The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 07, 1902, Image 4
IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU -WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF BUGGIES, WAGONS. IMPLEMENTS HARNESS ill, Pip, Pipe, ir if THING IN THE HARDWARE LINE, CALL AND SEE MY ELEGANT LINE OF NEW FURNITURE. I am prepared to make casing or hydraulic wells and solicit your trade. T*. jvi. PEEP. Lioaal Dsws. LOlTr CITY MARKET REPORT. Corrected Weekly. Wheat.? 48 Rye. 31 tO 35 Oats . 11 to 25 Corn. . . Hogs, per cwt., . 5*0 C. J. Tracy was In town, Saturday. Tuesday was election and next day it snowed. T. M. Reed sells feed grind ers and scoop boards. Flour and feed exchanged at D. C. Crow’s store. One door east of 8t. Elmo Hotel. John Greenbalgb, of Scott township, paid his respects to this office while in the city last Wednesday. Johnson LoreDtz & Co. are getting their clothing establishment fitted up in good shape and will be opened to the public on the 8lb inst. Schuyler flour and feed at Gasteyer’s. Farm for rbnt. —320 acres about five miles from Loup City. Good house, well, barn, etc. A large tract under cultivation. Apply to A. E. Charlton, Ord, Neb. Bryan's great effort at this place a night or two before election was sim ply a waste of time and wind. The township gave the heaviest republican majority ever known. A big haul by highwaymen, substi tutes and others who steal tha good name and fame of Rocky Mountain Tea made fameous by Madison Med ciue Co. 35c. Odendahl Bros. Leschinsky’s photographs are equal to the best taken in the state. Don't for get to have your picture taken Nov 15th until Dec. Gth. Cabinet Photos only 99 cents per dozen. Gallery open every day, including Sunday. L. C. Ilamel, of Stevens Point, WIs., arrived in Loup City, yesterday even ing, for a few days’ business visit. Mr. Hamel Isa former Nebiaskan, having been engaged in the pump business at Ord and North Loup for several years. He Is now interested In the manufac ture of windmills. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson when getting his usual Saterday evening hath stepped back against a hot stoye which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and bis mother could do noihiDg to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child wasijui «t and asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Keller, V'a. Pain Balm is an anti«eptic linernent and es pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by Odendabl Bros. Unless one notices the cribs of onr popcorn dealers or noticeg the number of teams that come into town each day with their loads of popcorn, he can’t realize the extent of the popcorn indus try at this place. Nearly all the large cribs are full to overllowing and less than half of the corn has been marketed The yield is from 2,000 to 3,200 lbs. per acre and the corn finds a ready sale at #1 per cwt. As the crop is raised on laud which is valued at from $10 to $35 per acre and costs no more than other corn to raise it oan readily be seen our farmers are enjoying a season of pros perity which they know how to appre ciate. Below will be found the number of pounds of popcorn delivered our dealers on Wednesday of this week and Is but a fair sample of the amount of business done in this one industry alone. 155,770 lbs.—North Loup Loyalist. Laundry girl wanted at St. Elmo hotel. Wage*, §3.00 per week 1 have a few tons of steam threshing coal at $3.00 per ton.—E. G. Taylor. A baby boy was born last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ashley Con ger. Ashley is feeling purty guot. D. C. Grow, gells flour and feed at the Northwestern Milling Company's stand one door et of St. Elmo Hotel. Mr. Manette has about completed the building of his new feed yard* at this point. It will materially help the corn market here. Don’t forget to haye your baby’s pic ture taken at Leschinsky^ Gallery. Cab inet size, 99 cents per dozen, Noy. 15th until Dec. 6th. For Sale.—160 acre farm, located on Oak Creek valley, seventy acres under cultivation. Price, §1,000.00. Inquire of W. S. Waite, Loup City, Nebr. Wrinkles are smoothed away by its heling touch. Brain tired and de pressed peaple will tind a cure in Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. Odendahl Bros. Do you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call and see T. M. Reed, It is said that every bride has many friends, but in a few years, they dwind le down to one. That’s Rocky Moun tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well. 35c. Odendahl Bros. Lesehinsky, the photographer, will make you one dozen Cabinet Photo graphs fur 99 cents, If you have them taken Nov. 15th until Dec.6th. Gallery open every day, including Sunday. Mr and Mrs. F. M. Henry leave this morning for Omaha, where Mr. Henry will remain for a few weeks at the Methodist hospital, for medical treat ment. Mr. Henry has been in poor health for some months, and we sincere ly hope that he will be greatly benetitted. Married. Nov 11, 1902, at 1 p. m , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Out house, Rev. J liadely officiating, Mr. Edward Kriksen and Miss Tonie Chris tensen. Mr. Erlksen is one of the rising young merchants of Boelus, while Tonie has lived in Loup City for four years and has many friends who wish her much happiness. There’s a weekly letter from Wash ington. D. C., in The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, and its contents alone make the paper well worth It* regular sub scription price of 81 00 per year. Yet by our special low rate arrangement both this paper and tke Inter Ocean may be had for 81.45 for one full year, Can you think of a better investment? We wish to express our deep appre c ation, to the