The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 05, 1902, Image 8

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Pennsylvania Statesman Not Exclu
sively Immersed in Politics.
Few men in the present United
States senate are farther “up” in
modern English literature than Sena
tor Quay of Pennsylvania, and he has
something more than a passing ac
quaintance with Wordsworth, Tenny
son, Carlyle and Ruskin. For Herr
Teufelsdroch and his philosophy he
,has a special liking, and Ruskin's
“Ethics of the Dust” is one of his fav
orite works. The senator is rarely
without a book in his pocket. On
railway journeys he always takes up
a book as soon as he has finished
looking over the newspaper. Thus
it will appear that Mr. Quay is not,
as he has seemed to the general pub
lic, exclusively immersed in politics.
—Leslie’s Weekly.
William L. Penfield Represents United
States in Arbitration Case.
William L. Penfield, solicitor of the
state department, is on his way to
The Hague to represent the United
States government before the arbitra
tion tribunal, whim is to meet on
Sept. 5 to settle the controversy be
tween the United States and Mexico
over “the pious fund of the Californi
as.” Mrs. Penfield accompanies her
husband. They sailed from New York
on the Campania.
The four arbitrators whose names
have been announced are all members
of the permanent tribunal of arbitra
X /-:-V ^ 7
tion which was provided for by The
Hague conference. They are to se
lect a fifth arbitrator or umpire, who
will have the deciding vote.
This case is regarded with a great
deal of interest by all the powers, be
cause it is the first to come before the
permanent tribunal and will in a
measure serve as a test of the ef
ficiency and necessity of such a body.
Plan Evolved for Training of Fil
ipinos in America.
Father McKinnon, a priest officially
connected with the public school sys
tem in Manila, who went to that place
as chaplain of the First California
regiment at the outbreak of the Span
ishAmeriran war, has urged the auth
orities of the Philippines church to
send 400 of the younger native priests
to America for a couple of years’
training in seminaries in the United
States. Father McKinnon Bays he dis
cussed this plan with the late Presi
dent McKinley, who approved it, as
it was believed that in this way Fil
ipino clergymen would become Imbued
with the broad spirit of American
priesthood. It is believed possible
that money for carrying out this pro
ject could be raised in America. It is
estimated that the seminary expenses
rtffpt» ■■ _
V/ 'W "///" '/// ///
iif each priest would he about $150 a
year. The natives are favorable to the
plan. The fact that the native priests
speak a different language from those
in America would be no hindrance,
because all Catholic clergymen have
a common knowledge of Latin, and be
sides a number of priests in the
United States speak Spanish.
St. Bernard Dogs Superseded.
The dogs of St. Bernard, so long re
nowned for their life-saving service,
are at last to take a second place to
modern invention. All the refuges on
the mountain side, says a message
from Turpin, are shortly to be con
nected by telephone with the principal
hospital. The number of travelers,
tourists, workmen seeking employ
ment, pilgrims who cross the St. Ber
nard at all times of the year, make
this measure highly necessary. But It
seems hard on the dogs' pride.
Persons. Flaxes
and Things
Joseph C. Hendrix, Once a Reporter,
Now a Financial Power.
The man who is president of a firm
or corporation of which J. Pierpont
Morgan is vice president must be
something of a figure in the financial
world. Joseph Clifford Hendrix is
president of the third largest bank in
the United States and Mr. Morgan is
vice president. It Is the National
Union Bank of Brooklyn. Mr. Hen
drix came to his present high place in
the financial world in a unique way.
Twenty-six years ago he was a re
porter on the Sun. He took care of
the Beecher trial for that paper, which
indicates his standing In Journalism
at that time. None but a good man
could have had such an assignment.
Later he was made secretary of the
Brooklyn bridge, with a salary of
$4 ,000. Then he was made postmaster
and was sent to congress. Somebody
thought he would make a good candi
date for mayor #nd in 1883 the Demo
crats put him forward. Seth Low de
feated him. But his friends took care
of him. He was taken into the Na
tional Unioji Bank as an officer and
to-day he is a power in the financial
circles of the country. He has re
cently been president of the American
Bankers' Association.
Hiram Cronk the Last Survivor of the
War of 1812.
