The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 19, 1902, Image 5

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    < OR 11
1 HI
■ v r
URO. K> HKNsr iidTKK,
K'lltnr ann PublUhar
Entered at the Loup C|lv PgstoIBce for tra,
mlbNlon through the mail, as second
claas mutter.
Ill jos'ice to ttjy friends, 1 deem
it proper to make a statement; first,
because many are the thoughts and
questions that have arisen in tl.>>
rninps and hearts i f the people
,nB tlie past seven years. Son,,
have said that 1 did not light ha,
enough. 1 told a number ms re..-,
on was that I would rather bear tin
burduti than to have it fall where
it hel< nged. One M. !•, preacher. a
Presiding Elder. I> \\\ Crane, er 1
tliat I was not a very good lawyer.
etc. Well, my friends. 1 am not a
lawyer, but a minister of Christ
gospel, but they did have in the
trial at Haven Chapel, Buffalo eour,
tv, August ]3, 1805, a lawyer to di
rect them. And now ih3 conspiracy
rormed oven seven Mars ago, for'
the purpose of injuring me, uas
far succeeded in its efforts, to a
felt tin extent at least. My hope
us an M K preacher and usefulj.e
blighted, uiv foini!y broken up at
Cost or loss of n<.i less than $1),I
and 1 was fore* In , ruel eireu
e1 anei ■ ;ve i ,■, ||, in«■ and fau.
which was as di .r to me as any pai
ents iutni . cm r - s ! , t ;,< jh
I do not expect to vindicate m
self before my per-eiutors, n >r mi
do I hope t i prevent the public Iron
1< ndiog an a > ive ear to the si
der vv hi eh is I. apt ! up u me. 1
have bn a arreij/ned and summon
before an ccc'easticd court lo :v
swer* b iiigjit aguir.s1 sue.
The elmi s e . v«- riot in i n it :i..
duced In am of the baity with
i', i he :ii ; Is in which I have served,
namely. Brewca >r, Ar idie, He;
ant Hill or Sweetwater.
Presiding Elder Hate, id West j
Neb;;.ska Conference made full m
vestigalion of the matter in qui tion,.
and placed iu writing which I now
hold, and he says it is begotten of
the devil, and born of the evil desire
of some wicked one and ought not j
to militate, either against me or the
good family, who done so much for
me and the work, and I now hold
certificates from these fields exhon
orating me fmin the charges alleged.
The trial was held before a colative
of clerygtnen, August 1 I, 1895, at
Haven Chapel, Buffalo county, Neb
raska, The principal witnesses j
were not members of any of the
charges over which I had been pas
tor. Neither were they residents,
living within the bounds of my
charge. This self constituted court, j
holding legislative, judicial and ext- j
cutive power, after great labor, j
brought fourth their ipsioixit pro
nouncing me guilty. I took the evi
deuce and findings of that court to
Judge W. L. Greene and his part
ner Mr. Hosteler, of Kearney, Neb
raska, and they said in the presence
of live men, chosen by the people,
not by my self, whose names L can
give, that there was no cause for
action, and asked me to put it in
their hands for a test m distriil
court, and that l had grounds upon
winch l could bring a charge of
blackmail and slander.
One of their principal witnesses
jas since died, and just before ‘death
a confession was made before wi-j
ncsst-s which now depose and say j
that a great wrong was done m* |
through themselves, which worki
great injury to me and the ottn i
pariy concerned. These parti, s
Wero the father, step mother and
Bister. After the death bed cm
session, the other witnesses cane par j
tcis of deceased and confess.j
the other and asked forgiven. -. I
i . cc'ircd sworn udidavits and dep
ositions trmu reliable parties, »>m
c rutl,.;li. s trom a be ut two hundred
J.c .pic, among "bom are class lea
, slew arts, doctors, busiiuss in. n
uu.l laymen < f the church, certifying
tbat my conduct had been that ■ I
„ chrisdati nri.»i»t* ‘ w hile serving
„ii tli. ir respective charges.
