The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 05, 1902, Image 4

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    In each pound package of
! ' " I
* f’-otn nbw until Christmas will
| \ e found a free game, amusing
1 and instructive—50 different
[ kinds.
I Get L^on Coffee end a Pr o Go 'ic
at Your Grocers.
Uoaal Dsws.
Corrected Weekly.
Wheat.* $ 47
Bye. *8 to 30
Oata . 18 to *>
Corn. 25
Hogs, per cwt... . 550
Stockers, Steers and Heifers. 3.25
Cows. 2.00 2.S0
Butter. -18
Eggs . .18
J. W. Heapy was doing business at
the county seat Monday.
Schuyler flour and feed at
Miss Kate Pedler is visiting her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Pedler.
T. M. Reed sells feed grind
ers and scoop boards.
Harry JeDner, Tbos Burton and #
Criss renewed thier sub erlption this
Jacob Albers was in town the front
end of the week and changed idea* with
the editor.
R D. H< ndrickson's new brick resi
dence on the west side of the river Is
progressing finely. The walls are all up.
If you want to buy an all around good
mare, (weight 1,050) come to this office.
Will be sold on time with good secur
Ezra Slocum, the gentleman who
bought the King farm in Webster town
ship moved his family on to it tbii
week. He is from Aurora, Neb,
Odendahl Bros, have rented the store
building just vaeated by O F. Peterson
and is making a fine display of their
holiday goods therein.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Round, John
Wall and wife and Mrs Jus Landers
was down from Arcadia last Saturday
to attend the Odendabl-Stepanoske
Mrs F J. Hale of Battle Creek Neb.
came home with Mr. J. T. Hale last
Saturday and was present at the funeral
of Lulu Bau<r Sunday, She wnl re
main and visit relatives for a week.
The Ladies aid society of the M K
Church will hold a special meeting at
the Hotchkin hotel next Tuesday after
noon. All members are requested to be
present as there is important business
to be transacted.
J. K. Pearson, of the west side was
over to Loup city Monday. Uls two
daugbters Mrs. C. W. Gib«ou and Miss
Ethel Pearson, who live here, bat who
were visiting their parents, returned
with him.
If some one don't come in and claim
that side curtain that E. Munn left here
some time ago, pretty soon we will con
vert it to our own use. We nave
almost its yalue fixed up against it for
Walter Mooa, desires us to announce
that there will be a meeting of Shiloh
Post ou Saturday, December 13, at G
A R. ball for the purpose of electing
officers and transacting such business as
may come before the meeting. All
members are requested to be present.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E
Church will hold thier annuel fair Friday
December 12, at Society Hail. They
Will have on sale a lot of goods, suitable
for Christinas presents where you
should go if you want somthing for that
occasion. They will serve luuch In the
afternoon and also supper from six
o’clock on.
A young man by the name of R- J.
Tare, representing the beering manu
facturing Company, while unloading
some corn eheliers Tuesday morning
from a car on the track slipped and fell,
stricking ou his back and shoulders in
such a maimer as to terribly bruise those
pans, also in the fall be threw bis hand
against a sharp iorn aud tore the flesh
from the palm in a frightful manner.
Ilis Wounds were dressed by Dr Jones
B. J. Swanson, the gentleman who
bought the Adam Sbaupp property west
of town last year, has purchased the
Dolling Shoe shop and will hereafter
run the same, lie has bad thirty
years experience in the business which is
aurely a good recommend. Mr. Dulling
will eugage In farming. He has ihe
lumber on the ground to build a house
on bis farm four miles north of town.
He has worked very steady at the
trade for 35 years and during that time
has only been away from the bench
about a mouth or six weeks w hen he
moved from the old country to the
United States.
The Funeral of Mrs. M. H. .Mead
of whose death we spoke last week,
occurred at 10 o’clock, at the Mead
residence last Friday morniDg where
a large number of frieuds gathered
to pay tbier last respects to a much
beloved and respected citizen.
The services were conducted by
Rev. W. E. Matthews, of Merua,
Nebraska wLo made a most beautiful
sketch of the life and character of
Mrs. Mead. Rev. John Madley as
sisted in the service.
The pupils of the ninth and
tenth grades of the city high school
gathered with conveyances and
joined the long procession as they
passed the school house on the way
to the cemetery. At the grave they
participated in the exercises, by
joining in a circle and singing,
“Near’er My God to Thee.”
