y 1 UK NOKTHWh -USiWISHED EVESY 1 KIDaY J AT THE COUNTY HE A I™ liKU. K. HBJMCHOTKR, M fOlltor and Pnl»ll»her , I TERMS.—11.00 pm TKAR. IP PAID IR ADVANf’ll ~ “ —■-~----‘I Entered at the Loup City Postofftce for tranH mission through the malls as second £ class matter. The time has come when we asil our delinquent subscribers to pay up. W e ure sending out statement j to our delinquents and we want yot to remit promptly as soon as you get them. To our foreign subscriber: we wish to slate that if you do no pay any attention to statements i will be necessary for us io semi biili to collectors in your town, and to ou _ocal subscribe!s who pay no alt. nt on to slatments we will have to go to the expense of sending out a col lector. Now you ought not to pu us to that expence. ISut we nius have the money. We have abou §5(i0 00 standing out on subscriptioi alone and as we are indebt in about the same amount and our creditors which have been carrying us for veins are now demanding their money we have no other resource than to push these collections. We know that it is not good policy to let one know just what footing our business lias got,, buir we are compelled, in this instance to let the cat out of the bag. We have a ioug list of 'ub scribers that go on year after year' paying no attention to staUnenli which we send out regularity the first of eveiy year. We have tried all through the long year* of adversity to get along but this year of plenty we will have to, through force ol circumstances, ask all to settle in full to first of \esr and if possibb a v year in advance M I It WIN I'KU KXCl KSION’ TO FLORID v. Tlit! Burlington liouN: again offers it midwinter excursion to Flordia, to laave Nebraska points Tuesday Jan uary li. Through Standard 1’ullm'ui Sleepers will be run from Lincoln and Omaha to Jacksonville, Flordia doing away with the necessity of any change of cars. The route will be via St. Louis r and thence to Jacksonville’ Flordia closly following the hue of Shermans famous rnurcn to the sea. The Jouruey will be pleasantly broken at Chattanooga, Tennessee where a day will be spent in visiting Lookout Mountain and other points of hist oric interest. Those who desire to stop over in St. Louis can join the party enroute. The excursion will be personally conducted by the Burlington Boute who is furuilur with points of inter est en route and in Florida. After leaving Jacksonville members of the party will have the choice of a num ber of attractive side trips, and may return home at there leisure. An exceedingly low rates for this excur sion, and the opportunity to escap* the snow and ice, the wintry blasts and coal bills at home is a notable one. It you contemplate going n would be well to advise mo earh. In the matter of accommodations, you know it’s “first come, first served.” Booklet giving complete itinerary mailed free on request. J. Kuascis. G. P. A. Burlington iuto, l'Y K» VK OK.Vi'S A 'l l V I It Must tilings you buv have iucrea cd but, The Lincoln Daily News, the brightest evening paper in Nebraskt , is m alien at the old price of Tweio five cents a m mth. I'housHiida << Nebraskans in town and in conn r have been ou its subscript! >n It ' year after year, and will join in its praises. It is independent an< stands with the people on the great questions of the day. There is not n dull line in it. Its market report are tlic very latest. Three edition are printed daily, enabling it to reach many portions of the state f hea'I “f all competitor# The ru> ioutch ure rupiiih increasing in circ - l.ition, a id people genealy wl o want « paper cheap in price, h i' not k jo qtidit' fire - ibscribio • for Tie k L cola Del V • VS. tV • i \ O III l you 0 liar wtat t t Ip;i g aot.it. Flm even! of the It. Kempton Round) K<>mp&ny' (ttper.i httiist ill let nighls. coin* l.g Monday, January 5, open-J Ithe greates comedy drama Britten in four nets A wye 1 lots i f specialties between jails, no waits. This is the y> nipanv that played Aurora iBd Hasting Street Fair and ■ to packed houses and gave lent saliefaclu d. Frit i s 25 ai.. . si' ■ . e’ >n professional politicians, ten of boWers. twenty-five i •• < ■ e ! 