Armed with these rebutlos t<
: brought against me,
i p dge from ex-Prcsid
i i M isiin, lui) present Pres
1 r Ci »ne, that if I would
m conference wPb them at
Nebraska. October 1st, 1002,
' would go with me ’n tlie bishop
1 i 1 a hearing before the oonfer
11 1 I proceeded to that confer
in"e ori the first day and gave my
i d eis inlo the hands of Elder Crane
on '.lie evening of Hie first day, and
r named through every dajs session
mdil the benediction, and tbe mil
'< r was in ver mentioned.
M\ desire was to clear rnystlf in
«ii i filial "aj, <if the reproach
"Inch lias been east upon me. But
111111a|p to light, boa» Ver, that in
1 was exlionorated, deep reflect
i would be cast upon those who
'in associated in • ITnrta to injure
•’ ruin me. There being several of
’ m against me, without anything
back myself but the naked
truths, the prudent thing for them to.
•I", no matter how questionable, was
to smother the entire matter, which
was (ffecluully done.
I ask fur breail and they gave me
a stone, I asked for an egg and they
-'ave me serpent, but 1 have nothing
■t» say in the wav of passing judge
ment. 1 am now willing to submit
my controversy to the public, and if
, leader of this article doubts the
Midi of those statements l will re
t the in : >t to myself, neither my
ieiul.- which have so faithfully
<> I by nom this hitler persecution,
in sworn iitlidavits, depositions,
< i lit itos, from bankers, which 1
m •• iiihig io i ti r foj inspection to
1 , c raMe coniiuittce of ladies
. vi titleuien. m place them in the
i •1 s of any responsible person in
lonr town or community 1 will also
ack tliern with written iustruiueiits,
i j ■■ to tin ir geuuiuent »s and integrity.
ii;i a forfeit which 1 will place in
in Arcadia Bank to be drawn by
1 i- person li-eoverng any deception ver in the documents submitted,
i s - with reluctance I appeal to the
jm >, but when a conference of miii
i . s cannot lie reached, 1 assume
nit right to defend the honor which
crowns my statute, regardless of uny
tine spun eliijuet, which may tuai tie
any religious association T< o much
sin is covered up iu such. 1 have
been asked many times during the
years 1 have been enduring this, if
it it did not discourage me in Christ
ianity. No, is my reply, but it
strengthens me. All tbings work
together tor good to them that love
God, and l know I love God. Too
many accusations have been brought
against me the general public know
to he false. HoW much of a story
or charge proves itself false to raise
a doubt iu the remainder of the
1 Lave lived among you people,
not in a closet, biit openly and pub
liealy. I dare my persecutors, and
publicly, to bring a reliable person
vsitb evidence of one of these
charges. 1 have already said that
I did not expect to vindicate my
self in the eves of those bitter haters.
Eider C. and Masttn told me in the
presence of a called witness, they
(these haters) would stoop to any
thing to down me, and I am done
asking, or expecting an) favor or
justice at the bauds of West Neb
raska Conference of the M. E. church,
but ask kind friends to please inves
tigate and allow me the right to
sustaiu mv honor and reputation,
h is enough to loose my honor and
f nnilv. but please do not rob me of
m, reputation, but pray f--r me
and 1 assure \>u. you will find
in- true and faithful to the end,
G >d helping me iu Jesus name.
Respectfully submitted.
W. R. llotxjEs.
The above letter from Rev.
! Hodges, of Lincoln, who is well
11; ,0wn to almost this entire cam
!,nuuity,in answer to the charges
; whir i were prefeircd against him
i N , n- seven years ag >, m ikes a pos
i |tiv«; and clear statement as to his
; ooMlion IU the matter, and the dis
position of the loaders in Hie West
Nebraska Conference to ileal light!)
aith p; yet, as lie states, lent turn
encouragement, that he might ex
peel to be exhou 'rated. Mr. Hodges
„iu\ not have been guiltv of the
otlen-e charged, but tlieic is one
un g, as be stales, and as we have
often uniierstu il, tint there were
tliose, who would stoop t'» most, any
thinj4 to down him, Mr. Hodges has
all these tears withstood the tempest
of acquisition and has held stead
fast to the religious faith, and we j
believe that it will revert to no good
for church or community to cast a
stone where bread is asked.