republicans of Sherman county, for a united effort on their part to get the full party vote to the polls. In some of the townships, reports of a few stay-at-homes are made, but in the main the vote was pretty well represent ed. and to this is attributed the great success we are now privileged to enjoy. Schuylai flour and feed at Gasteyer’s. A NECESSARY PRKCAl'TION Don’t neglect a cold. It Is worse than unpleasant. It is dangerous. By us ing One Minute Cough Cure you can cure it at once, Allays intlamation, clears the head, sooths and strengthens the mucious membrane. Cures soughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Ab solutley safe. Acts immediately. Chil dren like it. — IT FAY8 TO DIP. Cattle, hogs and sheep and it pays "s peeially to use Lee’s Carbolic Dip, made by Geo, II. Lee Co. of Omaha. This dip i9the best of coal-tar dips and is supplied direct from the factory at the very low price of t;5 cent3 per gallon in barrels; 75 cents per gallon in 5 gallon cans Send for dip Catalogue with test imonials to aboye named tirm. • Mr«. Smith, mother of Judge Hunter, b on the sick list. Wo are a little late on account of the glow election returns. J, tv> Pray, of Logan township, nas purchased a new wagon. The chimney for the new furnace at the M. E church is finished. K. L Christiansen called and renewed his subscription, Wednesday. Mrs. Tubberslng, mother of Mrs. T. L. Pilger, is quite sick at this writing. Cbas. Kolka and Adolph Rettenmayer are new subscribers to this paper, this week. Mrs. Lambbrt and little son went to Grand Island, last Thursday morning, to yisit friends. Mrs. II E. Brewer has gone to Sa t Lake, Utah, to join her husband where they will locate. The editor went to Falls City, this morning. His mother will return home with him, Monday. Photographs only 99 cents per dozen, at Leschinsky’s Photo Gallery, Novem ber 15th until December Oth. A. W. Throckmorton was in town, Wednesday. lie was feeling pretty good over the result of the electiou. Corn is worth more to feed than it Is to ihlp, and the new feed yards here will materially help the local market. M. L Fries, of Atcadia. senator elect from the 15th senatorial district, was in the city, yesterday, shaking bauds with friends. The dance at the opera house, last Friday evening, after the W. J. Bryan speech, was quite well attended and a jolly good time is reported. The ladies’ aid society of the M. E. church of thiscity will give an exchange at the post olllce, tomorrow. Everybody who can should patronize it. I). C. Grow has moved his Hour and feed stand to the old bank building on the south side of the public square, form erly occupied by J. Phil Jaeger. Leschinskv'8 annual price reduction on Cabinet Photos, Nov. 15, continued until Dec 0. Cabinet Photos, 99 cents per dozen. Gallery open every day, in cluding Sunday. All are invited to attend the Epworth League meeting. Opening services at 6:30 p. m. at the M. E. Church. There will be a short program and a public reception of new members. W. J. Bryan was here, on last Friday evening, and explained imperialism, free trade and free silver doctrines to the satisfaction of the queen's council and the Times-lndependent. Mr. Robbins, the barber, moved bis shop to the north side of Main street, into the building oue door west of W. R Mellor’s real estate office, but will move again next wreek into the building recently vacated by D. C. Grow, just east of the St. Elmo hotel, w hich build ing he has purchased and will fit up as a first class barber shop. Mr. Wm. Sharp was very badly in jured, last Tuesday afternoon, by a run away. It seems that bis team became frightened at a threshing machine en gine which was going up the road at the time, and becoming unmanageable ran away. Mr. Sharp was thrown out in the fail sustained some very serious internal injuries, but the doctor thinks he will recover. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Angler, of this city, went to Clear Creek, last Saturday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Angler's sister, Mrs. Eliza Craneon, and mother of Albert Mead, who died at the home of her son on Friday last, Oct. 31, 1902, and was buried on Saturday. The funeral was held at 2 p. m. at the Mead residence, Rev. Sheppard of Litcbfleld officiating. Mrs. Cranson bad been an Invalid for many years, and for the last ten years had scarcely been able to go from home. As we go to press, reports come from Ashton that a most disastrous Are oc curred there last night. Mr. Jsquesi elevator burned to the ground and was a total loss with all its contents. The elevator belonging to Ed Taylor, which stood close by, was also fired, but the dames were extinguished before any ma terial damage was done to it. The Are was undotbledly of incendiary origin, and strong suspicions are entertained as to the identily of the culprit. Indi cations point to the fact that the work was done by the same bauds that have been instrumental in the destruction of other elevators along the line recently. The Lincoln blood-hounds were sent for and are expected to arrive today. The arrest of the guilty person Is looked for in a few hours at least. Canaria'* Principal Proriue’ia ,t. Canada has never liked the image in which Kipling presented her as "Our Lady of the Snows," thinking that it might be held to cast reproach on her climate and discourage emigration. Wilkes's female admirer,defending him Irom the reproach of squinting said that he did not squint more than a gentleman and a man of honor ought to squint, and Canadians in general stand up for their territory as not a bit more wintry than it ought to be. A Dominion lecturer in London has recently told the Imperial Institute all about it, but failed to mention that the principal production of the country is emigrants to the United States, found on arrival to he particularly intelligent and useful.