The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 15, 1902, Image 6

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    Yesterday aivd To-Day
Yesterday, God's day, I spent
In holy thougnt. In calm content.
Amidst the ferns and grasses sweet;
Where, here and there, about my feet,
1 found this little flower.
I'd longed for such a day to be—
When ev'ry vine and bush and tree
Should don its robe of verdant hue;
Then I should gather, dear, for you,
This little purple flower.
And now my joy has passed away;
'Tls but a memory to-day—
My happiness to you I lend.
In that these violets I send
May brighten up an hf 'r.
As with all joys, their reign is short—
No pleasure that hath e'er been sought;
No happiness, however great.
Did permanently satiate—
We’re happy but an hour.
The Ransom of an Overcoat.
(Copyright. 1902. by Dally Story Pub Co.)
Mr. E. Wilbert Marsh sallied forth
one morning, with a brand new light
overcoat thrown jauntily over his left
arm. About half way between his
lodging house and the station where
he was wont to climb up to that
abominable inconvenience, the “ele
vated,” he observed a young lady
dart down the front steps of one of
the most Imposing and least flaked
of the veneered brown-fronts. She
carried a letter In her hand. On her
head was nothing but a great glo
rious mass of piled-up saffron hair.
8he was strikingly pretty and strik
ingly conscious of the fact, if one
might judge from her make-up and
manner. It was evident that she was
bound for the nearest letter-box.
Hardly, however had the little kid
slippers of this pleasing damsel trip
ped along the pavement a dozen
yards when, with the exasperating un
expectedness which nature sometimes
displays In her most perverse moods,
it began to rain. The attractive fig
ure stopped short, wavered a mo
ment and then turned back—Just in
time to meet young Marsh, struggling
to raise his umbrella over his $25
With a silvery laugh and, apparent
ly the most perfect unconsciousness
of any Impropriety in thus accosting
a stranger, the girl exclaimed:
"How sudden!”
E. Wiibert Marsh smiled, and rais
ed his hat with a gratified blush.
"Would you have the kindness to
drop my letter in the first box you
pass?” asked the girl, putting the
little square missive into the young
man's hand, aud gathering her sklrtB
preparatory to flight. The next in
stant she fled, rustling and laughing,
back to the shelter of the brown stone
front, and E. Wilbert Marsh found
himself saying "With pleasure!" to
the empty air. The young lady look
ed back as she was vanishing and
nodded. “I wonder if she would rec
ognize me, if she met me again?”
mused Marsh. Then he walked brisk
ly on.
The rattle of an approaching train
fell on his ear. He had Just time to
reach the station and catch it. There
would not be another train for five
minutes, and it happened that he was
somewhat late that morning. With an
inward vow that he would mail the
young lady’s letter immediately on
leaving the car, he made a wild dash
for the stairway and rushed upon the
platform of the nearest car just as
the guard was closing the gate. Then
be slipped the letter Into his over
coat pocket, and straightway did what
*11 men do under such circumstances
-—forgot it.
Presently another young man left
his seat, came up the aisle, and stood
smiling down upon Marsh. ”Goir.~ to
the ball game, this afternoon?” he
“Why. hello!” replied Marsh, recog
nizing a chum in whose company he
had aforetime done his part toward
hoarsely eulogizing the national
game. “Yes, I want to go. Shall, if
l can get away. You going?”
“Not much chance of it. Two hun
ired and fifty pieces in last night s
mail! Don’t know how much larger
"How Budden!"
this morning’s mail will be. But say.
Will, if you can go. you want to. It’s
going 10 be great ball. Hutchins will
pitch for our fellov s. The champions
play us, and are only just a uotch
ahead, you know.”
By the time E. Wilbert Marsh left
the car his head was completely full
of the great game which was to
come off that afternoon. He w?.s
planning how he could get away. He
kept planning all the morning. In
the early afternoon he got away. He
just went.
It was a glorious day and a glorious
game. The rain had let up. Every
body was there. The grand stand
was jammed. The bleachers groaned.
The entire field was shut in by black
parentheses of humanity.
The visitors began to score briskly
in the first inning. They made four
runs in succession, with out a man
out. At the end of the fifth inning
the score stood six to two in favor
of the champions.
Walked away against a drizzling rain.
Then it was that an eager face was
upturned to E. Wilbert Marsh from
the tier of seats below. “Three to
one that the Chicagos win!”
“I'll take you,” replied Marsh, with
a fierce, desperate thrill of pride and
confidence in the home team. They
would win yet! Anyway, it would be
cowardly to go back on them in their
extremity. He would try to turn
their luck by betting beyond his usual
figure. "Let it be X’s!” he exclaimed.
