The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 24, 1902, Image 4

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    Lioaal Daws.
Corrected Weekly.
Wheat.* 35 to f so
Rye ...... 31 tO 35
Oata . II to J5
Hog*, per cwt.,. . 0 00
Fred Tbode was In town Tuesday.
Mrs Shepherd is here visiting friends.
There are plenty of land seekers here
J. I. Depew, our genial blacksmith, is
on the sick list.
N. B. Thompson was doing business
at the hub Tuesday.
S. S Reynolds of Webster township
was doing business in the city, Tuesday
T. M. Reed is extending the sidewalk
in front of his store building on main
R. A. Wilson is suffering with a badly
■wolen face, the result of having a tooth
A large crowd of the German Varlen
members and their families had a dance
in Pliger's opera house last Monday
night. They bad a good time.
The city was crowded with people
last Saturday. The day was nice and
it seemed that everyone was taking
advantage of the good weather.
Smiles and tears mingled with laugh
ter is In store for those who visit the
great Si Perkins Show at the Loup City
Opera House, Wednesday, Oct. ‘29th.
A man by the name of Wilson, while
coming to Loup City from Sargent the
first of the week, lost a valuable horse
on the road. The animal died while
Farm for rent.—320 acres about five
miles frem Loup City. Good house,
well, barn, etc. A large tract under
cultivation. Apply to A. E. Charlton,
Ord, Neb.
Geo. Thompson, of Arcadia, was a
pleasant caller at this ollloe while down
last Saturday In attendance at the Odd
Fellows' lodge. He stayed over aod
visited friends Sunday.
A big haul by highwaymen, substi
tutes and others who steal the good
name and fame of Rocky Mountain
Tea made fameous by Madison Med
cine Co. 35c. Odendahl Bros.
John A. Thompson wss in town last
Monday and took home a bran new
wagon of the Moline manufacture and
which he purchased of E. S. Hayburst,
our hardware and implement dealer.
W. J. Heapy and G. C. Gray of Har
rison township, U. R. Welch of Loup
City, Lewis Wolfe and Herman Lade of
Hazard, and Edward Fagan of Washing
ton township are new subscribers to
this paper since our last issue.
To witness “SI Perkins" at any price
is a decided treat, and when this laugh
provoking comedy drama can be seenxit
popular prices, with the original cast,
the opportunity should not be missed.
▲ novel street parade will taka place in
the afternoon. Show in the evening,
Wednesday, Oatober 29th.
The later Information which was re
celved here regarding the death of Mrs.
D. L. Garrison, which we mentioned last
week, was iDdead a shock to everyone.
It seems that she was in a very feeble
state of health and mind, and while the
nurse was preparing some medicine,
or otherwise attending to her duties as
a nurse, at the hospital In which Mrs
Garrison was being treated, the latter,
without being noticed, either fell or
jumped from a window three stories
Quite a delegation of Odd Fellows was
down from Arcadia last Saturday night
attending a meeting of the craft, at
which time some half dozen new mem
bers were Initiated. The Arcadia team
took the gavel and did the work of the
evening, which was done in a very effi
cient manner. Those present from our
sister town were: Ed. Fuller, G. W.
Thompson, Walter Roberts, Claude Par
rott, Frank Thompson, A. J. Frtden
burg, Alfred Hastings. Henning Claus
sen, Al. Duryea, P. D. Duryea, Dave
Duryea, Abe Duryea, Jap. Cooper, D. M
Goddard and Albert Stone.
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson when
getting bit usual Saterday evening bath
stepped back against a hot stove which
burned him severely. The child was in
great agony and his mother could do
nothing to pacify him. Remembering
that she had a bottle of Cbamberlsiu's
Pain Balm in the house, she thought
she would try it. In less than half an
hour after applying it the child was <jui
et and asleep, and in less than two
weeks was well. Mrs. Benson Is a well
known resident of Keller, Va. Pain
Balm Is an antiseptic linement and es
pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises
and sprains For sale by Odendabl
Dr. Leon Blackburn, with bis Electric
Appliance company, arrived In the city
last Monday, and in the evening gave a
▼ery pleasing eutertainment to a crowd
ed house. The beautiful illustrated
aonga by I’rof Al. Harris and the won
derfully melodious productions by Miss
Maria Delano were the taking features
of the entertainment. The comedian,
Leo Blondin, Is chuck full of comical
expressions and keeps the audience in
an uproar of laughter throughout the
evening. Dr. Blackburn gives an inter
esting lecture of about twenty minutes
11 which he very Intelligently explains
to the audience the virtues of his elec
tric appliances, of which he carries a
full line. They will bo here all this
we« k at the opera house.
