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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1902)
The Northwestern PlUlhlSHBD EVERY FRIDAY AT THK COUNTY HEAT. OR)). K. HBN8CHOTEK, Kitllnr and Fuhllaljtr TERMS: —11.00 PKK TEAR, ir PAID IN ADVANCE Entered nt the Loup City Pontofllce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter, CAM. FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION Loup City. Netir. .inly 15th, 1902. The republican electors of Sherman coun ty, Nehru* ka are hereby requested to send delegates from llieir respective townships to meet in convention at Loup City, Neb. Tuesday, August IMtli, 1002 at 1 00 p. m for the purpose of nominating a county ticket as follows: County Attorney and One Representative. Also to transact such other business as may properly come before said convention. The several townships are entitled to rep resentatiunas follows, the apportionment being based upon the vote of the last gen eral election (1901) for Hon. Samuel Sedg wick, Justice of the .Supreme court giving each township one delegate for every six votes or major fraction thereof and one delegate at large for each township, which gives the respective townships the follow Ing representation: Ashton 8 Loup City .21 Bristol.5 oak Creek. it Clay 5 Rockville. 5 Elm. 4 Scott. « llarrlson .10 Washington.5 Hazard H Webster. 4 Logan. 7 - Total.88 it is recommended that the primaries he at the annual voting place on Friday. August 15, 1902. By order of Republican County Central Committee. W. U. Mki.i.ob, chairman W S. Waite, Secretary. CALL FOR PRIMARY. To the Republican electors of Loup City township Sherman County Nebraska: You are hereby notlUed that there will be a Republican caucus held at the City Hose House, Loup City, Friday, August 15, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect ing 21 delegates to the Republican county convention, to beheld at Loup City Tueh day, August 19, 1902, place in nomination township officers, and to transact such other busluess as may properly come be fore said caucus. Geo. E. Botch kins, Twp. Committeeman I.oup City Twp. TURNING ON THE SEARCH LIGHT. In his letter to the Times Inde pendent of last week, II. M. Mathew charges the Northwestern with libal when in fact we only stated the truth and challenge a successful contradiction. After turning the search light on the records of the irrigation bonds case, in controversy we are convinced that if we made a mistake at all, it was in omitting a considerable amount of important matter, and so this week we will prove our statements by producing the records in the case with as lit tle comment as possible. Our report of two weeks ago was not for the purpose of an attack up on Mr. Mathew. We were reporting it as a matter of news which was un der discussion at that time by the board of supervisors, and as he has all along figured prominently in the case, of course his name was men tioned, and the different peculiar positions which he has assumed nat urally insighted comment. But the comment made by the Northwest ern was indeed mild to that which he received at the hands of some of the official* when he appears in the interest of the boDd holders before the board of supervisors at their last meeting. Of course he does not mention his experience with these gentlemen in his letter. He states that he is not acting for the bondholders. If his statement is true what in the name of com mon sense does the following mean, which we take from the super visors record of July 15, 1902? • M. II. Mathew now comes before the boaid and requests that the matter of levying a lax on Loup City anil Logan townships for paying tho accrued interest on the irrigation bonds and also the current year interest on Logan township and for paying the judgement and current interest on Loup City township of the same bonds, the injunction which has been served upon the county treasurer In said case having been desolved by the Fedral Court, and after discussing same It was de cided to notify tho township boards of said township to appear before tha county board at 1:00 p. m. of July 10th and that said matter be disposed of jointly.'’ Well, it was jointly disposed of and while this was being done Mr. Mathew was contending for the interests of the bond holders, and at the same time was severely criticized by some of the officials for his seemingly sudden change in his position in the case. Mercy, how they did scold him, and it seemed that for a time that some of the L > gan township officers might throw him out oyer the transom. Mr. Mathew says “the contracts with tho townships were drawn by the firm of Dutlie, Gaines & Kelby, of Omaha, and the retaining fee divided." it mailers not who the contract was draw i by. Mr Mathew was a party to it and drew the cash for (us services The contracts are not entered into by Duffle, Gaines Kelby but one of them is between E A Brown, town ship derk and Edward R. Duffle and Long & Mathew ami thi ol her is between tue township dark aid