! H N >iv ; 11 r ’ijHB—• --. - - -- - — ■--=*• %-■ ■’ -a "UitUSHBD EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HJEAT. UFO, K, BKNriOIlOTBtt, Bril tor iin't l’utillnhrr TERMS:—11.no PER YEAR. IE PAID IN ADVANCE Eatereil at tho Loup Uitv DoEUilF.ce for trims miss (in through the mails us second clans matter. Hurrah for Judge Wall, “Our Joe,” true reform, Hurrah for lvinkaid, Says our cock in the morn. Plurality Will FJe frorr) 5.000 to 7,000 ENTIRE REPUBLICAN TICKET ELECTED Five Republicans Chosen to Represent Slate or Nebraska in Congress. COUNTY TICKET AN EASY WINNER. The outcome of Tuesday’s election Was almost a complete victory in every part of the state. The returns from over the state show that the plurality for the head of tiro repub- { Hcan ticket will be from 5,0(»0 to j 7,0011, and the plurality for the bal ance of the state ticket much greater, i Five of the six congressmen in the : state were elected: Burkett, rep., in | first district; Hitchcock, dem., in sec ond; McCarthy, rep., in third; Him straw, rep , in fiurtb; Norris, rep., in fifth and Kiokaid, rep., in sixth. Upftuii 111 Mierman touniy. The republican county ticket wat. all elected but Clark, for represenu _ tive, who was defeated by only a very small majority, aa the returns will pLow. The election here was one of the quietest we have had for years, but it was apparent that the voters were going to the polls to cast their ballots for the right, and the efforts made by the opposition to get them to do otherwise were in vain. The result was a sweeping victory for the republican candidates. Joe L’edler, county attorney, was elected by 250 majority as against about the same for the opposition in 1000, Judge, Wall carried tiie county by about twenty-seven majority, when two years ago the candidate for senator on the populist ticket received a heavy majority over his opponent, j Buffalo county is reported as giving; Wall a clean majority of 375, giving him a lead of over 400 in the two counties. Glory enough. Next year we wall do belter. The way that the democrats slaughtered the populist state can didates to make Thompson is simply a caution. The. sacrificed every thing to gc' him elected. And then the v didn’t do it Dick Emry and Tom Inks lmd.it is said, had taken good care of Buffalo county and reported her all right, and right she was. Wall majority in that county was 375. It’s too bad that Bryan missed con nections at Litchfield. But for that the republicans would have doubt less carried the whole west side, in cluding Scott township. Andrew Gorstka, socialist candi date for supervisorof Ashton and Oak Cteek townships, after a hard fought battle of ballots was elected by 10 plurality. The ‘'invincible majority ot 100 votes”, that Mathew was to receive, was given to the other fellow, and ► another hundred or so w ith them. ABSTRACT OF VOTES POLLED IN SHERMAN COUNTY, NEB., NOV. 4, 1!>02. Qj ST I # fiSi ^ j Pt ►! si <71 aj ) go] eel h* k ?TJw Ti 3 Q- C & n j C# “* £ N fj >— . - * or . *! T3i £ PT| . > 2. e*S * . ° I'OWSSUH'3 n S • SI _ r 2. 1 I Si ■ ; t. - ' -• « • ■» , ;• 9i . = . s : : .■ i : 1 «s ?r . c . < . . . J . . I . . | . j . _ :i : I : ■ : i • ;_: : : 1 : ill : 1:1: For Governor:- j 1 j j j i i . > •li.lm H Mickey, rep. 12 34 33 18 30 137 37 26 31; 55 20 39 20 492 William II. Thompson, fus 30 31 28 24 25 88 59 74 25 48 3.1 23 64 552 60 ■'Htn’l, T. 1) vies, pro ... 1 1 3 1 2 2l 2 1 13 Geo. E. lliglow, soc’t.... 1 1 6 29 3 2: 2 1 2 47 Lieut Goy. Edmund G. McGllton, r.. 12 35 34 18 30 142 38 26 32 58 19 38 20499 I>il ward A. Gilbert, f ... 31 28 24 22 25 79 55 74 26 49 38 23 04 5331 34 Jsiah Lighlner, pro. 1 j l! 13 11 1 2 2 2 Ifli Andrew D Feugh, me... 1 j I 5 29 ;t 2 2 21 2 47 Secretary of .State: ,;‘o VV . Marsh, rep. 12 35 35, 17 30 142 38 25 28! 