—-1 The Northwestern J%U«&.ISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY R VAT. UK». E. HKNrIDHOTIR, editor and Publisher TEIIMB -11.00 PRli TKAK. IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Fostofilce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. KEPI IW.1CA.N TICKET. K>r Governor. JOHJf 11. M iCk'IvV Kor Lieutenant Governor. E. G Mi G I [.TON Kor Treasurer, PETEK MORT ENS hN K .i Secretary of Stale, G. W MARSH. Kor Auditor. CHARLES WESTON. Fur Superintendent of Instruction WILLIAM K KOWLEll For Attorney General. F N. PBOUT For Commissioner Public Lands, GEORGE I) FOLLMER For Congressman. M 1* KlN'KAID COUNTY TICKET Kor Couut.y Attorney J s PEDLER. For Representative AIA IN CLARK J. S. Pedlcr, the republican nom in«•< for count\ attorney is a man of ^ 1 jjtv i. ! jpcf■ iftt titness for the |H -ition. He has been a resident! of Loup t, itv and Htermuti county for !>2 years and made one of the most i Hi oat (illieer* as sheriti tlie counts li s ever liatl. 11c served two terms and during that lime was close!v in touch witu the business of the county attorney, so that his ex perience and knowledge in this di rection will enable him to serve us well. The management of Nebraska State Fair, to be held at Lincoln, Aug. g'.t, to September r>th assure the public that the coming Fair will be tlie largest and best ever held. All space in buildings—Halls ami Stock Pens, etc. on the ground last year, is now taking and other holdings are heuig erected. Ttiere will be more representative exhibit and less lakes than ever before. Races will be of the highest order. Attractions will be instructive and amusing. The occasion will be the grandest tor an unprecedented outing for pleasure and profit. Don't fail to emhracu it. A vote for i. S. Pedler for county attorney is a vote for a man who i will always use bis mlluance to set * tie little petit cases instead of drag ging them ruto court. In other words Mr. Pidler is a peace maker. He is a versed to strife ami conten tion. He has a reputation of sut thing more cases out of court than he does in court. What better qual ification could a county attorney have? Hundreds of dollars is thus saved in costs. Mr. Pedler is well rea l in law ami thoroughly compi taml to nrosecute any case that demands a lu-aiiog. A vote for Ped er is a vote for the light man. A. Clark, the republican nominee for representative is a bright an 1 well informed man of L >gan twp. He has been a resident <>f the county for many years and knows what, is need ed iu puin' of legislation t<> the best interest of the western farmers. During ih<* political discussions of lSPi', and 191'd, and while the popu list political stale speakers were holding meetings in his neighborhood he ami others were invited to ask questions, whereupo, Mr. Clark embru'-cd the opportunity, and it is said that t i a scholarly and gen tleman! v mam - i he laid bare all the fib - lid alemeflis id the opposi tion. He ki ■ pa well posted on all topics of ii.■ esi, ffi.it it was because oi his i . .t liss inmle himself pop 11' u well M - pudi and with all who know uiu:. The populist papers are trying to m lie out that because there is be ing a large amount of mortgages tiled now that it is conclusive evi dence of no prosperity in the coun try. The fact is that a great deal of the land is now changing hands and in many instances only a part of the purchase price is being paid down and a moitcage given on the land to secure the lidance. There are thousands of men all over t'»e c; >untry who have, by reason of pros perity, been able in the last tew years to save up a few hundred dol -z "-... lam and have invested it in land un der just such eireuinstances They make the investment for the purpose of bettering their oordition and se curing a home. We know of men who bave, under present conditions and prevailing good prices, farmed