The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 05, 1902, Image 3

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Aalhor ol "Mysterious Mr. Howard,” "The
Dark Stranger,” "Charlie Allendale's
Double,” Etc.
Copyright, 1887, by Ron but Robbbl’s 80S*.
All right* twarrad.
CHAPTER III—(Continued.)
He closed Ills eyes and in a few
moments was unconscious. When he
awoke he found the strange hermit at
his side bending over him and gazing
eagerly into his face. He turned
■lowly away and went back to the
. A moment later he brought him
some meat and said:
"You had better eat; you are weak.”
This was quite a long sentence for
the hermit, and he paused after speak
ing to rest. Paul took the broiled steak
and ate sparingly. It was very juicy
and nutritious, and he began to feel
stronger in a few moments after he
had finished. The hermit meanwhile
had resumed his seat ou a large stone
in front of the lire.
There was now another expression
on his face, it was an expression of
Badness. The more Paul studied the
features of this strange man the more
mysterious they seemed. He lay for
a long time looking at him and ask
ing himself a thousand . questions.
Then he grow weary of gazing and
f thinking and closed his eyes. Con
sciousness had almost slipped away
when a movement in the cavern
caused him to again open his eyes.
The hermit was preparing to leave.
He took up the rude lamp, in which
burned some kind of oil, and went to
the opposito side of the cavern. Ho
set the lamp on a Hat stone, and put
ting his hand into a sort of crevice In
tnc rocky wall pulled forth something.
It was in a roll. He unrolled it and
gazed at it intently.
From where he lay Paul saw that
the object when unrolled was part of
a tanned hide of some sort of an ani
"I hope he will leave it,” thought
Paul. “If he does I will examine it.
There is writing on it. and it may con
tain some clew to this Klondyke mys
tery that so nearly drives me mad.”
All the movements of the hermit
were slow and deliberate. He went
■carefully toward the entrance of the
•cavern. Long Paul lay on the couch
listening for the slight tread of the
maccasined feet, but he came not
"He has gone!” said Paul.
He rose to a'sitting position and
gazed about the cavern.
After a few moments he rose to his
feet. With a wildly beating heart he
began his tour of exploration. The
oil lamp had been left burning on a
square stone, and he picked it up and
went along the great natural corridor
for some distance until he came upon
a great chamber with lofty ceilings.
He began to search for the crevice
in the rock where he had seen the
man place the skin on which was the
L writing. Paul found tire roll and drew
it out.
It proved to be a piece of walrus
hide covered all over with strange pic
tures and hieroglyphics such as the
Indian picture writers use. It was
almost round, and he could find no
beginning nor end to it.
The report of a gun near the mouth
of the cavern caused him to thrust the
■walrus hide into the crack and hasten
into the deeper recesses of the cav
Meeting a Friend With Bad News.
It is necessary at this point in our
story to return to Clarence Berry’s
party, which we left on the top of the
Chilkoot Pass in a raging storm. All
through that terrible night Clarence
Berry lay thinking of his young wife,
whom he had packed away as com
fortable as possible in that terrible
height in the frigid zone. Day dawned
bright and clear and he arose early
and called to his wife:
“Ethel, Ethel, are you alive?”
There came no answer until he had
pulled away some of the packages
that formed her apartment; then he
heard her voice answering:
“I am all right, Clarence.”
“Thank God!" ejaculated the hus
band. "I feared you had perished dur
ing that terrible storm.”
Dick and "Hemstitch,” the Esqui
maux, were self-constituted cooks, and
prepared a breakfast of a pot of boiled
beans and a little coffee, which froze
on the slightest provocation.
When breakfast was over two sleds
were loaded with supplies, and with
out dogs or any one to draw them,
started down the mountain. Two
weeks were consumed in reaching
Lake Linderman. Here they were de
tained another week, completing a
boat with which they could make their
way down the river.
One night, after a day of arduous
toil, they camped at the foot of a
mountain protected from the north
wind by a steep precipice. The dogs
had been unharnessed, fed and lay
sleeping about the sleds. The tired
Indians, having had supper, were
stretched before the fire. Ethel, at
tired in furs, sat on a sled which had
been drawn up before the blazing logs.
