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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1902)
r The Northwestern w - -- —r^.r --ntr- rrr -r-jrt PU*kISHHD EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. <»KO. K. RCNsnllOTRR, Kiln or anil Publisher TERMS;—$' 00 PKK tkar. if paid in advance Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. ltKl'lllLICAN TICKET. Fur Governor. JOHN II. MICKEY. For Lieutenant Governor, E. G. McGILTON. For Treasurer, PETEK MORTENSEN. For Secretary of State. G. W. MARSH. For Auditor. CHARLES WESTON For Superintendent of Instruction. WILLIAM K FOWLER For Attorney General. F. N. PBOUT For Commissioner Public Lauds. GEORGE D FOLLMER. For Congressman M P K INK AID CALL FOR REPUBLICAN (JOl NTY CONVENTION. Loup City Nobr. July 15th, 1902. The republican electors of Sherman coun ty, Nebraska are hereby requested to send delegates from their respective townships to meet in convention at Loup City, Neb. Tuesday, August llKti, 11*03 at 1:00 p in for the purpose of nominating a county ticket as follows: County Attorney aud One Representative. Also to transact such other business as may properly come before said convention. The several townships are entitled to rep resentation as rollows, the apportionment being based upon the vote of the last gen. eral election (1901) for Hon. Samuel Sedg wick, Justice of the Supreme court, giving each township one delegate for every six votes or major fraction thereof and one delegate at lurge for each township, which gives the respective township# the follow ing representation: Asliton.9 Loup City . 21 Bristol.5 oak Creek 3 Clay ..5 Rockville. 5 Elm .. ...4 Scott . 3 Harrison . 10 Washington. 5 Hazard 0 Webster.4 Logan.7 Total.99 it is recommended that the primaries- be at the aunual voting place on Friday, August 15, 1932. By order of Republican County central Committee. W R. Mellob, Chairman W. S. Waite, Secretary. Tb«?re is notuing strange about tho passing of the populist party. It is but the result of an inexorable law of growth and decay. The pop ulist party come into existence as the result of a combination of peculiar circumstances. At the time of its inseption Liard times predominated. Unwise legislation had paralysed in dustry. Trade had stagnated, val ues depreciated, and hard times were knocking at nearly every man's door. To add to these condition, drouth and crop failure have visited every sec tion of the country and caused a gloomy depression, the like of which h id never been known in the land. Men began to cast about them for a remedy. Bomthing was wrong and they knew it They sought the remedy in legislation, they organized the third political party. They drew up platforms, with some plauks thai were souud and some that were not. Their idea was all right for they hon estly meant to secure the most good for the greatest number This plan failed because they went at it the wrong way. Then the re publican party came forward as it always has iu the past and the very end to which the populists wen striving was reached. The proper legislation was enacted, depreciated values rose above par, paralized industry was revived, confidence res tored and the nation entered an era of prosperity that has never been equalled. The populists saw that the things which they sough weie accomplished and as a natural con sequence the party began to disin tegrate. Some of those who had left the democratic ranks went back lo there own party, but many, realiz ing from whence thier help had couie, cast thier political fortunes with the republicans. In Nebraska the com plete absoiption of tho populis' party is practically completed. A straight democrat has been nomin aled for governor and ihe populists are barely represented on the ticket Another year and it will all be over and every populist will be identified with either the democrats or tho republicans.