The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 10, 1902, Image 4

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    K 77 • . ... -
Ltoaal I7sws.
•I T. Lambert was among our callers
last Tuesday morning,
R A. Wilson, liveryman, made a trip
to Ashton yesterday morning.
T M. Reed returned from a business
trip to Iowa last Wednesday.
Ask Joe O'Bryan about that ground
bog. He knows all about it.
Will Callen and Geo. Whitman of
Washington township was at the hub
J. T. Hale says that he raised 210
bushels of potatoes from three bushels
of seed.
H. Smelser of Ashton and W. A.
Tbrockmortom of Divide were among
our visitors Thursday.
I have a nice line of heat
ing and cook stoves. T. M.
J. T. Hale bad bis thumb badly bit
ten by a jack last Sunday and is now
nursing a painful wound.
W. N. Eaton moved his family to
Grand Island last week, where he ex
pects to engage in the livery business.
Two of the furnaces for the school
house have been received at the depot
but both have some castings broken
and repairs will have to be sent for.
Farm for rent —820 acres about five
miles from Loup City. Good house,
well, barn, etc. A large tract under
cultivation. Apply to A. E. Charlton,
Ord, Neb.
Mrs. Rawson aud her daughter
Mrs. Sleath of Iowa are visiting
with their relatives Mrs. Long and
Mrs. Mellor.
Mr F. P. Fpink of St. Paul, Keen
Ludden, and F. G. Carlson of Polk
county Neb. were callers at this office
Many farmers are still making hay.
Although It Is the second week In Oct
ober the grass Is still in good condition
and the hay will make good feed.
While E. Munu of Hazard was driv
ing into the county seat yesterday he
found a side curtain to a top buggy
He left it at this olHee for the owner,
if it wasn’t popular, if it wasn't loved
by the people, why do dealers say? “We
have something just as good as
the Madison Medicine (Jo's Rocky
Moun;ian Tea,” Thiukitover, 33cents.
— Odfudahl Bros.
Jas. Bun.ett Is digging bis large
crop of potatoes and they are turning
out by the wagon loads, fie exhibited
twelve very large potatoes which he
dug from one hill and which weighed
an even ten pounds.
JohuH. Power fusionist candidate
on the state ticket and It. M. Mathew
held a political meeting at the Pare!
school hnu?e last Tuesday evening.
They also held meetings at Hazard on
Wednesday night and at Litchfield on
Thursday night.
A. J. Wilson, will have a clearance
auction sale of cattle, hories and farm
implements, Wednesday, Oct. 15,190‘C at
his farm, five miles north of Rockville.
He will offer for sale 10 head of milk
cows, 9 spring calves, 4 bead of work
horses, two colts three years old, and
a long list of farm machinery.
A. O Hendrickson was in to see us
yesterday momlog. He Informed us
that he will leave this morning to take
his position as mail agent In the govern
ment employ on the run between Au
rora and Kearney. Mr. Hendrlokson
is a bright and active young man and
after having a little practice tn his new
occupation he will no doubt be num
bered among the best of the employ
ees In the the government mail service
We wish him success.
My boy when four year* old was tak
en with colic and cramp*- ‘r. his stomach
1 sent for the doctor an., he injected
morphine, but the child kept getting
worse. 1 then gave hlin half a teaspoon
f"l of Camberlains Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and m half an hour
he was sleeping and soon recovered.—F,
L. Wilkins, Shell Lake, Wig. Mr. Wil
kins, is book-keeper for the Shell Lake
umber Co. For sale by Odendahl Bios
Tbe U. P freight train was de
railed last Saturday noon on its home
ward rue When within about a mile
and a half of town the rails spread and
the baggage car and coach and a
refrigerator car were completely
ditched, the engine alone standing on
the track. Although it took several
hours io get tbe wrecking train here
• nd get things straightened out there
was do great amount of damage done
except to the track which was badly
tom up for several rods
Max J. Egge, Jerry Miller, Henry
Ilann, Julius Guender and Henry Beck
er, all of Grand Island came up Mon
day and are haying a very success
ful chicken bifnr. They have been oit
with T. H. Eisner and sons and W. G
Odendahl and have, with the aid of two
doge, in two days and a half brought
down 127 chickens, and are stih on the
bunt. They started out north east
again yesterday morning with i fresh
supply of amunition but we have not
heard of their furiker success. Ir is
safe to say. however, that 'hey wi'l
bring in a good supply as the weather
is delightful and haa been all ihe wc.-k
The party will rake another round tod iv
and Saturday the Grand Island members
will return home They are a jolly
crowd and express themselves us being
much pleased with their tiIp
J. vv. Loug and bU mother a.e both
on the sick list.