Mrs. Henry Heck nml sister will go west in
a few days to visit parents.
The corn Shelters are in full blast and corn
is selling for S3 cents per bushel.
Albert Mend and Henry Deck arc toed i tig a
ear loadof line steers for the market.
Julia Howe, who is teaching school at the
Draper school, is arranging to give a first class
entertainment on Christmas eve. Miss Rowe
lias given good satisfaction as a school teacher
and the entertulniuent is looked to as a very j
plaasnt occasion.
Joseph Simmons is reported quite sick and
the doctor was called is consultation
Jas. Gray and Wes Heapy. Albert Mead and
others arc b.ving corn to feed.
Threshing and corn husking have again been
delayed by a heavy fall of snow.
Mr and Mrs Chns Highland are contemplating
a visit at 8t Louis during the holidays.
Mary Cape lien has gone to attend school at
the Orleans Seminary.
The Sweetwater MilliingCo. rccieveda steel
Hume which will be put in place this week.
A box social was given at the Fairveiw
school house, for the purpose of buying lamps.
(10.50 was realized.
Walter Newburg is picking corn for J. A.
Swanson , and averaged 00 bushel per day for
3 days last week
Mr Herman Wilke of this place, and Mis.
Kretebma.ver of Saratorla, were married at
Kearney Wednesday. Dee. >0. A Wedding
dianer was given at the home of the bride,
Sunday Dec. H. They will visit relatives at
Omaha during holidays.
The groom has been in our midst for several
years and is highly respected by all.
The bride is unknown by us. but it |s said by
times who know her to be a woman of rare bus
iness ability, and is well tl eight of in the com- I
unity in which she lives. Vour reporter, with
their many friends, wish them a happy and
prosporoue* voyage on the sea of matrimony.
MV i;\« I ! 1 IStiSI REW IOKK
1l.e followlm; art* from
well known oijtiii h n o managers
throughout Kim »• hon*. the company
bus b' eu appearing
Burlington, Kansas, Ort-111, 10th’ "My Uncle
From New York" played our house hist night:
good house, gooil company. pleasing specialties
und gave entire siitisfui'tMm, FfBnger i: Mur
ray, Managers "Midland "•
McUune, Kansas Oct P I00-’ Edwin Pat
terson's "My Uncle I ' m New York” Co.,
played my house tonight to capacity business.
Comedy and specialties ilrsi class,- W. T.
Highland. Manager Opera House.
Augusta. Kansas, Oct. gj. 1W2.—This is to
certify that Ediviu Paterson- "My Uncle From
New York " Co. played my housi- to-night to a
large audience w ho were thoroughly pleased.
The comedy is very laughable and the ten
.specialties introduced between acts and in
the play Were excellent. You can safely guar
antee your patrons sat infliction in every re
spect.— M. Saunedrs. Managers
This company will play a* the Loup
Ciry Opera house. Thursday evening,
December ?ft, under ilie auspices of the
K. P. Lodge.
Mr C. II. Whitman of Arcadia drove down
and spent Thursday and Friday visiting his
daughter here last week.
Editor J' M. Erickson of the Dannebrog
News was in our burg Friday.
Koebert Walk® of Farwell droye throught
town Thursday on his way to Kevenna.
Adam Shuupp of Lincoln called on us no
tween trains Friday afternoon.
A lloone ef Loup city came down Thursday
and rented Mr. Snielser's photo studio, and he
informs us that he will make this his head
quarters on Tuesday and Wednesday of each
The masquerade ball given here by Messrs
Brammer and Thompson last Saturday even
ing drew a large crowd and from all reports
there surly was a “Hot time in the old town".
For sale:-A six holed Sandwich corn sheller
with a twelve horse .1. I. Case horse power
1150. cash takes the entire rig. Call or >vrite
W. M. Smelser. llockvilie, Nebr.
The sad news reached ns Friday that Mr.
Elias Ogle died at his home in Austin Thursday
morning Mr. Ogle is an old resident of this
county and is respected and liked by all who
knew t^im. All join us in ex tending to the be
reaved family our heart felt sympathy.