'ts and eight undertakers. '• wspaper Atcoiuits of K< bullion. After forty years of incessant toil T. mas S. Townsend has placed in the Hi ry o£ Columbia University 121 v< les, containing nearly 100,000 nr . of the newspaper and magazine ac mts of the war of the rebellion fro beginning to end. It is a work to wi ieh Mr. Townsend has practically | <1 ' .ted his life, and its value to his tory is almost priceless. Buffalo Bill's Indian Duel. lx-Congressman John Finnerty te: ihe following good story of Buf fa Bill: “Years ago, in an Indian 's< in which I bore a part. Buffalo Bi and Yellow Hand, the noted chief of ihe Cheyennes, had an all but hand to-hand fight, and it was one of the fin t things I ever witnessed. Yellow Ha d was one of the best looking of In ms and was possessed of a mag niheent physique. In his war paint he was Buperb. What Yellow Hand wa- for an Indian Cody was and is for a Caucasian. The two were about as fne specimens of the red and white rar as could be found. They were mo ntad and made a dead set for each oth-r. When pome 20 paces apart they opened a simultaneous flic, with the esiilt that both horses fell dead in their tracks. Neither of such ex per eared horsemen, however, was to be caught by a falling animal, and both alighted on their feet. Both riflie again came to shoulder with ma chine-like precision, and again the two shots were at once. This time Yellow I Hand missed by a hair's breadth; but it w*i not so with Buf falo BIB. ns bullet crashed through the Indian chief’s brain. To this day Cody preserves among his trophies Yell ow lland’s bonnet.” jrilAiEDY OF A LOCOMOTIVE. frjjjloriouf Ending of the Car**'' of * World's Fair Wonder. Engifli No. 999, so the type* have told, drwvs a daily milk train on the New Vojk Central railroad. Therein lies be tragedy of a locomotive. Eight yea: g| this same 999 was a pet ex hlbit ai the machinery d partment of fae Trail's Fair at Ch ago. It was the t .oftrch of the rail:, the holder of a i.ond’s record, II subject of great newspaper headlim and the in spire toil: of editorials on attainable speei 11 May, 1893, without breath ing a No. 999 did a nine-mile part raj a levol track at the rate of 193 i ’3 an hour. On the same trip and nj times afterward the great locoi ivi drew' the Empire State exp:’1 d iriug a long run at a sus tain, li ed of moro than a mile a mini • was photographed in its great 1 Y the biograph process, and t0 tl - d< r, on countless moving pic •ure s-refl IS- breathless music hall crow m y see its counterfeit pre ■enrr at ppioach and vanish in a calci’ g ire. And now' 999 draws a milk r; i! Having traveled “the paCe • at kills.” it has gone to the ■est < Overtrained, like a human uthle: ,1] I ex-champion of the steel higln if n 9st henceforth “live softly" II it' Oi . But what a churning it would A. K ciia.hi.ton Ord. N"» b i f you are billion mid -•■ -ki ig advisors. 'I'akc l». Witt- l.irtl Kul, Kisers, ,/nst before going to bed. You w ill liud tin tin morrow, You are rid of your Sarto-' — That- all; Just « t.Otlgfi raid. I'l.ese furiini- pills do ».■ >1 gripe, but moyii the botveis gently nod easily, i lean-htg the liver. Their totuc i ff'-ct gives sirengib t*» tie oliiii)-., preventing a leturti of Oie di if.i r. A NKCKssAKV t’lil < AL'!lt»S Don’t neglect a col 1 I’ • worse than unpleasaut. It is dangerous. By us ing One Minute Cough llure you can cure it at once, \liav> inflamation, clears the bead, sooths and strengthens the tuucious membrane. Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Ab solutley safe. Acts immediately. Chll dren tike it. For u Mail Colil If you have a bad cold you need » good reliable medicine like Chamber lains Cough Remedy to loosen ami re lieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflamation of the throat and lungs. For sale by Odendah! Bros. —-♦ • ■—— I have new and second hand wagons for sale. T. M. Rkkd. A tiianksoivi.no I»1N>KU Heavy earing i usimiy tie* lust cause of indigestion R**pe " d .tt.u't« In flame the lattee u< in' me lining Hie atomaeli, prinin i.g i tilling (terei t rig. heiiib 'in. h i ! . ‘o', sour risii g and fina lv catarrh i f be s mnueh. Kuo id relieves the >■ II i i* !••«!, protects t' e nerves and win - <■ * * . .. K -d i! cut.-* i u.iig' sj imi, it- . , - . •tniiidi t on Ides In cli':"; - . g .Hid s we. ' timg t'e i glands of th>- atom —O.U nd 1 Bros (§ This signature is .1 evert; box of the genuine Laxative Brorao=Qiilnine Tablets the remedy that run s 11 cold In one tiny -* • ♦ HALF KATF.s O L1NCOLV. I), •.•■nib r !]'• ii i’l ii, Burlington Rome «il 1 11 t im f 10 ■ point i.i N* bravka or S > h It k ■ 1 !