'CONGRESSMAN WILBER SAYS UoTbe Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., of Columbus. 0.] 44 Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It.” * $D f.WLBEfi\ **^t&*X£WYOIU^B Congressman D. F. Wilber, of Oneonta, N. Y., writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen—“Persuaded by a friend / have tried your remedy and 1 have almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully convinced that Peruna Is all you claim for It. and cheerfully recommend your medicine to ell who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble.' ’—David F. Wilber. l'c-ru-nan ITeventlve amt Caro ror Colds. Mr. C. F. Given. Sussex, N. B., Vice President of “The Pastime Boating Club,” writes: “Whenever the cold weather 6ets in I have for years past been very sure to catch a severe cold which was hard to throw off. and which would leave after effects on my constitution the most of the winter. “Last winter I was advised to try Feruna, and within five days the cold was broken up. and in five days more I was a well man. 1 recommended it to several of my friends and all speak the highest praise for it. There is nothing like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions. It Is well nigh infallible as a cure, and I gladly endorse it.” —C. F. Given. A Prominent Singer Sivod From Loss of Voice. Mr. Julian Weisslitz, 175 Seneca street. Buffalo, N. Y., is corresponding secre tary of The Sangerlust, of New York; is the leading second bassof the Sanger lust, the largest German singing society of New York and also the oldest. In 1899 The Sangerlust celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a large cele bration in New York City. The follow ing is his testimony: “About two years ago I caught a severe cold while traveling and which settled into catarrh of the bronchial tubes, ard so affected my voice that I was obliged to cancel tny engagements. In distress 1 was advised to try Peruna, and nitliough I had never used a patent medicine before, I sent for a bottle. “Words but illy describe my surprise to find that within a few days I whs greatly relieved,and within three weeks I was entirely recovered. I am never without it now, and take an occasional dose when I feel run down."—Julian Weisslitz. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at onco to I)r. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.O. r n. -rrwr —.. Mini ■ I !■ mniMTl gmgmf wsrm Wf Instead of giving a list of ailments I we will say use it on your horses or cattle for almost every ailment and It will cure every- gn/ma M you be SUre I thing that a good Kood results wlU I liniment ought to follow. H cure—that’s what horse-owners say of • m » n m am gamsm ary | flexican flustang Liniment BmHMsmiwMfcW 0 ► The Chicago Limited ^Chicago and the ,• . f f. .Jti, Llectric Lighted Train _Ticket Office,1504 FamaroSLOroaha._ MOW DON’T Don’t forget when you order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more “yellow" looking cIothe»« nomorecrackingorbreaking.lt doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satis faction or you get your money back. The cost is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but 12 ounces. Now don’t forget. It’s at your grocers. HANUFACTURED bv THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO.# OMAHA. NEB. _ ..._i« i.mtjuin'll 'H Called Him to Order. Lord Salisbury, until recently the British premier, was one time called to order in parliament for giving ut terances to what was taken to be some thing stronger than a gibe or a flout. That was thirty years ago. The Earl of Granard had shown nationalistic leanings and had, in fact, in a moment of elation, written a very out-spoken letter which came under parliamentary discussion. Then it wa3 that Lord Sal isbury referred to Lord Granary's “cursed pen.” as the lord chancellor and the house heard him. Called to or der, he explained that the word in question was “cursive.” Couldn't Ship the Subject. In the great variety of human experi ences that of Charles Emerson of Low ell is a novelty. He consented to lie hypnotized for exhibition purposes in a Boston museum. He was boxed and turned over to an express company for shipment. As the rules of the express company do not allow for the transpor tation of persons in a hypnotic state, the agent at Lowell refused to ship Mr. Emerson. The hypnotist’s friends then started for Boston in a wagon with Mr. Emerson, who “came to” en route, thus spoiling the srhemc. A Versatile English Woman. One of the most remarkable women in Great Britain resides at Swansea. Miss Dillwyn has written successful novels, acted as reviewer, carried out the duties of farm haliff, and is now the partner in a flourishing spelter bus iness. She walks three miles to busi ness every morning and remains till 6 o'clock in the evening. She is a mem ber of the school hoard and chairman of the hospital committee. A man's good intentions would bc. Sample sent FREE. Address Alien S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. A woman will forgive a man any thing except his failure to admire her. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. .i. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c.. Hall's Family Fills are the best. A small boy’s ideal memorial win dow is the front one in a candy store. No one would ever be bothered with con stipation if overy one knew how nnturally end quickly Burdock Blood Bitters regu latos the stomach and tiowels. After saying all she wants Is Jus tice, a woman proceeds to kick if her photograph is a good likeness. IOWA FARMS $4 cash, balance * crop till paid. MCLHALL. Sioux City, Iowa. niTrilTfl BDEB A CO., Omaha, Nebr. Hfi I I N I alt I'i“ Fee t nless Successful. * f* • “•* * w I’atenla sold. Advice free, awn a raKT_FOUR LOTS in a body TO TKAUit and (2 Acres Lend ;n Hunts Ana Cal., ■ht.ZOO dear, for Iowa or Nebraska £5p5rt* ITS. BBOWK. Logan, Iowa. nnADCV new DISCOVERY: gives B IcflLI Si 1 quick relief and cures worst -use* Hook of testimonials and 10 UAYB^troatment PUKE. Dr.H.Il GREEK 14 BOK 8, Box R,Atlanta,Ga SEA SHELLS! 25 Shelia by mall for 25 f'enia with engraved list. PoDtl stamps. It would cost you a5i»t totravel around the world and get this collection of beautiful shells. Phells.cat eyes, gold wire for making wire Jewelry, tools, etc., for beginners. Pend for list. Canvassers wanted tor large showy shells. J. F. POWELL, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. | IN WET WEATHER A WISE MAN ST\. WEARS <0 - OILED WATERPROOF CLQTWNG BLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL •TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES • CATALOGUES PREE • SHOWING FULL UNE OP GARMENTS AND HATS i A.cJ.TOWER CO.. BOSTON. MA33.46 TROUBLE BEGINS. Trouble begins with the first back ache. Backache comes !n many forms— sudden twinges of pain, sharp stitches, slow, exhaustive aches. Most backache pains are kidney pains. The kidneys fail to perform the duties nature intends them to do and the warning of trouble comes through the back. Neglect the kidney warning, grave complications will surely follow. tlrirary disorders. Diabetes, Bright's Disease, are the downward steps of neglected kidneys. Doan's Kidney I’llis cure every kid ney and bladder sickness and the cure lasts. Read this proof of It: Mrs. Adam Guntle, residing at 701 South Plum St., Grawfordsvllle, Ir\d., says: "I made a public statement In 1897, saying that Doan's Kidney Pills had cured a member of our family after he had suffered for years with a weak back and kidney troubles. He took three boxes of this remedy and was completely cured. Now three years have elapsed since I made this statement and 1 am only too pleased to reindorse it. I have also used Doan s Kidney Pills myself, obtaining the best results. 1 have recommended this remedy to my friends and neigh bors as one which can always be de pended upon.” A FREE TRIAL of this great Kid ney medicine which cured Mrs. Guntle will be mailed on application to any part of tho United States. Ad dress Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by ail druggists, price CO cents per box. Courtship may Indicate diamonds, but marriage indicates a hard strug gle to get a winter’s supply of the plain black carbon. GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Use the best. That's why they buy Rod Cross Ball Blue. At loading grocers, o centa A brutal man would be an orna ment to any morgue. Another (.ray'* Sweet Powder* for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's Home in New York. Cures Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Toothing Die orders, move and regulate the Bowels ntu Destroy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FllRK. Ad dress Alien *3. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. The more haste the longer you have to wait for the other fellow. WIII'N VOLK UKtlCER SAYS he does not have Defiance Starch, you may be sure he Is afraid to keep it until bis stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. De fiance starch Is not only better than any other Cold Water Starch, hut contains 18 or., to the package and tells for Barn# money as 12 oz. brands. Some women show their age and some cover it with a coat of paint. Hundreds of dealers say the extra cuautitv and superior quality of Defi ance Starch Is fast taking place of all other brands. Others say they cannot sell any other starch. The newspaper Is a mirror that im partially reflects both the agreeah. i and the disagreeable phases of life. High Honors for Winchester Guns The roputation of the Winchester Repeat ing Arms Go., Now Haven, Conn., the lurg e.,t manufacturers of guns cud ammunition in the world, standB as high abroad as in Ibis country, as is evidenced by thefuetthat most of tiie crowned head* of Europe place order* with them for their hunting outfits. The last addition to the long list of poten tates to favor the Winchester Company with his patronage is King Oscar of Sweden He was to pleased with the guns mado for him by till* great country, tha'., without solicitation on tlieir part, he appointed them gun makers to His Majesty. Many a man's crookedness is due to his attempt to make both ends meet. Socking a New Home? Why not try the Great Southwest? Interesting information about condi tions and business chances in Mis souri, Kansas, Indian Territory and Texas will he cheerfully furnished by James Barker, Gen’l Bass. & Tkt. Agt., M., K. & T. Ry., 518 Wainwrlght Bldg., St. Louis. Good breeding keeps a woman from eating as much dinner as she wants You never hear any one complain about “Defiance Starch.” There Is none.to equal it In quality and quan tity. 1G ounces, 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. The more you try to deserve the more you are likely to achieve. To Cure a Cold In Or.o day. Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund money if it fails to cure. ‘25c. After acquiring a European reputa tion an actor seeks an American sal ary. Monev refunded for each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES if unsat isfactory. Only an amateur artist would at tempt to paint a toper’s nose in water colors. Mr*. Winslow* nootning Syrup. For children teething, soften* the ttumt. reduce* In* Semination, allay* pain, cure* wind colic. 23c a bottle. Every man has his limit and some men have two or three. WHY IT IS THE BEST la because made by an entirely different process. Defiance Starch Is unlike any i other, belter and one- Guru more for 10 | cents. ! STANBERRY NORMAL I * AND > : BUSINESS COLLEGE. < i ' 6T ANBERRY. - - MISSOURI.) evrw a A Standard Collate for Youdt'Ladias and Qontlemen , of small means. Hoard, room and lultlftn, 1 year . 41134.1, Collette of Shorthand. Commerce, M uslc.Kloeutlon.etC.1> 80 tearhera. Modern bulldlnite. Catalog froc. i Box M. D. 8. BOBBINS, M. B., President. ] MWWMAMt OMVVVUWVVtrMWWWWVWO [WE HAVE ORGANIZED A CORPORATION WITH A CAPITAL OF $200,000,00 TO CONTINUE THIS BUSINESS PERMANENTLY. W our larger catalogues, Jso. 80# just out, a sufficient to Show us that you mean business, and we will gladly pay tbe balance. There Is no charge for it, although It costa us almost 11.00 each to puo.Iah. * .... THE T. M. ROBERTS SUPPLY COMPANY, WHERE DAY BEGINS - I PROOF THAT THERE MU6T BE SUCH A PLACE. Problem That Will Furnish Work for ^ th i Student—Curious Considers- j tions That Will at Once Occur to the Mind. Seeing that as one moves westwara the time gets earlier anil earlier, so that when it is Monday noon in Lon don it is sometimo on Monday more ing.in America, it follows that, if this principle wore continued without limit half the way round the world, at the same moment that it was Monday noon in London it would be also twenty-four hours later—that is, Tues day noon in London. As this is re ductia absurdum, we have to look for the limit, which does, in fact, exist, on the principle that as one moves eastward gets later. Ilefore the circumnavigation of the globe there was no difficulty. When on a Monday the sun stood over Lou don It was Monday noon in London. As the sun moved (to use the popular phrase) westward and stood a little later over Dublin It became Monday noon In Dublin, and so on until he reached the western limit of the known world. When the sun passed over that limit that was the end of noon for that Monday, and nobody knew what the sun was doing until he reappeared on the eastern limit of the known world, bringing with him Tuesday morning. It is evident, therefore, that while (he sun was in the unknown abjBs between west and east he dropped the attribute of mak ing the time at all places directly under his rays Monday noon and took to himself the attribute of mak ing it Tuesday noon. As the confines of the world were pushed farther