Sleighing is strictly in vouge uow since the
fall of the beautiful last Sunday. This makes
our farmers smile for it is of value to the crop
of fall grain.
Wheat .40 to 40: Oats .15 to.SO; Jtye2Sto30:
Ear corn SB: Shelled corn 20: Eggs 22: Butter
17: Butter fat 20.
December Oil and 31 the Burlington
Route will tell tickets from any point
l.i Nebraska or South Dakota to Lin
coln, Neb., and return at one fare for
(be round trip Tickets good return
ing until January 3, 1903. Ask the Bur
lington Kg" |it.
J Binary IS t » 21. 1993. On the above
dates tlie Burlington will s ll ticker
from any point in Nebraska to Lincoln
and return, at one fare tor the round
i rip Tickets good returning until Feb
ruary 3 A-k (he Burlington agents.
/ Awan&d
Cold Medal
p: ria f'xvtirW':* 1900.
Sold by 1'. H ELSNJSK, Loup City N»b
Special Holiday JNotice,
What we can do and what we can't
We can't give you JO lbs. of sug
ar for a dollar nor a shave for in ets.
Hut we can givt you a
and up. We uLo e rry Hoy’s cloth
ing in all sizes. Our J^ongly Flats
is equal to a £5.00' Slelson, which
we will sell you for £3.00.
Wei: indie the best line of foot
wear ever brought to America.
I i
We also carry the best line of
on the market to-day.
Wo have now i-oeieverl our holiday neckwear, and latest patterns and up-to-date styles.
Pavi says th? oas/estofa//
v -i/s/i
We have also received a large stock of men’s
complete. They an- very stylish and appropriate. Call
in and see them.
\\ e nave something very neat which is called a
smoking jacket, all styles and prices.
Com in and look over all these things and com
pare In u .vi! It -d sold in your surrounding towns,
and then con hac! ; id patronize home industry.
We via \ on a Merrv Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Loup City, Neb.
TO ( CHI-; A C(>!,1» 1 N ONto «> VV.
'l'Hhe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tftplets. .
All druggists refund file money if it fails to
cure. M. W. Grave's signature Ison each
box- c
Is tbe only harmless cough cure that
gives quick relief. Cures Coughs,
Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping
cough. Pneumonia Asthma, LaGrippo
and all rtiroar. Chest and Lung trebles.
I got soaked by ruin, savs Gertrude E.
Fenner, Muucie, lnd.,aud I'.oM-r nred a
severe cold and cough. 1 t »i!ed raptdlj :
lost 4S lbs. My druggist recommended
One Minute Cough Cure. The tirst
bottle brought relief; several cured me.
I am back to tny old weight 148 lb t.
One Minute ( ougU Curc cuts the phlegm
relief eg the cough the at once, draws
out iidlaminiition, cures croup. An
ideal remedy for chil Iren. Oden
dahl Bros.
Attorney si Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend In Foreclosure Cum.
also no A
General Real Estate Business.
Ottiee In Nouthwkhterk Building,
Enguttve Brorno Quinine Tablets cure s
cold in outs day. No. cum, Mo 1’ay. 1'rice
Q& ■.< iit
Views on Ambition and Dys
“Dyspepsia,” wroto Eugene Field,
“ofte n incapacitates a man for endeavor
and sometimes extinguishes tho fire of
ambition.” Thoutrh j.:reat despite his
complaint Field sutTereil from indiges
tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach
can’t digest your food. It needs
rest. You can only r t it by the use
of a preparation like Kodol, which re
lieves it of work by digesting your food.
Rest soon restores it to its normal tone.
Strcngthertinn* „
Prepared only by E. C. DrcW itt .. Co., < 'IiIcuko.
The $1. OuU.o coutaius »;4 Uiues tue jUc. ttua.
Vnr .-.ale l>.y OOKNUAHl. DUO.-*.,
I am prepared to make casing or
hydraulic; wells and solicit your trade.
w. P. MASON, Carhier
or loup a
General Banking
Pa, up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bonk, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Omaha, N«br«aluk