The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 08, 1902, Image 4

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    UoGal Dews.
Lon Zink is on the sick list this week.
Jhs Landers was in the city last
.fudge Bfnt. of Hazard was In the city
Miss Ella Foster Is visiting rriati?*i
at Ord
Mr. E. Brewer returned to Lincoln
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tliode were shopping
in the city Monday.
E. A. Draper was doing business in
the city Monday.
E. 8. Hay hurst left Wednesday for
Lincoln and Omaha.
A. E Chase is buying cream for the
Beatrice Creamery Co.
L. N. Smith left a nice order for let
ter heads last Tuesday.
C. W. Conhiser and wife are attend
ing the Seward races this week
The little baby of Mr. and Mns W.
N. Eaton is reported quite sick.
Mrs. K. J. Nightingale and her daught
er Beatrice made a trip to Grand Island
Mrs. Xema Walker of Gibbon is vis
iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mr. Chase of Custer county and father
of A. E and W. T. Chase, is visiting
in the city.
Flour and feed excha nged at D. C
Grow's store. One door east of
8t. E'moIIote’
Mrs. Jas. Lee and daughter returned
from an extended visit to Florence
Colorado, Friday last.
James Depew went to Grand Island
Wednesday morning to attend the Fire
men's Tournament.
David Kay,living In the north part
of the county lost a valuable horse by
lightening last Saturday.
Herman Johansen thn bed hie wint
er wheat this week and got 211 bu«hels
off of six and one-half acres.
Mrs. Hayhurst is enjoying a visit
from her sister from Toledo, Ohio. She
arrived on Tuesdays evening's B. & M
D. C. Grow, sells flour and feed at
the Northwestern Milling Company’s
stand one door east of St Elmo Hotel.
The corn i» coming on at a rapid
pace and the indications are that there
will not be cribs enough in the country
to hold the crop.
Chas. Gasteyer took a drive ihto the
country with ye editor last Monday ev
ening. Charley is like everybody else,
highly elated oyer the fine crops.
The Loup City markets are quoted
this week as follows: Wheat .48, Rye
20 to 30, Oats 18 to 20, Hogs « 75, Cows
2.50, Steers 8 50, Eggs 12, Batter .13.
T. S. Nightingale and wife drove to
Jas. Gouley’s in Custer county Sunday.
Thier two daughters who had been
spending a part of their vacation there
returned with them.
Dr. Kearns seems to enjoy the central
telephone business. We called to see
him last week and he seems very much
taken up with that kind of empoyment.
Makes the fires of life burn with a
steady glow. Renew* the golden, happy
days of youth. That's what Rocky
Mountian Tea does 35 cents.— Odeu
dahl Bros.
Are you in need ot a mow
ing machine, hay rake, sweep
or loader. If so call at T. M.
Jae Burnett brought a potato vine to
this office which had over a dozen pot
taoes set on it. There were small aetf
on the very top. How ia thia for a Neb
raska crop.
VV. F. Micklsh end Mias Tlllie Miller
both ot Hazard township were united in
marriage on Monday, August 5th, 1902
Judge Angler tied the nuptial knot and
gent them on thier way rejoicing.
Rev. Madely and wife lef t for Lin
coin last Wednsday and’ will be gone t
week In attcndence at the Epwortt
League Assembly, holden at that place
from August Gth to 11th inclusive.
A little fellow who reported an itena
of news to this office last Monday saic
that a U. P. train which looked like i
freight came in with a pile driyer on i
flat car and a “papoose” on behind. W<
investigated and found the pile drive]
but no “papoose,” it was a caboose tha
was attached.
My boy when four years old was tak
en with colic and cramps in bis Stomacl
1 sent for the doctor and he injectei
morphine, but the child kept getting
worse. I then gave him half a teaspoon
ful of Camberlains Colic, Cholera am
Dlarrheoa Remedy, and in half an bou
he was sleeping and aeon recovered
F L. Wilkins, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr
Wilkens is book keeper for Sbell Lak
Lumber Co. For sale by Odendah
O. F. Petersen of this city and Detli
Petersen of Logan township started to
thier old home at Lyons, Clinton Co.
la., where they go to attend the goldei
wedding of thier parents and make a
extended visit. Octo will t ake his t
boys with him and Detlif his wife an
family It has been a long time sine
they have visited the scenes of thie
childuood and the Noktiiwkstrki
wishes them a most pleassut trip and
safe return.