eastward and west ward, respectively, the unknown abyss where this change of attribute had to be made got narrower and nar rower, until, when the globe was cir cumnavigated. the place of change be came simply a line. This line exists, and is the place where the days be gin. As the sun crosses thin remark able spot the time Jumps twenty four hours onward—from noon one day to noon on the next day. The situ ation of the line has been located quite fortuitously—namely, by the cir cumstance whether any, given place was first reached by civilized man Journeying from the cast or from the west. The discoverer brought with him the almanac from whence he came, and if he came from the west the time in the new country would be later, and if ho came from the cast it would be earlier than tho time in the country he came from. America was reached by civilized man voyaging westward, and China by man traveling eastward, and the result is that the line that marks where tho days begin lies between these two, in the Pacific ocean, and, instead of being a straight line, zlg zs.gs about, dividing islands which happened to be discovered from the east from those which happened lo be discovered from the west. There must still be many islands in that ocean where it is not yet decided to which side of the line they belong, and where, if one were put down, one would not know whether it were to-, day, to-morrow or yesterday. Thera must also be many islands there which, never having been permanently occupied by civilized people, change their day from time to time, so that a ship calling there coming from China might arrive on Tuesday, while an other ship calling at the same time from America would arrive on Mon day. There must be people living so near this line that by going a few miles they can leave to-day and get into to-morrow, or by going back can . find yesterday. How convenient for troublesome appointments. Many other curious considerations occur to one, but 1 have said enough I think, to show—what every one does not, perhaps, realize—that there is a place in the world where the days begin. To Converse Well. "The power to converse well is a very great charm,” says Ruskin. “You think anybody can talk! How mis taken you are! Anybody can ex change idle gossip. Anybody can re capitulate the troubles of the kitchen, the cost of the last new dress, and the probable doings of the neighbors. But to talk wisely, instructively, freshly and delightfully is an immense accom plishment. It implies exertion, ob servation, study of books and people, and receptivity of impression.” Plato banished the musicians from his feasts that the charms of conversation might have no interference, but In our later fashions many prefer music rather than the gossip of the hour, which often degenerates Into triviali ties, wearisome and commonplace. As a mirror reflects the face, so conversa tion reveals the mind. Good Southern Story. The Senator Money incident re calls that delightful story in "Col. Carter of Cartersville.” The Yankee postmaster had put up a fence in the postoffico and compelled the people to do business through a hole in it. This in itself was galling. Col. Tal cott approached tho hole and asked in his distinguished manner for the loan of a postage stamp. He was re fused, and on repeating his request and again being refused, “he drew his revolver and shot that Yankee through tho heart.” “And now, suh, : comes the most remarkable part of this story. If It had not been for MaJ. Tom Yancy, Jedge korfoot, and my self there would have been a law suit !” Instant Relief from Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Here Is a ease: Mr. T. Shepherd of Whitburn, Sunderland, Ohio, says: "My wife suffered severely from rheu matism, and neuralgia. She could not get one moment's rest and was nearly crazed with pain. Obtained Instant re lief and a permanent cure by using the contents of one bottle of St. Ja cobs Oil. There is no other remedy in the world that will do this. The in stantaneous effect which St. Jacobs Oil produces is a part of its half a century record." St. Jacobs Oil is sold in 25 cts. and BO cts. sizes by all druggists. The words "Acts like Magic,” "Con quers Pain,” which have been used in connection with St. Jacobs Oil for more than BO years are wonderfully and truly descriptive. “M. A. P.” tells a story of one of the adventures of Stanley Spencer, the English aeronaut. It was at Hong Kong and the balloon was rent in making the ascent. However, rather than disappoint the crowd, Mr. Spen cer determined to trust to his luck, and gave the