53 19 38 21 4931 ••'din D. Powers, fi.s. 30 29 25 24 25 80 55 75 28 49 34 22 63 529 30 l>. L). Norton, pro. lj 1 3j g 1 gj g g I 13 J. Phipps Roe, soe. 1 1 1 6 28 3 2 2 2 2 47 For Treasurer.: Fen r ortensen, rep- 13 37 37 17 29 140 3H 29 32j 54 21 41 21.509 John N Lyman, fus. 30 28 23' 23 24 77 53 71 25: 4H 33 21 62 518 9 W esley ||. Maddox, pro..| j | I 3 12 21 2 ll! Wni. Htollev, hoc.j F I 16 32 2 2' 2 I 1 3 50 For Auditor: Chatles Weston, rep.! 12 34; 34, 17 29 143 ! 40 25 32, 53 2« 38 21498 Charles (j. DeFranee, fus. 30 29- 26 22 22 70 55 76 251 48 33; 23 6*527 29 John Date, pro. lj j 2 ll L 2 8 ll 11: | T. F. Lippencott, soe_ 1 1 7 28 8 2 2 2! 8 49; Attorney General: Frank N Front, rep. 12 34 34 18 29 141 40 26 30j 54 20 37 21 49« Jefferson 11 Broady, fug. . 80 29 25 23 28 78 54 75 26 j 43 34 23 62 530 34 VV. lJnrt Clark, pro. J I 1 4 1 12 2 3 151 J nines H. Burleigh, soe... 1 ]; 7 29 3 2 2 2 8 50 •Coin Pub. Lands: Go irge I) Folltner, rep .. 12 35 35 17 29 136 381 26 33 55 21 37 22 496 James t . Brennun, fua .,. 30 29 24 24 23 80 54 78 24 47 32 21 62 525 29 lames M. Dllworth, pro. ,| 1 13 1 T 2 2 3l 14j W. E. Adams, soe. 1 1 j 6 30 3 2j 2 2 3 501 Hupt. Pub. Ins.: William K Fowler, rep.. 13 37 34 1C| 29; 135 40! 26 311 50 30 37 204931 Claude Smith, fus. 29 27 25 24 23 78 53! 75 26 47 33 23 63 526 33 R. E Howard, {ro. 1 lj 1 j 5 j lj gj g 3 : 16| Geo. 11 Spencer, soe. 1 1 6 30' 3, gl gj 1 3 I9j Cong., 6th l)is.: M. P. Kinkuld, rep. 12 37 34 19 29 137 361 26 331 51 21 38 20 496 Patrick II. Barry, fus. . . 30 28 27 23 24 83 57 71 24 Id 33 21 63 533 37 C. F. 8w'under, pro. 1 1 j 2 j 11 g| 2 3 : 12 J. L Wisely, soc. 1 1 j 4 £9 3 2 2 2 3 47 Sen.. 16rh Dig : Aaron VV all. rep. 13 34 41 20 36 168 58: 85 21 53 20 39 20 555 61 Richard A Entry, fua_ 31 30 22 22 20 65 53 69 39 50 33 24 60 524 Rep , 57th Dis.: Alvin Cl irk, rep. 15 40 08 20 32 128 35 23 27 51 20 37 19 485 Evert Kittall, fua. 27 25 25 20 24 94 47 76 31 52 34 24 00 538 53 Fred Rein, soe. 1 1 3 14 42 3 2 2 3 3 74 County Attorney: J.s pedler. rep. 14 51 45 29 47 178 45 45 43 53 21 41 30 666 345 11. 51. Mathew, fus. 31 13 19 14 11 59 69 59j loj 45 83j 21 51421 Following are the majorities for supervisors, In the four electing districts: Distiicc No. 1: District No. 5: Andrew Garstka, soc, 10. John Maiefoki, pop. 37. District No. 3: District No. 7: W. O. Brown, rop, 25. VV. H. Chapman, pop, 9. Last year we made one break in the court house ring. This year, JUST LOOK AT IT! The republicans of Sherman county feel deeply indebted to Hugh Patton of Lincoln, ex-sheriff of this county, for coining up and giving them such able assistance in the campaign. Come agaiu, Hugh. Ashtou republicans arc to be con gratulated. They are giving hand some results even on the head of the ticket and on the local candidates they aie giving fusion the blackest kind of an eye. Although Alvin Clark, the repub lican candidate was defeated, he made u gallant race. His opponent, Mr. Kiltell only got 53 majority. If the Times had had one more issue we might have elected Clark, too, and carried the county for the head of the ticket. But for that apple wagon in which Bryan rode from Loup City to Barmina we might still have him on our hands. The harder the pops worked and the more buncombe stories they told, lie larger the republican majorities. An ox yoke should be made for llosewater and Hitchcock. They make a good pair to draw to, ‘ pedler is running like wild lire", says H. M. Ma thew when the returns were coining in. \V. O. Brown was elected super* visor of Webster, Clay, and Elm ! townships. Speaking of majorities, J. S. Fed ler went out of Loup City township with ]24 and Judge Wall 108. Tight Snyder’s allidavit must have done the business. HENRY M- MATHEW. “NY INViNCABLE 100. WHERE IS IT?’’ FRANK BADURA I DID’NT think they could do it. A square foot of the best Persian rug Is worth about ?10, and It takes a single weaver twenty-three days to complete it. This allows the weaver about forty-four cents a day for her wool and labor, but three-fourths of this amount goes to pay for the wool. Only eleven cents a day Is left for iho weaver. I If vnu are billions ami seeking advisers, j I nk*' I>eWitt's F.lrtb Kulv Risers, j Ju-f before going to bed. You will find on the morrow, You nre rid of your sorrow— That* ail; Just enough said. ; These famous pills do not gripe, but moye the bowels gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Their tonic effect gives strength to the glands, preventing a return of the disorder. Venetian Funeral Customs. At Venice when any one dies It is the custom to fix a placard before the dead person’s house, as well as in ad jacent streets, as a sort of public no tice, stating his name, age, place of birth, and the Illness from which he died, affirming also that he received the holy sacraments, died a good Christian, and requesting the prayers of the faithful. Tlie Bast Remedy for Croups This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighbor hood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop frotnone of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost in case of croup as a revolver is sure to bo lost, in ease of burglars. There used to be an old fashioned rem edy for croup known as hive syrup and rolu out some modern mothers say that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is better and don't cost so much. It causes the patient to “throw up the phlegm quick er and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soon as thecroupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Odendahl Bros. ‘ ONK MINUTE COUGH CUKE Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping cough, Pneumonia Asthma, LitQrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung trobles. I got soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fenner, Muncle, Ind., and contracted a severe cold and cough. I failed rapidly: lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended One Minute (lough Cure. The first bottle brought relief; several cured me. 1 am back to my old v.’cight 148 ibi. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm relieves the cough the at once, draws out inflammation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for children. Oden dabl Bros. TO OUKK A COED IN ONE DAY. Take Luxutlve Bromo Quinine Taplets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. M. W. Grave's signature Ison each box. c NOTICE OF SALE. IN THE MATTER OF TUB ESTATE OF JOHN SKEUUsKN, DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance ot an order of Hon James N. Paul, one of the Judges of the District Court ol the lllh Judicial District In end for Howard county, Nebraska, made on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1HU2, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at the front door of the Court House In Loup Oily, Sherman county, Nebraska, on the 17th day of November, 1902, at 2o'Clock p. in., at public vendue, to the highest bidder for rash, the following described real estate, to-wil: The South West Quarter (S. W. of Sec tion One (1) in Township Fifteen (15), Range Fourteen (14), in Sherman county, Nebras ka. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated October 21. 1902. ANDERS JENSEN, Judge of the District Court. (First Publication, October 24,190:1.) A. S- MAIN. PHYICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. STOFS THE GOUGH AND WOIKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablet* euro a coM In one (lay. So. euro. No Day. Drlce .'5 cents. Will Make Affidavit Now Lease of Ufe for m Iowa Postmaster. Postmaster R H. Randall, Bmdkft k, says: I Buffered from Indigestion and re sulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I soon knew I had found what I had long looked for. 1 am better today than In years. Kodol gave me a nee lease of life. Anyone oan have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement.’