r 1 HE N OR i nWESTERN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. GEO. K. KKNjtCIIOTKR, Editor and Publisher TEEMS:—11.00 per tear, if paip is apvasch Entered at the Loup City Pont office for trim a mission through the malls as second class matter. A HEALTHY GROWTH. LOCI' CITY AND Ml BUMAN COUNTY IN PROSPEROUS COLUMN. It is hut duo our readers, and es pecially our readers in the elkst, who are thinking of locating in the west, to state that Loup City, the county seat of Sherman county is, at this time experiencing a healthy growth. During the past two w’eeks a rush has been made to secure, for bus iness enterprises, some of the best vacant lots that could be got hold of on main street, and those who have purchased have at once set ttijuui injjiiove mum. mi. v;uu* hiser's new brick store building is nearly completed and will soon be ready for oecupanoy, and a lloursh ing oonditioin marks the progress of the whole city. Last year J, 1. Depew built one of the finest brick blacksmith shops that can be found in the west. It is 80 feet ioDg and is equipped with engine power anil all the latest improved tools and machinery required to do almost an} class of work. This year several additions to residence have been built. Within the past six months Louts Kein, \V. R. Mellor, W. D. French, G. II Gibson, L. J. Bech tnold, K. Holcomb and L. Hansen, have each, besides thoroughly re paring their residence property, built fine large additions. R. A. Wilson has built a large addition to his livery barn and reports a very lueative business.. Three new furnaces have been put in the school bouse, one in the M. E church and one each in the residences of J. W. Long and \V. R. Mellor, and also in the new store building of C. W. Conbiser. E. S. Hayhurst has pur chased the lot on the south side ot the public square and adjoining Ins place of business. It is rumored that he will, iu due time, make some very substantial improvements and that Odendahl Bros, on the same block will erect a handsome brick building on the corner. T, L, Filger has spent more than #500. convert it g Lis building into an opera house, and we notice that those amond the best of the thealeratical fraternity make this place in their tout through the west. In addition to all this a great deal of the other residence property of the town has peen sub manually improved. No town in the west can boast of a more complete and systematic set of feed yards than those just erected here by Geo. Uinsdale, in wtiicb there ia now 430 cattle and 100 head of hogs being fed and fattened, and because of this and the enterpiise manifested by our present bayers and shippers of stock, we have a mnrkot second to none in the great west Some twenty of our old plmik crossings, during the past few years have been replaced with Btone and more will be, from year to year, as fuuds aud circumstances will justify Wo have also in the pasty ear secured a complete net work of telephone ser vice which not only gives us local service but connects us with almost every city of prominence in the state. Our city bonds have in the last seven years been reduced one-half from. $ic,u00 to fH.OOO and our people are iu a much better connitioo to pay off the last half than they were the first. Village warrants are cash and plenty of funds on hand to keep up running expenses and make need ed improvments. No less prosperous is the condition of the country in almost every part of the county. New frame barns and houses have been built, here ami there, in the^iills and iu the val lies. Many farmers are feeding and fattening cattle to the extent never before done here. A vast • amount of real estate has changed hands at nearly double the value place:! on it a few years ago, aud as a result the taxes on such laud, r ‘wbiuh have beeu delequient during the long }cars of adversity have been paid. There are practically no mure foreclosures, and land is rising in value every day. If any one wants to take advantage of the low prices now on, they will have to do so at once. No such bargins can be had a year from now as can be ob tained at the present time. Since Jan. 1st 1902 there has been 058 deeds recorded in the office of the county derk, many of them repre senting from a half to two sections of land, and from #2,000 to $10,000 in .value. The total number of in strument recorded in tue clerk's office including deeds, mortgages, releases, etc., since Jail. 1st, is 1,428 or 418 more th in was recorded dur iug the whole of last year, The bonded indebtness of the Count}- has been materially reduced since 1897* the full debt of the county prior to tbaLdate was $147, 900. and since that time ail interest has been kept up and #38,500. paid of. And the county treasurer in fertile us that all warrants which have been present at his office bas been paid and but a small portion of the claims just allowed by the supervisors are yet to be paid, and still we have a balance o:i hand to date of #22,220.20 in the treas ury, Like our city, county warrants are cast), and have been for some years. With much more taxable property and much less interest to pay 'and the hand some sum of- ‘money- uow on hand it is evident that tie bonded debt will be a great deal lighter and less burdensome ia the future. The dairy enterprise of the city is something to lie proud of, and will supprise even .our own citizens when they see the figures which represent the number of pounds of butter that are made monthly. The follow ing are the figures showing the a mount of butter made vtfcch month since Jan. 1st: Month of 1902. 1.5ss pouuils. 1.353 , “ m January. Kabruary, March. April May. June. July. Aownst.5 isaptwiihir -.Wiwooer ‘5fJt eiuYicr. Total number ho i.f Mexican money in bov the same amount of goods that tl.Ob of \meri an money will bu». Thats free silver,.. , • ., THAT NEW HOOK ON THE BIG HORN RASIN' is (iff ihe press and ready for di* tribution. It is a little bit ibe b»st publication descriptive of this won derful section of Wsouring vet is sued. It wives breif glimpses of it.s farms, gardens, cattle ranches, ir rigating canals, oil fields and a word about the golden opportunities, il lustrated b\ ihirtv one splendid half tones Irotn photographs. Free to any address on request. A. Francis G. 1*. A. Omaha Neb. AM INVITATION. Having moved into the Travis store building who b I purchased a few months ago, I invite all his and my own customers, in fad everyone to call. 1 have a very large and complete assortment of good, all fresh and of the best. My prices are as low as the lowest and prompt attention will b: given to everyone. Plenty of room now to show goods. Call and see our assort incut, and lear our prices whether you want to buy or not. Vours Respectfully, O. F. Pf.terse.n. Tobaroo- Producing Countries. Tobacco is groHvn in France, bui large quantities arc Imported from th United States, Brazil, Cuba and Java Of the imports from the United Stub: that from Ohio is the favorite as re gards packing and general prepara tion. Maryland stands highest for cigarettes and Kentucky 'i pronounc ed good for strong winking toban-.-, this baiag imported in larger quanti ties than any other Anu«rio*Ji tcaacco. Newspaper Aicoimt* of Rebellion. After forty years of incessant toil Thomas S. Townsend has placed in the library of Columbia University 121 volumes, containing nearly 100,000 pages, of the newspaper and magazine accounts of the war of the rebellion from beginning to end. It is a work to which Mr. Townsend has practically dedicated his life, and its value to his tory is almost priceless. Tax Cpon, Cyclists. The handsome sum of nearly 0 francs has been brought into thi treasury uf the French republic by tl. tax upon the cyciirts during the y 1000. Thg tax was first imposed in i.u year 1894, and was paid by 5)3.036 per sons. In 1805 it was levied upon 236, 084, in J89G upon 539,816, in 1137 up 408,806, in 1898 upon 484.411. and ir 1899 upon nearly double that number 838,856. 3 lie tax upon motor carriage in 19on was paid by 2,897 persons. Asleep on a Churrli Spire. A Pittsburg man fell asleep in a chair suspended on a church spire 120 feet above the walk, and was not awakened until a fellow workman had climbed up and tied him into his chair to keep him from falling, and lie had then been lowered to the ground. There the boss discharged the mail for | sleeping at. his post. Heavy Horses Haul atti Horses that are employed in hauling beer wagons in New York weigh from 1,500 to 2.100 pounds and cost an aver age of ?400 each. The most desirable size weighs about 1,750 to 1,800 pounds. The breed, descended from the original large Black Horse family of Europe, is v».id to be a cross between the Per ch<*ron, Clydesdale, Boulonnals, Bel gian, Suffolk Punch and Shire horses, large numbers of which the United States used to import. An Electric Cutter. An electric cutter was recently put in the shirt factory located at 3utkn\ !\. The cutting Is done with a circular knife, about six inches in diameter, which makes 2,500 revolutions a min ute. It is kept sharp by two miniature emery wheels attached above it. With this machine a man can cut nearly t twice as many garments per day ; 1 • hand. The power is furnished by a dynamo attached to a gas engine. Increase in Texas Rivers. The measurements of the rivers of Texr/i by the liydrogrnphcrs of the United States geological survey h, re brought to ligh't the race cnat during 1500 there was a marked increase in all the streams investigated. This w.i f, und to b > particularly evident in •he streams which rise in the exten sive Edwards plateau. The Edwards plateau is a flat tableland In south central Texas some 2.000 square miles n area, the extension of the high p ains of western Kansas. From the ides of this tableland many rivers Cow in deep and picturesque canyons • 1 are of great economic value for gation, power and supply. Owing t< 'he increased amount of water in !!> 0, the entire sec'.ton through which '•o rivers passed raised the best ^ of tim last ton years and were ■ enabled to make use of continued ■"it’ r. and water power, which had i.< n the case for a number of The gcolog‘»al survey is eon ; systematic measurements on , f tv.-ntjr rivers ir Texas, the ro of •hich will be of use iu their future development. TUe lit'*? ItHUfly for ( riMip i’bis i< thi' “-ti.1 m when the inau v, bo know# the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighbor boot!. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the ni.ght by a whoop fr .mono of the children. Tin’ croup remedies are almost a.- fore to be 1 st in ca«e of croup ;ua revolver is sure to be lost, In case oi burglars. There used to be hii eld fashioned rem edy for croup known as hive syrup and folu but some modern mothers say fb if Chamberlain’s Couch it un'dy is better and don't cost so much. It c nines the patient to "tnrow up th phlegm quick er and gives relief In a .shorter time. Give this remedy aa soon as thecroupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. If never f ul-nod is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Odendahl Bros ON K MINI Tl. cm (III I'llIK Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relu-f. Cures Coughs, Colds, Group, Bronchitis, Whooping tough, Pneumonia Asthma, LaGrippe and ail Throat, Chest and Lung trebles. I got soaked by rain, says Gertrude K. Fenner, Muncie, Ind., and contracted a icvevc cold anil cough. I failed rapidly: lost is ibs. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure, The first aottio brought relief; several cured inc. I am back to my old weight 148 ibi. Due Minute Cough (Jurecuts the phlegm relieves the cough the at once, draws nit inflammation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for chi! Iren. Oden laid Bros. , Curtain anil I'leco Felt. Rdmond About, the French novelist, wa; once asked to write a newspaper lotice of a play written by a friend. Die playwright begged him to discuss he acting and scenery, hut to say little liiout the drama itself, which was evi dently not proving much of a success. About did at; requested, told of the plot it length and gave much detail as to iccessorles, winding up with tli is sen ence: "About midnight the curtain fell, and with it the piece." NOTICE OF SALE. IS TIIK M All lit OF TIIK I.STATI OF JOHN j HKEHl'SEN, DECEASKII. Notice is hereby given thur In pursuance sf an older ol linn. James N l’u il, one of the J udgr* of the District Court vl the 11 III Judicial l>i'!riot In «mt for Ifowant county, Neluit-Ku iiiaoHon llin :Mth day ot Outooer, V. D lor tlic ale of tin- real estate hereinafter described there will be sold n;. (he front door of the Court House in Loup City, Hbernmn county. Nebraska, on the Full day o: December. 1%'.', in i! o’clock p. in., at public vendue, to the blithest bidder fur rash, tlic following described real estate, to-wlt: The south Went Quarter (A. W. ’4) Of See. lion One (!; 111 Township f ifteen {I Itangc f ourteen (Hi, in slietinan county, Nebras ka. Shid stiie ivi'l rmnnlu open for one hour. Dated October St, itktt AND lilts JENSEN, Ad in inis' rator of the est ale of John Scehusen, deceased. (First Publication, November -Jl, ill TO ( UHK A COLD IN OSh DAY. Take Laratlve lfromo Quinine Taplets.' All druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. M. W. Grave's signature is on each bo*, c VV J. FSSHEil, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Wilt Defend in Foreclosure Case*. ALffO DO A General Real Estate Buslneas. Office in Nouthwestern Building, lour CITY, - - NElUtAhltA A. S- MAIN. PHY1CIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. STOf'S THE GOUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD Laxative lfromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No. cure. No Pay. Price .'ft cents. Will Make Affidavit New Lease of Ufe for an Iowa Postmaster* Postmaster R. H. Randall, Bwatop, Is., | says: I suffered from indigestion and re sulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. 1 soon knew I had found what I had long looked for. Iam better today than in years. Kodol gave me a new lease of life. Anyone can have my af fldavU to the truth of this statement.” Kodol digest! your food. This enables the system to assimilate supplies,strengthen lng every organ and restoring health Kodol INake9 You Strong. Prepared only by E. 0. DeWitt & Do., Chicago The (I. bott.s con tuinsSM times the SOc. slse. For sale by ODKNDAIJC TIROS.. I C&emlifti i fcj Jc^as of Quality. u, .4/ Aw&rded (jold M*dal VzAb Exposition 1900. tiol'-i b> T. II. ELriNER, Loup City N«-b IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU -WITH A COMPLETE LINE OK BUGGIES, WAGONS. IMPLEJVT EZINTTS HAR N ESS THING IN THE HARD VV A RE LINE. CALL AND SEE MY ELEGANT LINE OF NEW FURNITURE. I am prepared to make easing or hydraulic wells and solicit your trad©. T*. |VI. PEED w. J. FISHRi. OEO. E. BENSCHOTER. Attorney and Notary Public Publisher Ltoxrv Citt Nobthwzith Fisher & Benschoter, el Estate Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrig^atei LANDS FOR SAL.ff£. A P CPLEY, President. W M. MASON, Carliier USJ BA.IVIK OF LOUP CITV General Banking BusinessTransacted. Pau up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDCNTfc Seaboard Motional Bank, INew York City. N. Y Omaha National Bank. Omoho. INobraofce TIME TABLE. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, 8t. Joseph, Kansas Oily, St. Louis, and all potnta East and south. Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City, Portland, San Francisco, and all points West. TltAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS! GOING EAST No 5a Passenger.8:20 a. m. No. 60 Freight.la.Shp. m GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger..4:32 p. m. So. 50 Freight. 12:6(1 p. tn. Sleeping, dinner and reclining choir curs (feats free) . on through trains. Tickets sold a:..l baggage checked to any point In the United Mates or Canada. For Intoruiailou, maps, time tables and i ckets call on or writ* to li. L. AUTHtJB Agent. Or J. Francis, Oen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. EAIWAT. No. 86 leaves dully except Bunday (pass enger), 8: a. m. No. 8S leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mlxedi 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:85 p. in. ) So. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed !2;05 p. m. No. 85arrives dally except Sunday (paste engeT) 7:35 p. m. First class service and close connections east, west and south H J. Clifton, Agent, S PE e T A L ONE-WAY HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS -VIA UNION PACIFIC Nov.4 and 18 Dec. 2 and 16 to Many points in Kansas, Nebraska, and Eastern Colorado ONK-HALF ONE REGULAR FA RE PLUS $2.00 Full Information cheerfully turniahed on application to H «J- Cliktom Agent.