Li o nJpOCoffee
I I Edward, King of England; Alphonao, King of Spain; I 1
/ \ Lion, King of Coffees, \
/ \ Fit for any king; fit for you. Not glazed with any I 1
/ \ cheap, noxious coating; never sold in bulk. I I
I \ Uniform quality and freeiineae are lutured by the waled package. J ■
Mrs. Ed. Vceder returned lrom her
visit to Sargent Monday.
John Gray, of Rockville was a pleas
ant caller Thursday.
Miss Ella Long returned from her ex
tended eastern visit last Tuesday.
Lon Zink is having some yards and
cribs built at tbe U. P stock yards.
R. J. Night ingala left last Friday
for an extended trip to Idaho and the
A pair of twin girls ai ■ Ived at the j
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornrumph j
last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Chas Gastever will go to
Chicago in a few days to purchase a
new stock of goods for the fall trade. I
Mr. gnd Mrs. Geo. Hotchkin rejoice
over the advent of a new baby girl ^
which came to bless thier home last >
You can get repairs for Mc
Cormick, Woods and Buckeye i
machines at T. M. Reeds.
There is a pretty girl in an alpine hat, (
A sweeter girl in sailor brim; >
But the handsomest girl you'll ever see ,
Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky |
Mountain Tob.—Odendahl Bros.
G II. and C. W. Gibson, county clerk
and deputy took their families for a
drive in the north part of the eounty '
last Sunday They visited the home
of ex-county Judge Kay
The borne of Mr and Mrs. 8. E. Gal '
laway is all sunshine as a new arrival
has come to stay. It is a pretty little 1
girl baby, bern Monday last. We though (
there was something that made Sam a
little taller '
If it wasn't popular, if it wasn't loved
by the people, why do dealers say ? ‘ We
have something just as good as ;
the Madison Medicine Co's Rocky ,
Mountian Tea.” Think it over, 35 cent®.
— Odendahl Bros.
The union services began last Sun- <
day with Rev. Porter occupying the (
pulpit. lie preaehed a yery able ser
mon. The choir was composed of the i
best musical talent from all the churches 1
and the exercises were both instructive 1
aud entertainiog and drew a crowed ,
house. The next union service will be ;
held next Sunday evening at the brick 1
ohuroh, at 8.00 p.m.
We will have to compliment ThoF.
Inks on having-the cleanest looking
place that we know of in town. There
may be others j ust as clean, bat we
have noticed this place in particular.
Mr. Inks has cut the weeds down around
his-place and not only improved its
looks but the town as well. There
are others who need to do the same.
M re. W. J. Fisher and Mrs. Gee. E.
Benecboter spent a very pleasant after
■oon at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. S. Reynolds. Wednesday of last
week. Upon cross-examination we
learned that they were highly enter
tained, had fried chicken and every
thing nice Next time we are going to
Mistress said if we would be good and
stay at home this time she would take
us when she went again
Charley Gasteyer returned from Lin
coln last Saturday on the 4 130 B.sM.
passenger where he has been under
medical treatment. lie is lookl ng
quite well again end is ^iad to get
home to his family. Mr. Gayster
has been greatly missed from our bus
iness circle and every body was glad to
see him again. He is quite recovered
from his aerious difficulty, the resuit of
an abscess in his head which was removt d
by surgical opperation. Mrs. Gasteyer,
. during her husbands absence has been
. yery busy arranging her store in first
class shape for the fail trade. She has
■ purchased some very costly store fix
; tares, added shelving and practically
divided the stock of goods into a de
, partment store, as much so as space will
i permit. Among the item* of new fur
I niture that is to be found in the store is
, two new show cases, a handsome fold
. iug three plate French glass merror, an
I elegant refrigerator, one of the finest.
r ever brought to the city and a large
cabinet like shelving case. The latter
is used exclusive for the gents furnish
, Ing department. This peice of turn
1 iture is the work of Wra. Rowe anil is
not only a credit 10 tha mechanic who
constructed it, but is a most valuable
^ acquisition to the store After Mr.
r Gasteyer gets rested up be will be able
to take a hold of business with a double
1 energy. Mrs. Grsteyer is to oe com
1 plimented for her uutiieing efforts to
* successfully carrying on business during
* her husbands illness, especially w ith the
great strain devolved upon her iu do
J inestic duties which has so happily re
i suited in her husbands return to health
and home.
John Fisher is cutting his oat - It is
m eminence crop.
Henry Johansen l night a hay loader
ind took it home Tuesday.
E. G Taylor is up irom Ashton
ooking after his elevator business.
A lotter from E. J. Delaney b-ings us
i big dollar to r**ncw his subscription.
Two case? of small-pox Is reported at
the home of Anton Topolski, on Onk
Will St! okra t had the mi fortune
0 upset with a load of rye oblle com
ng to market yesterday.
John Ohlser. is building an addlton to
ilsbrickri idenee, 10 by 23. This will
;iye him a nice commodious house
If in need of a well or wind
nill, pumps, and pipe$ at 3
L\ M. Reed.
The l". I*, bridge gang we a at woik
Wednesday morning repairing the
rusel across Dead Horse Creek south
west of town
The teacher's institute for Sherman
;ounty will commence next Monday.
State Superintendent, W. K Fowier
rill be present and address the assnm
)!y at the Ge nan cbi ch Tuesday
August Jens, traveling salesman f< r
he wholesale t ocery house at St. Paul
iropped in to see us Wednesday. Sir.
tens is one of the pioneer people of the
miitry. We have known him for manv
ears and were pleased of theopportun
ty to exchange ideas and renew old
1 ’qualn tance.
Last week we made mention of th>*
nion entertainment to be given bv th*’
lifferent lodges of the city on August 2f»
l he program is for each lodge to b<
epreseotod by two speakers, who slial
>e given ten minutes to represent the
merits of their lodge Good speakers
rare beer, selected for th* occasion and
i most interesting time is assured.
*ilgers opera house has been secured and
ve understand that admission is free to
The case of Campbell vs Ormsbee was
rled in county court Wednesday. It
vas a chrc in which plantifl' sues to re
■over $291 damage for trespass by stock.
fMaintiff was represented by A. Wall
ind T 8. Nightingale and the defendent
>y H. M. Mathew, After long hours of
sontest a judgement was rendered a
rainst Ormsbee for $5.00 damage and
:osts in the sum of $27.95, and also
igainst Campbell In the sum of $63.40
It is With joy I tell you what Kodol
Aid for me I was troubled with my
stomach for several mouth. Upon being
advised to use Kodol, I did so, and
words cannot tell the good it has dose
me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that
he bad tried every thing I told him to
uso Kodol Words of gratitude have
some to me from him because I re
commended it.—Geo W. Fry, Viola,
Iowa. HeaUh and strenth of mind and
bod y, depend on the stomach, and nor
mal activity of the digestive organs.
Kodol the great reconstructive tonic,
cures all stomach and bowel troubles,
Indigestion, dyspepsia Kodel digests
any good food you can eat. Take a
dose after meals.— Odendabl Bros.
Miss Ida. M. Snyder,
Treasurer of file
Brooklyn Kant Dud Art Club.
“ If women would p*y more attention to
their health we would have more happy
wives, mothers and daughters, and if they
would observe results they would find
that the doctors' prescriptions do not
perform the many cures they are given
credit for.
“ In consultin with my droggist he ad
vised McElree's Wine of Cardui and Ti.ed
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health,
and it only took three months to cure me."
I Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the
menstrual functions and is a most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg
ular and painful menstruation, falling
of the womb, whites and flooding. It
is helpful when approaching woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in change or life. It fre
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggisti have $1.00 bottles of Wine
of Cardui.
Statement of Tuxes Paid by the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Val
ley Railroad Compuny to the Various Counties in Nebraska
for the Year 1901, with Some Comparisons that
may Prove Interesting.
(Issued Under Authority of the Railroads of Nebraska)
Cm V Valuation Tax Paid The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Rail
Adams.-# 22,104 00 t 1,080 22 road is a railroad 1,362.8* miles in length, of which
Antelope. 173,448 00 7,477 30 983.95 are in the state of Nebraska.
Boone.. 107,040 00 4,655 30
Brown. 102,024 00 4 579 ^3 ** '* no* a trunk line, but one that depends upon
Butler. 232,488 00 1—174 19 the growth of the country immediately tributary to it
Cherry. 405,756 00 13 4go 39 *or *ta business. The owners of this railroad hope
Clay. 65,664 00 2,970 97 that the ProsPer‘ty of the country through which it
Colfax. 81,216 00 2 749 07 runs *n ,‘mc make it prosperous.
Cuming-- 899,396 00 4,736 59 in 1900 this railroad received in gross
Dawes. 205,884 00 8,836 03 earnings. $4,121,457.92
G°d8e. 177,660 00 9,273 99 They paid for operating expenses 2,689,642.25
Douglas. 122.650 00 3,788 31 Net earnings. . 1,431,815.67
Fillmore. 116,892 00 6.134 09
Hamilton. 35,712 00 1 435 94 This amount makes a net earning of $1,050.53 per
Holt. 206,532 00 B ' Mtno m,le for the system, and they reported $1,110.42 as
Knox. 51 768 <K) t'9 sllcb net ear"in8s to the auditor of state in Nebraska,
Lancaster——"" 66,708 00 o’l59 56 Which h wiU be scen' ^ave lhis stat<-' credit for the
Madison. 118,116 00 4-01 10 J,,creased amount received from business which orig
Nuckolls. 99 504 00 4—1— inated on the branches in other states. Out of the
Pierce. 102—96 00 3 94° H4 ^1,43L845.67 they paid $1,007,851.09 for interest on
Platte. 116.244 00 4— (O bonds outstanding,and $181,599.74 was paid for taxes,
p0lk — ] . 3 204 00 — which latter amount was equal to 12.7% of their net
Kock. 83,232 00 3.625 55 Carmn^s
Saunders. 159.444 00 6,897 67 No dividends were paid by this company, and
Seward. 113,112 00 5,307 88 during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897 there was a large
Sheridan. 140,976 00 6,204 92 deficit in the revenues.
<— " * — - — ^ 4,691 99 In case the taxes on this road were paid on the
T. —m. ._,h 00 1865 13 Wisconsin basis of taxation, it would have been $120.92
w— *:. !K)8 45 Per mile, instead of $152.95 in the state of Nebraska.
\v ashmgton. 32,760 00 1,402 20
York. 114,120 00 6,217 56 To n,ake a fair comparison with this railroad it is
-- -necessary to select roads that do a similar business in
$4,Jdo,9o0 00 ?lol,632 64 other states, and the following table gives this result:
STATE RAILROAD Miles Net Earnings Total Tax Tax Per Per Cent, of
per Mile Paid sille Taxes to Net
-——-— . _ Earnings
Minnesota..1. Green Ray * West'n. 225 $ 440.79 $ 9,896.66 $ 43.97 -9-10 "
South Dakota }'*" Bur 'Cedar Rap-& N- 4-287.99 1,048-62 146,996.90 119.57 10 9-10
Missouri ]
cL 11 St IS
IndianTerritorv f • K. 4 T. R. R. 2,221.96 1,872.13 291,330.18 131.11 7
Texas J
Nebraska l
Wyoming^ [ "“1 K & M- V. 1-362,84 1,050.53 181,599.74 133.25 12 7-10
Fremont, Elkhorn L Missouri Valley Railroad in Nebraska, Paid S152.95 Taxes Per Mile
City Dray
Transfer Line.
My ice will be delivered to any part
of tbe city free. The ice house will be
opened but once a day, and that will
be from 1 to 8 o’clock, a. m.
All kinds of hauling will be given prompt
attention and will make a specialty ot
moving household good. We solicit your
NOTICE.—1 will be at my gallery
in Loup City, on Monday, Wednes
day and Friday of each week until
further notice.
M. Leschinbky, Photographer.
There are times when your liver
needs a tonic. Don’t give pergativee
that gripe andweakeD. DeWitt,s Little
Early Risers expel all poison trom the
system and act as tonic to tbe liver.
W. Scott, 531 Highland ave. Milton, Pa.
says: “lhave carried DeWitt.s Little
Early Kisers with me for several years
and would not be without them.”
Small and easy to take. Purely veg
etable. They never gripe or distress
— Odendah) Bros,
man county at once to prepare for Posi
tions In the Government Service—Railroad
Mail, Letter Carrier, Custon House and
Departmental Clerks, Apply to
Inter State Corres, Inst., Cedar Rapids, la
jy, 2 mo.
No one can afford lo take the risk of
exi erlmenting with home made cattle
or sheep dips when the coal-tar dip can
be had at CO to 70 cents per gallon.
Tbe Geo H. Lee Co. of Omaha, quote
this price on their Lee's carbolic dip
which is endorsed by the Nebraska State
Experimenting Station and by hundreds
of leading stockmen. W rite for new
catalogue and testimonial*.
Baking Powder i
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food j
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
men ace rs to health of the present day.
^^^^sov*i^*KiM^owoescOjj!ir«Mrosi<^^i^r>M j
-o-1 now have possession of the-o - •
and w ill pay highest market price for grain at ^
Coal for Sale at Loud City and Asltoi. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Taplets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
care. M W. Grove's signature is on each
box. 25c
“While picnlclng last month my 11
year old boy was poisoned by some
weed or plant,’’says W. II. Dibble, of
Sioux City, Is. “He rubbed the pois
on off bis bands into bis eyes and for a
while we were afraid be would lose his
sight. Finally a nighbor recemmended
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first
application helped blin and in a few days
he was as well as ever.’’ For skin dis
eases, cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, in
sect bites, DeWitt Witch Hazel Salve
issurecure. Relieves piles. lie ware of
counterfeits —-Odendabl Bros.
Nebraska State Volunteer Fireman's
Association, Grand Island, Nebraska,
August 5 6 and 7. For this occasion the
Union Pacific will sell tickets from all
points in Nebraska for one fare for the
round trip. Tickets on sale August
4 to 7 inclusive.
II. .1. Clifton, Agt.
- ■■ —■ ■ — ♦- --
The Burlington Route announces un
commonly low rates to the lake resorts
of Minnesota. Whconsin. South Dako
ta and Iowa for the following dates:
August, 1 to 15.
September 1 to 10
Better ask the nearest Burlington
Route agent about the above excursion
and take advantage of the low rates
name i.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet*
the remedy that cure* u cold In one day
Are you in need of a mow
ing machine or hay rake? I
have them.—T. M. Keed.
To Denver, Colorado Springs and
a>1 r: AA Pueblo. Colo., July 1 to 18, in< lus
qpid.vAJ iTe August 1 to 14, 28 to 24, and
30 to 21, Inclusive.
To Denver, Colorado Springs, and
21 Q OH Pueblo, Colo.. July 14 to 31 inelu
V lo.yju sive. Aug 15 to 32 and 25 to 20 Ino.
(Y1 To Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah
August 1 to 14 inclusive.
To Olenwood Springs, Colorado
29K m July 1 w» 13. inclusive, August I
t0 14 211 to 24. and 30 to 31 inclu
To Salt Lake City and Ogdon, Utah i
29fl OH July 1 lo 13 inclusive. August 28 to “
<p_>V.UtJ .,4 an(j ;yQ to 31 inclusive
2b> 1 .(O'! To Olenwood Springs, Colo , July
'V 14 to 31, Inclusive. Aug 15 to 22 and
25 to 29 inclusive
OOO (in To Salt Lake City and Ogdon, Utah
vOAi.'JV/ July 11 to 31, Inclusive. August
15 to 22 and 25 to 29 Inclusive.
2dJ» fWl To San Fransctseo, or LosAuge
tp'iO.vAJ |es Cal., July 29 and Aug 2 to 10,
flLIK Of! To Portland, Oragon., Tacomu and
5? to.uu Seattle, Wash . July tl to21. Inclu
Full Information Cheerfully furnished 011
Application to
H. J. Ci.irroN. Agent
If you want a good
food for your child
ren, try Wheatose.
It la easily and
quickly prepared,
and very healthful.
Follow cooking
director* to get
the fu?! benefit.
All reliable grocers
have it.
California Breakfast Food