—Fulls City Journal. SALESMAN WANTED-To 1. ok iif rr our interests in Sherman- hikI ad j icMit counties. Nairny or commission Address Lincoln Oil C-., < l-il-uid Ohio. -K--. SHERMAN COUNTY TEACHERS JNST1TOTE The Teacher's Institute for Sber I mttu county opened last Monday i morning at the high school building with about :>0 teachers enrolled. The instructor? are Prof. C. W. Biglow of Denver, Prof. Jackson, * x-State iiupt. of the Normal Dept Wesylen University, Lincoln and ' Miss Bertiia Henderson also of Lin coin. State Supt. W. K Fowler was present and addressed the teachers l'uesdsy evening and Prof. Biglow gave a lecture on the subject of “Joliu Brown and the Kebellion" on Wednesday evening. Both lect ures were highly entertaining and instructive. Ttioy are gentlemen of fine address and cl id much to wards making the session a success. The feliowing is a list of the teach ers enrolled, and for which our thanks are due to county Supt , It. D. Hendrickson, who is so airly conducting the exercises: Joule 1’clski, Ashton, Neb Blanche Bennett, Loup City Emma O. Amlertou Nettle Conger. J. J I’arkhurst, “ Lottie Thompson • Sadie F’edler Fannie Smith, Myrtle William, Ashton. Ester Newberg, Sweetwater, Ida Haller. Litchfield. Minnie Crouton, Hazard. Lizzie Kay Loup City, Grace Kay, Mary E. Screen, Revenua " Hcllen Newberg Sweetwater, Minnie Gilbert, Loup City, •* Susie T. Terry, Sweetwater. “ W, A. Hayes, Austin. ‘ Edna MlnsbuU. Litchfield, “ Mrs Bessie Jung. Loup City Julia Rowe. ** Hattie Throekinorton, Divide. Lena Hollenbarh. Sweetwater, Fannie Hollenbeck, Ravenna, Clara Hollenback. •* “ Minnie Hickman, Loup City, ‘ Edith Henry, Ethel Pearaon, Litchfield • Etna Nehler, Ashotn, Lewis Omey, Litchfield, Roda E. Whitman, Arcadia. Rosa Kellum Litchfield, Saidee Whitman, Arcadia. Alice Tangerman. Rockville Ellen Lofholm. Loup City. Nellie Dillon. Sarah Lofholm. Anna Myer, Ravenna. Madge Holmes. *• Mamie Ileapy. Litohfield. Grace Taylor Loup City Edna Lee. Maud Tanney, " “ W H. Kennedy, Emma Keiss Ravenna. Mabel Spohr Loup City, Mrs Mary Depew, Ralph Emery Bessie Kettle, Ashton, Henry C. Young, Loup City, Frank M Inks, Marie Keldseu Boelus. sina Ladegarde, Litchfield. Mary Kluusen, Boelus' J F. Micoson Loup City. Ernist Conner Lena Sullivan, Ravenna. Nellie Hawk. Loup City, Bessie Coulter, Ravenna. Ilaidee Schmaljohn Rockville Raugheld Nelson Arcadia *' M. H Mead. Loup City. Emma Outhouse, E Holcomb, Florence Talbot, “ A DUKE8S OF WELCOME As the whistle of the thresher is heart! upon the farms, So wo hear the merry luughter, on our street-, of the school inarms; As they too and from are trudging to the place where duty call Sever faLermg never budging, fitting for tholr work this fall Learning how to teaeb the pupils, use the pointer, wield the rod: Ilow to master all the problems that to them are sometimes hard. How to get an education how to use it to advance. How to make their work effective and to make tha urchin dance. Thus It is with satisfaction that they come here once a year. Drive the young men to distraction when up on our streets appear Yet with all their pretty notions and their ways that are so cute. Each and all arc over welcome to our annual Institute. A repoit from Madison, N. ,1. says that on the eleventh inst. there was a cloud burst which caused de vastation in Hillside cemetery. About seventy five caskets were uncovered by the rushing waters and many of them were swept irom the graves in which they had lain. The cemetery is situated partly on a hill, but a brook and revine trav erses the other portion of it. The water backed up and swept across the lower part of the country. For a distance of too feet the torrent car ried every thing before it nnd for a width of fifty feet the grave* were washed out. Many collies were found strewn about iu all directions. Some of the bodies were found a mile from tbe cemetery and it is said Hint others were washed into the Fassaia river. About forty bodies have been re covered. to coiik a em u in onk day. 1’ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tapiets All druggists refund the money if It falls »o cure. M W. Grove’S signature Ison each box. T.e KOCKVUXK I'lF.Ml Mr), Jrne« Coulter