Her proud husband declared she look
ed like an angelic Esquimaux queen.
Dick reclined on the skin of a musk
ox telling a story" in which there was
blended Bowery slang and western
dialect. Suddenly one of the dogs
started up and gave vent to a low
growl, cutting the story short. The
guide gave a sharp whistle ana seized
► his riiie The others at once laid
their hands on their guns and stood
on the defensive.
a rew moments tator a large object
could be awn In the distance slowly
advancing toward them Owing to
the dim. uncertain light all at first
were of the opinion it was a bear,
and one or two cocked their guns
aud stepped out a short distance from
the light to get a better shot at the
animal. The guide suddenly called:
“Hold! It's a man!”
“’Course it is.” growled a voice in
the distance. "What did ye think it
was—a walrus?”
A man clothed in furs, holding n
rifle in his hand, came forward and
advanced toward the fire.
Ethel rose trembling with fright at
the appearance of this strange appa
rition, and clung to the arm of her
“Who is he?” she whispered.
“Where did that terrible man come
Though the question was not in
tended for the ears of this strange
man, he heard them, and in a voice
like the deep tones of far-off thunder
he answered:
"1 am from the Klondyke, where
you seem to be going; a place where
gold can ho raked up by the handful.”
“Who are you? What is your
name?” Berry asked, advancing
toward the Klondyker and extending
Ids hand toward him.
“I am called Glum Ralston,” he an
“What are you doing here?”
“Hunting for a friend.”
By this time Clarence Berry had
clasped his hand and brought him
near the camp fire, where ho bade
him he seated and tell his troubles.
"I hain't much at spinning yarns,”
the ex-sailor answered. “My friend
was robbed on the Klondyke a few
months ago, an’ at the same time
laid up for repairs-”
Ethel grasped her husband's hand
and mentally ejaculated, “It was
She listened with the keenest in
terest to the story of Glum Ralston,
and tears gathered in her eyes. She
knew the missing companion was
none other than Paul Miller, whose
fate would perhaps never be known.
“Oh, heaven, poor Laura! how shall
we break this terrible news to her,
Clarence?” she sobbed.
The young husband made no an
swer, and Glum Ralston, lighting his
pipe, proceeded to smoke in silence.
Paul Miller ran two or three hun
dred paces into the cavern until it
grew so dark he had to grope his way
and he came to a halt.
From around a projecting stone he
turned his gaze back to the chamber
which was lighted by the lamp.
He saw the hermit come at a run
toward the inner chamber, three men
pursuing him. They were so close
on him that he halted by the side of
the couch and turned at bay. A third
man at this moment appeared on the
scene and seized his arms from be
hind and hurled him to the cavern
Paul Miller had all along watched
the exciting contest. He started
toward the chamber, where they were
tying the hermits’s hands with strips
of walrus skin, and was almost near
enough to call out when he suddenly
halted and gave them a stare.
“They are the robbers themselves!"
he gasped in a whisper. “What in
heaven does this mean!” He quickly
slunk away behind some masses of
rock, broken from the side of the
Completely concealed from the act
ors in this singular drama, Paul was
enabled to observe all that went on.
There seemed to be only violence
enough on the part of the captors to
effect the capture of the hermit.
When this was effected they began
pleading with him to do something, or
make some revelation. After a few
words, the captive became silent and
sullen. His captors plied him with
many questions and he refused to an
swer any of them. At last, leaving
him in charge of one man, the other
two began to search the cavern.
When they came near Paul he
crouched in the smallest possible
space and scarce dared to breathe.
One of the two searchers was the
very man whom he had chased up the
mountain side.
As they passed one of them men
tioned a name which caused him to
start so violently as to almost dis
cover himself to them. It was Lack
Lackland wai the wealthy banker
and speculator of his own town, who
had been a rival for the heart and
hand of Laura Bush. What did these
mysterious men of the Klondyke
know about him, or what had he to
do with them?
Almost maddened by despair Paul
fell upon his knees and furiously
beat his breast with his hands while
the captors led the prisoner away.