J. B O'Bryan U having « telephone
put In at his residence.
T. \1. I eed sells sewing |
Adam Zabn and T. C. Chamberlain
of Elm township called on us Tuesday.
I have a few tons of steam threshing
coal at £3.00 per ton.—E. G. TaTLOB.
Mrs. I>. H. Currier is here from Ak
ron, Iowa visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. D. Wilson of Oak Creek.
D. C. Grow, sells dour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company’s
stand one door et of St. Elmo B otsl.
Jas. Depew is getting lots of work
with his new patent tire setter. Is is
of the best make ye: on the market.
There is a pretty girl in an alpine har,
A sweeter girl in sailor brim;
But the handsomest girl you'll ever see
Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky
Mountain Te9.—Odendahl Bros.
George Weldinand Miss I.estia Eng
l«man, both of Litchfield were mar
ried at the eouuty judges’ office in this
cltv last Wednesday, Judge Angier
See the display ad. of J. II. Travis
In another column. Mr. Travis has
sold his store building and offers his
entire stock of goods at cost. He must
close out and give posession soon. Now
is your time to buy.
Mr. Lewis Haller desires us to say that
he has or lv sold his hvdraulic machine
and has ail of his well driving and re
pairing outfit and intends to follow the
business this fall and wiuter. He is
ready to take orders at any time.
Dill you hear about that populist
senatorial convention? There was
three delegates from Sherman and
one from Buffalo present. It is
thought that he was the delegate
at large. He may be the only pop
left In the county. If so he ought
not to be running at large. And
this was the convention that nomi
nated Dick Emery.
Key. Madely returned from Ord last
Monday where he had heeu for several
days attending the M. E. Conference.
He informs ui tbai he has been return
ed to (bis charge which will make his
third year with us. We are pleased to
note this as Mr. Madely has proved a
good worker In the cause, and an ac
commodating and first class citi/en.
He U aD able minister and with the
able assistance of the Ladies Aid so
ciety and his co-workers, has succeeded
In lifting the entire bunion of ohurcb
Don't neglect a col J. It Is worse than
unpleasant. it is dangerous. By us
ing One M inut3 Cough Cure you can
cure it at once, Allays infiamation,
clears the head, sooths and strengthens
the mucious membrane. Cures eongbs,
croup, throat and lung troubles. Ab
solutley safe. Acts immediately. Chil
dren like it.
Send me a 2 cent postage stamp and
I will mall you free a eopy of Camp
bell’s Soil Culture Manual, a valuable
work that every farmer ought to have
J. Francis General I’assanger Agent
John H. Powers fusion candidate for
state office said in his speech at the
Parel school house last Tuesday night
that while traveling over the couutry he
stopped off at,a station and saw three
or four men standing around. He said
some might take them for tramp*
but he thought that they were respect
able looking men, so he ask them
where they were going,and they answer
ed that they were going east In search
of work. The idea of a man going
east hunting for work when work is
ever} where hunting for him. Show us
such a man and we will show you a man
that wont work when he finds it. Work
men are everywhere wanted, and at
82.00 to $2.50 per day. A few days ago
a young boy of 17 was offered $2.50 per
day to go with a threshing machine.
Wes. McCombs, a farmer living five
miles south of town, after hunting
the country over tor a band, came to
town, and only succeeded in getting one
by offering to pay 845 00 per mouth and
board aud the young man left a job that
was paying him nearly as well to ac
cept It. Farmers are compelled to keep
their children out of school to get
their hay put up and their corn husked
because every b -dy i«sobu-y that th*y
cannot get help at any price. Mr.
Powers is indeed hard up for an issue
when be has to patch up such a story
to go before 'he people with.
One t'se for a Hook.
When In India several years ago
Winston Speneer Churchill, Lord Ran
dolph Churchill's sou, presented a copy
of his first book to Gen. Tucker, who
previous to hts South African com
mand was to command at Secunderbad.
"Do you like It?” young Churchill In
quired of the general. “Haven’t read
it. Is it meant to read?’’ “Why, yes.”
