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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1902)
I from now until Christmas will be found a free i. I game, amusing and instructive-50 different kinds. | Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers. Lioaal Dews. LOUP CITY MARKET REPORT. Corrected Weekly. Wheat.• $ 48 Bye. 31 to 35 Oats . 11 to 2"> Corn. 23 Hogs, per cwt. 5 70 Mrs. E. A. Smith is very sick. Mrs. J. H. Travis returned from Lln co In last Monday. Judge Wall made a business trip to Hastings Friday. J. T. Hale was threshing out nis grail, Monday and Tuesday. Geo. Truelsen was on the Loup City market last Tuesday with a tine load of hogs T. M. Reed sells feed grind ers and scoop boards. A. L. Zimmerman has purchased the residence property of Mrs. J. H. Travis. A. W. Throckmorton of Divide made this office a friendly call yester day Attorney Mathew was practicing in the Greely county district court last week. The county board of supervisors were in session Monday and Tuesday of this week. Floor and feed exchanged at D, C. Grow's store. One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. Schuyler flour and feed at Gasteyer’s. A new barn Is going up on the rear of the Conger residence property, in the south part of town. Reserve ssats for Ben R. Brorn, Musi cal King and commsdian. 35 cts. Tick ets for sale at Froelick's. J. T. Hale will auctioneer the sale on the Carl Anderson farm Tuesday,! November 25, at 1 o’clock sharp. W« understand that Uncle Geo. Ware has purchased residence property in j St. Paul and will move there soon. French and McNulty are at work on ! J. W. Conger’s ice house. We under stand that the walls are to be bricked up. i' i bua itiruuiuo uao iuutcu uib uni uri shop lot® the building just east of the St. Elmo botel which be bas recently purchased and tilted up In good shape. | Farm for rbnt.—820 acres about five miles from Loup City. Good bouse, well, barn, etc. A large tract under cultivation. Apply to A. E. Charlton, Ord, Neb. Frank Cass, the gentleman from Ar cadia who has rented the bowling alley at this place called on up last Wednes day. He has moved bis family into the Scott residence in the north east part of tcwn, Lescbinsky’s photographs are equal to the best taken in the state. Don’t for get to have your picture taken Nov. 15th until Dec. Gtb. Cabinet Photos only 99 cents per dozen. Gallery open every day, including Sunday. Brorn and Clemens have appeared in all the leading cities la the United States in the past fifteen years. They are harpest, singers, dancers, musical artists, commedians and Ligh class entertainers. They will be at Loup City Opera House Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 19 and 20. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson when getting bis usual gaterday evening bath stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do notbing to pacify him. Remembering that she bad a bottle of Cbamberlsiu’s Pain Balm In tbu bouse, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying It the child was qui et and asleep, and In less than two weeks was well Mrs. Benson Is a well known resident of Keller, Va. Pain Balm Is an antiseptic linement and es pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains For sale by Odeudsbl Bros. Laundry girl wanted at St. Elmo hotel. Wages, $3.00 per week 1 have a few tons of steam threshing coal at 83 00 per ton.—E. G. Tati.or. John Wall and Mr. Smallwood of Arcadia was In the city yesterday. Carl de la Motte, of Hazard township, made this office a friend'y call while in town, last Monday. D. C. Grow, sells flour and feed at the Northwestern Milling Company's st3nd one door et of St. Elmo Hotel. J. K. Pearson of Litchfield was over visiting his daughters, Mrs. Chas. Gib son and Miss Ethel Pearson, Sunday. T. S. Nightingale has purchased lot 3 and T. M. Reed, lot* 4 and 5 In bloc'c 17, of the original town of Loup City. Don't forget to have your baby's pic ture taken at Lescblnsky’s Gallery. Cab inet size, 99 cents per dozen, Noy. loth until Dec. 6th. Mrs. E. E. Benschoter, who has been yisiting her sons at Falls City for the past two months, returned home Mon day evening. A cyclone of fun from start to finish at the Loup City Opera House next Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 19 and 20. Cecil Milburn and a relative, S. Knight was in town Wednesday. They have recently returned from au extend ed trip to Wyoming. For Sale.—160 acre farm, located on Oak Creek valley, seventy acres under cultivation. Price, 81,000.00. Inquire of W. S. Waite, Loup City, Nebr. Married.—Mr. Stewart Ware, son of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Ware of tills county was married at Omaha on October 20th to Miss Stacy Meyers, of St. Paul. Wrinkles are smoothed away by its heliog touch. Brain tired and de pressed peaple will find a cure in Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. Odendahl Bros. It is said that every bride has many friends, but in a few years, they dwind le down to one. That's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well. 35c. Odendahl Bros. county attorney eipct, J.s I'edler has opened up a law otlice in the build ing north of the First Bank and on west side of publec square. Our Joe got there with votes to spare. Don't forgot the great musical and Novelty entertainment to be given at Pilgers opera house Tuesday, Nov. 18. Reserve seats at Froelich’* store 35 cts. general admission 25 cts., children 15. Lesehinsky, the photographer, will make