their land, raised gram, cattle and hogs and paid otf the mortgages on their land and then bought more laud adjoining them, planking down a good sum as partial pay ment and giving a mortgage back to secure the balance. Does not this look I like prosperity ? To a pop editor | we suppose not. If a man, who has rented a pifice of ground for years happens to save up enough money to make a substantial payment on a piece of land aud gives a mortgage for the balance, thereby securing for ; himself and family a home and a i start in life, we suppose the pops wntild say that he is not prosperous. And jet he could have goneon under populist rule, barely gettiog enough out of hw labor to keep soul and body together. The pop o-crats have j • I :50 hogs, 12 j cent corn and $10 00 cows and are | trying to make the farmer believe j that iie is mortgaged to death. But the farmer knows just why that mortgage is there and knows, too, j that the present good prices for his stock and produce will enable him 1 to meet it. - J _I 1 he report the Bureau of *tat- ; isiics for the fiscal year just closed j furnishes testimony of a very ie markable development of the trade of United States with its insular possessions. In 1902 Porto Rico bought from the United States merchandise valued at nearly $1 1,- , 000,OOO as compared with #2,000, 000 in 1*97. The Philippines pur chased merchandise valued at $5,- j 200,00ti us compared with $95,000 in 1*97. Exports to the Hawaiian Islands in 1902 amounted to 19,000, 000 as compared with $4,000,000 in 1897. It is claimed by the advo cates of Cuban reciprocity that a re ciprocal treaty with Cuba would re sult in a like increase iu the trade with that Island iu the next half decade and as the experiment seeus likely to be tried in the near future, j their predictions will have tin oppoi- j tunity for varification. Fusion papers continually howl about rascality in the republican parly, never failing to enlarge and exaggerate upon the subject. Un like republican newspapers they never condemn in their own camp or their party leaders no matter what they may do. Republican newspapers have the honesty and courage to de nounce wrong doing of its party and party leaders as well as that of op posing political parties—Valentine. Republican. l’tu- piiuUng of political platforms beyond the uu re news matter, should be laid away along with obituary, poetry aud card of, thanks The world moves too fast to pay attention to platforms made to catch votes, and that candidates have no regard for. The writer used to think it a part of his dmy to print the party platform ami point, with piide to it during each week of the campaign But we quit thinking that way now.—Beat rice Sun. Is’ut it about tune a call was be ing issued for a llepublicau seuator iid convention? Twenty days no tice muse be given to the public and it it is not called at once the cam piigti will be to short. Some of our district committeemen should w&ke up to a sense of duty. iiLssiaur thkeaxembo "While picnlciiig last month my It y< nr cl I boy was poisoned by some wee J nr plant," says 'V . II Dlbbla, of Sioux City, I*. "He rubbed the pois on < f 1’ lius hand-* into his eyes and fra wiiil-t we were afraid he would lose his sigbr. Finally a nighbor recommended DeWittV Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him and in a few days he was as wi ll as ever.” For skin ibs eases, iuits, bum-, scald-, wounds, io sec-bite-, l> Witt Witcn Hazel Salve issureeure. Relieves piles. Re ware of counterfeits —Odendahl Bros. Ola Newipnprr Employe. The New York Evening Post was 100 years old the other day, and for sixty years of that Rob rt Davis has been a continuous employe, never having had any other employer. Mr. Davis entered the office in his thirteenth year and was at one time assistant foreman of the composing room. DIVIDE HA DEM I.