H. M. Mathew lirst and E. 11 Duffle second, making Mr. Mathew principal attorney it. the case, be sides the warrants in pay aient of his fees were given to Mr. Mathew di rect, and according to his own state ment was divided with these raii j road attorneys. Now Mr. Mathew can you answer these questions: Cannot the the B. & M. Railroad Co. fee their own attorneys? and if so why was it necessary for you to exact from these townships a double header fee to feather their nest? They had already commt need suit enjoining the levy of a tax in the interest of the tailroad company, and about all that was necessary was to look after the townships’ interests as the case progressed. What tax-pay or is there who wants to stand a double header foe for a net of rail road attorneys? It looks like it was a scheme on their part to get a big fee and that you were a party to the scheme. You say, too, we stat ed absolute false when we said that you were acting as attorney for the bond holders. On th's point we have PROOF that you said that you were going to write to Mr. Giest hearl asking for the position to rep resent them and we are told that Mr. Giestheart has got you to look after the ease, and further you have already represented them btfore the supervisors of this county. Mr. Mathew gaze over the following con tracts, tax payers turn on the search light and then take a suap shot of the records in this case. Following is the records verbatum: "This agreement entered into this 23rd day of April, 189S between Loup City Township in Sherman county, Nebraska, party of the tirst part, and Edward It. Duffle, of Omaha and Long & Mathew of Loup City. Neb party of the second part; VVitnesseth: That Whereas, the party of the tirst part has been sued by the National Life Insurance Co. of Montpieler, Vermont, aorporation, in the circuit court of United States for the district of Nebraska, to recover the sum of $3,300.00 and interest upon certain coupons which were attached to 18 bonds of $!.000.00 each issued by said party of the first part: and Whereas; There is grave reason to doubt the legality of the said claim and of the said bonds and whereas, it was decided by the duly elected, iiualitied and acting township board of said first party at a special meet ing held this day for the purpose to employ council to defend said action. Now, therefore, it is agreed between the parties heretofore that the said first part em ploy said second party as councel to defend said action, with full authority to defend the same in the manner that shall seem to them best and said first party retains said second party tor said purpoae by the payment of $150 uO and if at the termination of said action the claim of said National Life Insurance Company of Vermont, plaintiff against said defeudent. he declared null and void and of no effect, and the said party of the first part, prevail in said action, then in that event the said tirst party shall pay to the said second parties a remuneration for tbelr services which shall be a sum e<iual to 10 per cent of the amount in cortroversy in said action and 10per cent of $16,000 00, the principal of said bonds, less sum of $160.00 therefore advanced by said first party. Signed: Filed April 28th, LOUP ClTT TOWNSHIP. 1898. (skal ) By E. A. Hhown. Clerk. EllWAItD R. DOFEIE, Loni: & Mathew At the next regular meeting in fuue "th 1898 we find a wurrant drawn lor tins claim as follows: On motion the clerk is instructed to draw warrant on general fund for the sum of $150.00 to pay attorneys fee in case of National Life Insurance Company, of Montpelier, Vermont vs. Loup City Township, the same being ad vance fee. warrant to be drawn in favor of Long & Mathew, of Loup City for Edward Duffle of Omaha who are associated together in said case ' Now the above contract and a similar one with Logon township was all that we referred to two weeks ago, but by throwing mote suarch light, on the records of Loup City township we find another contract which reveals the, startling fact, that in the same manner and under about the same circumstaucee another attorneys’ fee of equal pro portion has been exacted and ex tracted by these same attorneys, this time for what is called a second suit for a second lot of coupons and interest. Read from the 147 page of said records, special meeting. CHART. II • This agreement entered into this loth, day of April. 