Amy Sbotlar was born in Knox
county, Ohio, Oct. 8, 1862 and when
but two years of age moved with her
parents to Colorado. She came to
snerman county in ana on tue
23 day of August was united in
marriage to M. H. Mead, who has
for several tears past, and does at
present hold the position of prin
cipal of our schools. She leaves a
husband and four children, a fathei
and mother, now living at Hammings
ford, Neb., a sister, Mrs. W. T. Chase
of ibis city, and a brother, Holland, of
Riverton, Neb. to mourn, all except
her mother beirg present at the
funeral. An uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs, Jerry Shetlerof Clear Creek
ibis county, and Dr. L C. Mead, of
Yankton, S. D. was also present.
The sorrow stricken family have
the profound sympathy of all in
their sad allliction.
Once Sat In That Chair.
Queen Anne was once surrounded by
a host of gayly dressed courtiers, and
In the throng was an old man of 83,
wearing the plain dress of a country
farmer. “Have you ever seen such a
sight before?” asked a looker-on, and
the throng was startled to hear the old
man say, “Never since I sat in her
chair!” It was Cromwell’s son Rich
ard, who went into retirement on the
restoration of King Charles II.
•-- ♦ • ♦
Chicago’s 4.403 Lawyers.
Last January there were In Chicago
4,403 lawyers. It wa3 estimated that
during the year the average Income
of the lawyers did not exceed $750. A
few lawyers have incomes of $40,000,
and a larger number attain to the dig
nity of $30,000. The attorney who
can be sure of $5,000 has a practice
recognized as good, and a standing in
his profession.
I -..nn— I ♦ ♦ -■■■■-■ .
A good milk cow for sale. Apply
at this cilice.
Flour and feed exchanged at D. C.
Grow's store. South side public square
T. M. Reed sells corn shell
ers and feed grinders.
Get a tailor made suit of Johnson,
Lorentz & Co. Satisfactory prices and
a til guaranteed.
Schuylai flour and feed at
D. C Grow, sells flour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company’s
stand oo south side public square.
Wrinkles are smoothed awsy by its
tuling touch. Brain tired and de
pressed peaple will flnd a cure In Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35c. Odendabl Bros.
You are right at home when you order
a suit of Johnson l.orentz & Co. and
can be fitted while the suit is being
made. Tbats whit home patronage
It is said that every bride has many
friends, but in a few years, they dwind
le down to one. Thai’s Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well.
35c. Odendabl Bros.
For Sale or Trade —IttO acres of land
in Platte Valley. Will trade for horses
or cattle. Price 8’,900 00. Ac'drcss
Steve Gray, Loup City. Neb.
Having moved into the Travis
store building which I purchased a
few mouths ago, I invite all his and
my own customers, in fact everyone
to call. I have a very large nnd
complete assortment of good, ah
fresh and of the best. My prices
are as low as tbe lowest and prompt
aHeotion will be given to everyone.
Plenty of room now to show goods.
Call and see our assortment, and
lear our prices whether you waut to
buy or not.
Yours Respectfully,
O. F. Pkteksjen.
Take Laialive Brorno Quinine Taplots.
All druggists refund lbs money if it fails ro
cure. M. W. Grave's signature is on each
bo*, c
-t> r.Krwtf ic it
Misses Delta ami Lea H ollandsworth, who
have been attending the up to-date school at
Kearney, are visiting with friends here fora
few days.
Mr. H. Wilke has a load of flourbere from
his mill at Boelus. and it prove* to be very
Miss May McKain from Grand Island spent
Thanksgiving in our neighborhood.
Thonksgiving exercises were held at the
Gus Miekiah building and from there they
went to C F. Highlands where a reception
for Rev. Bain was given.
The people of this vaemity are intending
to build a church, if a sufficient amount of
money can tie obtained.
cutk cur.t.K Nktvs.
The weather is warm and corn husking is
progressing finely. The good corn will aver
age 10 bushels per acre.
John Ueapy has remedied his granary at
a coDsideraole expense.
O. A. Clark will build more barn room as
soon as he eau procure a carpenter.
E. Dickerson has lost ten head of cattle
from running in the corn stalks.
Mrs. Eugene Thomas was thrown from her
buggy last Sunday and was quite severely
B. Thomas, a son of Mrs. Thomas, arrived
from Dakota Wednesday evening.
The old lady Beck was taken very sick
Thanksgiving day. Dr. Palmer was summon
ed and pronounced her ailment to be a severe
attack of heart failure.
Carl Treffer went to mill at Ravenna Wed
W. M. Smelser ate turkey with his father ic
Ashton last Thursday.
thris Paulsen and wife, of Cushing speni
Sunday with Chris Nelson aud wife.
N. C. Nielsen of Caro spent Sunday here
with his brother Chris.
