' SUFFERED SEVEN YEARS With Catarrhal Derangements of the ♦ Pelvic Organs. Hundreds of Dollars Spent in Ya?n***Pe» ru-na Cured. V Miss Kate Browix. \ Miss Kate Brown, Recording Secre tary of the L. C. B. Association of Kan sas, in a letter from 60S N. Seventh si., Kansas City, Kansas, says: “Por seven years / have not known what It was to spend a well day. I caught a severe cold which I neglected. It was at the time of menstruation and inflammation set in and prostrated me. Catarrh of the kidneys and bladder fol lowed, my digestive organs gave way, in fact the cold disarranged my whole system. **/ spent hundreds of dollars with doctors and medicine, but derived but little benefit until 1 began treatment with Perurta. I kept taking it for nearly nine months before I was completely cured, but 1 kept growing better gradu ally so that I felt encouraged tocontinue taking Peruna until my health was re stored. I send my thanks and blessings — I —w * to you for Peruna.”—Miss Kate Brown. A neglected cold is frequently the cause of death. It is more often, however, the cause of some chronic disease. There is not an organ in the hody but what is liable to become seriously do ranged by a neglected cold. Diseases of the kidneys, bladder and digestive or gans are all frequently the result of a neglected cold. Hundreds of dollars are spent on doc torsand medicines trying to cure these diseases, but until the true cause of them is discovered, there will be no use in using medicine. Dyspepsia medicine, diarrheca medi cine and constipation medicine is of no good whatever when catarrh is the cause. The catarrh must be treated. The cause being removed, the derange ments will disappear. I’eruua cures catarrh of the digestive organs, the urinary organs or any of the internal organs. 1 f you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,O. The Chicago Limited jc-M-ftSTR I I FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER ■ hi. .if. WITH TEH BAYS' FREE WEARINO '>7/'775m\\\V^ TRIAL I" ynarown Iiimbf, wf furnUh the penufne and only IlElOfrLIIKKM AITIRVaTING CCS RENT FLMTRH’ BELTS to any reader of this paper. No biow#* In advanret »ery lose cupo.itl.f piruiK COSTS ALMOST NOTHINO™<"l *r» BEARS THIS TRAPt HARR ? s a v [though often iiutater rsgy/Fxpr A5 A 5APPI.E CUAI ITHASNOEQBAl. CATALOGUES TREE SHOWING TULL LING 9T GARMENTS ANO HATS. A.^.TOWtft CO.. BOSTON. MASS. 4« j! i Buys an Elegant J)| New Upright.... Pisano THIS MONTH. WRITE AT ONCE TO SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, I Manufacturer* - Wholesalers < Retailers. U13 FARNAM ST. - OMAHA. YEARS A60 we beean our present busi ness of selltns general mer chandise at wholesale price* ag direct to the consumer— two millions of people orderod (nods from u* last year, sar ■ — lne from 15 to 40 per cent, ▼nnr nelzhbors trade with us —why not rnnl Our UWO psg" catalogue tells the stopo ^Te will send it upon receipt of 15 cent*. I - CHICAGO L The house that tells the truth. __i _ . —r |.Tfl 8CE8 * CO., Omaha, Nebr. DflTFNTS No r*-n , Hiiccesjfui. in I CH I O I’uif mu «o,cl. Advice tree. — _ FOUR LOTS In a»>o ^jnrm*****/ ;*i*rrowv*" 1i1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3^52 SHOES SS fry. L Douglas shoes are the standard of the world. W. L. Iloutrlaa made and sold more men’s Good year Welt (Hand Sewad Process) shoe* In I lie first six months of lf>02 thin any other manufacturer, em non REW ARD will be paid to anyone who 0 I UiUUU can dUproro this statement. W. L. DQUCLASS4SHOES p CANNOT BE EXCELLED. II,103,8201 \ITA 12.340.000 1 Best imported and American leathers. Heyl’s Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, IlkI Kid, Corona Colt, Nat. Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelet. n»e