“All right!” responded the eager
voice below.
The Chicagos won.
“I’ll trouble you for that X.” said
the young man sitting at Marsh’s feet,
as the bleachers rose with a howl, at
the completion of the last inning. The
champion of the home team be
gan to search in his pockets in a
dazed way. He finally gathered to
gether a handful of coins and two
bills. “I’m stuck at $4.75,” he said,
ruefully. “Didn’t suppose I was so
short. Ought not to have bet. But—
say.” He looked desperately at the
resplendent overcoat lying across his
arm. “You’ll take this coat in pledge,
won’t you? I’ll meet you here to-mor
row afternoon—right here on the
bleachers—with the cash to redeem
The other young man hesitated.
Then he took the garment which E.
Wilbert Marsh tragically handed to
him, and disappeared in the crowd.
A few hours later, the temporary
owner of the new overcoat pulled a
letter out of a pocket of the garment,
and stared at the envelope with
startled and flashing eyes. “I’d know
her writing anywhere!” he muttered.
"And addressed to my rival, Sam Nle
baum. Confound it! I’ll open it!”
He impetuously tore open the en
velope and read:
Dearest Sam—What a shame that
your invitation to the theater, to
night, came just after I had accepted
as a dernier ressort, one from that
odious Fred Crombie, who has been
persecuting mo with attentions of
late! I should not have accepted his
invitation, anyway, if I had not been
just dying to hear that particular
play. And then came your welcome
but tantalizing note. What a con
tretemps! But, Sam, I will go with
you, and I will tell you how we will
outwit Fred and give him the slip.
Do you be at, or near, the head of the
stairway at the Brooklyn entrance of
the bridge at 7:30 sharp, to-nignt. I
will drop my fan over the stairway,
as Fred and I are going up. He will,
of course, run back to get It. I will
then seem to be pushed upward by
the crowd. Meet me at the head of
the stairs. Then, adieu, Mr. Fred.
Lovingly yours,
Mr. Fred Crombie did indeed run
dutifully back for the fan that even
ing when Miss Ollie dropped It from
the bridge stairs. But instead of re
turning, he buttoned his coat, raised
his umbrella against the drizzling
rain which t ad begun to fall, and
walked away to ?. street car. Of
course. Miss f'llie found no “dearest
Sam" awaiting her at the heiad of the
■fairs, since he had never vrcirfved
her letter. She rushed frantically
about, got into a jam. had her opera
hat crushed out of shape, her purse
stolen, and the better part of her
indignant wind squeezed into gasping
protests. Finally, she got free, but
having neither umbrella nor money,
had to walk home unsheltered from
the rain. She arrived in a drenched,
disgusted and hysterical condition,
and sneaked up to her room like a
truant child.
Next day-, E. Wilbert Marsh pre
sented himself at the bleachers, as hi
had agreed, with the ransom money
for the overcoat. After the game he
found precisely the same sum in the
pocket of that garment, together
with six of the choicest flfty-cent
cigars ever swaddled in tin-foil. No
wonder he thought the world must be
growing bettor! He had totally for
gotten that he did not mail a certain
letter that was handed to him by a
young lady. He will never think of
It again, for the evidence necessary
to recall the matter to the masculine
mind had, in his case, entirely disap
Little Anecdote that Shows Deftness
of the Oriental.
A certain newspaper man. who was
induced to "try" a stylographic pen,
got it out of order by reckless treat
ment, and took it to a pen shop for
repair. The man there soon showed
him that thera was nothing serious the
matter with it, the only trouble being
that he had neglected to do some little
thing in using it. Then he began to
take the pen apart for the newspaper
man's instruction, so that he might
see how very simple a thing it is.
“Simple!” cried the indignant ownei
of the instrument, “it is as complicat
ed as a Chinese puzzle! I don't won
der that I can't make it 'go' when
I want it to!”
The penman laughed.
“You remind me,” he said, “that
there is a Chinese in this town who
used a stylographic regularly. He came
here to buy one several months ago,
and when I showed it to him he began
to take it all apart. I hurriedly
stopped him, supposing that he would
do it an injury, but he at once pul
down the value of the pen, saying
that it was his. and then continued
bis dissection of it. I give you my
word that he handled that pen more
deftly than the man who made it
and in five minutes he had it put to
gether again, so that it worked better
than it did at first. Those fellow-a
beat the world at understanding little
details. Now, an Irishman or an
American—I beg your pardon—could
never have done that; and, remem
her, it was the first pen of the kind
the Chinese ever saw.”—Philadelphia
A Child’s Faith.