1901, between Loup City Township party of the tirst part and Edward K Duffle of Omaha a ad H. M. Mathew of Sherman County. Nebraska, party of the second | art witneseth: That whereas, the party of the tir.t part has been sued by the National Life Insurance Company of Montpelier. Vermont, a corp r a ioi, lu the circuit court of the I 'nitcd Slat, s for the district of Nebiaska to secure the i i sum of #3 360 no and interest upon certain coupon* which were attached to in bonds ot ' *1,000 00 each, which coupon* matured during t tie years ISOs IsiM and iWOi) and were s'i- J oy b said party of the tirst i>art, and Whereas, there is grave reasan to doubt the legality of said claim and of the said bonds and Whereas, it was decided by the duly elected, qualified an ! acting towaship board of s« d j tirst narty at a special meeting held on ! the 15th day of April, 1101 for that purpose to employ cuuncel to defend said action Now ! therefore It is agreed between the parties hereto that the said party of the lirst part employ second party as counsel to defend ! said action, with full authority to defend the same In the manner that seems to them i best, and suld tirst party retains said second 1 party for said purpose by the payment of i s ISO 00cash and if at the termination of said action the claim of the National Life Insurance Company against said defendant be declared ! null and void itnd of no effect ami the said I party of the first part prevatlln said action? i then ini hat event the said lirst party shall ! pay the said second party » remuneration for j their services which shall he a sum equal to 10 per cent of the amount io controversy, l ss j the sum of #150 00, therefore advanced by said j tirst party. It Is further agreed between the parties hereto, that should the bonds tc which said coupons was attached, be declared null 1 and void at the final judgement in said actios ' that in the event the party of the lirst part shall pay to the party of the second part a sum equal to tea per cent of the $14,000.00, the principal of said bonds, provided how ever that should the party of the first per pwy to the party of the second part under the contract entered into by said parties on Ihe 23rd day of April, lsbs a sum euual to ten per cent Of the $16,000.00 afforesald, then In that event the party of the tirst part shall only pay to parties of the secoiil part a sum equal to 10per cent of tile amount in contro versy in the action which the parties of the second part are hereby employed to defend less the sum of f 150 oo ad vatu-ad Lout’ City Township. By Geo, W Hi htkic. Township Cierk. H. M Mathew. K. U UUEKIE V>te the manner in which these contracts are constructed. In case they were successful in beating the bond holders out of their just hues, they wan! ten per cent of tlie amount in controversy and then ten per cent on the total sum ol the bonds. Cleaver, is'nt it. Now in addition to the $ !OJ.OO attorney’s fee which this township alone lias paid, we find on page 156 of Loup City town ship records, cost trills recorded and allowed to these attorneys. One item calls for $83.00 aud another one on same page for $114.05 al lowed at $108.95, and only last Tues day Mr. Mathew informed the town ship clerk that he had an ither item of cost in the sum of $110*.96. This last item is not as yet a matter of record, but we presume it will be in due time This makes a grand tatal of $602. 91 which it nas cost Loup City town ship for the ill advise of these bond attorneys, and which it has cost us through such advice to try and de feat an honest debt. A similar case has been worked in Logan township! though from what we ean learn they ; have only succeeded in getting otn , attorneys fee of $150.00 out of her j taxpayers. After the failure to defeat the bonds Mr. Mathew claimed that the townships of Loup City and Logan still ought not to pay these bonds, in as much as the Supervisors passed on, aud approved them, when, as lie claimed they were defective in title, and therefore should be saddled on to the whole county. We don't know why he took this stand, per haps for another attorneys fee. lie will probably explain this in his next epistle to the Brownies. ixow, dir. diaiuew ims is ail ice space we have to devote to you this week, but we do want to say before closing that any time you feel like commencing a case against us for slander you will find us doing bus iness at the old stand. We have nothing to fear from any such ease that you may concoct. No attorney of bond case failure or cream check fame can detsr us from giving the public a true statement of the pubic records in any matter of public in terest. CATTLE SALE On Aug. 6t.h, at flic Arcailii Fruit Farm we will sell at auction tit cattb A few choice milch cows, » lot of cows and calves running with them, be! nice one ami two year obi steer* and h< if* r.~ aml one choice thoroughbred Uurford bull. 3 years old. A1 u a good hay rain . a |ut of *u*iv bee hives, etc. etc. Six months time. W. F Jenkins. NKBKASKV NOl.l'Ni’KKIi FIRM M ! N's TOJBNAMENT. Tenth annual event to be field M (irarol 1*1 mil. August 5 to 7 Half It i es t r • * hi a i Nebraska Points Vh l'h«- Burling toil Itourc. The Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men’s A •* a ia io ■ n ** t i igpd to bold its »no no toiiruam ‘ut m liiaint Island Neatly $1 boo li s !i -I",’ appropriated for eii'ti i riz s, in addo ion to many valuable tried•'Is Mi 'l trophies, for ex* mil drills, puniest* f|,ul ritevs hire inen will attend from a" o"Vt«of slate. For tbi* nee* ion the Kurlio.’lon Route t|ti made a rite of oi»* fir,* for tli** rni'ttd trie Tiekel a *m * i*e August I to7il>. ieil'sjv**, good etaruing it* til An o-i 8 A-k di * Burlington R *■ te gciif ‘ O' write I FltANCIS. (icri’l |*a*». Agt , Ouihuh, \d . PROPOSED ( OSSTITt riON U AMENDMENT The following proposed ame n <1 in• It! to the Constitution of the state ol Nebra.ka us hereinafter se! fourth In full Is submitted to the el«etor« of the state of Nebraska to be voted upon at the generul election to he held Tuesday, November 4, A II 1(1014 A J >int resolution proposing to amend section one of Article flitteen, of the ' institution of the State or Nebraska, relative to the manner of submit - nng and adopting amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska. lit it litxolred and Ji'na< ted by tin Legislature of the State of Neb raska: Section 1. TbHt section one of Article fifteen of the Constitution of the state of Nebraska be amended to lend as lol low s: Section l. either branch of the leg islature may propose amendments to this .'onstitituion. and if the same lie agreed to bj three* fifths of the members elected to each boose, such proposed amendments shad bo entered on the Journals, with the yens and nays, and pub. Mailed at laaal once each week in at least one newspaper in each county where a newspaper is published, for thirty days immediately preceding the next election of senators and representatives, at w hlclt •lection the same shall be submitted to the electors for approval or rejection, and if a majority of the electors voting at such elution on such proposed amend ment, shall vote to adopt such amendment the same shall become a part o of this Constitution When more than one amendment, hs submitted at the same election, they shall be so submitted as to, enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately. All ballots uged at such cleetiou on such amendment or amendments shall have wrlten or printed there-on tliefo! lowing: For proposed amendment to tlie Constitution relating to (here Ins, 11 lie sob. Ject of the amendment! and against pro posed amendment to the Constitution relating to (hare insert the subject of the amendment) ami the vote of each eleotor voting on such amend inunt or amend me ni s shall be designated by the elector by muk Ing a cross with a pen or pencil Inn circle or square to be placed at the right o! the linos the words ,-For or Against'1 the proposed amendments, ns he shim desire to vote thereon, or by indicating bis preference on a voting machine when such machine is in use. 1. <Jeo. tV, March, Secretary of Slate ot the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the forgoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the Slate >>f Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the Twenty-seventh session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file in tills office, and llmt said proposed amendment is submit - ted to the qualified voters of t ho Slate of Nebraska for tbier adoption or rejection at the genarel election to be held on Tuesday the 4th day of November, A. D ifin2. la testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my band and affixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln tilts I2d day ot July, In the year of mu Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two. of the Independence of the Halted States the one Hundred and Twenty-8ev enth, and of tills state the Thirty sixth. GEO. W. MARCH. [nkai,.] Secretary of Slate. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at Lincoln, Neb Jijlv 28th, 1902. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice ot hi intention to make final proof in sup. port of his claiti, and that said proof will be made before J A Angler, the County Judge at Loup < lty, Nebraska, on Sept. 10th. 1902, viz: John I McBride, for the E. c of tlio 8. \\. *4 of section 22 Towushlp 15, Range 10, Homestead Entery No. 17,350. Ho names the following wilnesses to prove liis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Perry Devls, Litchfield, Nebr. Richard Baker, * “ Jerry scliutler. '• “ William Spencer, “ “ W. A. Ghkks, Register, LOW KATE'S TO IJLA< K 11ILLS. The Burliugton Route ha* announced low rates to the Black Hills of South Dakota for the following <Ur» -. August 1 ru 14, 28. 24, 30. 81. September 1 t<> 10. On other dais until Sepiemlc r IS low rates somewhat higher than those in effect on the above dales wid he of. fe red. Sylvan Lakes, Hot Spring.-', Dead* wood. L« «4 City, Spoarti-di and a num ber of other points in the Black Hills are well worth visiting. Any Burling,on Route agent will le glad to tell yoo more about these ex. cur-ions. UViKNTKUV Cl'itr.D WITHOUT Tilt All) OK A UOCTOtt. “1 am Just up from a hard spell of the flux" (dysentery) say Jjr.T. A. Dinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tumi " 1 used one small Until- f C nunb 'i 1 tin,* Celle, Cholera and D - lima K. intulv and was cured with ut having a doctor. 1 censid. r it ih" b'St cholera ntidlcD e in tlr* world.'1 There t* no need of i inp'^yim.- a doctor "hen Oil* remedy i* u-f i, i*r no doctor can prescribe it butte: medicine for bo • < ! i out| l tint in anv form iihri for child ten tir adults. It i c v i 1*1 •uni is pleas-mt to take. Ki»r ► tie bt () lend 1 R os A NI.Ci'>!*AKV CKKOAIlTIO t I) ui’r i • gb e.t s cel '. it I- worse thin itoI luii-ani. Ir la dangerous. B, u ing One Mlnu’u Cough Cure y> n cat cure it ar cnee. Altai* inti matlou clear* ih" ii't1. *oi>ib* md -trengthuns the mu i >u* m- n b a ■«•. <'ores coughs croup, throat imd u 'g tn ubl Ah snlui 1'y *»fe. Ads tminedi tt* ly. dill d cn ik ■ i'. swr.iiwgF'f?#«naiTtia-fig aw roiivii aiimi Mxmamwmmm | J. I. DEPEW8E * [ Blacksmith § Wagon Maker, JSIOOOOOO WX$ My shop it the largest and beat equipped north of the Platte River, a I hav> a four hoisn nujttne amt a complete line of the la'eat Improved, ma ! ch'uerjr, also a foioe ot t xperienced men who know how to operate it and fcS turn out a Job with neatness and die patch. * MV PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. I if . j Cj Soliciting your patronage I am Vours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. I £•'€.<• .-.yxWJUmi ; 4 V. CULUiT, A. r. CLLU1T. Ureal d ant. Caetrier. FIRST BANK Of LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. COQRtSPONDCNT* Seaboard National Bank, New York City, IN. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha. Nebraska. ATTENTION FARMERS! I'li' r ■ i- no need of sending away for whiskey, beer, or anything you may ■■•li in this line bn the harvest held or other purposes as I am prepared to furnish you better goods for less money than you can get any where else. In the line of whiskeys I sell the best, such as u-the well known biauds of-o 1 W. HARPER, 10 years old R union, J\. M-’ '-BRAYER HAND MADE SO PR MASH, 8yrs. old A. GUCKEMI ULMER & BKOS~' RYE WHISHEY, All of these goods are bought direct from the government warehouse, which gurautees them to be absolutely pure. In the line of beer I sell the well known STORZ BREWING CO’S. KEG AND RU ER1RRON BOTTLE REEK, ALSO T11E BUD WISER BOTTLE BEER in quarts and pints, nMKmiwiwnctriMvuwMMMMiMNMBHMWMMaMmMOTnnau'.'. ■ n. / which has a world wide reputation. In the line of cigars 1 sell me best Hat m lie light for He Honey. Prices <>e wlii«kcy run from $2.00 to $4.50 per gallon. Case beer, per case of 24 quart bottles. $3.00 to #3.50. Thanking you very much for your past patronage, also respectfully soliciting your future trade, I am yours very truly, T. H. ELSNER, Loup City, Nebi TIME TAIILE, Lincoln, Denver, Omaha Helena, Chicago, llntte, Sl. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, and all points and all points East and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING KAST No 52 Passenger.. .H:*n a. m No. 80 Freight . 12.60 p. m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. .. . .. .4:32 p. in No. 5W Freight 12:50 p. tn. sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats tree) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United stales or Canada. For information, maps, lime tables and tickets call on or wilte to It L, ARTHUR \gein. ( r J. Francis, Oon’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P BA1WAY No. 84 leaves daily exc pt Sunday (pass enger!. s:a m. No. Hs leaves Honituv. Wednesday and Frida- . (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mix* d) 2 56 p. m. ) No. 9? arrives daily except Sunday (mixed 12 its i> tn No -5 arrives daily except Sunday (pass eilc* • ) 7:35 p ill. First ■ lass set vie at d close connections east, west and south il J ' ro *, Agent. | Sold by T. II. ELSNKR, Loup City, Neb i A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. YELLOW STONE PARK. The Popular und short line via Union Pacific and O. S. L. to Mouldy, Mount., thence via splendid Concord Coaches to all paints in the Park. Very low rates via ih« Union Pacific during .July uml August. Full information cheei fully furnished on application. II J. Clifton, Agf. HTOI'S THE GOUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a eolil in one day. No. cure, No ray. Price ■.16 coins. Will Make Affidavit New Lease of Life (op aa Iowa Postmaster. Postmaster R. H. Randall, Itarifcp, Is. says: I suffered from indigestion and re sulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I soon know I had found what I had long looked for. I am better today than In years. Kodol gave me a nee lease of life. Anyone oan have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement.” Kodol digests your food. This tnablss the system to assimilate supplies, strengthen ing every organ and restoring health. Kodol Makes You Strong. Prepared only by E. O. DsW itt & Oo. .Chicago The 11 • bottle contains S K times the Me. slaa. Vor stile bv ODENDAHL DKOS . Don’t 0e Fooled? Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN Tt* Mode only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wia. Ii keeps you well. Our trad* mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cent*. Never aold in bulk. Accept no eubati* uico..0.AriD i... tate. Ask your druggist. _ i