open an exclusive
grocery business in the Mrs. Johans
oltmun building by January 10th.
Miss. Nettie Conger and Miss Minnie
Hickman, teachers in our city school
left for a few days stay at Lincoln
where she will visit the-meetlng of the
titate teat hers association which is hold
en there this week.
Archie Zimmerman started for York
Thursday where h* goes to attend the
United Bretherens College for the
next six months. Archie is a brigtit
boy and seeni9 very ambitious in the
way of acquiring an education.
Miss. Jennie Edwards, the lady "ho
was so popular here, as milliner in the
store of A K. Chase and who was taken
to her home some time ago aC Boulder,
Colorado, has s nco died Iler many
i fib i..-u lure will be sorry to hear this
; sad news.
;■>. >■'. K you'd Is invaded our sanctum 1
Iatr. Tuesday vvi’b a hot link of bologna
in om* haii-i ami ifie price of a years
’Ubecription in the other. To say that 1
lie left both In <>ur keeping would sim
p y repotting Hu* truth regarding. Fos
ter.’generous spirit.
Mrs. Conger, Carston Trdaen, Will
Neik, F,-d P. King, (, W. Hunt* \
Geo Wm.e, James, Rentfrow, Nick
Hansen, W. T. Chase, L. II msen, F. M. j
1I-*ii ry. Mrs. J. \V. Bradley, John
Toe key, Peter Hansen and Bert Auiick.
arc among those who rememberer the
printer this week.
The Kemptou (Comedy Kompany
will play the Loup City opera
bouse as follows Monday night,
Jan 5th ‘‘The Wise Tramp.” Tuesday
night Jan. bth ‘The World ' Wednesday
night Jan. 7th “East Lvnne.” This is
one of thebe t companies on tlie road.
On or about the 12 ot January there
will be a new store with a general
line of merchandise opened up in the
A, V. Zink building on the south
side of the public square, or at the
stand last occupied by J. Phil. Jae
ger. It will be operated by E. Eav
olhsen proprieter and manager. Mr.
Eevoldsen is of St. Paul and comes
to us highly recommended as a merch
ant of experience, who knows the
wants of the people and will keep
constantly on hand a complete line
of evroything to be found in a first
class general store. Note his dis
play ad in tiiis issue.
One of the most enjoyable of the an
nual entertainments given by the Mar
imon lodge K. of P. took place Tuesday
Evening Dec oO at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. VV R Mellor. The evening
began with a guessing contest, which
was entered into by everyone and was
much enjoyed. Selections of both a
musical and of a reekatve character
was rendered by the talking machine
owned by Mr. Mellor. Songs bv 'Messrs.
Long. Smith and Mellor, also some
line quartettes followed by supper daint
ily ssrve.l. After rupper a piano so
lo by Miss. Sadie Pedler, A. Song by
Mr. Samual Pedler ami an organ recit
al.given by the Angelas Unshed a most
del ighliul evening.
Carsten Trulsen made us a friendly
cull last Monday and gave ua two big
dollars which sets him a year in advance
on this great family journal. In ment
ioning Mr. l'ru I sen's name we are i -
min i .1 iliat he is one of the most sue
ee-sful farmers and stock raisers in the 1
■ii‘hiic l.«‘U|i Valley. J’bis winter he
, is 11»0 ho ,d of cat tle and they are a;
line, wed bred herd. II • has been for .
wrrui years improving the breed and
in ov lius the best that esu bo found in
the valley Us herd of hogs at present
reduced !ri number, bio judging from
ihe looks of the. seven hundred pound'
Dnroc node hog w hich be purchased it
tile SState Fair some two years ago, we
ran safely say that they are unxcelled in
tpia ity.
Coming soon. The event ofthii
season. Kemp ton Koinidy Korapany I
at the opera house three nights, com
mencing Monday, January 5, open
ing iD the greatest comedy drama
ever written in four acts. A wise
tramp, lots of specialties between
(he acts, no waits, ThiH is the
same company that played Aurora
Fair and Hasting Street Fair and
played to packed houses and gave
excelleut satisfaction. Prices 25 and
35 cents. Get your seats at Froe
r . rr~ _____
1111, Pun, Pile, v am
I am prepared to make casing or
hydraulic wells and solicit your trade.