Hiram Cronk, the last survivor of
the war of 1S12. who also has the dis
tinction of having lived in three cen
turies, is dying at his home in Oneida
county, New York. He is now in his
one hundred and third year and was
quite vigorous on his last birthday,
April 29. Shortly after the celebration
of his anniversary his health began
to fall. He was finally compelled to
take to his bed. He became weaker
daily, sleeping occasionally three days
and two nights at a time. Within the
last week he has been unable to sleep
at night, and this fact, although he
sleeps peacefully in the daytime, has
worried him and has tended to hasten
the end.
Mr. Cronk, aside from being the
only pensioner of the war of 1812,
is distantly related to Senator Depew
and has taken active part in some of
the greatest state undertakings in
New York. His pension until two
years ago was $8 a month. At that
time Congressman James S. Sherman
secured the passage of a special bill
giving his $25 a month.
Believe if You Like.
Your older brother or sister will
enjoy a longer life than yourself. Ex
amination of a thousand pairs of
brothers and the same number of
sisters revealed the fact that the elder
brother had an average life of six
years more than the younger, while
in the case of the girls the excess was
slightly less, Tlieae figures do not
prove that the younger will die before
the elder; it may be that there is a
difference of ten years between the
dates of birth, so that your elder
brother, although having a longer life,
may die uefore you.—Pearson's Week
Of Benefit to the Blind.
A discovery has been made which
will enable the blind to read and
write, using the same alphabet. The
existing process has made it necessary
for the blind to learn two alphabets.
By this new discovery the lett rs are
raised as they face the writer. By
this means the blind person may write
with the right hand and read with the
fingers of the left.
A Patriotic Citizen.
Rev. W. Eurdof of Belle Center, O.,
traveled 300 miles to get home to vote
at the Beal law election recently. Of
the distance he went 146 miles by rail,
seventeeen miles by carriage, 130
miles on a bicycle and seven miles
afoot. He led the prayer meeting jol
lifying over the result.
One Thousand Sheets of Magnetic
Metal In One Saber.
What do you think of a sword blade
that contains a thousand sheets of
metal? Yet the Detroit News-Tribune
asserts that they are not uncommon,
and. as you will readily imagine, are
of oriental workmanship. Our pains
taking, patient Japanese friends are
the makers of them.
The blades of these sabers are made
from magnetic iron ores. The steel is
produced in small, very thin sheets,
and the workman begins by.fixing one
of them to end of an Iron rod, which
serves as a handle. To this are sol
dered other small sheets, until the
mass has a length of about eight
inches, a width of about eight and a
thickness a little more than a quarter
of an Inch.
This bar is brought to a white heat,
doubled on itself and hammered until
it Is down to its original dimensions.
This process is repeated fifteen times.
Four similar bars are iuen soldered
together, doubled upon themselves, re
soldiered and heated, the operation
being repeated five times. This proc
ess makes the superimposed layers so
thin that a saber contains at least
a thousands sheets of metal.
Osgood of Denver Gives Setback to
Chicago Plunger.
President Osgood of the Colorado
Fuel and Iron Company has the upper
hand In the fight for the control of
the company. The injunction issued
in Denver prevents John W. Gates and
his friends from holding a meeting
and voting their proxies to oust Os
good. The stock of the company has
depreciated over $10,000,000 since the
fight began, and with the injunction
secured by the interests friendly to
him Osgood inflicted a loss of millions
on Gates and his friends.
Doctors Deny That Alcohol Gives Im
munity From Disease.
Coupled with an epidemic of typhoid
fever, which has invaded twenty
households in the village of Bayside,
L. I., and incapacitated the only phy
sician in the place, Dr. Charles B.
Story, comes the curious statement
that all the families strioken by the
dread malady are strict teetotallers,
while the drinking portion of the com
munity has thus far escaped.
Drinking members of the commun
ity are boasting that drinking kills
the fever germs. Instead of inviting
a man to have a drink, the Bayside
salutation now is “Have a germ kill
er?" The physicians, however, say
the drink question has nothing to do
with the epidemic.
Church Circles Urge Appointment of
Bishop Blenk to Philippines.
Church circles of New Orleans are
greatly pleased by the news from
Rome that Rt. Rev. James E. Blenk
may be chosen to fill the post of apos
tolic delegate to the Philippines. At
the present time Bishop Blenk occu
pies the see of Porto Rico, having
been consecrated to that office three
years ago. Bishop Blenk is a native
of this city and for some years was in
charge of one of the city parishes.