you one dozen Cabinet Photo graphs for 99 cents, if you have them taken Nov. loth until Dec.Cth. Gallery open every day, Including Sunday. Geo W. Cox, representing the Tin and Sheet iron works of Omaha, is in the city putting in the hot air furnaces for the brick school house. It is nec essary to lay six hot and oold air chambers in the basement and Peter Rowe is doing the brick work. There's a weekly letter from Wash lngtun, D. C., in The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, and its contents alone make the paper well worth Its regular sub scription price of 81 00 per year. Yet by our special low rate arrangement both this paper and the Intor Ocean may be had for $1.45 for one full year. Can you think of a better investment ? Carl Anderson will have a public sale of stock and farming implements at the farm three and one-half miles north east of Loup City on Tuesday, Novem ber 25, 1902. There are 34 head of cattle, 7 head of horsss, 14 head of •boats, two sets of harness, a riding lister, three row Aerway cultivator anu many other valuable things on the list. The terms of sale are liberal, there be ing one rears tims given on all sums over $10. with five per cent discount for cash. A Treacherous River. The Yellow river is styled the "Sor row of China.’ During the last century it has changed its source twenty-two times, and now flows into the sea through a mouth 600 miles distant from that of 100 years ago. It is es timated that its floods in the present century have cost China 11,000,000 . lives. SUICIDE BY DROWNING. County coronor, ti. W. Hunter was culled to the telephone Tuesday forenoon, it being a summons to come to LitchGeld and hold an in quest over the dead body of Mrs. Ira Williamson, of that town, whose body was found in the water, near the grist mill south of town about 8 o'clock in the morning. The cor oner left the county seat at about 12 m. a> d the inquest was held in the afternoon. On arrival of the coroner the body was removed front the creek bank to the Williamson residences. At the inquest it was learned that the husband was absent from home on the night that the drowning occurred. Mrs. William son retired in the evening with her oldest daughter, but in tbe morning wh"n the daughter, a girl of about ten years, awoke she was alone in bed. This circumstance, however, caused no alarm on the part of the child, as it was the usual custom of the mother to get up early in the morning and go about her work. The circumstances were such as to convince the jurj that she must have gone to the bridge spanning the stream, near the mill and jumped off. She leaves a husband and three children. AN EDUCATIONAL Sl (,t. *ST10N It is now the time of year for farmers to consider the matter of sending thier sons and daughters to school for the coming winter, and the editor of this paper feels like giving a little advice on this point. We are a staunch friend of the public school for thier work in gen eral, and what most boys and girls need is a course in business. If they remain on the farm they cert ainly need it, and if they seek a pos ition in the city they must have it. There are several good business L’olledges in the west, but all thiugs considered, we believe the Grand Island Business & Normal College of Grand Island, Nebraska, offers more advantages than can be found elsewhere. This school is particular ly stronge in securing positions for its graduates and those wlio want to be sure of employment will regard this an important point. Tue ex pences are very reasonable and stud ents are not required to pay for some until they have time to graduate and earn the money. Exceptional care is also taken as to the moral surrounding of the students. The College sends out a very attractive little paper free, and we would ad vise all who are interested to write for it. Katrayed From my farm, on Friday, Oct. 81, 1902, one blsek mare about eight years old, with one white hind hoof. Finder will notify the Northwestern office or the owner, August Guziuski, and owner will pay bonest reward. Live Poultry Wanted Will pay 5 ct®. per pound for hens, 6 cts. for young chickens and 7 cts. for turkeys. S. F. REYNOLDS, Loup City, Neb. _ _ * There is to be a grand musical and novelty entertainment given at Piiger's opera house in this city, on Tuesday evening, Nov 18. The Arcadia Cha m pion, Ord t^uiz and other papers pub 1 shed where this entertainment has been produced speak very highly of it. Don’t forget the date, Tuesday night, Nov. 18. Admission: Reserve seats 35 cents, general admission 25 cts , children 15 cts. Tickets on sale at J. Fioelich.s store. Photographs only 99 cents per dozen, at LeRchinsky’s Photo Gallery, Novem ber 16th until December 6th. Leschinskv’s annual price reduction on Cabinet Photos, Nov. 15, continued until Dec 6 Cabinet Photos, 99 cents per dozen. Gallery open eyery day, In eluding Sunday. Like Sum Jones there is but one B o Brorn. Don’t fail to see him and his company at the Loup City Optra House next Wednesday ami Thursday, November 19 and 20. A big haul by highwaymen, substi tutes and others who steal tbs good name and fame of Rockv Mountain Tea made fatneous by Madison Med cinc Co. 35 ’. Odendahl Bros. Couldn't Slum! n Shawl When Sir John Tenniel, the famous cartoonist, was asked why he ha ! never married he replied: "Well, if I had married a girl she would always have wanted to be going about all over the place, and that would not have suited me, while, on the other hand, if I had married an elderly lady she would have worn a shawl, and that I could not have stood.” Fa km Fok Sale—If taken soon, anc at a price to suit. I own 209 acres a bout 7 miles S. E. of Sargent and aboui 8 miles from Comstock, on the Mlddlt Loup river, between 80 and 100 acre/ under irrigating/litcli, and the wbo|« tract may be under the ditch, with i small expense. TbJ land is all off thi best quality, with no waste land A sod house. 