T*. jvi. PEED.
Makkif.d—William F. Mason of the
First Bank of this city and Miss Ada
Minshuil, deputy county treasurer were
united in (parrmge ar Litchfield on
N w Year morning at 10:80 o’clock.
, : i you: conpl* ire two of Loup
i'iu’h iii(H i' pular joung people. Mr
; Mason li s lived he<; about five years
i mI ii it cf the. time has been associat
ed with t'.’ business and now
. <:ivu| t< * tli.* petition of cashier. Miss
i Jims' nil is the daughter of Mr. John
’ .I 'M!: I, ix county clerk and during
! tier I ii L* i V ii i ni *'l office was his depu
ty. For the past year -he has occu
pied the position she now holds in the
| tn sureis office.
Mr. Mason has recently purchased,
i fitted and furnished the LItll property
and we understand tint they will go to
house keeping at once.
Many returns of this llappy New
Year is the wish of al] who know them.
Married:—At the M E. parsonage
in this city, on Wednesday, December
81, 1902, Mr. Ellis Bohardt to Miss
Emma Peterson, b kb of Sherman coun
ty, Kev.Madelv officiating. The happy
couple are among the best of Oak
Creek citiz.ens and have a host of
friends who attended the grand tecept
ioc which was given them at the home
of the brides parents, Mr and Mrs.
Detlef Petersen, on New Years eve.
We join their friends in extending
Ad. Hayes had vacation during Christmas
A surprise party was given Mr and Mrs.
John Needham Christmas night. The occas
ion being tbeir 3Utb wedding anniversery.
John Needham (trove a lot of hogs to Loup
City Tuesday.
Sherman Newton and family ate their Christ
mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Owen.
Willard Thomson and wife have almost
finished busking their corn. Their intention
is to enter the restaurant business now being
conducted by John Zink at Ashton.
W H. Kennedy gave his pupils a magnificent
treat for Christmas. We were Mr Kennedy's
scholar once and are sorry we missed the
While in Loup City the other day we had the
pleasure of meeting our old friend U. D. Hend
Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Baker of Elba are spend
ing the holidays with Goo. Chapman and family.
The Paige boys shelled 813 bushels of corn
for Geo. Chapman last Saturday in less man
three and one half hours. They have the beet
outfit ever brought into Sherman County. T.
M. Heed of Loup is agent for these machines.
Geo. Moses left Wednesday morning for St.
Paul to Spend Christinas with his parents.
Mr J. A. Dowden, accompanied by two of
his children,, arrived Wednesday night from
Blair. Nebraska for a visit with his daughter
Mrs Carl Traffer.
Adolph Burbman of Wyoming is here spend
ing this week visiting hi- sister, Mrs. El
I I sacson.
i Ibib.'rt Cout.-.o iw up from St. l’uul Wed.
I nl, at o six-lid Uie ho!; lays at his homo.
Ms Ma. ..if I.ueUs loft Thursday tnorn.nj?
? m 1-1,! i.iiu u i (hit holidays there
; \ (siting friends and relatives.
1 » i .:.•■!i;• -i-i ..f R..<d sp.-ings Wyo. arrived
li" * a. f. .1 isil with Ids pa i !.!s
A• >i tVie. ir.miefi Tu. sday noon for Ar
< . io > spi : ;i: remainder of her vacation
: visiting relatives.
1 1 lerh rt Gtay id lllackfoot, Idaho arrived
1 Tli ursday niyi'.i, from the west.
John Gray loft Thursd y morning for Grand
; Isl.iiid I . iih-et his brother. Whom he hod not
seen > r tievoral years. They cauie up togather
j Saturday.
The sad news was received Saturday after*
unoo Uiat.Granpa Gray aged Rt years, hail full
on while out, of doors and sustained on injury
thru w is feared would prove fatal, but it
present writing it is reported that he, is im
The ( hrwstinas Tree and entertainment giv
en at the school house Wednesday night was
well rendered, and drew a large house. The
' We Sung That Verce Once” brought down the
house. Treats were lavishly bestowed upon
all the youngsters present. The tree Was a
thing of beauty with Its load of presents and
artistic decorations, besprinkled with the cus
tomary candles, of courea old Santa was there
and saw to it that his pack was distributed to
The Chrlsmas dance given at the hall Thurs
■ day night drew a large crowd and everybody
enjoyed themselves hugely.