Peter Anderson was the lucky man in the
music box drawing Thanksgiving night at
Nielson & Isaacson's store.
Curds are out calling for a masquerade ball
on Saturday evening. December 13th. Prizes
will be given to the best costumed lady and
We hear rumors that Jocob Gehrt was
married, but we are. as yet, unable to confirm
th- report.
There will be Sunday School every Sunday
afternoon, at 2;30 at the school house. Every
body invited to attend.
Married —On Thanksgiving day. at Grand
.function. Col , Mr. Guy A. Uranscomb aBd
.Miss Nora Whitsell. .Mr. Branscomb is one
of Rockville's boys, and all join us in extend
ing good wishes.
We are asked to announce that all who arc
interested in a Christmas tree a-e requested
to attend Sunday School next Sunday, at 2:30
p m as the subject will be brought up
for discussion immediately after Sunday
Wheat .1(5 to IB; Oats .7 to 21; Rye 2H to 30;
Corn 22 to 21: Eggs .22; Rutter, .1(5; Seper
ated Cream. Butter fat, IV
U. NO. ME.
A child of Mrs Geo. T Benson when
getting bis usual Satenlay evening barh
stepped back ag-dnst a hot stove which
burned him severely. Th child was in
vrt at agony and his mother could do
no bing lo pacify him. K-memberlng
that she had a bottle of (Jhamberlaiu’s
Pain Balm In the bouse, she thought
-he would try if. In less than half an
hour after apply ing it the child wasqui
et and asleep, and in h ss than two
weeks was well Mrs Benson is a well
known resident of Keller, Va. Pain
Bilm Is an antiseptic iinement and es
pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises
and sprains For sale by OdeQdahl
■ - - ■ - - ♦ -
From my farm, on Friday, Oct. HI,
1902, one black mare about eight years
old, with one white hind hoof. Finder
will notify the Northwestern office
or the owner, August Guzinski, and
owner will pay honest reward.
The Ilest Remedy for Croup.
This is the season when the wounau
who knows the best remedies for
croup-is'n demand in every neighbor
hood. One of the most terrible things
in the world is to be awakened in
the middle of the night by a whoop
froinoi.e of the children. The croup
remedies are almost as sure to be
lost in case of croup as a revolver is
sure to bn lost, in case of burglar*.
There used to be an old fashioned rem
edy for croup known as hive syrup and
r.olu out «ome modern mother* say that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better
and don’t cost so much. It causes the
patient to "tnrow up the phlegm quick
er and gives relief in a shorter time.
Give thia remedy as soon as thecroupy
cough appears and it will prevent the
attack. It never fstlsand is pleasant and
safe to take. For S8le by Udendab
Absolutely Pure
A Smart Fellow.
There must be a touch of
magic about your clothes, said
a customer. To see ’em, is to
want’em; to want ’em, is to
buy ’em; to buy ’em, is to be
satisfied with the material,
style and price.
Our prices are right and to
your interest. We have es
tablished here a First Class
Clothing and Gent Furnishing
Store to fill your wants and
we are hear to stay.
It take3 a frost to make
peolpe feel cold, and to keep
warm you can buy an over
City Dray
Transfer Line.
J. W. A A. T. Conger, Props
Jly Ice will be delivered to auy part
j of tbe city free, 'l'bc ice liO'.se will lie
opened but once a day, amt that will
be from 4 to S o'clock, a. in.
All kinds of hauling will be given prompt
a trillion and will make a specialty 01
! moving household good. Wo solicit your
j patronage.
Lour CITY, ■ - - NEBRASKA.
I 'The excursions leave Omaha tyery
Wedueslay, 1 huisday, Friday and Sat*
; unlay at 4:‘J5 p. m., in Pullman Tourist
I Sleeping Cars. The cars «ro accompan
ied all the way by conductors skilled in
' the service of excursion parlies. The
Union Pacific is theonlv line fromOma
| lia runo'ng lour excursions to Californ t
every wei k.
These excursions can be joined at any
point euroute.
For fuil information call ou or ad
dress Li. J. Clifton Agent.
Cured of file* Alter 40 Years.
Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, bad
the piles for forty years. Doctors t or
dollars could do him no lasting good.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Naive cured him
permanently. invaluable for cuts,
bums, bruises, sprains, lacerations,
tetter, salt rhe im, and all other skin
diseases. Look for tht* name DeWitt
on the package—all others are cheap,
worthless counterfeit*. O lendahl Bros.