* Kodol digests your food. This enables the system to assimilate supplies, strengthen ing every organ and restoring health Kodol liakos You Strong. Prepared only by E. O. DsWitt A Oo., Ohioase The H. hostile contains att tluwa the Ms. ffsa For sale by ODKNDAHL PROS., CkriohedH byMjti a or a Quality. § Awarded 7] Gold Medal A) Sold by T. H. ELSNER, Loup City N»‘b ---- 1 -—-— ,___— IS OVER, 1 THE JUDGES HAVE VACAT El) THEIR SEATS, and there will be no court this week,—but a lot of suits will be tried just the same at our new clothing store which will be open on Saturday, Nov. 8th. Your suit from us will be equal in satisfaction to a favorable verdict from a district court jury. The facts are that in our court ^ OU I RT THE SUIT as you like. We simply show up the evidence and you pass upon it. We are her® with as complete a line of good as you will find any where. Our room is lull of bargains in every line. Our goods and prices will do the business and we will guarantee you a SAVING OF FROM 10 PER CENT TO 25 PER CENT. We buy for cash and sell for cash, and have one price to everybody. The poor man’s $ goes just as far in our store as the rich man’s $. We also have a few Cloaks, Jackets Capes and Fur Collars for Ladies, Misses and Children. Our quantity in these is limited as it was a sample line, one of each kind, which we bought at a large discount and will sell them as we bought them. We have a tailor in connection with our store and would be pleased to take your order for a nice tailor made suit for which we assure you a perfect fit at a satisfactory price. Call in early Saturday and get first choice. Yours Respectlully, JOHNSON, JLORENTZ &Co. Loup Oily, o KTeb. A. I*. CJULEY, President. W. M. MASON, Carh ier FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. INtbreehe. TIMK TABLE, Ltnooln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Untie, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, 8t. Louis, San Franoisco. and all points and all points East and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No 52 Passenger.8:20 a. m. No. 60 Freight.12.60 p. m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.4:32 p. m. No. 52 Freight. 12:50 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats tree) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to U. L, AUTUt'B Agent. Or J. Fbanois, Gen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. BAIWAY. No. 80 loaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 8; a. in. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. in. No. 20 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:Sa p. in, ) No. 81 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p. in. No. 85arrives dally except Sunday (pass engei) 7015 p, ui. First claps service and close connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent, The candidates In the tickets In New York at the last election comprised 113 lawyers, forty-seven artisans and mechanics, forty merchants and tradesmen, seventeen clerks, twelve physicians, thirty-two liquor dealers, eleven professional politicians, ton of fice holders, twenty-five real estate brokers and eight undertakers. SPECIAL % ONE-WAY HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS -VIA UNION PACIFIC Nov.4 and 18 Dec. 2 and 16 to Many points in Kansas, Nebraska, and Eastern Colorado ONE-HALF ONE REGULAR FARE PLUS $3.00. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to H. J. Clikton Agent. <3 This signature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that curve a cold In uue dev