They had taken up the oil lamp
and carried it with them, and Paul
was soon in total darkness. In his
tit of desperation he rose and fol
lowed them. At the entrance of the
cavern he halted and gazed off after
the captors and prisoner. A thousand
tumultuous emotions swayed his
heart, and again in despair he beat
his breast with his hands.
“Oh, cruel, cruel fate! Why did I
not know he was my friend and de
fend him!”
He gazed helplessly at the little
parly until they had disappeared from
his view and then threw himself upon
the floor of the cavern in despair.
But his better judgment came to his
relief and starting up he seized the
lamp and started back toward the fire
to light it. It seemed an age before
the faint glow from the dying embers
told him where the flro was. He at
last reached the spot, with a pine
stick raked the living coals together
Laying on two or three smaller stick?
he blew them into a blaze and lighted
the lamp.
After a short rest he was prepared
to travel, but he remembered ..ho wal
rus hide, with its mysterious hiero
glyphics, and determined to ta.'e it
with him. He was unable to maks
out anything from tie hide, and roll
ing it up thrust it in one of his capa
clous pockets, ami taking some of the
provisions left in the cavern, went out
and buckled on Ills snow shoes to
leave the place forever. Ho tramped
until night and then spreading a
blanket on the snow slept soundly. A
snow fell during the night, and when
he awoke he shook off the white gowr
of nature and ate some of the roasted
moose meat he had brought with him
For over a week he wandered about
in the wilderness, subsisting on fish
he caught in the river and a deer
which he shot, but not seeing a hu
man being. Paul had no compass to
steer bis course, and was often lost
among the mountains.
One day he came upon a fresh trail
in the snow as if a party with Indian
porters, dogs and sledges had made
their way over the snow toward Forty
Jdilo Camp.
He sat down- at the side of the path
to rest and think. A slight crunching
of snow but a short distance from him
caused him to look up. and lie saw a
man coming on snow shoes, a rifle on
his shoulder. A single glance at
those familiar features, and he cried:
“Glum—Glum Ralston!”
The solitary traveler paused, started
back in surprise, clutching his gun fot
an instant as if he would use it; thor
dropping it on the snow, gave vent tc
a whoop that would have done credit
to a wild Indian, and bounding for
ward bad Paul about the neck, cry
"Crack lash alive, by th’ trident o
"Where have you been?” asked
"Cruisin' about lookin’ for you,” he
answered. "Where you been?”
Paul told the story of his adven
tures, concluding with his escape
from the cave.
"I have found the mystery about
me thickening all the time, and this
walrus hide covered with strange pic
tures and hieroglyphics is the chief
of all mysteries.”
Glum Ralston took the walrus hide
unrolled it, and ga/.ing at it with
wildly dilating eyes which indicated
his strange interest, demanded:
“Where did you get it?”
“From the hermit.”
“Th’ hermit—the hermit—the man
that owns this hide—the man whc
saved you. is my old captain!" cried
the excited prospector with a shout
"Where is he? where is he! It’s my
old captain—I’ll go home to Kate yet.
Where is he? where is he? where is
he?” he shouted almost fiercely, while
Paul was too much dumbfounded tc
utter a word.
"Be calm, Glum, and explain what
you mean!” cried Paul.
Holding up the piece of walrus
hide, Glum said:
“I’ve seen this before.”
“On board the ‘Eleanor.’ ”
“Who had it there?”
“The red-skin as had the stran’ o'
gold nuggets about his neck."
Paul's interest in the walrus hide
increased. The old man continued in
a gleeful tone:
“Oh, he lives, he lives! I will find
him, tell him I’ve been true to him
all these years and take ’im home.”
Suddenly he became more com
posed, and, turning his eyes on Paul,
asked: "Where is he?”
“I don’t know."
“What! you have seen him and let
him escape?”
“I could not help myself; they came
and dragged him away.”
(To be continued.)
Biggest Cigar in the World.
Paymaster General Bates of the
army possesses the largest cigar in
the world. It is sixty-three inches
long, and as large around as a man’s
arm at the thickest section.
Its composition includes twenty-two
classes of Philippine tobacco. The
huge cigar is the gift of Major W. H.