A big haul by highwaymen, substi
tutes and other* who steal the good
name and fame of Rocky Mountain
Tea made fameons by Madison Med
cine Co. 35c. Odendahl Bros.
Miss Ida. M. Snyder,
Treasurer of the
Brooklyn Cast End Art Club.
" If women would pay more attention to
their health we would have more happy
wives, mothers and daughters, and if they
would observe results they would find
that the doctors’ prescriptions do not
perform the many cures they are given I
credit for.
“ In consulting with my druggist he ad
vised McElrec’s Wine of Cardui and Thcd
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health,
and it only took three months to cure me.”
Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the
menstrual functions and is a most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg
ular and painful menstruation, falling
of the womb, whites and flooding, ft
is helpful when approaching woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in cnange of life. It fre
Iquently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine
of Cardui.
Schuyler flour and feed at
Gasteyer. :
. I take tl is method of informing the citi
zens of Loup City and vicinity, that 1 have
bought the shoe stock and shop of Mr. Dolling.
I will be at the old stand at Morgan’ * Jewelry
Store, ready to do all kinds of shoe work in
first-class workmanship. I have thirty years
of successful experience in the shoe business.
I solicit your patronage. You will find prices
reasonable. In order to make room for a new
first-class stock of goods I will sell shoes on
hand at from 25 to 50 per cent off from regular
prices. All goods and work guaranteed as rep
resented or money refunded. My terms are
strictly cash and I have but one price to every
body. Call and be convinced.
Cnnl D
vr* uau| iJUl uvu 11 Uj^Ua
•a® . m
-o-1 now have possession of the-o
and will pay highest mirket price for grain at
Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asm. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on giain.
■■mumnmrkiwn'ucry* r imiMnnr mi - -
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker 1
o > i.a
£b-oooooo xsg N
My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the I’latte Hiver. M
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of llie latest improved, nia- JjJ
chiuery, also a force of experienced men who Uhow how to operate it and sj
turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. si
Soliciting your patronage I am
Yours respectfully, gj
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. %
_ a
work. See us or write to us •tefore giving an order.
For a Jfad Colei.
If you have a bad cold you need a
good reliable medicine like Chamber
lains Cough Ib inedy to loosen and re
lieve it, and to allay the irritation and
inllamation of the throat and lungs.
For sale liy Odendahl Bros,
1 have new and second hand
wagons for sale. T. M. Reed.
Heavy eating is usually Hie lirsi cause
of indigestion. Repeated attacta in
fl true the maeinus membrane lining the
stomach, producing a swelling after e»t
ing, he.trtb iro, lie idaclie, sour rising
and finailv catarrh of the stomach. Kod
ol relieves the inilatnatiou, protects ttie
nerves and cures catarrah. Kudo! cures
indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach
fioubles by cleansing ami swretning tiie
glands of tiie stomach.—Odctrdahl Bros.
-- -*-•♦- - —.
Hul^arU (ilko IViinsj Ivanla.
Bulgaria is about as big as Pennsyl
vania, has a similar shape and re
minds one very much of that state, be
cause of the resemblance In topo
graphy and other physical features,
rhe forests and the rivers watering
rich valleys, the mountain ranges, the
rocky ledges, and the landscape gen
arally Is very much like the Quaker
3tate. The population is about 30 per
:ent less.—Chicago Itecord-Herald.
Do you want a piano, organ
or sewing machine. If so call
and see T. M. Heed.
Farm k<ir rent — A'iO acres about five
miics In m Loup City Good house,
wi ll, barn, <tc. A largo tract under
cnltivan m. Apply to A. E. Charlton,
Old, Neb.
-— -» ♦ ---,
I f \ mi aro hi ilions ,imi j • ki.ig ad vi- or*,
l .kc I)hwin’s Little Eirly Kiser*,
«ust before going to bed.
\ "ti w Id it nil on the morrow,
V oil are rid of your sorrow——
1 hats all; Just enough said.
I lo st | .iiiouJ pills jo i,,it gripe, but
Iijoyo the boweis gently and easily,
clean.||,g Hie liver. Their tonic effect
gi\es 'trengih to tiio glands, preventing
a return of ihe disorder.
Don’t neglect a col I. it |8 worse than
unpleasant. It. is dangerous. By u*»
tug One Minute Cough Cure you can
cure it vt once, Allays intlamation,
clears ttie head, Booths and strengthen*
the minimis membrane. Cureacough*,
croup, throat and lung troubles. Ah.
8" irl y safe. Acts immediat* lv. Clrll*
dren like it.
This Biprnature la on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo*()uinine Tablet*
iko remedy that cure* n cold In on* day