>111 Miss Mamie lleapy visited Miss Lulu tipohr Thursday evening Miss Hattie Throckmorton visited al Mr John Muthewsan's last Thursday. Mrs H M llotts was a pleasant caller at Dhulo Saturday Mr and Mrs. Henry Lewis s|itnt Satur day at the Walker home. Ernest Dlckerron of Litchfield visited with: Asa Spokr Saturday evening The KepuDliean delegates to the supervisors convention, met at the Divide school house j Saturday, August £1 and nominated Welling- j ton Hawk for Supervisor of district No ;i. j Kkta, _ UALSOKA KniHLISIlH The Balsora Singing Society met at Mr mid Mrs. Landuu's home luat Sunday evening. Mr Don Nelson received a telegram nn uouncing the death of his brother al Chi cago last Krldav Dieil On Monday last the little son of Mr and Mrs. John Nelson died, lie was but three months and sixteen days old The funeral < was hi Id Tuesday morning ut II o'clock by Rev. 11 Sutidh. The sympathy of tie en tire community is extended to the bereaved family. BftCHO ■ .... I ROCKVILLE ITEM* S. Soritaui auU Wm. Murr of Graufl were registered at the Rockville hotel Wed- , uesday. N (i. LeKoy of St. Paul was in our city Wednesday on business. < Wm Jacobs, llenry lieaslund ami Peter 1 Morin were passengers on the noon train 1 Thursday, bound for Loup Pity. Mr and Mrs. Thus Hogan drove to Loup City and baolt Thursday. J W. Long, of Loup City, was in our city Friday on business Friday Jt seemed that everybody and ( their families had gone to Bov 1 us to attend ( the Old Settlers Picnic Guess from all re- ( ports they had a rip roaring good time Aukcr Hansen. F.. H Kittell, W. W Bundy , and Harry Smelser were Loup City visitor- j Saturday. ] Five ears of steel rails were left here Sat- < urdav It certainly looks as if the F P was going to do something for this branch. ] "Better late than never,’ but it needed it i years ago. 1 The public dance given here Saturday night drew quite a jolly crowd Our postmaster. W. M. Smelser. received a ( bran new P. O cabinet Monday 'Tig a beau 1 ty and will greatly improve the looks of the ( Roekville postal department. He expects to ( get It installed in a few days. Don't forget the big Woodmen Picnic to be held here Sept. «th They say W. J. Bryan is to be one of the speakers There is a long list of sports and contests on the program. Remember the date Sept. tt A number of our young people took in the invitation hop at J It. Richardson's in Rose Vulley Wednesdar night. A good turn out Is reported We were asked to announce that tbs com miltcebad been sueessful in securing low rates on the railroad for the Woodmen Picnic Sept tkb One and one third fare for the round trip IT NO M10 TRAGEDY OF A LOCOMOTIVE. frjglorloufl KmiliiK of the Caret* of a World’* Fair Wonder. Engine No. 999, so the type* have told, draws a daily milk tra’u on the New York Central railroad. Therein lies the tragedy of a locomotive. Eight years ago this same 999 was a pet ex hibit In the machinery department of the World's Fair at Chicago. It was the monarch of the rails, the holder of a world’s record, the subject of great newspaper headlines, and the in spiration of editorials on attainable speed. In May, 1893, without breath ing hard, No. 999 did a nine-mile spurt on a level track at the rate of 102 miles an hour. On the same trip and many times afterward the great locomotive drew the Empire State express during a long run at a sus tained speed of more than a mile a minute, it was photographed in its great act by the biograph process, and to this day, on countless moving pic ture screens, breathless music hall crowds may see, its counterfeit pre sentment approach and vanish in a calcium glare. And now 999 draws a milk train! Having traveled “the pace that kills," it has gone to the rest cure. Overtrained, like a human athlete, the ex-chaxnpion of the steel highway must henceforth “live softly" all its days. But what a churning it I would give the fresh (Wango county cream if some day old 995 should sud denly awake, as did the old deacon's famous trotter, to a revived sense of its former prowess!—New York Sun. — Arab Harem in Mexico City. A genuine Arab’s harem has come to light in this city, or rather to the ears of the police, through the com plaint of a young Mexican girl, who some time ago was prevailed upon to become an inmate, says the Mexican Herald. The lord of the harem was an Arab known as A1 Isham, who came here with a number of his tribe, and finally set up housekeeping with four comely damsels of the tribe on Callejon de la Kosa. The Mexican girl, whose name was Soledad Gonzales, was taken to the house, where some special mar riage rites were performed, and she was arrayed in Arab costume. She was much disconcerted at finding there W'ere four wives already, but says she finally became resigned to the life. Her lord and master gave her a severe heating, however, and making her es cape, she applied to the police for pro tection. The house was accordingly raided, but the wily Arab had got wind of the affair and In the traditions' manner of his countrymen, bad “folded his In"’ “ >nd “ ’■ i sl'OI'S THE OOI'OH ANO WOHK1 OFF THE COCO Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablet* cure » col.l tn one (lay No. cure No Pay Pnc. Seen! a. ■""" ■"*' ■»---— PRWGSEI iTITL IIOS\L YMENDMEN'l Tit#* following pro)M) A Joint ? * -o ui |on prop * » *”> sechmil * p (ll Ai'lilM# I'! #***!», < • tin! t*Ot»M It ill .Oil m f N«*l»f rt* kJ» relative i«» the m <*■ uhiiiit tm*' ,i*i t 'nioptin , on u ur.-nf- to Lite t • *! i * 1 i Hi I i«iii 1 1 ■*' Nr hra- t />. it j rfft ' < ' ' Lc‘jUl r, •J Section 1 l ' t seel \riu <■ fifteen m tm Con-t.i o suite 1 >f Nebn-kti in: > , In ws; Section l. K.liter f the 11-t slat tire may propose e-i ed.imit* In ilia Cnusluiiiiioii, , ,.i ir - * be , Igreed in ,ree. of 1 lie nu n,! • i tlected • i ! b i j ' ’.f ■ i iniendn ,t- - . be • , -m *»>• ! lournal- whittle. e.,- m . ., mid pult lalied at least once cm w ■' it at least t me newspaper in >t, It , in",' where n lew -pii.. i t« publisl mined lately pt, . , i >■ if sens>u • nmt repie-, nt ' • ■ ■ which ( ilectinn the same-hull be ,..m ... Hi ilector- for approval nr , ■ ■,■' >n, and 1 i mal •rtl-y nt in i • 11 ,1 ucli eb'i ll,,.,,' neiif, slinl > ntf 1 ■* ■ . , i ' he mitti, -ball , ml. • t t lit ’onstltutnm Vi llen . i one iiiendnirnt sitbin t u: t ’ ■, • -amp lection, they -,i. : ihm >d . tn inable the • "Otor- to vo i eacli nieodii,, nl aepai t All bail'd* need ,i i Mon , n uch atiiemlitient u i ,i< . -hi '. lave wrllcil >r pin ed : ’. n di tliep, owing: l"n proposed niin ud . , i * tonal ItUI lot, rebd lllg til del- i)-,c>'| ectofthi- amendment , id t , losed amendment to the litiitioii elating to ,'heri in ;«• till" - e, ..-et ot the .tnendment) Slid the vnt, nt i a , e i ’Otlng on-uch iuu id iieii1 , • n hull be designated by flic , nctm ;.■, nmk ng l cm t wiih i pen or pet.; il in u circ’.e ■r squar, tn be placed nt the t ight ■»> be lines the words • ror , i Against" he proposed amendment . :i- he -lull! leslre to vote l ien n, <■ by Indicating its preference o i h voting muohlne vhen such machine i- in , I (>eo. IV March. Secret,,rv or Mate or lie State nf Nebraska, do hereby certlfj*! .hat the Ingoing proposed Htnemlmunt to j ,he Constitution of the stale of Neimtskt s a true and correct copy or th original mrolled and engrossed bill, u- p . -e , by tie rwenty seventh session of the ,,n i>, tf the State of Nebraska, a- rpp -ns n mi taidoriginal bill on tile in till- office, an,: , that said proposed amendment is submit led to the .(UadNeil voters of t mi Slate r Nebraska for litter adoption oi re ctnm i ihe geniirel election to bo held on l iiesd iy Ihettli day of November, 1> is In testimony whereof. I have hereunto *et my hand ami affixed the great seal of the State ot Nebraska Done at Lincoln this f.'d day of July, in lie yc . of o> . Lord Oue Thounand Nim Hundred am! Two. of the Independance of the i nit, i Utates the One Hundred anil Twenty-rii-i Bntb. and of thl.