Comegys, of the pay department, who
sent it to the paymaster general with
this note:
"I send you the largest cigar you
have ever seen—at least, the largest 1
have ever seen. It is made of a num
ber of the finest brands of tobacco
grown on the islands. This was manu
factured at San Fernando do Union,
in Union .Province, P. I. The case is
also a curiosity. It may be called a
family cigar, as all smoke it, and the
grandmother is supposed to finish it
or the cigar to finish the grandmoth
er.”—Washington Correspondence St
Louis Republic.
Beautiful Mummy Blue.
Hamlet reflected curiously upon ths
fact that the body of a great rules
might yet come to be used to “stop r
hole to keep the wind away,” but mod
ern ingenuity has discovered more
useful, if not more honorable, uses fos
the bodies of departed emperors
Manufacturers of artists’ colors now
often use mummies in making theii
colors, and it Is almost certain tha*
a small percentage of some ancien
Egyptian rulers went to compost
some of the colors used by various
R. A.'s in painting their portraits foi
this year's Academy. Mummies were
usually preserved in bitumen or th«
best pitch, and this blended with the
bone of the mummy gives a peculiarly
beautiful tint, especially in brown oi
dark blue. The export of mummies
is now forbidden, but one will last a
manufacturer for years. The colors
so made are principally used by por
trait painters.—London Tatler,
!amll accept responsibility
Jnlike the Democratic Party the Re
publicans are Practically United on
All Great Questions and Have a
Record to be Proud cf.
Senator Vest is not the only Derno
;rat who sees more of party danger
.han advantage in the election of a
Democratic House next fall. Mr. Vest
urgues that the Democratic majority
.n the House, with other branches of
he government in Republican bauds,
,’Duid do nothing more than block the
r/heels, and merely obstructive tactics
usually bring upon a party a serious
weigh of public odium. The judg
ment of Senator Vest on this point,
last'd on long experience in Congress,
will not be disputed. The Philadelphia
Ledger, whose political position is
Lhat of the Cleveland Democrats, re
marks on the same subject: “Far-see
ing Democrats will be very well
pleased if the Republicans should re
main in control of the House by a re
duced majority, as they will then be
wholly responsible for whatever may
happen In the two years that will
elapse before the next Presidential
Republicans are not afraid of that
responsibility. Tney court it. They
have shaped national policies for forty
years, except during a brief period in
Cleveland's second administration,
when both branches of Congress were
Democratic, The Wilson-Gorman tar
iff law was passed at that time, but
both Cleveland and Wilson regarded
it as a misshapen thing, and the coun
try knows that it was a disastrous
failure. At all other periods since
1861. when one party held the reins,
it was a Republican era, and to them
must be credited the legislative
achievements of more than a third
of a century. From present appear
ances the Republican majority will
be increased in the next House und
the obstructive tendencies of the
Democratic party will be displayed
by the minority, though without avail.
The people do not see the wisdom of
halting national legislation for two
years by electing a Democratic House
next November.—St. Louis Globe
Agricultural Values.
The American Economist almost
alone among the press of the country
has persistently maintained that our
agricultural values have been esti
mated far too low. We are pleased,
therefore, to see that our stand Is be
ing vindicated, and that the official
statisticians seem inclined to give the
farmer a more approximate approach
to the true figures. The value of farm
products as given by the census have
been as follows:
1850. $1.326,961,320
1800. 1.600,000,000
1870. 2,447,638,658
1880. 2,212,540,927
1890. 2,460.107,454
For 1850 and 1860 the amount is
estimated, while the figures for 1870
are in currency and should be re
duced one-fifth.
Now the recently issued bulletin for
1900 gives the value for 1899 as $4.
739,118.752, and if the census had
been taken last year it would no
doubt have conceded that the value
of our agricultural products was fully
10,000,000,000. That is more like it,
but still far from the truth. The cen
sus takes little or no account of what
the farmer himself consumes. He re
turns his cash product only, while In
many oases he consumes more than
he sells. The meat and vegetables
that go on to his table, the winter's
supply of potatoes and apples and
cider and ham and bacon, the grass
and hay and fodder that are fed to
the live stock summer and winter,
the eggs and butter and milk, the
peas and beans and tomatoes, the
cherries and strawberries and black
berries, the wood for the Are, the
straw for bedding, the manure for
fertilizing—In short, things innumer
able that contribute to the living,
comfort and happiness of the farmer
and his family should all be included
in the total value of his products;
$10,01)0,000,000 would not seem an ex
travagant estimate; $9,000,000,000
would seem very conservative. We
therefore insist on this latter sum
as the minimum value that should be
given to our products of agriculture.