order to let go. The bal loon shot up, the hot air pouring from the fissure. The aneroid soon marked $00 feet and the parachutist was be ginning to get ready, when the balloon suddenly collapsed, and after a vain endeavor to loosen the parachute, ho fell like a stone! During tho whole of that fall he was conscious and felt no fear, only a dim wonder as to when he would strike. Twice he turned com pletely over and then crashed on to a rocky cliff 1B0 feet above the sea level. Some Jack Tarsi among the hor rified spectators rushed to pick up his remains and found him not only alive but conscious. "Are you hurt?” they asked with the fatuity of men deeply moved. “Only carried nway a mainstay, hoys,” was the cheery response, and (then the plucky man fainted. He had broken his tibia, but that and some bruises were his only injuries. A fall of 450 feet onto rocks, and life! The .explanation lies in the fact that the parachutist struck the sloping sides of the cliff and slithered down to the bottom. A Cure for Rheumatism. Bridgeport, Wash., Oct. 20th.—Rhon mutism and kidney trouble seem to bo the prevailing ailments In this ter ritory and particularly In Douglas county. A remarkable and plainly sure euro has, however, recently been Intro duced. It Is called Dodd's Kidney Pills and although but a short time on tho market, it has already worked many wonderful cures. One of the most striking of these is that of Mr. John Higgins, who for a long time suffered with rheumatism and kidney trouble. The pains of these diseases had combined to make his life very miserable indeed, and he could get nothing to do him any good till ho heard of this new remedy. He teiis his experience with it In these words: "Dodd’s Kidney Pills have done more for my rheumatism and kidney trouble than anything else I have ever used. There is more virtue in them than in any other medicine and I will always highly recommend them to all of my friends.” If some men would reflect more they would be brighter: if some wo men were brighter they would reflect more. Cure'’ croup, sore throat, pulmonary trou ble-!.—Monarch over pain of any sort. Dr. Thomas’ Ecleotric Oil. T. P. O’Connor writes thus of auto mobiles: It is almost as much as a man’s social life is worth nowadays to remain without a motor car. There is a certain scornful uplifting of the eyebrows in the well to do if you con fess to not having a mtor, such as I remember in the days when you had to avow that, owing to want of money or want of time, you had never seen tho Riviera. I was once waiting out side of Niagara for the winter when tlie season there was at its height, and. getting into conversation with onu of the attendants there, who recogniz ed me, 1 had to acknowledge shame fully that I was not a member and didn’t even intend to become a mem ber of the Skating club. I didn’t know how to skate, and what good would it be to me? "Ah, but, sir.” said the at tendant, “you forget how much you’d improve your social position.” It looks as If everybody nowadays will have to get a motor car to "improve his so cial position.” , The remains of five fossil horses have been discovered in the far west by the exploring party sent out ou tlie William C. Whitney fund for the American museum of natural history in New York. These are of the three toed horses, doubtless the hipparion, found in Dakota pliocene by Hayden, Marsh, Cope and others. The speciea has only been known from fragments of the skull and legs, but this new find Includes one nearly complete skeleton, besides several skulls, five forelegs and ten hind legs. A Bust of Rhodes. John Tweed, the sculpture, has fin ished his statue of Cecil Rhodes, which is to be erected In Kimberley. It Is on exhibition in London. The statue is more than life size. It represents Mr. Rhodes in the act of making a speech, his right foot advanced and firmly planted, his hands clasped behind his back, and his fine uncovered head thrown somewhat on one side in a characteristic pose. *‘A dose In time Raven llveR.” Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Hyrup; uatnre's remedy for coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of every sort. Gratifying reports from western New York say that the tres in the apple orchards are heavily laden, anil mac the quantity and quality of this healthful and palatable fruit are far above the average. Not only are the apples themselves exceptionably de licious and abundant, but the pros pects for the finest of sweet cider and of vinegar are highly encouraging. As to aoolciack—why excite jealousy and envy in New Jersey.