The hope has long beeen expressed
that an American be selected for the
Too Late for Enjoyment.
if the average dead man could read
the lines on his monument he would
be very much puzzled to solve the
mystery why his friends did not think
of such nice things to write about his
when he was alive.
Chilians Anxious to Learn.
.Joaquin Figueroa l.arraln of Chili
has been commissioned by the govern
ment to study the organization of
public libraries in Europe and the
United States.
Large Collection of Historical Relics
and Documents.
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 1.—The state
historical society will display at the
state fair a large collection of histo
rical relics and documents In a tent
just south of the west entrance of
Mercantile hall. It is the intention
to cover pretty thoroughly the field
of the state history so far as possible
with the material at the disposal of
the society. Archaeological speci
mens from various sections both in
mechanical and farm implements and
pottery will be shown. Modern In
dian work will also occupy a part
of the space. Nebraska relics from
old Ft. Calhoun will be exhibited. A
number of early newspapers publish
ed in the state during the territorial
stage and its early statehood will also
bo shown. An instructive part of the
display will be the methods of pre
serving and filing the papers. A li
brary of bo;ks by Nebraskans and old
works of interest will be a part of
the exhibit.
Many of the members of the First
Nebraska volunteers while in the
Philippines made collections of Inter
esting bits of native work and nat
ural products of the islands. Many
of these collections have been either
loaned or given to the society and a
part of them will be displayed to the
public. Photographs and domestic
and agricultural utensils used In Ne
braska In early days will be on ex
They Will Go Into the Collection of
the Historical Society.
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 1.—The mem
bers of the historical society staff
have made some interesting additions
to the stock of old documents on file
at the library. E. E. Blackman and
A. E. Sheldon, while on a recent trip
into Kansas, secured for a small sum
the entire library of ex-Congresaman
Davis of that state. Besides several
hundred volumes, the collection in
cludes a complete file of a paper pubj
lished by Mr. Davis during the flow
ery days of the Farmers’ alliance.'
Davis was one of the originators of
the movement and the copies of his
paper which he used to spread the
influence of the organization will be
a valuable contribution to historical
Mr. Sheldon recently spent some
time in the southeastern part of the
state investigating the French set
tlements in Richardson and Nemaha
counies. They are near Rulo in
Richardson and Glen Rock and St.
Deroin in Nemaha county. Many of
the old families have been there since
1859. He succeeeded in borrowing
the council and court records of the
town of Rulo covering a period of
nearly twenty years between 1859 and
_ «
President Burt in Court.
OMAHA, Sept. 1.—When Horace G.
Burt, president of the Union Pacific
railroad, appeared in police court to
be arraigned on the charge of false
imprisonment on ten separate counts,
he found as large and interested it-...
dience as has appeared in police
court for many a day. The strikers
were out in a large force to see their
late chief, and he in turn carefully
scanned the court room to see who
was there ,and probably to make men
tal notations for future reference. A
plea of “not guilty” was entered in
each case, and through his attorney,
Ed son Rich, Mr. Burt asked for a
continuance that W. Arnett, the labor
agent who brought the ten complain
ants from Indianapolis, and is named
in the complaints with him, might be
located and brought here as an im
portant witness. The case was con
tinued to Wednesday, September 3,
and Mr. Burt furnished bonds In each
of the ten cases in the sum of $300,
which were signed by Edson Rich
and Charles Dundy.
—1'■ — .. ■ 1 ■11 ■■ r i
tauicide of a Barber.
ATKINSON. Neb., Sept. 1.—Wil
liam Donnelly, a barber, committed
suicide here by shooting himself
through the head. The ball entered
the temple and came out at the back
of the head. He lived an hour, but
was unable to speak. Donnelly had
been drinking heavily of late and had
lost hia job. He was unmarried and
about 28 years old.
Coopers Want More Pay.
The coopers at the Nebraska City
Cooperage company's plant walked
out because demands for a raise in
wages were not acceded to by the
Farm Hand and Horse Disappear.