It shows what protection does for the
Divided Democrats.
Even if there were some virtue in
a tariff issue how would the Demo
crats reap the benefit. How do they
stand upon it? What do they advo
cate? They spent the entire session
of Congress in fighting over the
Philippine question, but they formula
ted no policy. Every one knows how
the Republicans stand, for they have
enacted their tariff views in the Ding
ley bill. But who knows where the
Democracy stands? Their only con
crete promulgation is the Wilson-Gor
man bill, a bill characterized by Presi
dent Cleveland as a measure of per
fidy and dishonor. Do they want to
go before the country with that?
Among their leaders are Messrs. Tel
ler, Patterson, Dultols and Gorman,
who are all outright Protectionists.
Will they follow them? On the other
hand are Henry Watterson. Mr. Bryan
and most of the Southern Senators,
who are outright free-traders. Will
the Democracy follow them? And
again there are many trimmers like
Senator Jones of Arkansas, D. B. Hill
of New York, and their following, who
are trimmers. Will the Democracy
follow them? And if it follows any
one of those three divisions wi!l (he
Other divisions follow it?
The situation 01 tne National Demo
crat!'' i>arty is most desperate. And.
; it will not be Improved by adopting
the tariff issue.—Sioux Falls Leader.
The Issue lo Hunting Them!
Where is there a better campaign
document for I he summer and autumn
of 1902, the marvelous year in the his
j torv of America’s mat 'rial progress,
than the speech on prosperity which
I Senator Gnllinger delivered nbout a
week before Congress adjourned?
Therein are the figures, therein are
the statistics of production, consump
tyn and wealth which prompt Dr. Gal
linger to say:
“Every man, woman and child in the
United States is equal to ten persons
outside of the United States, particu
larly as consumers of our own and the
world's products of agriculture, min
ing and manufacture. The farm labor
ers of Europe do nine times the work
and get double the result of the farm
laborers of ttie United Slates. That
is, it takes four and one-lialf Euro
peans to equal one American. Extend
the comparison to Asia and Africa and
we find that the average United States
producer is equal to ten the world
over, outside of our country. The
comparison is emphasized by our coal
consumption and steam power, and
finally by our products of manufac
ture. We are to-day practically inde
pendent of the rest of the earth. In a
few y<-ars wo shall raise our own su
gar and fibers, manufacture our own
silk, and. in fact, we shall produce al
most everything used by mankind. The
conclusion, then, is warranted that in
another generation, if the present sys
tem of protection is continued, the
people of the United States will equal
or surpass in production, consumption
and wealth the peoples of the res* of
the world combined.”
Here is Hr. Gallinger’s diagnosis of
the political situation:
"Our friends on the other side are
looking for an issue. They need not
worry, the issue is looking for them.
Prosperity is the issue, and all other
questions are secondary."
Whether they find an issue or not,
this issue is sure to find them not
later than the fourth day of Novem
ber.—New York Suu.
The Hunt for an Issue.
The Democrats are afraid to tackle
tiie tariff question outright again. The
memory of the dark days from 1803 to
1897, and of the mongrel measure
which President Cleveland refused to
sign and was afraid to veto, is still too
fresh in the people's minds. The state
ment issued after the caucus of house
Democrats in Washington last Friday
night, although designed to confuse
voters on leading questions, makes tol
erably clear the policy they have de
cided on. They intend to attack the
tariff from behind the. trust and Cuban
reciprocity breastworks. They know
the people remember the Wilson-Gor
! man law, but they hope they have for
gotten that the Democrats were de
nouncing the tariff as the “mother of
trusts” before they enacted this meas
ure. The scheme will not work. The
country has not yet exculpated the
Democracy for its disastrous anti-tariff
work or the past. The discredited
party is in a crystal maize and it will
think it has found a way out many
times yet before it finally gets out.—
Kansas City Journal.