arrived home Thursday sunn fr tn Grau l Island where she has been visiting and taking la the Firemen s totnfc ament. Mr N .J. Nllson formerly ut this placs t>ut now of Kowleos '.Vyo., left Friday morning for his heme after a weeks visit with friends in this neighborhood. We are told that he sold his farm wtdie here to Mr L E Simd strom. Mr. Ira Pugh moved his family and house hold goods back to Rockville Thursday Don't forge: the big Woodmen Picnic t i be hoii! here Sept. 6tK They say W J Bryan .» to be om of the speakers There U a long list of sports an t contests on 'ho program Remember the date Sepi <i EVERYBODY cotne O. U. Hanlsch was installed as manager of the Wells Herd elevator here this week Juba (Fray loft, home again Friday morning is search of his white marc. Mr K M Hiddeisoa s nieces from Iowa arc visiting here this week. Mr. Thomas Dugan’s sister and orotbe; -in law drove up from Wood River Friday and spent Saturday ami Sunday visiting here. The dance Saturday evening drew a large crowd. lJoelus *>*nt ip a liig delegation The report is a good time.’ One of the heavies, talus of the season visit ed us Fri lay afternoon and night. The local weather bureau reports 2 h inches. This will almost atauie the icon crop At Ihe spy. fill school meeting held .Monday afternoon it wue decided to vote r'.ou.iMhonde for the purpose of building an ..a to the pr»st'Ut school hot - Wora n.ll begin . s' as soon as pussibie Mr, and Mrs f) M. Hendrickson drove over from Kearney Sunday oa their way to their home in Farwell Mr H, drove on :o Farwell Tuesday while Mrs. !l went by the way of Ashton. The F. P railroad company have Installed a section buss here Messrs Ira Pugh and Andy Wilson are working on the gang. Hurry Smeiser drove to Ashton Tuesday to take in the Ashton—'-t Paul base ball game L. \V, Butts drove to Boelips Tuesday after noon. Lewis Brausnomb' Is nursing tt very soie limb which got very badly poiseneo Mr Ki on ef Danat-bri ■ spent Sunday v sltii r< ,ves here Mi' ''u t ' and M s ->'hmaijuhB ; (• Mon day no m to’ Loup t iy vhere t y spend a wee an n ling t jachi i s institute. V. NO mb, VI.UUKA CUmMOS. Miss Maliel Spoil r is attending the Teach er's institute at Loup .City this week Mrs. Drapci of Cto.ral City is here visiting withrelatlv . hi. W. Z.immerman is threshing gra.o on tlie Loup valley this week Mrs F'. Foster and children of Central City was here visiting with Mrs. A f.. Zimmerman and relatives last week. John Ftoue took. Rev Cummings over to Litchfield Sunday. Uunnerson & Zimm man sold ,o I. Putney ol Aurora the south halt of section |5, In ai d; to Bert aud Collin, section 21,15, 15. There will be services in Kuhn's grove next Sunday looming and Uaptismal servloea in the aftermoon. Ounnerson & Z.immerman purchased the northwest quarter of section HI. 15, lli of Titus A Terbune, of Litchfield andtno north went quarter of section 2U, 15, 15. JlbvroH ft ALSO It A HIM BLINDS The Swedish Baptist Sunday Suit owl held their annual I’m nic In the Sundb grove la'V Sunday, a large attendance and a very ct; joyable time Is reported by all Mrs. J. U Fagen returned from Iowa last Thursday where ■ hit has been visiting her mother. The Balsora Hinging Society m*t last Sun day evening at Mrs. Kagans Tad says we need another bass singer. Mr and Mrs. Harry Saver of Clear Creek wire visiting w h Mr. and Mrs Whitman last Suuuay. They also visited the BaNoia Union Sunday School. Mr John Nordstrom and family came down from Dry Vallty to attend tin picnic at Sanilii' grove. Walter Shutter of Clear Creek was seen in this vae.inity last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. London attended sing ing service at Mrs Fagan s Sunday evening. Mins Kangheld Nelson Is attending the teacher's institute at Loup City tills week Bruno STOPS THK GOUGH AND WORKS OFF THK COLD Laxative Brouno Quinine Tablet* cure a cold in one day So. cure. No Pay. Price lift cents. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Lank OFFH’K At Lincoln. Noli. AI-ut’BT 7. 1'".: Notice is hereby given that the follow lr g named settler has flicd notice of his in tention t > make tlnal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will tie made before J. A. Angler the County Judge at Loup City Nebraska on Sept, £4 ILK, viz: John F. Peter* for the Lota H and 4, ‘Section fi, Township IR N. Range U> West He names the following witnesses t> prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said laud, viz: Marvin S. Parker. of Arcadia Neb. J. Philip Cross, of ‘ Alonzo 1'radeiihurgh, > ' Truman T. Bennett, of “ W .v. CiBSKV Register Baking Powder Makes uie bread more healthfu!. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROVAL QAttlAO PQWQga CO*. YORK. _ _ -—«----*~ jl’RiTOShl) C )NS,;n TIr)':.\I AMENDMENT Tkt* following propo*i«%<l ttiuen* mtot to th« Constitution «f 1 li«» St«Lt© of Ni»bri kn an Hereinafter not fourth In fuiJ i* »ub»»ittl«nl to fh« «*)«rtor« of the SjtHtf of Xehr»Hka to b* vole«i upon a’ tlie giMinral wtm'tlon to he litlil l u ‘«uhty, Novi iub#r ■*. A I» 1110 4 A J »lnt ronolution propping to motion one of Articu* Aiftoeu, of the <‘'institution of fh© State of NelmutkH, relative to the tnanti* r of submit hug and ndoptlnir time idiuenta to the Coiibtlta•*tun of Ida stato ot Ne braska. /{< it /{(soiretl and i, (< t< ! bo <h> L(>j\shVurt of th St,t' of St h rax/, n: Section 1. That section on* of ii'icle flf'erq of too Const ltnttun uf the -Slate of Nebraska be amended to trad as fol low s Ho* .mi I. Mllisr brunch of tho lib; Mature m»v |>ropiiu< amendments to this .'oimtltuuiou, and if tin- »«n.» tie : •greed to by . !ir«*e* hftbsof the aeiiibers alecuci to oucii bouse, such proposed amendments alia ! bo filter*- i -n the , Joinmils, with the yens an ; nays, and put llulied at .east once ouch week hi at least one tiHwsj'd: «.*r in each * unity whore a newspaper Is ; obllsheil. tor thirty days Immediately preceding tin* next election Of *01111111 nd represent . it*, at whu elect mu the *:iii.i shall be submitted to i be electors for approval or rejection, and if ft majority of tint elector* voting at siicb Diet hoi on such proposed amend meat, shall volt* 1 adopt such amendment the same shall boootnc a patto «t this Const t tut ion. When uric than one amendment is submitted at the same election, they shall lx*, so suUui od t* to. suable tho electors to vote on cr,-h amend men i separate All ballots ut-t'd at such «Section on such amendment or ametiduitinls shall have writen or printed tliere-on the foi. lowing: For proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to (her. Inset the .nit* Jec: of the amendment) and again.! pro* posad amend merit to the Constitution relating to (here insert the subject of the amendmenti and the vote of each elector voting on such amendment or amendments \ -Jliall be designated by the elector by mak j log a cross with a pen or pencil in a circle or»juaie to be placed at the right of the lines the words “For or Against'' tlie proposed amendments, as he shall leaire to vole thereon, or by indicating his preference on a voting machine when such machine is in nee. I (Jeo W March, Secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the forgoing proposed.Amendment to the Uonstltutiou ot too State of Nebraska Is a true end correct copy ot the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the Twenty*-seventh session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill ou fib in this nBloe, and tliut said proposed amendment H submit ted to the qua .ted voters if the tute of Nebraska for tbier adoption or l ejuctt iii ai the genarel election to be lield on rueedey tho uh day of November, A. D 1»W In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal ot the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this t-.'d day of July, in Hie year of our Lord One Thotient.d Nine Hundred and Two. of the Independence of the United Stales the one Hundred and Twenty-Hev oath, and of this state the Thirty sixth far KC>. \V M VRUH [SKAi,.] Secretary of State. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land du'ick at Lincoln. Neb JULY StUll. IHO-J Notice m hereby given l!mt tli lot ow ing-iuunul settler baa filed notice of his intention to untie filial proof tn sup port ol ln„ cluin, and llmt said pr.-ot Will be made before J A Angier. the County Judge at l.oup Uty, Nebraska on Sept. itarjf, viz John L V.-Urine, for the B. -, of the s. W. of s( -t ton st Towuship ir>. Range ic. Homestead hnlety No. IT.-'c r Ho nan es the following " It i -'■sc* to prove liis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Perry llevis, I.ilclilieid, No'ir. Richard Baker, Jcriy Schutler. William Spencer, “ \V. A. Ubei-in, lii /later, 1.0Vv HAi l'.s TO BLACK IHLLS. The Burli":;!. ti Ro dr has announced low rates to the Kin K Hi! < i >uHh Dakota for the following <*«r» - Augi at 1 t<. 14, 22, 2-1, HO, 21 .September 1 to 10. On other dnv s until Septt mb‘‘i ia low rates somewhat higher iha-t those in eflVcl on the above uati-s win L of* fered. Sylvan Lake-. Hot S,1 mgs. D-itd* wt'Oti I. t itv. Sj.oa- rt*ii -mil • m Mr of oilier |> i nts in fh*1 Blr.. > Hllia are well worth visiting. Anv Burling in) li'iute agent will btv glad to rell tun more u 1>»■ it. tlm-e ex cursions. DYSKNTKttY OllSKI* WlTUbl f THi: Alt* OK A OH TOR. "I hiii just 'if> from a hard sp< I <>f tv> flux’’ ( ly.-enten i say Mr.'! \ Pinner, a welt k- owit merchant of Drummond, Ten•>. " 1 used one st.. tl »; •'!■ of Chamb M 1 om.s Ci lit?. ' b .let a a) I ! >. - rhoa Remedy and w«- «n- • ■ i •. thou; having a doctm. 1 cm -e r i tiie best choier i imdtciiH in it- - wor There is no i« t , < f « o y i u doctor when »ht» re up* y • . brim doctor can pro- • :'>■ -s b it •• to* for bowel com 1 mi: 1 anv f. i • di r for cl i '-ft o or adul’s ft • < v. r ■ i and I- pleasant -o k v !■' r - , . Odend'iii' Bio-. A N O .Hh , li V P Kit it Tib ■ Don’t neglect *■ 1 ' !’ :- w t-> ii u bisam. 1: In danger . I i i«»2 ()o< Mlnu - Cough C re . o .• ■ cure it- a’ <..o •<, A 'st- o' m mi clean the be id .ill- a:'d | r i. > the intlfi 'll- innub am*. . btr.-s «•-. tiioup. throat >ed iu u ft ' - v i - golu 1'V • Aet ftld. ..I'll i . 1 v * -lit 1 dren like ir • J. I. DEPEW®* Blacksmith t Wagon Maker, 5saeoooooo«*J dv bIidd - tlin and lawt equipped norih of the Platte Uiver. 1 lmve n four horse engine and a complete lioe of the latest improved, ma ch'uery, nl-. i force ot # » pericnced men who Know how to operate it and turn out a job with n at ness and dispatch. MY PRICES Alii! REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. A V, CJUiAJET, a. P. Ct'IJjUT PrMtdaat. 0 Of LOUP CITY. Genera! Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capita! Stock $20,000. COPQCSPONDCNT* Seaboard (National Bonk. (New York City, N. Y. Omaha INotlonal Bank, Omaha, (Nebraska Jrs COOL iN COLORADO August 1 to II 23, 24, 30, 3l. September 1 to 10. On Ue above ■ the Burling too Route will sell round trip ticket* to Denver, Colorado, Pueblo and many other points in Cob - b> it extraor dinarily low rates. It's co'd iu L'oluradn all anrrrner lo ig, ,.n , then are hundred* of re sorts in 'he ro kies where one rnn\ escape from the beat of the plains and spend an altogether de lightful \ o at ion A card to .1 Francis, Genera] Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr.. will bring \ < ti a mu d «upp!v of Col orado b loklct* that will help you plan jour trip. >OT in KU WISE There I- tn old a.!--gu» w. d picture of n girl seared at a jfrass-hoppcr, but in !lm net of heedlessly trending on a sunk*1. TI.I* i* paralleled b> thu man wlio spc nds a large sum of m«> ev bo lding » cyol >'ie eellal, but negl ‘i t - to provide b -fitnby wi liHb'ini '' f < bi onberlaln’s C< lie, Chole a ami Diarrhoea Remedy as safe gnu ids against bowel complaints, wl-nos victim* ouluumber those of the ev loiic a hundred to one. T. i- Rem edy i- everywhere in eoguiz* d as the most piumpt and rentable medicine in os.1 far these di»t as.-s. For sale by Udi’tiduhl Urns. ti sK TAIII.K LOI’l* CITY NEBR I IllV’f II, Omaha. Chicago, Si Joseph, KanuM City, st. Louis, and all points Bust and south. Helena, Ilutte, Salt Hake City, Portland, Saa Francisco, anti all points West. THAI ,’* I.KAVfr AS HIUOU ; GOING EAST No >2 Pue*uiiger . . n:*0 a. ui, >o. uo F retght. . 