- date iheTh rn d\ l, OEO. W UAItUU ! [•kai..] Secretary ol smut. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of th. Inti i ir Land ill ho: at I.in i n Sc! ! j t:LV JHtll i«t«. Notice is liereliy given tliat the follow lng-named senior lias Hind notice tit ills Intention to leaks itnat proof In sop port of ills chiiii, ami i: a id |»r ■ Will bo made before J \ I i no the County Judge at l.oup try. onSept.lOlh tSMj, viz ...dull V- M; ic, fO' the E. if of the f». \V of Kicinui t Township IT Range K, ll.ini* r-y . I Kotc No IV,.T5H lie nan I y t ill !>•;1 ni I i to prove hi* e- lor, RAM1 Oiling At LlN.oLN Neb. Aid,l n r 7 iiitPg. Notice Is lull' ". g:C‘- ml 1 ■ oil tng named settler has tb il ». ft or l.i* in lentiou to leak, nal l his claim and that said pruot w. 'nude hi tore J. A. Angler the l nn . .1 , it Loup City Ni John I Peti i - the I '■ .in it, Township ii’. Vs Rain; } V, lie names the following w> • * O' jirove his conltmioos icsidciict "yon '. 1 'uitl vutiou ,.t said imnl, v ,/ Marvin S. Parker. of Aicade Neb. .1 Philip Im-'. of A'.onz > Erudcnlinrgh, of Truman T Uerinelt, ot W A. iiiti i.v tic- - er DYaKNTKIil .Hit n t■ ■ . t iltl. a11> t»r a i*iv.• n *!•.. “1 urn jii-t iij.i : 'p ■ 1 . • i! ii: M-<* llux” (il> aeilli I \ I M I I i’l: ••• J , a well known uu'rchaiit t i * ■ •;i»>- n l, IVllll 1 IlM'd (i||l< 'III ll > . t Chamb t 11in0< n- = 'ii . • <»• rhoH ... ii'! w■! it hivinir » ilm'ii.i! b "at cbnlf i i i There 1' lit) i ' eil nf” ii* ■ lioctei when renn v - ' , : doctor can iui -. it Ae je . , f .1 b iv el OOfl t for i t i • iren hi "In . amt ii* | l • i-.uito ! n O leiul-tlil !' i* • A stc ss u< v r. i. h i >« I)'’n'r neglect a ei 1 1 c i- w ,.i. u‘t 1 annul. It in harder • H > In i Oi m Minn e tough ('ur-‘ \ ■ u I I* cure if 'It III. ' I • Ii .. I' h ’ clear* f*-' to* . * -'»■»' t: • i-i ' ‘ h — tfit* nun i m« in h.. 1 ui, IVOUJI, tiiront iiml iu g »i.n;. ■ A - sulu 1 V mite. .Vi*i - iiitui' 'i:> (lien like it + «J. r. DEPEW^ I Blacksmith §> Wagon Maker I 3*33000000 1 ^ 9 My shot) in tho lament and bent equipped north of the Platte Btver. ■ I have, a tour horn* engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma- I i ll . also n foire ol expenenced men who know how to operate It and I .urn out a Job with nealness and dtg^iaich. ■ PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT I ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I am • Yours respectfully, J .J. I DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. I - ■wnaMv/tmwMaaMauaMM.U'wi'MP.tfw tMP. ■ ■ ■* -a..■-—» K. Y. CULJJET, p. COUUWY. PrMidanL OMMw. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. t General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. COMCSPONDCfmt Seaboard National Bank. New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska. ITS COOL IX COLORADO. August 1 to I I, id3, ‘J4, 30, 31. September 1 to 10. On Die above days the Burlington lion11 V", I sell round mp tickets to Dt iv ; Colorado, Pueblo and many title i [ nis in Col undo at i.vtraor duatPylow rates. P's eool in Colorado all summer long, and there are hundreds of re sults in the rookies where one may i scape from the heat of the plains anti spend an altogether de lightful vacation. A curd to J Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebr., will bring m u :» good supply of Col orado 1> toklets that will help you plan jour trip. NOT OVEH WISH there i- mi util allegorical picture of a gi i -catoil at a gne-s hopper, but in lb«i act of heedlessly treading on a snake, tl.i-' paralleled by tli*' man who .