Immigration Laws.
Eighty thousand immigrants were
dumped into this country in the
month of May. They were mostly
from Southern Europe and of a class
the United States can get along with
out.—Shell Hock (Iowa) News.
On the foregoing the Ackley (Iowa)
World comments without a blush:
“The Republican party rejected the
immigration law proposed by‘the
A few years ago Senator Lodge of
Massachusetts introduced a far strict
er immigration law, but the Demo
crats raised such a howl against it
that they induced just enough Repub
licans to oppose it to defeat the ex
cellent measure. Moreover, at the
last session of Congress the Repub
licans strenuously endeavored to
enact more stringent immigration
laws, and especially to prohibit the
immigration of anarchists, but such
was the opposition by Democrats that
they would not allow the bill to pass.
Promises Redeemed.
The deposits in American savings
banks have increased from $1,810,
597,023 in 1895, to $2,845,691,300 in
1902. This is only one of the many
forms of saving in vogue in the
United States, and represents a com
paratively small part of the surplus
earnings of the people. The figures,
however, speak eloquently of the re
demption of the promise made in the
first named year by the Republican
party to restore prosperity.—San
Francisco Chronicle.
A Strong Position.
The only objection Republicans
would have to the bringing forward
of the tariff as the grand issue of the
next campaign would be that it would
make the fight too easy for them. The
object lesson of the past six years, as
compared with those of the preceding
four, would render very little of the
customary debate necessary. The tar
iff is an Issue whereon the Republican
party is too well fortified to make the
discussion interesting.—St. Paul Pio
neer Press.
When out of office Democrats do
much talking about the offensiveness
of trusts, but when in power the par
ty does nothing to curb trusts. Talk
ing and acting are two different
things.—Terre Haute Tribune.
■ ■■■■!■ ■ ii ■■■ ■■
Golden Text—“This Is of a Truth That
Prophet That Should Come Into the
Wcrld”—John 6:14—Mosc3 Speaks
to the People.
The First Victories. After their ex
perience with the fiery serpents the Is
raelites continued their march, rounding
Edom, and passing up along its eastern
borders. After u new census (Mum. 2*1)
to organize tln> nation for conquest, the
Israelites met and defeated the tribes
occupying the country east of the Jor
dan iNuni 21: 21-23; Deut. 2, 2).
I. Separation from Idols.—Vs. 9-11. 9.
“When thou art come Into the land1of Ca
naan “Which the Lord thy God glveth
thee," and therefore they could confi
dently march up against the land. "Thou
shalt not learn to do after the abomina
tions of those nations."
10. "There shall not be found among
you.” The following list of nine types
of sorcerers is the most complete of the
Pentateuch. “Any one that nutketh his
son nr his daughter to pass through the
lire." This was part of the worship of
the Phoenician god, Molech (Lev. tH: 21.
20 : 2 5). It is not* known whether the
rite Involved consecration by tire, the
burning of human victims, or an ordeal
by lire. “Or that usetlt divination."
"The term nttaus to obtain an ornelo
from a god by some method of drawing
lots."--Driver. "Or an observer of
times." "Or an enchanter.” "One that
observeth omens, of which the most fa
miliar example is divination by the flight
of birds."—Driver. "Or a witch” (R. V.
II. "Or a charmer." “One who fasci
nates noxious animals, like Eastern ser
pent-charmers."—Wolfendale. "Or a
consnlter with familiar spirits." Isa. 29:
4 indicates that their trick was a form
of ventriloquism. "Or a wizard.” Ono
who makes pretensions of strange
knowledge. “Or a necromancer." “One
who interrogates the dead.”—Wolfen
11. The Weakness of Idolatry.—Vs. 12
14 12. "For all that do these things."
whether heathen or Hebrew, "are an
abomination unto the Lord " The pen
alty -vas death 13. "Thou shalt lie per
fect Vith the Lord thy God.” Yield him
pure service, undefllcd with idolatry. See
Math fi: 48.
14 "For these nations, which thou
phalf possess." The various tribes in
habiting Canaan. "Hearkened (R. V.