Will Gray received two car louds of fine well
brtf! Western hotves Moblly noon.
Thursday noon while lit* regular train was
humming along between KceltS^nd this place
on the 1' t* tue front trucks leH the track
and gave several people a scare. Ivdelayed
the train uimut half an hour. \
Carl Corey is husking corn for E. A. Swan
son .
Mark Mortensen. who is working with a
bri> • am at Grand Island s|teni Christmas
with his parents, aed returned Sunday.
I^ena Holl.indsworth from Kearney, is visit
ing relatives.
Mr an l .Mrs. II. Wilke are visiting relatives
in Omaha.
A Christmas tree and a program prepared
by Mary Sullivan was well attended. Asa pres
ent from her school. Miss Sulliven received
a beautiful rocking chair.
A basket soc ial was given at the home of
M■ P. Mortensen. Saturday evening, Dee. 27,
for the Benefit of Rev Ander-on the I.alheran
minister. #13 25 was raised.
TL is space is reserved for
Johnson, Lorentz & Co.
Cnrfld of I'll*** Alter 40 Years,
Mr. (J. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had
the pi)ps for forty years. Doctors i.or
dollars could do him no lasting good.
DcW itt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him
permanently. invaluable for cuts,
burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations,
tetter, salt rheam, and all other skin
diseases. Look for the name DeWitt
i on the package—all others are cheap,
I worthless counterfeit*. Odcndahl Bros.
-♦ • se
I A big haul by highwaymen, substi
tutes and ottiers who steal the god
j name «n‘d t-Jtne of Kockv Mountain
• Tea made fnmciii- D- Madison Med
icine Co. 85 . O iondahl Bros.
- - - ♦ • ♦ • -
\ December 80 and 31 tin Burlington
I K>i.tew)l! ell ticket-from any point
|iu Nebraska or South Dakota to Llu
c >ln Neb., and return ar one fare for
i the run.1 11 ip. Tickets good return
[ iug until .1 a.iuary 3, 1908. Ask the Bur
j lington agent..
I am selling out my stock of
jewelry at cost. Now is the
time to buy your holiday pres
ents. Call in and see my
goods.—G. II Morgan.
T. M. lieed sells feed grind
ers and scoop boards.
Schuyler flour and feed at
I an now located in my new quarters,
One Door East of St. Elmo Hotel,
and have just received a shipment of the Hamilton & Brown
shoes, the best in the market. More new goods arenow
on the way and I can assure my patrons satisfaction in both
quality and prices.
I still have a few pair of shoes left from the stock pur
chased trom niv Dolling which we are selling cheap.
hirst class shoemaker shop in connection. We invite you
to call and see our new stock of shoes and bring your repair
work with vou.
-o-1 now have possession of the-o
and will pay highest market, price for grain at V
Coal lor Sals at tet inM Asttoa. Will Bal
Call m<1 s..*e our c«--*l ant' g,-t :es oi -.rain.,
_G. 'il YLOR.
! rmmmx: sz:. :. m a& l , 7. ,~i Jr, s ::c: w :
! I ^J. I. DEPEW86*- I
I Blacksmith $ Wagon Mker,;i
My shop is the largest and best equipped north of tnJatte River.
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latestproved. ma- ^
chiuery, also a force of experienced men who know how uirate it and fj
turn out a job with neatness and dispatch.
y Soliciting your patronage I am I
Yours respectfulljl
I J. I. DEPEW, Loufty, Neb. 1
mmm AID MlII.l|l}II§.
work. See us or write tons before gi|fn an order.
J’ul 1
W. J. FISHlii. GEO. E.p'S( HOTER.
Attorney and Notary Publia. Publisher Loi; ITy Nouth\vkst«i
Fisher &, Bensch* er,
^ | l”* fi S " J « i
AP9 l-syri i
S I LUiiuSJ ii y,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivate,^ d Irrigate
I i