LEIGH, Neb., Sept. 1.—A stranger
who had been working in the neigh
borhood for a couple of weeks dis
appeared Monday night and with him
a horse, saddle and bridle, valued at
$100. He was employed by Henry
Heitman, a wealthy farmer near here,
and in the evening he drew his wages
and borrowed the horse to ride into
town. The last seen of him was on
the streets of Leigh about 12 Oclock
at night
Increase in Number of Stockholder*
and Also in Business Done—State
School Lands Sold—Miscellaneous
Nebraska Nates.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 26.—Another
year of prosperous growth has gone
into history for the building and loan
associations of Nebraska. The show
ing of the twelve months exceeds even
the expectations of the sanguine and
demonstrates undeniably that the as
sociations have been a great factor
in the building of homes throughout
the state, as well as having afforded
a wide and profitable field for invest
In the year ending June 30 the num
ber of shares of all associations in
force Increased from 119,985 to 130,
085 and the loans increased from $3,
641,452 to $4,090,595. Tne total busi
ness transacted was $3,078,938.80. At
the end of the period there were fifty
six associations doing business, an In
crease of one during the year.
The figures are taken from the an
nual statement issued by Secretary
Royse of the state banking board. Mr.
Royse expected a substantial increase
in loans, but he thought the number
of shares in force would be about the
same as a year ago. He based this
estimate upon the reports from the
associations in the smaller towns,
which suffered through competition
with the tontine building associations.
Later returns, however, coming most
ly from the cities, showed a good In
crease in all items. The itemized
statement follows:
1901. 1901
First mortgage loans_$3,641,452 $4,090,595
First mortgage loans In
process of foreclosure.. 25,436 i».774
Blyck loans . 121.611 141.870
Seal estate .. 110,269 111,156
Furniture and stationery 2.819 3.423
Cash . 192.260 177,66.8
Delinquent interest pre
miums and lines . 33.619 30.691
Expenses and taxes paid 21,2.53 23,059
Other assets . 164,013 158.999
Totals .$4,314,744 $4,758 293
Capital stock running
(dues and dividends). $3,391,920 $3,820,900
Full stock paid . 522,415 644.300
Resi rve fund . 57,881 75,320
Undivided profits . 134.097 169,3651
Due shareholders on in
complete loans . 48.037 48,041
Premiums unearned .... 37.214 33.783
Advance dues . 20,372 17,032
Advance Interest and
premiums . 5.825 1,761
Other liabilities . 96,478 47,792
Totals .$4,314,744 * 4.758.293
Several Thousand Acres Sold to Lease
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 26.—Several
thousahd acres of state land were sold
to lease holders by the state board of
educational lands and funds last week.
Some land in the vicinity of Milford
brought as high as $40 per acre.
According to the ruling of the de
partment of justice any owner of a
school land lease taken out between
the years 1879 and 1897 may, provid
ed he has fulfilled all the obligations
of his contract, buy in at an appraised
value the land so rented. The price
paid must be equal to the actual value
of similar land in the same vicinity
and all costs of appraisement or re
view must be paid by the purchaser.
Burglary at Lyons.
LYONS, Neb., Aug. 26—The hard
ware store of Lease & Allison was en
tered by removing a window' glass in
the back end of the building. Sev
eral boxes of cartridges and some
pocket knives were the only booty.
This Is the third entrance of the kind
within ten days.
Brakeman Severely Hurt.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Aug. 26.—W. J.
Vincent, a brakeman on the Rock Is
land railroad, was brought here in a
optical condition, suffering from in
jures received in falling from ihe
top of a freight car near Moromos,
Traffic Poor for Grant Shippers.
GRANT, Neb., Aug. 26— Nearly $12,
000 has been paid out here for cattle
during the past week. Shippers have
considerable trouble getting their
stock out because of few trains.
Ship Swine to Iowa Fair.
FAIRFIELD, Neb., Aug. 26.—George
Briggs & Son shipped to the Iowa
state fair thirty-five head of the fin
est Duroc-Jersey show swine that ever
leiw Clay county.
Preparing for State Reunion.
HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 26.—About
all the necessary preparations have
been made for the entertainment of
visitors at the Nebraska state O. A.
R. reunion, which is to be held here
from September 8 to 13. The
grounds have been carefully platted
and the water malna were extended
«o that there will bs plenty of fresh
water at various convenient places.
Nearly eleven hundred tents will be
put up. i
One Omaha Inatitution Included lit
the List.