"hearken") . . . unto diviners.” Not
merely listen to them, but go after them,
live on their plane. “God hath not suf
fered thee SO to do."
III. Guidance in n Pure Religion —
Vs. 15-18. Idolatry and sorcery testify
to a need of the human soul that must
lie met, the need of some outlook into
the future, the need of spiritual guid
ance, and of a revelation of God’s will.
15. "The Lord thy God will raise up
unto thee." In tills verse there is out
lined what Onsterz. e calls "the grandest
hope of all antiquity,” the promise or
the Messiah. “A Prophet.” In the King
James version this Is capitalized, making
it refer to <’hrlst alone; but the revision
writes it "prophet" here as well as In
vs. 20-22. "From the midst of thee, of
thy brethren." "In contrast to the di
viners. who were often of foreign origin
ilsa. 2: ti. etc.)."—Driver. So Christ was
born a despised N.ixarene. a carpenter’s
son, and in n stable; and his apostles
were men of the people. “Like unto me."
Moses and Christ. They were like, in
that (li each laid down a system of re
ligious law; (2) each wrought great mir
acles; (2i each represented God to men;
(4) each was honored by the miraculous
ly manifested approval and authority of
God; (5) each was an intercessor with
God for his people: (6) each was reject
ed and opposed by his people; (7) the
life of each ended in apparent failure;
(8) each passed from earth in an un
usual way.
Rut they were different. In that "tho
law was given by Moses, but grace and
truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:
17). that Is, Moses showed the sterner,
Christ the most loving, aspect of God.
The Ten Commandments begin with
"Thou shalt not,” but the Sermon on
the Mount begins with "Blessed." Moses
represents God as a Judge; Christ, as a
Father. Moses declared the terrors of
sin, but Christ saved from sin. Moses
used for sacrifice the blood of beasts,
but Christ offered up himself. Moses
taught one nntlon alone, but Christ
teaches the world. Moses sinned, but
Christ was sinless. In short. Moses was
a mere man. though perhaps the great
est, but Christ is God.
"Unto him ye shall hearken,” while
the Canaanites <v. 14) hearken to their
Iti. "According to all that tnou dosir
edst. In the day of the assembly."
IS. "And will put my words in his
mouth.” Other religions have professed
to lay down, once for all. a complete
body of truth; but the religion of the
Hebrews was a growth, a thing of life.
"All that I shall command him.” See
Ex. 7: 3; Jer. 1: 7, 17. Therefore the
religious mysteries Christ disclosed hut
left unexplained—such as the reason why
sin Is permitted, the precise method of
Inspiration, the exact nature of the Trin
ity and mode of the atonement, the re
conciliation of foreordlnatlon and free
will—we may be sure God does not think
It necessary for us to know.
IV. Punishment for Disobedience.—V.
10. "Whosoever will not hearken.” A
hearer was as necessary as a prophet. “I
will require It of him." That is. punish
him for his disobedience. It would be
an unkind teacher that did not keep
strict account of his scholars' infraction
of the rules, and an unwise parent that
did not remember his child's disobed
ience. God shows his love for us in his
punishments quite us much as in hla
Illustrations. The New Testament test
of false teaching is given in 1 John 4:
1-3: "Prove the spirits, whether they are
of God: because many false prophets an.
gone out Into the world. . . . Every
spirit which confesseth that Jesus Christ
Is come In the flesh is of God." The ac
knowledgment of Jesus Christ ns the di
vine Savior of the world Is the funda
mental test to be applied to all would
be teachers of men. If they have not
the Insight to see this or the honesty
to acknowledge it, they are unfit to lead
Soil and Climate of Manchuria.
The soil of the larger part of Man
churia and Mongolia is of a sedimen
tary formation. The winters are very
cold in Manchuria, the ground being
frozen to the depth of several feet.
Good Gun Practice at Sea.
For a target during big gun practice
recently the French northern fleet
used the old transport Sureouf. The
range was over three and one-half
miles and the vessel sank in less than
tea minutes after the first gun was
It Demands Silence.
‘‘Why do you call that a still?” asked
the new initiate of the Georgia moon
"Because we have to work it on the
auiet,” replied the Georgian.