55 ish you’d told me so before. I keep
it hanging up in my dressing room and
tear off a page every morning to wipe
my razou on.”
It Is safe to .-ay never since the
oprea house sus completed h»» fliter
been suchcroAiis thlcln as are attend
ing pel formatters being given this week
by l>r. W M Blackburn's Elect'ie Ap
pliantN Company. Heretofore school
comer cement exercises have held the
paltn for crowding the house, t»ut they
are not In it with the attraction of the
house this week. The preformances
are of the vaudevlll variety composed
of songs, dauces, impersonations, trap
eze performances, character sketches,
farces anti classical singing. Every
thing is of a cleau and humorous char
acter caeulated to keep people laughing
continuously with nothing of a degrad
ing or imoral nature. Dr. Blackburn
carries a full line of electrical applianc
es and electric belts which he sells to
the people In the audience after an in
teresting talk on various diseases to
which the human family is heir. Each
night there Is given away free several
peices of beautiful silverware, glass
ware etc, to parties holding proper
drawings. The engagement closes to
morrow night and next week the com
pany will be in Broken Bow. They are
all right and Broken Bow people can
aount upon a very eniertHining attract
ion.-Grip. Alliance Neb.
This company will exhibit iu Loup
City at Pllger's oprea house for a week
begluing Monday. Oct. 20. Monday
evening admission free.
farmers are busy sowing fall grain
Kiss McKam. of Grand Island is here visit
ing with friends a few days.
Misses Lura Asher of Kavenna. May McKam.
Helen and Ether Newberg and Mesrs Walter
and Eddie Newberg, visited at the home of
Mr. O. P. Mingus, Sunday.
Miss Sophia Wilke, who has been taking a
course at Ravenna as dressmaker is at home.
Mr. H. Wilka la making quite aa improve
ment to his house by raising it and disposing
of »he basement.
N P. Mortensen purchased a line lot of cat
tle from 8. N. liently. He intends to get two
car loads ready for shipment.
Rev. D. Tomsoa of Rlehmond Mo will hold
services at Sweetwater Sunday Oct 12 at 11,
a. m.
Miss, Lena Hollundsworth is attending
school at Kearney.
-■» . »— —■—
Farmers are very busy making hay and sow
ing grain these few sunshiny days.
Hattie Throckmorton commenced a five
mouths term of sehool in District No. 47,
Oct. 6.
Mr. and Mra Henry Lewis and family spent
the the Sabbath day with Neighbor Walker
Mr H. A. Saddler was a pleasant caller «t
Divide Monday
A. I, Throckmorton and family of Wiggle
Creek Sutu'.ayed at Divide.
Ra'ph Throckmorton aod A^a Spaur tran
sacted business in Loup City Saturday.
Sir John Matbewson’s mother Is here to
spend the winter with he" sen and family.
_ Reta.
Enos Kirk has rented a farm of 300 acres
, nine miles south west of Litchfield and will
(arm it next season.
The Republican committee of Supervisor
district No. 3 have hoceptid the resignation
of Wellington Hawh. the regular nominee for
that office and have chosen W.O. Brown
to till the vacancy.
The brethren at their annual U. H. conference
have assigned a lady preacher to Ibia charge
whe will occupy the pulpit for the ensuing
Will Spencer had the misfortune to loos#
a nice ten ton stack ot hay i fire last Monday.
He had been burnnlng some Russian thistles
when the are got away from htin.
Call and see the Gem of all
heaters for burning Slack or
any kind of Coal at T. M.
national convention of the
Omaha, Neb., October 15 to 23. For
above convention the Union Pacific has
made a rale of one fair for tl.e round
trip. Tickets on sale 15-10-18. For
full Information call on II. ,1. Clifton
via Burlington Route.
October 15‘ 10 and 18. Only #5,05 to
Omaka and return via Burlington Route
account National Convention Christian
Church. Tickets good to return ti' 1
October 24,but extention till Novem
ber 30 may be secured. For addi'lm 1
information ask the nearest, agent or
write J. Francis, GenT Passenger Agt ,
< >maha, N< b.
Flour an ) f ed exi lunged at D. O
Grow's store. One door east of
8t. F loo Ili-ie’,
r |
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum balling powders are fhe greatest
menacefj to health ot the present day.