Geo. Kggera la painting the Oltman^
business property. .
Laundry girl wanted at St. Elmo hotel '
Wages, $3.00 per week
A baby boy waa born last Thursday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sorrensen
of Webster township
Mrs Chan True, of Lee Park. Valley
county is visiting her sister, Mrs. O
BeDSchoter, in the city this week.
Miss Grace Taylor carried ofl' the firat
prize of 27 pieces of silverware at the
opera house. Tuesday night. Robert
Young got second.
For Sal*.—160 acre farm, located on
Oak Creek valley, seventy acres under
cultivation. Price, $1,000 00. Inquire
of W. S. Waite, Loup City, Nebr.
Wrinkles are smoothed away br its
beling touch. Brain tired and de
pressed peaple will find a cure in Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35c. Odendahl Bros.
Rev. Mr. Knight was here last Sunday
evening and gave an address in the M E,
church, to the Epworth League mem
bers His appointment was well at
Henrv Ranslnk, of the west aide was
in the city Ust Saturday. Henry hss
been abaent fron the county seat for
some time harvesting and taking care
of his large crop.
W. J. Heapy, of Harrison township,
was *n town last Saturday and stopped
over until Sunday morning. He adoed
his name to our list and will read this
paper in the future.
It is said that every bride has many
friends, but in a few years, they dwind
le down to one. That's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well.
35c. Odendahl Bros.
The reception in Society hall lait
Saturday night, given in honor of Rev.
Madely and wife was quite well attend
ed and a very enjoyable time was had.
A nice supper was served.
Theo Boyce, of Arcadia, is assisting
us ir. the Nobthwestebk office now
during the rush of hallot printing. Mr.
Boyce Is a practical printer and we are
glad to be able to secure his services.
Edward Fagan, of Washington town
ship, while at the connty seat last Tues
day, embraced the opportunity to add
his name to our nibscrlption list. Ed
knows a good thing when he sees It.
The floors are being laid for the new
brick store building. Mr Conhiser has
been busy with hammer and saw, assist
ing his carpenters, and now they have
the roof done and soon will be ready to
put in the front.
The fun-making, side splitting rural
comedy drama, “81 Perkins", will be
the next attraction at the Loup City
Opera House, Wednesday, Oct. 29. The
celebrated SI Perkins Band will giye a
parade in the afternoon.
The Rockville Sunday school has been
reorganized with Miss Whitman as su
perintendent. All within the vicinity
of Rockville are cordially invited to at
tend. Ail come and help make the
school a success. Time, 2:30 p. m —A
Member of the School.
We have received a new $15.00 set of
press rollers and hereafter will be able
to give our readers a more presentable
paper. For the last month we have not
been getting a very good print owing to
the defective inking rollers, but now
we hope to be able to make a nice,
clear print.
There will be a Halloween social giv
en at Society hall, in this city, on Fri
day evening, October 31st. This social
will be conducted under the auspices of
the ladies of the Baptist church, and is
for the purpose of raising more money
to pay off the church debt. Let all who
can, attend.
Lewis Wolfe and Herman Lade, of
Hazard township, were pleasant callers
yesterday while transacting business at
the county seat. They are among the
many who subscribed for this paper
this week. The boys have just finished
tnreabing their small grain, and will
soon commence to husk their corn.
Messrs. Johnson anti Lorendz, of Au
rora, have rented the building just west
of the post office, and will, in a short
time, open a store with a full line of
clothing and gents’ furnishing goods.
They will also run a first class tailor
shop in connection with It. They are
experienced clothiers and tailors and
will open business as soon as they get
possession of the building, a good
tailor shop is an enterprise that has long
been needed here aDd the Nohtuwest
ekn takes pleasure in welcoming them
to the business circle of our city. We
bespeak for them success
Don't neglect a cold. It Is worse than
unpleasant.. It is dangerous. By us
ing One Minute Cough Cure you can
cure it at once, Allays inflamation,
clears the bead, sooths and strengthens
the mucious membrane. Cures coughs,
croup, throat and lung troubles. Ab
solutley safe. Acts immediately. Chil
dren like it.
MANUAL of soil culture.
Send me a 2 cent postage stamp and
f will mall you free a copy of Camp
bell's Soil Culture Manual, a valuable
work that every farmer ought to have
•». Francis General 1’assanger Agent
it pats to dip.
Cattle, hogs and sheep and it pays »s
pecially to use Lee s Carbolic Dip, made
bv Geo. II. Lee Co. of Omaha This 1
dip is the best of coal-tar dips and U
supplied direct from the factory at the:
very low price of 65 cents per gallon in
barrels; 75 cents per gallon In 5 gallon
cans Send for dip Catalogue with test
imonials to above named tirm.
O. Manchester was a frlen Uy eal'.ar,
We are busy getting ready to print
election ballots
1 have a few tons of steam threshing
coal at 8:1.00 per ton.—E. G. Tatlob.
Mrs Florence Smith sold her house
hold effects at auction sale last Satur
Mr. J. F. Ileifl'er, of Logan township,
was transacting business at the bub last
James Conger ban gone to Omaha to
attend the funeral of his sister. Mrs. D.
L. Garrison.
John Ghipps called, Wednesday, and
left a dollar to insure another year’s
visit from this paper.
D. C Grow, sells flour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company’s
stand one door et of St. Elmo Hotel.
Louis Rein, who bought the Lou Mc
Grath property, in the south part of
town, is building a tine large addition
on the east.
If you want to laugh and get a taste
of the good time you may have at the
Loup City Opera Home on next Wednes
day eyening, Oct 29tb, don't forget to
see Si Perkins’ Show.
Mr. E. L. Johnson, of Comstock, car
ried off the prl/e, of a set of 27 pieces
of silverware, at the drawing at the
opera house last Monday night. John
Oltman got the silver sugar bowl.
A. Bonne showed us a very uice proof
picture of a group of old ladies of the
village w hich he took a few days ago at
the residence of Mrs. J. A. Angier.
They were the ladles who gave the en
tertainment at the opera house a few
weeks ago.
Henry French of the Times-Itidepend
ent went to Grand Island last Tuesday
morning to take an examination for a
position a» government printer. Henry
is a good compositor and job printer
and we hope be will succeed in his un
There's a weekly letter from Wash
ington. D. C., in The Chicago Weekly
Inter Ocean, and its contents alone make
the paper well worth Its regular sub
scription price of $1 00 per year. Yet
by our specia 1 low rate arrangement
both this paper and the Inter Ocean
may be had for $1.45 for one full year.
Can you think of a better investment?
Will Thomas hag been her# from Casper.
Wyoming, visitiag htg mother forthe past week
Mrs. Crawford, mother of Howard and James
Lange, died last Friday night. She was a very
aged lady.
Mrs. Luba died at her horn# last Saturday
night. She has been suffering for nearly a year
with cancer.
Richard Raker, of this vicinity, ia making
some very substantial improvements on the
farm. He ia tearing down his old stables and
sheds and will erect a nice new barn this fall
with an additional expense of about a thousand
dollars. Recorder.
John Gray drove to Boelus and Dark. Sundny,
on business.
Will Fletcher of Boelus was seen on our
streets Friday.
C. F Krehmke was doing business in Boalus
Tuesday forenooa
Paul and Rudolph Fiader drove to Loup City
on business Monday.
Mrs. E. A Smith of Loup City vtsited her
husband here Friday.
C. H Plambeck of Ashton w as in town on bus
iaess Tuesday afternoon.
James Hamilton, of Dayton, Ohio, was in
town oa business Monday.
W. W. Bundy paid Loup City a flying viait
between trains Saturday afternoon.
H. Smelser ef Ashton was in town, Wednee
day afternoon, looking for a carpenter.
Chris Nielsen “railed’’ it to Dannebrog, Sat
urday. to spend Sunday. Mrs. Nielsen returned
with him Monday noon.
Alonzo Dowers of Stromaburg, Kebr., drove
in Tuesday afternoon, for a viait with his
brother-in-law. Ira Pugh.
J. J. Herbert of Central City waa here Thurs
day and Friday, delivering the nursery stock
that he sold here last spring,
Mr. and Mrs W. M. Smelser took Mr. Smel
ser s brother, Harry, to Ashton. Sunday, und
spent the day visiting relatives there.
John Lucks left Saturday morning for Chey
enne, Wyo.. and Guy Stephens hit the same
trail Saturday afternoon for the same destina
Mias Almee Whitman visited 8t. Paul. Satur
day and brought her little niece. Miss Alberta
Geisler, of Arcadia, home with her for a week’s
Wm Jacobs arrived home, Saturday noon,
from an extended visit at Fond Du Lac. Wieo.,
and Billie says that Nebraska la the only place
tot him. U. NO ME.
Flour and feed exchanged at I). C
Grow's store. One door east of
St. Elmo Hotel.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
_ _ »oym WKiKO Ki»PFfi co.. nrw yobk.