One of Philadelphia's politicians
who was a looker-on in Harrisburg
during the recent convention told a
group of friends an incident that il
lustrated his wee daughter’s firm
faith in his all-around ability. The
crescent moon had excited her amaze
ment and wonder for the reason thar
theretofore she had always assocl
ated Luna with a round and cheese
like fulness. So, she rushed into the
house and informed her mother that
the moon was "all broken up,” and
that only a very small piece of it re
mained. The mother, not thinking
the child old enough for an explana
tion of the lunar phenomena, simply
"Too bad, dearie—too bad!”
The child seemed downcast for :i
moment; then, her face illumined
with joy, she leaped up and ex
“O! it will be all right when papa
comes home, mamma—he’ll mend il
Thorough Paced Economy.
A young man living in Cincinnati
is a close worker in money matters,
that is, he stays close to the shore
with bis expenditures. He had the
good luck to marry a girl whose
parents are quite wealthy, and is at
present living with his wife in one
of his father-in-law's houses.
One day not long since, while dis
cussing affairs with a friend, the lat
ter asked:
"Did the old gentleman give you
that house?”
“Well-er-no, not exactly,” was the
answer. "He offered it to me, but J
wouldn’t accept it.”
"How's that?” asked the friend.
"Well,” answered the man who had
made the lucky matrimonial venture
“You see, the house really belongs to
me. I’m living in it, rent free, an«i
I’ll get it when the old man dies. H
i accepted it now I’d have to pay th?
A Unique Procession.
A correspondent of the London
Graphic writes: "The Church of the
Madonna del Rosario at Valle di Pom
peii, or, as it is called, the Madonna d!
Pompeii, is the best known shrine o.
the Madonna in the south of Italy, on
account of *he wonderful mlraclei
which are supposed to be performec
there. People from all parts, far ano
near, come on pilgrimage from th*
far distant mountains, and even from
Sardinia. Soma most wonderful cos
tumes are sea* in and about the
church. The contadini come on foot
or in carts often drawn by white oxen
singing and playing on musical Instru
ments, tambourines, pipes, etc. Oftei
in a case of illness, girls with theii
l.alr down and barefooted go in pro
cession to tne church to intercede with
the Madonna for the sic* person.”
If there be a want of concert
among members of the same family
other people will take advantage o.
1 it to injure them.
Death Seems to Have Few Terrors In
These Days.
The mania for self-destruction Is
on the Increase.
Life certainly presents, in most
countries, many more agreeable fea
tures than it did a generation ago.
Yet the desire to abandon it increases
yearly. The total number of suicides
is swelling enormously. Is it because
of the greater prevalence of nervous
An English alienist, Mr. Styles, has
been at some pains to investigate this
subject, with wholly discouraging re
sults. The story of his discoveries may
best be expressed in figures.
Some forty years ago the average
number of suicides was, in Sweden,
one to every 95,000 inhabitants; in
Russia, one to every 35,000 inhab
itants; in the United States, one to
every 15,000 inhabitants, and in the
great cities, like London and St.
Petersburg, one to every 21,000 inhab
itants. It is plain that we made a
dismal showing even then.
In France, chosen for illustration
because it offers the most startling
revelations, Mr. Styles found for every
100,000 inhabitants, during the years
1841 to 1845, 9 suicides; from 1846 to
1850, 10 suicides; from 1861 to 1870,
13 suicides; from 1871 to 1875, 15 sui
cides; from 1870 to 1880, 17 suicides;
in 1889, 21 suicides; in 1893, 22, and in
1894, 26.
From 1826 to 1890, tne proportion of
suicides in Belgium has augmented
72 per cent; in Prussia. 411 per cent;
in Austria, 238 per cent; in Sweden
and Denmark, 72 per cent, and 35 per
cent respectively, and in France, 31
per cent.
Ping-Pong Hard on Watches, and the
Man Who Makes Repairs Profits.
‘ Ping pong is a fine game,” said a
jeweler, who does a lot of repairing,
to a New York Sun man. ‘No outdoor
or indoor sport has ever given us so
much to do. It is surprising how many
persons have broken their watches
since the game became a fad.
“You see, people play the game with
out removing their coats or waist
coats. In the excitement they forget
about their watches, and the first
thing a man knows his timepiece
bounds out of his pocket. Sometimes
it strikes the table, but wherever it
does fall the watch is damaged.
‘ That is not all. A player may tie
his watch to his pocket, but still it
gets out of gear. The constant jump
ing around and the swinging of the
arms disturbs the works so the watch
has to be brought to us to be regula
“I have had as many women’s watch
es as men’s to repair. The women
are even more careless than the men.
Their watches dangle from their shirt
waists, and as a result the watch
jumps around like a weathercock in a
gale of wind.
"Surprising as it may seem, my in
come from repairing watches has al
most tripled since the craze for ping
pong began.”
Would ‘‘Dam the Hogs, Too.
The Ozark Mountain (Mo.) News
tells a story of an ex-Kentucky colonel
of the “quality folks" sort whom he
once met In western Kansas. “The
colonel was an enthusiast on the irri
gation scheme that was sweeping over
Kansas at that time. He was so posi
tive in his theories and so high-tem
pered that few people cared to dis
agree with him. One day as he was
standing in front of the office talk
ing with several friends. ‘Pink’ Bar
clay, that lives over on Snake creek,
came along, and after shaking hands
around turned to the colonel and said:
‘Colonel, I’ve got forty acres of land
lying close to Snake creek that I want
to irrigate and I would like to ask
your advice about It.’ ‘Very well, sah,’
responded the colonel, ‘My advice is
dam the creek.’ ‘I did do thaf,’ said
Pink, ‘and cut a ditch down across
the land, but I couldn’t got rise
enough.’ 'Then I would dam the
ditch, sah,' replied the colonel. ’That’s
just what I did do,’ said Pink, ‘but
the hogs rooted holes In the banks.
What would you do about that?’
‘What would I do?’ snorted the
colonel. ‘I would dam the hogs, sah!
I would dam the hogs!”’
Had His Nerve With Him.
“I had a nervy one to-day,” said
the bartender, according to the Phila
delphia record. “A country looking
yap, who had seen the free lunch sign
outside, came gawking in, and as soon
as he got his bearings made a dive
for the solid food counter. In a
minute he had made the pickled tripe
dish look like thirty cents and had
put the crackers and cheese out of
business entirely. I glued my eyes
on him and sung out, ‘Hey, there!
Have a beer?’ He was too busy to
talk, but shook his head no. ‘Mebbe
some whisky,’ I says. ‘Nope,’ he says,
with his mouth full of corned beef
sandwich. Well, say, he was so busy
over there that I thought it was up
to me to put a stop to it, so I says,
sarcastic like. “How about a
bottle o’ wine?' ‘Much obleged,’ he
says, ‘but when I left home I prom
ised the old folks I wouldn’t drink
nothin’,’ I was so stunned I let him
get out without leaving his card.”
Good for Her.
The Living Church quotes this from
i Connecticut woman’s diary, dated
1790: “We had roast pork for dinner,
ind Dr. S., who carved, held up a
-ib on his fork, and said: ‘Here, la
lies, is what Mother Eve was made
of.’ ‘Yes,’ said Sister Patty, ‘and it’s
*iom vary much the same kind of
jritter.’ *
Wheels within wheels—South
American -evolutions. I
The woman who weeps is the wo
man whose eyes are always beauti
ful; tearless eyes are dull aud cold.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This Is why Defiance Starch
is taking the place of all others.
Much of the milk of human kind
ness tastes of the pump.
Oet Red Cross Hall Hluo, the best Hail Blues
Large ‘i oz. package only 5 cents.
One of the greatest pleasures In
life is to be found In counting the
money we expect to make.
Mrs. Wlnalnn'i Soothing Syrup.
For children teething, soften* the gum», reduces In
Oamuiallon, allays pain, cure* wind colic. 23c a bottle.
Prince Arnult of Bavatta, grandson
of the prince regent, will visit Amerl
I am sure Ptso's Cure for Consumption saved
.ay life three years ago.—Mrs. Thus. Robbins.
Maple Street, Norwich. N. Y., Feb. IT, 11)00.
Any pretty doman's jaw Is a thing
of beauty—when It Isn’t working.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75a
The average man is as awn ward at
making love as he is at cutting fresh
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and who
is reasonably satisfied with the old,
we would suggest that a trial of De
fiance Cold Water Starch be made at
once. Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be
inper'or to any other brand, but be
cause each 10c package contains
16 ozs., while all the other kinds con
tain but 12 ozs. It is safe to say that
the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other. Quality and
quantity must win.
On# «n "Tim" C#mpb#!1. ^
General Hey wood, now commanding
officer of the marine corps, was at one
time stationed at the Brooklyn navy
yard. One day he was surprised to
see a sentry approach with Congress
man ••Tim" Campbell in custody. “I
wouldn't let this man pass, general,
till he told me who he was. He says
he is a congressman, so 1 knew he's a
liar, and I thought the best thing to
do was to bring him to you."
It is hard for a vain man to con
ceive why others should be foolish
enough to disagree with him.
..I <11—1.
