The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 14, 1902, Image 5
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. I1KO. K. BENSOHOTKIl, Editor and PnMIiher TERMS:--*1.00 PER TEAR IT PAID IN ADVANCI Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. ALLEDGED FIRE BUG CAPTURED WATK.t Of FAHWELL AKKESIBII Last Tuesday about 1 1 o’clock Sheriff Edward Sn}derof Sherman county was called to Farwell by telephone to come and get the man Robert Watka, charged with firing the grain elevators at Ashton which resulted in the total distraction of one and some damage to the other. Mr. Snyder at once went to Farwell and returned with his prisoner at 4 o’clock p. m. and at once placed him iD the county jail. His cap ture was due to the continued effort of detective Malone of Lincoln who was hot on hi§ trail Irom the begin UIUg. It seems that after the elevators were fired, which was discovered about 11 o'clock, a telegram was sent to the neighboring town of Far well, about ten miles distance, to learn if Watka was at home, as he had been suspected of having set fire to the two elevators at Warsaw and Farwell which burned some months ago. Upon investigation if. was learned that Watha was not at home and watchers were stationed at his residence and along the road towards Ashton. About 1:30 a m he was seen driving a horse and buggy along the road indicated. He went straight to his residence uDd a diligent watch was kept up till morning when the sheriff from Howard county appeared on the scene. Watha was seen the next morning to leave the premises and from some cause or other was allow ed to disappear down a draw unmo lested, thus causing an exciting chase of four days duration, by the detective force, who arrived with blood hounds on the scene as quick ly as possible. The hounds were not very successful in locating the fugative, but the detectives kept up the chase and captured him at the home of his father in-law. in Howard county, four miles north of Boelus and about 12 miles from Farwell. Watka offered but little resistance although it is stated that he had fully determined to fill the olllcers eyes with red pepper in case they ventured close enough. The prisoner was brought into county court last Tuesday evening and upon motion by H. M. Mathew, his local attorney the case was pos poned to Wednesday at 4 p m, to give the accused time to gel his attorney, W. H. Thompson of Grand Island here. Mr. Thompson arrived here on the noon train Wednesday and the prisoner was again brought before Judge Angier and pled not guilty. Oa motion the peliminary nearing was again posponed to Thursday Nov. 20 at 2 p. m., foi the purpose of giving ample time to procure evidence. The court fixeri the bail at $5,000. which the defend ant promptly furnished. YELLOWSTONE PARK TRAVEL Yellowstone National Park trave during the season recently close* was exceeded in numbers ouly by the season of 1897. The park trans portation company carried 4,57( persons through the park dutin* 1902—fifty three less than were cur ried in the banner year of 1897. Tlx park hotel company furnished ae commodations to 6,340 persons, o whom 4,929 entered the park via tlx Northern Pacific-Burlington gateway while 1,411 entered by way of Mo nida. August saw the largest num bar of tourists. During that montl 2,375 were cared for at the hotels. A further idea of the success o the season in Yellowstone Park eai be gained from the fact that it r* quired 593 horses, 175 men and 17 vehicles to handle the Irallic in th park. Feed for the horses consiste* of 1,000 tons of hay and 1,000,00 pounds of oats. These figures ar taken from the reports just tiled with the United Slates government. David Mercer has been defeated aud Edward Rosewater triumphs over his defeat. We believe that we voice the .sentiments of the great mass of the republicans of the slate when we say that we are sorry that it is so, because Mr. Mercer was one of the brightest men we had in con gress. 