<> l b. colli, N'cb.. !iiol el'itu f one litre for rbc round trip T, m good return iug until January 8, HA-k tin! Bur lington iig« nr. HALF RATES TO LINCOLN January 18 to 24, 1908. On tlie above dates the Burlington will > it ticket from any point in Nb-brisk' to Lincoln and return at 01 fere for the round trip. Tickets good returning until Feb ruary 8 sV-k the Burlington agents. Sold by T. II ELSNER, Loop City Neb EVER FEEL GRATEFUL. I write in Ihe interest <1 others, ami espcc* ially of my brother mini: 'em, who art ouuble to engage in the cn :.t wo 1: in which (he I.ord has called them. My voice w;> m tv< ah and my throat iu such a <.* miition 1 could tiotring, and at times could hardy lab; ni all; was almost deaf iu tit 1. fi < a " and bad :• Continual cough. 1 used Aerial Medication and within three months my i ■ O’l ond he: i.li were restored, and ’ • ■" o»r o', r three years, f,.rwl ' ' '.:H< ‘ rf< el grateful. J. L. Ford, Mi: : •••. f'ld Chilli ii, l Sedalia, Mo. FREE. Aerial Medical to- • catarrh, throat u ' ' 1 1 ‘ will, until .1 '101111 ■ • - three months' : ■■ t • ' r;' gild particulars : c J. U. aiOOH 1 ■ i 4.. ..;.w What \\i can do anti wbi re can't do. We can't give you 20 l1-?. pf sug ar for a dollar nor a sha' 10 cts. But we can givt you a Sait of Slote for <$4.00 / « and up. \\ e also c rr. lily’s cloth ing in all size?. Our I. /gly Hats •is equal to a •-•“>()(.> SkuJn, which we will sell you for $3.0U.| a We oidle the best lie of foot wear ever brought to America. We also carry the best line of SHIRTS, COLLARS. AND CUFFS on the market to-dav. I ■ Vv« hive now r. -imfed our holiday nook wear, and latest patterns and up-to-date styles. ' f Papa i- the mstofaSI ‘V'* is/i I We have also received a large stock of mens OUH LIN i: OF LADIES’ SWEATERS IS ALSO complete. They are very stylish and appropriate. Call in and see them. We nave something very neat which is called a smoking jacket, all sizes styles and prices. Come in and lo d< • ■ all these things and com pare them with u ods aid in your surrounding towns, and then come back and patronize home industry. W e wish you a Vi rry Xmas and a Happy New Year. JO&1XON, LORfciNTZ & CO. Loup City, Neb. f ntcl'Kt; A r< uni one da*. Take buxutlv*' IS Quinine -* All (Iriiggists refun 4<»ney if It fails to euro. Nl. W. Gruv< la lure la on eueh box e ONE I t'OH Cl'KB l*Mji>on|y li'irn - cough cure ih.it gives quick r< >‘f. Cuiea Cough'1, Colds, Croup, Broto hit is, Whooping) cough. I’neuiuon ■ Asthma, LaGrippe and all l hro.it, i and Lung trobl*-*. I g.«t ■ • kcd hi i ' J says Gertrude E. Fenner, Muuci I ..and coot'scted a s. -w . cold ami >: b. I failed rapidly : lost 48 lb*. N'v ■' ggist recommended One Minute < • ure. The lira! bottle trough' iff; several cured me. I I am back to no old weight 148 lb'. One Minute < . Cure cots the phlegm relict os the ■ ■ ■ ■ 11g;i the at once, draws out Ihflamin ti"'i, Cures croup. An ideal rcouu. for chit Iren. Gden flahl Bros. w J. FISHER, Attorney at La* and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Caeae. ALSO DO A j G8n?ea! Real Estate Business. Ofu(-.■ :n NORTHWE.STXUS Building, LOOT cm. - * MK11K.UHA. A. S- MAIN. PHYICIAN & SUV.GEON LOUl' 1’ll'!*, NEBRASKA 0- - Ml AT RESIDENCE. | slot- K GOUGH ANII WtlKKl » K THE .'OI U LHX.it omo Qolnice Tablets cure a ooM ic ay. No. cure. No Pay. Price J5 cen i - EsifJOBIO ieBePs ■ Views *>n Ambition and Dys pepsia. _ « psia,” wrote Eugene Field, »i0 capacitates a man for endeavor an times extinguishes the fire of ar Though great despito his C(. nt Field suffered from indiges t, ; . his life. A weak, tired stomach e, igest your food. It needs r ou can only rest it by tho use t,f eparation like Kodol, which re* j :of work by digesting your food. on restores it to its normal tone. gtre .gthening, Satisfying, invigorating. ’• pr f'd only by E. C. Dr. Witt v Co., t’hiaisja iu„ »i. Lm.uo ooauimsiiuiui tuoaOo. hum. | w le by ODENDA1ID DK06.. IS PREPARED TO FUI1NISTI YOU -WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF ‘ : ; * ?‘4 BUGGIES, WAGONS. IMPLEMENTS HARNESS Ill Pj, Pile, ir if T111NG 1N TIIE IIAKD WARE LINE CALL AND SEE MY ELEGANT LINE OF NEW FURNITURE. I am prepared to make * easing or hydraulic wells and solicit your trade. _TJVL JPEED. A. P. CULhY, President. W. P. MASON, Carhier IFIRST B INK Of LOUP' CITY. General Banking CusinessTransacted. J Pa*.. up Capital Clock $20,000. COPRfSPONDCNTS: Seaboard (National Bank. (New York City, IN. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska*1