Every day in s< ptetnber and October
via tlie Burlington Konte. To San
Franelsco, Sacramento. I.os Angeles,
San l)icg » and m inv other points in
• ’iilifnrnia. I'he lint ilngton Koutc has
made itae extraordinary low rate of;
8'-*; 1*1 from I.oup City Neb. Tourl-t
ej er daily from Omaha, Lincoln,
Hastings and main line points.
Stopovers are allowed at many Cal
ifornia point-. Ask the Burlington
agent, or write .1 Francis, General
Passanger Agent Omaha.
Farm For Sai.e—If taken soon, and
at a price to suit I own 209 acres a
bout 7 miles S E. of Sargent and about
3 tulles from Comstock, on the Middle
Loup river, between MO and 100 acres
under irrigitingditch, and the whole
tract may be under the ditch, with a
small expense. The land is all off the
best quality, with no waste land
A sod house, 2 good wells and pleuty of
fencing. For particulars, write Mrs.
H. C. Webi-ter, Independence Mo., send
ing your best offer over 8,000. About
half of the purchase prise can remain
ou the farm for 6 years
City Dray
Transfer Line.
JAS. W. COJfbiSR, Prop.
My ice will be delivered to any part
of the city free. The Ice house will be
opened but once a day, and that will
be from 4 to 8 o’clock, a. m.
All kinds of haul lng will he given prompt
attention and will make a specialty ot
moving household good. We sollolt yoar
NOTICE.—I will be at my gallery
in Loup City, on Monday, Wednes
day and Friday of each week until
further notice.
M. Leschinbkv, Photographer.
There a:e limes wheu your liver
needs a tonic. Don’t give purgatives
that gripe .md weaken. DeWItt,b Little
Early Kiseis expel all poison trom the
-ystein and act as tonic to the liver.
W. Scott, 531 Highland ave. Milton, Pa.
«ay«: “I have carried DoWItt.s Little
Early Kisers with me for several years
and would not be without them.”
Small and easy to take. Purely veg
etable. They never gripe or distress.
—Odendah! Bros.
f aro.igU tourist sleepers to Washing
ton. l ilt; Burlington Route has author
ized the low rates of $33.81) from Loup
City to Washington, D. C., and return
or the National Encampment, G . A. R.
f iekets on ->ale October % to 5 inclus
ive. Good returning untill October 14,
but extentloD until November 3, 1902,
may be secured.
Through tourist sleepers to Omaha to
Washington, October 4 Double birth
3.0U. Ask the Burlington agent or
write J, Ka.vNCis, General i’uasanger
Agent Omaha.
If you want a good
fo. >' for your child
'c:i, t ;• Vhenrnse.
t C- v nr '
the !-.*
All reliable £ rucv
have it.
California Breakfast Food
/ Mrs. Laura S. Webb, 1
Vlrr-l’rraldFiil Woman's Demo* 1
I'ralidClulH ul XurtbfruOhio.
“I dreaded the change of life which
was fast approaching. I noticed Wine
of Cardui, and decided to try a bot- I
tie. I experienced some relief the f
first month, so i kept on taking it for
three months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shall take it off and
on no w until I have passed the climax.”
Female weakness, disordered
1 menses, falling of the womb and
ovarian troubles do not wear off.
They follow a woman tothechange
of life. Do not wait but take Wine
of Cardui now and avoid the trou
ble. Wine of Cardui never fails
to benefit a suffering woman of
any acre. Wine of Cardui relieved I
Mrs. Webb when she was in dan- I
gor. When you come to the change I
of life Mr3. Webb's letter will I
mean more to you than it does I
now. Hut you may now avoid the I
suffering she endured. Druggists 1
soli $1 bottles of Wino of Cardui. 1
The number of sales made during the first week that
our stock has been on ouk* floors is evidence to us that the
goods and the prices we have on them is appreciated by the
public who make a practice of investigating qualities and
prices on this cla?s of goods. Our stock is complete and we
still have plenty of goods to sell and at the same prices.
Come in and look them over.
Oor stock of heating stores is oov oo tie floor
kDd of which we will say more later on.
Having sold my building I de
sire to close out ray stock at once
and offer everything
Now is the time to buy from
first hands. Remember when I
I ISAM ©era
and if you will come to my store
you will be astonished to note the
great reduction in prices and the bar
gains I now offer.
-o—l now have possession of the—o
and will pay highest market price for grain at
Coal for Sals ai Lonn City and Ashton. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
Ai R
General Banking
BusinessT ransacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. *
Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska