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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1902)
V * 1 I—I"-™——".— Uoaol Daws. Your chance for a wrap at Ch a*e'» Oct. 1, 2, 3 and 4. E G. Taylor at the B A If. elevator handles genuine Canon City and Mat land Nigger head coal. Special sale on cloaks at Chase's, Wednesday Thursday, Friday aud Saturday. I have a nice line of heat ing and cook stoves. T. M. Reed. A. E. Chase who has been conined to the house for a week by sickness, was able to get down to the store Monday. Claud True was down from Lee's Park last Friday and Saturday visiting with his cousins, Laura and Grace Ben&choter. Frank Dennis of St. Paul was lu the city oyer Sunday night. He bad been to Arcadia on business and stopped off on his return home. District court was on again, off again gone again, this week. There was'nt much courting to do and so It dtd'nt take long. Qeo. Scott and family of Council Bluffs, Iowa arrived here last Tuesday evening for a two weeks visit to his parents, Mr and Mrs. G. H. Scott Frank Cook from the south part of the county was jn Loup City last Fri day. Frank reports politics quiet in his neighborhood and farmers all busy. While at Ravenna last Wednesday we met our old friend John Hopper now of Butler, Buffalo couDtv. John is getting on all right and asked us to remember him to all his friends here. J. S. Pedler, T. C. Chamberlain E. Munn, John Cressler, aud G. E. Ben scboter from Sherman county attended the Republican senatorial convention at Ravenna last Wednesday. We understand that Wm. O. Brown of Webster township will be the chosen Republican candidate for supervisor of that district. The se lection is a good one. Call and see the Gem of all heaters for burning Slack or any kind of Coal at T. M. Reed’s If It wasu't popular, if it wasn't loved by tbe people, why do dealers say? “We have something just as good as the Madison Medicine Co’s Rocky Moutnlan Tea." Think it over, 33cent8. —Odendahl Bros. Those of our citizens who atte nded the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities at Omshs this waek are T. H. Eisner and wife, Mrs. F. S. Reynolds, Jas. Conger and family, W, G. Odendahl and A. E. Chase. Geo. McDonald came dowa from nearly a years stay In Cherry county where he has a homestead of ttoa land. If George stays with It a little longer ha will be able to make final preof and will haye a farm that will he valuable property. Mr. John Knight of Cleveland, Ohio and who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Chare of Custer county, droye to Loup City Friday to visit with relatives here. He is an uncle of Mrs. O. Benjchoter, being a brother of her father, L. H. Knight, once a resadent of tbls place. A. J. Wilson, will have a clearance auction sale of cattle, hones and farm Implements, Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1902 at his farm, five miles north of Rockville. He will offer for sale 10 head of milk cows, 9 spring calves, 4 bead of work horses, two colts three years old, and a long list of farm machinery. Hand bills were out announcing a lecture at the Babtist church by Key. J. Cummings last evening, but as he was compelled to go to Kansas tor a week the lecture did not come off. We are requested to aunounoe that he will fill the appointment next Thursday evening, October 9th. We have on exhibition a large beet, of the Mangel Wurzel variety and which measures over two feet in length sod is proportionately as large in circ jmfer ence. And now comes Fred Boek, of Lo gan township and says that he can pro duce a bigger beet from bis field that this one If Fred’s beet ia the largest we would like to see it My boy when four years old was tak en with colic and cramp- bis stomach 1 sent for the doctor hp.i ne injected morphine, but the child kept gutting worse. I then gave him half a teaspoon f«l of Camberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recovered.—F. L. Wilkins, Shell Lake, VV'is. Mr. Wil kins, is book-keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Co. For sale by Oden da hi Bios PRIZE CONTEST CLOSES SOON. The Burlington Route's prize contest for ihe best photograph of Nebraska scenes closes October 1st. If you bsve good photographs of orchard*, grow ing crops, harvesting scenes, cattle, sheep, horses or poultry, better send them iu without delay. Ask the Bur lington Route agent for full particulars Or wrl-e J Francis,Gen. Pass. Agt. Omaha, Nebr. Plenty of ram again this week (««*o K. Benachoter and wife went to I Ravenna Wednesday. Judge Wall attended district court at Broken Bow Wednesday. C. C. Fletcher, banker of Boelus was In the city Monday night. T. M. lteed sells sewing machines. Rev. John Madely went to Ord last Tuesday to attend quarterly confer ance. Don't forget the date of the Cloak sale at Chase’s, Oct, lit. to 4th. 1 have a few tons of steam threshing coal at #3.00 per ton.—E. G. Taylok. They say that It Is cool in Colorado, but she has no edge over Nebraska this season. F. W. Fuller, of Hazard paid bis re spects to this office while at the connty seat Tuesday. Geo H. Whitman of Washington township was a county seat visitor last Tuesday. D. C. Grow, gells flour and feed at the Northwestern Milling Company’s stand one door et of St. Elmo B otel. There will be an experienced sales lady with that large assort ment of Cloaks at A. E. Chase's, Oct. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Work of putting In several new tele phones la going on this week. They are being put In the school house and at the residences of Ja* Johansen, Prof. Mead aud W. S TrVaite. Mrs. Florence Smith, who has been here for two weeks visiting friends and looking after her property, is going to beautify her residence with a new coat of paint aud otherwise improve the property. There is a pretty giri in an alpine hat, A sweeter girl in sailor brim; But the handsomest girl you'll ever see Is the sensible girl wbu uses Rocky Mountain Tea.—Odeudahi Bros. See the display ad. of J. H. Travis In another column. Mr. Travis has sold his store building and offers bis entire stock of goods at cost. lie mutt close out and give posession soon. Now is your time to buy. Mr. Lewis Haller desires us to say that he has only sold his hydraulic machine and lias all of his well driving and re pairing outtit and intends to follow the busbies* this fall and winter. He is ready to take orders at any time. Married.—County Jud ge, J. A. An geir reports the marriage of Mr. Clay ton H. Stephens of Sherman couuty to Miss Annie Zolrld of Ord. The cere mony was performed at the office of the county judge September 30tb, 1902. We extend congratulations. J. Phil Jaeger came up from West Point last Friday and visited friends until Monday. Mr. Jaeger still has considerable real estate interests in Loup City and Sherman county and was well pleased with tho general pros perous condition of our country. He is looking well and it as jolly as ever. A NECESSARY PRECAUTION Don’t neglect a cold. It Is worse than unpleasant. It is dangerous. By us ing One Minute Cough Cure you can cure it at ouce, Allays inflamation, clears the head, sooths and strengthens the mucious membrane. Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Ab solutley safe. Acts Immediately. Chil dren like it. MANUAi, OF SOIL CULTURE. Send me a 2 cent postage stamp and I will mail yon free a eopy of Camp bell’s Soil Culture Manual, a valuable work that every farmer ought to have J. Francis General Passanger Agent Omaha. A fair sized audience greeted the elderly iadieg of the town last Saturday evening at the opera house, when, under the auspices of the iadieg of the G. A. R,they gave an entertainment that wss Interesting and pleasing to all. There were ten of them whose ages aggrigated 758 years. Their sges re spectively were as follows: Mrs. Smith 88, Mrs. O. Long, 84; Mrs. M. B. Moon, 82; Mrs. Harriott, Beck 87; Mrs. Haney, 72; Mrs. Marie Tubbcsing 81; Mrs. Sarah Gibson, 70; Mrs J W. Waite, 68; Mrs. A. Gilbert, 67; Mrs. J. A. Angler, 59. The principle feature of the en tertainment was for each old lady in turn to give a short sketch of their girl nood days. They all sat on the stage in their easy rockers, and after a few se lect pieces of music was rendered a tea party was Indulged in. This was followed oy the sketches. The stories told were Indeed Interesting |and many things were said that would make good reeding had we time and sp>ice to print them.. The net proceeds, after paying all expenses was #15 80. PLEASED TO HAVE THEM COME. Editor Northwestern: Dear .Sir;-I wish to say that the Rock ville council L. M. L A, No. 101, was truly grateful to L. M L A lodge No. 136, of Loup City for their attendance to our lodge on September 22. and for the part they too In the Initiation of ten new members to Rockville council, and we cordially extend an luvitatioo to them to come again. C. H Wintekh, Secretary. OFFICIAL _R FCOR D OI'I lie ( •Mini) Hoard of sniper visor* Couth.u<d from Inst week. On motion it was ordered that a mini mum price of $20.00 each be placed on lota 18 and 19 of block 7 Original town of Loup City as per the requirements of the statutes in such casr-s ruudr, accord ing to proposition of A. B, Outhouse Proposition was not accepted by Mr. Outhouse. It was then, on motion, ordered that the county treasurer should accept $55 or $20 each for lots 18 and 19 and $7.50 each for lots 3 and 4 all iu block 7, Original town of Loup City, and the proposition was accepted by A B Outhouse. Sept, 17, 1902 Bridge committee sent to view site of bridge across Bloody Hun report that a pile and stringer bridge 24 feet l»Dg and 16 ft roadway wilt be suiticient for same. Report accepted and such a bridge ordered built. Committee on claims reported the fol low ing claims and recommended that they he allowed and ordered paid from their respective funds, deductions for taxes made and by motion clerk is Instructed to draw warrants for same. GENERAL FI ND: It D Hendrickson.$175 00 E S Hayhurst. 40 60 School Dist No. 54. 2 50 Clerk Supreme Court. 5 10 F E Brewer. 5 00 H M Mathew. 90 Ohlsen Bros. 17 22 Geo. Bent. 10 00 Keystone Lumber Co. 15 75 T S Nightingale. 178 37 A M Bennett. 6 00 Dr J VV Jones. 11 40 E A Brown. 28 60 J A Angler. .... 7 50 J I Depevv ($3 for tax). 5 00 VV G McNulty. 1 50 D C Grow. 9 00 Wm Jakob. 11 00 .1 F Roberts. 11 20 Peter Thode. 9 30 Ahton Kwla'.kowski. 10 50 W C Dieterichs. 15 60 0 H Richaidson. 10 20 S N Sweetland. 2 40 HRIDOK FUND: E S Hay hurst .$ 3 75 Keystone Lumber Co. 14 23 “ “ “. 145 02 VV T Gibson. 583 76 Win J aknb. . 9 00 J F Itobers. 16 10 Peter Thode.. 12 50 Anton Kwiatkowskt.. 13 00 VV C Hleterichs. 3 00 KOAD FUND: C H French.$ 3 40 Enward Snyder. 28 65 French & McNulty. 600 00 | D C Grow. . 3 00 Wm Jakob. 5 00 D H Richardson. 4 20 By a vote the minimum price of $5 00 each was fixed on lots l to 10 and 13 to 24 inclusive in block 15 Lalk & Kriechbaum addition to Loup City and the County Treasurer was authorized to accept said amount for said lots up to 1901. By motion board adjourned to meet Nov. 10, 1902, Geo. H. Gibson, _ Clerk. NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Omaha, Neb., October 15 to 23. For above convention the Union Pacific has made a rate of one fair for the round trip. Tickets on sale 15-16-18. For full information call on H. J. Clifton Ageut. NEW YORK CITY AND RETURN. -$40.80. VIA THE UNION PACIFIC. In connection with tho Q. A. R. em campment rates to Washington, D. C., the Union Pacific will also sell round trip tickets to New York City at above greatly reduced rates from Loup City, Neb , October 2nd to 5tb inclusive. For full information apply to II. J. Clifton, Agent. HALF RATES OMAHA AND BACK via Burlington Route. October 15‘ 18 and 18. Only #5,65 to Omaka and return via Burlington Route account National Convention Christian Church. Tickets good to return till October 24, but extention till Novem ber 80 may be secured. For additional Information ask the nearest agent or write J. Francis, Gen'] Passenger A gf., Omaha, Neb. Flour and feed exchanged at I). C Grow s store. One door east of 8t. E'mo lintel. Ro&l Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest ^ menacers to health of the present day. .^__ggv**_B**mo powotR oo., wtw TOU. I-OVV KA I KS TO CALIFORNIA Every ilny In September and October via the Burlington Route. To San Franclaco, Sacramento, Eos Angeles, San Diego and many other points In California. The Burlington Route has made ibo extraordinary low rate of $26 45 from Loup City Neb. Tourist sbeperdaily from Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and main line points. Stopovers are allowed at many Cal ifornia points. Ask the Burlington agent, or write .1 Francis, General Passanger Agent Omaha. Farm For Sai.e—If taken soon, and at a price to salt. I own 209 acres a bout 7 miles S. E. of Sargent and about 3 miles from Comstock, on the Middle Loup river, between 80 and 100 acres under Irrigstlngditch, and the whole tract may be under the ditch, with a small expense. The land is all off the best quality, with no waste land A sod house. 2 good welts and plenty of fencing. For particulars, write Mrs. H. C. Webster, Independence Mo., send ing vour best offer over 8,000. About half of the purchase prise can remain on the farm for 6 years City Dray AND Transfer Line. JAS. W. CONGER, Prop. My ice will be delivered to any part of the city free. The ice house will be opened but once a day, and that will be from 4 to 8 o’clock, a. m. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, LOUP CITY. - - . NEBRASKA. NOTICE.—1 will he at my gallery in Loup City, on Monday, Wednes day and Friday of each week until further notice. M. Lebchinsky, Photographer. IT MEEDS A TONIC There are times when your liver needs a tonic. Don’t give pergatlves that gripe and weaken. DeWitt,8 Little Esrly Risers expel all poison troui the j-vstem and act as tonic to the liver W. Scott, 531 Highland ave. Milton, Pa. aay*: “l have carried DeWitt.s Little Early Riser* with me for several years and would not be without them.” Small and easy to take. Purely veg etable. They never gripe or distress, — Odendabl Bros. LOW RATES EAST Through tourist sleepers to Washing ton. The Burlington Route has author ized the low rates of $33.30 from Loup City to Washington, D. O., aud return or the National Encampment, G . A. R. Tickets on sale October 2 to 6 inclus ive. Good returning untlll October 14. but extentlon until November 3, 1002, may be secured. Through toutist sleepers to Omaha to Washington, October 4 Double birth $3.00. Ask the Burlington agent or *rite J, Kbancis, General Paasanger Agent Omaha. -—- m WHBATOSE If you want a good food 'nr v.Ttir child -,.i. • licutose. s ru F d.i V.' the t. All reliable grow. have It. California Breakfast Food (Mrs. Laura. S. Webb, Vlffrl’rMldenl Woman’* Demo cratic Clubs of Northern Ohio. “I dreaded the change of life which wu fast approaching. I noticed Wine of Cardui, and decided to try s bot tle. I experienced tome relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax." I Female weakness, disordered menses, falling of the womb and ovarian troubles do not wear off. Theyfollow a woman tothechange of life. Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou ble. Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age. Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb when she was in dan ger. When yon come to the change of life Mrs. Webb’s letter will mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the suffering she endured. Druggists sell bottles of Wine of Cardui. [WiNEor CARDUI; Headquarters FOB BUGGIES IS CONCEEDED TO BE AT -OUR STORE. The number of sales made during the first week that our stock has been on ou; floors is evidence to us that the goods and the prices we have on them is appreciated by tho public who make a practice of investigating qualities and prices on this cla?s of goods. Our stock is complete and we still have plenty of goods to sell and at the same prices. Come in and look them over. Oor stock of booting stores is now on tbe floor and of which we will aay more later on. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. _E S. HAYHUPST GOODS MUST GO! c-<2$SS>-a Having sold my building I de sire to close out my stock at once and offer everything AT B03T. Now is the time to buy from first hands. Remember when I SAY GOST 9 fflIAEI GUST and if you will come to my store you will be astonished to note the great reduction in prices and the bar gains I now offer. Respectfully, J- H- TRAVIS. < -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING. ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Sale at Loop City anil Ashton. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. * a r. own, . , FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. PaiJ up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: laaboard National Bank. N«w York City, N. Y Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nabraak* ^