'Ihe Bee’s action in the matter is denounced b\ the conser vative republicans all over the state. But be that us it may, it is always poor policy to force a nomination upon a party with an opposing element, even though it would seem that ihe <bjections raised were groundless. It was not necessary for the republicans of the second district to nominate Mercer, or foi that matter, any of Rosewaters’ pets, as there was plenty of good timber to select from. Had a man been chosen who would have been the unanimous choice of the republicans of that congressional district he could have been an easv winner. The propper thing to do in such cases is to disregard the wishes of either faction and unite on a candidate that can lie endorsed by the whole party. DUTIES OF TEACHERS. Only the sincere and honest and generous-hearted should dare teach anything. The moment a man an nounces himself as a leather ia an\ department of life, ho dictates the Idea of a certain superiority. It should be bis aim to live up to that idea. It is said of a man physically, that his constitution is only as stroug as tlie weakest part of his body; it is said of a country that its civilization can only be estimated by its most uncivilized contingency. The same estimate must be made of character. —Lila Wheeler Wilcox, in Novem ber Coukey's Home .Journal. We acknowledge the receipt of volumes IV and V of the second series of publioatioi s by tbc Nebr aska State Histoiical Society. They arc handsomely printed and bound books, but best ot all it contain n historical review of Nebraska from early settlement to the present, and beautiful photoes and pen pictures of our most noted Nebraska citizens. The Historical Society ot Nebraska are to be congratulated for this splendid etl’ort. A tremendous electrical display illuminated the heavens over this city on Saturday night. While the storm was at its height tlierc whs a crash of thunder that seemed to shake the very earth and woke the inhabitants in ail parts of trie city. Every one thought that his bouse had been struck. The next morning it was discovered that the bolt had struck a tree in Ike Bnnnum’s front yard at Fourth and McL'ine streets. Having shattered the tree, the current passed into the ground, lifted the sidewalk and passed into a nix-inch water main, which hurst like a paper tube, leaving what looked like a spring bubbling up out of the ground. Eevrv window in the front of the Brannuru h use whs shattered, as were also windows in houses a hundred yards away,— Falls City .Journal. Do you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call and see T. M. Reed. !f you are billions and asking advisers, Take DeWIttV Little Eniv itt-ers, Just before going to bed. You will And on the morrow. You are rid of your sorrow— Thats nil; Just enough said. These f unouH pills do not gripe, but moye the bowels gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Their tonic effect giyes strength to the glands, preventing ' a return of the disorder. We want a comb for the bead of a fountain, a mlt for the hand of fate, a boot for the foot of a mountain, a link from the chain of debate; a spoke from • the wheel of fortune, a strap for the • trunk of a tree, h tongue for the mouth , of a river, a lock that will At any quay; a drink from the beaker of sorrow, 8 look from the face of the storm, a t stroke from the arm of justice, a ring i for the Anger of scort ; a knock at the door of repentance, a throb from the I ocean’s heart, a glance from the eye oi a needle, tmd from Cupid's bow a tfart; to double our 1-irge circulation—two 1 hundred and fifty or more. Now sub 1 scribe for the newsy Northwestern, 3 and pull the latch string to our door West side Mews (From Litehtleld Monitor.) Frank Slot*.' stopped oU Thursday on his way to Mefnn from Fairmont whom ho has put down a utftv well for the li. Ai M Mr. Totnan report* a successful season out west. He starts south this week. and expects to show to the people of Oklahoma and Texas, during the winter. Ed. Mead, of Denver, Colorado, is visitiug here this week. Mr. Mead has been away from Litehtleld, his old home, for several years, and to him vast changes are quite pereeptuble. Mrs. S. A. I’latt came in from Colorado, Wednesday, and w ill take charge of the Com merelal hotel soon. A hotel was badly needed, and those who slept in the hay mow will appre ciate a lodging place. CI.EAK CHECK NEWS Election is over and people have settled themselves down to husking corn. Mrs. Crimson, sister of Mrs. Angler, was bur led the of the month. She was a very aged ladv uud mother of Mrs. Albert Mead. Ed Mead, a brother of Albert Mead and a former resident of the county is here from Colorado. Mr. Terry Furgeson has moved here from the eastern part of the state, lie is an old resident of the place. Recorobb. Ca'ry Fine Root. Southerners who do not live In the lone-leaf pine country like to have the scent of the pines about