Every day in September ami October |
via the Burlington Route, To San
Franclsco, Sacramento, Eos Angeles,
San Diego and many other points in
California. The Burlington Houte has
made the extraordinary low rate of
S‘2fl 45 from Loup City Neb. Touri-t
sleeper daily from Omaha, Lincoln,
Hastings and main line points.
Stopovers are allowed at many Cal
ifornia points. Ask the Burlington
agent, or write J Frauds, General
Passanger Agent Omaha.
-♦ ♦ ♦-—
Farm For Sale.—If taken soon, and
at a price to salt. I own 209 acres a
bout 7 miles S. E. of Sargent and about
3 miles from Comstock, on the Middle
Loup river, between 80 and 100 acres
under irrigatingdlteh, and the whole
tract may be under the ditch, with a
small expeuse. The land is all off the
best quality, with no waste land
A sod house, 2 good wells and plenty of
fencing. For particulars, write Mrs
H. C. Webster, Independence Mo., send
ing your best offer over 3,000, About
half of tbe purchase priee can remain
on the farm for 0 years
City Dray
Transfer Line.
My ice will be delivered to any part
of the city free. Tbe ice house will be
opened but once a day, and that will
be from 4 to 8 o'clock a. m.
AH kinds of hauling will bo given prompt
attention and will make a specialty ot
moving household good. We solicit your
NOTICE.—1 will be at my gallery
in Loup City, on Monday, Wednes
day and Friday of each week until
further notice.
M. Leschinsky, Photographer.
There are limes when your liver
need* a tonic. Don’t give purgatives
that gripe and weaken. DeWItt,s Little
Early Kisers expel all poison from tbe
system and act as tonic to tbe liver.
W. Scott, 531 Highland ave. Milton, Pa.
say*: “I have carried DeWltt.s Little
Eatly Kisers with me for several years
and would not bo without them.”
Small and easy to take. Purely veg
etable. They never gripe or distress.
—Odendahl Bros.
Through tourist sleepers to Washing
ton. The Burlington Route has author
ized the low rates of #33 30 from Loup
City to Washington, D. C , and return
or the National Encampment, G . A. K
Tickets on sale October 2 to 5 inclus
ive. Good returning until! October 14,
but extentlou until November 3, 1902,
may be secured.
Through tourist sleepers to Omaha to
Washington, October 4 Double birth
#3.00. Ask the Burlington agent or
write J, Ebancis, General Passsnger
Agent Omaha.
Via tbe Burlington Route. October
5 to 10. Only #17.15 to St Louis and
return, account St. Louis fair. Ask
the Burlington agent.
Omaha, Neb , October 15 to 23. For
above convention tbe Union Pacific has
made a rate of one fair for the round
trip. Tickets on sale J5-16-18. For
full information call on II. J. Clifton
Of Galveston, Texas.
"Wine of Cardul is indeed a blessing
to tired women. Having suffered for
seven years with weakness and bear,
ing-down pains, and having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
with no success, your Wine of Cardul
was tfce only thing which helped ma,
and eventually cured me It seemed to
build up the weak parts, strengthen
the system and correct irregularities.'*
By “tired women" Mrs. Adams
means nervous women who have
disordered menses, falling of the
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
these ailments that women have.
You can cure yourself at home with
this great women’s remedy, Wine
of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has
cured thousands of cases which
doctors havefailed to benefit. Why
not begin to get well today? AU
druggists have $1.00 bottles. 1’or
any stomach, liver or bowel disor
der Thedford’s Black-Draught
should be used.
Foredvli-e anil literature,mldre... (riving
.ymptSm., Tho Ladles’ Advisory Depart
ment, The Chattanooga Aledlclua Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn. ,
^ - - _J
The number of sales made during the first week that
our stock Las been on ouk* floors is evidence to us that the
goods and the prices we have on them is appreciated by the
public who make a practice of investigating qualities and
prices on this clajs of goods. Our stock is complete and we
still have plenty of goods to sell and at the same prices.
Come in and look them over.
Oir stock of tatii stores is now on tlie floor
and of which we will say more later on.
Having sold my building I de
sire to close out my stock at once
and offer everything
Now is the time to buy from
first hands. Remember when I
817 GOST
and if you will come to my store
you will be astonished to note the
great reduction in prices and the bar
gains I now offer.
-o-1 now have possession of the-o
and will pay highest market price for grain at
Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asoioi. fill Buy
Cull and see our coal and get prices on grain.
^ OOUJBT, » p rvnjjff
PrnUwL ** P‘
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. ^
Omaha National Bank. Omaha, INibreikt