—New York Tribune. Farm For Sai.k —If taken soon, ami >U a price to suit. I own 209 acres a bout 7 miles 8. E. of Sargent aui) about 8 oiiles from Comstock, on the Middle Loup river, between Ik) and 100 acre under Irrigatingditch, and the whole tract may be under the ditch, with a small expense. The land la all off the best quality, with no waste land A sod house. 2 good wells and plenty of fencing. For particulars, write Mrs. H. U. Webster, Independence Mo., send ing your best offer over 8,000. About half of the purchase prlec can remain on the farm for 6 years City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. &A, T. Conger, Props My ice will be delivered to any part of the city free. The ice house will he opened but once a day, aud that will be from 4 to 8 o’clock, a. in. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty ot moving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, LOCF CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. FOUR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS FROM OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES The excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at 4:25 p. in., in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The ears are accompan ied all the way by conductors skilled in the service of excursion parties. The Union Pacific is the only line from Oma ha running four excursions to Califoroa every week. These excursions can be joined at any poiut enroute. For full information call on or ad dress II. J. Clifton Agent. Advantage of Automobiles. No humane society can find fault with an automobile banquet held even on the coldest night. There are no horses to be left outside to shiver and shake while thcdr owners warm them selves within and without with the best known heat producing commodi ties.—Boston Transcript. Cure of File* Afer 40 Tears. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors i.or dollars could do him no lasting good DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWItt on the package—all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Odendabl Bros. Schuyler flour and feed at Gastever. y For u Had Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamber lains Cough Remedy to loosen and re lieve it, and to allay the irritation and intlamation of the throat and lungs For sale by Odendahl Bros. I have new and second hand wagons for sale. T. M. Ref.d. -» » »■ —-— Nall* Up Horseshoes. Mrs. Arthur Stannard, who writes novels of English army life under the name of “John Strange Winter,” care fully brings home and nails up in her home every horseshoe which she finds. She recalls with pride that her first stroke of literary luck came to her the very day when she picked up her first horseshoe. A THANKSGIVING DINNER Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacts in flame the mucious membrane lining the stomach, producing a swelling after eat ing, heartburn, Itoadache, sour rising and filially catarrh of the stomach. Kod ol relieves the inflamation, protects tiie nerves and cures catarrab. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing and sweetning the glands of the stomach.—Odendahi Bros. Dignity of Schwab's Coachman President Schwab of the billion dol lar steel trust says that he was driving through a little town near Pittsburg the other day with his colored man seated beside him, when he heard one woman say to another: “There’s the great Mr. Schwab.’’ “Which one?” said the other, evidently impressed with the colored man’s dignity. RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menace rs to health of the present day. BPV/U- «AIU»0 >CTIrtlt __ Headquarters 1 FOE BUGGIES IS CONCEEDED TO BE AT -OUR STORE The number of sales made during the first week that our stock has been on our floors is evidence to us that the goods and the prices we have on them is appreciated by the public who make a practice of investigating qualities and prices on this cla-sof goods. Our stock is complete and we still have plenty of goods to sell and at the same prices. Come in and look them over. Our stock of heating stoves is now on k floor and of which we will say more later on. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. _E S. H£YPu psj. LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT! r TIME IS ALMOST UP. THE 2011 OF NOVEMBER IS THE DATE WHEN THE HAS TO STOP. Come and get the goods WHILE THEY ARE CHEAP. Don’t wait and pay THE OLD TIME PRICES. but come and try the Old Reliable Store. Respectfully Yours, JOHN H. TRAVIS. -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCIIAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND HARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asia. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND HARWELL Cull and Bee our coal and get prices on grain. _E. G. TAYLOR. I L DEPEWiS* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker I ° ' Lj Ji-Tooooooi®; m My shop is tlio largest and best equipped north of tlio Platte River. M I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, mu L chtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and y turnout a job with neatness and dispatch. my PRICES ARE RRASONAW.E AND PROMPTS *" | ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL COSTUMERS. ! Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, I J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. ;j *T:r ::" t* • atshkes:.' I feai\d Islapcl mmm Mm lams mm. IRA T. PAINE & CO. ivi o n u ivs e n ts. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us before giving an. order. GRAND ISLAND, . . . NEB «