their person, therefore they wear a piece of pine root in their pockets. Once in a vrhilfr they bite off a chew and mastlcat* it as they do tobacco. Many regard it a * a panacea. To sleep on a bed of driet’ pine needles Is better than all medicin* for rheumatism and kindred ailments HIVE YOU VISITED THE *YE PI* STOKE? The boys are pleasant but prices more so. They have everything in the line of cloth J o iug: t NO! RWKAK, SOCKS, OI.OVES, MITTENS, FUR COATS, DUCK COATS. CORDUROY COATS’ I I ArilRR COATS, and also CAOICS’ JACKETS AS!) CAl’E' and in fact everything that be longs to a tirst class clothing stock. We also do 111 Rinfls of Tailorii Let, us nil patronize the boys and give them all the encouragement we can They are here to stay and everything they sell ia guaranteed to give satisfaction. LOW PRICES. LOCATION, ONE BOOR WEST OF ROST OFFICE. JOHNSON, LORENTZ k CO. LOU 1’ CITY, NEB. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Of Galveston, Texas. "Wine of Cardul Is indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear ing-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was Mm only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities.” By “tired women” Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself athomo with | this great women’s remedy, Wine | of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has | cured thousands of cases which fj doctors have failed to benefit. Why fj not begin to get well today? All I druggists have $1.00 bottles. For E any stomach, liver or bowel disor- j| | der Thedford’s Black-Draught | I should be used. fj roraArlcoftndlltflrarnre.RAAniss, Rtvlng n B eymptems, The Ladies’ Advisory Depart- B' ■ metit. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., fa B Chattanooga, Tenn. [WINE° CARPUll A N I Cl' SSAliY I’UKCAITION. Don’t neglect a col<h It is worse th m nnpl' H.-iiiit. It Is dangerous. By u~ leg One M inuti* Cough Cure you c in cure it at once, Allays inflanialim). dears tiie bead, sooth* and strengthens the tnm iou- membrane. Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Ah solu’l ys.te Act* irnmediiitelv. Chll dren like jt. (8 %/£rsnrt.* Thla ciffnaturo ia on every box of tho genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablet.. the remedy that cures u cultl in one day Tim Heat Kemeilj fur Croup, This i‘ the season wh' n the wornau who know* the best remedies tor croup is in demand in every neighbor hood. One uf the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a wboop fritnone of the children. The croup remedies are almost a* sure to be lost in ca<e of croup us a r* volver is sure to bo lost, in case 01 burglars. There used to be an old fashioned rem edy for croup known a- hive syrup and tolu out some modern mothers suy th it Chamberlain’* Cough U medy is better and don’t cost so much. It causes t he patient to "tnrovv up the phlegm quick er and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent, the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Odendabl Bros. ONE MINCri: COUGH COKE Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, (’roup. Bronchitis, Whooping cough. Pneumonia Asthma, LaGrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung trobles. 1 got soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fenner, Muncle, fud., and contracted a severe cold and cough. I failed rapidly: lost 18 lbs. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure, The first bottie brought relief; several cured me. I am back to tny old weight 148 lb;. Ouo Minute Cough (Jure cuts the phlegm relieves the cough the at once, draws out Inflammation, cures croup. Au ideal remedy for chiLlren. Oden dalil Bros. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER LIEN OF OFFSPRING. Notice Is hereby given that by virtu* of twolieneof tsixioacb, dated August 15th, 1602, and duly filed under provlssion of law in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska, on the 15th day of August, ;#0J, and executed by J. T. Ilaie, agaiust the property of Andrew WidBtrand, to securo the sum of $16.00 and niton which there is now duo the sum of $1600 with interest at. 7 per cent from August 15th, 1002, Default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, I will sell the property therein described, to. wit: One bay horse colt with white spot in taco and one bay horse colt with blaze face, at the south side of the First Bank in Loup City, Neb ranks, pursuant to law, on the 6th day of December, 1002 at 2 o’clock p, m.,ou said duv. Dated this 13th day of November, 1902. J. T. Half, Owner of Lieu. NOTICE OF SALE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN SfcEIIUsF.N, DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of an order ut Hon. .lames N. Pan), one of ttie Judges of tile District Court ot the litli Judicial District in and lor Howard county, Nebraska, made on the 20th day of October, A. !