• Libfiy’s Natural Flavor Foods -
► Cooked Just Exactly Right, then put up la key- ^
open lug eans. You get them at your grocer s
^ —just as they leers us—dainty, delicious and 4
ready toaerre. You will nsrer keep house with
^ out Libby's Foods when you onoe try them. 4
Ask for our booklet. "How to Make Good J
^ Thing* to Eat." It will be eent yoa free. ^
Soft Filling' • • • • p———
Silver Fining. • - • Small Charfea
Teeth Cleaned • • - lor flaterlal.
i Set of Teeth • • M.oo_
SI IDTy Ift-JE? PIIDCn NO KN,FK- NO I*AIN. no detention
F|UI* y fcjlf'ttc, UUHtU from business. We refer to thousands of
cured patients In Nebraska ami adjacent
errltory. Why patronize Eastern •'faklra" when you can deal with a reliable company at
nine? An absolute guarantee in every case. Send for circulars. TUB BIBRIRM
tURTURB CO., esa-33 Nay* York LI fa Building. Omaha. Nabramka.
j Cut This Out for Heference---It May Not Appear Again.
Omaha Auditorium flotli (ontest
_ July 11902, to October 28, 1902.
a- Tickets Twenty-five Cents >- k
V* /* One Thousand and One Prizes 7* 7*
Each Ticket Entitles the Purchaser to One Share of Com
mon Stock in the Omaha Auditorium Company and to Two
Chances to Win a Prize.
non HO 1N G°LD ’ ’ ContrlbutedbytheDefl
| ll|VII llll ance Starch Company of Omaha-Seven
yv/yvuv/ivv Hundred and Three Smaller Cash Prizes.
SSSSSISSS Ranging from $2.50 to $50.00 y 'g
Other Prizes.—House and lot in Omaha, value, $3,500;
Omaha City Lot, $700; Grand Kimball Piano; Chapel Organ;
round trip tickets to cities on the Pacific Coast. Gulf of Mexico,
the Great Lakes, and the Inland Pleasure Resorts; Sealskin
Garments; Buggies. Saddles, Sets of Double and Single Har
ness, Engines, Guns, Silver and Glass Tableware, and many
other useful and ornamental articles.
Six More Semi-Monthly Special Cash Prizes.
Awarding of Regular Prizes.—The $5,000 Capital Prize
and 1,000 other Regular Prizes will be Awarded in the order
; of their Value to the 1,001 Persons making the 1,001 closest
estimates of the total number of votes which will be cast for
all candidates tor governor in New York State, November 4,
These are the figures for the last five elections and will
aid you in making your estimates: 1891, 1,165,085; 1894,
1,275,671; 1896, 1,434.046; 1898, 1,359,190; 1900, 1,556,520.
What will the figures be this year?
Awarding of Semi-monthly Special Cash Prizes.—These
prizes will each be not less than $50, nor more than $500, and
will be paid every two weeks during the progress of the con
test. They will be paid to the persons making the closest
estimates, during the two weeks preceding each date, of the
amount of the bank clearings of the city of Omaha on August
16, September 1, September 16, October I, October 16, and
November 1. These figures of the bank clearings of Omaha
on dates named will assist you in making your estimates:
1901: July 1, $1,233,488; July 16, $1,063,599; August
1st, $823,138; August 16th, $1,036,132; September 1st,
$1,171,613; September 16th, $1,127,988; October 1st, $955,
266; October 16th, $1,039,742; November 1st, $1,205,423.
1902: July 1st, $1,061,057; July 16th, $1,137,004.
NOW Is the Time to Send in Your Estimates.—One
Person Stands Just as Good a Chance as Any Other Person
to Make Prize Winning Estimates. An Estimate Made Now
is as Likely to Win $5,000 or One of the Other 1,000 Regular
Prizes as One Made in October, For No One Can Tell the
Number of Votes Cast Until After They are Counted. Con
test Goses October 28.
Some one is going to win $5,000 for twenty-five cents.
; Why not you? And others are going to win 1,006 other reg
ular and special prizes ranging from $2.50 to $3,500. You
may he one of them if you make an estimate.
Such Opportunities are not often offered—a share of
stock and two chances to win big prizes for twenty-five cents.
But remember that a dozen hooks will catch more fish
than one hook. One ticket and two estimates are good, but a
dozen tickets and two dozen estimates are better, and will more
likely land one of the big or some of the smaller prizes.
Send in your Quarters and your Estimates—and Better
Send Them in Now.
Address all letters to
Room A, New York Life Building, Omaha.
Responsible Agents Wanted In Every Town.
Cut This Out for Reference—It May Not Appear Aalaln.