2 good wd!a and plenty ol fencing. For particulars, write Mrs H. C. Webstar, Independence Mo., send ingyour best off er over 3,000. Aboui half of the purchase price can remair on the farm for 6 years City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props My ice will be delivered to any part of the city free. The ice house will b« opened but once a day, and that will be from 4 to 8 o'clock, a. m. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and w’lll make a specialty ol moving household good. We solicit youi patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, LOUP CITY, - - . NEBRASKA. FOUR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS FROM OMAHA I u CALIFORNIA WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES The excursions leave Omaha every Weduesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at 4:25 p. m., in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The cars are accompan ied all the way by conductors skilled in the service of excursion parties. The Union Pacific is the only line from Oma ha running four excursions to Callforna svery week. These excursions can be joined at any point enroute. For full information call on or ad dress II. J. Clifton Agent. Cured of File* After 40 Year*. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had he piles for forty years. Doctors nor dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, aurns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, ;etter, salt rbeam, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt >11 the package—all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Odendahl Bros. ' ■ ♦ ..— Schuyler flour and feed at Gfasteyer. For a Kail Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a {ood reliable medicine like Chamber ains Cough Remedy to loosen and re lieve it, and to allay the irritation and infiamation of the throat and lungs. For sale by Odendahl Bros. I have new and second hand wagons for sale. T. M. Reed. A THANKSGIVING DINNER Heavy eating is usually the first cause af indigestion. Repeated attacts in dame the mueious membrane lining the stomach, producing a swelling after eht iiig. heartburn, headache, sour rising and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kod >1 relieves the infiamation, protests the aerves and cures catarrab. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing arid 'weetning the {lands of the stomach.—Odendahl Bros. IT PAYS TO DIF, Cattle, hogs and sheep and it pays '-s pecially to use Lee’s Carbolic Dip, made by Geo. H. Lee Co. of Omaha. This dip is the best of coal-tar dips and is supplied direct from the factory at the very low price of t>5 cent? per gallon in barrels; 75 cents per gallon in 5 gallon 3ans Send for dip Catalogue with test Imonials to aboycinamed tirin. Schuylai flour and feed at Gasteyer s. - - The Swiss Teach Democracy. The Swiss girl is taught to be hum ble and practical from the moment when, at the age of 4, she enters the infants’ school, until at 18, when sh« returns finished from pension. There Is absolutely no difference between the treatment of the masses and the classes. They sit together at school, are taught the same subjects by the same masters, receive the same punish ment and the same praise. THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Headquarters FOE BUGGIES IS CONCEEDED TO BE AT -OUR STORE. The number of sales made during the first week that our stock Las been on ou; floors is evidence to us that the goods and the prices we have on them is appreciated by the public who make a practice of investigating qualities and prices on this cla*sof goods. Our stock is complete and we still have plenty of goods to sell and at the same prices. Come in and look them over. Onr stock of toting slores is nov on tie floor and of which we will sa> more later on. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. E S. HflYflUPST LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT! f TIME IS ALMOST UP. THE 21 OF NOVEMBER IS TEE DATE WEEN TEE Tim Clif-onl Sale HAS TO STOP. Como and get the goods WHILE THEY ARE CHEAP. Don’t wait and pay THE OLD TIME PRICES. but come and try the Old Reliable Store. Respectfully Yours, JOHN H. TRAVIS. -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asltoi. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call aDcl see our coal and get prices on grain. _ E. G. TAYLOR. IaaBas^tiiUJSLX.£AXEsa:• r* iv:s£X&-;x.r:ii-£'V'srsxm3i-sl^w.—■T I DEPEWii^8 Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker,! ^BCOOOOOOE^ * My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River. B I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma- B i. chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and Q turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPTS ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I ain Youra reapectfully, I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. SBAHIH ABB BABBLB VBBKB. IRA T. PAINE & CO. jVI O N U ]VI E N TS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD^ work. See us or write to us before giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, - . . NEB