-[M ini* . large sin of money building ii ey |n ii i-1*■;4*, i>iit uegle is to provide h'si miiy v itb a buttle of (..'liamberlain’B i o|n-. i'pi uia and Itiarrhoea Hemeiiv u- safe ganrds against bowel complaints. wtuuM victims outnumber those of tbe eye me a hundred to one. This Hem ■ Jy i- everywhere recognized as the most piompt and reliable medleiue in use far these distasen. For sale by < ideud.ahl Bros, ritit taiilk. LOCI’ CITY NKBK. i.lnooin, Denver, Omaha Helena, Chicago, liulte, si Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kar-i- City, Portland, st. bouts san Franolaeo, and all points and all points East and smith. West. Tit A INS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS; GOING EAST No w P.i. songer. >:20a. in. No iso freight .12.5up.in GOING WEST No. M Passenger ... . 4:32 p. III. No. -'iW freight . 12:50 p. ui -looping, dinner and reclining chair cars W.II',1 Iron; on through ’rains Tickets -old ami baggage checked to any point in Hie |Jnltcd stales or Canada. for tnlonuatton, maps. time tables and tickets ' all on or write to It. L, AUTHOR \gnni cir j. fHANOiS, Uen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U, I* EA1WAV No. *6 leaves daily except Sunday ; pass enger) H:a m. No. -s leaves Mondav. Wodnesdav and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. in. No .») leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday . (mixctli 2:65 p. in. ) So S' ;i r: ives daily except Sunday .mixed tli ov i> in. No. v, arrives dally except Sunday (pass I-ru-ie ) 7;A ' p ui. first i ins- servle and clo-e cm mictions least, west aifd sum h H J Cl.tfTON, Agent, ChtrkMl Quality. I P Parto Exposition 1900. Sold by T. H. ELSNKK, LotipCity, Neb LOW RATES EVERY DAY. Every day during the month of Sep tember and October. 1903, the l.'ntou Facitic will sell one-way settlers ticket at the following rales: MISSOURI RIVER TO Ogden and Salt Lake.#20 00 Butte and Helena 20.00 Spokane . 22 50 Portland arid Ashland. 26 00 Taeoma and Seattle.25.00 San Franclsoo . 25.00 Los Ang< I os and San Diego. .... 25.00 Correspondingly Low Kstea Inter mediate points. For fu'l information call on your nearest agent or address H. J Clifton, Agent. (gW^ This signature is on every box ot the genuine Laxative Broiiio^Quioine Tablets the remedy that curt* a eaM In one Bay A. S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA OFFICE AT KKHIDF.NOR. NO HOI’ NIGHTS IN COLORADO The nights are cool without damp lien- from dews, 1’he air Is pure with out undue moisture. 'There is uo ex cessivo heat in summer, the average temprature being 80 degrees There are n>> continuous, saturating rainfalls, but rather brief showers, which pass away quickly, leaving clear skies behind (hem. 'Tim Summer nights are in variably cool, inviting out door exer cise and inducing rest and refreshing sleep Splendid ttain service with ac commodations for all classes of passen gers. and very low rates via the Union I’acitic. Ask or write for pamphlet “The Rockies G rest Salt Lake and the Yellow stone," describing in detail the attract ions of the west. II. J Clifton. Agent. TO OP 1th A COLD IN ONIS DAT. Take Laxative nromo Quinine Taplets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. M VP. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c SALESMAN WANTED.-To look after our Int"rests In Sherman and ad jicent counties. Salary or commission Address Lincoln OH Co., Clevland Ohio. Will Make Affidavit 1 New Lease e« Life for aa lews Po*tm aster* PostmasterR. H. Randall,Mhala, says: I suffered from Indigestion and in sulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I soon knew I had found what I had long looked for. I am better today than in yearn. Kodol gave me a new lease of life. Anyone oan have my af fidavit to the troth of thts statement." Kodol digests your food. This enables the system toaMlmllatesuppllas,strengthen Ing every organ and restoring health. Kodol Makes You Strong. ror sale by .ODKNDAHL DROS.,