12.50 p. m GOING ' W ENT No 51 Passenger 2:02 p ui. No. tv Fi eight l2:5o p. o». -leeplQB, dinner amt reclining chair ears (n o ou thru .gh 'rains. Ticket* sold and baggage Checked to any point in the United .state* or anada. For information, maps, luue table* and t'cuets can on or wiite to R L, aktuuk Agent, or J. Fkakius. Gc.n'l Passenger Agent., Otnblia. Nebraska. U. P. 11 AIWA V No. *5 leave* daily except Sunday ipass eugen t ; a. in No. S3 leave* Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixed’ 12:20p. m. No. SKI eaws n,’ .clay, Thnis hu a at Saturday, (iulx< d) 2.55 p. t: . ) No. 87 ui riven daily exc -pi sun, a> tone,! 12 os p m No sr. ii r ves exeopl Sundey (pm-s enae* > 7 • p, in. First i Pi- - shivic ui i clo-.e connections earl. West and »ou'h H. .1 tYlKTOV, Ageni. Sckrwldi O by Judges ! Quality fl # PaHa Exposition ■ Sold bj’ T. H. ELSNER, Loop City, Neb LOW KITES, BOUND TKIP VIA UNION PACIFIC, FROM MA8 SOIKI, RIVER To Denver. Colorado Springs, and 41 ", fkfi Pueblo, Colo. July i t.o 13, itiel«s % v August, 1 to 14, 23 to 21 and 30 to 21, inclusive. To Denver. Colorado Springs, and SCI Q Ofl Pueblo. Colo July 14 to 31 Inclti V 1 ’ slvr Am- 15 te J* and 35 to t» Inc ®->K (Vi 3'" Suit l ake City and Ogden, Utah August l to M inclusive. Tti Cenwood Springs. Colorado. (411 July 1 to 13. inclusive, August 1 V-sO. W > toll 23 to 24, and 30 to 31 lnclu sive. T, s.ilt 1 .e ke City and Ogdon. Utah ®<Jn <4<l Jk'.. I to 13 inclusive. August 2,3 to !in(j 30 to31 Inclusive sk*i 1 .( ifk To Clenw .od Springs. Colo., July v,JJ ly-' 14 to 31. Inclusive. Al'g 15 to 22 and 25 to 20 inclusive ttli-) I ifi To Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah v«J--vrv' ,lul i( t„ 3i. Inclusive. August 15 to 23 and 15 to IK Inclusive 4Jf, I u k To San Fransciseo. or Los Ange lefi cal . July 20 aad Aug 3 to 10. inclusive st 1/2 I kfk To Portland. Oragon.. Tacoma and V ru.W Seattle, Wash . July 11 to»l. lnclu Full Information Cheerfully furnished on Application to H. J. Cliftom Agent _. .__ Thin signature Is on every boi of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets tho remedy that rnrm a cold In one day A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. YELLOW STONE PARK. 'The Popular and short line via Union Pacific and O. S. L. to Mouldy, Mount., thence via splendid Concord Coaches in all paints in the Park. Very low rates via the Union Pacific during July and August. Full information eheei fully furnished on application. H. J. Clifton, Agt. NICBRASK A VOLUNTEER FIRE MIX'S TOURNAMENT. Tenth annual event to be held at Grand island, August 5 to 7. Half Hates from all Nebraska Points via. The Burlington Route. The Nebraska State Volunteer Fire man's Association has arranged to hold its annuxl tournament at Grand island. Neath 91.500 has been appropriated for cash prizes, in addition to many valuable medals and trophies, for ex hibition drills, contegis iuid racwi Fire inei) will attend from all parts of state. For rbl* occasion the Burlington Route liu' made a rate of one fare for the ! round trip. Tickets on sale August. 4 i lo 7th, Inclusive, good returning until August S Ask ihe Burlington Route agent or write. J. FRANCIS, fjeo'l Pro;-. Act , Omaha. Neb. Will Make Affidavit New Lease of Life for mu lews Postmaster. Postmaster R. H. Randall, BsUtoft Is., ■ays: I suffered from indigestion and re sulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I soon knew I had found what i had long looked for. I am better today than In years. Kodol gave me s new lease of life. Anyone oan have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement" Kodol digests your food. This tnablss the system to aaalmllata supplies,strengthen ing every organ and restoring health, Kodol Makes You Strong. Prepared only by E. 0. DbWitt A Oo.. Oblcaca The (1. bottle contains M4 UmeatbeMe.alee» For bale by.ODEN DAHL DUOS., » ....