>. 1602, tor the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will he sold Rt the front door of the Court House in Loup City, shertnan county. Nebraska, on the 17th day of November, 1602. at go'rlock t>. m„ at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cu-h. the following described real estate, to-wit: The South West Quarter (S. W. >4) of sec tiou One (1) in Township Fifteen (in). Range Fourteen 01), in Sherman county, Nebras ka. said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated October 21, 1602. ANDERS JENSEN, Judge of the District Court. (First Publication, October 21,16 O ) TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAV. Take Laxative Bromo Qninine Tapiets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. M. W. Grave's signature is on each box- c A. S- MAIN. PHY1CIAN & SUHGEON LOUP CJ IY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. STOPS THIS GOUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets euro a cold in one day. No. cure. No Pay. Price 26 cents. Will Make Affidavit New Lease off Life for aa lawa Postmaster* Postmaster R. H. Randall, Boaftap, la., ■ays: I suffered from indigestion and re salting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol, I soon knew I bad found what I had long looked for. I am better todaj than in years. Kodol gave me a nee lease of life. Anyone can have my af fidavlt to the truth of this statement.M Kodol digests your food. This enables th< system to assimilate supplies,strengthen lug every organ and restoring health Kodol Makes You Strong. Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt A Oo.t Chicago The SI. bottle contains Si# times the We. sis* for si\le by ODKNDAHL DUOS., nCEcnsflcd g pty^d^s| ^ Quality I Awarded 1 (Told Medal Jm 3 PaHa Extroaltioa Sold by i. I1.KLSNKK, Loup City Nob I I ' 3egm£uBh£mgtM£g, IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU -WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF BUGGIES, WAGONS. IMPLEMENTS HARNESS I, Pip, or - THING IN THE HARDWARE LINE CALL AND SEE MY ELEGANT LINE OF NEW FURNITURE. I am prepared to make easing or hydraulic wells and solicit your trade. T- jVI. PEED. W. J. Fisnft... GEO. E. BENSCHOTER. Attorney and Notary Publia. Publisher Loup Citt Nobthwestbi . Fisher & Benschoter, a! Estate Agents, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigate; LAAiDS FOR SALE. A. P. OUIJSY, President V. M. MASON, Cnrliier OF LOUP CITY General Banking nusinessTransacted. Pa; up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRCSPONDCNT*. Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. INebraoka ! — - , . ■■ .. ..... ..■■■ ■ ■■—■ | TIVIE TAHLE. LOUP OITY NEBR. Lincoln, Oeufur, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San FranoUco, and all points and all points Kant and south. West. TKA INS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.8.20 a. m. No. ou Freight.12.60p.m. GOING WEST No. 61 Passenger.4:32 p. m. No. 50 Freight. 12:60 p. ui. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats free) uu through trains. Tickets sold and tiuggogo checked to any point In the United stales or Canada. For tutoruiatlon, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to K. L, akthuh Agent. Or J. Fbancis, Gen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAIWAV. j No. 88 leaves dally except Sunday (pass ! enger). 8: a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and j Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and ; Saturday, (mixed) 2:85 p. in. ) No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed | 12;05 p. in. No. 85 arrives dally except Sunday (pass. | enget) 7:85 p, m. First class service and olose connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent, S p EC J A L ONE-WAY IIOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS -VIA UNION PACIFIC Nov.4 and 18 Dec. 2 and 16 to Many points in Kansas, Nebraska, and Eastern Colorado ONE-HALF ONE REGULAR FARE PLUS #2.00 Full Infosmatlon cheerfully furnished on application to H. J. Cut tun Agent.