LINCOLN, Neb., Ang. 30.—The state
banking board haa approved the arti
cles of incorporation and authorised
charters to be issued to the following
Commercial State bank of Cole
ridge, Cedar county; capital. >20.000;
directors, George A. Gray. T. T. Link
hart, N. I. Nielsen, U. G. Bridenbaugh
and John Horsch. Farmers State
bank of Ithaca. Saunders county; cap
ital, >5,000; G. F. Wagner, president;
W. E. Deck, vice president; J. M. Hall,
cashier. American Exchange bank.
Brir.tow, Boyd county; capital, >10,
000; John Frostom, president; Ed
ward Renard, vice president; D. M.
Schmitz, caBhter. State bank of Bee.
Seward county; capital, >5,000; H. T.
Jones, president; George B. Camp*
bell, vice president; W. B. Thorpe,
cashier. The Farmers’ bank of
Sholes, Wayne county; capital, >6.
000; M. S. Merrill, president. The
Grafton State bank of Grafton, Fill
more county; capital, >10,000; Frank
W. Sloan, president; George E. Al
drich, vice president. Archer State
bank of Archer, Merrick county; cap
ital, >5 ,000; Incorporators, Joe A.
Hays, J. B. Templln and C. Hostetter.
First National bank, Hartlngton, Ce
dar county; capital. >30,000; directors,
J. G. Beste, George S. Scoville, J. C.
Robinson, W. S. Weston, L. E. Jones,
jr., Stephen Seim and C. D. Chandler.
J. L. Brandeis & Son, bankers, Omaha;
capital, >50,000; incorporators, Arthur
D., Emil B. and Hugh H. Brandeis.
Steps Off an Excursion Steamer at
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 30.—Further
details have been received concerning
the drowning of Charles P. Olaon of
Lincoln, superintendent of bridges for
the Burlington, at Burlington, la.
A telegram from an official of thd
road at Burlington to General Superini
tendent Calvert stated that Olson wait
on an excursion boat which was stand
ing close to the landing. The railing
on the boat on the river side was
broken, and Mr. Olson, failing to no
tice the break, stepped off and was
drowned. The news of the sudder
death of Mr. Olson was received with
keen regret and sorrow by his friends
and railroad associates. He was a ge
nial and companionable man, and was
highly regarded by his superiors in
office and those who labored under
him in his department. Late reports'
from Burlington state that the body
has not yet been found. The dead
man was 58 years old. He leaves a
wife and two children, Mrs. H. M.
Stratton of Chester and a son about
22 years of age, who lives at home.
Blue River Baptists Elect.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 30.—The
Blue River Baptist association held a
three days’ session at Union hall, Is
land Grove township. Officers were
elected for the year as follows: Mod
erator, Rev. D. L. McBride of Liberty;
clerk, Miss Nellie Winters of West
ern; treasurer, Isaac Staples of Be
_ *
Lightning Destroys a House.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 30.—Tho
residence of Mrs. Mary Hubka, located
near Virginia, this county, was struck
by lightning and burned to the ground
with all its contents. The family es
caped with only personal effects. Loss
$1,000, with $560 insurance.
.. ■ .... , ■ , - I
Mr. Bryan Will Speak.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 30.—W. J.
Bryan will address the Grand Array
of the Republic reunion at Hastings on
the afternoon of September 8 and will
open the democratic campaign of Mis
souri with a speech at Joplin on the
evening of September 9.
——-— |
The Retail Grocers. ^
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 30.—Prepara
tions are being made for the entertain
ment of the Nebraska Retail Grocery
men’s association when it holds its
state convention in Lincoln, October
16, 17 and 18. A banquet will be one
of the principal events in the way of
Railroad Sends Specialist.
STANTON, Neb., Aug. 30.—Hog
cholera is quite prevalent iWtheast
of town. Dr. Jackson, a specialist in
that disease, sent out by the Fremont.
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad
company, is here and doing everything
possible to check the disease.
Alleged Horse Thieves Arrested.
ALBION, Neb., Aug. 20.—Sheriff
Clark of this county and Deputy Sher
iff Frank Stout of Ellis county, Kan
sas, arrested on the Ix>ckwood ranch,
north of this city, Charles Howell and
John Flynn. August 16 a farmer nam
ed Justis Walters, living near Hayes
City, Kan., had four horses, two sets
of harness, a wagon and fifteen bush
els of oats stolen. The men under ar- v
rest are supposed to be the guilty par